Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Unbelievable, still a bit of snow in the shade but I filled two garden bags with leaves, dead foliage and stalks and then sat in the sun without a coat whilst The Bean grabbed stalks and sticks, and barked at squirrels and innocent folks passing by. It was freezing last week! Today, 9 Centigrade but feels much warmer in the sun.
    Looks like I'll be staying here for a few more years after all.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another beautiful day here so after an early trip to town toget cash from a hole in tbe wall I took the dogs for a lovely walk in the woods and when we returned home the gardener was already here pruning and tidying. I'm delighted she sees what needs doing and just gets on which encourages me to do the same. I've since managed to put up a hanging screen door out of the garden room after doing my best to follow terrible instructions on how to attach strips of Velcro.
    Didn't mention yesterday I took Betty into the vet practice reception to weigh her after struggling to lift her. Turns out she has gained 1.5 kilos since arriving so must now go on a strict diet. My little couch potato is going to be more active too, at least that's the plan!

    Lin, MFP did that to me the other day so they seem to be having a few tech issues. Oh dear, I wouldn't fancy or trust a general spray to kill off weeds in lawns before they even show their little heads which must surely sit in the soil for sime time. We've had 15c temperatures which encourages me out to garden but not sure your cold would have the same result! My muscles did co.plain this morning but more in the area of the other hip. The new one is amazing!

    Anne, I certainly appreciate your offer to move so your grandson and his girlfriend can have a home of their own. It probably seemed an obvious solution but I'll be holding my breath that your family doesn't take up your offer unless you can find somewhere you'll be happy.
    I see Theresa has offered to resign if her option is agreed although no date given. Who will take up the poison chalice I wonder!! 🍷

    Hello to everyone else. Time to boil the kettle....
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lots of errors as I struggle to type on this phone. Still can't edit!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, you posted while I was typing. That's great news if you are staying where you are! 🤗

    Lin, I meant to respond to your comment about it being peaceful here. Five minutes after I took that photo a military helicopter flew low over my roof before banking sharply as the rat-a-tat-tat noises of engine and rotary blades deafened me... no, not always peaceful!!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers. Today is rather gloomy but it isn’t I guess I can enjoy what ever weather we have. Overcast and chilly. Spring is here but it is having a difficult time convincing winter to just go south.

    I read that California, Oregon and Washington state are proposing a full time daylight savings time. I am okay with that. These are the Pacific rim states and we are at the tail end of voting results and other events. But I can’t understand how this would help much. Why muck around with the time? It takes me a full two weeks to reorintate my life from daylight savings to regular time. Oh I know, I am just being cranky.

    I am having a wonderful time planning our little anniversary event. Our son is making CDs of all the special songs we have designated as special to us through the years. We have always been appreciative of various kinds of music. We have always been blessed with musician friends.

    John is deep into tax prep and he is finally coming up for air, so to speak. He always goes far beyond what is needed or expected. Our tax lady is amazed each year. She says we will never get audited because he is way too exact and too prepared. Thank God! John is the family tax person. I tend to be rather lax and would sort of just wing it. Not good!

    Hearing about Anne’s concern for her grandson and his girlfriend, I have to tell everyone that in my experience the youngest generation is just like us, years ago. It takes a few years to fully appreciate things from the past. Not our son or daughter is interested in all of our carefully collected antiques and other items deemed as collectibles. They would feel the same about our old house. They love it but only because we live here.
    Back to help John talley up numbers and help ready the forms for our tax lady. Tedious at best!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I think I'll be staying here for the next few years, or until I can't cope anymore. Had a chat with Mark and told him I'd done some research yesterday and what I'd found in the right price range didn't look good. He said then let's carry on as we are. Obviously I can't go on forever, but doing pretty good so far. I guess if Derek, Bev and the giant puss Hobbes go to live with Mark and Mary Jo it will only be for a year or so. Meanwhile, I continue to enjoy the house and Jilly enjoys the garden.

    Next door is a different story though. Poor Marie is quite distraught. Tony sometimes doesn't recognize her, and although she's standing in front of him with her phone in her hand, he rings her up. She had me listen to the recorded conversation today and he's saying "there's a woman in front of me and she's holding me hostage. Marie please come and take me home". She's saying "it's me Tony, I'm here" but he doesn't recognize her. It's all very distressing, I feel dreadfully sorry for her. She's lost so much weight it's very noticeable. Two days ago he managed to get out of the house unnoticed. She scoured the neighbourhood in her car and found him on his way to their previous house. I feel very helpless but she says it helps her to talk to someone other than her two sons and families.

    I really feel for anyone going through this with a loved one. Roy in the UK told my cousin in Australia this week that he'd just got back from cremating his wife, my cousin Val. She died in 1997!

    Sorry girls, forgive me but it helps me in sharing rather than brooding about things I can't control. I like Marie very much, and I've known Roy since I was 20. He's part of the family of course after all these years.
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    just found out someone broke into my car and searched it What a waste I never keep anything of value in it but now I will have to get the insurance agent and file a police report.
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Laura keep forgetting to sign
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh Laura! So sorry to hear about your brake in. Thank goodness you didn’t have any personal info in the car.
    Stay safe and take good care of yourself.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another beautiful day although only 4c at the moment. About to walk the pooches in the woods then lots of little garden projects. Someone in the village lost her dog in the same woods on Saturday, looks from posters like a Collie cross Retriever and searches are still going on. My gardener lady has a Spaniel that tracks and was telling me he was very excited at one dug out spot when she had offered the lost dog's cushion to sniff but still no sign. So sad... I'd be heartbroken if it was one of mine.

    Anne, it's been said before, your stressed neighbour needs to involve her sons in some serious decision making before a tragic accident occurs, especially if he is wandering. We were offering similar advice to Lin last week! Does Roy have immediate family that could be contacted?

    Laura, how horrible! I hate it when petty criminals cause such distress. It's not just the inconvenience, it's so annoying too.

    Must get going... The dogs are drifting back to sleep!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Morning all. Mike has to work on Friday so he is coming over today. After yesterday's beautiful gardening day it's a rain all day, sort of day. ☔️☔️☔️

    JACKIE. I'd be distraught as well if Jill disappeared, poor owner! I hope her dog hasn't fallen down an old mine hole. Do keep us posted if he's found!

    Roy has his step son and step DIL in the next street and very good neighbours so apart from seeing him deteriorate I'm not too worried about him being uncared for. As for Marie she says she can't bear to stick Tony in a home. Her sons and DILs are coming over more often but she says the sons are terrified they'll inherit dementia. Apparently after she did some research she says the chances are only 5%.

    LAURA, how distressing for you having your car broken into. There are an awful lot of "toe rags" about. Not very practical but sympathies are sent anyway.

    And I'd better try and haul the pooch out from under the bed clothes. The dark morning has her thinking it's still beddy bye bye time.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) I am home and rested after a good night's sleep in my own bed. I managed to come home with some money after a big win yesterday so I am happy. We had a wonderful time and although we are aging we hope we can continue our twice a year outing.
    I have to stop at Babe's before my meeting to pick up our tax papers and deliver them to the accountant after my meeting. The accountant is close to my meeting so it will be easy.

    I really don't have time to respond to everyone but Anne I am so happy that you can stay where you are until you can't. Those of us who live alone will have a hard time adjusting to living with someone and/or some other type of housing. Your son is an angel. <3

    I will try and get back later or after my test in the morning.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sweethearts! We have high thin clouds with sun peeping in between the clouds. The temps are mild but a bit cool. Great weather actually.

    I have been dealing with either a cold or massive hay fever. Sneezing, coughing, drippy nose, red eyes and a headache that will not go away. All in all...not very attractive and unpleasant to be around. However the nice weather keeps me going forward. A nap later and a huge salad for dinner.

    It is interesting how we all work hard to combat loneliness. I have read that is the over riding issue as we age. My plan to “age in place” here is going to require a few more adaptations to make it really work. We have a two story house. We actually have almost everything we need on the main floor. John has a small in house workshop which he calls his home repair center, down stairs in the daylight basement. Our son’s bedroom and his bathroom is also down there. He is very thoughtful, when he comes to visit. He remakes the bed and brings the used towels up to the laundry area.

    Katie has a massive case of separation anxiety. She can never be very far from us. She came that way. Our vet says that she will most likely always be that way. She can be okay for a short time when left at home. We try to never leave her for very long. She is always on a leash when out of her yard. Jackie, The people who lost their dear doggie must be frantic. All sorts of disaster scenes would have me ready for serious meltdown.

    Time for another glass of water with lemon juice. Does this help? I have no idea.......
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good afternoon. Home again, finally. Highlights, Trader Joe’s (loads of lovely flowers and plants), library ladies, stop at old old health food store and a wonderful Tai Chi lesson. What a surprise. My teacher brought her swords! My first try at handling a single sword. Oh my. Excitement.

    Laura, people. Bah humbug, breaking into your car. Very low behavior! I am so sorry that happened. You really did not need that. Are you feeling better now, other than being distressed about the car break-in.

    Sandy, glad you are home, rested and have pockets full of money. All right!

    Anne, did you finally get the shopping done? And if so, a happy Jilly I would imagine.

    Jackie, I hope the missing dog has been located. I would be ripping my hair out if my dog disappeared. Oh my. So your location is peaceful sometimes. Got it.

    Patsy, you are putting so much effort into the anniversary celebration. I am in awe. Sorry you are not feeling well. Around here we are already in allergy season due to tree pollen. Amazing how quickly that happens. I hope you feel better soon.

    Buzz, another busy day for you?

    Jeri, did I miss you?

    Hugs my friends.


  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Anne, I'm glad you are staying I live alone and at 81 I am happy to be doing so. The break-in is just a lot of bother.
    A computer-generated report and a call to my insurance and then clean up time. So far I am staying on my diet 16 lbs down 86 to go. I am enjoying reading current author Diane Kelly Paws for justice series. take care all Laura
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yes, LIN, hectic busy, but decent news, too! Had 2 of those new herbal pain pills yesterday and things are feeling so much improved! Had another 2 before leaving for the dentist today, and left my wheel chair home and the walker was just fine! My 1/2 hour appointment actually became a 3 hour one as she was taken by her staff for a surprise birthday luncheon! When I was late for my prearranged ride home, the dentist had her driver take me home! I'm thoroughly exhausted now and lovingly send hugs to all of you..
    <3<3<3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning friends

    Buzz, what a day you had! Crazy busy for sure but several good things including the herbal pain pills and a considerate dentist who made certain you got home safely. That is wonderful. May the herbal pills continue to work well. Pain relief is no small thing.

    Laura, well done in your progress towards your goal. Excellent! I have not heard of that author, I will need to look up information on the books.

    Well, off to early morning Tai Chi. I just realized the in the month of April I have a Tai Chi class scheduled each day Monday through Friday. Fingers crossed that I stay healthy and uninsured so I can enjoy every class. :)

    Must zip along. So many hugs and best wishes.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Morning all.
    I've just been reading about the two oldest men in Britain. Both 111 years. One of them was born in Hull which was my closest birth city. He said although he'd seen many changes people where basically the same - can you trust this person. Brexit was a mess, and he'd asked the queen not to send a card when she didn't know him personally and not to waste public money. I'd say he was from Yorkshire alright! Both had lived for a time in Canada. Advice: eat porridge for brekkie from the Perthshire man and avoid dying from the Yorkshire man. I already eat porridge every day and will endeavour to take the second advice, lol.
    LAURA, marvellous! Great achievement 16 lbs down!
    LIN, you will be losing weight as well with all the coming classes at Tai Chi.
    ANNE, that's ME, I hope I can lose some with the coming gardening season!
    JACKIE also between dog walking and pruning etc.
    BUZZ, discarding the wheelchair in favour of the walker, super news.
    SANDY, doesn't need to slim of course. And
    PATSY will be back on track once the celebrations are over.
    JERI, sincerely hope you are on the mend after your ordeal.
    Miserable out, and The Bean is asking to go for a ramble. Quiet week next week. Mark and Mary Jo off on a week long cruise.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lost my post 😤😢😤

    Back later as have a chicken curry to prepare then down to the allotment. Jackie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Back from my hand and arm test. Wasn't painful but made me jump when he sent the current through my nerves, like when you hit your crazy bone. Results will take a couple of days and then I will probably go to the new hand doctor my regular doctor referred.
    One more test in April, easy one, bone density and then I should be done for this year.
    Got up early for the test but I am doing laundry so maybe a nap later.

    Laura, great job on the weight loss and I too am sorry about your car break in. Did the police give any recommendations on what to do? Your insurance and registration must have been in your glove compartment so I would worry they know my address. Just be cautious.

    Have a great day everyone, too tired to think.

    One Day at a Time