Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, now don't go thinking I didn't post earlier because I was marching in London!! There is an online petition at the moment on a government website that has to be debated in parliament if it reaches over 100,00 signatures asking for a 2nd referendum. Surprise, surprise thousands of participants in Russia, also many other parts of the world!! At last count over 4 million have signed and a lot of misinformation had many marching as if we need another referendum when politicians can't agree how to deal with the first one!!

    Buzz, the internet has a lot to answer for when it comes to millions being influenced by whatever they read without questioning validity and certainly it's not only Russia playing these games.... I wouldn't trust any government not to tinker with the truth!!

    A chilly day here too but I managed a decent moors walk with the dogs after first getting into town just after 8am for grocery shopping. The store also had plug plants available and I bought 6 cherry tomato that I'll bring on in the garden room since they did so well last year. Sunshine tomorrow so I should get more done than achieved today.

    Well now, what with killer chillies and egg and bacon pie without the bacon I'm thinking my mushroom and leek pasta lacks imagination.

    Miss Betty is as ever snoring next to me while George is stretched out in his bed so I will catch up on recorded programmes with feet up.

    Enjoy the rest of Saturday .
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And I'm very glad to see you post Miss JACKIE. No, I didn't imagine you marching in London but I was getting a bit worried about you. Mmmmm, leek and mushroom pasta sounds pretty good to me. Enjoy!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Evenin', my loves! So the huge investigative report is finally in, and not a word about it yet! I suspect nothing will change, but that won't be the case with the NY investigation, since they are looking into actual criminal activity of which there was plenty. The Trump Family made many enemies !!!
    My Saturday went a bit better and the arthritis was slightly easier to live with, today . Now the compression stockings are beginning to feel too tight! That's because they are ! Time for bed, really .
    Before retiring, I would simply like to ask JACKIE and ANNE for a brief explanation of what is going on with Brexit. Our news has so muddled the reasons for the delay or change that I have lost track of the WHY it is going on! Thank you, dear friends and mentors!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen........................... .
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2019
    Dear BUZZ, I'm as muddled as you. As far as I can gather a little more than half the Brits want to leave the EU because Britain pays huge of amounts of money to prop the poorer EU countries up and the EU meddle in British affairs and tell the Brits what to do. A little less than half the Brits, mostly the younger crowd want to stay in the EU because of free borders making travel and jobs in Europe easier to do and find. Add problems with Ireland, what else, and it's open at present border, but which could close if Southern Ireland stays in the EU and northern British Ireland hops out. Plus having to pay a hefty divorce fee for leaving the EU, plus trade problems, plus Mr T having his say in the proceedings re trade, well I too am totally muddled being on this side of the pond and not understanding everything. Except I was totally happy in Great Britain as how it was before they joined the dictators and am therefore on the "let's leave side" and deal and trade with the BR. commonwealth instead. I hate the idea of GB becoming a mere state of Europe.

    Theresa May is trying to get her and only her terms for leaving past everyone else's terms for leaving. That's all parties in the British parliament. No one likes her deal which is a cop out for GB. Reminds me of someone and his wall! So GB is in for another delay to everyone's, leavers and not leavers, frustration.

    Having probably made a total mess of explaining I'll leave it to poor JACKIE to put everything right. Good luck JACKIE.
    Love to all,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2019
    A beautiful day, warm sunny and little or no breeze to blow my hair in my face! We've walked in the woods avoiding bridges then I popped into town to buy some Canicur for George at the pet shop then probiotic yogurt at the farm shop because the poor boy has yet another upset tummy. Poor me as well because I have to wipe his bottom with tissues as we walk!!

    Thanks Anne, you are seeing our current political mess as well as anyone considering you are the other side of the pond!

    Buzz, I'll try my best.... when Britain joined European countries in a trade deal it was called the Common Market and politics didn't come into it. That was over 40 years ago but as time went on more and more smaller countries with poor economies joined that we had to subsidise then Germany and France decided it should become politicised. Although half the UK government didn't want it we signed up in 1992 to another treaty that means we are overseen by a handful of unelected men who can change just about any decision made in our courts or parliament. These are the men that Theresa May has been talking to.
    With our Conservative government still being split over our membership David Cameron (remember him?) our PM 3 years ago decided to have a referendum thinking it would solve party in-fighting because he was convinced the public would vote to stay within the EU. The rest is history as they say and he resigned!! Theresa May went off to negotiate without consulting with her government or parliament and came back with a terrible treaty that keeps us tied to their rules, markets and open borders without any say but we pay a £39 billion so-called divorce bill. The EU will take control of the current open border between the Irish Republic, now an independent country, and Northern Ireland so of course the peace could be shattered between the IRA and Protestants and in effect blackmail the UK into following their rules so we never get away which is why the mayhem in parliament. No one will agree to a different way out but also won't vote for May's dreadful agreement. We could leave without an agreement and make our own World Trade deals which is what I and most who voted to leave understood would happen but there is skulduggery going on with many MP's who are doing their best to scupper the whole thing so we stay in the EU.

    I could go on because this morning I read our Theresa could be gone by the end of the week or she might get her terrible agreement through or pigs might fly!!! ;)

    Time to muck our my hens, then lunch, then a trip to the allotment for a tidy.

    Hello to all sneakers, hoping you are enjoying as beautiful a Sunday as me! <3

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2019
    Well put JACKIE. Much better put than my effort, but I do appear to be on track because I understand everything you are saying. Now I Must look up world news. So Theresa might be cooking bacon and eggs for her poor husband by the end of the week? Best bit of news this morning, unless of course there's a general election and Mr. C gets in, god forbid! I do hope GB leaves without an agreement. We got by tremendously in the past and we will again! I think the younger group are nervous of the unknown.
    Just glanced at the headlines. Something to read over coffee later.

    Now, could George have got cold in his tummy paddling in freezing cold rivers?
    Concerned auntie Anne and Jilly Bean.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good day. Overcast, chilly and a bit rainy. Wahoo for March. At least it is drizzle and rain, not ice or snow! Off to church soon.

    So bottom line, every country seems to be messed up with leaders who cannot lead. End of comment.

    Jackie, poor George and poor Jackie. Could there be some unhealthy stuff in the water? Animal waste runoff or something? It looks like George ingests some of the water while playing. Whatever it may be, I hope he feels better quickly.

    Anne, you keep on top of all the news. Good for you, you are very informed. Me, not so much. Breaking news for me this morning, I received a text from my friend. Their second son and wife had their first baby overnight and they are on their way across the state to visit the new addition. A little boy. Their first male grandchild. The other son and wife have three daughters.

    Buzz, I hope your arthritis continues to be a bit better. I hope your day is a good one.

    Hello Patsy, Sandy, Laura, Jeri, Diane, Marie, Karen, Barb, and Barbie. And all Sneakers.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited March 2019
    Happy Sunday! :) Very pleased with my highlights, just what I needed for added body. Got to Walmart for a few things for my casino trip and also to Mass. Today will be a video call with my kids, pack a small bag and catch up on recorded shows. In other words a lazy day.

    Lin, like you I try to avoid the news I read enough on Facebook to make me hide remarks from people who are just mean. Our day is the same as far as weather, a good day to stay indoors.

    Jackie and Anne, I really did try to follow all of that but my head is spinning. Now for a stupid question, doesn't Queen Elizabeth have any say in all of this???

    Buzz, glad you are feeling better so don't overdo anything.

    Hello to everyone else, I am grateful we are all friends.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    No SANDY, the queen has no say in parliamentary rule which is the rule of democracy. She has to remain strictly neutral and cannot vote.We had a dreadful king, king John and under duress he had to sign the Magna Carta in 1215 stating that no future monarchs could interfere with democratic rule. Some tried, and lost their heads in the process. King Charles 1st. Described as the "foundation of the freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authority of the despot" the Magna Carta figures in your American history and the founding fathers. I believe you even have an original copy of the real 1215 manga carta. The queen is the head of state and performs very important duties but has to follow the law of the land like everyone else and cannot stand for parliament or vote. It's supposedly the people's will.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Thanks Anne, as you can tell I wasn't very good in History in school and for that matter Geography. Could be why I quit school on my junior year. I did go back for my GED so I do have a diploma.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I had to leave school as soon as it was legally possible as well SANDY and find a full time job on my 15th birthday. I would have loved to have carried on and especially as I was recommended for art college. However, I think I've learnt more OUT of school than IN. History fascinates me. I know a lot of people don't care for the long gone past but like they say "we only know where we are heading if we know where we're coming from". I worked in offices all my life, but would have been much happier working in a museum or library I think. You are a gorgeous, computer savvy, loving grandma and I don't think leaving early did you any harm either! Especially when it comes to bingo! Lol.
    Anne ❤️
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Lin this is Misty he is long furred and very bossy also demanding of cuddling
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    forgot to sign again Laura
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A gorgeous boy Laura. He looks like my dear Boris who used to live with me. He was bossy and ruled the roost!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Lovely puss, LAURA. My last top cat Tabitha was a rescue and pretty wild when I got her. But there's something about cats isn't there. Independent, beautiful, aloof and totally loved. Jilly likes cats. She's friendly with my grandsons giant cat Hobbes. Welcome Misty to our Sneaker family of much loved pets.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Thanks for the photo Laura. What beautiful eyes! A demanding cat. I love that trait. ;)

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ah, LAURA, your beautiful Misty reminds me of my beloved long gone Ditto, except her eyes were purple! She was nursing a gorgeous litter when I got my first tiny puppy, a boxer from a neighbor's litter. Ditto simply adopted tiny Pompi initially, feeding her right along with her teeny kittens until one day she really took a good look at this rapidly growing pup, gave out an unearthly yowl, and never nursed her again But they always remained close friends!
    Thank you, dear JACKIE and ANNE, for giving me a better understanding of both the EU and the UK's role in it, and the reason for wishing to leave. I do understand the reverence for the Royal Family, despite the expense of supporting them and their huge residences! I will never forget our thrill when walking in London, watching the changing of the guard, when Mike squeezed my arm as he pointed at an ancient Rolls Royce containing The Queen and Diana, slowly driving by!
    I really do believe the U.S. has as many difference between the states as Europe has between countries! And right now we are all in a real mess! What on Earth can Meuller have been thinking? Putin arranged the election interference all by himself? Did he bother to "follow the money"? I hope the New York investigation does better!
    SANDY and LIN, I often wish I could get my mind off of current events, as if worrying will help change our crazy leaders! But I guess we each have individual traits which make us what we are, or the world might be a boring place!
    JERI, love, how are you doing? Healing nicely , we all hope!
    I suspect the darn arthritis must be expected as part of my aging. Yesterday I might have told a PT my left side needed therapy for shoulder, hip and foot. Today, they have improved somewhat, but my right knee is impossible! Now how on earth does one ask for treatment when the problem keeps moving about? Many of my friends and neighbors hire aides to help out at least several hours a day. When I stopped paying for my long term insurance, I was told they owe me almost 3 years at $100 a day for aides as long as I lived my own apartment, and I wish I could convince myself it's O.K. to ask for help! I simply cannot ask others to do things I feel I should be able to do myself! I think my Mother was the same way! I even feel guilty getting manicures when I could give one to myself! Despite my eyes getting blurry! Iy! No more moaning! It's tomorrow morning already!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen...........................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited March 2019
    Morning all. I admire your independence BUZZ. Long may it continue. I've never had a manicure in my life and as you all know rarely visit hairdressers! The little bit of spare cash I have is better spent on lovely books, treats for Jilly Bean and of course bird seed. In fact with the sad departure of friends as I age, they being in care or worse, I find I get better off! Gone are the days of vacations, road trips, coffee shops, restaurants etc. The funny thing is although I miss my old friends I'm strangely content with my little Jilly Bean and soon I'll be out in the garden again pottering, if at a slower pace! What's wonderful we can all keep in touch these days with modern technology. Talking of which my poor friend Roy at 87 years remembered to phone from the UK yesterday. But what a phone call! After hello's he said "well I must be off now". I said "what! Already!" and he asked how long he had been on the phone. I told him about 20 seconds and he said he was all at sixes and sevens these days and then pouff he was gone! The moral of this tale: I think poor Roy will be losing HIS independence soon so let's make hay while the sun shines!
    Winters back in full force! I was hoping to be out raking last years remaining fallen leaves. No way!
    Never mind, lots to do inside,
    Hugs from us. Anne and The Bean.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful Spring day full of sunshine, singing birds and my neighbour's builder grinding stone and shouting loudly into his phone along with George's accompanying barks!! Hey ho, a good job I have plenty of housework to distract me.
    Yesterday afternoon I spent a good 3 hours at the allotment with my neighbours but although I didn't think I overdid things I was extremely stiff by the time I went to bed however a good night's sleep has eased the aches so already I've enjoyed a stroll through the woods together with my friend Jill, Scruff and Misha. Betty is still struggling with bridges so I put her on her lead and guided her across rather than lift her but then later in the walk, in her excitement, she ran through thick black mud that stuck like glue so I had to heave her up and into the edge of the river to wash her. What a lump and I think we will both be in trouble the next time she gets weighed at the vet practice! George's tummy seems settled so I don't know what upsets him Lin as he generally prefers the cold to heat and the river is flowing strongly after so much rain and is clean enough to encourage otters to live on it so I think it's more a case of him being sensitive to just about anything since that long bout of sickness at Christmas. At the moment my plan is to give him a dollop of probiotic yogurt every day from now on.

    Laura, your battle with weight came to mind this morning walking with my friend who 3 years ago lost 100 lbs but has been struggling recently. She says she has got her head straight now and is already losing the pounds she put back on since Christmas so I do think the biggest fight is a mental one. You've had your wake up call too and we are all here to support you when needed. Either that or Misty will give you one of those looks if you falter!!

    Buzz, it seems politics worldwide are/is (?) becoming more convoluted by the day although I did think yours was pretty straight forward until the Mueller report became public. Of course you will never hear the end of it from you know who even though questions should be asked about the sort of company he keeps.... male and female!! Today I've deliberately avoided any news just to give myself a break. Help is something I struggle to ask for at the best of times so the past few weeks have been an eye opener for me to how things might be in the future. At least with the hip replacement I had a light at the end of the tunnel but if permanent assistance is ever required I think I'll turn into an ill-tempered, crabby old thing. You on the other hand do seem to maintain a positive and sunny disposition at the most difficult of times so just look on aid as spoiling yourself and why not! My home visit pedicure is a treat for me and although I can now put socks on and touch my toes for the first time in years I won't be giving it up!!

    Anne, I do tend to think of you still as a cat lady and think perhaps one day a lost furry soul will find you even if you aren't looking. I wonder how Jilly would react; hopefully with the same joy George exhibited when Brady crawled into our lives!

    Lin and Sandy, Spring must be just around the corner for you hopefully.

    A small amount of washing on the line including a Betty pee pad so now out with the vacuum cleaner to drown out the noise next door. Never mind, the work is supposed to finish by the end of the week!

    Happy Monday everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Leaving shortly to pick up my friend to meet the driver to our casino trip.
    Will try to check in but if not will be back Wednesday night. Love to all!!

    One Day at a Time