Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Up early today to walk the dogs before dropping George off with the vet for some dental care. The bill is eye watering but these days all pet care seems expensive to me. I always get emotional when I leave one behind for treatment so am doing my best to keep busy for a couple of hours. The sweet field mouse that Brady brought in the night before for George to chase showed itself last night but before George could catch it I managed to persuade it into a hand towel and shake outside into shrubbery. Hopefully it ran well away so Brady won't bring it in again!

    Still cold temperatures and plenty of showers but so far managed to dodge a soaking.

    Grey squirrels imported from north America have decimated our cute indigenous red ones so I have never liked them and look on them as rats with fluffy tails!

    Finishing a mug of coffee then vacuuming and so continues my exciting life!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2019
    Squirrels are a menace aren't they. I love birds and the bird feeders are for them to get them through the long hard winter, but of course along comes trouble who shove the blue Jays, cardinals, sparrows and finches out of the way. I'm waiting for the porridge to cool before getting dressed because the wild life guys are coming early. The (British) Wild Life man said yesterday that we had traces of raccoons on the roof but they hadn't gotten in. Too big for the guttering. Fortunately they hibernate and wake up as the ground defrosts to dig up grubs and worms. He pointed out two houses at the back who had to replace their roofs last spring because of raccoons and squirrels! He also recognized my accent which I evidently haven't lost. He emigrated with his sister, mom and dad at the same age as my two. I wonder if he would have been into wild life catching if they'd stayed in south east UK! Could be worse because we have a large colony of bats in the local ravine and they love attics.
    So Jilly Bean is in for a glorious day. She loves people. At the moment she's tucked inside her blanket fast asleep.
    Have a lovely day girls,
    Anne, huntress of squirrels 🐿🐿🐿🐿🐿🐿🐿
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2019
    So many lovely posts!

    Anne, Well, the squirrels best run away! The huntress is at the ready. I am glad you were able to get someone to address this problem so quickly. Fingers crossed that no extremely expensive repairs will be needed. Let us know.

    Jackie, oh, ah, the fire looks so cozy and George was taking full advantage of the warmth. I am sorry the beautiful red squirrels have been replaced by the grey variety. That is all we have here so I find red squirrels quite exotic.

    It is very cold and overcast here today. Multiple layers today and maybe gloves this morning. Must run off to Trader Joe’s and then library lady morning and meeting a friend at the book store this afternoon.

    Yesterday I did accomplish the things on my list which was nice. I woke yesterday and couldn’t turn on my television to listen to the news. The remote control had died, not the batteries but the whole darn thing. A little spring has broken so I immediately ordered a new one which may arrive tonight. Goodness, they don’t put many buttons on a TV these days. Haaaaa. So I am content with one channel and switching over to the Roku from time to time.

    Another interesting thing was that I stopped by the consignment shop where I intended to start taking things. Oh my! The store is stuffed to the gills! Many items are no longer accepted, you may bring in items to fill one of their totes but even with an appointment, can no longer bring in lots at one time. Well, well, it looks like a Goodwill store now and smells odd.

    Hugs Jeri, Buzz, Sandy, Patsy, Laura and anyone I have forgotten. Be safe, be well.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Quickie from me. Four men and one girl scrambling over the house. What we've got are those very tiny, skinny American red squirrels that are very fierce. I've noticed they are on the increase and chase the much bigger grey and black squirrels. This is going to cost! But I'll get a small discount for being old. These guys will be here for hours and then later the roofers will return to put in the sealing they omitted. One thin girl in the attic. Very narrow opening, hence one thin girl. Jilly is loving today! We've Just been shown the humane traps.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2019
    I hope these little fierce things never reach England JACKIE. Much worse than the grey and black squirrels.
    Nothing in the attic, no babies thank goodness just a nest. Holes almost sealed and done.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting today and picking someone up so no time to post. Will try to get back later. Enjoy your day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2019
    George is home again extremely wobbly and quiet but thank goodness the skies are brightening so he can sit out in the sunshine. An extraction of a loose tooth that I fear was caused by stone catching as well as a clean and polish! 😯😲Betty was weighed while we were there and has gained another 2 grams so not sure what's going on. Too much to eat obviously but is it the kibble or her sneaking poo to chew? Being spayed won't have helped but she's up nearly 2 kilos since she arrived so hopefully dietary kibble on order will help.

    Anne, I'm guessing your red squirrels are feisty because they have to be surrounded by black and grey cousins! Lots of culling goes on along the Scottish border to keep greys out of the Highlands and protect our red squirrels plus Brady does his bit here in Cornwall. Sue the gardener told me in New Zealand they're planning to introduce a rabbit disease into the environment to kill millions of bunnies originally introduced from Europe. Sounds to me like another environmental disaster about to be unleashed! 😠

    Just a thought, if the roofers forgot the sealer in the first place shouldn't they pay for the team of wildlife catchers? I'm thinking if your Brit had stayed in the UK the most he'd be chasing would be rats and moles. Bats are a protected species so if found in your roof you have to live with them!!

    I'll finish my cuppa in the sunshine then see if I can persuade George to eat a morsel.

    Lin, so long as you're sure you won't be giving away something of value a charity shop seems a good option. I often drop items off and once gone never remembered!!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well.... we are all done and dusted. The roofers never got back to Mark so the five team wild life men and one girl (the supervisor, and she was excellent at her job) said no problem, we do sealing. They've done an incredibly good job. Mark paid them on the spot and won't tell me what it cost but we are so snug now it can't have been cheap! Lifelong guarantee.

    Later, whilst talking to them one of these little squirrels tried to get back into its nest and boy was it mad when it couldn't. Nattering at us at high speed and her tail swishing back and forth. Apparently I can carry on feeding the birds, doesn't make much difference when these wee things are bent on finding holes.
    Thinking lunch now all the excitements died down.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    DITTO!, PATSY, we have had unbelievable damage caused by our "cute" little rodents! Think rats . Busy day, what with VISIT TO HEARING AID people calls from dell TECHNAL ABOUT A CHANGE LOSS. Oh dear, spilled my coffee; Bye!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Congrats on the eviction of the squirrels Anne as well as the repair to keep them out. While squirrels certainly can cause damage, I have seen more damage from mice and rats. And outdoors, deer and bunnies and chipmunks are real pests!

    Interesting that we humans have to fight so hard to maintain our little domains safe from the hoards of invaders.

    Nice visits both this morning and this afternoon. I donated a couple of newspapers to the library this morning. They were issues from 1969, the first moon walk. One when it started and the other when it was over. They will use them in the big display near the front entrance.

    I am going to read and then get some sleep. Early Tai Chi morning again.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy morning, walked with Scruff and her mum through the bluebells, stopped for a coffee and more catching up then did a good deed recycling scaffolding pole.... long story!! Now going to the allotment for some gardening therapy.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hello all. Dull day today after the last two days of excitement. Hoping I can get in the garden after lunch because although rainy right now the sun is trying to peep through.
    Garbage day and I can't see the road because of all the huge branches pruned off the Apple tree last Sunday. Praying the garbage boys cart them away. I've put a few small twigs in a big pot for indoors and already the blossom is showing along with the greenery. This year with the cooler weather we are having a true English spring and it's wonderful. The tulips, grape hyacinths, hyacinths and daffodils taking their time to bloom and not fading so quickly.
    Beautiful day, the sun's suddenly emerged.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) My son and his wife are on their way to spend the night and take me out to dinner for Mother's Day. They were in Wisconsin at their friend's daughter's graduation. She is now a doctor so everyone is very proud. The friends are from Portland and first went to my son's house and they all drove together for the graduation. The friends are flying home from Wisconsin and John and Laurie are stopping here before heading home tomorrow so they can spend Mother's Day with my DIL's mother.

    The sun is out here as well but the temp is only going up to 57 degrees, nothing like Florida.

    Enjoy your day,
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Home after a couple of hours weeding and seeding at the allotment. Barely time to make a cuppa before rain arrived so at least everything will get a watering.
    Interesting that none of us, except dear Buzz of course, is shaking off the cold Spring weather yet but wait for it, we'll be complaining it's too hot soon. Maybe not Sandy as she soaks it all up by the pool. 😎
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hit the send button in error 🙄 but time to start thinking about cooking an evening meal anyway. A day of fresh air has left me feeling sleepy!

    Happy Friday everyone.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    As predicted, the sun and warm, warm weather has come. It was 101 on our deck. Of course that was because the sun reflects off of the house on the south/west corner. It got pretty steamy yesterday. In one day we went from turning on the furnace in the mornings to get rid of the chill, to turning on fans to cool things off.

    Mother’s Day should be fun. Both of our kids will be here. I usually end up making the meals but I really don’t mind. I also end up doing the clean up. We will review the memory book and maybe even play a game or two. Katie would like a game of ball. But our son’s dogs don’t play all!

    This is trash day so I am trying to pitch out old sketches and dried up paint tubes. I am a goof about these old tubes of paint. I have an unreasonable affection for dried up paint tubes and sad worn out brushes. The sketches might not make it to the trash because they are sort of like ideas I might use.

    Mother’s Day is an interesting day. I often think about the fact that I love each of our kids but I love them differently. My mom was totally devoted to my little brother. As a baby he had many heath issues. Both of our kids were healthy but such different personalities. We are ever changing our relationships. We now depend on our son as well as he depends on us. Our daughter is very complex and her lfe is very different from our son’s and our life. But we are a family!

    No matter what, we are all mothers. We mother kids, pets, other people. Taking care of others is in our DNA.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Indeed, PATSY! Everyone here is a nurturer, and though you have conflicting feelings at times your love comes through very strongly!
    JACKIE even nurtures little stray field mice! What an incredibly soft heart you have, ear friend!
    SANDY's heart stretches out to include all her dear progeny and all their families as well! Plus I always feel it right here on our forum, Actually that's true of each and every one of you!I feel the love each one of you puts onto this page.
    LIN spreads it wherever she stops in her very busy life.
    ANNE obviously is devoted to family, nature, and her home; and she managed to stray into our group, and stayed to share the love (and the Bean).
    Every one of us, have a lovely Mother's Day!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...............................

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2019
    Good evening. It warmed up this afternoon with lovely sunshine. Oh so happy for the turnaround.

    Tai Chi this morning and then took a Tai Chi reference book on sword to a shop to have the binding sliced off and a spiral binding added. They finished it already! And I went back to pick it up. Yippee. It is so much easier to use now. All I need to do now is understand and absorb the material. Haaaa.

    It was also laundry afternoon. Yippee. Clean undies again. :D

    I have my 2 boxes of shredding ready to take to tomorrow’s shredding event. Free will offering. Hate that. Never know what to give. But I will take a book to read while I wait in line and all will be fine.

    And I have been working on a birthday card needed for Sunday. Making progress!

    Wishing everyone a happy weekend and Mother’s Day. <3<3

    Hugs to my friends.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2019
    I've just woken up to 36 Fahrenheit. The furnace has yet to turn off! It's the coolest May I've ever known - in both countries. However, whatever LIN and SANDY get we here usually get a couple of days later.

    Mother's Day is on Sunday here in Canada but I'll add my good wishes to all us ladies, whether we are mothers to human, feathered, scaled or furry babies. Gaea or Freya the earth goddess is called Mother Nature for a very good reason as she struggles to nurture like most of us of the female variety.
    Put your feet up ladies! You deserve a day of spoiling, all of you.

    I'm galloping around because Michael is coming over today because he had to work yesterday.
    So bye for now, Anne.

    Here's my very bad painting of Gaea the earth goddess inspired by Mary Jo who loves to garden.