Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    And a very happy birthday to Jilly Bean!!

    A gorgeous day with lots of Spring sunshine. After a nice long visit from a friend this morning I decided to get into the garden with my grabber to collect Betty's "deposits" before she eats them all up!! Then around to the other side of the cottage to sort recycling into bags before Betty came rushing through the gate wet and muddy... she'd been in the pond!! How she got there I don't know but with it being such a lovely day I imagine the frogs were active so she decided to investigate. Anyway, I did my best to shower her off from a great height without bending too much then try to towel her but I noticed as my neighbour just arrived to walk the two dogs she is still a bit wet!

    too much activity, some of it not planned, so as soon as the dogs are back I'll sit with a cup of tea and put my feet up.

    Lin, I'm wondering if you managed to unfreeze your garage doors and get out today? Guessing you did!

    Sandy, hmm, no surprises on the Babe front except listen as usual. Yes, my other hip does need replacing and I'm hoping it will be done as soon as I recover from this first procedure. It's only muscles pain I've got so nothing too much to worry about. It will be wonderful to walk without pain and already my constant back ache has disappeared.... touching wood!!

    Anne, I'm so sorry you've lost a long standing friend. It's never easy is it, whatever age. I didn't know about Valentine and bees so there's something new, thank you! My local squirrels were beginning to get active this week but while sitting having my pedicure the other day I was amazed to see a falling tree from my window as my neighbour but one chainsaw in hand took it down in one go. For weeks I'd been watching squirrels run up and down it with twigs so sadly, there went their new home. I'm hoping they survived their sudden fall to earth!

    Can't sit any longer in this hard chair so hello Buzz, Jeri, Marie, Patsy and all others. Enjoy your Valentine's day whatever you get up to.
    Hugs ~ Jackie
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne: Like everything in life there is good along with the bad. I am so sorry to hear you lost a dear old friend. It also seems lately it is easy to feel lonely and depressed when the weather is so threatening. But one of the life affirming events in your life was the addition of sweet Jilly. These animals bring such joy and constant companionship. There is a book called “A dog’s purpose” or something like that. Every creature we have let share our life has been a total blessing. They bring just enough complication to make life interesting. I am not sure who owns who with us, Katie and Jilly have a huge place in our lives. It is only right that Jilly have a birthday party. Wish we all could be there. Happy birthday, sweet baby girl.

    I wish I could post one of those lovely graphics like you all do. My iPad freezes up when I try (??????)
    Happy Saint Valentine’s Day dear sneakers. Love still makes the world go round.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OK, Jilly Bean, my spelling may be off, but the intentions are the best! Make Mommy happy on your birthday! MMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWOOF!foed7jok762h.png

    You all sound fairly normal today, including poor Babe! Too bad he didn't follow his heart instead of his guilt...
    Sympathies to ANNE and I cannot believe your math; really over 80 years? You look like a kid!
    PATSY, perhaps SANDY can instruct you with your iPad and clipart, but I have little luck with mine. I still love my laptop computer!
    And hi, busy LIN! I never did make the morning attempt that SANDY suggested.
    Our Valentine's Day dinner dance was spectacular and I'm back here sleepy but really early, and thinking strongly about getting into bed and catching up.
    First, I must tell JACKIE I cannot believe her willingness to a repeat of her surgery!!!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About t o Happen!..................................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2019
    Good morning. Wooo. We went from almost pleasant (haaa) yesterday to well below zero wind chills this morning. More snow coming sometime this weekend. Likely Sunday. And that is my weather update for the day.

    It is cold but I can get out so am going to early Tai Chi. Then a stop by an organic grocery store to pick up something for my friend and finally a trip out to her home for a visit. She is doing better now but has been housebound with her only times out of the house when her DH takes her to doctor appointments and physical therapy. She has almost gone mad from being home all the time and from loneliness. Her DH has gone back to work part-time so she is on her own part of each day.

    I spoke with my friend who is having memory issues. In the fairly recent past, she would remember that I sent her a card or gave her a gift and relatively quickly she no longer has any memory of these things. It is sad. I would like her to know she is remembered but she doesn’t remember even a phone call now or today’s weather and just says the same things repeatedly. Well, such is life.

    Anne, I am sorry for the loss in your lifelong quartet of friends. It must be difficult to come to terms with such a major change. But also joy yesterday with your little one’s birthday. She is a darling! Thanks for the info on St. Valentine. I had always thought it odd that he was associated with love and lovers given the somewhat tragic end to his life. Doesn’t seem to bode well for lovers!

    Sandy, I hope your visit with Babe was calm and that no be else was home. I am sorry for that situation. Tests today?

    Jackie, wow, already fine to have the other hip fixed!! You are a marvel. But then I am at the other end of the spectrum also known as a wimp. Well done.

    Buzz, I hope you did follow through and go to bed early. It couldn’t hurt once in a while. Right?

    Patsy, excellent observations regarding the place of pets in our lives. While I don’t have a dog at this point, my beloved dogs always brought wonderful companionship to me. Even as a child, my collie was my best friend and a friend longer than most children I knew. Too many school changes and people moving about when I was a child so lots of turnover in school chums and neighborhood children.

    Must move along. Wishing everyone a very happy and healthy day.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited February 2019
    I did make Anne happy on my birthday!! We did zoomies and Mark came over in his great big stomping boots to chip away at the ice on the drive and I helped. Thank you everyone for the lovely cards and best wishes for my third birthday which I managed to achieve despite occasional threats to have my neck wrung when I chew on dusters and Anne's socks. JILLY BEAN.

    Here's old Annie:
    Mark did indeed chip away a path in the ice so I could follow gingerly with trash cans. I couldn't cross the sidewalk though to the kerbside. I wonder how much of the landfill is full of old crutches and boots for broken ankles? The good news, yes there's good news, Wiarton Willie could be right after all because it remained above zero overnight to the sound of water dripping off the roof. It's not all bad of course, winter. At least I get to wear lovely sweaters which cover the old wrinklies and my red Canada Goose parka which goes nicely with my red nose. No time to be bored either chipping ice and breaking off icicles before they skewer small pups to the ground.

    Jilly is GREEN with envy JACKIE, Betty actually got to chase frogs in your pond! Harry's pond is frozen over! There is good news about winter, yes really! Not a sign of a tick or mosquito, even the squirrels that venture forth have other things on their mind than scratching fleas.

    So here we are me and The Bean, enjoying the solitude and the sound of melting ice before it's all "spoilt" by floods of daffodils, squawking birds, honking geese and "shooting" hedgerows.
    Enjoy Friday friends whatever it brings (but not Mike, he's working today).

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Warning girls. Another scam doing the rounds. Someone with an Indian accent supposedly phoned from Visa saying my card was used at 4 am online to make a big purchase. I put the phone down and called my bank. Another scam of course. But better safe than sorry and the bank lady said pass the word around.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2019
    It could be Spring today with warm, yes warm, sunshine. Since my walking exercise needs to increase to 2 X 10 minute walks I donned a fleece jacket, used just one stick and walked along our entrance track to the road which worked out 5 minutes each way.... perfect. The dogs had been left in the garden as I can't handle them on leads safely so when I got back I made a cup of tea and sat outside with them both and soaked up the sun. Betty's first such experience I imagine which she loved. Here she is checking the view

    Anne, I remember seeing my first and only Canadian beaver in Wiarton and can still see the clear blue water as I sat on the jetty by a store. Missed the groundhog though although I think he's currently somewhere near our Houses of Parliament!!!

    Lin, not getting the 2nd hip replaced would mean half a job done and the alternative is not good. I've just tried to phone a gardener advertising in our local magazine as a person who knows their plants with a view to getting the beds in order for when this is all over, hopefully mid summer, if not earlier! Even if only for a moment I'm sure your friend will enjoy receiving your cards. My dear friend who had a stroke while staying with me last year is suffering memory loss so a lot gets repeated but I think patience is the bi-word however hard and upsetting it is. Thankfully loneliness isn't something that hits me but imagine it must be awful for people who struggle. Enjoy Tai Chi but take it steady on the roads.

    That's it I'm afraid, 10 minutes on this hard old chair and my bottom and hip are demanding I stand and walk away.

    Happy Friday!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited February 2019
    Happy Friday! :) Although the sun is shining it is only 12 degrees but warming up later to the 20's. I lost 0.1 pounds, it is coming off slowly but at least going down. I only have two weeks to lost 3 pounds, not sure I am going to make it, but giving it the old college try. I am doing laundry and then Bryanna is bringing her younger (half) sister over to stay with me while she goes to an appointment. Nothing more than that today. Tomorrow Lisa is bringing the two youngest kids to stay with me while she takes Robby to a birthday party at the Mall near me.
    Played a little cloak and dagger yesterday. I called Babe once in his area but his son was still home so sat in a hotel parking lot waiting for Babe to call to say the coast was clear. lol
    I did not go in and visit, he came outside to give me my check and money for Hawaii. I went to my meeting even though a little late. Babe is going for an ultra sound of his liver and kidney this morning so let's pray for good results. My kids dad is home, beside atrial fibrillation he has congestive heart failure so has to go on blood thinners and change his diet. Good luck with that, he loves his sweets.

    Jackie, I am like you as far as when I had one knee done I had the other done three months later. It just made more sense and my doctor agreed. It looks like Betty picked up George's habit of a zen like pose. <3

    Anne, I am glad you were smart enough to call your credit card people. I actually don't answer any calls that I don't recognize the number, I feel if important they will leave a message. I have many numbers blocked. I am glad you are getting above zero but still be careful of that ice, a friend just fell in front of a restaurant and broke her ankle.

    Lin, enjoy your day out. Dementia is so hard, not only for the person involved but for those who love them. I pray I can be of sound mind in my even older years if I am lucky enough to live a long life.

    Buzz, I hope you did go to bed early and got some rest. Happy to read your Valentine's Day was spectacular.

    Patsy, most of us use Click on one of the boxes such as clip art and then on the search line put in what you are looking for such as a birthday. Pick one you like and use the forum one to copy and paste. Make sense??

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just lost a 4 paragraph post (again) as I was signing off and my fingers have numbed up so forgive me for just signing in; GGGGrrrrr! Love you all!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................... Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!......................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    High clouds and somewhat cool today. Snow and rain this weekend....aaaaaaargh! We need to clean out the garage to be able to put our car in on a regular basis. The ugly thing is that a squirrel or maybe even a rat has been building a home in the engine compartment of our Subaru. John is NOT happy to see this turn of events. We have been doing all the usual preventive measures like peppermint oil and spray things that are supposed to deter the little beasts. We really don’t want to get any more aggressive. So we are actively trying to clear out the garage. Not fun. We must do something because this creature is eating electrical wires and air filters in the car!

    I can’t believe what we are going through as a country right now. We’ve all gone mad! It must be climate change. Irrational behavior worldwide! Back to the garage. We have so much stuff that John will not part with. This includes his very old, rarely driven sports car. I would never suggest out loud we sell it but I have thought about it. John loves this bright red car. It is so low to the ground that getting in and out takes monumental effort on my part. Short chubby legs and a fat rear end! But there is room for two cars once we finish clearing out the extra stuff that is stored in the garage.

    Katie’s birthday is March 5th. She and Jilly are almost the same age. She has declared herself the official security alarm for the household. Anyone foolish enough to come up on the front deck is met with loud barking and serious sounding growls. This is a farce really. She is a wimp and would run around hiding behind John if strangers come in the house. Like washing machine repairman and other trades people. She isn’t socialized. She likes some dogs but not all dogs. The same with people. Some people are her friends but not all. We try to gently introduce her to new situations to build confidence. Works some times but not always. Our fur child is difficult but we dearly love our 50 lb. blonde beauty.
    Back to work!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2019
    Sorry for my comment. I have two friends who have only one knee replacement. Their doctors advised that the other knee replacement was not needed at this time. And two of my fellow Tai Chi classmates have each had one hip replacement. One lady is now considering having the second surgery but it has been years since her original surgery. So sorry, I did not think a second surgery necessarily automatic.

    Heal up and get the second surgery out of the way Jackie so you can stride along with those doggies at top speed!

    I did visit with my friend today and she was wearing slippers and was walking a bit with a cane although she is still using the scooter as well. But definitely doing much better. Good to see.

    My vehicle had low tire pressure today so stopped by the dealership and they got all the tires back to desired levels. Also my vehicle had no pep after I left my morning class. Do not know what is up but if it happens again I suspect I will be back to the dealership for a longer and more expensive visit.

    Back to working on some cards and a bit of reading.

    Good luck on the garage cleaning and sorting Patsy.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thick mist and cool but I'm being taken to the beach by friends who will park me up in a cafe while they walk the dogs. The first offer was a blanket and flask but I'm not that decrepit yet!!

    Lin, no apology needed. As far as I can tell everyone's needs are different but why should you know that? <3

    Must get ready; see if I can put socks on with the grabber... The surgical stockings are off for a 24 hour breather and lots of baby lotion.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    The drive is still covered in thick ice. Brian came over and retrieved my garbage cans and brought them to the garage which is at the far end sprinkling some salt as he went. Then Mark showed up and he chipped out a path to the front. Jill and I tottered down this safety zone behind him to at least get some fresh air. He sprinkled a bit more salt but to no effect. I think the ice is too thick. Mike turns up today for grocery shopping. The road is quite rutted but once away from our backwater Mark says the highway is clear. So.....if I can leap from the chipped out path to the car on the drive I guess grocery shopping is in my immediate future.
    It will soon be March !
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Just a note, our news peoples have said repeatedly this winter (since we have had so much ice) that salt and other ice melting products only work within a certain temperature range. Apparently if the temperature falls below its efficacy range, it just sits there. Do you think that might be contributing to the problem? But it has been applied so when the temperature climbs a bit it will kick in and do its thing?
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited February 2019
    Peering out the window LIN the drive does indeed look better this morning. One or two bare spots of drive showing. Snow expected Sunday and Monday so I am now hoping Michael will show. Never a dull moment in our climate (for yours is similar to mine) is there! Keeps us on our toes (or bottoms!) so to speak.
    PS. Programme on the TV last evening about how germ ridden planes are. Worst spots, head rests, followed by the bag on the back of the seat in front. You wouldn't believe what's found in them! Used Diapers amongst other unsavoury things. Barely swiped clean before boarding; seat belts come next followed by food trays and of course the air. SANDY buy wipes !!! Samples analyzed at one of our university labs revealed the most common culprits are salmonella, yeast and mould. Crews say pillows are just put back in overhead storage after use for next passengers. Apparently they only have about 10 minutes to swipe clean between flights. 3 airlines tested but its a worldwide problem.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited February 2019
    Happy Saturday! :) Kiddos coming around noon so busy afternoon in store. Not sure I will be going to Mass today, probably will be tomorrow. Babe called to tell me he gave his son an ultimatum of one month to either find a job and start bringing money or he is moving in with me. Maybe I shouldn't have told him he could always move in with me if things get bad. I really don't think he would do it, but I guess we will see. B)

    Anne, ugg not what I want to hear on a future eight hour trip to Hawaii. I always have santizor but maybe I will bring some wipes as you suggest.

    Lin, I agree with Jackie, no reason to apologize, I know many people who only get one side done of a knee or hip replacement and refuse to do the other side. I would imagine it depends on how much pain is involved. The good thing about renting is I don't have to worry about removing snow or ice although my complex is not too good on keeping our driveways clear.

    Jackie, enjoy your time in the cafe, it will feel good to have a change of environment.

    Patsy, John reminds me of my SIL who has an old MG parked in his garage. He does drive it in the summer occasionally but in the meantime my daughter has to keep her car in the drive so he can park his newer car in the garage. Men and their toys.

    Buzz, sorry about your post so frustrating. I have found that if I curl my hand when sleeping my hand is numb the next morning, I make a conscious effort to keep my hand straight and it works.

    My son just called to say Max threw up at home so I might be getting a sick kid unless Lisa has another plan. Either way I better jump in the shower.

    Have a good one,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    The day has evaporated again! I got a few loads of laundry finished, worked on cards and plotted on other designs for another day, finished reading another book and finally got the courage to open my utility bill. Eeeck. Yes, it was a big one this month. My budget billing will see a big boost when it is changed next.

    Snow is expected to start in the next couple of hours with maybe 6 inches by noon tomorrow. More snow Tuesday evening and Wednesday? It is definitely 100% winter at this point.

    Sandy, did you go to look after children? I do not know what to say about Babe. Hugs. Such drama.

    Anne, did you get out for your shopping?

    Jackie, how was your day out today?

    Hello Patsy, Buzz, Marie, Diane, Karen and all darling Sneakers.

    Back to hinting for a St. Patrick’s Day green and coordinating ink. My life is so incredibly exciting. Haaa.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2019
    Just letting you know I'm fine; actually feeling better the past couple of days (since I discovered and removed 2 corns under my left foot!)
    Microsoft did another update which is driving e crazy. Nothing opens in my email add-ons unless I right click and open in another tab!
    Watch documentary this afternoon called Tea with the Dames, a sort of interview with Maggie Smith, Judy Dench, Joan Plowright, and another Dame I didn't recognize. How delightful these elderly actresses are! Of course I adored some of the flashbackes including Laurence Olivier (my dream man in younger days!)
    Skimmed your posts, and feel I must comment on SANDY's looming Hawaiian trip and taking care of sick babies just before! And the possibility of Babe suddenly getting brave with his son? OMG, why didn't he show some gumption years ago before forcing SANDY to make such a difficult decisions?
    PATSY, indeed the world seems turned upside down, but I received a picture of what our crazy leader would look like without his stupid looking hair thing and his painted -on tan and short of forwarding them to you, I'l try to get them over here!

    Did it work?
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe!............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    AARGH Buzz, a scary image to be faced with early in the morning!!

    A lovely but tiring day yesterday so a slow start. It's wet and miserable outside but I'm only planning to potter about, tidy and make phone calls.
    Back later once dressed and civilised.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Ditto JACKIE. We are expecting snow and yet more snow! It's minus 10c as well which is pretty nippy.

    I enjoyed yesterday though LIN because I did get out and about. A sunny day with a hint of spring despite manoeuvring the ice. The snow pile in the parking lot mall looked like the Matterhorn. We wondered how they had managed to pile it so high. After grocery shopping I went to our Bed, Bath, and Beyond and ordered a new toaster oven to replace the one that blew up two weeks ago. Quite a wait for delivery because it's our long holiday weekend - Family Day on Monday.

    Then a bit of drama, Jilly chewing on her bone had a slight gum bleed. We couldn't see a broken tooth but that wasn't surprising because she clamped her mouth tightly shut. I need a car to get to the vet so to be sure she was okay we decided an emergency vet visit would save me worry. She was picked up and cuddled as always on arrival, taken to the back, and after much difficulty apparently unclamping her mouth was pronounced okay with just a gum bleed. The vet then filled a bag with various dog chewies to sample and announced no charge for chewies or mouth unclamping. It's the first time I've been to a vet and not parted with the family fortune! They tell me she is one good natured little dog and a pleasure to treat! Probably frozen with fear vet syndrome actually.
    And so home for a pleasant late afternoon of happy dog chewing.

    Today is family day, but I think it will be mainly texting or telephoning.

    I predicted some time ago that Babe could be much more in your future SANDY. Time will tell.

    Who's the old, old chap in the second photo BUZZ, lol. The one next to bronze man.

    Well, I'm off for my porridge so hope all you gals out there have a lovely Sunday,
    Anne and "Jaws"