Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cold but sunny day. We were to have snow and rain, so this is a real gift. Katie been out side about every 5 minutes. I sort of puttered around outside. The cold got to my knees and shoulders. Oddly, there isn’t a sweater or coat warm enough to keep me warm today. So inside, I go.

    Wash has started. Dishes done. And I guess one or two more chores and THEN into my lair, my dungeon. Full mug of coffee and a CD of good music. I think Mellow Jazz today.

    I watched part of the awards. I love movies and try to watch the new ones as they come out on DVD. It is our entertainment as we exercise. We watch 45 minutes to an hour each night. So a movie lasts 2 or 3 nights for us. Looking forward to Green Book. Watching Can You Ever Forgive Me? Sad and somewhat depressing but good acting.

    My family conundrum continues. Our daughter ended up in the hospital but her diagnoses was not the flu but cellulitis. Her diabetes is totally out of control. She never does the blood test, often skips her meds. Her doctor, my husband and I are all mystified as to why she refuses to take responsibility for her own health regimen. I guess counciling might useful. I am at a loss, really. And in truth, this is a problem that is NOT mine to solve. My suggestions and offers to help would not be appreciated by my daughter or her family. I have tried this in the recent past. I guess I have bent your ear and whined many times about this sad issue. Sorry, dear sneakers!

    It has come to me several times lately that we all have drama in our life. None of us get off Scott free. The trick is to deal with what ever comes your way as best you can and with as much wisdom as you can gather. That last part is the hardest nut to crack.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Well ladies I got my results back. I do have cancer again. Multiple tests and appointments ahead of me Probably I will have a Mastectomy, possibly a double one. I’m sort of in shock and sort of in a been there done that mode. I’ll keep you posted.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Prayers for you Jeri, you have all of our support and love.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dearest Jeri, so sorry you have to go through this. I really felt that you were not going test positive. But! If that’s what you have to deal with...know this! You have strength and many friends and a huge family to help pull you through this ordeal. We are praying for you everyday. We sending you our good thoughts and high hopes.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2019
    Darn! Lost another post (due to falling asleep while gathering my thoughts, I think!) I've had a wild dinner hour,...tell you later...
    JERI, hugs, hugs and more hugs!ojrsm6mt9psj.jpg
    and we are all here however you would like us to be here for you! We KNOW you are a survivor, and losing a few formerly necessary parts at this time of life will be well worth the years it will give you! You are brave, and with your dear loving husband and wonderful family,
    and extended friends, this , too, shall pass and you will go forward beautifully!
    PATSY, you, too, are receiving our manya0kmxp6zbv2z.jpg
    hugs! True, we all have our bags to carry, but it is especially difficult to feel out of control with our own children who seem to defy all rationality! I wish we could help you sort this out, but I think SANDY has done it so bravely and so well , her example, while not easy, is one to contemplate! As in the previous paragraph, we are all here in whatever capacity you might need!
    Being on a new page, I'm afraid of losing this post if I look back, so I will send love to JACKIE, LIN and ANNE (and any and all of their 4 legged friends!) and plough on with my dinner hour! Sat down with a very pleasant group of 4 other friends, and was into my entree, a truly delicious (I do NOT love fish!) version of basa that I was thoroughly enjoying, when my server brought a nurse over to me who announced I must follow her as an XRay technician and she had been searching all over for me to take XRAYs of my left hip! No warning calls or messages, but I felt I should go with her, so I hurriedly left with orders for my meal be packed to go later, and my wheel chair was brought and off I followed her to the clinic. There, the technician said the beds could not be used as the chests underneath prevented his equipment from positioning underneath! OK, so he wanted to go up to my bed and did not acknowledge my telling him mine was a platform bed with a base that reached the floor! He soon discovered the machine would not fit there, either. I got the brilliant idea of improvising my "lounge" chair in extended position (leg area raised) and positioning my Scandinavian soft coffee table beyond the leg area, and me sliding down to a sort of flat position spread out on the 2 pieces! Somehow, it worked and there I lay, gathering cramps in my legs as he got his equipment somehow into position to take those 4 XRays as I wondered if I would ever be able to extricate myself from this concoction! Well, of course he helped me get up afterwards, and we both almost fell over as my weight almost pulled him down, but I ended up back down in the dining room eating my flan while eyeing the bag of my packed dinner. And that is the story of my lost dinner hour! My doctor had ordered it after I went down today concerning my Gabapentin (stay on my very low dose to help the neuropathy in my hands!) and she wanted pictures of the left hip to see if physical therapy would be useful in saving me from surgery! (Not so suddenly, my entire left side from the shoulder on down through the feet has been acting up painfully). I'm thinking arthritis, while she's thinking therapy! I'm willing to follow her advice, but please leave me my dinner hours peacefully!
    Now I can log off and get to bed! yawn!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Extracting myself from my temporary sleeping arrangement on sofa with throws and any pets that decide to use me for warmth I've just read Jeri's post and oh goodness, my language was not ladylike as I absorbed it. Damn and blast Jeri, it's news we all dread but surrounded by the love and support you have from your wonderful family you will get through this and come out the other side. I can do no more than send you a bucket load of hugs, prayers and best wishes possible. We are here for you whenever you want to let off steam. <3<3<3
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just woken up and to my dismay read JERI's post. Oh Jeri I too thought everything would be alright after such a long wait for the results. Like everyone else I'm too far away to be much help but I know your loving family will help you through this. I can only send you prayers and love and the very best of wishes. God bless.
    February has turned out to be a dreadful month for most of our little group hasn't it.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Jeri, praying for you. And will be praying for you each day. Much love.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited February 2019
    Sandy, Buzz, Patsy, Anne, Jackie and Lin. Thank you ladies. Your good thoughts and prayers are most appreciated. And yes both Ed and I and my doctor were shocked by the results. We all thought we were just being cautious. Surprise. Very glad I took the aggressive route by having the 2nd biopsy.

    Blood tests today and waiting for a call as to the other appointments.
    I am blessed with lots of good friends and a caring family. I WILL beat this.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Busy morning, now have to go to wake. Will explain all later.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Played Mah Jongg this morning. Came home and tried to scrape ice from the driveway. I felt chilled and I think I am trying to fight off a sinus infection. I do have an ear ache. Four layers of clothing, heat turned up, hot tea and am not really doing anything. Rest and naps.

    I may not go out tomorrow if I don’t feel better. That is drastic for me as it is Tai Chi morning and afternoon!

    Hugs, hugs, hugs.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So important for us all to think positive especially now! It was a lucky stroke that those extra steps were taken above and beyond;.....the ones that might have been skipped by choice. But JERI and her Doctor chose the "Just in case" route, and now her invading condition will be aggressively routed and her chances are infinitely higher , so 3 cheers for making that extra choice, dear JERI!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone. I'm afraid yesterday rushed past me in a blur then I fell asleep early evening missing 2 tv programmes I wanted to watch. We've had such beautiful weather I even managed a short spell of cutting up some hedging ready for a bonfire before my aching muscles told me enough! The mist is lifting to another sunny morning so the lady gardner's visit should be productive.

    Agree wholeheartedly with Buzz about Jerri. What if a further biopsy hadn't been requested by her? It doesn't bear thinking about. We must pray that something so difficult to find is very early stage so will be defeated. Of course it's a shock but you've been through it once Jeri and will find that inner strength again plus you've got yourself the best sort of doctor... one that listens! <3

    Lin, I'm so sorry you don't feel too well but am sure you are doing the right thing... Stay home, keep warm and take care of yourself. Tai Chi will be waiting for you next week!

    I must get moving before another day runs away.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello, feeling better this morning after a lot of rest but skipped the morning Tai Chi class due to light freezing drizzle, cold and too many car accidents. I am fussing around the house this morning and may go to the afternoon class.

    Jackie, wow, springlike weather. Lovely dream! Enjoy it. We are expecting two weeks of cold temperatures although I am not sure how they have much reliance in that long a forecast.

    Jackie, sending love and best wishes your way. <3<3

    Moving along. My tea is getting cold as I left the cup over on the counter.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited February 2019
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Going to see the kiddos this afternoon and then to bingo. Yesterday was just too busy but I managed. First, I got my hair tweaked then took Babe to the dentist where he almost fainted when they told him it would cost $4000 to fix his lost tooth and bridge. He was really just too crabby for me and I told him if he is going to take everything out on me to not call me. Then we stopped at grocery store so I could get him some frozen dinners since no one seems to be cooking for him, then to Target to get his prescription. Once home I had to get ready for the wake and although traffic was a bear, once I got there it was wonderful seeing my brother and all my nieces and nephews. Babe left a message he called so I called him back only to find out Phil was just getting home. Will see how that went when he calls this morning.

    I hope to pay some bills this morning, those that will be due while I am gone. For some reason I woke up early and could not go back to sleep, I think anxiety for my trip.

    Everyone has given Jeri all the sentiments I could every express, you got this Jeri!!

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited February 2019
    I am having a morning of disasters, involving flooding from the seal going on the humidifier and troubles with an earlier internet order successfully sent but now being resent again a month later. A company on the west coast. Guess nobody cancelled the original order after sending. Lecture from card company man about only sticking to firms I'm familiar with, card cancelled so charges don't appear and a new card issued. Just waiting for one hour to phone the west coast company.

    Meanwhile making bread in the machine and hoping a third thing doesn't happen in the form of the machine blowing up.

    Jilly wouldn't walk on the sodden carpet and retreated to her dog basket whilst Anne mopped up.

    I did my taxes yesterday, but Mark the tax expert wants to check that I'm not missing out on anything. Not being an indigenous person (Yorkshire born doesn't count) I'm not entitled to electricity and fuel claims or tax free groceries etc. So pretty sure I did the tax forms correctly.

    Mike popped in yesterday but everyone is staying home today because it's snowing and won't stop until the wee hours of the night.

    Did you see the huge ice blocks on BBC crashing onto our Lake Ontario shoreline?
    Time to add the raisins to the bread,
    Bye everyone, Anne.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I phoned the west coast company. Apparently it was a glitch in their system and they are busy emailing hundreds of old customers to ignore the sent invoices. I'm sort of glad I've had my card reissued with a new code though. I'll take the Visa man's advice for the future!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A different group of loud builders next door had George barking non stop from the time we returned from his morning walk until gone 4pm. We are now all emotionally and physically exhausted so the same neighbours have just walked them round the block for me. Betty has been sick again and I wonder if her immune system is weak after a life in kennels but whatever the reason it's been one hell of a day cleaning up! At least Sue the gardener has turned out to be a gem and will be back next week and probably forever more!!

    Anne, I think it was a wise move to get a new card issued just in case and certainly will protect you from any misuse by others who had your old details. More snow?? Goodness, what a Winter and hard to imagine in our warm climes... a false Spring for us though I fear.

    So patient Sandy but then you and Babe go back a long way! If Phil is home already I'm guessing rehab wasn't on his agenda so do hope things don't deteriorate even more for Babe.

    Lin, good to read you're feeling better but take care on the ice.

    Oh joy, finally quiet next door and time for me to prepare an evening meal but I'm guessing I'll be snoozing by 8pm again!!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh what a nasty day! Very cold and with hard icy snow on the decks and walks. The car is covered in ice as well. I hope I can convince John to stay put today. He will be itching to go his errands etc.

    Everyone is going about in face masks. I wonder how that it to keep bad germs out? Keep bad germs in? Our community has been hit hard with this new flu. It is very dangerous for us oldies. The general population of this area is retired and seniors. We rarely see teenagers or children. I loved volunteering at the school, it reminded me that there are young people in this world.

    Our daughter was to go home from the hospital yesterday. I have not heard from her or her family, so not sure. While still in the hospital she was defensive and defiant with the doctors. Sadly that attitude makes people not want to help her. I am totally helpless about this. Her husband has the flu and son is getting over the flu but still has a low fever. John says NO CONTACT! I feel terrible about not trying to help them. I realize our daughter has more than cellulitis and possibly her doctor thinks also the flu. The good thing is that the hospital is where she needs to be if her illness isn’t on the mend.

    It is going to be hard going on ice/snow removal. I tried to sweep off the deck but that was fruitless. This snow has a hard icy covering. It reminds me of the ice that forms on old fashioned refrigerators.
    I am not graceful or steady on my feet. I am worried about falling so I guess I am giving up this notion.
    John said, “step aside! This is a job for a professional.” He is armed with ice melt and a snow shovel. I didn’t know we still had a snow shovel.
    We are fighting with old man winter, he is winning so far.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Still snowing here with no signs of stopping. It would have looked wonderful on Christmas Day, but not so good on the 27th February. Think I'll move my snowdrop avatar for the Bean.