Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello kind folks and gentle people! Today is rather murky out. Not sure if that means a shower or just cool murky morning. No matter…I am getting my “to do list for today” and I need to stop adding to this impossible list. I am feeling the humidity in my joints this am. So I will put my exercises at the top of the list. Might help…might not!

    Our county is surging with not only the variant but regular Covid as well. We are pretty much isolating and chatting with family by phone and text. The contact it good but really need to see them in person. When we go into town to post office and grocery store I still see people defiantly walking around without masks. Not quite understanding their thinking. Death wish?

    I made the worst tasting stir fry veggies and rice for dinner. I can usually put together an acceptable meal for us but this was almost toxic. I told John not to try to finish it, I will find some cereal for us. He bravely ate enough to fill his tummy. We laughed and decided that I need a new recipe for stir fry and different veggies. (Sigh)

    Our only grandson is dealing with serious eye problems. Something about odd shaped front of his eye. It requires surgery and we all know elective surgeries are not available right now in Oregon. He is very depressed about that. Life often requires different paths be taken, he has difficulty with making good positive choices. Sandy, this young man has the same issues as your grandson, Robby. Plus some physical challenges, like his eyesight. He will be fine but I wonder what life will be for him. John’s eyes will be okay for a year maybe. He can still legally drive but he is very cautious and tries to travel at low impact times and never at night. He is also very impatient and wants to “get on with it.” When referring to his cataract surgery.

    The booster is also going to be a yearly thing for everyone. Wish it were available in pill form. I think more folks would take the vaccine. I don’t mind shots but I am not sure some of these people are properly trained about giving injections and procedures. Drug store employees etc..are they fully vaccinated?

    Well enough of my prattling on and fruitless worry. I am famous for that!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Another quiet day here. This is because next door seem to have abandoned ship! Not a motor cycle, a car, or a human being to be seen. It looks abandoned. They have hired a new agent according to the for sale board. This time with an unusual last name and it appears he is an Indian from the very ethnic part of Toronto. I fear our pretty little English town is rapidly becoming Little India or China town. In fact I am beginning to feel somewhat trapped, and Mike tells me in a text, we all are and indeed he thinks the whole province will become India or Pakistan. MJ says not yet, but its coming.

    Hard to believe eh, but strange things DO happen
    Meanwhile I'm not tending to my garden because with such a dearth of all the visiting people next door and the full timers I'm wondering if it could be Corvid.......oh no!

    Mike has the same problem with his eyes as your grandson PATSY. It hasn't held him back but he's always worn glasses to correct the mis-shape since he was 9 years old when we realized something was off. Astigmatism or misshaped curvature of the front of the eye. Apparently it's quite common.

    The world was full of Robby's when I was a kid so I wouldn't worry too much SANDY. They grow up to be the daredevils and risk takers. If I'm wrong please forgive me. but I do hope he doesn't have to take medicine to calm a naturally boisterous spirit.

    Mike will be home hopefully late Saturday. I've really missed my chin wags with him, somehow texting is not quite the same.

    Anne who knows nothing when it all boils down. I tell you what though. If I have to wear a tablecloth in the future, it will hide the wrinkles and bad hair days. There's always a silver lining to most problems. xxxxx

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,468 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hello everyone. It is a warmer day (around 90 degrees F) with a fairly brisk breeze. I am happy to have the new tv stand/support put together, the tv installed on it and finally the set is in place and all cables are hooked up. I don’t have a cable box so I ran the option to discover channels. Took a while but it turned out well. So now I have a pile of boxes, packing materials and an old television all stacked in the living room. Someday, I will need to dispose of all of that. Somehow.

    I watched a Zoom meeting on our local Botanical Garden this afternoon. Originally, it was a Botanical Center with a huge geodesic dome filled with great plants until a few years ago. I always wondered what happened so this program on the history of the location was very interesting. I used to visit a couple of times a year but haven’t been there since 2019 I believe. Great to see all the new outdoor work they have completed. Enjoyable meeting.

    I have been writing checks and chasing the squirrels from my tomato plants. They have been munching on green tomatoes and then they drop them on the deck. I wonder why they never finish them? 😂

    Anne, maybe your neighbors are staying elsewhere right now, especially if they felt unwell in that house? If you aren’t hearing any music or smelling the cooking, I would question their residence. Who knows, people are too strange these days. I am so happy for your new mattress and how well you are sleeping. That is marvelous.

    Patsy, good day. Finally, I am able to see your post the same day that you wrote it. Wahoo. I am sorry about the less than acceptable stir fry. Maybe just a standard set of vegetables for stir fry? No surprises? A friend of mine has quite a few tomatoes from her garden so she decided to make some salsa. She winged it and she said it is terrible. She froze it and said she will defrost it and throw it into the pot when she makes chili. I wonder about the seasonings she might have used that are fine for both salsa and for chili? Sometimes experiments are home runs, sometimes a strikeout.

    Sandy, yippee, a day with little to do. Seems okay to me. Has your pool closed? All of our municipal pools closed last weekend. That seems early to me but they had staffing problems all season long and they do usually close when school starts. But still, early! I am sorry that Robby has some issues. But they are doing their best to help him. That is very good. A friend’s daughter was just a disruptive kid no one seemed to pay much attention to it. Earlier is better.

    Jackie, painting again! Eggshell is a nice color. Yes, Covid infection rates are climbing here. We have our State Fair right now. An annual tradition is the butter cow.


    Last night was a Beach Boys concert at the Fair and several of my friends posted photos of themselves sitting in the stands waiting for the concert to start. And a night at the Fair with a long exposure of one of the rides.


    And the Budweiser Clydesdales.


    This year you must go through a metal detector to enter and they have trash barrels there as you’re not allowed to bring in your own food and drink and they are going through all purses, backpacks and duffels. So I do not know if they are finding guns but they are confiscating lots of contraband. 🙂

    I hope you enjoy the remainder of the day (or evening).



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Did you see this article about Max Lin? Two clicks to get there now!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,468 Member
    Jackie—Oh lovely! I saw the posts on Facebook and Instagram but not this! Thanks❤️❤️
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dear ones, we have a mild but cloudy day today. I do have a number of small tasks today that will gobble up the day. I had a long chat with Damon yesterday and today will try to make contact with Andrea. John is terribly impatient when on the phone. He wonders around, does things at his desk, makes himself a cup of coffee. Damon and I carry the conversation and John adds his two cents worth as his contribution. The family personality traits always amaze and delight me.

    I am planning a salmon salad for dinner. I wish I had some spinach leaves to add but I have wonderful green Romain lettuce hearts to spark up the salad.

    It is very cool at night now. Blankets and warm pjs feel nice. I guess we are looking at fall but I am ready for a beautiful Indian summer. I need to check the almanac to see what the weather is to be this year.

    We will be getting our booster next week at Walgreens. When asked about the folks who still need to be vaccinated, they said they had plenty of vaccine for everyone. In fact their big worry is finding people to vaccinate while the vaccine is still good. This, by the way, during a huge surge and a full hospital!

    Lin: loved the rosy teapot. As far as that lovely dog, Max, well I had this thought. Remember that book, A Dogs Purpose. I may not totally get on board with all the stuff in that book but I do know most of us feel our pets save our lives. You even feel a connection to this dog clear across the world from you. I really love looking at the YouTube channel on the Japanese couple who have two otters as pets. Animals of all kinds are such great friends.

    Back to my chores….take care of yourselves, dear sneakers. You mean the world to me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,468 Member
    edited August 2021
    Good day. Thursday and back to the usual Thursday morning call! My friend had a good visit with her grandson and his wife. She had not seen him for a long time and had never met his wife. She likes her quite well and she is happy for them. She did offer unsolicited advice to them which was useless. She told them to buy a condo, not a house, so that they would have free time on weekends to do things other than maintaining and fixing the house. Advice of course not needed as they have already purchased a home and are looking forward to getting settled and working on changes they want to make.

    Interesting to talk to her though. Her son is going to take her shopping for a new washer next Monday. Everyone seems to have things to tend do. Repairs, replacements or both.

    It is kind of hot and windy today. I have heard that tomorrow we can expect storms with the potential for damaging winds and hail. Oh goodness. I am thinking of bringing in a few more peppers and tomatoes, just in case. Definitely the zucchini that is good sized is coming indoors.

    Patsy, I am glad you have appointments scheduled for your booster shot. First of the Sneakers to receive this shot. Well done. There are always little chores to do that eat up time. I am paying bills again this afternoon and sorting through some supplies in the basement. I keep my extra ‘stuff’ down there and then have to bring things up like a pack mule. Today I found what I needed and filled a nice brown paper grocery bag with a handle. That worked well. And then some things have to go up to the second floor. I am always moving up and down.

    Nothing else interesting here today. Which is probably good. 🤣🤣

    Be safe everyone.


    A Portuguese set
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Katie’s new toy hedgehog came from Amazon. It is a “tuff” toy. She has baskets and baskets of toys. She loves them all. This horrible fuzzy ball will slowly make it’s way into the trash. But I have to make sure it isn’t one of her all time favorites.7qtdg8j9o5dj.jpeg
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I got a call from Michael who was sitting in a hospital car park waiting for his Dad who was having the staples taken out of his leg surgery. Turns out they had climbed into Mikes old car to go to the hospital on a hours drive for an 8:30 am appointment only to be told the surgery office wouldn't open until 12:30 so back they drove for another hour to set off again at 11:30.
    Four hours driving all told, half the time spent going to Quebec in the first place. His Dads car had broken down and thats why they used Mikes car.

    Then it just got hotter and hotter here. Mark and Mary Jo came over and Mark cut the grass whilst Mary Jo picked up a bucket full of fallen apples. Inside, she had brought ice cream which we all enjoyed including Jilly! Then they enclosed my old mattress in a plastic cover for next weeks garbage pick up. You think they would have done enough for me by then, but no Mary Jo had to try out my new Shark vacuum. Between them they vacuumed the entire house and even vacuumed the sofa and chairs! Conclusion, they love the Shark vacuum cleaner!

    You can imagine Jilly was delirious with joy at having visitors, plus the grocery man came over earlier to add to a little dogs idea of a wonderful day. She is now fast asleep on the vacuumed sofa having exhausted herself on like I said, a very very hot day. I almost feel like joining her!

    And that was my day, that was.

    No sign of SANDY or JACKIE, hope all is well.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,368 Member
    edited August 2021
    Happy Thursday! :) Back from my meeting and a couple of errands. Leaving around 5:45 to go sit while parents play volleyball. I will get there just in time for them to have their snack and then bedtime. Robby had a horrible day in school so his meds have to be adjusted. This is not just a boy being mischievous Anne, he is having behavior problems. He had a meltdown today and his mom had to pick him up because he was so hyper. I just hope as he gets older he grows out of it but I worry about him becoming bipolar like his dad. Always something to worry about being a mom and/or grandma.

    Sounds like you had a great day with a clean house Anne. How nice of Mark and Mary Jo. Will Michael be able to leave his dad now that the stitches are out? I bet he misses you and Jilly.

    Patsy, we had to get Daisy those indestructible toys because she destroyed any with stuffing in them instantly.
    Ewok also has to have strong toys because he is a destroyer as well.

    Lin, you get plenty of exercise going up and down the stairs but do you ever just sit and do nothing??

    I am hoping to ride my bike before leaving so have a good evening.
    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I am so sorry for you all and especially for poor Robby and his parents SANDY. I did wonder if he was just mischievous, something Michael was guilty of. Mike has to be back at work next week Sandy, but my ex will be okay because his late wife's daughter and her husband will keep an eye on him for a few days as he slowly adjusts and gets to drive himself about again.

    One of the things Michael did which had me called to the school was he decided to lean out of an upstairs window and drop a water bomb he'd constructed out of paper and filled with water on the head of his arch rival a bully who lived just down the road from us. Unfortunately his timing and probably his eyesight was way off and he dropped the water bomb on the head of the principal instead! He was about 9 I think and a holy terror unlike Mark who was the sweetest, quietest little boy. They are still totally different in looks and personality. You would never guess they are brothers sharing the same parents and DNA.

    Jilly the Bean is still sleeping soundly.
    I think I will have a hard time keeping awake this evening. But with a nice clean house not much to do tomorrow. I could take to this happily if I had the cash for a cleaning lady as thorough as Mark and Mary Jo.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Late tonight! I’ve been on the go nonstop, starting with an early visit to the local supermarket. It was quiet in the store at that time because schools are on holiday so parents aren’t so free to shop. Once the shopping was put away I took George and Betty up on the moors for a gentle stroll and just made it back to the car as a misty mizzle closed in on us. My plan was to get on with painting the dining room but neighbour Louise sent a text asking if I wanted to go with her to a general store and since I needed wallpaper paste for my China cabinet project, I said yes. The rain began to pour as we drove there so I should have known better because it’s the sort of place tourists flock to when the weather isn’t kind enough for them to be on a beach… it was packed to the rafters with bored holidaymakers! At least I now have the paste and also a new pair of memory foam Sketchers shoes that I couldn’t resist!
    After my lunch I finally settled to some painting of the first watered down coat and as well as a section of ceiling that of course gave me a crick in the neck again, I covered the wall by the staircase with the green grass colour. It’s looking great already even with a thin coat so happy with my choice. The roll of wallpaper arrived by courier so that cupboard will hopefully be finished tomorrow and I’ll set it back in the alcove and collect the China and glasses stored under my bed. They’ll all have to be washed first because the builders dust found them!

    When it comes to a booster, I think we are being told we need to wait until 8 months after our second jab and that would take mine to the week before Christmas. Of course that could have changed by then as scientists and governments continue to grapple with covid. Cornwall now has the highest rate of daily infections in England which is no surprise considering the large number of visitors. Many weren’t wearing a mask in the store so Louise and I gave them a wide bearth.

    I’m sorry to see Robby is struggling at school Sandy as I find the idea of children being medicated at such a young age so sad. Does he receive therapy treatment too? That seems to be offered here more than drugs.

    Poor Mike Anne. He’s going to be so happy to get back home!

    Lin, I hope your storms don’t materialise. Stay safe at home if they do. The Portuguese tea set is interesting as it definitely has a North African influence in the shape of the pot.

    Katie’s new toy looks similar to Betty’s which is a large hedgehog wearing a Christmas hat. No chance of her damaging it because she just loves to lick its tummy! She carries it everywhere but struggles up the stairs because it gets caught between the next step and her neck.

    Nearly midnight so I’ll get myself to bed.
    Stay safe everyone.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    WELL!!!!!!! there I was having a relaxing moment with my coffee when the Bean started barking. This was followed by a stream of heavy noisy equipment all at 7 am. Then a bunch of bearded men started digging up Harrys carefully laid but weed strewn pebbles and at the moment everything is being flattened with a steam roller. Bean is still barking intermittently and I can feel a headache coming on at 8 am with temperatures already high. Just been out to water my potted plant and the bearded men all waved. Actually I was checking that my fence wasn't being flattened with the steam roller. Shades of JACKIE.

    I tell you this has been one helluva month and one can't call my present life boring!

    I so agree about no drugs JACKIE for young children and am so glad the UK still relies less on them to treat our youngsters. Therapy is a much better way to go and try first.

    I am loth to put on the a/c and add to the noise, but its already sticky. I wonder if the dustmen can pick my garbage up with the road being blocked at the moment!

    Never a dull moment and you can't go near the bearded men because although wearing ear plugs they don't believe in masks.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Up early this morning because the hens were shouting but when I got outside my neighbours were already at the bottom of my garden checking if a fox had snuck in. No sign of predators so hopefully nothing more than a pigeon landing on their roof!
    A lot less noise than your neighbours Anne who at least sound more friendly than mine! Possibly an early start before it gets too hot.

    A short walk before the paint brushes were brought out and I’ve just finished a 2nd coat on the old cupboard so time for a late lunch sandwich and coffee.
    My weight is static but then I did have a smoked bacon sandwich yesterday and a prawn curry with brown rice in the evening so too much sodium… that’s my excuse anyway!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Peace reigns and instead of posh paving stones, Harrys drive is now coated in tarmac.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,368 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Doing laundry and later packing for my weekend at my friend's farm.
    Just to clarify, no one wants to see a child on meds but again today his mother had to pick him up from school because it was unsafe. He was out of control and doing weird things. He will definitely get therapy but he needs help and his parents are doing everything they can to help him. I am sorry if I sound defensive but this is breaking my heart and I just hope someone can help him. I am sorry I even mentioned it, probably should have just kept it to myself.

    Have a nice day,
    One Minute at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hazy day again. I think you know I am always complaining about the weather. Now I would like to see a genteel Oregon rain.

    I have become overwhelmed by our local virus surge, hospital and senior nursing and rehab facility full and each have a serious outbreak of Covid. We need to stay safe and very careful. There is no help here. But we are just fine right now.

    Sandy: dear friend, I totally understand your angst and fear for your little grandson. And since you have cared for him since he was a newborn, he is almost like your own little son. Our nephew and my brother had issues similar to your Robby. Each child is different but just to give you hope…my brother had a lot of problems in school and at home frankly. Time and patience and some meds saw him through and he became a productive member of the community. He became a policeman and eventually assistant chief and head of police training. My nephew sounds exactly like your little Robby. Like Robby he is a handsome little boy who has to be home schooled and then he has social activities with other home schooled kids. Not perfect but it works. My nephew was at his worst at the age of Robby. 7 to 10. Now he is in puberty and oddly he is getting better. He has had therapy, meds and physical therapy as well. I think this problem is far more prevalent than at first thought. I know meds are scary but there is often a real need and benefit if the circumstances require it. This is one of those rough Rocky patches that WILL get better.

    Anne: sounds like your new neighbors are continuing to fix up their house. Exciting times for little Jilly and you. I hope Mike gets home safe and sound. He has been such a good son considering that his dad wasn’t really around as he was growing up. Tarmac is quite smelly when first applied. No wonder you had a headache. So glad you are staying safe. These are scary times, but interesting, none the less.

    Lin: of course, everyone loves roses, and the rosy teapots speak to me! The ordinary things of life, shopping and banking, taxes etc have become so time consuming and difficult. We cannot get into our bank now because of our virus surge. Drive up only. There are things that need to happen inside with a real person. I know change is inevitable but it needs to be change that actually works. Online anything takes 10 times longer!

    Jackie: your cabinet sounds delightful. Your cottage is going to be beautiful, comfy and at the same time I see a creative household that is a very pleasant place to live. Well done, Jackie! You have thought out your refurbishing every step of the way.

    Veggie pizza night. Katie is in love with her new hedgehog toy. She carries it around everywhere. It is soaking wet with doggie spit! Yuck!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,368 Member
    I apologize for my rudeness, it was just a bad morning with lots of tears. Lisa just found out a doctor that had a two year waiting list and recommended has a contract with the school and the principal is setting up a re-evaluation with him for Robby. It might take a week but in the meantime when he goes to school they will go to OT room and do some work and talk him through expectations and mentally prepare him. They are focused on school expectations and not require much of him academically since that is what seems to be causing the stress.
    That makes me feel much better and I am impressed with the school and district they live. It feels like a heavy brick left my chest. Please forgive my remarks they were said in sadness.

    I can go now and enjoy my weekend at my friends not worrying so much about Robby. His parents have it under control.

    Still friends???
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    PATSY your comments to SANDY are just perfect and SANDY of COURSE you are worried stiff about your grandson. He will be Okay you know and I read a little this afternoon about a subject I am pretty dim about and the good news is apparently it does get better as time goes by.
    A lot of famous people had the same problem and Winnie Churchill springs to mind! Who knows what's in store for your handsome lad - president of the USA?
    Have fun love with your friend this weekend and know we all wish Robby all the very best
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,368 Member
    Patsy posted before my last post but wanted to say thank you to her and you Anne for understanding. I too, hope he grows out of this but gets the help he needs in the meantime.

    Love you gals,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good news Sandy that Robby’s school will work with the doctor so he can be gently guided through his schooling and get to understand why he feels the way he does. Meanwhile it’s a worrying time for you all so certainly no need to apologise for expressing how you’re feeling. ❤️

    My painted cupboard is taking up more of my time than the dining room walls but as a project I’m enjoying working out how to approach what’s in my head.
    I had to separate the new hens from mine again today after I noticed Lupin bullying them away from food and even dragging little Misty out of the hen house by a wing when she tried to sit and lay. Then this evening their previous owner phoned to ask if she can visit them tomorrow so the question is do I keep the partition fence in place or pretend everything is fine? I’m laughing to myself as I type because it is all a bit silly except I’m extremely protective of my chooks!!

    Patsy, you are not alone with these surges so I understand how it’s affecting you right now. Isolation isn’t great for the mind is it; too much time to think and worry, but you and John have always been so careful to keep yourselves safe you’ve got it down to a fine art. I’ve read today there are different approaches to protecting us other than vaccinations now being approved so one way or another we will get to live safely with Covid in our midst. Hang in there! ❤️

    My bedtime and that of the furries!
    Jackie 😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,468 Member
    Good evening. Just a hello. MFP isn’t working for me. The cursor will not move and then it jumps.

    Be safe everyone. Tomorrow is another day and hopefully things will be working better then.

    Some of today’s harvest.


    Mini watermelon. Really sweet and juicy.



    And a teapot. Meissen?


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Mikes just this minute set off on the 8 hour journey home. Being another protective mom I shall worry until 4:00! He's more like a friend now than a son, but once a mother always a mother.

    Keep the hens separated JACKIE. Its better to be safe! Nothing wrong in telling Lupins human ex mom she's an aggressive bird. Makes one wonder if she bullies bluebell.

    Wow LIN! what a super crop! Good to tell you are not really a city girl!

    I jumped on the scales this morning for the first time since MFP cut me off. Got a pleasant surprise. No gain, amazing with no MFP calorie count keeping me in check. Trauma did it I guess.

    Annsie. Up late, so must away,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. I can’t get on the site through my iPhone anymore. Log in doesn’t recognise me…. Sounds similar to the dreadful man at the allotments who refuses to recognise my membership! 😅.
    At least my iPad can get in.

    A quick check in as I’ve had a busy morning. My visit from the lady whose hens I now have went well and I passed muster. I’m sure they knew she was here because they behaved!

    Fabulous harvest Lin. Watermelon… I’m impressed! Pretty teapot too. I’m guessing bone china and none of your cheap imports.

    Painting continues this afternoon so no other news.
    Everyone enjoy whatever Saturday brings.
    🥰 Jackie
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Don't want to be the doom and gloom bringer but daily new corvid cases on the rise here.
    Fall is predicted to be very bad. I'm keeping clear of my new neighbours. Loads of visitors and no masks. STAY SAFE.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,468 Member
    Good afternoon. We did have some rain, much later than predicted so I was up with booms of thunder in the middle of the night. The lightning flashes seemed to come through my closed eyelids! Anyway, I don’t know how much rain we received but the plant containers were a bit wet this morning.

    The usual Saturday morning Facebook Live was cancelled again this week as the lady’s illness is preventing her from keeping her normal schedule. This doesn’t appear to be good news.

    Anne, good news for you and Jilly! Michael on the way home. I hope he has a safe drive home. In our part of the world, the driveway resurfacing is called blacktop. Isn’t that odd? So many different terms and actually I was unaware of tarmac other than in connection with an airport. So you have seen your neighbors again? I know you are keeping to yourself. Good idea.

    Jackie, glad the visit went well with the former owner of the hens. Did she miss them? And/or was she checking on their new home? Glad that is over. Happy painting.

    Sandy, hope you are enjoying your time on the farm. I didn’t mean to ignore the issues with Robby. But I didn’t want to say anything to make you upset. I am pleased to hear he will be seeing a doctor that you guys apparently feel is best suited. That is good. ❤️❤️

    So off to mess with some different inks and paper. I haven’t found an acceptable combination for some cards that are still in the design stage.

    Today I had one of my little green peppers along with some tomatoes. Made lunch interesting. I have several more in the house and more still on the plant. This is a short season variety so the are small but tasty.


    Let’s see if I have a teapot to share.


    Be safe.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers. Today looks to be partly cloudy and pleasantly warm. We are to get around in the 70s. Not sure what I will do after I finish my exercises. We are to chat with Damon and John did an unpleasant chore yesterday. Cut up cardboard boxes and took to the dump. (Recycle). I hope he plans a more relaxing day. I fear that’s just not going to happen.

    I have to ditch coffee for awhile. Heartburn and many trips to the bathroom. I overdo everything it seems. Giving up coffee is hard. It was such a wonderful morning ritual.

    Today is a going to be a day I will try to contact both of our kids and maybe use zoom or something. John hates that because he hates talking on the phone. When at the college he would call a colleague and ask if they have a minute and then trot across campus to chat in person. He was famous for this.
    A personality quirk. This Covid virus has been hard for him. Social distance and online shopping…not
    John’s favorite.

    Lin: lovely harvest. You are a wonderful gardener. When I hear about the care you put into it, I realize gardening is a passion. I do that that sort of “stick it in the ground and throw water on it” kind of gardening. It rarely turns out as I would wish.

    Jackie: your new hens remind me of a couple of gangsters. Maybe only one of them is mean. Back in my chicken raising days, we often thought bantams were temperamental and had a tendency to fight. My grandmother was swift and final in regard to roosters. We bought big crates of chicks every spring. My gran loved Rhode island red chicks, they often laid beautiful brown eggs. Fun memories.

    Anne: Oregon is accepting 18,000 Afghan refugees. People are nervous about terrorists but want to help. It might be a rough adjustment. We have a housing shortage and we still have protests going on. As far as being a mom, well I don’t think that ever changes. Even Katie knows I am the family mom.

    Sandy: we are all sending Robby good thoughts and there really is nothing as powerful as people who love you. Along with other kinds of help, love and support from his family will indeed make the difference. I have seen it before…..
    Love each and every one of you!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    The governor just sent several hundred national guard to help several local hospitals that are overflowing with Covid patients. Our local hospital and two other care facilities have Covid outbreaks now. We are looking at setting up emergency field hospitals at fair grounds and other places. Eeeeeek
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    it turned out the larger hen that does the bullying is not Lupin but Bluebell. Ex owner Chrissie says they both look so much bigger now they have room to move about and apparently gangster Bluebell would often peck Lupin. I’m not sure in their previous tiny house and run they could easily be told apart!
    Yes Patsy, only the one chook giving trouble but again this evening they all seemed relatively calm and relaxed in each other’s company. A neighbour a couple of properties away has raised a cockerel in an incubator that crows a rather sorrowful, broken sound. One day last week driving home I saw a chicken run across the road in front of me and did wonder if the cockerel had been thrown out rather than killed but no, he’s still doing his best to shout. Of course I was reminded of the ‘why did the chicken cross the road’ jokes!

    I’m so proud of our British troops doing their best to help as many Afghans as possible get on to the transport planes. They are being compassionate and often in tears because of the situation politicians have placed them and the Afghans in. It seems our Boris was like Nero, fiddling while Rome burned and other Ministers enjoying vacations in the sun because they didn’t see this coming… really?? Housing shortages here too but we must help as many as we can because they kept our soldiers alive during the past 20 years with their translation skills.

    Impressive peppers Lin. Now I really am jealous because checking my plants this afternoon I noticed they are only now about to flower. I might see a pepper this Christmas!

    An early night for me. George and Betty already fast asleep.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,468 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hello, another sunny day. Only 75 degrees F today. Lovely day for those going to the last day of the State Fair. I hope everyone is having a pleasant day.

    My hands are not cooperating with me today. I dropped my yummy plate of cooked potatoes earlier. I was so sad. No 5 second rule here. I have been sort of rationing out the little purple potatoes so this was especially heartbreaking. So instead I had squash and tomatoes.

    I wasn’t going to harvest this small squash but the vine was dying so I decided today was the day.


    Cleaned and cooked.


    I know it doesn’t look great but it was tasty.

    Attended online church today. Good message.

    And the Facebook Live lady died yesterday. No more happy Saturday mornings with her and her friends.

    Jackie, the situation in Afghanistan is horrible. But this has been handled poorly for a long time. I guess I do not think any country should run another country for 20 years. The troops that were there did help keep the world safe from some terrorist attacks but it couldn’t go on forever. 🥺❤️

    Be safe my friends.

