Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Back from our BBQ, which was absolutely delicious. 100 residents were invited tonight, and I'm sure they will continue to have these as it was a big hit. However, they need to rearrange the booth seating as tables are too close to seats! The ribs were delicious, I did't eat the chicken drumsticks but friends said they were excellent. Baked Beans were marvelous, real Boston style pork and beans. Huge and unusual fabulous corn muffins hot from the oven and the best potato salad and cole slaw they ever.
    I've just spent hours with my bank account where it seems someone hacked my charge account and the bank picked it up,but unfortunately it affected 2 purchases I really made, so we had to work things out and they offered to expedite delivery of my card. It amazes me that they picked up a fake purchase and declined it so correctly!
    So, I have been away from this forum several hours and guess what: my unposted reply was still here exactly as I left it! But now it's 12:41 AM, so I must get to bed. Before I go, I heard some great news regarding THE INVESTIGATION! Mueller says it was incorrectly given to the public and Barr Lied! Mueller did NOT exonerate the orange wonder at all! I think he will work with the Congress, since h e must have a copy of his report...unredacted! I go to sleep a happy camper!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another walk through the bluebells this morning as each time we arrive at the woods I think it could be the last chance before they fade. Recorded the birdsong on video so will string something together for YouTube later because we have surprisingly good weather at the moment and I want to clean out hens and greenhouse. Purchased big bags of compost for my pots ready for the annuals so have many colourful plans.
    The hospital just phoned to ask if I'm available 22nd this month for 2nd hip replacement, the only day I have an appointment... dentist! I'll postpone it because I think the sooner this painful old hip is replaced the better.

    Buzz, what we'd call a stonking BBQ with all those delights although I do wonder if they aren't trying to kill you all with kindness!! 😛😛😛
    I fear Mueller's report will run and run with no satisfactory conclusion rather like the UK impasse.

    Must get on. Back later. Enjoy your Wednesday.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    RAIN.......COLD. 'Nuff said.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2019
    We've just been to the mailbox. Me dressed in heavy polo neck sweater and winter anorak. Freezing out there with a cold wind but we did manage to get out between the rain.

    Lake Ontario has now reached 2017 record level and still rising. I feel so sorry for the people East of us. Water now waist level and many homes destroyed. The hardy ones are still sandbagging around their property. It must be heart wrenching seeing your home of many years destroyed. One lady kayaked down the road and when she arrived still paddling into her flooded Living Room was just overcome. We are so lucky here. Just think of these poor folk working all day in this cold filling and putting heavy sandbags around their foundations. Those still living upstairs are boating it to pick up food at stores on higher ground. Most hadn't seen this flooding before 2017.
    Melting ice in the Arctic, much more rain, rising rivers and lakes, yes earth warming has definitely arrived.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello. Cold and overcast. Something broke (levee?) in the Quad cities area on the Mississippi River in Scott County Iowa. Flooding may be as bad or worse than the horrendous flood of 1993. It happened suddenly and people had to be rescued from businesses and homes. I remember 1993, we lost our water works plant here. Horrible days of bottled water and port o potties. No air conditioning at work, elevators only for the disabled, minimal lighting. Oh my. I feel so bad for these people. Earlier flooding in the west side of our state demolished town after town. It is a very bad year.

    I pray everyone here is safe and well.

    It was a day with many hours of Tai Chi. I also picked up my sword from the blacksmith and mailed several birthday cards. A bit later I am meeting someone to sell my bobble heads. I hope
    this works out. I am meeting the person in public so all should go well. Fingers crossed. This is the fourth buyer. All others washed out.

    Tomorrow is library ladies morning and then a Tai Chi lesson.

    Hugs everyone.

  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Buzz I agree with you about the orange thing. Maybe he will push enough that we can finally get rid of him. Since you like puzzles have you ever gone online to Shockwave they are free and have lots of puzzles. Lin - If you ever decide to try beading the tools are much cheaper at hardware stores just get the smallest sizes. Jackie - I loved the Rolly Pollys this is the first I have heard of them.
    Have a good week all,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Running late again, but logging in to say Hi!Or water was shut off for an emergency exactly at the time my cleaning helper arrived. It came back on just before she left and she insisted on folding the sheets that got stuck in the machine. Thanks, LAURA, for agreeing about that "orange thing" and I hope JACKIE is not correct about it languishing i Congress forever. I was so excited last night, but in the stark light of day, I see it's the same old, same old!!! And of course it was all Obama's fault and throw in Hilary, as well! I think I'l quietly regurgitate! Expecting many days of rain arriving tomorrow morning, and am hoping SANDY gets her sunshine up about 400 miles north of me! And good news, my eldest daughter and her husband are planing to visit later in May via train! Yippee!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...........................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Can no longer edit posts? That 1st line should have read Hi! Our water was shut off yadda yadda!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2019
    Don't worry BUZZ, we can all read MFP language by now! It often changes my words from what it thinks I should be typing, I'm forever re-reading my posts and re-correcting. Anybody play Scrabble on here? I believe LIN does. I get terribly frustrated when everyday words are rejected. Not in the dictionary it tells me. The latest was Zulu yesterday. Wasn't there a film titled Zulu? Anyway every school kid has heard of the fearsome Zulus and their shields and spears. Even MFP has heard of them but not the dictionary on Scrabble.

    As for the orange bobble head I'm afraid you are stuck with him. Money talks and he's got bags and bags of filthy lucre to oil him out of sticky situations. (Gang - what! THAT should read) HANG on to your seat belt for a while longer.

    Hopefully no rain today and a slight rise in temperature but it's back tomorrow.

    Almost lost my post, BUT I managed to press the save post button in the nick of time. So here I am back on edit.

    Just wanted to say I read yesterday about.......quote....... "the oldest old" that is ..... quote.....the "oldest old" being anybody over 80 years. Bl...y cheek!! Your day will come (probably some smug) 30 year old. It gave Michael a laugh anyway. As he said it's bad enough reaching old age without adding insult to injury.
    Oldest old indeed.

    I shall creak off to make porridge and go find my glasses, another problem with being the oldest old!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member

    Happy Thursday from Jacksonville! Having coffee outside where it is just beautiful. The forecast does call for rain all week but right now the sun is shining. As long as I get an hour or two a day I will be happy. Bradenton was great and so wonderful of my son in law and daughter to drive four hours to pick me up. They met Charlie and both were terrific with all the kids. We spent night at hotel and then joined them at the beach for a couple of hours before driving to Jacksonville. Went to their friends house on the river last night to watch the sunset which was just beautiful. Today is a rest day and since the sun is shining now I better get my suit on.

    Have a wonderful day!
    One Day at A Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2019
    Hello, off to the library soon. I met up with the bobble head buyer last night and that was quick and easy. I suspect it is more difficult when you have large items and/or expensive things. Anyway, meeting a lady at the library who is buying some spaghetti ceramic poodles, and tonight supposedly meeting up with the guy who forgot me earlier in the week. But the very best thing was hearing from a good friend of mine. I am selling a little porcelain foal that my Grandma gave me as a child. She saw it and as luck would have it, she has a horse crazed grand daughter and she is planning to give it to her. Just lovely! And as a plus we are going to get together to chatter.

    Buzz, congrats, what happy news that your daughter and hubby are coming for a visit. Exciting!

    Anne, yes, online Scrabble is very strict in approving words. Sorry, no way to get that verdict re-examined. We are having one day with a bit of sunshine, then rain again but perhaps a hood Daturday in store before the rain returns. Very bad news for our farmers.

    Laura, thanks for the tip. And I had never heard of the Rolly Pollies either.

    Sandy, yippee, you have arrived in Jacksonville. Fingers crossed that you will have some sunshine and time at the pool.

    Hugs everyone.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just be glad you aren't up here SANDY. It's raining again and we get a full rain day tomorrow. Certainly don't need a pool to get wet but a bit of sunshine would be nice. Glad you are having nice warm fun with the family.
    Well done LIN. On the sales I mean. I've often thought it might be fun to have a rental stall at the huge garage sales that are held over here. Quite a nice way to spend a warm summer Saturday and I bet you'd be good at it. If you've lots to sell maybe worth the rental fee? Flo used to drag me to them in our hay day.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    zzzzANOTHER POST LOST!!!---And I'm off to dinner. You gave me many smiles today, dear friends!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..........................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I am having the same issue with disappearing posts! It is so annoying. What on earth is wrong with MFP? It only happens here.

    Partly cloudy today but quite chilly. I am so ready for spring weather. I am loath to put heavy sweaters away. I know I will need them again soon. But we don’t have snow...that’s a blessing.

    The political news gives me the hebby-jebbies. Please let us get back to normal with just the everyday struggles of various interests, rules, laws, funding, party power grabbing. This current administration is scary and dangerous. Something is very broken. Just my opinion, of course.

    I ordered special grooming tools for Katie and let me say, if it has to do with pets, you will pay at least a third more. Including their treats and food. You can serve them skinless top grade chicken breast for cheaper than a good quality pet food. The special grooming scissors cost more than my excellent quality sewing scissors. Why?

    Making John a batch of bran muffins. Veggie burgers and baked sweet potato fries tonight. I am enjoying the CD our daughter made for us. All our songs one nice CD. How perfect for a cloudy cold day, cleaning the kitchen and baking muffins!
    Hello to everyone! Anne, Buzz, Lin, Sandy, Jackie, Jeri, Laurie and other dear but absent sneakers.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy day and now off to bed. Our temperatures tumbling too so I may have to give in and light the fire before the weekend is over although extra layers do help a bit!

    More time tomorrow hopefully but George's groomer will be visiting so I must brush him out thoroughly beforehand.
    I find fresh lamb and chicken bought for George's meals works out much cheaper than branded dog food.

    How odd, whole words appearing I've not typed and page rolling so will stop for the night.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Went to bed early, so of course here I am, awake at 3 AM!!! Well, at least I got in my Metamucil!
    PATSY, what a perfectly thoughtful and loving gift from your daughter! Enjoy all your favorites
    and the not always obvious love (but it's there, obviously) while humming away! And please know you are certainly not alone in your reaction to a certain "regime". Many worry that this is how dictatorships begin: a mysterious "hold" on a large segment of people seemingly mesmerized by something the rest of us find appalling! Yes, it is very frightening, since we have been through this , at least in my lifetime! Do the rest of you have recollections of 1939 (as I do) when Germany invaded Poland, starting WW2? I will never forget listening to the pronouncement on the radio (no TV back then!) that Hitler was attacking. At that time, America seemed to be in a state of denial about his intentions, and about the Holocaust: actual people being burned alive in ovens built for many human beings! Many citizens of this country referred to it as "Rosenfeld's" (instead of Roosevelt's) War and the Congress wanted nothing to do with it! There were a few people in the USA who understood the horror that was occurring in Britain , France, Belgium, Spain (random order),Italy, Germany, and so on, and fought, often secretly, to get us involved, and nothing budged us until Japan attacked us in Pearl Harbor! I worry that the USA is blinded again, and I certainly hope I'm wrong, but there is so much hatred being spread here against "dangerous ethnic groups", so much adoration of gun culture.....sorry, there I go again, ranting and raving. But, I am not alone, PATSY, nor are you! Paying little attention to what is happening is actually encouraging those dangerous to us, so we all have choices to make. Just realize how many Germans claim they were unaware of Hitler's horrors even though the odor of burning flesh permeated the air around them! Can it be related to people desperately seeking help from dreadful conditions while we build walls to keep them out of a country built to welcome immigrants? I rest my case!
    Yes, JACKIE, the uncontrollable scrolling is driving me nuts, as well! You are very thoughtful preparing George's hair for his groomer. You can be sure it is appreciated! I used to recive some poodles who came in so matted I simply gave them the "puppy cut" and shut my ears to lazy owner's complaints! At least they were clean once more! Do check that the anal glands are emptied at grooming time. When you see your dogs pull themselves along in a seated position, it is because those glands are full and they are trying to get rid of the pain!
    SANDY, what goes around comes around! Your kids figure it's payback time! The place looks so inviting, and we are all happy you are enjoying your beloved sunshine!
    ANNE, LIN, LAURA< and several others of you dear friends, my lost post had special statements for you and it just went "poof", and before I lose this (plus fall asleep!) I must log off.
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..........................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2019
    In a rush but BUZZ very well put! I sometimes think only Mike and I up here can see the horrors that can emerge in a world going mad. You have summed it up exactly. I was just under four years when Germany invaded Poland. I can remember the consternation in my Moms face at the thought of our peaceful by nature men going to war and later her shivering with fright as we huddled under the stairs because the Anderson shelter hadn't yet been built in the garden. Later, she lifted me up to look out of the front room window at the pretty red sky which was actually the city of Hull burning in the far distance.
    I try to keep a cheerful face as European armies are planned, as China builds artificial islands, builds bases and slowly stops importing Canadian food, but deep, deep down I'm as worried as you about the future of mankind not to mention the poor animals in a world seemingly intent on destroying itself.
    This time none of us will escape. No safe havens anywhere. Pray, pray it doesn't happen.
    Sorry to be so sombre, really, really sorry but we must lift our heads out of the sand.
    PS. Ive just read on the BBC news that Christians are now the most persecuted group. False news Mr. T?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Was raining when I woke up so we decided to go to see the Avengers End Game so I took a shower and got ready to leave by 11:00 but my SIL got stuck in traffic due to an accident so we are going later. Of course now the sun is out but I don’t want to start over. I still have three more days so hopefully I get my Florida tan.
    My daughter and her husband are going on a secret diner (she has to write a review for a free dinner at Capitol Grill which is a very nice restaurant. I am taking my grandson on a dinner date but not so upscale.

    Having a wonderful time.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A definite nip in the air but at least no rain. Our forecasters show a cold blast drifting down from the Arctic in May for goodness sake so I may yet light the fire and put up with cleaning it all out again!!
    George has been groomed to within a millimeter of his life and is so pleased with himself although not sure he'll feel the same during tomorrow morning's chilly walk. It might be thick coat time for him! Anal glands clear thanks Buzz.... Betty has inspected the new haircut plus everything else with her nose!
    I wasn't around for WWII but do remember the Cuba crisis and how close we came to annihilation so let's be honest, we don't learn from history, just continue to blunder on. Recently I read 45% of Germans have never heard of the Holocaust which is appalling if true but then I'm not sure our chequered Empire past is taught in British schools. Your leader is acting out his fantasy game in which he can say anything he wants but it seems from recent disclosures there are many around him who refuse to follow orders so hang in there!

    Sandy, so good to read you are having a wonderful time with your family. I'm certainly very jealous of any warm sunshine you encounter but pleased you can top up your tan!

    Just copied off a postal vote application form for our European parliament election that no one wants since it will be held the day after my hip replacement. Voting in something I don't believe in will be strange but vote I must since so many women fought for my right to do so.
    There goes another day but after a weigh in this morning that showed no change after what I thought was a good week, what the hell, it was pasty and sticky cake for lunch. This evening I must stew my allotment rhubarb and enjoy with yogurt.... nothing else! :|

    Happy Friday everyone! <3<3

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2019
    Oh my goodness, another day almost over! Early morning Tai Chi and Qigong. On to Whole Foods, home to put things away and then off to meet a buyer of another one of my little,things. He was great. Kept in touch, let me know when he was almost there, the type of car he was driving etc. If only all folks were so considerate! Yes, you know it is coming, I waited for that “person” again last night, the one that I waited for two hours on Monday and nope, did not show up. I didn’t stay that long, sent a message saying if he wanted to purchase the item, set a definite date/time/location. No response and he did not look at the message. Color me irritated. I put the item back as available but after so long, I doubt anyone will bite since it had been as “pending sale” for days.

    I have baked a few sweet potatoes, working on laundry and have listed a few more items as well as doing some cleaning out under my bathroom sink. So much stuff! I sorted through an old jewelry box and looked at all the treasures. That was fun.

    Tomorrow is a day at the library fo paper crafting, also a surprise birthday party and lots of stuff going on around town. The weather is set to be a-okay so I am not certain what I will do.

    Jackie, quite a day! I hope George does not freeze to death. I am sure he looks handsome. And I hope you light the fire and snuggle up during the cold snap.

    Buzz and Patsy, I am not trying to bury my head in the sand but really I have my idea what we can do to turn this ship around. Voting, yeah right, we just get more of the same with slight differences. I don’t believe our best interests and certainly not our safety are taken into account as things are progressing. I don’t have a rifle so I cannot be militia, but I am certain we can die for what we believe if it comes to that. But I don’t even that would stem the tide of whatever is afoot. Color me extremely cynical, powerless and not seeing much hope for the future of our little blue marble.

    Anne, did you shop today? Stocked up for Jilly?

    Sandy, I hope you do get some sunshine. Interested in hearing what you think of the blockbuster movie!

    Best wishes all. Hugs.
