Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes we are thawing out at 0 JACKIE so it's quite pleasant over here. There are one or two patches of ice on the path still but I managed to dodge and remain upright, Jill's tum trailed in the melting snow banks and wet grass so she was thoroughly soaked and she needed towel drying back home.

    I got the urge earlier to turn the spare bedroom carpet around which sits under a double bed. After much puffing and heaving and watched at a safe distance by Jilly Bean, I've finally managed it. The bedroom looks bigger and better, and me and Beanie are sitting down for a coffee right now to recover. This must be the start of spring fever don't you think!

    You know SANDY, thinking about it I have had a rather interesting (and occasionally adventurous) life. I thought when young I would spend my life in the same place just like Dawn, June and Noreen. That's all I really wanted being very much a home body. Fate decided otherwise. It's really weird because I never wanted to visit or even holiday in exotic places. Bear with me, but do any of you get the notion that life is like a game and we will be tested on how we handled the various ups and downs and situations one day?

    I can't think of any movies I want to watch either and have no idea who today's actors or actresses are when they hit the news channel.

    Well, coffee time over and time to clean the rest of the house.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) And yes today I got it right. It was quite a day yesterday, first with not feeling well at all. I spent most of my day lying in bed but did manage to get laundry done. Babe called me in the morning and said he found his son on the garage floor and he couldn't get up. He wouldn't let Babe call 911 but later Babe called to say he fell two more times and then he did call. It turns out he broke 5 ribs, split his liver and spleen and was in pretty bad shape. They told Babe and Cheryl he was bleeding internally and helicoptered him to another hospital. They gave him a 50/50 chance. Later that night Babe called to say the doctors at the new hospital said it wasn't that bad and they felt they could stabilize him. When Babe and Cheryl got home they found 5 empty bottles of vodka in the garage so needless to say they are both devastated. This morning when he called I asked how Phil was and he said he didn't know, Cheryl went some place with Marisa and she could care less what happens to Phil. Babe is more than dizzy today and I am sure feels helpless. Will this be Phil's bottom? None of us think so. And how was your day??

    I feel much better today and sleeping 10 hours probably helped. Bryanna brought me chicken soup last night and I drank tons of water. Hopefully, I am back to normal. Have a great day and live each day to it's fullest.

    One Day at a time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Up and at em early this morning. But I need coffee and cereal soon! John is still in bed and will emerge from the bed any time now. He is the night owl and usually crawls under the covers about 2:00 a.m. there seems to be no chance of changing him. He is quite happy with his sleep schedule. I just have the early morning to myself.

    Must comment about A Star Is Born! There was so much about this movie that was a disappointment to me. The story! The music! The stars! The sound mix! The way certain events were just lost in the jumble. I had such high hopes. We are checking out Can You Ever Forgive Me? next. I sort of enjoy the oscars but I know John would have little patience for the whole thing. I will enjoy reading all the snarky comments later.

    Our son finally eased his way out of the relationship with the girlfriend that was just too young for him. I knew that her fresh faced cuteness would only work for awhile. It was very uncomfortable to hear about. She really wanted to get married, have a bunch of kids, watch soap operas and shop in the malls for entertainment. Wrong guy! It was an impossible relationship. We all feel sad for her, including our son. She had little interest in a education or an intellectual curiosity. We had a long conversation yesterday about differences and how some are wonderful and some not so great.

    Our daughter is very ill again. I will try to put together some comfort items to dash over there. Soup, vanilla pudding, I had a nice warm robe as a gift for her, herbal lotion, and a book of cartoons from the New Yorker magazine. She will not go to the doctor. I think this will result in another trip to the ER and a hospital stay. Chewing my nails over this....
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Quick hello as I must make a bus to our "sister" community, St Andrews South, for a lecture on Hamilton. Sounded interesting. I agree with PATSY re: A STAR IS BORN! I was really disappointed but everyone else loved it! :s Hope her daughter gets better fast! SANDY, I would recommend no babysitting until you return from Paradise! AS for Babe and Phil, what's to say? It's pretty much what was predicted, yes? So sorry, truly! ANNE, happy days, dear! JACKIE, I seldom watch TV OR movies. If they show a decent one here, I go and sit near the back, where I can escape! o LIN today? I must run!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2019
    Good day friends. Well, what an exciting time Mother Nature has in store for us. Right now light rain/drizzle, changing to freezing rain/ice, then snow (but the storm track isn’t well predicted so no idea how much), then strong winds causing blizzard conditions. Oh my. Already planning on staying indoors until Monday. I checked the USPS mail app and nothing exciting is schedule to arrive at my mailbox.

    I have done a number of tiny loads of laundry this morning and will stop with that for now. I have die cut some intricate things for some cards and will work on very carefully applying minute drops of glue to the cuts and then use some tiny tweezers to position each piece. I tried to just slop some glue onto the pieces and wound up with a mess. Argh.

    Also reading a book and checking some color combinations for cards on Pinterest. Quite clever of the product manufacturers to provide some guidance. Well, some do that.

    Sandy, I am so happy to hear you are feeling better. Fingers crossed you stay that way! Sorry about Babe’s situation. It can’t be good for his health and well being. Don’t we all do some things that other people know will not work out. I know often I am not wise.

    Buzz, have a good day. And get some sleep tonight please and thank you.

    Patsy, I am sorry that your son had to break off the relationship as that cannot be pleasant even if it wasn’t going to a forever after thing. I don’t think we ever go unscathed. And I am very sorrymto hear of your daughter’s illness. I am without words. I pray she will see improvement soon.

    Annie, well my gosh, you are just full of energy today. You will take on anything and everything won’t you! And I doubt the Bean is much help with the heavy chores.

    Jackie, very nice walk with George today. I am glad Betty doesn’t mind being a couch potato. That works well right now. I hope you enjoyed the match(es) today. I am thinking of making a pot of some kind of soup or chili but I am using that part of my counter to run my die cutting machine and have a few more pieces to cut. Can’t do them ahead, might lose the little parts.

    Jeri, I still have my fingers crossed.

    Hello Diane, Karen, Barbie and everyone ai have missed.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'll be back later but wanted to show you this sign of Spring, at least in England. The catkins are hanging along my short morning route with George and look so happy in the warm sunshine... 15c here!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Beautiful JACKIE. It's about 6 C here but what a mucky mess outside. A watery sun at the moment but then rain predicted for the rest of the day. Happily the ice appears to have melted on the drive and path, and maybe any rain will send all the gunge down the drains.
    Happy Sunday,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Very Windy here with warnings about trees and power lines downing. Remember when we were kids and never had any weather warnings? Snow was exciting, rain relaxing and sunshine wonderful. I miss those days of my youth.
    Well, I guess Phil is going to make it but the doctor wants him to stay a couple of days to check his liver. He is in terrible pain from the broken ribs but I doubt as much as Babe.
    I really worry about Babe with all this stress, one day he is going to have a heart attack.
    I am going to an Oscar Party tonight bringing my meatballs in a crock pot. I just hate they get over so late but if boring I will leave early. I think I am giving up on losing weight for my trip nothing seems to be working. Very discouraged.
    My niece texted me last night her stepmother died. That was my sister's first husband the father of her five children. I will try to make the service if just for an appearance.
    Lots to do this week and I am sure the days are going to fly by.

    Have a great day, stay warm and dry.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2019
    Hello! We did not get as much snow as predicted. The worst stayed West of us. Just a few inches but streets and roads all ice with the very strong winds causing blizzard conditions. Driving not advised in many areas. I am staying home. Should be much better this evening. There’s my weather report for today.

    It has been cooking morning here. I made a pot of tofu chili, sweet potatoes are baking, broccoli slaw is finished, green beans simmering. I may cook some gluten free pasta to add to the chili. It is a bit watery. We will see. I also finished the book I was reading and worked a bit on the cards. I think I have nearly finished them but overall, I am not that pleased with them. Maybe I will think of a save. Haaaa.

    Sandy, yes, that show goes on much too long but I am not very interested. Sorry about the loss of your niece’s stepmother. And sorry for the pain and drama with Phil. Take care of yourself given your upcoming trip, which sounds fabulous!

    Anne, mucky mess is quite descriptive. A good day to stay indoors. Did you go shopping? Does the rug change still look goodnto you today?

    Jackie, that does look like spring. Very different from what I see out my window today but we never got that close to spring before the latest blast. Not unusual though as for us, it is very early and we don’t usually see signs of spring yet.

    Going to check my green beans.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The beautiful weather continued until dusk and now the fire is lit and I've just enjoyed a veggie stir fry. My neighbours returned from their weekend away and immediately came round to pick up the dogs and take them for a walk which was lovely of them. Both are now settling in front of the fire.

    Sandy, yes when I was young I don't remember us all dealing with extremes of weather on an annual basis if at all. A major flood or snowstorm was big news whereas it's the norm today. Nothing anyone can do to help Phil and I'd be surprised if broken ribs would persuade him to stop. Babe surely knew what situation he was moving in to and I think Phil's wife's reaction is more common than we'd realise. An ex neighbour suffered as an alcoholic and over a few short years lost his driving license, job, a wife who had an amazing amount of patience and finally his home but still drank himself to death. As ever, you can only be a sympathetic ear.

    Lin, did your storm arrive? At least you have plenty of interesting hobbies and meal preparations to keep you occupied.

    Of course I won't be sitting up late to watch the Oscars. Gone are the days I was interested in who might win.

    Time for my cup of tea made earlier so I'll wish everyone, including those I missed, a peaceful Sunday.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Rather chilly but sunny. The interesting thing is that we are to have rain and snow this evening. The week ahead is to be messy at best. Where are the daffodils?

    Our daughter has the new strain of flu and is running a high fever! Her husband and son are also ill. John is firm about us not going over to their house or they to come here until they are over it. I feel so bad for them. There they are, all sick and feeling awful, not one to help nurse them. Our doctor is really warning us oldies to take extra precautions when out and about. Wash hands, triple wash fruit and veggies, drink extra water, stay well away from anyone coughing or sneezing. Our area has been hit hard by this new strain of flu. Scary stuff!

    We are watching the movie Can You Ever Forgive Me? It is good but depressing. The movie is filmed with a yellow filter over the lens and it makes everything sort of dark and sad. The movie is based on a true story. Melissa McCarthy is great in this. But......

    I have returned to my own creative activities and hope to see more productive results. It does make me feel good to keep the creative juices flowing. I love a clean tidy home but I am not one to really enjoy the actual cleaning part. If I find someone to help I will brave John’s disapproval and see about a twice a month scrub out. That way I can be in the dungeon more. I realize this is pure fantasy. I live for fantasy!

    Sunday dinner is salmon patties, baked potato, mixed green veggies. Sunday Baroque turned up on the stero. Fire in the fireplace this evening. Not too exciting here on the north Oregon coast but comfy.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Our snow starts yet again at 5 pm. It was a nice short reprieve for us.

    Yes LIN I like the new look in the bedroom. I've wanted to do it for ever, change the carpet around, but only got the courage to do it yesterday. Hard work. I can't see me with a cleaning lady in my future. Fortunately the house is fairly small so a quick whip around every morning keeps things manageable.

    Very sad to read about everyone's family problems and sickness. John is very sensible telling you to keep clear of your daughter and her family for now PATSY. They are younger than you remember. The flu would hit you and John even harder and who would look after you both and Katie should you catch it.

    Poor Babe. I believe Phil is his only child SANDY?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Gawanne35 wrote: »
    Poor Babe. I believe Phil is his only child SANDY?

    No, he has a daughter in California who is three years older than Phil. She has many issues of her own and Babe has helped as much as Phil even though she is married. Neither has ever heard the word no.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Sandy - what a soap opera for you. I am so glad you are out of direct contact with all of that. Hugs just the same.

    Patsy - I too believe it is better you stay away but I’d be like you wanting to be there to help out.

    Jackie - Wonderful glimpse of spring. Oh I wish.

    Lin - amazing woman with all you do. Impressive

    Anne - you’ve been a busy woman too.

    Ed and I went downtown to the new library today. Quite impressive but libraries are changing, not as many books any more. More electronics.

    Now Ed is watching curling and later we’ll watch the Oscars. I’m reading a book while he watches curling.

    Have a wonderful day

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    O my goodness, what tragedies going on here! PATSY and JOHN dare not go near their poor flu-infested daughter and everyone, and I'm sure they are not expected there, either! And PATSY, if twice a month household help will get you producing in your dungeon again, go for it!!! If not now, when? AND NO GUILT!!!
    SANDY, wow, how wonderful you got out while you could! Imagine how dreadful it could be for you had you not escaped? Now just take care to remain well for your approaching trips! I think you can use both at this point!
    JACKIE, you sound all cozy and almost back to your old schedule, though as I recall, your long moor walks may take awhile yet! Your signs of spring are so different from ours in the states
    LIN, those card preparations sound quite complicated!. You certainly enjoy challenging yourself!
    Hi, JERI, I guess we both are watching the Oscars, though mine is sort of in the background
    as I don't much care who wins! I did enjoy seeing Bette Midler, but I really don't know the new crop of singers or actors and could not care less who wins! I was not impressed with Lady GaGa nor with the song she wrote, "Shadows", and I guess I've become an old Fogey! I loved both Streisand and Garland in that role, but they were each incredible singers! Did I mention I was a bit thrown when the "hero" was introduced as Jack? I expected him to remain Norman, I guess!
    O Wow, Glenn Close lost again as best actress! I've not seen The Favorite yet; nor Vice.

    I am giving up the gabapentin, which caused a huge swelling and weight gain the last few days. It helped the neuropathy somewhat, but it's just not that worth feeling like a balloon!
    We had our monthly buffet this noon, and I enjoyed my usual waffle and tasted some delicious salmon loaf. No desserts. so when I attended a Celebration of Life for our latest loss, after the service they served a humongous buffet, and I enjoyed some of the salads whil e watching the adorable great grandchildren cavorting about. The videos shown were beautiful and very moving. This was a man of 94 who had lost both legs but took part in everything!
    It's now 11:11 and I promised myself Iwould get to bed before midnight from now on!
    Goodnight, my dear friends...........
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!........................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Did anyone else hear the wind howling in the night? Beautiful snow drifts outside. Tried finding a bud on the lilac bush outside my window. Nothing! Don't blame it!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    HOWEVER, the weather channel is predicting AN EARLY SPRING. Good old Wiarton Willie, the ground hog, could be right!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Some bills to pay, a couple of returns and that should be it for today. Unfortunately, I have to go to a wake tomorrow, my sister's ex-husband's wife died. She was step mother to my sister's five children so I will go for them and for my ex brother in law whom I have always loved.
    Babe called yesterday to say he was eating a sandwich and his tooth fell out. What else can happen to that poor guy? This morning he said he didn't sleep well last night and this morning had to have his granddaughter get him the walker because he was too dizzy to walk alone.
    As I told my son and Lisa, I am grateful for my recovery and my life. Enough said.
    I enjoyed our little Oscar Party although I hardly new any of the actors. We had ballot sheets, bingo sheets and played Heads Up during the commercials. I basically didn't listen to much of their speeches just was interested in who won for my games. I didn't win.

    We also had howling wind yesterday but today the sun is shining but very cold.

    Enjoy your Monday.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2019
    Hello. Our howling winds have died down. Many highways and Interstates are still closed. Sidewalks and many streets are patchy to 100% ice covered. Parking lots are also dangerous to walk on.

    I know this because I was out early early once again for Tai Chi and Qigong which begins at 7am. Very few people there today, ultimately 3 of us but we had a lovely learning time. We left about 10am. Then I was off to the library to drop off some books and pick up some new ones. And now I am home. I think I will stay here at this point and work on, guess what, yes, cards. I have decided to make a dozen St. Patrick’s day cards. The Easter cards were put aside for now. I also need to get back to putting together information for income taxes. I had made a start but hadn’t received all needed data. I have had it for a while now but got sidetracked. Easy for me!

    I didn’t watch any of the Academy awards show. I had finished a book yesterday and started another one. Now I have more in my stack with the ones I picked up this morning. So many attractive choices!

    And speaking of yesterday, the tofu chili turned out very good. I added enough spice so it was tasty even with blocks of tofu! The broccoli slaw is also fairly good, not super great, but pretty good. So there you are, leftovers for the entire week I think. I guess I should get into a cooking flurry more often as it is nice to have leftovers waiting.

    Sandy, sorry you didn’t win anything but I hope you did have a nice visit with your friends. Poor Babe. He does have so many mishaps and illnesses.

    Buzz, I hope giving up the gabapentin doesn’t cause any other complications for you. I have two friends taking that prescription and do not like it at all but their doctors say it is necessary. I have never taken it but if causes problems maybe there is a substitute?

    Jeri, our library still has lots of books and DVDs but a large area upstairs is devoted to public use computers. We do have electronic books available to check out as well as movie access through some platform but not the new movies we all want to see, like the Redbox selections.

    Well, must move along. Wishing everyone well.

    Hugs for all Sneakers once again.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy doing nothing sort of day for me. My walk with George first thing was an uphill stroll before turning back and I managed 40 minutes, then it was time for a coffee as I sat outside in warm sunshine and made a call to a friend. Ten minutes into that the neighbour's builders started up a hammer drill and loud saw then dogs the other side began to bark which of course set George and Betty off so inside seemed the best option! After lunch, just as I sat to rest my swollen ankle, I had a call from friends to say they would drop in which was lovely but then the day was almost over... not quite though because a text message came from my nice dog walking neighbour suggesting we walk on the moors in the last of the evening sun. Betty ran and ran with a huge grin on her face while George sniffed, trotted and eyed the sheep. A perfect end to the day and now salad and cheesy flatbread for supper, then I'll probably be asleep by 7pm!!!