Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday Afternoon! :) Meeting was good, then some of us went for coffee, I had diet pop. Got home and saw Joe, my pool buddy, sitting outside so went to say hello. Catching up on my computer and then a relaxing evening.

    The background on Ewok is that the place he was rescued from was a lady who was a dog hoarder. They rescued about 50 dogs from her property. Weeks later the lady called and said she forgot about other pups who were under some floorboards. Lisa found him on a rescue website and Ewok was with a foster family. After she fell in love with him just from the picture the foster family said he might have toxic poisoning and might not make it.
    Lisa was devastated but eventually they found out he was malnourished and he pulled through. The foster family did have a 5 year old child and a baby so Lisa was confident he would be fine with her children. He is such a sweetheart we all love him even if he is a wild pup. He is one lucky pup but we are grateful for him. <3

    Lin, I put some fur coats on LetGo and Marketplace if you remember. I was not comfortable doing it but did take precaution on both sales. You are smart in not letting them come to you house and even when meeting away from your home do it in a crowded place or in the lobby of a police station. As far as the horse it looks in great condition to me, so I would start at $125 and then negotiate. Good Luck.

    Getting close to dinner time.
    Have a good night.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    What has happened to my website? Has everybody disappeared? My whole setup has changed and today's posts are not here! Has Microsoft done another !@#$%%^&amp;*() Blasted UPDATE? Well, just in case we still exist, my day was restfully boring , as I spent much of it in the lounger with my feet way up, head down! I ran out of breakfast food so I ate toasted multi-grained diet bread with peanut butter! Later, I will bring up breakfast, making up for the Wednesday I missed dinner due to the amazing party we had for the ribbon-cutting ceremony!
    Tonight, I had no trouble choosing my albondigas soup, a wonderful breast of duck made crisp on the outside and served with raspberry.
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Pouring with rain and more than 10c degrees colder than Monday so a real shock to my system!! Not going to dog walk until it brightens up so have had breakfast and now lounging contemplating what to do instead.
    Will pop back later but wanted to suggest to Lin do some research before you sell that beautiful horse because your dating takes it back to the Retro period which in the UK is currently in vogue and might be in the States too. I agree with Sandy start at $125 at least because a low price will suggest it's worthless when in fact you know it's provenance and that information should bump up it's value. Any marking on the bottom to give you a clue?

    Oh dear Buzz, bloomin Microsoft again! I'm still tearing my hair out reinstating lost programmes on my desktop and am now getting constant messages popping up suggesting I upgrade to Windows 10... I REFUSE!!

    Sandy, dear Ewok has been through a lot in such a short life hasn't he. Living under the floorboards for goodness sake! When Betty runs about in the woods with a big smile on her face or tries to be a bit naughty, still with that smile, I know I did the right thing to adopt her in spite of regularly running out of carpet shampoo!!

    It's looking brighter so I'll get going. Also have to get Betty to the vet for her weigh in... oops, forgot my own!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well, I guess you could say I've had a couple of blah days and today we are back to chilly and rainy. On our walk yesterday we met a large man with a very small dog. Jilly was very naughty, she barked and barked at the wee dog and pawed the ground like Ferdinand the bull. This caused the large man to worriedly pick up his very small dog. I assured him that Jilly didn't have pit bull traits, she was actually a chicken by nature and would run behind me for protection if he put the wee dog down. This he gingerly did and my fierce dog ran behind me to peer fearfully at the large man's dog now prancing over. "That's peculiar behaviour" muttered the large man and off they went. You can tell by that account what a blah day it was, however it was brightened up by a package from M&S containing loafers which fit perfectly in my old English sizing. I'm still amazed at the speed of delivery! Ordered on Tuesday night and arrived from the UK on Thursday afternoon for our next uneventful walk to the mailbox.

    That's very good advice from JACKIE, LIN regarding your horse. I gather retro is in fashion here as well as the UK. Talking of which I also gather that there is talk of removing the extras the UK pensioners get. Roy will be shivering in his timbers.

    Well, because of the holiday and all stores closed last weekend I'm totally out of rations. Big grocery shop to replenish and then a trip to the vets for heartworm and tic pills and to make an appointment for rabies shots etc for next week. I think the Beans put on weight. Huh huh. I certainly have! It was a long hard winter that didn't do us any good. Oh, yes, disastrous floods everywhere but happily not for me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I had typed a long response when the app crashed and all was lost. Must run away now.

    Sorry, I do not have time to type it all again.

    Hugs. <3

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Try as I might I just can't lose these last 4 pounds. Maybe my body just wants to stay at this weight and I should accept that. NEVER!! I have an appointment for mani/pedi/eyebrows this afternoon and tonight meeting friends for a fish fry where I play bingo. Would you believe we might get another 5 inches of snow tomorrow night? Seriously, I might just stay in Florida but they of course get hurricanes so Illinois might be the best.

    Nothing exciting going on so will close and wish you all a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi there! Hope I can get this post done before it disappears again. This site is haunted, I fear. I try to post and then it will turn dark and disappear. Now I know there would be those who is your iPad, Patsy. But it only happens here! You do the math. It sounds like there is a glitch on MFP.

    More big projects here. Hanging up our patio flyers...flying kite fish, and a flock of silk butterflies. I love seeing them swirl around. We also have some hanging geraniums that will be hung as well. Getting ready for life on the deck this spring and summer.

    I will be volunteering a bit as the political season really heats up. A day or two a week in the office of the candidate of my choice. Makes me feel good and also feel I am doing something rather than just complain. You know I do enough of that, as it is.

    John and I are working with a publisher on my art show collections. It will be a small run of a coffee table book. Some of my earlier paintings got away from me (sold) before I got them photographed. But I have most of the later works. It is as emotional as doing our memory book for our anniversary. Every painting has an emotional component regarding when, why, who and how.

    Then there is the problem of cleaning up this messy house and everything else............
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited April 2019

    Hello ladies

    Lin You have your work ahead of you disposing of your collections. Quite a job.

    Sandy . When I get down to the last 5 lbs it is so hard. The older I get, the slower too.

    Buzz more computer problems. Poor you. Mine was really acting up the day before yesterday when I was trying to record my foods.

    The picture is from Easter. Good of me, not so good Ed.

    Doing very well. Not getting as tired. Saw a geneticist day before yesterday. Getting tests done. 1st to see if my treatments should be amended and 2nd to see if I have any mutations that we might pass on to our girls. Just saw my sisters report - cancer 3 times and no mutations so I’m probably good too.

    Have a great day tomorrow


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    You are seeing tears of frustration due to a post I have been working on over an hour simply disappeared..along with several other posts! AS I was clicking Ctrl + Z I also lost Senior Golden Sneakers! I simply cannot re-do it now and need to get tobed but there were a couple of things I recall I'd like to mention.
    JERI, have you 2 organs in the picture from Easter? Do you play?
    LIN, have you considered asking for offers for the beautiful horse? Not a suggestion, just a thought I had. I never sold anything so really don't know how.
    You all really inspired me tonight and I'm so upset but I cannot repeat my post that was lost!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!........ :'( ..........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Storm Hannah hit us last night. Why do they always get such benign names? Anyway I gather there are a few trees down but the only thing that flew in my garden and my own silly fault, was the patio umbrella I forgot to take down so although it was unfurled it ended up across one of the flower beds. No damage that I could see but now things have calmed I will check properly after my coffee break. Another quiet and beautiful stroll through the bluebells making the most before they fade and now home to sort laundry (not a hanging out sort of day in the breeze!) then perhaps yet another shampoo of the spare room carpet. Dear little Betty reverted to her pee pad yesterday in spite of many requests and opening of the door but the cold temperature seemed to turn her into a wooz!

    Anne, hopefully you are no longer Mother Hubbard with her bare cupboard but have managed to stock up on all you need. The M&S loafers sound perfect and great, you are still receiving such good service from them. Your weather has got to improve one day soon surely although I seem to remember when living in Canada things changed overnight, often one extreme to another. It's lovely to hear from you even on a blah day otherwise we worry... just saying! ;)

    Patsy, you do lead a fascinating life by my standards so I understand why housework goes to the bottom of the pile. When I dabbled with a paintbrush many years ago I couldn't let even the roughest sketch go so goodness knows how I'd be with a completed painting that had heart and soul poured into it.

    Jeri, that same lovely smile and looking so healthy. Fill up those wine glasses though!! :D

    Sandy, Oh dear, did those 5 inches of snow arrive? I think most of us are struggling with the last few pounds although mine are becoming more than a few!! My scales told me this morning I had actually lost 1 lb, goodness knows how when I enjoyed 2 rounds of ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch yesterday. Perhaps generally I'm not eating enough... I wish! :D:D

    Sorry your post crashed Lin andI understand the frustration. I won't hang around on this site too long either because things are flashing on and off in a scary way!

    Buzz, Microsoft continues to confound and annoy, this time as I tried yet again to re-instate Skype. Either my email or password were deemed wrong by them, one after the other until I was shouting at the computer. In the end I took the option to use my iphone ID to install on the desktop which seemed bizarre but it worked. Now I have to contact the friends I talk to and ask for their Skype names so I can invite as friends, something I tried with my original Skype name and made contact with myself so my old account does exist!! Microsoft need a kick up the rear because like many, I'm considering swapping to Apple although I know they have their faults too.

    Now a window has popped up asking me to allow a device to be installed so I'll finish here and see what exactly it is before giving permission.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2019
    Interesting that we all seem to be having computer problems whatever devices we use. I know it's putting me off posting.

    I thought I saw a bit of snow on the ground this morning. It's possible because it's still only 34F. I don't blame Betty one bit for using her pee pad JACKIE! Here rough winds do shake the darling buds of May and Jilly is all for pee pads rather than having the north wind blow up her bum, lol!

    Michael did indeed show up yesterday and I did get the cupboards stocked up but he shouldn't have come because he was suffering badly from putting his back out overnight. He drives three quarters of a hour to get here, and then again back home. I had back ache as well, and of course it appears to be a permanent thing with Mark. What a bunch eh. Fortunately mines now back to normal and Mike is on the mend but not poor Mark. Michael only stayed to do the shop, no lunch with us for once. I think Jilly knew he was in pain because she usually gives him a hard time when he goes down the steps to the back door. She runs back and forth barking at him. This time she just stood on the top step wagging her tail, and once his car drove away climbed into her bed and promptly fell asleep.

    Lovely picture of you and Ed JERI. You look so pretty and well.

    So between the weather and bad backs not much to report I'm afraid JACKIE. PATSY does indeed seem to lead a much more exciting life than yours truly, and so does SANDY and LIN wielding her swords and hunting dragons. BUZZ of course has culinary adventures daily.

    I'm still trying to restrict myself as far as diet goes. 4th day today. Great hopes. The first five days are the worst and I was very good grocery shopping in only buying healthy stuff. No biccys etc.

    This post is jumping all over the place. Weird symbols showing. Methinks I'd better bounce off!

    Hi to LAURA

    Anne. Phew think I've made it this far!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good day. I am off to World Tai Chi Day. This app is still acting unstable so will just post this and hope later I will be able to write something longer and be able to post it.

    Hugs everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) MFP seems to working fine for me, knock on wood. Fun times with friends at the fish fry although I had boneless skinless chicken breast. I ate a baked potato which I never eat potatoes and lots of other junk type food. And then I wonder why I can't lose weight. :p Our snow is scheduled to start around 2:00pm today and ending tonight with accumulations of 3 to 8 inches. Looks like I will be going to Mass tomorrow morning instead of my 4:30 time today.

    Lin, World Tai Chi Day sounds interesting, are you performing? I know you will enjoy it even if you are just watching.

    Anne, glad you got your old mother hubbard cupboards filled, but poor Mike.

    Jackie, do you think there will be a day when we all have warm comfortable weather without worrying about snow or storms? I am glad I got my errands done for my trip so I don't have to leave the house except for church.

    Buzz, so sorry you lost another post, that is so frustrating.

    Jeri, you look amazing and so happy. I think Ed looks fine, you make a great couple. Praying for no mutations so you can rest easy. My niece also had it done and all was good.

    Patsy, good for you for volunteering. I baby sit too much to get involved but I did share a post to sign a petition about the little boy who was killed by his parents and was failed by DCFS. They failed him and my heart as well as millions of others is broken.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a waste of an afternoon! A couple of hours attaching a new door opener on the hen house and tidying up the wiring to find when I switched on it wasn't working. So then, bit by bit, I worked my way back through the system to discover the original section that sits outside and pulls the door up or down with a pully has a disconnected wire and no obvious place for it to go so I'm guessing it should be soldered somewhere. All this while dodging heavy showers and sheltering in my greenhouse with Betty and George. It's gone 5.30pm so I'm in to email the company that sells it to see if they can advise but am guessing I will have to buy a new part. Oh well, at least when I do dismantle and put back with new motor I should be quicker because I know exactly what goes where!!

    Topsy turvy weather from now on I think Sandy having watched a David Attenborough programme last week entitled Climate Change, The Facts! Scary events to come and in our lifetimes too!

    Hope everyone has a better afternoon. Kettle on for me and decisions on chicken curry or mackerel salad. A good job there's no wine in the house!!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I went through a wall last night misjudging a piece of furniture as I was trying to wheel out of my apartment for dinner! And I thought I was a good driver!!! I haven't time now to really post, but wanted to say hello, and commiserate about weather and computers! By the way, JACKIE, didn't Al Gore make s couple of documentaries a number of years ago concerning CLIMATE CHANGE? No one wanted to believe him!
    Updating that herbal pill, my gout and arthritis seem to be ever so much better, since starting it, but the bone on bone hip has not improved. I'm grateful for the areas that seem so much better!The knees, especially. Oh, and the swelling in the ankles, toes and legs is way down, almost gone!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!......... ..:.........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening. The Tai Chi morning was ok. I enjoyed a number of the demonstrations. Yes, I did the double fan with my group but is was very disorganized and I was plopped at the end of a row and nearly moved into the crowd with the sideways movements and my teacher seemed irritated that I didn’t find another place to go. Out the door occurred to me. Haaaaa.

    The buyer for the bobble heads cancelled our meeting on Friday as she had to go to PT kind of suddenly. Unfortunately when I got home today and tried to contact her, no answer. I will send another message to see if we can meet tomorrow afternoon. She said she had nothing to do this weekend. Hummmm.

    Now I have been messaging with a friend who is having more severe health issues. She was in so much pain last night that she went to the ER. She was told it may be months before this gets better and she is quite depressed. I can understand that.

    Sandy, snow!!!!!!! Eeeck. Florida here she comes. Visions of pools in her eyes.

    Buzz, ooooh! You hit a wall but hopefully you weren’t injured. Hugs.

    Jackie, the hen house door sounds well beyond my capacity to cope. You are tenacious. Hello yo Betty and George.

    Patsy, wow, a book of your work. You must be ecstatic! I am excited at the news.

    Anne, provisions obtained. Well done. Glad you and the Bean will not go without. Are you expecting snow? If you, doubly happy you have a supply of food at hand.

    Jeri, you and Ed are a gorgeous couple. Thanks for sharing the photo. And praying all goes well with every test.

    Laura, what are you working on this weekend?

    For anyone I have missed, sorry. Still nervous I will lose this post.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just a pop in for now. I'm having Arctic char for lunch. Rather hope Mike comes and joins me because it's his favourite and most expensive fish I might add. Felt like a treat after 5 days of diet and a depleted cupboard!
    I thought Tai Chi is to make one feel all calm and at one with the planet LIN? Sounds as if your irritated teacher should be joining the class rather than teaching it lol. I'm afraid I would have got the giggles and would definitely be shown the door! At which point I would have handed her my fan and told her what to do with it. Now then girls, I mean fan her fevered brow of course.
    Anyway, I'm in a frivolous mood today so I'll be back later when I'm facing the washing up and I'm thus less frivolous.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, off to church in a bit. Frivolous sounds fine to me. Having a cup of coffee as it is very chilly here this morning. Have not found any breakfast. Hot cereal sounds good but I don’t know if I have time to cook and eat it.

    Anne, I have never heard of Arctic char. Hummmmm. Must be my huge lack of knowledge when it comes to fish. Can you call and invite Mike with the hint of the lovely lunch? Or call and have Jilly bark into the phone. Haaaaa.

    Must get moving.

    Hugs all.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Alas, Mike has been invited to see his friend's brand new baby grandson way up north LIN. Arctic char is a type of salmon. Organic in this case so expensive. I have two fillets so more for me another day! Just got back from a long walk and the church goers where just going in. I know a few of them and they said "we are still open, come and join us", tempted but I don't think The Bean would be welcome! Back home, I find my hyacinths are in full bloom. The daffy and tulips with buds. Springs definitely just around the corner.
    Lovely if chilly day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I think we ended up with 3 or 4 inches of snow but today is very sunny and expected to be 50 degrees. I am glad it snowed yesterday and not Tuesday since so many flights were cancelled. I will be going to Mass later this morning and then coming home to wash clothes and have a video call with my kids.

    Anne, I love salmon, so enjoy your wonderful treat. Sorry Mike can't join you but maybe sneak Jilly a very small piece.

    Lin, sometimes when people are out of mood there might be something going on in their life that is upsetting them. Just pray for her and hope she gets in a better mood soon.

    Buzz, when you say you went through a wall do you mean literally? Is there a hole in the wall?

    Jackie, you must be having a nice day and are out and about.

    Patsy, is the sun shining?

    Laura, how are things going?

    Jeri, are you feeling okay?

    Time to run.
    One Day at a Time