Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Very early for me but my late night posting becomes a disaster since I tend to semi- fall-asleep at my desk and get to bed between 4 and 6 AM! Today was Cleaning Lady Day so I unmade the bed, put everything in the washing machine, turned it on, and realized the pill has not helped my hip yet. Augmentation of my Restless Legs Syndrome along with this losing my post due to Comcast constantly shutting down the modem....and I find myself longing for the good old days before technology!
    SANDY, I'm happy you have found a Doctor who recommended no surgery! I, too, sleep with the brace at night and my friend just had Carpal Tunnel surgery and it feels no better than before! Now I have to get my legs UP to bring down some swelling! Where are My Golden years? Will try to get back later after a couple of errands regarding copayments from over a year ago, so I must look it up!
    Have a beautiful Wednesday, everybody...
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Sign of spring PATSY, my straight frizz has become wavy and curly and shiny again. We are having our usual family gathering, the Bean and Hobbes the giant puss included, at Mark and Mary Jos house. It's a ritual now that I'm considered too doddery to cook a large meal.

    Might buy us all a chocolate bunny though and make sure we nibble the feet first. Don't want to tempt fate any more because like my Chinese horoscope said, a very iffy year for me with minor money irritations, re Revenue Canada, lol. Oh and no grand passions on the horizon which is hardly surprising me being an octogenarian.

    Whoops just noticed BUZZ is nudging in before me. Hi Buzz.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Very early for me but my late night posting becomes a disaster since I tend to semi- fall-asleep at my desk and get to bed between 4 and 6 AM! Today was Cleaning Lady Day so I unmade the bed, put everything in the washing machine, turned it on, and realized the pill has not helped my hip yet. Augmentation of my Restless Legs Syndrome along with this losing my post due to Comcast constantly shutting down the modem....and I find myself longing for the good old days before technology!
    SANDY, I'm happy you have found a Doctor who recommended no surgery! I, too, sleep with the brace at night and my friend just had Carpal Tunnel surgery and it feels no better than before! Now I have to get my legs UP to bring down some swelling! Where are My Golden years? Will try to get back later after a couple of errands regarding copayments from over a year ago, so I must look it up!
    Have a beautiful Wednesday, everybody...
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Now that's interesting!! A huge gap, and two posts from BUZZ. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I think Buzz nodded off with her finger on the shift key!!😁

    After demolishing the old hen house this afternoon I left the hens digging the freshly uncovered ground and they've done a marvellous job levelling the area. At dusk I went to check if they had found their way into the new house but as only Tilly was settled in one corner had to chase the others one at a time but job done and all safe and cosy for the night.

    Patsy, that bee is definitely a royal lady so treat her with reverence! This time of year queens are looking for a place to settle for the summer so an open window for her to fly out is probably a good option!

    Our weather is warming up for what looks like a beautiful Easter weekend. Advice taken on eating chocolate bunnies!🐰🐰

    My feet are up and I'm trying to stay awake for another hour so I'll sleep tonight.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful day although a wind has picked up again. Plans include housework and then tidy up in the chicken run before my neighbour helps me lay the slabs that will sit under their new house. It will be a good job finished so I can then concentrate on more pleasant tasks. Since I was up early to let the hens out of their new surroundings I took the dogs to the woods before 9am where it was quiet and few visitors but both George and Betty are low key after such an exciting day yesterday!!

    George is having one of his bark at nothing mornings so I will compete with the vacuum cleaner!!
    Happy Thursday everyone.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited April 2019
    Good morning. I am feeling more like myself this morning. Haaaa. Getting ready to start another busy day. A quick trip to Trader Joe’s. Although it may not be quick. I stopped at a store yesterday and it was packed. I don’t normally shop there so I don’t know if that was unusual but I am guessing maybe so, Easter dinner shopping. After TJs, I hope to stop at the blacksmith’s shop to see if I can get a sharp sword blunted. I called late yesterday afternoon and he said yes, probably, bring it in. Don’t want to slice off a finger!

    Then on to library ladies morning. My friend who I visit quite regularly said her husband has the day off and she plans to have him bring her to the library. I wonder if that will happen?

    My Tai Chi lesson may not happen. It was an odd day yesterday and for some reason my teacher was edgy and sharp tongued. That is not normal. She certainly can have her off days, we all do, but I don’t think I want to pay for more of the same today. ;)

    I need to get organized, I need to make two special birthday cards and I have no ideas for either one right now.

    Jackie, lend me some of your energy and resolve to get things finished. You are amazing! Lucky chicks to have you looking over them. Bark, bark. Let George know I am also barking for no reason.

    Anne, aha, finally a spring day. Lovely. I hope more are on the way. It sounds like a good day is on the way for your Easter. Do you think the family will abide by the rules and eat the chocolate bunny from the toes upward?

    Buzz, cleaning lady day sounds like extra work for you. I hope all is fresh and clean now. And that you got time to put your legs up. Hugs.

    Sandy, you are also a lady with a very crowded schedule. Wow. A few hours with little children and a dog would have me in exhaustion. You are a marvel.

    Patsy, the event is literally upon you now. I am excited for your celebration. And I hope a peaceful resolution was found for the bumblebee yesterday. I have never had one in the house, an occasional wasp perhaps, which puts me in panic mode. Hi Katie.

    Laura, how are you getting along now? I hope you are well and that your weather is springlike.

    Jeri, thinking of you as well. Hugs family get together on the weekend?

    Best wishes as well to Marie, Diane, Karen, Barb, Barbie and all Sneakers.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We've just got back from a long walk in perfect Anne weather. Just right. We reach 70 this afternoon but alas the rain will be back! I filled the bird feeder up to the top so all the wild life can have a good meal before it starts. I wanted to get a bit of clean up done in warmth but already the sun is thinking about digging out his rain hat.
    For some reason Jill is in a barking mood today as well JACKIE. We have a lot of dogs in the neighbourhood so that could be why, all out of sight for me. When she's not barking she's making low grumbling noises.
    Will my lot conform with the bunny eating rules? Of course not LIN. We are a contrary bunch. I suspect one left ear and one right foot just to be different. Wonder what got your Tai Chi teachers knickers in a twist? Talking of Tai Chi and things oriental I read today about those huge Buddhas which were sledgehammered into 10,000 pieces by the Taliban in Afghanistan. They are slowly being assembled together again despite the probable return of the Taliban. What a lot of destruction lately of priceless ancient artifacts. Notre dame, Windsor castle, York minster, the buddhas etc etc. But all being or have been lovingly restored by those of us with a little appreciation and enlightenment.
    Well busy ladies I really ought to join you!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) John and Laurie left yesterday and even though exhausted I went to bingo and won $50. Going back to watch the two boys while Lisa takes Charlie for her checkup and then will go watch Robby do kyukido which is a kids martial arts. Busy is my new way of life until I get to Florida to relax.

    No time again so hello to all and Jackie can we see a picture of the new chick house??

    Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY: I so admire you ! Anne. 🏆
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello busy friends!!

    I got to my tai chi lesson five minutes early when I got a text. The lesson was cancelled. I do not know what is going on. Hummmm

    Finished my errands and home now. Going to have a bit of lunch and then start on another project.

    Be safe.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    zarn, I just lost 2 posts!zzzzzzYesterday it posted twice. I seem to be having problems with the site! I'm fine but going slightly nuts! Sorry about that! And no, my finger did not sit on anything as I dozed! Just website trouble!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Heigh ho, it’s off to Tai Chi I go. At least with an entire class, I am pretty well assured the teacher will be there today. I will keep my mouth shut and see how the day progresses. :o

    Good weather this morning. Wahoo.

    After class I am taking a bag of paper with sensitive information to be shredded. You pay by the pound and I want to get an idea of the cost before I proceed further. There are at least 7 more totes full of my dad’s records. My project for this year, particularly if I have to shred records with my tiny paper shredder. Fingers crossed that it isn’t too expensive.

    Then home to get started on the needed birthday cards. Feet to the fire here.

    Anne, a perfect portion of a day is something to treasure these days. I hope the sun is back soon.

    Sandy, you are a marvel. I hope you are not overly tired today. Also congratulations on your Bingo win. Wahoo!

    Jackie, will this chicken house last a long time? Sorry, I am clueless. We always had wooden frame chicken houses. Painted them and put on new shingles once in a while. That was it. So duh on my part.

    Buzz, technology is a snarl isn’t it? I am trying to sell a few things on Facebook Marketplace and in several groups. Completely confusing to me. But then I didn’t read any rules before starting. Ooops.

    Hugs everyone. Must move along.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Please don't think I'm complaining but it's quite hot by our standards for mid April. Poor Betty doesn't understand that she would feel more comfortable and not need to pant if she lay in the shade but instead follows me everywhere. My neighbour joined me for the morning walk in the woods, again early to avoid crowds, and even took her swimsuit for a dip in the river. The few people that were about thought her extremely brave and so did I!!

    Lin, because our weather is generally mild and wet a chicken house is an ideal place for red mite to breed in spite of special powders and sprays but in a plastic home there's nowhere for them to hide. Over time they can kill a hen sucking their blood or at least make them poorly so plastic is the way forward in the UK but of course cost a fortune so I decided to make my own by converting a wheelie bin container. The hens do have what I what I call their bus shelter that's made from wood and felt but it's open so not a place for the evil mites! Gosh, I hope your teacher is happier today!

    Got on the scales this morning... oh dear!! 😟

    Back to it, making the most of our good weather.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Whoops JACKIE you've just reminded me of the evil scales which lurk in the bathroom cupboard. So.......I forgot again.
    Yesterday was just perfect! The rain held off until the evening so I managed to fill 4 brown garden bags with leaves and other flotsam. Not much, but hey, I'm out of shape after our long, hard winter. Managed to have a natter with Marie until she had to rush inside to her wildly gesticulating Tony standing in the window watching us. Then a lady stopped to chat with the most delightful one year old shaggy dog named Georgie girl. Jilly peered at Georgie from between my legs. I don't have to keep chickens, I've already got one! I'm not surprised Betty follows Jackie everywhere. She's woken up in doggy heaven!
    Apart from that I made bread, but this time in the machine. It did its thing whilst I gardened.
    Today is a whole different story. Rain, rain and more rain until Sunday. We, as usual, are being warned of swollen rivers. I don't think Mike will turn up because apart from taking me for groceries, (and the stores are all closed), he loves taking the Bean for long walks and wearing her out. Not much fun in pouring rain.
    And that's my oh so exciting life !!! Can't even nibble a chocolate bunnys feet! Not until Easter Sunday! The good news, I haven't got one yet!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Mmm, I'm just simmering Jamie Oliver's spring veggies and bean soup to go with my homemade bread. Smells good. Mike doesn't know what he's missing.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Doing laundry and then to the grocery store for items I am bringing for Easter to Lisa's mom's house. It was an easier day yesterday because Lisa took Charlie for her appointment and Max and I went to pick Robby up from school. I went to Mcdonalds and got them kids meals so they would be done eating in time for Robby to go to his martial arts class. I went to watch and it was so cute even though these young boys having trouble sitting still. I love how they have to answer Yes Ma'am to their instructor.

    I don't think the kiddos will share their Chocolate Easter bunnies so I won't worry about eating the ears first. lol

    Anne, Jilly was just being cautious and making sure it was safe from behind your legs. lol
    Enjoy that bread I can almost smell it from here.

    Jackie, enjoy the warm weather, the way things are it changes by the hour. I am intrigued by your hen house and your explanation of why plastic is better. Your critters are very lucky you are such a good mommy.

    Lin, doesn't your town and/or village offer a free shredding day? Some of our banks do and our village as well. I too, have a small shredder but big items would take forever. Enjoy Tai Chi and I hope the instructor is in a better mood.

    Buzz, hope things are going better for you, when it rains it pours. Take a deep breath and get a good night's sleep. A new day can change everything.

    Patsy, enjoy your Easter anniversary day with family and friends. It will be a great celebration.

    Jeri, hope all is well with you and your are on the road to recovery. I know you will enjoy your Easter with your wonderful family.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    The soup IS good, I can recommend it if you have Jamie Oliver's Revolution cookbook. Even better with homemade bread.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here's the new henhouse Sandy. It just requires it's door opening motor to be attached but am giving it a couple of days to ensure everything else is right before putting it I to operation.

    And Brady enjoying the evening sunshine...


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited April 2019
    Hello again. I stopped by the UPS store near me to drop off the shredding. Horrible, horrible snotty person on duty. I will skip that store from now on unless I am just dropping off a postage paid parcel. He charged me 1.5 times the price shown on the web, did not believe that the web site said the other price BUT if it did it was a corporate posting, not theirs. Totally crap experience. I paid my money, unloaded into a bin and left. Now I have called an office supply store near me, who shreds through the same vendor and got a confirmation from them that they do charge the lower price I had seen on the UPS site. I will go there in the future.

    Meanwhile, no Sandy, no municipal shredding. Once in a while, like Money Week or something, a bank will sponsor free shredding. I did that once, you sit in your car in line for up to an hour and then you may only drop off one container of materials to be shredded. Huge time commitment. We do have a free junk pick up day once a year but they have out so many rules on it, you cannot ditch much. Also one day where you can sit in line at the local municipal services to drop off certain items after proving you are a resident and they look theoughueach item to make sure it is an approved drop off.

    Junk is huge business and so difficult to deal with these days!

    I didn’t say much in class this morning but got a rather rough rebuke for opening my fans one time when she wanted us to go up to a certain point and then just hold them. I did not understand we were stopping. Oh well. This too will pass. We are demonstrating double fan at World Tai Chi Day a week from Saturday and she is not going to be with us as she is leading single fan. Maybe that is why she is edgy. I have no idea. I really cannot waste my energy on it.

    I am leaving soon. A lady wants to see my Yonanas machine I put on Facebook marketplace. Meeting her in public, wouldn’t give out my address. I know, I am paranoid.

    Be well everyone. We have sunshine now. Yippee.



    Ah, Jackie posted!!!!