Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh BUZZ, what can I say. I don't know what I can say except I'm so very sorry. Just terrible news for you. Anne. ❤️🌹
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh Buzz I'm so sorry to read your news. What a terrible worry for the 2 of you. Early days I know and every situation is different but amazing procedures are carried out now that weren't being offered even a couple of years ago, especially on brain tumours, so hang on to that thought if you can. <3<3

    Back later as I've been on the go since first thing having only eaten a banana for breakfast and now nearly 2.30pm.

    Sending big hugs Buzz.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Buzz, absolutely stricken to read your news. I pray the very best will be found for your daughter and many many hugs sent along to you.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Buzz, along with everyone else it hurts my heart to read about your daughter. We are here for you with prayers, hugs and just to listen. We love you and pray for the very best for you and your daughter.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dearest Buzz, this is heartbreaking news. I am ever the optimist however. President Jimmy Carter had brain cancer, several famous actors also survived cancerous brain tumors. These high profile examples give us hope. I am mentally reaching out to hold your hand. Your friendship means so much to us Sneakers. What hurts you, hurts all of us. Sending positive vibes your way, my friend. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited May 2019
    I know this won't change the worry BUZZ, but just for a brief pause this may help.
    Mary Jo, my daughter in law, here's her latest flower arrangement. Hobbes the giant puss. Apparently he loves to hide in flowers or maybe, like Ferdinand the bull he just likes to sniff them. Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hobbes is adorable, ANNE! Yes, humor helps straighten out our sight sometimes! Of course I will keep you all informed as we go along. And thank you each and every one for your support, love and warming words! I thought I had written this earlier but I'm glad I checked! I'm the one having brain problems, I think.
    <3<3<3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.............................

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Dear BUZZ, I've been thinking of you all evening and this morning. As your daughters mother you will be riddled with worry. I don't know if this can possibly help and bring hope but Flo, my friend, has a brain tumour and she's had it for five years, but the surgeons won't operate because of her age which is 78. They just measure every few months for growth and so far its now remaining static. The only effect is she sleeps more.
    I'm praying this is the same for your girl and I'm praying for you as well.
    It's our long weekend here. The fireworks kept us awake last night. Mike is coming over for the day and we might go over to Marks so Jilly Bean and Hobbes can sniff noses although he's twice her size and more now. Mary Jo and Mark are looking after him whilst Derek is at a friend's lakeside cottage. I don't think she will be buying anymore flowers whilst he's around. He likes to pluck them out of vases.
    Stay strong,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lost my post!! 🤨🤨
    Anne, that's one very handsome cat peering through his very own floral jungle and no trophy dead mice or bunnies to be picked up after him... perfect!!

    Buzz, thinking of you lots and hoping you will get a positive update very soon. <3

    Wishing everyone else a pleasant and peaceful Sunday. I've walked with George and Betty amongst the remnants of the bluebells then visited the farm supply store to stock up with hen feed. An early snack lunch planned then on with the many jobs I have in mind to do. Whether they all get done is another story!
    At least it is pleasantly warm and dry.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited May 2019
    Good morning. Drizzle this morning perhaps and then a promised break from rain this afternoon with temperatures holding steady all day in the 50’s. Somewhat down from our day last week at 90+ degrees F. The grass is sooooo green and growing sooooooo fast. My guy didn’t get here to mow and seed heads are forming.

    Anne, I love that photo. What a gorgeous feline. Enjoy your day. No long weekend here. Later this month with Memorial Day. Hello Jilly.

    Jackie, best wishes on your many jobs. I hope you complete enough to make you happy. Hello Betty and George.

    Buzz, I have been thinking of you as well. Just sending a hug a day and all best wishes.

    As for me, still working on cards that must be mailed tomorrow. Have a bit of banking to accomplish as well. Did laundry yesterday, did one banking errand, met a lady to sell a couple of my cherished Beatles items. Turns out she is quite the collector who grew up in LA. We chatted way too long about music. But it was very nice.

    Church this morning and two people to catch up with this afternoon as each is buying one of my treasures.

    Quite boring for you to hear about these things as I muddle along clearing out tiny bits! And apparently making little progress although I am happy to say most of the totes full of old papers are sorted and disposed of one way or another.

    Must move along.

    Sending hugs to everyone. And a hello to Jeri, Laura, Sandy, Patsy, Barb, Barbie, Marie, Diane, and everyone I have missed.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I have a bridal shower to attend this afternoon and it is about an hour and fifteen minute drive. They are calling for damaging thunderstorms but hopefully not until tonight. It is my sister's granddaughter so I feel I should go since I know they will be missing their mom/grandma.
    I met my friend yesterday for lunch and it was great catching up. She lost her mother in March but I didn't know. She lost her father last year so things have been rough for her. She is only in her 50's but still enjoys my company. :#
    Buzz, consider all of us giving you a hug a day, hopefully that helps just a little.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Well, not as much achieved as I'd hoped but at least tomato plants have been potted on, a clematis rescued in my wild bottom and given more space and I managed to trim back the Chinese climber that hangs from an arch with jewels of flowers smelling of chocolate. Unfortunately it becomes so rampant each year and does it's best to scalp me I have to do the scalping instead.
    A lovely evening and the birds are still singing but time to relax and scramble some eggs for supper.

    Lin dear friend your posts are never boring whatever the subject. Did I ever mention I have a first pressing of the 1969 Sgt Pepper that's apparently worth a bit but what to do with it? Once I realised it's value I stopped playing it but do I want to sell it? A real conundrum!!

    Sandy, I have collected a few younger friends along the way and think it's great to keep up with them. Most find me hilarious because although a similar age, my behaviour is nothing like their mothers or grandmothers!

    Scrambled eggs calling. 😋
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone. Cold morning here and rainy. We were absolutely drenched yesterday. Katie is a wimp about getting wet in the rain. She dashed out the door to do her business and then demands a towel off immediately. She shows up at my elbow wet and ready to play indoor .ball with her giggle ball. It sort of clucks as it rolls.

    We are to have a whole week of rain. I am praying for a few hours break. Our grass is also growing disturbingly long and fast. The jungle is closing in on us again!

    Our post office is implementing a new thing. They have large locked bins for package pickup. We get a notice and key in our regular box then we walk over to the big locked bins to unlock and retrieve our packages. For years we received packages from the clerk. Very convenient but our clerks aren’t the most efficient or correct, but they are friendly.

    The measles scare has everyone lining up for shots. John and I are too old for measles I guess. Both of us had them as little kids, we think???

    Buzz: dear lady we know you are shouldering a huge pain. Once again, I shout Slone Kettering Cancer Center. The best in the business and can offer protocols that are cutting edge and the best advice, in my experience which is very limited. Just in case you need reminded, we love you and are sending up prayers constantly. Our mayor had cancerous brain tumor as well. He went to UCLA medical and came out as good as new except they went in through the ear. That unfortunately removed his ear drum. The point is, there very might be available life saving treatment.

    Lin: will you miss not having these treasures that you have spent a lifetime collecting? I understand the need to let some things go. I have too much stuff and I wonder if anyone would want, much less buy any of it.

    Jackie: since I am not a morning person, what I get done is generally in the afternoon. My biorhythms are set for afternoon activity. Things get tangled when sleeptime is to happen. I am up fiddling around too late at night. My routine needs a major adjustment.

    Sandy: you are a social person! How wonderful. I would be ducking for cover if I were in your shoes. I hear you are in for for nasty weather. Stay safe, social butterfly!

    Phone call with our son and our daughter, hopefully. Rain and cold this nearly June? Wishing everyone a safe healthy Sunday and week ahead.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well we landed up at the Ms and Jilly immediately ran up to Hobbes to rub noses. He really is huge. Mary Jo lifted him up and she's pretty short. Nevertheless Hobbes feet dangled below her waist. Jilly still had her leash on and as she ran across the floor, kitten Hobbes, yes he's still classed as a kitten, kept pouncing on the leash and stopping the Bean in her tracks. It was hilarious to watch.
    Mikes driving home now, The Bean is fast asleep and I'm going to finish reading the book. It's a real tear jerker set in the two world wars.
    Hugs from
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thanks for all your loving wishes. At this point, she has hung up on me several times and refuses to pick up the phone when I call, having told me I haven't asked how I can help, or I haven't offered to help, nor have I told her I love her! I am assuming it is the mass pressing on her brain, since she has told others different reasons for hanging up and not speaking to me. I don't know those reasons, nor is there truth to the ones she has given me, but I do believe the tumor produces anger, confusion, fear, and many other emotions and to whom is it safest to express that anger? One research tells me there is little hope (This CA killed Ted Kennedy and other famous people) while my searching shows surgery can prove helpful for another number of years! I believe she is planning on Sloane Kettering, but has not contacted them yet while I keep suggesting time is of the essence! Afraid it is a very tense time and trying to keep my wits and sanity above the emotions! everyone I have contacted has been more than anxious to do whatever they can to help, and I just don't know what else to offer! I'm physically unable to go to her. So sad. I gladly accept those hugs and yes, they mean a
    lot to me , always! <3<3<3
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.............................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dearest Buzz, not sure if this will help you in even the tiniest way. Our friend, who is suffering from a condition not unlike Alzheimer’s but not quite the same. He also has many episodes of unreasonable anger and resentment over imagined events. John’s mother had Alzheimer’s and she also suffered from strange and inappropriate reactions. The only way to look at it is that your daughters brain wiring is short circuiting and misfiring. There is no reason to feel anything but concern over a very ill daughter. It does seem like you need to have a friend or family member take the reins on this. I do remember when John’s family were stunned into inaction. It took a family meeting to assign responsibilities. Difficult and wrenching time, to be sure.
    All my love, dear friend.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Buzz sweetheart, our brain is something we have little control over when it's coping with trauma as well as the fear and anger your DD is feeling. Remember the song You Always Hurt The One You Love? You my love are in the firing line because she will know she can vent at you without fear of ever losing you. It's heartbreaking that you're having to listen to the anger but are unable to go to her. Not your fault!
    One tiny thought Buzz, although I appreciate you need to understand what's happening, my Oncologist's main advice to me... there's a lot of misinformation on the internet so don't delve too much. You know my thoughts, along with everyone's, are with you.

    Love and hugs
    💖 Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    BUZZ, I can't say anything better than PATSY and JACKIE, such wise words from them. I can only send you my love and feelings that are vey strong for you at such a difficult time.
    Anne. ❤️🌹🌹🌹❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Laundry is being done, cleaning girl coming this afternoon and then shopping for game night tomorrow. Six friends are coming for game night and I am a little nervous since I am not sure I ever had six people at one time in my apartment. I borrowed a table from my son and will order pizza's and chicken. Will also have some potato salad and coleslaw with a regular salad. Some little treats on the game table and they are bringing their own drinks. One friend is bringing appetizers and the other dessert. I am sure it will all turn out but I haven't really entertained since I left the house. Wish me luck.

    Buzz, I have to agree with Jackie, don't believe everything you read on the internet. They seem to give the worse case scenario and each case is so different. Remember when Max was born with an extra chromosome? The internet made things sound so bad Lisa had to go for therapy to settle her anxiety. Max is fine today and as healthy as can be. Just be there for your daughter and vent to us if you need a release.

    Love you girls,
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I guess I have come to understand I must support her desire to NOT go for surgery, as much as understand my desire for her to take a chance on survival! It's perhaps not helpful for her wishes to have me sending all the clinics for 2nd opinions. They are not children (but she'll always be my child) and I have always said, but for myself, I did not want all sorts of medical help if it prolongs my life by weeks or months! So she and her partner had a bottle of champagne at the hospital over the weekend! I'm beginning to sort out many episodes in our past which are starting to make sense. Again, thank you for giving me exactly what I need right now, warmth of your friendship, and strength to back off with my unasked for suggestions! I wonder if she would allow herself to enjoy some chocolate covered strawberries. She looks anorexic due to her control in food!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!............................