Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The wind continues to howl but my neighbour vollunteered to drive us to the moors for an off lead doggy run and although we nearly got blown over on more than one occasion they rushed about doing zoomies and generally wearing themselves out. This afternoon is our last big rugby afternoon with 3 big matches so that's my day organised. My neighbour is going to come over to mine for the evening match when England play Scotland bringing pizza with her because her partner is travelling to Dorset for an outdoor swimming event.... not sure they've seen the forecast that predicts snow!!
    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning. I have been working on a couple of birthday cards (no, not finished yet), laundry is chugging away and the Instant Pot is working as well.

    The baby shower isn’t until after lunch so I will have to watch how many things I start as I will need to put things aside or wrap them up. I tend to lose track of time.

    Let’s see. Oh the handyman showed up to fix a broken toilet. Yes! Another that will either catch on the chain and not close or run a bit now and then will be fixed soon. He needed some supplies so he just shut off the water. Exactly what I had done. Haaaa.

    The new laptop battery seemed lovely yesterday. But interestingly overnight as Windows updates installed etc. something happened. The battery charges to 97% and then says not charging and the power cord blinks. I have powered down. Will check tonight to see if the battery drains for some reason. Odd.

    Anne, my goodness, you have a wonderful sense of fashion and what works for you. I never had much ironing to do. Thank the Lord. I am not good at that task. The most ironing I did was when I did hand quilting. I was always pressing pieces or seams or something. Now I have to hunt to find my iron. It is ancient.

    Jackie, an afternoon and evening of rugby sounds perfect with howling winds outside. It is college basketball craziness starting here. Getting down to division champions and then teams, brackets etc will be announced. A time of great excitement, lots of betting and loads of snack food consumed!

    Buzz, glad everything worked out in the end. My goodness, what a huge going away gift. Your community is generous.

    Must go to check the washing machine.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Had fun with friends yesterday although I ate some fried food which I never eat and it is not sitting right in my tummy. Will have a healthy chicken breast for dinner tonight. Not much going on today other than a Walmart and/or Target stop before going to Mass tonight. I slept good but still feel tired so might take a nap. B)

    Everyone sounds like they have their day planned with what makes them happy. Have a wonderful day and keep smiling.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hey there! Happy Saturday dear ones. Partly sunny, mild temps, blooming daffodils and the camellia Bush is full of pink buds ready to burst open. I see the white rhododendron is getting ready to bloom. It is always first and very showy.

    We are continuing with the movie Green Book. Interesting. I think it is a winner.

    I am going to a little gathering of artists that are represented by the gallery where I show. It is a fun party generally. Lots of interesting people, lots of wine, food, music and flirting! John will get all duded up, looking quite dapper, and I will try to do likewise. We will get back home fairly early, we never stay really late. Enough! Is just right. Says John.

    Buzz: just wanted to say how wonderful it is that your community shows such support and generosity to their retiring staff. They are lucky to be there with such appreciative residents. That’s why they work so hard to please you all. Just my opinion, knowing little about life there.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yes, my community shows great compassion and generosity when warranted! I believe this gift was given by 186 residents (as shown in the card I made accompanying the gift check). Ginny received separate cards and gifts from many who chose to give their own gifts! But she is so special and when planning parties etc., she would often go out of her way to shop and find special items for the celebrants, and always visited our residents who were in hospitals or otherwise in need! Not everyone receives such gifts upon retiring! Though our staff is un- believable; the motto of our community is "Where Loving Kindness Lives" and no one is kept on if they do not live with that in mind! We almost all feel as though our staff is our family, though as always, there are a few people who do nothing but complain about everything! Do you recall that when our beloved chaplain was fired before Christmas, I was involved in helping raise about $17000 for him and his wonderful wife? That was from just about every resident here. living in 3 connected buildings, plus the assisted living floors and nursing floors also attached! For the chaplain, several private aides insisted on donating with their patients! .....This is NOT an advertisement!!!
    ANNE, Like LIN, I admire your ironing abilities, being another one who cannot find the iron! I do use a steamer occasionally, but seldom need a touch-up as I pull clothes out of my dryer slightly damp and finish drying on hangers The steamer might be lightly used
    LIN, SANDY, JACKIE, PATSY Woe is me but 1/2 my post just disappeared and I cannot resurrect it! Please forgive me for giving up, but my eyes are refusing to remain open! I hope you know I love you all!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    You live in a wonderful place BUZZ and I'm so pleased you do and are well taken care of. ❤️
    I always iron because I only use the dryer for sheets and towels, and most of my clothes are linen or Cotton. Well here I am up late again! Both sons have had flulike colds but Michael is coming over today. Jill will be over the moon. Anyway, I had better get my skates on, which incidentally I might need. Almost took a tumble yesterday on the ice surrounding our communal mailboxes.
    Hope everyone is feeling well today,❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Enjoy your day my friends. I am off to church soon and will probably clean up communion after church. The person who said she’d be responsible this month is having severe foot problems. I stepped in and cleaned up last week, she didn’t seem to notice. Haaa, the Ninja cleaner!

    There is a program at the library this afternoon about women in our state. I will likely attend. We will see.

    No green beer or pub crawling for me. They have a bus taking people from Irish bar to Irish bar this weekend. I guess that is safer but at some point they must go home.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2019
    Happy Sunday Sneakers. For once the sun is shining although there was a layer of frozen hail on the decking first thing. The dogs have been walked in the local woods and now Betty's washable pee pads have been through a cycle and hung in the sun to dry. I'm going to attempt to give a late prune to an apple tree that got itself surrounded by the chicken run when first built. Its branches are pushing through the roof netting so I'll have to be mercenary and hope I don't finish it off!!

    Buzz, it truly was the best decision you and Mike made to move to your community where you have so much support and have made many friends. Thank goodness you managed to find a compromise to present the cheque to your Ginnie and what a wonderful amount of money to see her on her way!

    Lin, I hadn't realised it was St Patrick's day until my neighbour mentioned it this morning on our walk. It's something I think is celebrated more in your country than Ireland itself! I do hope your new laptop doesn't have some sort of fault, or could it be the Windows download is taking too much power? As you can tell, I'm not at all techi minded so find shouting is the best option!!

    Sandy, Fried food is something I have to avoid too and wonder if the less we eat of it the more our system tries to reject any that does come its way! No loss as far as I'm concerned. Hopefully you are feeling rested this morning and ready to face the world!

    Anne, I'm afraid although I do know my iron and ironing board are perched in the airing cupboard, it's not too often they are brought out into the daylight. So many of my clothes dry without creases on the washing line and if not I smooth them out as I fold and the pressure removes any crinkle. My mother wouldn't be impressed but perhaps it's a sign of the times with modern materials. Of course cotton is another story!!

    Patsy, your gallery party sounded fun so I hope you both had a great time and that you are now feeling motivated to get into your dungeon and spread some paint especially since it seems Spring is finally showing her face to you.

    The sun continues to shine although the odd shower is drifting about so I'll climb into my wellies and prune the apple tree. We have been warned locally that someone is travelling the area testing back doors if they see the owner is on the other side of their property, perhaps in the garden, then stealing whatever they find. Of course George will quickly warn me of anyone prowling about but it still makes me uneasy and saddened that nowhere is safe these days.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Your last comment is so true JACKIE, my cousin in Australia, a great gardener, had her handbag stolen this past week. She's spent hours cancelling and changing cards which isn't fun at our age struggling with buses to get to banks etc. We've got our dog friends but poor Helen's cat Sao didn't warn her!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited March 2019

    Happy Sunday!! :) Even though I am not Irish I am going to dinner with friends for corn beef and cabbage. I plan on riding my bike before I leave since there is so many calories. I just hope it doesn't disagree with my tummy as I am taking Babe to the dentist in the morning.
    The sun is shining and the temps near 40, so it will be a good day to drive.

    It has been known here to not leave your garage door open if it is attached to your house. Some people who do gardening in their backyards do this and bad people take the opportunity to get into their houses and steal things. It is sad our world is not as safe as it once was especially when I was young. That is why I like living on the second floor even though I have to walk up steps.

    I also have a steamer along with my iron but rarely use either. Most of my clothes are wash, dry and wear. Those that are not I will take to the cleaners and let them clean them for me.

    So I am giving up my eggs and sausage to try to keep my cholesterol lower. I evidently am borderline for my good cholesterol and the doctor wants me to eat low cholesterol. I found a low carb yogurt and a low carb nut topping and hope that helps. Of course riding my recumbent will also help so here I go again.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    That's so sad Anne and not just inconvenient having to cancel cards but a stranger rummaging round her safe haven. Last week on the news was a story about 3 lads seen on CCTV breaking into a ladies home and the upsetting emergency call she made to the police. She was in her 70's and apparently passed away the next day from heart failure brought on by it all so now the thoughtless boys face a manslaughter charge when caught. Her family showed photos of her in the 60's as a stunning air stewardess so pretty and smart and certainly not deserving such an awful end.

    My neighbours laugh because I've got a hefty axe by my garden door they think I'd use in defence although not sure I could swing it these days!!

    Apple tree pruned while Tilly, Wendy and Cinders pecked at the rubber brand labels on the side of my wellies and I squelched in the mud. Now enjoying my afternoon cuppa while Betty snores on my lap. 🐶
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I read that about the lady who died from a heart attack JACKIE and the boys will have it on their conscience now for the rest of their lives. Sadly, as we age and become more frail and vulnerable, people and particularly women are easy prey for these, for want of a better word, pond scum.
    Jilly's just on her fourth marathon walk with Michael who's looking a little tired and he's facing a long drive home. She of course will collapse on the sofa asleep when he leaves. I'm amazed how far this wee thing can walk when given the chance.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dear ones. Yes! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! It is interesting that this day is celebrated more here in the US. It isn’t a religious day any more. It is really celebrating heritage. We do Guinness Stout and beer mixed half and half. Corned beef is off out list because of the salt and we don’t eat red meat any more. But there is Mulagatauny and Irish soda bread! I haven’t a clue as to the spelling of that chicken stew thing my grandmother made. I honestly think it is an East Indian dish. I will make that for tonight. John will love it and also a green dessert.

    We had a scandalously good time at the party. Dancing, drinking, telling naughty jokes, eating chocolate bon bons. One of the ladies offered to do a striptease but no one took her up on it. I guess none of us really thought it would be fun to see her naked. I hope this didn’t damage her self confidence. We also had some Irish music and a lot of Irish-American. A lot of singing around a piano that seriously needs tuning. The gallery owner said she knew we artists knew how to have fun. We ate and drank everything she offered. I don’t think there was A crumb left and we all did a brief cleanup before we left.

    Sunny and bright today. Sort of chilly but great to see that beautiful sunshine. I will hit the dungeon a bit later. Must phone our kids and play outside with Katie, the magnificent! John is planning his own must do list. It will probably be something in the garage.

    Wishing everyone a “Top O the morning/evening to Ye!” Still thinking of those Irish songs.............
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, sounds like a wonderful celebration! I've been writing "Top of the mornin' to ye" all day , so I got a kick out of seeing your wish!
    JACKIE, I know you said you are just following Dr's schedule, but is pruning your apple tree included? Please don't overextend yourself! Yes, this is not the world we grew up in, is it? I like to think positive (It's getting harder and harder lately!) but my feeling of relief when I make it home from outside is slightly overwhelming! Nothing was bombed!!! I love picturing your little Betty snoozing peacefully on your lap!
    ANNE, how wonderful to have your "boys" nearby. I just had a video-chat with my son and daughter-in-law in Germany, and they will try to visit perhaps around Thanksgiving. I really do miss my kids!They are all so spread out!
    LIN, Of course everyone knows YOU can be counted on to take on everyone's tasks! Love your Paddy Graphic!
    SANDY, of course everyone is Irish on St Patrick's Day! And you certainly have that infamous huge Irish loving heart! By the way, how is Babe doing with his son?
    WOW, I just lost my entire post, but after about 8 clicks of Ctrl+Z, it popped back up! Doesn't always happen!
    After a fabulous buffet brunch (no, I didn't touch the corned beef :'( ) LOST POST AGAIN! Well I enjoyed my 1st taste of Irish Bangers alog with my omelette. They also served toasted bialies, lighter than bagels, but proves how ethnically diverse we have become! Afterwards, went to our auditorium, where I watched "The Green Book", used tons of Kleenex, and bounced around to great music. What a heart-breaking/heart-warming movie that is!
    I'd better eat a bite before it gets too late! Also before my post disappears again!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hello everybody.
    Well St Patrick's day came and went without a squeak up here. I think it is mainly an American celebration. Mind you, St George's day isn't noticed in Canada either. I celebrate it and it's on the
    23rd April along with Shakespeare's birthday. I have thought of buying the white with a Red Cross English flag (in use since medieval times) but what's the point. Everyone here would wonder why I've got a flag flying from the balcony. Lol. Maybe BUZZs home will celebrate with roast beef, roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding? I'll go with everything but the beef! What I DO do though is buy roses to remember my place of birth. White if possible for the white rose of York.
    I'm glad everyone had so much fun though. These special holidays really do brighten our lives and take our minds off all the tragic stuff. I think they are important for children especially. Make for wonderful memories as we age.
    Mike came and went but not before a huge grocery shop, lunch and lots of Bean walks. I AM extremely lucky to have my sons within distance, especially after emigrating. I give thanks for this every bed time because so many of our children are scattered far and wide, even friends still living in the old country have children all over the place.
    Well, as usual I rambled away.
    Must go, things to do, dogs to walk,
    A very happy "day after" to us all,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I take it all back.... apparently lots of landmarks in Britain were lit up with bright green lights to celebrate St Patricks so there were events taking place.

    I'm home after a sociable wander through the woods meeting quite a few visitors happy to chat, especially about the two funny looking dogs I walk! Dear Betty still gets lots of attention and offers to take her home but of course they don't know about her dirty habits!! It was quite cold first thing but has warmed up as we come close to midday so if the promised rain showers hold off I might get back out in the garden. If not I have a long list of jobs to do, the main one being to collect together the variety of aids delivered to assist me during my post hip operation rehab and make a phone call to get them collected. Originally I thought I would hang on to them until after the 2nd hip was replaced but realise that could be a few months away.

    Buzz, that old apple tree is not very big because in the past I've had to contain it within the chicken run so no climbing I promise! Also I was very careful how I bent down to collect the sawn branches as much because it was muddy and slippery. My muscles were aching when I got up this morning but that's nothing new after working in the garden and the dog walk has eased them now.

    Sandy, if you bought lean sausages I'm sure they wouldn't affect your cholesterol and an occasional egg won't hurt. As my gran was always saying, everything in moderation!! My hens are laying now the weather has warmed up and because I'm not walking with Scruff's mum these days I'm running out of ideas on what to do with them all because I'd always give her a half dozen eggs at least once a week. I will hard boil some as I prepare my lunch but there are probably already another 6 in the chooks nest box laid this morning! They do go from famine to feast this time of year!

    Anne, our English red cross on a white background has been hijacked by far right gangs so best stick to your Yorkshire white rose which is a beautiful design. Last night, as I watched a fascinating programme about the continuing research into Henry VIII's Mary Rose ship that was hoisted from the sea in the early 80's I thought Anne would love this glimpse into our past and perhaps it will be shown on your PBS one day soon.

    , our little church mouse continuing to clean up after Communion when others find excuses... they are blessed to have you in the congregation and I hope realise it!!

    Wow Patsy, that's some get together you and John attended and proves we're never too old to party. Congratulations getting home in one piece!!

    No news from Jeri but thinking of you. You mentioned enjoying BBC dramas so watch out if it hasn't reached you already, for Baptiste which has had me covering my eyes a couple of times and holding my breath even more times but is a great watch.

    Time to move before I seize up on the chair! Happy Monday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Again you are so right JACKIE! I did find many articles on the Mary Rose yesterday and was absolutely fascinated. I particularly loved seeing the reconstructured faces from their skulls of the seamen. You could pass these men in the street today and never know they were born in the fifteen hundreds! The shoes, so up to date looking! Oh I could go on and on and would give my teeth to see the museum. Wasn't it absolutely horrific though that when the ship capsized these 500 or so men were trapped by the netting (to stop the invading French boarding) and so drowned! Henry V111 had a human side after all. He wept as the ship keeled over and the gunwales taking in the sea water caused it to sink.
    Shall you visit the museum especially built to show this wonderful galleon.? If so, GREEN with ENVY.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Will be back later......picking Babe up for two hour dentist appointment.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE, I've just read what you sent regarding the Mary Rose and I thank you. The articles I found yesterday and all full of photos were in the BBC top stories, and after the first article, I went further and further back. I always understood Great Britain to be full of people from Europe and Africa. It might be interesting to check out our own DNA I think. Shakespeare's plays are full of Europeans, African husbands, Jewish folk, Danes etc and the southern ports and London must have had merchants from all over the place. I'm definitely born in the wrong time capsule and what struck me today is that horrifying as the recently downed aeroplanes are, many more people have lost the lives in ships and boats over the centuries.
    Do keep me up to date on all the latest finds in our fascinating little island.
    Hugs, Anne. ❤️❤️❤️🙃❤️❤️❤️