Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) It's Tuesday so today I go see the kiddos and let Lisa run all her errands, do her sauna bag and possibly go to her meeting if she is not too tired. It is fairly nice outside but our weekend is supposed to get into the 60's.
    My daughter texted me yesterday that her husband is losing his job with one month's notice then 5 weeks of severance pay. I told her April Fool but she insisted she was telling the truth. He is in charge of their foundation finances but they are absorbing them into the club. Terrible news but she said they will be fine even possibly retire even though they are only 54 and 55.
    Chances are they will leave Florida and go to Arizona but One Day at a Time. I asked if she wanted me to cancel my Florida visit but she said no. On my Sunday video call my youngest son from Arizona let me know he has some health problems. He is a ready mix truck driver and because of all the driving he has arthritis in his neck and shoulders along with bone spurs. They will do pain management on him and shots. He is only 46. I wish he could find another job not driving but he said that is all he knows. I am still waiting for results of my hand test which I hope will happen before I leave this afternoon.

    And how is your day???

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy rainy Tuesday, my ladies! Yesterday was supposed to be 80% chance of rain but was only cloudy. Last night we got the rain. It is to be a rainy week but we still have many tasks to keep us busy.

    John finished our tax prep so it is in the hands of the formal tax accountant now. Next is a spring clip for Katie and everything else that needs cleaning after that.

    It is very disturbing when our kids have difficulty with their careers. Our son has a feast or famine career. He is a computer animator for movies and TV. He either has too much work or too little. He would love to retire but he needs a much bigger savings before that can happen. Our daughter retired and the retirement benefits from the school district was okay but she needs to be very conservative. It isn’t easy for her.

    Our crow is back on the gate again. Isn’t it strange? I wonder why he decisided to keep a close eye on us? I think he must have been someone’s pet. He makes a huge mess at the bird feeder and even drinks from the hummingbird feeder. All our neighbors have bird feeders but no crows. We like him but he is a wayward visitor. Messy and loud. I guess this crow could be female but I think he is an old bachelor with bad habits. He is a colorful and interesting visitor.

    I have lots of shopping bags. I have even made a few. There are bags everywhere in the house, our cars, in John’s shop, in my dungeon and stuffed in my handbag. They are constantly in the wash. Every Christmas I either get or give an interesting new shopping bag. It is an Oregon thing. Maybe it is a Patsy thing, now that I think about it.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Not a good week for you SANDY. It won't help much but M and MJ are 53 and 54. Mark has had terrible back problems and that's why he took a year off work last year. He just can't sit at a computer for very long and he was into finance which involved computers of course and long distance travelling.. He went back to work in January but only lasted for two weeks so after much consultation with MJ he's left his office for good but being paid until his birthday when he takes early retirement and MJ will join him when she's 55 next year. He already looks better facially with the pain still there, but much reduced with therapy. They are both what you would call very busy bees so I've no idea where this path will take them. You can imagine my 57 year old eldest son is green with envy! I know things will fall into place with new goals, it usually does, so try not to despair even though you must be worried stiff.
    Meanwhile, I never expected me and my youngest would be retirees together !!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Both of my daughters are "retired", though one sells stuff on eBay and the other writes books. For now, anyway. My son's work is soon being curtailed at his Airforce Base in Germany, and he may look for another area, or they may simply retire and return to the states. Our government seems to be cutting back everywhere else to get money for "The Wall"! No comment.
    I had a manicure and pedicure today from one of my residents who was a podiatrist in Russia many years ago. My nails look great and she convinced me to get away from the square shape I've had for years and to wear a gorgeous deep lacquer red on my hands as well as my toes. I always wore nude on my fingers. SHe also took care of the ingrown toenails I struggled with! All for $30! So now I must dress for dinner, which I missed last night. Physical therapist comes tomorrow concerning the left hip. I still think a gel injection is necessary.
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen..............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited April 2019
    Hello. Turned into a kind of crazy day. I was up early and out of the house for the new Tuesday-Thursday Tai Chi class. Arrived early, signed in and just walked around for a while. The director came out of her office and said sorry, I did not take your phone number. The instructor had an accident while out on a run and will be in a boot for another six weeks. This apparently happened two weeks ago. So I stayed and did my own Tai Chi for a while, then drove over to Target where I ran into a friend. We chatted for a little while, I did a tiny bit of shopping and then played Mah Jongg. After that I did the Senior Discount Day at Walgreens and stopped for a couple of things at Whole Foods. Home, phone calls, and now I am ready to leave for book club. It is finally warm enough to go!

    Tomorrow is a Tai Chi day all day once again. Smiles.

    Sandy, Anne, Buzz, Patsy, sorry about the employment issues and health issues with your family members. That is how I ended up retired. The financial world was melting down in 2008 and lots of problems in commercial real estate and CMBS. My company ditched people every month for quite a while. It was horrendous and the need to look after my father combined into no new job and living on a little of nothing for quite a while. I was so worried about everything, I couldn’t sleep at night. Ultimately it got better and I hope all of your sons and daughters have happy lives with enough resources to live comfortably.

    I know I am ignoring many dear Sneakers but I must run along again.

    All best wishes and many hugs.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2019
    Awoke to frozen hail on the ground and a cold wind so messaged the gardener to let her know I would understand if she didn't come to me this morning then set off for a shorter woodland walk. I was back to wearing a warm hat and zipping myself up to my neck to keep the cold out so we didn't hang about and even the dogs were pleased to get back to the car. Home to find Sue the gardener was here already working away so I suggested I get into gardening clothes and join her in a sheltered area where an overgrown hedge needs cutting back. Between the hail showers when we sheltered in the greenhouse we achieved quite a bit and it was also nice to have someone to chat to other than George and Betty! I'm now getting on with cleaning floors and dusting because although it's sunny outside I know it isn't much above 7c and there seems so much housework to be done.

    Sorry to read so many having worries over their "kids" as am sure such concerns never leave a parent whatever the age. Something to remember is we all had our ups and downs as economies fluctuated and health issues arose but are still here to tell the tale so am sure those of you with children would, like mother lionesses, have brought them up with survival instincts!!

    Back to my floor mop!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I got the results of my hand test, carpal tunnel. I made an appointment with the referred hand doctor for April 16th. I am sure it is minor and will probably need no type of surgery maybe just a glove.
    The kids again wore me out but the puppy even more. He is just like a baby and gets into everything. So cute though, I can't ever get angry with him. I have decided to go to help Lisa twice a week for a while to give her a break. We will see what happens when summer gets here.
    Life goes on and when one door closes another opens, I am sure my SIL will find another job and although I will worry about my "baby" son, I am sure he knows what to do to stay healthy.
    Like Jackie said we all have had our ups and downs and seem all the better for them.

    Jackie, you made me laugh because when I go to bingo I don't think I every stop talking. I tell them it is because I live alone and when I am with the kiddos the day before it is good to talk with adults. lol

    Have a good day everyone and keep a positive attitude.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    A blah sort of day here. An egg and chips and peas sort of day. It's 7C which is quite balmy at this time of the year, but when I ventured forth to the garage armed with blue box paper etc, it was snatched out of my hands by a tremendous wind making it feel much colder. All thoughts of doing a bit of raking with the indisposed Bean in tow thus departed hurriedly and Jill's gone back to her bed!

    JACKIE - to see the delightful pretty little otters maybe you will have to go alone to the river without George and Betty. I bet they scarper into their riverbank burrows when they spot George going for his paddle. Fancy, the hurling stones have stood guard for 4000 years on bodmin moor. What a story they could tell!

    LIN, so sorry that you also had to endure a frightening time in your employment history. The aircraft engine firm I worked for was about to ditch professional engineers unknown to me, left, right and centre when I decided to take early retirement at 62. Oh for a crystal ball, lol. That's when I decided to go back to England, but of course I got cold feet, I just couldn't imagine life with an ocean between me and Michael and Mark. Two months after I left, the firm started laying people off and I missed out on a settlement! My friend Flo was laid off and walked away with $35,000 and I'd been with the firm much longer! After a period of deep nervousness I found I could survive without the Canada old age pension for two and a half years, and like yourself, here we are chatting on the Sneakers.
    Something always shows up. My dad used to say "the Lord will provide" and He did!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dears, cloudy and wet and foggy today. A kind of snuggle in kind of day.

    I am feeling ready for spring but also dreading the realization that I am not able to do anywhere near what I want to do or once could do. It makes me feel fearful and a bit sad. The only recourse is to dive in and try like crazy to do what I can with positive vigor. I am thinking about gardening, spring cleanup, and social activities here.

    It seems all of us have learned to get along nicely without huge stacks of money. Since we chose a career in education, we knew big money was never in our future. We manage just fine. When our kids were young, money was extraordinarily scarce. We did have great fun and high times on a nickel.

    Sandy: both John and I have had carpal tunnel issues. We chose to do the exercises and change computer positions and John even decided to use one of those ball things instead of a mouse. I have a glove to put on occasionally when my arthritis acts up. I think it helps. Surgery was NOT what I wanted to even consider.

    Anne: I have also made some career decisions that were not in my best interests. In all my phycology classes they taught that the human condition will ALWAYS bend toard emotion over reason. I put family over career without even a backward glance.

    Jackie: oh I have extended conversations with everything and everyone. The washing machine, vacuum cleaner, Katie, evil house spiders, the computer and of course the refrigerator! Gardening in the cold! I am impressed. You deserve a lovely garden with happy growing flowers.

    Lin: I love your active life. I know my own proclivity is to burrow in at home way too much. I could be out and about much more but chose to be at home. I have to force myself into social activities. You are my inspiration.

    Hello dear Buzz and Jeri and Laura. What is going on with you all? Tell us all about it!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I had physical therapy today after the house-cleaning, and find I am beat! Can't do what I used to do, that's for sure! Hope SANDY's wrist/hand problem straightens out. I find if I sleep with the brace, I'm OK in the daytime. Gotta run!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen.............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited April 2019
    Good evening. Oh yes, a long day of Tai Chi and Qigong. Lots of learning. Did a mirroring exercise in pairs this afternoon. One person does the form as usual, the other does it on the other side. If one person is heelkicking right, the other is heel kicking left. It makes the brain really work hard but made it through. Although I hope this is not a regular feature. Haaaa.

    It turned drizzly this afternoon and it is still a bit cold. I am waiting to see a real spring day. I guess the wait will continue for another week.

    Buzz, I have my fingers crossed that the physical therapy will be helpful.

    Patsy, cloudy, wet and foggy. Well, that sounds like stay at home weather. If I don’t keep going out I could easily sleep in and stay at home. But I then become quite withdrawn and down in the dumps. Must keep getting out there and interacting with people as much as I can.

    Anne, an egg and chips and peas sort of day. That is a new phrase to me but I assume it means a stay in and have comfort foods type of day. Any chance you are to see much nicer weather soon? I know, just dreaming.

    Sandy, oh yes, looking after a puppy is a lot more of work. They are so active!! Coupled with toddlers, wow, beyond a handful. You are a gem volunteering to help out several days a week. I hope you are appreciated.

    Jackie, what a day. You and your gardener accomplished a lot. And it is nicer to work along with someone rather than on your own isn’t it?

    Well, time for me to get stretched out. I am pooped!!

    Hugs to my dear friends.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2019
    Just put Jill's bedding in the wash because like Victorian ladies, she is "indisposed". No problems during the day, only when she's fast asleep. It's No big deal! To be honest, I'm rather glad for once that it's a chilly week. Definitely no longing for the great outdoors from either of us and she will be all done and dusted before Easter and St. George's day.

    Mikes just sent me a message stating that all purchased books from the Microsoft eBook store despite being paid for will disappear from everyone screens when the site closes down. Nice! I'll carry on purchasing paper books and especially reference books.
    This leads one to wonder what else will disappear when it's no longer making money!

    Well, I'm up late again, tardy me! I dreamt about LIN last night despite never having met you Lin in person. I hasten to add it was a very nice dream involving my laughing Jilly Bean. Yes, I did mean yesterday was a comfort food day!
    Anne. 🙃🐶❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited April 2019
    Good morning, all washed up and ready to face the rainy cold world. :D I got the nasty business out of the way this morning, yes, first quarter blood money ready to send to the dear Federal government.

    I have been hunting for a mailing address for a fellow Tai Chi student as her husband passed away. My goodness, I have her email address but I cannot find her mailing address. She and her husband have different last names but neither is in the phone book but wow, that only lists city now, not a street address. I will have to check with someone else in the class to see if they have her address. Life has changed right? The phone directory used to be a reference book. Not now.

    It is library lady morning so it is time for me to pack up and leave. I will check in later, my Tai Chi lesson is cancelled today. (Small teardrop). But there is class tomorrow. Smile.

    Anne, well, I am pleased to be in a pleasant dream. Playing with Jilly I hope. And I actually worry about losing my content if and when those holding my materials decide to rid themselves of a particular platform or service. I guess we will see.

    Hugs once again.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2019
    A horrid day, rain, hail and cold for most of the time so after a morning taking a short walk I went to a store to buy a birthday present while the dogs sat in the car and found a pot of perennial sweet pea for a friend. Didn't know they existed as perennials so it will be interesting to see if they do survive but also realised I should have bought myself a pot so may well pop back before they all sell. Grocery shopping was also on my list and with cupboards now full to overflowing I'm feeling very pleased with myself.

    When yesterday I told the gardener about the Goldfinches at the end of our track she told me most birds have a word for a group of them and yes, looking them up I see I should have called them a charm of Goldfinches and in future I will. Patsy, you may know this already but apparently the "poetic term" for a group of crows is a murder of crows so maybe just as well you only have a single visitor!! Blue Jays are "a party", I'm guessing because they are generally rowdy as they dance through the trees.... and so it goes on; we live and learn!!

    George is in one of his barking at nothing moods and since not even closing the door between us has stopped him my alternative must be to get on, keep busy and ignore him as best I can. I was hoping to muck out the hens but the sky looks full of hail storms so I don't think I'll risk it for now.

    Have a good Thurday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Talking about crows, I started writing a novel featuring a crow amongst other characters about 6 months ago. Have to admit being somewhat diverted these last few months but the bones are there for when I get the urge again. My crows name is Corvus which is Latin for crow. Don't suppose this will interest anyone but me!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I am interested Anne! <3

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    High clouds and sort of foggy! Hello everyone. We are getting along pretty good here. I think there will be plenty of spring jobs to work on and some creative projects as well. Our son has just bought a 3D printer and is working on some scenery for a commercial. What fun! It is very exciting to be off to the side watching these new technologies and seeing the fabulous effects. But I may have been born too long ago to be involved with this. Still! How great to see it all.

    Watching the movie Vice. Holy cow! It is amazing, it is gut wrenching, it is all true! This is an important political treatise in entertainment form. See it if you are brave enough to see the playboook written for today. I remember everything being portrayed. I couldn’t see the agenda but I knew something was going on.

    I have always wondered about people like me who were tiresomely haranguing about politics. I will try to keep my crazies under control. It isn’t easy for old activist like me.

    Katie has blown her coat and will require a summer hair cut. Oh boy! What a task this will be.

    I have started the kitchen clear out. I am creating a box of stuff for our son and daughter to go through at Easter. “See anything you want? Take it now or it will be heading to Goodwill tomorrow.”

    Buster, our crow, took the day off. He hasn’t been around today. Maybe romance is in the air. I hear other crows in the area.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) Had to leave earlier than usual for my meeting so didn't get a chance to check in. After the meeting I went to the cleaners and to Walmart for groceries. I came home to two out of three TV's not working. Comcast says there is no outage but I have restarted them about three times and still not working. I hope they come back on soon as I love my Thursday night shows.

    It is already time for dinner so I will be back in the morning. It is rainy and cold here but tomorrow they say we will be sunny with 60 degrees which will be great since I am watching the kiddos.

    Have a good night.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    annot post tonight. No control of websitge
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning, a foggy morning here and still in the 40’s F. They promise it will warm up to around 60 degrees. That sounds good. And then a rainy weekend.

    Patsy, wow, that sounds interesting. I have wanted to buy a little cheap 3D printer just to play and understand how it works. So far, I am on the sidelines but would love to jump in. And again, have not heard of that movie. Back to checking the library catalog! Thanks for helping to keep me up to date.

    Buzz, I hope you are getting some rest.

    Sandy, I hope you got the TVs back online last night. It is so frustrating to have the technology and then have it unavailable.

    Jackie, Anne, Jeri, a good morning to you.

    I am getting a late start. Tai Chi/Qigong this morning, a visit with my friend who is still struggling and is back to the pain management clinic next week. Then I need to make a stop at the credit union.

    Yesterday I spent some time struggling to get the garbage disposal going again. I think it is on its last legs. Maybe I won’t replace I until its time to sell my house? We will see.

    Best wishes everyone. Hugs.
