Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    These are my wrap-my-feet-in-comfort walking shoes:

    Church is calling.

    Will check that link Jackie. Thanks.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Lazy morning catching up on my games. After my video call with my kids I have some paper work to catch up on so today is catch up day. It is sunny but chilly so I have no plans to go outside. Thanks for sharing shoe information, I really need to invest in some comfortable supportive shoes.

    I have nothing exciting to write about so will close with wishes for a great day for all of you.

    One Day at a Time
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Lin FYI I have a Kindle (Amazon) for 9.99 per month I get free reading for many books. I read a lot about 2 or 3 per day so for me, it pays also no storage problems. I also like that I can stuff it into my purse and still have room for my other necessities. If you like cosy mysteries Kathi Daly is a good author. Have a good sunday everyone Laura
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone! Partly cloudy but mild temps. I did my exercises out on the deck. Loved the sun and slightly cool breeze.

    There is a crow that will often sit in the gate and watches my whole exercise routine. Katie sits quietly and watches the crow. He has a special caw sound. It is unusual and I think he is communicating.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. Sunday Baroque on the pbs station. Wonderful music for the day’s activities.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    After our brunch buffet I went upstairs to see the movie, "If Beale Street Could Talk", and left feeling such a full heartache! Beautiful picture of a heartbreaking young black couple, so in love and planning a dream of a life together and then he is falsely accused of rape and their life turns into a nightmare. Based on a James Baldwin book. This was the 1st time I was able to walk to the auditorium and back! Gotta run, but JACKIE, those shoes look great. Rounded toes and all! Are the innersoles at all molded? Like an arch etc?
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    So far our forecasters have it wrong because we were told it would be cold and windy but it's another beautiful day. I missed my morning exercises because when I returned to the bedroom after my shower my bed had been taken up by Betty and 2 sleepy cats who looked at me with one eye closed as if to say “what time do you call this?” After my usual walk I've been sitting outside on the deck sipping a coffee, watching the streams of jets high above us in blue skies heading for the Atlantic and somewhere in North America while making plans for the rest of my day. What I need to do is get out of my Wintertime mindset and accept the clock has gone forward because although I was up when the clock told me it was 7.30 I dragged my heels until taking the dogs out at 10 telling myself it was really 9 o'clock.... this won't do!

    Yes Buzz the rounded toes attracted me to the shoes because although my pedicurist is wonderful, my toenails are cut very short so I feel any pressure from shoes and even my slippers can become uncomfortable. These are the boots I wear and although the inner soul is very slightly raised under my instep I think you would probably have to place additional support. I've not looked closely at their trainers yet as the boots were for Winter wear but now we've got to official summertime I do need to research carefully making sure I don't get ripped off with cheap fake goods!!

    Oh dear, gone midday already so had better get some housework done!

    Happy Monday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Quickie! Well I got "fooled" this morning and in a most pleasant way!
    So......I wish you all a happy aprils fool day, and may you all have as much fun as I did!!!!!!
    Hugs to all,
    Anne and Jilly Bean.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Ooh, now we've all had breakfast, I wanted to make a comment on dog poop bags. I think JACKIE mentioned buying them earlier. I don't buy them. Everything bought here is put in a plastic bag. If you buy 1 avocado it's put in a plastic bag, 3 or 4 baking potatoes, put in a plastic bag and so on. Shredded cheese, bread loaves in plastic bags, M&S ordered clothes and so forth. So....I save on buying prettily coloured poop bags and use these empty discarded bags instead.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    One thing we are doing in England Anne is moving towards a total ban on plastic bags. Also throw away cups handed out at coffee outlets as people buy their own reusable mugs. The use of carrier bags has apparently dropped by millions a year now shoppers have to pay for them... just took that to concentrate minds!!

    PS I have to admit there are times at home I miss not having a used carrier for another use.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited April 2019
    Happy Monday! :) We might get snow showers although it is supposed to get up to 50. I changed my winter bed spread to my summer spread but being a little OCD there are some wrinkles I have to iron out. I also need to find a laundromat to find a washer big enough to wash my winter spread. I haven't been to one in years so it will be interesting.
    I am still waiting to put my grill on my balcony it just isn't warm enough to use yet. My little George Foreman is wonderful inside and so easy to clean.

    Jackie and Anne, while in Hawaii they also are trying to ban plastic bags and charge 15 cents for a paper bag. It is a good idea and will certainly clean up the planet especially the oceans. Walmart uses plastic bags like they are candy the more the better. I wish I would remember to bring in my bags from my trunk but I never do.

    No April Fool jokes on me yet, but the day has just begun. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    GREAT NEWS, JACKIE. Whatever GB does, Canada is sure to follow.
    I shall have to rethink my habits if a plastic bag ban comes to pass. Maybe thick brown paper bags will come back in fashion, or waxed paper inside cornflake packets etc? Just had a private smile. When we lived in the UK we had horses passing by and it was a race amongst the neighbours, armed with spades and buckets to get to the lovely manure pickings first. Maybe, because Jilly is so small, I need a kids seaside bucket and spade!!!!! Of course I could be taken away by the men in white coats if I'm seen galloping down the Main Street with a child's bucket and spade! Lol.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Haha Anne, great memories of scooping up the horse manure for roses in the garden. I was sent out to the street each day the baker and milkman trotted up with horse and cart and can only have been about 8 or 9 years old. If a loaf turned out to be dark brown to black on the bottom from being overbaked dad would tell us it must have fallen off the back of the cart into a pile of manure!!

    Sandy, I imagine Hawaii is seeing far too much plastic on its beaches since the Pacific is particularly polluted. When an effort was first made here to encourage people to stop buying plastic bags I kept a variety of cotton bags in my car but so many times forgot to take them into the store but now there's a price for them I'm totally committed! Winter isn't letting go just yet in England either with a threat of wintery showers over the next couple of days but today has been glorious so more gardening done!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good day. I was out very early for Tai Chi and Qigong then home to start making some phone calls. I have a couple of accounts maturing and must make some decisions and while I was at it, I spoke to the representatives about other products they offer. I will be making several changes. Also waiting for a phone call from my insurance agent to discuss a couple of new coverages available for purchase with the homeowners policy.

    No jokes or pranks in Tai Chi this morning and hopefully nothing during my phone calls was a prank! Haaaaa.

    Sort of cold due to the wind which is deterring me from trying to work in the yard. More sticks and branches will be landing in my front yard so why try to pick them up while they are still coming down?

    I am on record as never scooping up dung from the streets in my youth but I did have horses so I got to pitch some very heavy bedding out of the stalls. Heavy wheel barrow to wheel out of the barn into the pile that the farmer would later scoop (with the tractor) into the manure spreader. Ahhh. Memories.

    Yes, everyone is anti plastic bags these days. I would like to switch to all cloth bags but truly only have one right now the remainder are also some strange plastic material but they last a very long time. But still plastic.

    Jackie, your boots are stupendous. Wonderful hiking boots. Very good grip on the soles. I don’t hike in the woods so not interested in those but if I did have the need for them, I certainly would give those a try. You will adjust to the time, likely quicker than your fuzzy room mates.

    Anne, I do not know what is best when it comes to packaging purchases but back in the day, we would use brown paper bags (cut open) and newspapers between the rows of the garden to help keep the weeds at bay. So at least some things are usable and will degrade naturally.

    Sandy, it would make sense for Hawaii to ban lots of packaging but how do they handle purchase of milk and eggs and such? Are they back to that heavy paper egg carton? Glass milk bottles? So many things involved in trying to cut down on waste. We are expecting some rain here tonight I think. We will see I guess. Yes, too soon to grill outside although a friend bought a new grill and he has been using it outdoors regularly!

    Laura, I do read some of Kathi’s books and belong to her birthday club on Facebook. Are you there too?

    Buzz, once again a movie I have heard nothing about. I don’t really like to cry but I did watch many episodes of Call the Midwife yesterday and the tears were brimming in my eyes.

    Patsy, ooooooh, are you being stalked by the crow? Or do you think it is a friendly sound that it makes. I do not care for blackbirds or crows. They frighten me a bit.

    Must make a run for a couple of things and then back to the banking chores.

    Hugs and best wishes.

  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Here in California the groceries tried banning plastic bags and charging for paper bags. It did get a lot of people getting shopping bags. For awhile the stores charged 10cents for a paper bag but have stopped doing so. I like using a shopping bag don't have to worry about them breaking. Lin, just finished the Tess and Tony books enjoyed them am planning to read all her books (a plus is they have been free for me)
    Happy April's Fools day everyone hope you don't get caught. Laura
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2019
    JACKIE, I've just spent a happy hour watching the hurling stones, Bodmin moor and a bunch of the most beautiful, playful little otters on TV. You are indeed blessed living where you do. Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I just put in my subscription order for my Reuma-Art X Strength pills and mentioned the extra cost in the UK. Sandy, the nice lady I spoke to, thought JACKIE might do better ordering them from Amazon (free shipping etc) than from their website. So I'm passing it on. I never remembered to mention that one cannot take them if you are on blood thinners (.81 aspirin is not a problem). I showed them to my doctor today before ordering, and she took all the information and plans to recommend them to patients as well as take them herself, after testing me! Our nurses also are ordering them for themselves and families! I took them very late today since they must be taken with meals (or after) and I did not have breakfast until around noon, and I was beginning to feel the joints! Feeling much better now!
    SANDY, I recall seeing plastic foul up a private island off Kauai last time I visited Hawaii; no tourists allowed, yet their beaches were littered from ocean debris! Many human beings seem to have no thought about how they affect our beautiful Earth!
    Well, a Happy April Fools Day to all you dear people. I must start gathering everything I could not do when I was not able to move! So much catching up to do!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!................................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Ok Buzz, I ordered 30 capsules for $19.99 from Amazon. I am hoping it will help my back which is almost always sore from lifting the kiddos.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My 136 pills, or 2 -1/4 month supply, cost $58 at 2 pills per day. I hope they work for your back. I never believed in pills before! Most of the Amazon reviews felt as I do!!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A cooler day and signs of rain in the night but in spite of that I took the dogs to the woods and had a gentle stroll and saw just 3 other dog walkers in the hour we were there. After dropping into town for a couple of shopping items I'm now home to concentrate on housework that was neglected yesterday because it was gardening weather. Also I hope to do some cooking and also get started on Spring cleaning, especially the carpets that need yet another Betty blast although fingers crossed she is 99% house trained.

    Thanks for checking with Reuma-Art about pricing Buzz but at the moment even through Amazon 120 tablets would cost the equivalent of $84 so I will hold off for now. Instead I looked again at Remonte shoes, this time for summer sneakers and bought these
    so my time wasn't wasted!! My boots are a half size up on what I normally buy with the thought if too large I could wear thicker socks but they fit like a glove so I've done the same with the sneakers.

    Anne, how great is that, you spent an hour visiting my part of the world. I never stop pausing to appreciate what surrounds me and this morning as I drove out to the road a flurry of gold and red caught my eye that turned out to be a small flock of at least 8 Goldfinches having a good chat as they flew past my windscreen.... delightful. Walking by the river in the woods, which is the Fowey that otters now live on, I had a good search along the bank as George and Betty sniffed about but no sign, probably because the dogs would have them hiding!

    Lin, the majority of our eggs are on the whole sold in compressed cardboard boxes and my friends recycle theirs by passing on to me but hey, I've so many stacked up now I'd need an egg farm to use them all up! The organic milk I buy at our farm shop is in bottles and more and more people are reverting to having milk delivered and left on their doorsteps early in the morning but that's easy enough in little old England; America is just too big to organise although I've been seeing some fascinating programmes recently about local politics in your country and how town mayors are having a wonderful influence locally taking on climate change and pollution ignoring the rhetoric coming out of Washington.

    Sandy, the shop assistant who sold me my new Bosche washing machine persuaded me to go with a slightly bigger capacity and I'm so glad I did because the old machine would rock and roll round the kitchen if anything bulky was placed in it. This Bosche purrs like a kitten and so far hasn't moved an inch! The last time I used a laundromat I was living in Toronto so that long ago but a friend uses our local one every week because she thinks it cheaper than running one at home and does errands while it runs its cycle. Can't wait to hear how you get on!!

    Patsy, I'm wondering if your crow is going to visit this morning and chat while you exercise. They are smart birds so I'm sure anything said will be highbrow and informative!!

    Before I lose this post I'm going to get on. Oops, nearly 1230 already so another morning lost!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I couldn't sleep and I've just woken up! Porridge cooling. Just wanted to say I rarely drink milk but when I need it I can buy it in glass bottles from The Organic Garage and get a dollar back on returning the bottle. Their eggs come in compressed cardboard boxes and you can still get the cardboard boxes in the general grocery stores. So.....some progress is being made. Thankfully I only use my "centuries" old cloth shopping bags rather than pricey large plastic carriers but the OG lady told me she always checks cloth bags out before packing because she once found a dead mouse in someone else's bag! Between Brexit and packaging the old ways appear to be creeping back!
    I can't believe I'm so late up, but I won't be walking Jill because she's in season. Just the garden for Miss Jilly. That's okay, she will have fun chasing the squirrels at the bird feeder.
    Bye for now,
    Just wanted to say good morning really.