Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    please use your signature as my memory is not what it used to be!
    So sorry bout your health problems but you are now on the right track! Good luck.
    With my hands, it's either neuropathy, carpal tunnel, or old age! The gabapentin helps somewhat, but at least the burning is not as bad as it was! Tomorrow morning I must get the bus at 8:50 AM, so I'd better get to bed shortly! New hearing aids are in the office and I had no other means to get there.
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The fog has lifted but still grey clouds drifting across the sky so my biggest decision today, shall I put bedding through a wash cycle or not?
    Think I'll walk the dogs and think about it when we get home. George got himself through the cat flaps out in the garden again, this time 5am and I'm wondering if Brady is leading him astray. It would be just like him to tempt George with a poor little shrew or other prey.
    Apart from a pedicure this afternoon there's not much else happening but I need to motivate myself to get a grip of my list of DIY jobs. Hmm, walk first then keep away from all news political before I blow a gasket!! 😤😤

    Happy Friday
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Not surprised you are about to throw a gasket JACKIE! Me too. Mike will be here this morning but he will probably have me throwing one. Hard to get away from politics when Mike's around.😡 Justin's woes continue. I shall bury myself in making fish cakes for lunch and try not to be tempted to see what Mrs May is up to. The last time I peeped into BBC news I thought she looked a little older which is not surprising! The way things are going maybe she too will soon be making fish cakes for Mr. Mays lunch!

    Aging Anne has forgotten LESUTHERLs real name as well, (Hi BUZZ), but I too am truly sorry that you had such an awful experience with the fall and aftermath Les. I think you are Laura? Can't go back to look because if I do, and as we all know, I'll lose the little I've posted!

    So I shall go my merry way, huh!?
    Please get well soon everyone,

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning! Still dark out but I think John read the weather report as we were getting ready for bed. Cloudy and chilly.

    John’s old van is ready for the bone yard. It looks great because he keeps it clean and repaired as he goes along. But it has reached the point that he must get expensive new everything. Motor and other things under the hood. He is now looking for a new van. His priories are strange. It must be able to carry Katie and me as well as John. Plus, if needed, bring home a big piece of plywood. He will take forever to find what he wants. He enjoys the hunt and research. Why do we need plywood? I have no idea! But we might need it in the future........?

    John has begun the tax preparation and he creates a huge mess while this goes on. He becomes a very unhappy guy during tax season. I help out in very simple ways. Adding up things and filling out info sheets. John fumes about the political aspects. Don’t we all?

    The only real important thing is our health. Our four legged family members are included. Taxes and political crazies mean nothing. Health and what we each must do to achieve maximum Heath is the most important activity of the day.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Enjoyed a lovely amble in the woods with the dogs and I also managed to walk the full circle since my hip replacement including clambering over a few difficult areas. As you'll see, Betty had a great time until we had to cross a bridge!!

    Anne, if Mike can make sense of our political mess let me know. As one politician commented yesterday, our PM is delusional even after all this time and so many votes against her dreadful "deal" with the EU so no chance she will change course although I notice EU voices are finally agreeing they have to give us some slack otherwise they will end up in an economical mess. Never mind, England's football team are playing this evening in a qualifier for the European tournament so I'll sit and cheer them instead of watching constant live streams of fractious politicians!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited March 2019
    Happy Friday! :) Doing laundry then later going for a manicure, to the bank and to Macy's to try and find a pair of black jeans. Even though I had my hair trimmed on Tuesday I texted her to see if she could put some blonde highlights in tomorrow because I feel too blah and she said yes.

    Laura, I am so sorry you had a fall and it took so long to get to your phone. Do you live alone?
    It might be time to get one of those gadgets to wear around your neck that lets 911 know if you fall. I am glad you are on the mend and good luck with your weight loss, you can do this!!

    Jackie, it is always fun to see a video of your pups. I had a horse once that hated bridges it was impossible to make him cross and no I couldn't carry him. lol

    Anne, I love your new profile picture as well, just wish your phone was not covering part of your face. :o Good for you putting that caller in his place, :)

    Buzz. I am sorry you are having problems with your hands. I have similar tingling but no burning which is why I am getting an EMG test next Friday. Not sure what it tells them but better to be safe than sorry.

    Lin, you must out and about already this morning. I hope it is something fun.

    Jeri, praying you are not in pain and are getting pampered by your family.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Sorry, I forgot to sign yes I am Laura Sandy after the mess I did get the emergency aid. I do live alone. That was a very strong wake-up event for me. I am feeling fine now. my cat Misty is demanding breakfast. thanks for the support.
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    the clip of Betty and the bridge is darling Laura
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello friends, I did get out early for Tai Chi this morning after recalculating a couple of items to send to my accountant. Last evening I was providing more needed information. Okay, so now my phone appointment has concluded and I received the bad news that IRS guidance issued in January adversely affected taxes on my farm income. Therefore, a big bundle of Federal tax is due and much higher estimates are needed for the coming year.

    Patsy, I am with John, it is not a happy time. Growl. Yes, not a bit happy and I have a miserable headache. Ack. Glad income taxes are basically only discussed once a year.

    Laura, I am so sorry to hear of your illness and the difficulty in calling for help I have an emergency button since I live alone and have no family. I know it works as I have inadvertently pushed it twice. They are right there asking if assistance is needed. I carry it in my purse when I do errands just in case. It works in the purse. Haaaaa.

    Buzz, I hope you got your ride to the audiologist and are now back safely.

    Jackie, give me the treat and I will run away. Betty! Quite clever. Meanwhile, enjoy the football. Politics, I will stay out of the conversation as I think all of them are a bit cracked!

    Anne, Happy shopping and fish cake day. May politics not be the center of conversation! (If possible). And you look like a youngster in that photo. <3

    Sandy, Happy shopping to you. Getting ready for your trip? If you do not find the black jeans, I am sure you have plenty of lovely things as evidenced by the photos you’ve shared.

    Jeri, I hope you are still doing okay. Much love.

    Hello Barb (hope you are okay), Diane, Marie, Karen, Barbie and everyone.

    Must move along. Head is splitting.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE Betty is such a sweetie, I'd love to cuddle her. Jilly has the same problem with bridges.

    LIN, the gvt. are still chasing me after the mistake THEY made. I got too much cash back in 2017 and now they want it returned! I was a bit surprised at the time because I had filled my tax form correctly.
    The photo did turn out good, maybe because it was a miserable morning. Hence a bit hazy. Anyway, I'm not a woman to look a gift horse in the mouth so I posted it.! Lol. We will be back to the Beans photo very soon. Promise!
    Michael was on top form with awful jokes picked up at work. Political of course!
    Jill was on top form with lots of walkies. Now fast asleep.
    I'm on top form with my feet up and relaxing. About to read my book.
    Alls well with Anne and Jilly beans world.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    I am doing pretty good. Way better than I expected. Was quite sore last night but didn’t need any pain meds till almost 11:30 am today. It is definitely tiring but I am being treated with lots of love and care. Melanie came over around 5 pm with the twins and brought over beef stew which the 5 of us ate for supper with leftovers for later. Tonight Melissa will be bringing something for us as well. I’m being spoiled and I find it so hard not to be up and serving my guests.

    All in all I am good. All your kind remarks and wishes are most appreciated.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2019
    Hi, it's me Jilly Bean, I'M BACK !

    JERI, lovely to read you are doing very well after your ordeal. You deserve to be thoroughly spoilt, enjoy every precious moment. ❤️
    Anne, still enjoying a quiet afternoon after Mikes visit.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2019
    Lovely to read your update Jeri and no surprises you are being spoilt! Everyone wants to wrap you in a warm wedge of cotton wool so even if that's normally your job you must let them because I expect they're desperate to do everything possible to help. You just rest and give your body a chance to recover and heal. 💖💖

    Football match going well with England up by 2 goals at half time..... beats politics!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JERI, sounds as if you re trying to be on top of everything again, so I'm happy your family is "giving back"! You deserve it (and you've raised them well!)
    Got up so early this morning so I would catch the 8:50 bus for my hearing aids appointment. 3 other people were waiting, along with their walkers, and to my surprise, up drives a Lincoln Town Limo! The bus would have been much easier on 4 arthritic aging seniors, but it worked out fine. Got my new hearing aids, signed away my life, and returned before lunchtime. One of my temporary teeth detached and I almost swallowed it with my sardine sandwich! I was so sleepy, I feel as though I must have napped continuously on and off all day!I almost missed the news of the Mueller report,which brings me to JACKIE and ANNE and their angst. I'm not certain I totally understand Brexit, but I have the feeling Mr Putin must feel very happy seeing the European union breaking up! That, the Israeli news, etcetera, have me believing he had a hand in changing of power somehow! My personal feeling is there is something evil and frightening happening around me, but I also feel useless about fixing it! Is this how the Germans felt when Hitler was ranting and spewing his hateful utterances? I am noticing a change in lack of courtesy growing, as well. I think it's bedtime...
    Loved and empathized with Betty while watching her mistrust of the wooden bridge. And how brave George is to go into the stream , which must be freezing cold!
    SANDY, let me know how you make out with your hands? The gabapentin barely helps me!
    PATSY, will we ever understand men? But we'll always love them despite that! Your priorities are right-on, girl!
    My apologies, LAURA! Thank you for not taking umbrage!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen............................
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Jeri glad you are doing better. How lovely that your family is so caring. Lin sorry about the headache.
    take all Laura
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2019
    Morning all. I've just made a large bacon and egg pie, only I'm keeping my fingers crossed because as I'm awfully fond of little pigs and can't bare to eat them anymore I've made it with mock veggie bacon strips and 5 eggs. How this will turn out I've no idea! Maybe a disaster with no fatty bits in the normal streaky bacon. Never mind, now my adventurous life appears to be a thing of the past I can get some excitement in the cooking line. AND only me to eat it this weekend! It smells normal and good cooking.

    It's ruddy cold here. Springs pranced off somewhere and old man winters presence is felt with -6 C. I think he takes off again tomorrow and we will warm up a bit,

    Mike thinks the queen should summon all the queens men and turf out Mrs May and all the MPs. Don't think this is a good idea and I don't think he was serious.

    So I will away and see what the next 12 hours or so brings.
    Hope everyone had a good nights sleep. No falling out of beds, shudder, etc.
    Just had a thin sliver of hot pie and it tastes good! Surprise, surprise !!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    What on earth's going on JACKIE! Just read that thousands are protesting in London and about to march to parliament. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Sunny and a little warmer but still not what I call spring weather. Going to get a few highlights in my hair later and hopefully will be done in time to go to 5:00 Mass.
    A stop at Walmart and then the rest of the day is free.

    Anne and Jackie, I can hardly keep up with our politics let alone England's. Sounds like much turmoil which is the same as ours. Anne I am glad your egg and bacon pie turned out good, enjoy.

    Laura, I am glad you got a device so you can get help if needed.

    Buzz, you are having one of those if it rains it pours week. Sorry about your tooth and glad you didn't swallow it.

    Jeri, just take all the pampering and love that is given. Knowing you, you will be up and about with all those grandkids getting 10k steps a day in no time. For now just rest and heal, you still have a long road ahead of you. Love you kiddo.

    Lin, you are right, I couldn't find any black jeans I liked and came home and checked my closet and found two pair that I like. lol Sorry about the taxes, the farmers are really getting burnt with this president. I do hope your headache went away.

    Hello to everyone else and have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dear ones! We have a partly cloudy day here. Quite chilly, so I guess it is normal spring weather. Busy day here. Nothing special, just the flotson and jetsam of my disorganized life. I am so slow at almost everything. But I have never been real speedy.

    It is easy to feel terrified about our world political situation. I write my congressmen and I keep up on the news. I support those brave enough to enter the fight for better government. That’s about the extent of my participation these days. Maybe more later.

    Taxes and more work on the anniversary memory book, laundry and a pot of killer chilli. I will use chicken breast instead of beef. Better for both of us.

    The movie “Vice” is coming out very soon. I think it will be good. Political movies will now be the big thing. However, I saw a really charming special on pbs about Mr. Rogers. My kids loved his tv program. There is a documentary on him out and will be on DVD soon. It was soothing to just hear this nice man and the puppets along with funny guests like the postman etc. but then we all loved the Muppets. So there you personal preferences tend to be more along the kindergarten age literature and TV. Arrested development!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2019
    Hello !

    Washing done for today, boxes crushed and in the recycling cart, red lentil chili made, red rice cooking now. Still need to clean the celery. Got a birthday card put in the mail for a friend’s b’day which is coming up soon. Gathered lots of sticks up into one place but didn’t dig out the clippers and a lawn waste bag. Maybe next week.

    Sandy, I giggled when you said the rest of the day was free, after that time consuming list! ;) Hope you like your highlights and glad you shopped in your closet. Excellent. Hope you find treasures at Walmart.

    Anne and Jackie, I haven’t seen the news today so I have no idea what is going on in the world, other than basketball. :). It is nice to stay away from the troubles. This morning the sun was out and a number of people in the neighborhood were out working on their foundation plantings or walking a dog, or playing with a little one (a number of those in this neighborhood can barely walk). It is overcast now and everyone has disappeared. But again, it was a nice diversion.

    Laura, very glad you are feeling better. What kind of cat is Misty by the way?

    Buzz, darn, a temporary tooth came out? Will you call the dentist next week? I hope nothing else goes wrong. How are the new hearing aids? We hear so much upsetting news on a daily basis we can hardly avoid being anxious.

    Jeri, I hope you continue the be spoiled. Your family loves you. We do too. <3

    Patsy, how is the hunt for a new van progressing? Or is it on hold during the tax ordeal?

    Wishing everyone well. Must get moving again.

