Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Still windy here but we've managed to get through the day without rain. The gardener cancelled her visit due to an ear ache because understandably it will only get worse working outside in the wind and having just visited the hens to throw them some afternoon corn, I can report it is cold out there. For all that the wild birds are frantically looking for nesting material so they must know Spring is imminent. I took the dogs to the local woods for a run first thing but was concerned at the amount of creaking going on in the tops of trees and felt a bit vulnerable in case large branches came flying down. Also the river water was flowing fast after yesterday's rain so I had to watch both pooches carefully in case they went too close to the edge!
    Last night I sat up until nearly 1in the morning reading so am feeling lazy which means not a lot getting achieved. Our latest political dramas have entertained me for a short while today but there's only so much party politics I can cope with when our parliament should be pulling together to secure a deal to see us break away from the European Union. Shouting at the tv doesn't help of course!!
    My laptop went into meltdown yesterday including freezing me out of Mozilla Firefox so that I had to find it in the hidden files tucked away in order to uninstall then reinstall it. Luckily I managed to find how to do this with a google search on my iphone of the message that kept appearing.... it seems just about everything we want to know is on youtube, even which keys to select to put right an overnight crash. It means having to sign in to every website I use on a regular basis so my book of passwords is at hand!

    Patsy, I do hope your visit to the eye doctor went well and no needles required. This is a funny time of year when I think we are all fed up with Winter's last gasp to a point where the blues take over. As you say though, we must count our blessings.

    More delightful photos Sandy but goodness, you have your hands full!!

    Anne, I do hope that's the last of your freezing weather although having lived in your part of the world do know that late March into April can throw up a few surprises!

    Lin, enjoy your Tai Chi day.... your favourite sort of day I know! This may not work for you but when my laptop battery appeared to die so the bloomin' thing kept switching itself off I found advice to press the ON button for about 60 seconds and although the first couple of times it just meant the laptop came on then switched off again while still pressed down, after that it came on and stayed on after a quick press which meant it could recharge. Mine is an ASUS so maybe yours won't follow this easy option.

    Cup of tea time!!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,313 Member
    Going for my ct scan today. The clock is ticking and I am partly anxious for my surgery and partly terrified. Scary stuff.

    In the other hand thanks for the nice comments about our little Maggie. Those were all toys from our daughters Melanie and Melissa and each of the other 4 granddaughters have played with them too. Just made my heart glow. Good memories.

    Have a great day, Jeri

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh dear it would appear to be one of those days for us all! No matter where we live, north, south, east, west. I am fortunate not having to go through what most of you girls are facing and I can just pray that you all come through with flying colours. My grievance is small indeed in comparison.

    No, for me, just a wasted frustrating morning. I decided my summer clothes definitely need chucking out. So, after consultations with Marie next door and Sandy, Mike's lady friend I spent most of the morning checking out their favourite online sites. Marie is 68 and Sandy is 65 so somewhat younger than this old gal. But what can I say? Everything seemed to be designed and coloured for perfect body shapes topped by black curly hair and Latino good looks. NOT for once ginger haired, but now pepper and salt, boney in the wrong places and chubby in the wrong places old women who simply wants to look a little classy in the clothing department.

    Back I go to dear old Marks and Spencer's. And I find two absolutely perfect tops. I order the first and back comes the message "now out of stock". So I order my second choice. "Hurry, hurry" I am informed, "only 9 left." Swiftly I press the order button and the message changes to only 8 left, and I get an email telling me my order is being processed. Hah! Success! BUT one hour later along comes a second email telling me I'm too late, all sold out.

    I don't mind wasting a whole morning if I get positive results. Who cares if the dishes aren't washed and the Beans done out of her morning walk if the results are positive. But I have a feeling I'll be wandering around in the same old, same old this summer!

    One last plea though. Anyone know of any sites that cater for every age of womanhood in the mid price range and that's not coloured black, grey, navy blue or purple! OR figure hugging with off the shoulder flounces!
    I'm off to make a cup of tea. It's raining and Jill and I got soaked going to the mailbox.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi ho! Back from the new eye doctor and no shot required. The new doctor is a cute middle eastern girl. Honestly she looked and acted like a teenager. She was very recently back from maternity leave and I was treated to the most recent photos of her new baby boy. She seemed very competent and knowledgeable. I do miss my other doctor who was in a word, world class! Just a further word here about the amazing results of the supplement, Preservision has stabilized a very scary macular degeneration in my left eye along with the occasional eye injection. I am doing well. Next visit...6 month from now.

    We have partly cloudy skies and only showers, if that. I saw lots of daffodils and blooming camillias and a few early rhododendrons. Okay! Spring has sprung. I feel so much better today. The sunshine brightened my mood as well as the sky. Katie is delighted. She only drinks out of her outside water bowl. She has found many sticks to bring into the house to chew up. Life is grand for a labradoodlewith a huge backyard.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Back later. Solved SANDY's textx, now solving my cookie blocks!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited March 2019
    MFP site doesn’t refresh for me often even when I try to force a refresh. Just another little glitch.

    Sump pump is working in high gear. A sign of spring I guess. Another overcast windy day with rain and whatever on the way. Haaaaa. Going to spend some time with the library ladies followed by a Tai Chi lesson.

    Patsy, I am happy no shot was required. Yes! Your new doctor sounds fine but of course a replacement for your former doctor is very hard. Glad things are okay with your eyes.

    Anne, I am sorry I do not know of any web site that I would recommend. But my wardrobe is pretty substandard. Several of my friends still prefer to go to the store to try on lots of clothing. But they have their favorite stores, Von Maur, Chico’s (I think) and several local clothing stores. Others go to Kohl’s on a regular basis and sort through the sale racks. There is a senior discount on Wednesdays. Okay, that was less than helpful.

    Jeri, many hugs. I hope the CT scan went well. I am sure this time is very difficult for you. Thinking of you each day. Hugs.

    Jackie, oh yes, sitting up half the night reading. Oh that is sort of wonderful isn’t it? To find a book that is so engaging is a treat. Did you finish it? Thanks for sharing the tip but that didn’t help my HP. I have ordered a battery. It should arrive in the next day or two. Very clever of you to use your phone to search for information to fix your laptop. Well done.

    Must run along now.

    More hugs.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,073 Member
    Happy thursday! :) Although it is supposed to get to 68 degrees we are expecting thunderstorms with high winds. Not a good day to drive to my meeting so will see how bad it is when I have to leave. Still would like to go to my lunch with Bryanna but if she postpones I will understand. I won $7 at bingo but a win is a win.

    By the way I did well on my eating in Hawaii and basically stayed the same from when I left. My doctor did ask me if Hawaii caused my weight gain which was up about 3 pounds from last year. Say what??? Give me a break.

    Anne, my suggestions would be about the same as Lin's. I like Kohl's and Macy's which I have no idea if they are in Canada. I hate clothes shopping and prefer to do it online.

    Have a good day, I hope the sun is shining for you.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY, I've just found Macy's online and the site says "now available in Canada". Brief look in for now and it may well answer what I am looking for. Price etc about right and a huge collection to choose from. Many thanks, Anne. PS. Rainy day so good for browsing.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here I am again watching the UK parliament arguing through amendments to amendments on voting on Brexit issues.... "DIVISION, clear the lobby!!" Outside rain pours and the wind howls which meant one of the most miserable dog walks this morning! A friend I used to swim with dropped in for a coffee on her way home from the leisure centre then I went grocery and pet shopping. (I'm hoping to get back to swimming very soon.)

    Back to politics even if it does drive my blood pressure up!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited March 2019
    Oh dear, we just learned that the lovely check we were to present to our retiring manager tomorrow would cause her being fired immediately for accepting a gift from residents! We do have a very strict "no tipping" policy here! What to do??? Today was filled with meeting (very promising future, we hope) and found out our donated and very magnificent organ is missing in all these renovations. Rumor has it our new director donated it to another church! People are up in arms! Today's Donors Luncheon was very elegant
    My DD is getting quite impatient with the lag in my request for pain management, but I think it's rather normal. Few medical people rush unless it's life threatening!
    Online shopping? My favorites are, (New Hampshire) and Chicos, and I shop ONLY sales items. And I MUST cull out the stuff I ever wear any longer!
    JACKIE, yes, I, too, am drawn to the darn TV news channels, BP or not! Here it gets more insane!
    LIN, I had just informed SANDY my glitch was solved regarding her text disappearance and next thing I knew was her texts have disappeared again! I reset cookie management and will keep my eyes on it!
    JERI, only excellent news for you, we all hope!
    And PATSY, the same! are those injections painful?
    SANDY, wow, your Doctor is a tough one,
    I'd better get to bed before it's time to wake up!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..............................
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Hi managing to stay on or just under my goal eating plan. I was wondering if any of you are also beaders like me.
    I have been staying home and am getting bored. In the past that was when I started to nibble. I am determined this time not to give in.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Mmm. I woke up slightly disgruntled. Well I wasn't until I tottered onto the scales. I MUST get serious about at least losing the pounds gained since Christmas! Didn't help that the raccoons have been gorging in my upturned garbage bin.
    Thanks BUZZ I'll have a look at the sites you mentioned but will have to lose at least these 3 lbs before ordering anything.
    Homemade muffins and bread not in my immediate future.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Like what I see in JJill BUZZ. They have a white shirt shop and I'm partial to crisp white shirts. Just a quick peep but the American sizes could be a problem. I'm a 12 here in Canada.
    I'll have a peep in Chicos after lunch. Thanking you, Sandy and Lin, Anne.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well, I've ordered a sleeveless summer top from JJill. It's not shipped until -April 20th. A small start to see what happens!! Had to pay Canadian shipping fee. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,073 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Yucky day with rain/snow showers, will spring ever come? I had a great time with my granddaughter yesterday, we celebrated my birthday once again. It is going to be my birthday month will all the plans I have to help celebrate. I am going with friends to their farm early this afternoon so decided to do laundry this morning. I have such a busy week with doctor's appointments and Babe's dentist appointment I thought I should get it done today.
    I gained 1.2 pounds from my last weigh in before Hawaii so I don't think it is horrible. Everyone but my doctor thinks I look just fine, so there.
    If I can organized enough I hope to run to Walmart before being picked up so I better get moving. I am glad Buzz got me back and hope she keeps me in sight.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Hello. Did Tai Chi and some Qigong this morning before heading over to the dealership for a car repair. I am waiting for my car and the WiFi is working here today so thought I would tap a note.

    Ir is cold and windy this morning but the sun is out which makes me happier even if I have on a long sleeved shirt, hooded sweatshirt and a jacket over that. It is set to warm up and our weekend is forecast to be lovely. Just need to avoid all the flooded out areas and closed streets/highways. I can do that!

    I am going to the baby shower tomorrow so worked on the card before leaving this morning. Just need a sentiment for the inside AND the gift card to put in it. :D

    Laura, I am not a beader. Just a card maker and general mess about with art supplies person. :)

    Buzz, what a mess with the gift of money. Gosh, have to hold it until the person leaves. Once the retirement has happened and they are gone, no rules can apply. Bother.

    Sandy, one celebration after another. Pays to be popular!!

    Anne, I hope you like the top when it arrives. You have quite a wait.

    Jackie, politics = ack!

    Of course, I woke to the horrendous news from New Zealand. What can I say?

    Well, I am freezing in this waiting room, going to look for a warm drink.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2019
    Not too much happening here although a trip to a local store that sells just about anything had me looking at veggie seeds then buying climbing and dwarf beans, carrot, lettuce and beetroot so i must be feeling like the little wild birds that Spring is just round the corner. The dogs were walked round the local woods where I can let them off lead so fewer risks of tripping. Yesterday in the rain a large dog behind a gate suddenly threw himself in our direction scaring Betty and putting her in a spin so she ran behind me and pulled hard on her lead and my arm twisted behind my back as I came close to being pulled over. Oops, nearly ended up on my rear!
    Another grey, dismal day but my barometer is showing a rise in pressure so dry, warm weather round the corner. 😎

    Laura, I'm not too creative when it comes to making anything really which is why I admire your beautiful beads and Lin's incredible cards. I'm struggling with my weight too because of boredom that even a good book doesn't alleviate. A sedentary lifestyle doesn't suit me but I did pick up a paint colour chart at the store today and am at least planning some jobs!

    Time for a cup of tea but will do my best to ignore the biscuit tin!

    Happy Friday everyone... goodness, another week gone. 😳

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Beautiful sunny day here. A bit cool but sunny! Looking at the weather forecast, I see a week on sunny weather and raising temps. Yea hooray! I am hoping to get the decks cleaned and the back deck needs restraining. John still refuses help except with extraordinary tasks. I think these things have a special meaning. He needs to feel he is still captain of his domain. He is still in charge of lawn care and vehicle maintenance.

    So many people sick here. It makes me nervous when I am out and see people hacking and coughing.

    I was taken aback when Anne said she loves crisp white shirts. I spent a lifetime ironing those for John. They do look elegantly perfect. I am such a total mess I cannot wear white. It never stays white. I love bright colors, prints, sparkles, lace, embroidery, fringe and ruffles. I buy clothes from every corner of the globe. I love Novica and clothing from National Geographic catalog. I know some of it is rather strange but that seems to be my style.

    Watching Green Book, the academy award winner. It is really good so far. We use movies as our exercise entertainment. It is an odd cultural tour. I am giving it a tentative thumbs up. Not finished with it yet.

    The weekend begins with a few family calls and then maybe a stroll through Home Depot garden section. I don’t grow veggies or exotic plants. I go for hardy, never fail things like geraniums and nasturtiums. I am a miserable gardener. But I love happy flowers in the deck flower pots.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hello my loves! Well our retirement party went off without a hitch! The man with the collection followed my suggestion that he phone the home office in PA and ask for an exception regarding gift giving, and when his call was returned, he was given a thumbs up! So he made the presentation and even announced the amount ($5000) and Ginny burst into
    tears, and everyone kissed everyone and enjoyed the excellent repast! Very bittersweet ending to a wonderful relationship, but she'll visit!
    ANNE, if you are a size 12, you are not very heavy! J.Jill will help you size wise when you supply your measurements. And do sign up for their sale notices. That's when I stock up on basics!
    PATSY, Although I love strong color, a true white top ties together so many things! I cannot wear ivory! I do wear some pretty wild tops, and love the longer wavy-bottom styles that are so popular now. I don't like my "tush" uncovered!
    1:42 AM, no wonder I keep falling asleep! It was a busy day but tomorrow should be more relaxed!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2019
    Up late, just had breakfast and ironed three shirts washed and dried overnight so more later. Just an added comment to BUZZs comment on white shirts. They are an absolute godsend to a lazy dresser like me. They are so versatile! With my favourite Aztec earrings or gold hoops I'm ready to go anywhere. A classic white shirt with the native Indian jewelry can have you crossing the desert or our local bridge for an afternoon downtown. My shirts team well with jeans, linen dress pants, legging or colourful skirts, interesting belts, bright big cardies and throws. Fortunately after years of ironing the husbands shirts, the boys school shirts (UK) and my white shirts and blouses I really don't mind a spot of ironing these days when it's just me. In my painting days and even today when the mood takes me, I steal the sons old shirts to pop on over my white tops and I'm so old fashioned I wear an apron for cooking. Yes you can still find "pinnies" in the stores.....if you look hard enough.!!!
    Whatever you are comfortable in and I'm sure you all look gorgeous in.......
    Have a super pre spring Saturday,