Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE, don't let the hairdresser talk you out of the haircut you show. It's gorgeous and I think will suit you very well. I'm the same as PATSY, salt and pepper. Being short sighted I pretend I'm going blonde. I've noticed this past year the process is speeding up.
    Talking to my Australian cousin we agree that provided our aches and pains don't flare up too badly, old age ain't half bad. Look at the benefits in our particular lives anyway. No husbands to cater to, less cooking, come and go as we please, no office politics to keep clear of, apparently loved by Sao and The Bean, no football games on tv to endure and no would be pesky suitors to fight off. I for one would be quite content to remain 83 forever.
    I shall now go and eat my congealed porridge and thank the good Lord for small mercies.
    Mmm, better add a bit of milk!
    Anne - the Cheshire, whoops, Yorkshire cat,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited April 2019
    Good day. Life just got busy. I saw a Facebook post on a closed bike group. A guy is looking for a particular model of bike that I happen to own and he said he would drive a few hours to get one. He’s in Chicago so I said I had one. Oh my, I am now getting messages from all around the world, Singapore, U.K., U.S. locations all panting for photos of this bike. Lots of work to do, clean up the bike, take good photos and post them. And if anyone is interested, avoid getting scammed!

    Yesterday was busy in a good way, lots of errands, finishing and mailing a birthday card, Mah Jongg, coloring with some nice folks at the library, another little load of laundry and hunting for old records on that bike.

    Jackie, go for it. That photo is marvelous! You can do it. But I know what you mean, I was always talked out of everything, wrong hair texture, or wrong shape of face for the style, etc. I always gave in too easily. Glad all the extra stuff is now out of your house. Wahoo. And how wonderful that your garden is also in shape. Haaaaa.

    Anne, yes, no one to have to look after is kind of nice. As long as I have friends and acquaintances and things to do, I think it is pretty nice.

    Buzz, keep taking care of yourself, mold is definitely a very serious issue.

    Patsy, new dog grooming equipment on the way? Katie will be okay until everything arrives. Just don’t let her look in the mirror.

    Laura, hello, are you feeling better now? I hope we hear more from you.

    Sandy, I think you have a regular landlord now. They fix things when they get to it. Same thing for me with my handyman, and I am paying him, he will do things in his own time.

    Jeri, how are you getting along. Still at home or are your feet itching for a little road trip?

    Hello Diane, Barbie, Marie, and everyone I may have missed.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Yesterday's outing went longer than I expected and today my friends are taking me out to lunch for my birthday. They are only a month late but March was a busy month. All my days seem busy lately, there is always something going on. My son and his wife are coming Saturday through Wednesday, she has an appointment with the migraine doctor on Wednesday. We will go to Rob and Lisa's on Sunday but I will go Friday since I couldn't go yesterday. Monday I take Babe to the dentist, Tuesday I go to the hand doctor to see what he recommends, Wednesday, Thursday and possibly Friday I am sitting. Busy, busy, busy.

    I did not sleep well last night so I am going to try and get a nap in before I leave for lunch.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, a husband would have been handy just now to take a snap of the new haircut since a selfie holding my iphone at the back of my head wasn't easy although funny! I was talked out of silver/grey and instead we agreed on bleached blond highlights. She thought the former might wash out my complexion and I'm certainly happy with the result although I did mentally tell myself off for giving in so easily!!

    Patsy, George's groomer finds snipping into his winter coat with scissors does a better job than clippers that tend to get jammed but then she is competent with sharp instruments whereas I wouldn't be brave enough!

    Lin, how exciting and I can't wait to see photos of this bike of yours. Would it be worth auctioning it since you have worldwide interest? I do understand your caution not wanting to get scammed though.

    Betty just dragged 11 toys out into the middle of the room for some reason... I'll tidy up, light the fire and prepare my evening meal.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    I like it Jackie!! <3
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2019
    Me too, very nice you glamour puss! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Lovely Jackie....
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Rainy and rainy and rain. I guess we are lucky not to have a blizzard going on. We had a very restless night. All of us...John, Katie and I were up and down all night long. I foresee naps!

    I hope a good nap will put me back on my feet and on task. We will see, I am not very good at taking naps. I mainly just feel grumpy and mean.

    Beautiful hair Jackie.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, your hair is absolutely gorgeous! I would love for mine to look like that in back! Your hairdresser sounds like a gem! So does your dog groomer; I always used scissors for a perfect cut! Clippers were just for very close areas.
    My, LIN, how exciting can selling a bike be? What kind of special bike are you parting with? Are you planning to meet somewhere away from your home, in a public place?
    ANNE, I recall 83 as being a wonderful age! I cannot believe that is your age, though!New 60? Maybe!
    And glamorous SANDY? How can you be a grandmother? Mine was a sweet little old lady, but elderly looking! What has happened with Babe's son? I see you are back on the job of driving him to appointments!
    PATSY, I am usually unable to nap, though I often attempt to. Are you concerned about it interfering with a good night's sleep?
    Oh, oh, just looked at the clock and how did this happen? To sleep....NOW!
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2019
    Hello everybody, thinking of you all and what you are all doing. SANDY driving Babe, LIN trying out her bike and pedalling furiously, BUZZ hopefully zzzzzzzz away, JACKIE tossing back her beautiful mane as she gallops across the moors like Catherine In Wuthering Heights, PATSY busy with scissors in hand and advancing on Katie, and JERI surrounded by her large and loving family.
    Me, eating porridge as usual!
    Mmm, I don't think of 80 being the new anything except being itself as we are today, living longer, living healthier, enjoying each moment galloping across moors or advancing on dogs with scissors at the ready etc etc. We are a force to be reckoned with.
    And so back to the slurping of porridge as Jilly Bean snoozes on her pink blanket in her bed.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thank you all for the encouraging comments on my hair. ☺
    A beautiful morning, a lovely woodland walk where I saw the first little bluebell head sitting up to greet us and a good day for drying a load of washing. I'll soon be driving to the hospital for an appointment with my consultant who should sign me off on the first hip operation and hopefully give me an idea on the next replacement.

    Our British prime minister continues to tell us one thing then do the opposite but we Brits are quite liking the idea of a Halloween exit from Europe. That or November 5th and Anne will know the significance of that date!! 💣💥

    Hopefully everyone had a restful night and will enjoy this Thursday.
    I must prepare myself for a drive to the big city.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, bike people are pressuring me for photos but the weather is dreadful. I have thought my house was blowing away. Eeeck.

    Getting ready for a library ladies morning but took a few snaps in the basement. A guy in the U.K. Says he would give me an idea of a fair value for the bike. He is a collector. He had recently posted a photos with multiple Klein bikes.

    So I will share a couple of photos with you of this Mountain Bike.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Drive safely JACKIE. November the 5th! Help! We don't want a frustrated island people deciding that blowing up parliament might be an appropriate idea!
    On to the next news as Julian Assange is arrested in London in the Ecuador embassy at the USA's request. Curiouser and curiouser.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    At the hospital in good time once a slow wide load was pulled off to the side of the road Consultant happy to book in 2nd replacement May/June which is good news but currently been kidnapped to stay for pre-assessment when I'd rather be out in sunshine!
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Jackie, I like your hair it looks great.
    Lin, I am back to my normal self but working on losing some weight.
    Reading the TJ Jensen series currently. I need to back to beading have put off starting a new project.
    Gloomy day here in California hope you all have a good weekend
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lost one of my hearing aids , which I discovered when I went to recharge them last night! Looked all over, called the desk to check out the dining room,...NADA!!! When I went into the loo this morning, there it was on the floor, where I was standing when I removed my top. What a relief.
    LIN, did you actually ride that beauty? Must be worth a fortune!
    JACKIE and ANNE, I'm still so puzzled over Brexit , and the entire mess going on now, I no longer give a darn what are lies, spies, or other things! I just don't understand what or how we have descended into the mess the World is now in! Here in the US, we have a "leader" whose story and Justices who change with the wind, and yet their following appears to grow!
    It is thought he will win again in the next election! Where to run and hide??? I'm truly afraid to listen to news at this point! And what is Mueller holding back? And WHY?
    :s<3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I personally think the world has gone nuts BUZZ. It's like a virus is growing everywhere. Think I'll join The Bean, bury my head under her pink blankie and ignore it all. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello again. Finally caught up a bit. The bike is sold. It is at the bike shop waiting to be boxed and shipped. Buyer is in Nottingham England. Interesting. He is excited. So am I. Yes, I rode that bike once upon a time but that time has passed for me.

    The world is in a jumble. I think it may be a fungus infecting everything. You know, the fungus among us. Interesting, the last thing I saw before getting very busy was the police dragging the disheveled, Howard Hughes looking character from the embassy. What a spectacle. And of course, the black hole picture. All the remainder of today’s insanity has missed me.

    Buzz, I am glad you found your hearing aid. Wow, that would be costly to replace. Good search!

    Anne, the Bean May require you to find your own pink blanket. :D But not a bad idea.

    Laura, glad you are feeling better. I am relieved to hear that news.

    Jackie, well, sorry you missed some very nice weather but at least it is out of the way and you were already there. Hope the weather tomorrow is equally enjoyable. And that you see more bluebells.

    Many good wishes and hugs for all our Sneakers.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) For some reason I thought I posted this morning but evidently I did not.
    My birthday lunch was wonderful and very generous of my friends. Today I had my meeting so I must have forgotten to post. After my meeting I went to two grocery stores to get groceries for my son and his wife. They are coming Saturday and staying until Wednesday.

    I am glad to stay in tonight, I am very tired of going out so much. Tomorrow I am sitting so I need to be rested. It is going to be a busy week once again.

    It is almost time for dinner so I will be back in the morning. So much going on in the news I am afraid to watch. I always try to stay positive so will not let these things upset me.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time