Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ditto, SANDY! Too tired to think! Got up around 7 so I would be ready to walk down to the bus leaving for Doctor's rounds at 8:50, but with my walker, it could take me 20 minutes to get to the front door! (It took me 10). Got to my Hearing Aid center, she reprogrammed everything, and I will try them out again in the dining room tonight for background noise. The sound of my own voice seems softer rather than the old tinny sound I hated!
    Once home again, I needed to check out an annuity, and their website required a change of passwords. OK,, I changed mine, and my Password program goofed and the beginning of an afternoon's nightmare started. I was locked out of many sites and my address bar went crazy! So One more wasted afternoon. Good thing I'm retired! I will read your posts later, I hope, as of course I'm late for preparing for dinner. I ate with the new chaplain and his darling wife a couple of nights ago, and l know we will all like ; they are from Indiana and pleasant as can be.............and good-looking! We do still miss Joel and Tracey, though!
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!.......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Feet up and watching a weekly gardening programme that gives me all sorts of ideas for mine if I only had the time! We've had another lovely day with lots of sunshine that began with a walk in the woods. Good news......
    This gorgeous boy, missing since Saturday, was found yesterday dirty, smelly, thinner and subdued but no injuries.
    The trip to the allotment with my neighbour was fun and weeding was done as well as sitting over a cup of tea while planning the year. I've brought home fresh new sticks of rhubarb to enjoy on tomorrow morning's porridge.
    In my lost post I commented to everyone from Laura who is doing so brilliantly losing weight, Lin impressing with thoughts of daily Tai chi while doing goodness knows what with a sword, Buzz thank goodness finally getting pain relief, Sandy home with more money than you left home with and Anne settled in your home thank goodness, hopefully forever and like me, beginning to tidy the garden. Patsy still planning anniversary celebrations and Jeri hopefully healing and continuing to be spoilt rotten. <3

    Nodding off so will wish you all a relaxed evening.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good evening dear ones. So very happy to read that the beautiful black and white doggie is home safe and sound. I have only had one dog over the years that was an “adventurerer” and she loved to run and chase cars. Eventually it was the cause of her untimely passing. That is the main reason I have been totally terrified of letting any of our dogs run off leash. They all love to run free, however.

    Actually folks, the reason I go all out for celebrations is that our whole family loves it but no one seems to have the head for the preparation. To my mind, that is where the fun is. So I am doing much of the anniversary planning and the meal, activities etc.

    Buzz: John and I have had so much expensive dental work done, I am sure we personally have helped put their three kids through college and helped them buy a condo in Palm Springs. Seriously!

    By the way, there are ads at the bottom of this forum page with wonderful fashion tops etc. I ordered and what I got was just awful, poorly constructed, not what was pictured and the fabric was of extremely poor quality. Just my experience...
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Wonderful news that the dog is back home safely with his owners.
    It's going to rain all day here. That coupled with Mike at work with "month end" and Mark and MJ sallying off to the airport for a plane and a cruise ship has me thinking a whole day indoors and giving the homestead a good clean. Mmm, maybe a wash the bed linen and towels early as well. Fortunately I have no yearning for sandy beaches or offices so will be quite happy doing this. Not so little Bean with a rainy day forecast.
    All for now,
    Enjoy today ladies,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another walk round the woods in dappled sunshine and it being Saturday we (the dogs and me) met lots of people, pooches and children. On the whole Betty is sociable with humans and dogs so even George was less of an embarrassment when we met a Boxer called Miss Cheeky and Labrador Brody who had us all worried when he kept digging into a hole. Not one conversation about Brexit and the appalling behaviour of our parliament, just smiles as news of the missing dog having been found a good 8 miles down river filtered through. Knowing how wild the river was last weekend he was extremely lucky to survive the experience but although he probably won't have learnt from his adventure I'm sure his owner who was throwing sticks in the water for him will have!
    Fell asleep halfway through last night's gardening programme so missed the "what to do this weekend" section, not that there aren't many things needing my attention without prompting. Weighing myself this morning was a disappointment with 2 lbs back on so when I visited the farm shop for salad produce I comforted myself by buying a thick shortbread biscuit with a layer of caramel and chocolate across the top. Delicious with my mid morning coffee but I think I'd better forego lunch!!

    Oh dear Buzz, don't these computers drive you mad when they decide not to recognise passwords and so send us round an ever decreasing circle. Hopefully the adjustments to your hearing aids has worked; they're not exactly cheap these days and I can imagine distorted sound would be worse than deafness.

    Patsy, I too have been stung by an ad that popped up on a website giving the impression it was something to do with that company. The items I bought were so wrong in the measurement department as well as poor quality material but knowing it would take forever to get any refund I took them to a charity shop with the thought they might do for a growing child they were that small!! Buyer beware should be plastered across such ads but we live and learn!

    Have a wonderful Saturday everyone. Our clocks jump forward an hour tonight so that's going to confuse tomorrow's dogs and cats breakfast routine!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    No wonder poor Roy is all at sixes and sevens with phone calls if your clocks are just changing JACKIE! I think the shortbread oozing with caramel and chocolate a super idea. (Misery - that's me, enjoys company, lol).
    I'm ever so pleased you and PATSY have told us about that advert. I was eying it, but now I'll stick with dear old M&S.
    What on earth are the Brits going to do with their time when Brexit is a thing of the past! Our news broadcasters as well if it comes to that now that Mr. DT is hardly mentioned. The screen at the moment is full of downcast looking BR MPs and marching angry people holding giant Union Jacks big enough to use as sleeping bags. And here's me missing all the fun! Our Mr JT isn't half as much fun with recorded telephone conversations and the SNC scandal.
    The M and Ms have just text me from the airport and here's me cleaning the oven from a roast chicken spill yesterday! AND it's still raining. I tell myself, "Annie, you've had your day so get on and clean the oven". It's working, sort of, lol. Having a coffee right now, "talking" to you gals, and letting the bottom of the oven soak is hopefully working as well.
    Anne, bye bye!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Nothing going on today except Mass. I will try to ride my bike but gosh I have been so lazy lately. The weather is not helping as it is gloomy and chilly.

    Anne, hope your oven came out sparkling clean.
    Jackie too many ads come from China where the sizes are half the size of ours. I too, have fallen for those ads. So happy to read the pup was found and is home.
    Patsy I used to love to entertain but now that I have a small apartment most celebrations are at someone with a big house.
    Buzz I use LastPass for my passwords, then I don't have to remember them, although I do write them down in a book so my kids can get on my important sites when I leave this earth.
    Lin You certainly are busy with Tai Chi this month, you really must love it. You are so slender now that I know you aren't doing it for weight loss, just for exercise and fun.
    Jeri I hope all is going well and you are still in my prayers.
    Laura How are things going, I hope better than they have been.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good afternoon. Cold and breezy today. We had a few peeps of sunlight. That was nice.

    I did laundry this morning, put some sweet potatoes in my little countertop oven to bake and have been sorting through shoes. With a month of daily Tai Chi coming up, wouldn’t you know I twisted my knee yesterday and the huge crunchy sound it made was not good. I found a good comfortable leg sleeve to wear and I think it should be okay.

    I have been fighting with horrible foot pain as well as an ache in one leg. I have ordered (and returned) five pairs of probable Tai Chi shoes. I had been wearing a defective shoe and thought that was the end of it when I stopped wearing the shoes. My right leg and foot were pretty much giving me continual pain and I was sleeping with a heating pad. The manufacturer is sending me a new pair of shoes if that matters. But anyway, I stopped at a new great shoe store yesterday and they worked with me to find shoes that should be flexible enough for Tai Chi but have support for my feet. The new shoes feel pretty good. Yes, I am trying them today.

    The shoe/foot experts told me I need to stop wearing Skechers altogether as they don’t have enough support for me and I am rolling over on the outside on my foot with each step. I can see how that causes pain. My walking shoes with the inserts are also suspect because the built up arch in the shoe added with the insert is pushing the foot over to the outside. So I guess I will continue to search for the perfect combination of socks and shoes for every activity!

    Well, how self contained was all that stuff? Yes, lots.

    Jackie, I am so happy that the beautiful dog was found. I would lose my mind if my dog went missing. And I do the same thing when watching programs, I always fall asleep before I get to the good stuff or at least before it is over. Haaaaa. Too relaxed. I ordered from a company that several people told me was okay. Every item is really inexpensive. I was skeptical, and as it turned out, I was right. Total junk. Glad I didn’t spend much.

    Anne, another day of rain. Oh my. Are you ready to wash away? Is your area experiencing any flooding. Poor Bean, stuck in the house and no interest in cleaning an oven or anything else I would imagine.

    Sandy, enjoy your lazy day. They are nice.

    Patsy, your family is lucky to have a talented and enthusiastic planner. What would they do if no one was interested in putting together a party but still wanted to celebrate? I would imagine the get together would be quite different.

    Buzz, another technology foul up. Argh. It takes so long to straighten things out.

    Laura, I hope you are having a good day.

    Jeri, hello, I hope your family is still treating you with extra care.



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, I also have been using LastPass for years! There was a foul up yesterday that finally got straightened out. My computer lately has been adding letters and words on its own!
    LIN, let me know if you find a shoe! Hardest thing to find the right shoe!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    I appreciate your concerns and wishes. Doing pretty good. Some muscular pain and a build up of fluid in one breast. But basically doing good. I hope to get my other drain taken out perhaps on Monday. I am doing my best to be as active as I can be without overdoing it and also eat healthy. I’ve switched to maintenance mode while I make a recovery. I refuse to let this set back cause me to put on weight.

    Still be treated with lots of love and tenderness. I am a lucky woman.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Hello All,

    I appreciate your concerns and wishes. Doing pretty good. Some muscular pain and a build up of fluid in one breast. But basically doing good. I hope to get my other drain taken out perhaps on Monday. I am doing my best to be as active as I can be without overdoing it and also eat healthy. I’ve switched to maintenance mode while I make a recovery. I refuse to let this set back cause me to put on weight.

    Still be treated with lots of love and tenderness. I am a lucky woman.


    Bless you Jeri, you are our role model. I just got back from Church and you were definitely in my prayers.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    LIN, let me know if you find a shoe! Hardest thing to find the right shoe!

    Me too Lin, I have been wearing Skechers for years and also bought inserts. I need a good shoe with support.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Lovely to read your post JERI. Take all the loving and the tenderness you can. Your family love you very much.

    I bought shoes from Clarks last fall. They are called CloudSteppers. A little difficult to get on because of an elastic back strap, but once on extremely comfortable and great for walking The Bean. Not the prettiest of shoes but suit my feet. Here they are if anyone's interested. Anne.
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Sandy the car was in my carport at night. Here in California, you file a report on your computer. My nephew is a LEO so he filed the report for me.
    Lin the author writes cozy mysteries these are about a K-9 pair. light fiction but comfy.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My morning has gone in a flash because the clocks went forward last night and many things to do before I find the afternoon disappears.

    Anne, unfortunately because the EU autocrats stitched up Theresa and therefore the country we will be talking Brexit for the next 10 years at least when really there are so many other issues that need to be sorted! As for the pop up Ads, cynical old me now assumes they are all selling fake goods although even Amazon seems to get a lot of cheap poor quality products on their site. Last week I bought a large batch of dog poo bags that I've used in the past and because we walk quite a distance before coming upon bins for the used ones these should be good because they are thick and cover any smells. Well the box is the same but the bags are so thin I have to double up and the bargain I thought I'd discovered is just the opposite.
    That shoe looks comfy but then Clarks do have a great reputation. Have you thought of buying a shoe horn to help you slip in to them. I only suggest it because I received one amongst the aids from our Occupational Therapy department that has been a Godsend and when I phoned them to let them know they can pick everything up (still waiting!!) I was told I can keep the shoe horn. I struggled for so long without one but now use mine every day.;keywords=shoe+horn+long+handled&amp;qid=1554027980&amp;s=gateway&amp;sprefix=shoe+horn,aps,149&amp;sr=8-10

    Sandy, Sketchers are certainly comfortable, I've got a couple of pairs, but there's little support as such and I find my high instep becomes painful if I wear them all day.

    Lovely to hear from you Jeri and know you are able to at least be a bit active. Maintenance level of diet sounds ideal and even spoil yourself just a teeny bit.... I wish someone had told me to behave in the short time I was housebound after my hip replacement since I'm now struggling to lose the 5 lbs gained never mind the extras from Winter comfort food! Of course yesterday's scrumptious shortbread with extras didn't help!

    Lin, seems you had a busy day yesterday and I'm assuming you will also be busy with your commitments at church today. Have a peaceful one.

    That's it, nearly midday so I'd better organise my head.
    Happy Sunday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just popping in to say a shoe horn is a great idea JACKIE. If I can find them, I will definitely buy these shoes again. If my feet are comfy and painfree the rest of me is. In the house (and often outside in the garden) I've walked barefoot all my life. My mother used to get most upset about this habit saying I'd end up with flat feet but of course I didn't! The odd stubbed toe, mind.
    Sorry to bore you again, but I couldn't believe my eyes this morning when I opened the blinds. Minus 2 Centigrade here, no wonder the Ms flew off for a cruise!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited March 2019
    Up at an ungodly hour so I thought I might videochat with my son, but caught them in a restaurant on a trip somewhere in Europe so we hung up. Always nice just to hear his voice! JERI, so good to hear such positive news from you. Your spirit is so admirable and amazing!
    ANNE, wish I could wear that type of shoe! I cannot wear a closed shoe, not even a sneaker, any longer; only my Mephisto sandal in various colors! Even that...I seem to have developed a corn on the joint under my little toe/metatarsal area, and though I have eliminated some of it, it can hurt when I walk! Which reminds me, did I mention the miracle pain pill that my broker (who is a dear friend) suggested several of her clients praised to her, and they helped her arthritic pains where other things did not? Well, after following the link she sent, I felt this is another phony herbal nonsense but something (mostly because Jan never lies to me) made me call the number and I spoke to someone regarding how long before I would know if it works for me. When she said she would send me a 10 day supply, no charge not even for shipping, I agreed and was grateful, since I have been very disappointed by past purchases of the "best cure for arthritis pain" at a far greater cost. I received the package 2 days later, and swallowed 2 pills after taking 1/2 a banana (take after eating), and within 1/2 an hour, I could not believe I had no pain in my knee, my shoulder, or my toes (gout gone!). I was able to walk, and even my hip (bone on bone) was not as painful as what kept me in the wheelchair! I think I mentioned walking with my walker to dinner that night! The Physical Therapist came yesterday and heard my story and saw how I move, and said "Order the stuff! You look terrific!" When I awoke this morning, instead of the usual wincing from knee pain and shoulder wrenching, I practically bounced out of bed, pain-free! Unbelievable! So if anyone has pain from arthritis, joints, got, tendonitis fibromyalgia, even muscle pain (all the claims on the brochure, I'm still blinking in disbelief at finding such relief!) and it's all natural, no chemicals and only 4 common ingredients! And NOT costly ($64 for 2 month supply, which is what I will buy). I think one can get a 1/2 month supply, also.
    to read about my miracle relief!
    JACKIE, I, too, have gained back some of my hard-earned weight loss! Why do we do this? And it gets harder each time we try to shed it!
    Well, almost time to get up, so I'll pop into the shower so I can have a small breakfast before our noontime grand buffet! And tomorrow is actually April! Where is time flying?
    Hi PATSY, SANDY, LIN, LAURA, I got carried away with my pain-free delight, so please forgive me for blabbing on! Hugs to all my favorite friends!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!...............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2019
    Good day. Yes, Sunday and my church duties call. But I guess it is a good thing to be useful in some way.

    Jackie, best wishes in adjusting to your new time. It does take a while doesn’t it? I always feel off center for a while. I hope you are having an okay afternoon.

    Buzz, well goodness, a miracle pill for you. That is wonderful and I am very happy to hear it is working for you. Argh, a corn on your toe! Those are so painful. Glad you have your sandals to wear and that you live in sandal country.

    Anne, no, no, no! Not that white junk again!!! If it is an April fools day joke, it is a bit early. And thanks for the photo of your shoes. I struggle with locating good choices for Tai Chi/Qigong, for walking, for church/special events. (And snow boots!). Many different needs. I have been purchasing the same walking shoes for years and religiously put a new pair in service every 500 - 600 miles. They are huge and clunky but have cushioned my feet. I have struggled with footwear from day one with the Tai Chi. I cannot go stocking footed which many people like, Skechers roll on me too much, running shoes grip the floor too tightly. Well, anyway, nothing has worked very well. Dressing up, a nightmare I try to avoid. :D

    Laura, I looked up that author and read a bit about the series. My library doesn’t have any of the books and right now, I don’t want to buy any more books as I have a gigantic stack to read. It is nice to find a series you enjoy though isn’t it?

    Jeri, so lovely to hear from you. You are definitely our hero and a rock star. Continued best wishes and prayers as you recover. I think of you daily and send along a tiny hug. Don’t want to hurt you.

    Sandy, aha, another Skechers lady. So many women I see wear them and I wonder if they are saying, wow, these are cute and comfortable but I need more support? Oh and I do Tai Chi and Qigong because I love them and want to learn more, it is not just a physical practice but also good for mind and spirit. The more I learn, the more I want to learn.

    Hello to everyone I have missed. Must move along.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh dear, it's gone 2pm and I'm not getting the things done that I should but instead reading posts!

    SNOW Anne, bloomin' heck!!

    Buzz, I checked the link you posted and they do sell in the UK too but what you pay in dollars we pay in pounds exchange rate would make them 50% more for me. However, I might just try a small batch if my back ache returns so thanks.

    , the most comfy shoes (boots) I'm wearing at the moment on walks are Remonte that literally are so soft yet supportive I hardly know I'm wearing them. I checked to see if they sell in America and found this site. Might be worth checking out if you haven't already.

    MUST get my lawns cut because our forecast at lunchtime showed snow, yes SNOW, coming our way too.... better not be you Canadians sending it across the pond Anne!!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member