Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I went to a nice restaurant with my son and dil, then came home and played a card game. All in all in was a good night. I misunderstood their travel plans and they leave for home today to spend Mother's day with Laurie's mother. That means I will go to church today and tomorrow have the whole day to myself.

    Anne, what a beautiful painting!! Did you just paint it or is something you did at an earlier time?

    Lin, I hope the lines aren't long for the shredding but at least you are prepared.

    Buzz, I agree we are all special ladies and love each other is a special way.

    Patsy, your Mother's Day sounds perfect. With most of my children out of town mine will be quiet. I will have a video call with them and that is all I need.

    Jackie, busy times for you lately. When is your second hip surgery?

    Jeri, hope all is well with you.

    Have a good day and stay dry, here it is raining again.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I did the painting fairly recently. Maybe about 4 years ago before I got the little menace who now takes over! Mike came over with white socks, a gift card for the iPad to get books and an organic mushroom and leek pizza from The Boot for lunch.

    Mark trotted over as well to spray the Apple trees. He's taking me over to Lees Valley gardening and hardware store tomorrow for a gift I suspect. I fancy a wide brimmed straw gardening hat or even a garden umbrella.

    Me and the Bean are definitely spoilt.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I agree with SANDY, ANNE! You are far more accomplished than you give yourself credit for! I'm having slight problems with vision, which I attribute to dry eyes, but not so certain since drops help for only a very short time or not at all. And it's no longer just the computer ! Blur, blur, blur! I get the plugs done every 6 months but this visit (July, I think) I will ask about this blurriness. When I see, it's 20/20, so I wonder if my cataract replacements might need a cleansing! I suspect it's 6 or 7 years by now!
    Must look up hotels for my DD and S-in-L as a our guest suites were reserved 6 months ago. Love to all, and must run,
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Overcast today but the last few days have been very very warm. We were all, including Katie, panting from the heat. We ere caught unaware. So much cold wet weather then.....boom! Summer!

    My kids are hapless souls who depend on John to guide them when it comes to gifts. I really am like so many at my age. No gifts please! I have too much stuff as it is. However, I sounds like Ann’s boys have come up with interesting gifts. Good job, guys! Lovely painting Anne.

    Got to run! The kids are on the way, we should have fun teasing each other. The jokes are many and wicked when we get together.
    Happy Mother’s Day to all!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2019
    My my, what an interesting group!

    Anne, I love the painting. It is delightful and deserves a frame and to be hung on the wall to be admired. Well done. And my goodness gracious....Some thoughtful gifts from your boys. It will be interesting to find out what you get tomorrow.

    Patsy, very warm weather. Woooo. We haven’t seen that yet. A friend in Portland said they have had weather in the mid-80’s and it is dry. She is watering her garden regularly.

    Sandy, your dinner out looked lovely. I hope you enjoy your day tomorrow. A friend of mine has one son who lives in town but he is off on vacation right now and I don’t think he will be back to take her out to lunch tomorrow. He usually is around, I think she is a bit disappointed.

    Buzz, vision problems. Oh my, I hope there is a solution for you. Good luck on finding accommodations for your guests.

    My shredding trip turned out wonderfully. They told me to go home and sort through some more stuff and come back again. Yep, well, they were only there 2 hours. I don’t think they know how much time I spend on sorting these papers. A half tote is at least 4 hours. Or maybe I am just slow. Okay, I am slow but thorough. Haaaaaa.

    I did a bit more cleaning out but am totally out of space in the trash and have not started putting together a tote for the consignment store yet. Meanwhile, I revised some Facebook Marketplace listing, removed a couple of listings and added a new listing. This afternoon I corresponded with a guy and ultimately did sell the item to him so off I zipped, met him in a parking lot which was totally jammed! Guess I don’t go out much on Saturday afternoons.

    Another lady was in touch with me about another item. I sort of do not get it. Typically—is this still available? Then most of the time they never get in touch again. People. I wish this item would sell. I am getting tired of the inquiries.

    Well, my check is ready for church tomorrow and the birthday card is also finished. Yes!

    I also did some corresponding about a workshop next weekend. If enrollment is high enough for it to be held, I am in. A couple of hours each day—Tai Chi sword. But as of now, there are not enough people enrolled. Fingers crossed.

    Hugs all.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's gone midnight already so must get to bed. Lovely posts all round as it seems so much going on around your Mothering Sunday. Ours was end March but I wish you all a happy time with loved ones.
    It is still cool here although plenty of sunshine but I decided to at least buy 1 tray of annuals for a window box in a sheltered spot. Goodness, the bluebells continue to sit up and look gorgeous on our morning walk so I climb up the steep footpath for one last time yet again so George and Betty can run amongst them looking pretty!
    Must get to bed! More time for posting tomorrow.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2019

    Wishing everyone a happy day.


    (A William Wegman image)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2019
    DITTO to everyone! Just going out. Have yourselves a magical day, with NO washing up!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited May 2019
    Happy Sunday! :) It is a quiet Mother's Day for me, all but one of my children live out of town.
    Lisa is still on vacation with the kiddos and Rob just asked if I wanted to do something but I know he has been working from home all week and taking care of Ewok so I told him to just rest. I am fine staying home and catching up on my TV shows. It's not like I never go anywhere. lol I did have a video call with all my kids which always makes me happy. <3

    I hope you all had a great Mother's Day and/or Sunday.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm still glowing from the fabulous Mother's Day here. After a wonderful brunch, we had desserts in the lobby, where ther was a fabulous pianist playaing wonderful dance music, and although I no longer dance (yet!) we all were excited watching our residents who dance really well! Every genre imaginable! Such fun. I wore out just bouncing with their rhythm! Now there is a good movie, but can't recall the name. DD says she enjoyed Poms. Must run now.
    Lots of love;
    <3<3 Buzz.........................Always Believe
    ......................................Something Wonderful is About to Happen!................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Super weekend. More later. Rainy old washday after all the fun.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning. I am skipping Tai Chi this morning as I have a dentist’s appointment, a couple of errands, then am meeting a lady (fingers crossed) to sell, finally, that pesky unused appliance, then meeting a friend who has the week off. We may see a movie!

    A sunny day today before a bit more rain tomorrow. Sunglasses needed!

    I hope everyone had an enjoyable day yesterday. Hugs.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another Monday not that it matters so much since we're all retired! Yesterday was a busy one for me with lots of tidying in the garden and today I will do a small amount ready for Sue the gardener's visit in the morning. It's a lovely Spring day with wall to wall sunshine but a brisk old wind that is blowing my needing to be cut hair all over the place... appointment for a cut Thursday! Once again I walked George and Betty uphill to the bluebells then decided to explore further than we've walked before. Reaching a point I thought might be difficult to walk down I spied a young man sitting on a log contemplating the trees. George of course did a wide circle then ran at great speed down the steep path while I just said hello and did my best to follow but halfway down realised I could easily slip and fall so turned myself round and climbed back. George raced up ahead of me while Betty as ever was at my heel. It was my turn to take a wide circle round the young fellow as I caught a glimpse of George running up to him. Thinking George was lost he stood up looking for me then we had a quick chat, me telling him how I tend to walk where the dogs want to go and since George had again disappeared he said he was probably heading for the car park. Turned out he was charming and probably from his accent, German or Dutch. Well five minutes later as I retraced my steps still no sign of George as I called and called until finally he came trotting along looking quite lost until he saw me. Not sure which of us was the more relieved but both very happy to be back home!

    Lin, I loved that little pup with his roses! I meant to say what a brilliant idea of yours to take your moon landing newspapers to the library for display. I still find it amazing that technology was so advanced all those years ago to get men up and back safely before we even had the internet and mobile phones. Sounds like an enjoyable day in store for you apart from the dentist of course!

    Hello and happy Monday to Sandy, Anne, Buzz, Patsy and Jeri. My day is flying so I must get on because I'm trying to get all chores out of the way before my hip replacement next week although I seem to remember trying to do the same before the first hip operation and not getting far!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Back from taking Babe to the dentist and now have the rest of the day to myself. I have some paperwork to catch up and some games as well. The sun is shining but still a little cool, I think we are bypassing Spring and going right into summer.

    Jackie, I bet your heart was beating fast when you couldn't find George and I would bet he was so scared of not finding you. It is just like when a child gets out of your eyesight, terrifying.

    Lin, I also loved the picture of the pup with the roses, so so cute. I might be in your boat in selling something on marketplace. My son and DIL would like to replace my trundle bed with a queen size bed in my guest room now that I keep my computer in my kitchen. I have to agree it would be more comfortable and since they are willing to pay for it, we will see.

    Anne, can't wait to hear about your super weekend.

    Hello to everyone else but I really have to get some things done.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Like JACKIE with George I had a bad moment this morning. There I was in the bathroom in my birthday suit ready to climb into the tub for a shower when my left leg for no apparent reason just collapsed. I couldn't save myself at all. Went down like a bag of potatoes very heavily. I was really lucky because I could have cracked my head on the bidet, yes I've got one! or broken my hip on the stone tiles. This has happened before, right out of the blue. The previous time was on the main drag with Jilly, just walking along, no prob and down I suddenly went and this is one of the reasons my sons take old once independent Anne shopping. I crawled over-end kind of shocked and dizzy. Mark rushed over and I've had to promise not to go down into the basement again which is ridiculous, (I do have a bottom to slide down on) anyway he hauled my now dry sheets etc back upstairs. It's the funniest thing. My mom broke her hip exactly the same way when HER leg caved in on the sidewalk after emerging from a shop. Anyone else get this?

    I guess you could say I had the perfect Mother's Day weekend SANDY. I told you all how my Saturday with Mike went I believe. Well Sunday dawned and I got hauled off to the store by Mark. I managed to pick up Mary Jo's birthday present, but didn't like the gardening sun hats and no garden umbrellas. Mark bought me some lovely strong garden tools, took me out for a tasty lunch, hauled me home to the excited waiting Bean and gave me a novel which looks like I will enjoy. Oh and cards of course.

    Anyway, I've spent the afternoon looking up "independent senior living homes" and I can forget THAT. Enormously expensive! Really, really expensive and I like how I live right now anyway. So...Marks hauling me off to "home help for seniors" to see what they offer for the future in the form of grass cutting services etc. It's going to be hard for me this, because like JACKIE I have a very independent, and for me Jackie, not for you I hasten to add) stubborn streak. I'm just not used to being waited on hand and foot! Makes me uncomfortable!

    So there you have it ladies, funny rainy and cold Monday and one poor little Jilly Bean who didn't get to go walkies on the wet slippery side walk.
    Feeling sorry for herself (well a wee bit)
    Annie the ancient.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne: just a bit of sharing, not that I have all the answers by any means. When John and I discussed our aging in place strategy, I read many books and talked to many people about this. I was first advised about the physical issues. They would not be able to replace every joint in my arthritic ravaged body. So that’s out. Next if we stay here, I needed to use a walker from time to time. I use it around the house mainly to haul stuff around from room to room. We moved the washer and dryer upstairs into the pantry area. We have solid grab bars in the shower. I could use a shower chair if needed but with grab bars unnecessary, so far. I also have a special cane with prongs that help stabilize me if I need that.
    We don’t have a ramp on the decks but we have wide low rise steps and firm railings. When doing my exercises, I have a ballet bar in my dungeon, I hang on to a heavy metal table when I exercise out on the deck. My doc and John insist I use something to insure balance and support. I don’t have an emergency call button on a necklace as some people have. We live out in the country. The last point was the one thing that grabs my heart. They (John and Doc) said being independent is great but by ignoring the problem, I will surely fall, I will surely break something and then life is never the same.
    Just sharing a page from my book of life.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thank you PATSY. Loads of great suggestions, some new and some of which Mark and I discussed this morning. E.g. A gentle slope to the front door and deck rather than the present steep steps. I can't unfortunately move the washer and dryer to the upstairs because the house is quite small. I have to accept that things aren't going to get better but like you ideally I would like to age in place. I really love this little old house and I've lived here longer than anywhere else so your suggestions are most useful and helpful. I've been tremendously lucky up to now, this past winter saw the decline. Somehow I could never envision me with aids so it's taking a bit of getting used to the idea. Please continue sharing a page from your book of life,
    Hugs and best wishes for you and Johns continuing independence and freedom from breakages
    PS. I read tthat Jimmy Carter fell and broke his hip today. I wonder if his knee gave way?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hiya from creaky ole me! I remembered the name of that movie I saw yesterday and I think you will love it if you haven't seen it : The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society ! I didn't nod off a single moment during this one. Remember Tom Courtenay? I remember him from back in the 1960s. Well, he's aged right along with me! Aside from the gorgeous scenery, I found the story very touching. You've probably all seen the movie or read the book, but I recall when it first came out , the Potato Peel Pie turned me off!
    Gals, when it comes to aging, I'm a notch up on all of you; I think I could be the Mother to some of you, and I can tell you what you most likely have heard before! Eventually, a cane (even with the spread bottom) is more apt to trip you , causing you to fall and break something serious like a femur or pelvis! The same thing with a 3 wheel walker. Very unstable and causing more falls and falls, my loves, are often the beginning of serious deterioration ! If you have fallen just once (with no real damage) get yourself a very sturdy walker with 4 wheels and USE IT! Get rid of ALL throw rugs, and do NOT walk backwards! Take the time to turn around! My 3rd walker weighs about 18 pounds and is very sturdy: an Evolution, Expresso Zero. Exercises for balance are extremely important, as falling can come from lack of balance or brittle bones, but happens too often when least expected. So far, I have never fallen, but I have become quite unsteady due to that bone on bone hip. Is this the me who loved my walking, swimming and exercise classes so much? Well, I will be 92 in June, and have seen much and am so grateful to have made the decision to move to this Lifetime Care (Independent, Assisted Living, Nursing, and lastly if needed, Care for Dementia) Community. The monthly fee for maintenance where we chose is no higher than the fee for our apartment if one or both of us had to move to any of the other areas. The 5 months Mike was in nursing before he died cost no more than our original monthly fee. And besides his excellent care, he received 3 meals a day, nursing care, new-made friends visiting as often as he allowed, and eventually, Hospice Care, at no extra fee. Hospice was right here in the Nursing floor, and was unbelievably helpful and loving! I could not have handled the period we went through alone at home without 24 hour costly home help, and the support of our new "family" was and is immeasurable! And my concern about outliving my meager savings has disappeared, since once we bought in (with proceeds from house we sold) we would never be "thrown out"! Looking into the Community financial structure is very important. Ours has an excellent Samaritan Fund for those who run out of funds. A rental Community does not provide the security . I believe AARP wrote an excellent article on the subject a year or so ago. Living here is the opposite of depressing and for those who love activity, there is no end of offerings, including the gardens we started this year for growing our own produce if we so desire! There is always entertainment, both inside and busses to theaters, concerts, etc. And as I have mentioned, we have 2 other Communities from our larger group nearby, and we can eat there and attend lectures or concerts, movies, etc. at no extra cost. We have also instituted our Olympics Competitions in so many areas between the many communities belonging to ACTS Retirement Life Communities and we travel to many different states to participate! We believe we stay active and interested much longer than "live=alones" due to the social surroundings. Even those of my friends who have moved to the Assisted Living quarters have active lives, picnics, shows, shopping, special dinner or lunch parties
    Darn, my website froze, but I think you get the idea. I must get to bed now! I'll be happy to supply information to anyone requiring information, Ill try to answer
    <3<3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..........................