Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Safe travels Sandy.

    And yes, Huskies are my favorites but I like most dogs! They are real characters and full of energy, consummate escape artists, they blow coat (some people save the fur, have it made into things) and comic and loud vocalizers! Such fun!!

    It got warm enough to melt a bit this afternoon.

    Take care everyone.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    WOW! Some "Puppy"! He will be a very powerful ball of fur! SANDY, have a fabulous vacation/wedding/family visit/ trip to Paradise!!!
    Can't keep my eyes opens so forgive me, please. I read all your posts so I know who is behaving and who is not (JACKIE, a 40 minute walk with Georgie at 3 weeks is not using your noggin!). I have another X-Ray in the morning since it seems that the one on Monday was never called in! It will be right here in my apartment so at least I don''t have to go anywhere.
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A quiet start to my day as I'm waiting for my neighbour to collect me and pooches for a late morning walk. She's watching her local field hockey team play a match first.

    Don't worry Buzz, my walking regime was set by the medical team and has slowly increased over 3 weeks to this point. Now up to me to continue to build up the time walked so long as I feel comfortable which I do, just need to give myself more rest periods at home but I get figity!!

    Cute puppy Sandy... hope the family is prepared for lots of long walks and exercise. :D:D Huskies are gorgeous dogs but crazy so lots of fun ahead for you all!! Have a wonderful trip and ah yes, get away from the freezing weather. B)

    Patsy, your planned get together for your anniversary sounds perfect. We all need something to look forward to and get us through the Winter months. Meanwhile going anywhere near nasty flu germs has to be a no-no even if family so listen to John.

    Breakfast dishes need washing up then hopefully out walking before rain arrives... not looking great outside! Hello Lin, Jeri, Anne and any other sneakers dropping in.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Mmmm. Gloomy morning. I smell snow in the air.
    Happy hula dancing, Sandy.🌴🌴🌴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello. It is cold. A bit of sunlight right now. I am going to venture out to the paper crafters group for a while. I need to chat with some nice people.

    Hi Jackie and Anne of the gloomy weather!

    Patsy, your upcoming celebration is just perfect! Good for John in giving up sugar. Difficult at best.

    Buzz, hope you did get some rest. Well, another X-ray, my gosh. I hope this one goes well.

    Time to pack. Hugs all round.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SNOWING HEAVILY. Email from vet saying I should pick up Jill's tick and flea medication because ticks start feeding on animals and humans when the temperature reaches plus 4 C. Hard to believe we will see plus 4 C ever again today! The outside looks once more like that first bleak photo I posted from my bathroom window. No colour.
    I need a PATSY, JOHN celebration, or a SANDY trip to Hawaii would be nice! Not to mention a bit of BUZZ Florida sun. Oh well, it could be worse. Jill and I could be sitting on a chunk of ice further north and ice fishing.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    po12rf6ejynd.jpg we go again ! You can tell I am bored and want to get out and about!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello ladies

    Ed and I had a very good meeting yesterday with a doctor from breast cancer support foundation. To me knowledge is power and I now understand so much more. About the lymph nodes, all about the breast and how they do the surgery and all about breast reconstruction. I told my daughter Melanie and she said it sounded like what she is, a doula, only for breast cancer. I meet again in a week and then 2 weeks after surgery when the pathology reports are back. She had a mastectomy herself so she is a great resource.

    Today is a look after Jeri day. I am pampering myself and we are having supper with good friends.

    What a week! But I now feel very much more in control.

    I read everyone’s comments. Thank you so much. Jackie — good for you with your walking. I am impressed.

    All of this makes me realise how strong women are.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny and warm today! We are to have snow next Tuesday. But today is lovely and maybe the weather gods will be kind and hold back the ice and snow. You never know.

    I decided to ditch some of my tired old sweatpants and jeans. They are so comfy and so UGLY! I can almost feel John’s reaction when he sees me in them. If they are hanging around, I can’t keep from jumping into them. Baaaaad idea. I don’t want to be that kind of old lady. You know the kind I am talking about. Wearing raggedy old clothes, long dry witchy unkempt hair, Dirty fingernails and bad breath. I think I have been like that from time to time, while hiding in my dungeon. I eventually clean up my act.

    Miss Katie has been barking non-stop at the squirrels that are active now. We also have a few crows that are cruising the neighborhood on trash day. They sit on our fence gate and eye Katie and I as we putter about on the deck. They also comment with loud CAWs. Katie responds. I go inside because the noise is unpleasant.

    Jeri: it does sound like you are taking this diagnosis and handling it like a champion. Knowledge is power and strength in the face of adversity. You can handle this.

    Snowy photo, Anne. No wonder you are so ready for spring.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oooooopsy! Forgot to sign the post above!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Got up nice and early and got the bed made so I would be ready for the X-Ray technician and as he was running late, thought about making my delicious Irish steel-Cut oatmeal, which I often defer to some quicker breakfast. I made enough for a week! My X-Ray seemed to show strong bones with a well shaped joint, but it's bone on bone. No cartilage left at all. My WiFi is very skittish tonight; Mine is "unavailable" so I am on the Open House, which keeps going blue and disappearing. So I may not need surgery, which they hate to do on people of my advanced age. However, having been disturbed over my constant weight gain, I called my pharmacist and asked about this gabapentin. Not the culprit, he said. We finally figured out that due to arthritic pain. I've been taking 2 Aleve morning and evening, and it's affecting my kidney function! I won't continue! I cannot continue online, as it keeps breaking up and I've lost this post twice! Aloha, SANDY, and all you wonderful friends!
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good morning. Oh dear, our poor bones, or rather cartilages. Evolution didn't figure this one out did it.

    Something weird happened to me in the middle of the night, I woke up as is my wont about 2 am and it was as if a curtain had lifted and past problems suddenly became crystal clear. No dear girls I won't bore you with the details but just wondered if any of you had suddenly realized the how's and why's of things buried away in the dusty depths of the old brain for decades. I think the ancients called it enlightenment? Michael had earlier text me a photo he'd found from 40 odd years ago and maybe that caused the nocturnal cogs and wheels to turn! Not much I can do with this new knowledge today but sort of comforting.

    Down to earth we are faced with a few days of cold and the odd snow flurry the experts say, and then
    "Spring, spring, the flowers that bloom in the spring". I had better start getting serious about losing a pound or two so I can get into my lighter spring pants, but also to take a bit of weight off my no doubt equally crumbling cartilages!

    Ideas for lunch LIN? Your veggie dishes really appeal to me.
    Happy SUNday.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2019
    Aches and pains abound it seems as our latest storm comes crashing in off the Atlantic bearing what is to me a rather incongruous name Freya. My joints seem well aware of her imminent arrival although it could also be to do with my restless night on the sofa. Decision made, I will try my proper bed tonight because according to medical advice I can now lie on the unoperated side which will be bliss if I get a decent night's sleep. The dogs have been walked between heavy showers so are taking a nap as I cook a batch of food for George.

    Anne, perhaps you had a dream about the past that then hung in your consciousness enough to give you the feeling you woke with. Amazing how the brain works and no doubt that photo jarred a few memories so if it cleared away old concerns and cobwebs then brilliant.

    Buzz, would ibuprofen gells help with your arthritic pain and avoid affecting kidney function? I really don't know but it might be worth looking into.

    Patsy, it seems Katie and George have similar habits and conversations with the local wildlife. George gets very cross with a pair of pigeons that sit on a neighbour's shed roof and tease him and magpies get short shrift too. Currently it's the builder next door who feels the need to shout into his phone as if the recipient will hear him across the open country. As for old clothes, I call mine gardening gear as if that's an excuse!

    Jeri, that's brilliant support and informative too. Althouth there are times ignorance is bliss, I feel cancer is best beaten when every bit of information is gathered and used as ammunition... no room left for doubts either.

    George's food is cooked so a couple of phone calls to make. Hello to Lin... happy Sunday. I'm assuming Sandy is now in Hawaii sleeping off her flight!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Looks like Freya is the aftermath of all that wind and snow we had dumped on us a week ago JACKIE. Take heart yesterday's snow was nowhere near as bad! Interesting though, apparently we had more snow dumped on us in February than the full amount of a normal winter. This I can well believe!

    Good wishes for your sleep tonight in your proper bed. How about a practice nap this afternoon?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, I'm currently sitting with feet up waiting for a pasty to heat in the oven. No wonder I'm squeezing into my clothes! While I just chatted on the phone the tv was on with volume turned down so I took in Freya's predicted course but more interesting was a swirling white mass behind the presenters back and definitely in your vicinity. Hang on to the thought if we had no winter, the spring wouldn't be so pleasant!! Someone else said that... probably didn't live in Canada though!! ;)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning. Snow missed us yesterday and today. We are just frozen solid. I am going to stay indoors again today. I have just a bit left to finish on my St.Patrick’s Day cards. Then loads of paperwork, sorting and shredding is stacked up. A literal mountain!

    Yesterday was a lovely day of visiting with kind people, a bit of work on my cards, and a surprise from a friend. She is clearing out all of her supplies. She doesn’t have room to keep things in her little apartment and she has decided to just stay with her paints and water color pencils. All of her card making supplies are going. It is difficult for her as I can well imagine. Anyway, yesterday she brought me her 3-ring binder of accumulated project ideas and associated clippings from expensive card making magazines collected over several years. It is very interesting and even if there is nothing I want to pursue I appreciate that she shared it with me. I have looked at a bit of it and wow, the products have changed over the last few years.

    Jackie, back to your own bed sounds like real progress! I hope that it brings you more rest. Ah George, keeping everyone informed of any movements in the neighborhood. And if you did not want to know, too bad. How’s Betty getting along now? I hope her stomach is settled.

    Anne, what can I say? Winter = Bad. I believe they said we had a record amount of snow in February as well. They said this morning that normally we should see highs in the 40’s F. Pipe dream this year. It is below zero, actual temperature this morning. More snow and cold expected later in the week and of course, more snow. I wonder if I will ever get back to church. How’s your little watch dog? Did you get out to shop on Friday? And I do not know what I will make today. I thought a batch of vegetable soup but I am not sure. I am hankering for a pot of gluten free spaghetti with red sauce and lots of cooked vegetables.

    Buzz, steel cut oats are very good. I almost made some the other day but decided to cook quinoa instead. Cold quinoa, fresh blueberries and almond yogurt are delicious. So a cartilage issue. Would injections help with that? Or has that been tried?

    Patsy, dear barking Katie. She does her best to control her world doesn’t she. I think you might need earplugs. Well, old sloppy clothes? Just my ticket. I am glad we are friends but equally as glad you cannot see me. Old Big Dogs t-shirt with a flannel shirt over it and a pair of black sports pants. That’s my attire for today. And most days. I even have a favorite old sweatshirt and felt itchy so I turned it inside out and wear it that way.

    Jeri, your meeting sounds wonderful and I am so glad Ed went with you. Information, support and a feeling of purpose and control. Wahoo. I am so so glad you found this organization. Pamper away my friend.

    I have my new iPad now and spent time trying to set it up and get adapted to it last evening. 2-factor authentication meant receiving and entering a lot of codes with many of the logins. I do believe the world is moving at a faster pace than I am these days. I feel like I am turning over lots of information to Apple!

    Sandy, Happy warm days ahead for you. Enjoy!

    Hello Marie, Diane, Karen and all the rest of our lovely Sneakers.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2019
    Can I have a bit of a grouch. SANDY calls herself an enabler, well meet another one. I said earlier that I'd had enlightenment from the past and that's maybe why this worm is finally yelling enough!!

    It all started when I first came to live here. The basement is finished and a friend's son wanted a place to live temporarily. Well, that 6 months or so turned into years and years of inconvenience mainly because the washer and dryer are down there. We finally had to literally turf him out.

    Then Mikes marriage ended and he moved in with all his junk. Only for three years though, BUT he left the basement covered in storage boxes and old computers. He IS talking of removing stuff after me struggling for eight years to navigate it.

    I've just had my younger son phone to let me know his and Mary Jos best friends are divorcing and the lady friend needs a basement or garage to store all her stuff in until she gets a place of her own. She's moving in with her sister at present. She doesn't get on with sister. Red flag for me!

    "You and Mary Jo live in a huge house with 3 spare bedrooms, plus a huge finished basement and a whopping garage so why can't she store stuff with you", I ask. Lots of excuses as you can imagine. The usual, you don't have a car, you don't use the basement except for washing, we are renovating etc.

    Am I mean not wanting to store yet someone else's junk again. By the way, I do pay rent and the bills etc even if the house does belong to my son.

    My biggest concern is that these "temporary arrangements" turn into years and years and I would like to spend my final time here with only my own junk. Is this reasonable?
    Would love to read your views on this. Am I being a mean old thing or not? Divorced friend rolling up in 2 hours to view basement along with Mark and DIL.
    Anne the aggrieved.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Gawanne35 wrote: »
    Would love to read your views on this. Am I being a mean old thing or not? Divorced friend rolling up in 2 hours to view basement along with Mark and DIL.
    Anne the aggrieved.

    I think you made the right decision. I agree this could again turn into years and you deserve to use that space for yourself.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Anne, it would be best to not have more dumped on you BUT I would take stuff in a heartbeat rather than a person wanting to move in.

    Best wishes.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It seems to me Anne each of us in our little group has either been or still does enable in one way or another because we feel more comfortable giving than receiving. Not a bad thing at all but it can mean our lives get bogged down by the problems of others when we'd maybe prefer not to get involved. I know it's happened to me in the past then I've felt guilty about my feelings of relief when finally extricated. I'd like to suggest you put your point to Mark just as you've made it here and at least get your feelings out in the open but know I'd probably struggle if it were me so it's a difficult one. One thing for sure, you owe it to yourself not to get caught up in a stranger's problems.

    No help at all, sorry! <3