Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Trying to send my son his 65th (!) birthday e-card and it took forever on Amazon, so I'm pretty late and not ready for dinner yet. I almost missed it last night, and after losing 2 posts, I gave up and scooted on down to dinner where I ended up with 2 very sweet but fervent Trump devotees! Yech! It must be me, but it seems everything I touch seems to either break or get lost. So I must keep rushing. At least I read your posts, saw the henhouse (WOW!) and decided to join ANNE for some great soup and bread. Hi SANDY and LIN, and everyone else and please forgive me. The face takes longer to fix! Love you gals...
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,073 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,073 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) A peaceful day at home with nothing to do. Life is good. I did get the groceries needed for tomorrow's brunch. I will have to get up early to go to Easter Mass to get to Lisa's mom's house by ten. I could go to the Easter Vigil mass tonight but it could be as long as two or three hours so I will pass.
    A week from Tuesday I will be going to Florida where I hope to just relax at my daughter's pool. I always have a good time there so I am looking forward.

    Buzz, Barbie and all that celebrate, Happy Passover.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday and will enjoy their Easter Sunday.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Good afternoon. Wishing everyone a blessed weekend.

    I found a free shred event online. It was this morning so I spent hours last night prepping two totes of things to take. I eliminated all paper and envelopes that did not need to be shredded. Each tote could only be 23 lbs. So I took advantage of this to the fullest extent possible. I was out of the house and on site an hour early. When the truck was full they would leave so I was bound and determined to be near the head of the line. And I did. Wahoo!

    Home and started laundry. Finished for now.

    Started on cards, taking a break while glue is drying. Shouldn’t take too much longer to finish them. Then will pack up and organize as I am going to sunrise service tomorrow. And the breakfast (attending not eating), then Sunday school and the regular church service. Doing communion as well so will be home late.

    I finally sold one item on Facebook Marketplace. I don’t think I am too good at this! Maybe in time I will learn more.

    Sandy, another trip on the horizon. Excellent.

    Anne, are you taking anything to the Easter celebration tomorrow? Other than yourself and dear Bean?

    Jackie, Patsy, Buzz, Jeri and everyone. Have a wonderful remainder of the weekend.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2019
    Yes LIN. I'm taking six chocolate bunnies and Mike will bring wine and Jilly Bean will bring her evening meal and herself. That's the plan so far.

    It's rained all day and I'm watching Marley and Me on TV again. Well, I'm not watching really, I've got it on for The Bean. She loves watching Marley but I worry he is a bad influence on her!!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Quick hello to everyone. I am in the middle of making my sugarless Easter/Anniversary cake. We are in such a great mood listening to wonderful music from our youth. Sipping wine later and getting memory book fixed up for everyone. Odd mix of celebrations but happy to be with my goofy family. As you all knew I would be doing it, I have a chocolate bunny by each plate in a nest of Easterbasket grass. Lots of jokes, laughing, planning the dinner.

    We tried doing the twist to a Chubby Checkers song. Wow! I don’t remember it being so tiring! Even our son said, “No wonder all the girls from your teenage years were so shapely, these dances are exhausting!” Hey! We were flat out, drop dead gorgeous. Seems like only yesterday.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2019
    Way past my bedtime after I fell asleep watching a documentary about Freddie Mercury and his great music... too much fresh air if there can be such a thing!! We are having a mini heatwave so the day was spent in the garden after an early walk in the woods. Now I'm stored up with vitamin D and feeling good!

    Patsy, may your anniversary celebrations continue to be a fun filled twist and shout time with your family and friends. Treat those chocolate bunnies with as much tender care as you all nibble away!!🐰🐰

    Anne, chocolate and wine sounds perfect to me and even better if someone else is doing the cooking!
    Have a lovely time with your family, including the flurries!

    Lin, hooray, finally some shredding success for you as well as a sale of an item. I've always maintained I can sell anything for someone else but am useless when it comes to something I own! A busy Easter Sunday coming up for you by the looks of things.

    Sandy, a day of rest for you... exactly what you deserve. I hope your brunch will be a great success.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful Easter. Buzz, Laura, Jeri, Marie and all sneakers.

    I shall be up early sitting in my garden with a coffee listening to our church bells drifting across the village.

    Hugs from Jackie, George and Betty
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I have been unable to get my Golden Sneakers website to operate properly tonight until just now. It simply froze! My community made a fabulous Seder tonight, and I sat with all my Australian and British friends and we had a wonderful evening (yes, these things last for hours!) One of our residents donated delphiniums for every table centerpiece and they were lovely. We had over 300 guests, yet it went very smoothly. Tomorrow, of course, our culinary department will be knocking themselves out with an extensive Easter dinner at noon. Later they are showing a newer Mary Poppins movie and even later, we will see "Vice" ... As I write this, Rachel Maddow is in the background discussing the rest of the Mueller report! There will be a special broadcast Sunday night on MSNBC at 9 PM. PATSY take note! They now have evidence of Criminal Obstructive actions on Trumps part, being delivered to Congress! The Russians started planning using him as far back as 2014! I must get to bed, as it is now Sunday, and I will repeat JACKIE's wish for a peaceful day for your Easter celebration!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,073 Member
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy Easter dear ones! I am up early but might snooze in my chair for a few minutes before making coffee and awaiting the Easter Bunny with Easter eggs and baskets of fun. I am wishing each of you a blessed day relaxing and peaceful. Be well and happy, dear sneakers. I jam depending on you!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    A VERY HAPPY AND JOYOUS EASTER SUNDAY. I'm lolling about in my jam jams. After all, Easter Sunday only comes around once a year. Jilly agrees, she is still snoring in her bed.
    Whatever the day is planned for you lovely ladies, may it bring you all peace, love, good health, chocolate eggs and sunshine.
    🙃❤️🐶 fondly, Anne and Jilly.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Home from church. Lovely morning and happy to be home now. Low key afternoon, some reading, maybe sorting out a few things to toss out, reading emails and trying to stay cool. It is 81degrees F right now. Wow!

    Best wishes everyone. May you enjoy your day whatever you are doing. Much love and many hugs.

    Lin (who has no chocolate in the house right now) :D
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    To all my dear internet family:
    PATSY, Did the Easter Bunny bring you your few moments of peace and quiet before your coffee? I missed reading about Katie's latest escapades!
    ANNE, nothing nicer than Jammies on a lazy morning, with your baby snoring nearby!
    JACKIE, your basket seems overflowing so often, and may it always remain so!
    SANDY, Same to you love! Like all our other group, may you receive back (in many forms), half of what you give, and your life will be super-full!
    LIN, On Easter Sunday, you can indulge in 1/4 of a delicious Easter Bunny - dark chocolate, of course!
    I wish li'l Sis Marie, Laura, Barbie, Gayla and so many of our former regulars a Happy and Peaceful day!
    My day started with rising around 9 after a crazy realistic dream about soapy scum in everyone's toilet tanks,....but everywhere. It was so real it woke me in a panic!!! Once calmed down and feeling foolish, I had my blueberries and vanilla Oikos yogurt, spent a leisurely morning deciding how to dress for our Easter brunch, finally deciding on blue, blue and more blue (No purple or yellow in my crammed closet!) and finally went down for my Easter "Brunch", a resplendent full meal starting with yummy fish chowder, loaded with some delicious sweet fish! Then I had to decide between the ham and rack of lamb, but the filet of sole;was stuffed with shrimp and since I have avoided;shellfish , my gout has not flared up!
    I decided I was not in a Mary Poppins mood and meant to have a nap, but decided I wanted to get in touch with you all before my head was nodding off . Actually, this one page was frozen again and I almost gave up! Glad I fooled around and got it working properly.
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers and a happy Easter Monday. A perfect start for me walking George and Betty through the bluebells in our local woods. Another dog walker had told me the other day to climb above the usual route because the flowers were a delightful carpet where they are generally undisturbed by man and dog! Climb we did but it was a good indication just how much puff I've lost since my hip replacement and proves lack of exercise, for whatever reason, doesn't do my lung capacity any favours. Twice I had to stop and at one point stepped back as a jogger seemed to easily pass me although I did notice he paused at the top and took a few deep breaths!!

    Well worth the climb as I can still smell the scent that smothered us.

    A quiet day for me that was supposed to be a healthy one after popping into the farm shop for salad produce but just as I was about to pay I noticed pasties and sausage rolls heating in the mini oven..... one sausage roll now consumed with a coffee for breakfast rather than healthy muesli and yogurt! :| Then there was the whole chocolate bunny enjoyed last night while watching a brilliant documentary, A Dead Good Adventure with Miriam Margolyes exploring how we British deal with the inevitable compared to many Americans who seek immortality. I bit into a large chunk of chocolate bunny ear just as someone suggested we all needed to treat our bodies like a temple..... the diet starts tomorrow when the cottage has been emptied of all things chocolate as well as hot cross buns!! A great programme to look out for so long as you're aware Miriam's language can occasionally be a little direct but considering the subject matter she more often than not had me laughing out loud.

    Must get on with a few outdoor chores because I understand our heatwave is on its way out and we will soon be back to cold, wet weather! Oh well, lovely while it lasted.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Good morning. Astounding photos Jackie. Well worth the hike. I cannot imagine the wonderful scent from that carpet of flowers. Wow! <3<3

    I am off for a morning of Tai Chi, a stop by the post office, the library and oh my, a stop at the store where I found my favorite yogurt it on sale today and tomorrow. I hope they have some in stock. There are no rain checks on sale items. Maybe no stores do that these days. It was lovely when they were available.

    Jackie, that sounds like an interesting program. I just looked on Amazon and didn’t find it. And not in the library catalog.

    Buzz, what a frightening dream. Ick! And I would have indulged in a huge piece of chocolate but didn’t have any in the house, only cocoa powder. Haaa. Maybe I will get one today.

    Patsy, Sandy, Anne, Jeri, I must get going.

    Hugs all round. <3

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Ooh I must get going as well, once I get over the wood and bluebell pictures!!! Up LATE after a wonderful meal and hilarious late late evening over at Marks with our little family, Derek's girl, and Derek's best friend not to mention the giant puss Hobbes and my happy little Jilly. Lots of laughter, wine drinking and telling of awful jokes. Just too full of Mary Jos great cooking to tackle the chocolate bunnies! One great piece of news, after a lapse of several years, my grandson has picked up his paintbrush again. He's very talented and I'm so pleased!!!! His work is good enough to show.
    Must away and at least get dressed !!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,073 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Our Easter was hectic but wonderful. Early rise to make mass at 8:30, then to Lisa's mom's house where we had a wonderful breakfast including mimosa's for me and Sue. I bought all the kids bunny ears and bubbles so we had a great time outdoors. My back is tweaked so a day with nothing to do but maybe sit on the balcony for some sun. While Jackie posted beautiful pictures of bluebells that made you go awww, I am posting pictures of 6 kids all under the age of 5 with both grandmas, Lisa and me with my kiddos. to make you go whew!!


    Anne, your Easter sounds wonderful and I hope you get to post some pictures of your son's paintings. It is so great to have talent of which I have none.

    Jackie, you post the most amazing pictures which makes my area look boring. Don't overdo that good hip, it takes at least a year for these artificial parts to heal.

    Lin, it sounds like you had a long day at church so I hope you enjoyed it all. Good luck on finding those yogurts you love.

    Buzz, I hope you are enjoying your Passover and if I read right no bread for you, is that correct?

    I do hope your Easter/Anniversary was wonderful filled with many more memories.

    Jeri, I also hope you had an amazing Easter with your family who love you so very much just as we do. <3

    To all the other sneakers, enjoy your Monday.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my MFPIs jumpy and I have lost two attempts to post. Today is misty and cloudy and cold. Hummmmm looks very wintery.

    Our Easter/anniversary party was wonderful in all ways. I can’t do the dances any more like I used to but I can make a weird effort that seems to cause my family to almost faint laughing. Thank you Sandy and everyone for the anniversary wishes. By the way, we tried the Hustle, the mashed potatoes, the pony and the stroll. The original music.......remember!

    The photos of the grand baby bunnies were so adorable. Oh my goodness!

    Still washing sheets, towels, and table cloth and napkins. Have a grand day everyone.