Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2019
    Yes LIN, me and The Bean are all stocked up on provisions and I spent a fortune at the vets on heart worm tablets etc.

    I had Barry over, he's the man who's been doing my snow clearing bless him. He erects decks and fences by trade. He came to discuss ripping up the old tiny, rotting deck and steps that lead to my front door and now he's preparing an estimate. Mark was going to do this job, but his back is preventing him. He will pay though. I fancy extending the deck along the front on both sides. This will give me wider, shallower and one extra step now that I don't enjoy climbing so much! The other side would give me room for a small table, umbrella and a couple of chairs for my morning coffee in the sun (if it ever shows up again) and won't The Bean enjoy peering through the railings and barking at all the passing dogs. Me, I shall be able to see what's going on in the street rather than being confined all the time at the back and be a general nosy body.

    Then.....Marks decided it's time to get rid of the old, high, slippery bath. He's proposing ripping it all out and installing a nice modern shower. No bath that Anne has trouble standing up in and will only get worse as I continue to age. So I guess someone will show up with an estimate on updating dear old Me. Exciting summer in the works for me and Jilly. Being ancient has its advantages!

    Mikes just asked me if I'd like to go with him and his friend to Stratford to the theatre there. I'd love to go because I enjoy Shakespeare would mean a long day leaving Jilly so I've declined. It was a favourite haunt for me and my old friend Vivienne who went back to England and now sadly is no longer with us. No big deal, been there done that, but wasn't it nice of Michael and his friend to ask me along. However these days I am truly blessed and content just living in my little old house with my little wee Jill and surrounded by nice neighbours and numerous dogs. I guess I'm getting known for being the streets oldest resident. Apparently I'm the same age as Barry the deck erectors Mom.
    Enjoy tomorrow, Saturday, all you lovely sneakers,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Adorable post, dear ANNE! Your dear little Bean should only know your sacrifices for him! I suspect Shakespeare would approve your choice!!
    Somehow, this computer had me on a merry chase tonight: it kept butting in with places of burial! Including descriptions of services! Weird night! And it's not even Halloween!
    I'm thinking I'd better get to bed and sleep away the chills tonight has given me! Initially, I was enjoying SANDY and her elusive sun, JACKIE and her shivering shaven loves, LIN, who shared her philosophy on our future...oh dear, I dare not go back to the previous page or I'll lose everything, so please forgive me if I've left someone out! Senior moment!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!...............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    More than a nip this morning so winter coat with its fleece liner was donned to walk in the woods. Literally not another soul in the place until the last few yards when a young girl strolled out of the trees to try to stroke George who declined with a duck then Betty who went back for more fussing!
    Home to make afternoon plans for the garden then chat to a friend on the phone. A lighter lunch than yesterday and now ready for a few layers back on and gardening. I'm also finally going to make a swing for the hens!! 🐔🐓

    Anne, 8 years ago I replaced the bath with a walk in shower and never looked back especially when I also had a water meter installed instead of continuing the expensive old water rates system. I think it's a great idea you do the same and not necessarily to do with getting older! Decking too, as much for The Bean's entertainment I'm thinking and certainly perfect for watching the world go by. Your boys do look after their mum don't they. 😁

    Lin, how annoying that time waster must be and perhaps best you cut him out of your life. At least the other buyer behaved normally so good to know there are decent folk out there.

    Buzz, you understand computers better than me but do you think some sort of Malware has managed to attach itself? Whatever is sending funeral suggestions can't surely be legitimate but then who knows with this Internet lark! Microsoft is currently refusing to recognise me on my iphone's Outlook email so I have to use the laptop where it's more than happy I am who I say. Not the end of the world but ridiculous none the less!

    Must get on while the sun still shines.
    Have a good Saturday everyone.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Where is everyone? I just finished polishing my nails, the counter top (where I eat) and everything else that got in the way!!! I guess that's a good excuse for getting a manicure for which I pay! I think I get mesmerized and perhaps fall asleep. Also see areas where polish is too thick so it got dented. Definitely not professional looking! Well, nothing new or exciting, No more descriptions of cremations (that was horrible!) and no, OI don't seem to have a virus, JACKIE, just some sleazy idiots , with nothing better to do! I have some bill paying to do so please excuse me. Oh, just an agreement regarding that walk-i shower! And do have it fill the same space so you can fit a shower chair in! While you're at it, have some shelves built in as the ones you buy never stick very long! A wonderful weekend to my dear friends!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!...............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2019
    Hello, I have been working on shuffling things around, sorting things out and sorting more of the dreaded papers and records. There is another free shredding day next Saturday so decided to try to get another couple of totes filled. I have one tote full of papers that do not need to be shredded and two partially filled totes of papers that do need to be shredded. Good thing I made this my project of the year. I think it will take that long.

    I am tired of sorting now and will read for a while. Some of the files are giving me allergies. I did check and it is true that the IRS can audit the returns of any person, living or deceased, for 7 years. That seems insane to me, I wonder how many executors and beneficiaries have heard this? The accountant told me to keep stuff but said it would be good to have if questions came up. He didn’t say what type of questions might be involved. Gosh, I am dense!

    Oh, in an otherwise kind of boring food day there was one really outstanding thing—watermelon. I cut up a cute small watermelon and it is beyond wonderful. Yummmmmm. And there is some left for tomorrow. Happy!!

    Jackie, a swing for the hens. Lucky birdies! I hope they enjoy it. Maybe you should have one for yourself as well. You could swing with the girls!

    Buzz, I never do anything to my nails except cut them and use a file on them to shape them up a bit. Sorry you are unhappy with the nail polish.

    Anne, lots of changes in store for your home. All sound lovely to me. I hope it isn’t too difficult to live through. I like your boys, they seem to think of you often.

    Must run along before I fall asleep.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2019

    Breakfast on the deck, birds singing and church bells chiming... bliss! A song Thrush had returned to the area, first time in years. They are endangered in Britain so I do hope it's a good sign for the breed.
    Already walked in the woods and once again took the quiet bluebells trail as much to avoid the crowds who flock there on Sunday. I'd had to pop into town for fuel so we were later starting our walk. On my return I had to break hard to avoid a car coming at me and a faulty ABS light came on. I'm hoping it's only because I rarely slam on brakes preferring to pump them so possibly did no more than shock the system!

    Buzz, I stopped wearing nail varnish for that one reason, blobs, gaps and fingerprints when I touched it before it was dry. Also of course, since they seem to be constantly requiring a nail brush after gardening it became a pointless exercise! Never going to compete with your wonderfully high standards!! 🤩

    Anne, I agree about the size of your shower unless Mark is thinking of installing a wet room. Grab bars on the wall a must too and screwed on not suction. Mine are the latter so I don't trust them other than for a gentle steady!

    Lin, many years ago a friend and I set a business up that turned out a poor decision since we were in the midst of a recession so when we folded it I put our accounts books on top of my wardrobe to collect dust and await those 7 years. Long after the time had elapsed I still hesitated to destroy them in case the tax man (or woman) suddenly made contact so do feel for you. Such a responsibility if so much was your father's business. Deep breath and shred!!😖😖

    Coffee on the deck then potter in the garden. Wishing you all a peaceful Sunday.
    Jackie 🙋‍♀️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'll pop in later BUT just had to tell you my living room is flooded with sunshine. I really thought the sun had gone forever. I do hope my deck materializes and I can join everyone else for coffee amongst the flowers. Never worn nail varnish. Tried it once and didn't like the feeling of heaviness on my nails.
    Thanks for the shower advice, very good advice so I hope I get a say on choice.
    I like my boys as well LIN. I mean apart from loving them, I really LIKE them. On the whole they are very like my dad, my grandad, and my great grandad on my fathers side of the family tree. I never met my mother's parents etc. All long gone when I arrived on the scene.
    See ya all,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning. At Sunday school but not lots happening this moment.

    Jackie, love that photo. I will stop by for a cup of coffee. Sigh. Wonderful. Hello George and Betty.

    Anne, the boys are so fortunate to have you as mom!!

    Hope everyone has a lovely day.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all! We have morning fog but sun is promised after this burns off later this morning. I have high hopes of a late breakfast or lunch out on our deck. This is cinco de Mayo. I have a chicken enchilada ready to shove in the oven. I will enjoy some more classical Mexican/Latino music and enjoy the day. Ole hooray! Our son, who speaks fluent Spanish, would dissolve in laughter at my fumbled attempt at all things Latin today.

    Anne: your home upgrades will be so wonderful! The little deck will become almost an extended living room. You will enjoy it so much. Of course the bathroom redo will be a true life saver. We have installed those permanent grab bars and tile shelves in the shower area when we upgraded our bathroom. It was something we had to do. The plumbing and flooring was a disaster. Our experience is that it always costs more than you ever expected, takes longer than necessary, construction is messy, this will be so inconvenient you will lose patience more than once. BUT it will be exciting along the way.

    Jackie: the photo told me your garden area was so gloriously fresh and peaceful. I understand your need to be out there as much as possible. I even see little George there. Betty must be next to you. Is she a Velcro dog? Our Katie is a Velcro, sticking to us constantly. .
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2019
    PATSY, re extended deck, I'm already washing the garden chairs cushions in great anticipation! Ooh I do hope it comes to pass. Great term, Velcro dog. Yes, Jilly Beans is a Velcro dog as well.
    PS covers washed and came up like new.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Done pottering so in to decide on an evening meal, delicious fattening local farm sausages or homemade lean chicken curry. I need to lose a bit of this extra weight before my hip replacement so it had better be the curry!

    That made me laugh Patsy and such an appropriate description so from now on Betty is the Velcro dog! I wait for the day she becomes tired of following my ambling ways back and forth.... forgotten something so back I go again but there she is inches from my heels. My afternoon cuppa was on my swing seat and guess who attached herself to my leg
    Not much peace this afternoon as a neighbour swung a petrol strimmer round for over an hour but little couch potato didn't hear a thing!

    Lin, you are welcome any time, just a little notice so I can get a pot of coffee on the go!!

    Anne, so some days even washing cushions can be exciting. I do hope the plans come to fruition too.

    Time to cook.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Decided to do a bit of weeding only to discover two of my gardening tools have gone AWOL and something is scratting in the back roof. Too high for me to see but it's quite frantic and loud scratting.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Clap of thunder, rain downpouring and MY POST DISAPPEARED! Boo HOO, all those wonderfully descriptives of you, your gardens and Cinco de Mayo celebrations and shower seats (ANNE, I suggested from my experience buy and put together a shower seat with a back but no arms, and NO SUCTION cup attachments I have a busy weekend so I cannot repeat, nor can I recall! Oh yes I just read Gabapentin affects sleepiness and memory so maybe that's my nap excuse! SO sorry, I MUST run!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!...............................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well I'm whacked. I started a bit of gardening and then Mark and Mary Jo turned up and started pruning the Apple trees. It took 3 hours! In the middle of this Janice turned up with no doggie Amy, Jilly's friend. Sadly, Amy died on Easter Sunday. She had a bad heart and this was expected at any time, but still, it's knocked the stuffing out of Janice. Amy was a rescue dog from Thailand. I think it helped a bit that Jilly Bean made a fuss of her and was licking her. Always sad when a beloved pet dies.
    My back is killing me so I'm putting my feet up this evening.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Brrr, I'm sure it's colder than our Winter temperatures! Have been trying to order a couple of items on Amazon but it's insisting I join their Prime membership so have logged off!! Will try ebay instead!
    A bank holiday and all the idiots are out on the roads so apart from a needed pint of milk I'm now home for the day. Two near misses from cars travelling in the middle of our narrow roads was enough for me! The ABS warning light went off this morning once I pumped the brakes gently as I drove along the track to the road so worry over. It would cost more to repair than the car's worth!
    Happy Monday everyone. :)

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well I'm up and running. Mr sun is still with us so I will try and do a little more weeding today and even maybe a grass trim.
    I risked a bath this morning rather than a shower and my achy back feels much better. Just out of shape I guess after the wicked winter. The trick is not to stand up from the sitting position grasping the slippery wide sides of the bath but to roll over onto ones knees thus making crawling upright much easier. I am very glad no one can see me doing this! But I did enjoy a lovely bubbly bath for a change.

    So a busy day ahead for Anne and Jilly Beans..
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello. Up early this morning for class. Then got together with a friend for a few hours. We see each other maybe once a year. Always friendly and lots to talk about but never make it a regular thing.

    Meeting a lady a bit later for another little sale. Then time to get the trash ready to roll out. I have much more than what will fit in the bin. Must decide what to keep over a week.

    Anne, great strategy for getting out of the bath. I adore standing in hot water rather than sitting so the shower is just right for me. It sounds like you like to soak. I hope whatever the remodel brings will make you happy.

    Jackie, a bank holiday. Hmmmm. Interesting. I don’t think I know what holiday this might be. So Harry and spouse now have a baby boy. Big news around the world. So much nicer than most news flashes that I receive.

    Buzz, sorry you lost your post. Frustration!!!

    Hello Sandy, Patsy, Jeri, Diane, Marie, Barb, Laura, Barbie and the rest of the lovely Sneakers.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Since I overdid things yesterday finishing with a clearing bonfire late evening today has been quiet and restful, well it was until dark clouds rolled up and our forecasters mentioned heavy rain for tomorrow. Out came the lawnmower and I managed to cut the lawn in record time.

    Not sure if I mentioned when I visited an open garden where they grow tea that I was given a round of applause when I got myself off the ground in a similar way Anne. No audience for you of course unless the Bean was sat on a bath mat! Can't beat a soak to ease aching muscles.

    Lin, May day bank holiday is one of those ancient springtime and renewal of life celebrations but also became Labour day many years ago and I think the Russians March and wave red flags. Yes I understand a new royal arrival and although I'm not a royalist as such I wish them well and lots of good luck because pressure from the media is intense and Harry was at a very vulnerable age when he lost his mother in such an appalling way so naturally wants to protect his family.

    Feet up and considering a mug of hot chocolate.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones. This is going to be interesting. The posts keep rolling and jumping around. Will I get to actually reply and post? Who knows? We’ll see.

    The weather is perfect. Goldielicks weather. Not too hot...not too cold. Good time to get a few things done. Everything needs cleaning. EVERYTHING ! I guess the way to deal with this is to start. I must decide where to start, that’s the hard part.

    New royal baby! I am a goof when it comes to babies. Can’t help myself. All I want is to hold them, cuddle them, coo to them and rock back and forth as I hold them. Some sort of fierce mother genes kicks in when I see them.
    Off with brush, rag, bucket and bottle of simple green soap. Wish me luck.........
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I spent my last day floating and later with a cocktail. Life in Florida is wonderful with such a good daughter and son in law. Leaving tomorrow around noon so will catch up on Wednesday.
    Have a good evening!
    One Day at a Time