Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Friday morning so I bit the bullet, stepped on my bathroom scales and just as I thought the pounds have piled on since my hip procedure... 12 stone which has always been a weight to never go back to again. Too late!! SO, I'm going to have to take control of my tendency to eat out of boredom or for just plain comfort. My morning walk is getting easier every day and this morning both dogs pottered along happily and are now enjoying a nap.

    Anne, I expect our laptop brands are different to yours in Canada but think the general advice on ensuring you buy one with plenty of memory is right.
    Unusual for Canadian politics to get reported here but I see Trudeau is hitting our news. It seems a boyish grin isn't always enough to get through a controversial situation!!

    Buzz, my dear neighbours have been checking my hen house daily, collecting eggs and even mucking out. As thanks I bought them an engraved slate house sign to place on their new extension which they loved and have promised to take them out for a pub meal soon. My garden room is finally finished apart from a sealant that needs to be coated on the floor tiles. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get that job done before my hip procedure but it wont take long once im bending normally again.

    Lin, the finance company that conned me out of a small fortune had the best reputation as well as being in business for over 100 years so I learned a big lesson but too late. Now I would advise anyone looking to invest for a pension way in the future to not put all eggs in one basket... that or stash money under a mattress!!

    I've had my feet up long enough after walking the dogs so will get washing up done and come up with a healthy lunch idea.

    Happy Friday.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And I gingerly stepped on the scales as well and I've put on 3 lbs. Ate far too many Cornish pasties, comforting stews and home made bread this cold numbing winter. Plus of course less walks with The Bean because I'm terrified of ice. Started on 1200 calories a day yesterday which I sailed through, but of course it's the first four days which are the worst for falling off band wagons....or ice floes up here!

    Yes JACKIE, our news is ALL (and more) about our boyish lad as he tries to wriggle his way out of this one! Whistle blown by two ladies. Mr Trump is a thing of the past up here now. If I want to see what HE'S been up to I have to turn to the USA channels.

    My groceries have arrived early! Perfect order packed by a lady but delivered by Jilly's favourite delivery man. He's a big, cheerful Jamaican. Jilly wanted him to chase her around the coffee table. He said she makes his day running to him then dashing off, little tail wagging and I swear a huge grin on her face. Groceries fresh and perfect this time. I'm happy!
    Have a lovely day. Cold still, but Mr sun is shining. 🌞
    Anne. 🙃🐶
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We had an interesting morning! First off with a snow storm of big slushy flakes that thankfully didn’t hang around. Then the electric company showed up with two big trucks and a winch to install a new transformer. That whole process interrupted my coffee brewing and turned off the furnace in the middle of that little snow storm. But the electric guys were efficient and very nice. So we are back in business with the furnace humming and the coffee is brewed. We have reset all the clocks and a load of wash is chugging along. And the sun is breaking through the clouds!

    I have been reading about winter weight gain. I guess it is pretty much normal to gain a bit in winter. Our old DNA script says to store up fat for a cold hard winter. The thing is we have furnaces to keep warm and we aren’t out in the cold taking care of our farm animals, stoking the fires in the fireplaces and wood stoves but our love of hardy food is still alive and well. In spring and summer we go for salads, fruit and light fare. Now my task is to trick my body into thinking that we are having an early spring or summer. I think I can do it and also add a few more minutes of exercise. Ugh! That part sounds unpleasant.

    The day is off and running and I have a list of must do tasks. For evening reading I have picked up on some older Michael Connelly novels. Exciting and well written. New novels don’t excite me these days.

    Salmon fillets, mixed stir fry veggies, garlic polenta for dinner tonight. John’s favorite...salmon. Black grapes for dessert. Watching our for portions, i should be able to stay in the 1200 calorie range. John aims for 2000 calories. He is a skinny old dude!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    IYYyyy! I have been so sleepy since having the 1st of the 2 shingles shots now recommended. Also, trying to figure out how to get my gmail to function again! I keep falling asleep in the middle of typing here. Somehow, got into Chrome settings I know nothing about and probably messed things up.
    Yesterday and today my phone has been ringing about every 5 minutes and the I.D. reads "anonymous" while the phone I.D. is my own number! I cannot block it, neither can Comcast, and it's driving me crazy!
    Hello and goodnight everyone. I feel like Alice in Wonderland after falling through that infamous hole! Perhaps I'll sleep it off!
    :s<3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Typical March weather... rain showers, windy and chilly but as it's a weekend my neighbours offered to drive me and the dogs up the road about half a me to easy access on to tbe moors. George dashed about having a grand time while Betty was demure and just a bit put off by the wind but at least it blew all our cobwebs away. My hip improves every day and although we clumbed on to high hills I found it easy. Once home the fire was lit and I'm enjoying international rugby matches.

    Buzz, so sorry such annoying phone calls can't be blocked. When I find myself targeted by these awful people I pick up and place the receiver next to a radio without listening to any message, leave the line open for 5 minutes so when whoever it is tries to hang up then call out again they find the line tied up. They soon stop bothering me!

    I'm eating up all the naughty stored food over this weekend and will then get back to calorie counting, might even begin with a fasting day of 500 calories.

    England about to begin their rugby match against Italy.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Leaving paradise but had to share this video from the luau. They called all the March birthdays to the stage and had a dance off! Fun times!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2019
    Good day. We are having a rainy day for a change. Not snow. Thank goodness.

    I am working, once again, on assembling info for taxes. I have now been through my check register and tried to run a year-end summary from my credit card purchases but for some reason the summary will not run. Must have too many transactions. Haaaaaa. The only thing I found last week was nothing that will ultimately be used since I will not be itemizing but the preparer wants everything turned in.

    So exciting isn’t it? Also did laundry this morning and started setting clocks for daylight savings time. Other than the vehicles I think the remainder of the clocks will change automatically. I love that!

    Sandy, love the video. You looked good out there. Safe travels home. Traveling on your birthday? Or home by then?

    Jackie, how was the rugby match? You are doing so well in getting back to your activities. I do admire your excellent work. The friend I visited on Friday is making little to no progress after her surgery and is very frustrated that no one seems to be able to help her.

    Buzz, oh those phone calls. You are really being harassed. Shameful that these trolls cannot be controlled. A friend had the new shingle shots. The second one made him quite ill. I don’t know about these vaccines.

    Patsy, good that your power was fixed relatively quickly. Your dinner sounds very good. How is the no sugar project coming along?

    Anne, Happy that your grocery order was perfect. Wonderful to have that service available. And how lovely that the delivery person loves little Jilly Bean.

    Hello Laura, Barb, Jeri, Karen, Diane, Marie and everyone.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Snow now.....
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh those Hawaiian luaus! What great fun!
    Watched an award-winning Japanese movie today, The Shoplifter, and found it very depressing. Got back in time to find my dinner reservations were nullified by one person's bleeding leg, a second put out of commission by chemo reactions, the 3rd would be late due to taking care of husband's bleeding leg! And I understand tomorrow's brunch will be cancelled by several of my partners again, due to illness! Hard to believe others will be comfortably adjusting tomorrow! I'm just about managing to keep my eyelids open, so back tomorrow!
    <3<3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    More cobwebs blown away, this time walking on the the local roads. We have sunshine but a cold wind so it felt as if we were helpfully pushed along from the rear! No walking stick this time and once I've finished my coffee I will attempt to muck out the hen house... slowly! Progress!!

    Lin, oh dear, more snow! Our British forecast shows lots of the white stuff falling in Scotland and drifting South into England but not as far as me thank goodness! The rugby match was enjoyable although England's score was so far ahead in the first 15 minutes it wasn't exactly exciting! Ireland v France this afternoon so no pressure on my blood pressure as I don't mind who wins! I'm sorry your friend isn't receiving the help she needs. I'm very lucky to be well looked after by our NHS plus my independent streak pushes me on regardless!

    Sandy, that's a beautifully colourful and fun video. I can see you are all having a great time!

    Coffee finished and sun still shining so I'll don my wellies and head for the hen house.

    Happy Sunday everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Add me to the balloons. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDY !!!!!

    Rainy here and very gloomy. Up late! More later, Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member


    <3<3<3 Jackie
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dearest sneakers! And a very happy birthday to our Hawaiian vacationing Sandy. How lovely to be there on your birthday. You are truly missed here but I hope you have a lovely day with friends and family. You have a way of sharing your life with us that makes us all feel like we are part of your extended family. The video shows us you are indeed enjoying the islands. As usual my iPad refuses to let me send a graphic ecard! I can only let you know how important you are to this group. You are the glue! You share your adorable grandchildren, your loves and bingo wins and losses. Life’s ups and downs. To my mind, that is family! To our lovely Sandy, have a beautiful day and many more, of course.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    It being gloomy and rainy I decided to strip the bed today instead of tomorrow and do a big wash.
    When we went for our walk yesterday we met Harry from next door with a small, hairy, elderly, randy dog named Jake. Like an old man version of our George. Harry told me that sadly Reilly, his big clumsy labdoodle died during the winter at only 6 years old. I feel a bit troubled by this news because his previous dog also died at 6 years old. To top it off one of his friends had also died but had previously asked Harry to take in Jake who's rather an old dog. The friend drove one of those huge rigs which cross the country, so Jake has only ever lived in a truck until now. He is also un-neutered and was happily frisking around Jilly until Harry decided to pick him up! I think Jilly and I will be avoiding Jake for the next little while!

    After that bit of excitement the doorbell rang and there stood Michael with a large red broom in his hands. I mentioned earlier I had to buy a new one as my present broom bristles are getting a bit short. It is rather big, bigger than I would have personally bought but wasn't that sweet of him. Not that you can really describe big Mike as sweet! Maybe Mark! As you can imagine The Bean had a wonderful day, wrapping her leash around Harry as she escaped Jake and then her favourite person and even more walkies and play. Boring today, rain and Anne down in the basement washing.

    I've just had Roy my would be swain in the uk on the phone. As always he said he is lonely and would I marry him. I told him I was too long in the tooth for THAT. Not that I would anyway long in the tooth or not!!!

    Jill and I are just about to share some !amb for lunch.
    Bye girls.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny but cool today. It always amazes me how the time change can upset my personal life rhythm. It is only one hour and believe me I can waste that bit of time doing nothing at all. But here it is and I dearly miss that little hour.

    We have been putting together a little memory book for our big ( big anniversary but small party) anniversary. It is fun looking at at these photos and trying to cobble together a sentimental memento for our small family and a few old friends. Wow! We have had some exciting times.

    Buzz: I have said it before and I believe it more than ever. Computers are the instruments of the devil. Yet I can’t do without them. Email is my main mode of communication. I even use it to try to reach our daughter who lives right down the road. I research everything. Everything! Google and I have had a long standing love affair. If there is a computer hang up I am absolutely running around with my hair on fire.

    Anne: a new broom sweeps clean! Even an old broom would do some good around here. Your Michael is thoughtful and devoted.

    Jackie: holy cow! Doing all your tasks and walking without even a cane. Hooray for you!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I got home around 7:30 this morning and went to sleep until around noon.
    I slept about 2 hours on my connecting flight so I am exhausted. I did do laundry and I had to go grocery shopping. It was a wonderful wedding and great week with family and friends.
    I will be back tomorrow when I am more rested.
    Thank you for all the birthday wishes, it really means a lot to me. You are wonderful friends.
    I will leave you with a picture of me with my grandson and his new bride.

    Have a great day.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    What a beautiful photo to keep SANDY. Beautiful young couple with a beautiful grandma. Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited March 2019
    SANDY, "local" language for Happy Birthday!

    Many Happy Returns and What A Gorgeous Picture of you and your family!!!!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I just finished making the special retirement card for our culinary service manager and almost everyone contributed for someone we all cherish. I suspect she will be doing some kind of missionary work, and she is well suited as she has spent a lifetime doing for others! My hands are totally numb and I'm making all kinds of typing errors, but I enjoyed all your posts and everyone sounds great.
    That Hawaiian wedding had to be a joy for the eyes as well as the heart!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.........................