Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good morning. In a bit of a rush so more later, BUT just read that 4 baby Ravens have hatched at the Tower of London on St George's Day of all good days! Great news which the UK needs right now. JACKIE will know the legend!
    Must fly myself!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited May 2019
    So much to look at. Gorgeous pictures Sandy. <3 Including beautiful Sandy.

    Jeri, thank you. I adore the photo collage. You live in spectacular surroundings.

    Patsy, well yes, Katie cannot see out can she. A trim would be good.

    Anne, run away. Enjoy the day. Oh my, St. George’s day. I must look that up.

    Jackie, I trust Betty and George are behaving and not making any mischief.

    Buzz, hi with hugs!

    I am off to church this morning. The graduation open house/pool party is this afternoon. The street I would normally take is flooded. My sump pump is still chugging along and I think I will stay home this afternoon. Maybe I can give her the card I have for her at church today.

    Hello Laura, are you okay?

    Hugs everyone.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers, not much happening here, sleeping a lot after finding every little thing taking forever to do and quite exhausting. I must accept I wasn't as fit for this operation as the first so my muscles are tight and complaining. George and Betty are being very patient with me and coping with nothing more than trips into the garden. My neighbours are away until Tuesday evening but have asked friends who are house sitting for them to keep an eye on me and the hens at the bottom of my garden!! 😄😄
    Someone from our local apiary phoned today to offer me a swarm of bees he's trying to rehome and when I explained my current situation said he would keep them for me until I can set up a hive and feel strong enough to look after them. Nice of him to think of me.

    Lovely photos and just great Jeri you are back to doing what you love. As for today's politicians I'm sure they are the same the world over, in it for their own selfish needs.

    Gorgeous picture
    too Patsy of Katie and Sandy your wonderful family are delightful.

    Anne perhaps the baby ravens should be taken as an omen we will regain our sovereignty soon!! Not holding my breath now I've seen the list of those wanting to be our next PM!!

    I've just eaten a processed macaroni cheese no doubt full of sugar and sodium and am ready to sleep it off!! A drizzly day so not even inclined to step outside the door for a breath of fresh air.

    Hello Lin and Buzz.
    Jackie 💤💤💤
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) The weather held off for the birthday party yesterday and even though my brother did not come I went with my niece and nephew to visit with him at the house. He needs to move more and get out of the house but they said he is very stubborn. He has a broken toe and I mean bent to the side kind of broken which the home care nurse said he has to have fixed so he can get up and at least use the walker to get some exercise. Men are so stubborn.
    It is cloudy and cool here with no sunshine. Our pool opened yesterday and tomorrow is another day of cool weather and rain. When will this weather warm up? I leave for Minnesota on Thursday, Bryanna and I are driving. My granddaughter is getting her Masters in psychology and is having a party in their new duplex she and her boyfriend live. It should be a fun weekend and we will return Monday.

    Jackie, your body is telling you to rest and take it easy. You didn't have a tooth pulled you have a new hip that has to adjust to your body. (motherly concern) Nothing has to be done immediately, it will be there when you are ready. New bees must be exciting to you, not so much to me. lol

    Lin, I don't blame you for wanting to stay home if the streets are flooded. I was worried about heavy traffic due to the holiday but it wasn't too bad. I was grateful it wasn't raining. Just would like some sunshine and dry weather for a while.

    Anne, what ever you were rushing to, I hope it was something fun. I don't know the story of the ravens, but I hope it means something good.

    Patsy, love Katie's pictures, she is adorable even with needing a haircut.

    Jeri, great pictures as usual.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And we are suddenly into summer at 75F after the worst ever downpour and thunderstorm yesterday. Mike came over and he's just left but after a grocery shop we had lunch in the garden and then sunbathed. The apple trees are alive with huge bumble bees and suddenly butterflies are everywhere. What a change over from last week! The woodpeckers are pecking away at the bark of the oldest tree at the back and every bird you can imagine are dropping by to say hello. No sign of the small cross squirrels though since all the holes got sealed. It's hard to imagine at times that I live in a town with all the wild life here.
    Anne. Here's the Tower of London babies!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everyone. My last few posts seem to be missing, and I have been having problems with my software, so I guess everything needs to be reset, which I just dread! I'm so pleased JACKIE is back home but sweetheart, Momma SANDY is giving you the best advice possible! Now that you are back home I will admit I did not have the courage to go for my second hip replacement the first was so painful. SO now, because of the difference in length since that fiasco, my back is crooked! You will heal nicely if you don't try doing too much too soon! And macaroni is SUCH a wonderful comfort food!
    My eldest and her husband will be arriving for a 3 day visit Tuesday. As for my dear middle one, except for the thank you for the chocolate covered strawberries I sent, and the information that she now has an appointment on June 11 at Sloan Kettering for a second opinion, I know nothing more other than I must be supportive of her decisions and not give advice or call, as she's adding her condition to a private blog and I must receive any new developments there!!! I have been unable to find that blog! I feel like a ping-pong ball!

    The lovely pictures are delightful, and I'm afraid I'm not doing a good job of absorbing all the posts, but it sounds like we're all doing OK, hoping for warmer weather (not here!) and just itching to get out and do things. I had trouble logging in today so hope tomorrow is a better day for me. I tried watching a new movie about Ted Bundy this afternoon, but fell asleep before he even got started! I woke up in time to see the picture of his electric chair but others said it was very well done!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something wonderful is About to Happen!................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone. The sun is shining and it's relatively mild so I can keep doors open for the pooches to come in and out. Not the best nights sleep but now I'm washed and dressed, drugged (!!) and fed am feeling human again. Also having read the leaflets in prescription drug packs feel confident to take a few Ibuprofen when necessary and they're helping.
    My gardener is due this morning and she will be a great distraction and can also dig out the warm throw that slipped down the back of my sofa!
    Thanks Sandy you are completely right about not rushing things especially having convinced myself I will be the worst patient should I ever end up housebound. No point rushing into that scenario!! That's sad your brother won't move more, especially if it would improve his health but don't know how you begin to convince him. People have to make up their own minds as frustrating as it is.

    Buzz it's such a difficult balancing act as we get older to weigh up options and maybe I've been lucky so far but there again couldn't have carried on with bone on bone pain as well as what that was doing to my spine. The lady in the bed next to me struggled with the post op pain saying never again but luckily didn't need the other hip replaced. At one point I was woken up during my operation by the sound of hammering then again by an electric drill or saw so am not at all surprised it's a trauma for the bones!

    Am now going to balance in front of the kitchen sink to do some washing up.
    Have a happy Monday everyone. A bank holiday here but every day is a holiday for me. 😎
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Finally figured out about my DD's blog(Health update) so was able to read the latest and yes, Memorial Sloan Kettering on 6/11 should be able to work out a treatment schedule and perhaps if their outlook is more positive, she may opt for brain surgery! Now that they have used steroids to bring down the swelling, she sounds more like herself again. I did not know her partner 's overall condition also involves her brain, but hers is benign! Tomorrow, they go to Manhattan for her Art Show and anyone who is interested can see a collection plus a blurb including her photo
    JACKIE, I'm glad you didn't wait until you were older, as I think I was 80 when mine was replaced, and my other didn't bother me til 90! I must go down in weight before I will feel better, anyway! I actually was awake during my surgery, talk about hammering and drilling!
    Well, everyone have a memorable Memorial Day, or whatever you celebrate, and I must pop into the shower quickly.

    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member

    Happy Monday and/or Holiday! :) The sun seems to be peeking in and out so if it keeps up I will go sit at the pool to relax and get some sun. No other plans for Memorial Day even though Lisa did invite me to her brother's for a cook out. I have been doing so much driving and plan on going to see kiddos tomorrow before my driving trip on Thursday.
    Babe has his stent replaced tomorrow and I told him I would like to be there for him but I just do not want to see his son after all that has been done. He said there was no reason for me to be there and he will call me when he gets home. I hope I don't regret my decision.

    Jackie, I am glad you are listening to your body and taking it easy. Just think of all that you can accomplish once your hip is in place and healed. You might even jump hurdles. lol

    Buzz, I am also glad you found your daughter's blog so you can keep up with her treatment.
    I am sure that puts you a little at ease.

    Anne, Lin, Patsy, Jeri and Laura, hello and enjoy your day where I hope the sun is shining.

    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I would say it's the perfect summer day here for me SANDY. 70 F right now at noon but going up to 73 F this afternoon. I took my coffee out to the table and Jilly Bean and I watched a pair of red cardinals feeding their still brown feathered and learning to fly fledglings. My garden is very small but it's an oasis of peace and so pleasant watching the bees amongst the blossom.
    I've just watched Nigel Farage on YouTube looking very pleased with himself and who can blame him!
    He only formed the Brexit Party 6 weeks ago. Maybe things will start moving now and the UK will be independent and free from European domination. Europe bothers me these days. A feeling of uneasiness.
    Anyway, back on the home front maybe I'll do a bit of weeding after lunch of leftover chicken pot pie.
    Sorry no news, just a lovely peaceful sunny day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited May 2019
    Good afternoon. Rain this morning so Tai Chi in the Park was rained out. I did a bit of laundry and have been working through some of the many photo albums I brought home from my parents’ home. I was doing pretty good with that project until I picked up a rather chunky album that I don’t think I have ever seen before. Stopped me in my tracks. Pictures of my mom, family, her friends, her high school basketball team, her time at Moody Bible Institute as well as nurses training in Miami. All just fascinating to me. Including try to figure out which of the guys in the pictures was her boyfriend. Haaaaa.

    Just making lunch and will switch over to something else as I can see I will make no headway with photos for the remainder of the day.

    Anne, glad you are having a lovely day. Enjoy it before either heat or bugs limit your time outdoors.

    Sandy, sorry you cannot be with Babe but you are doing what is best for everyone’s blood pressure. Especially Babe.

    Jackie, bit by bit my friend. I know it will be difficult for you to not overdo so I hope you can manage to stay on your prescribed walking and exercise schedule. Enjoy watching the gardener. That sounds like fun to me.

    Buzz, I am thrilled that you found the blog. What a relief. I have been on several of those individualized updates for friends as they faced their illness. It was great to have updates from either the person or someone writing on their behalf. And it was wonderful for the person providing the information as numerous calls and emails were not needed.

    Patsy, are you still experiencing sweater weather?

    Well must move or I will sit here too long.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Ooooooops! Lost my post. So I will only just wish everyone a very peaceful Memorial Day. I remember when my grandmother used to call this decoration day.(?)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hello, a storm rolled through this morning. My suburb was lucky this time, no hail.

    I am off soon to play Mah Jongg. Yippee!!

    Some stops to make and then home again.

    I am to meet a lady later today to sell her an item. But more storms are expected so we will see.

    I read a book yesterday but never did get back to sorting things out.

    Stay safe. Many hugs.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Horrible storms all over yesterday but we were lucky and had no hail or damaging weather. I did meet a friend for a quick lunch yesterday before the storms. Then I was sort of glued to the TV worrying about friends and family in the affected areas. All was fine with no one hurt although hail and flooding were a problem.
    I am sitting this afternoon so Lisa can go swimming at her gym and then to her meeting which she hasn't been for some time. Her recovery anniversary is Thursday, nine years, so proud of her.
    Babe is in surgery as I type, praying for an good result and easy recovery. They do the stent through his wrist so it isn't major surgery but he always seems to get complications. I could not bring myself to go and face his son so hopefully Babe will call me as soon as he is able.

    Have a wonderful day and hopefully some dry weather will come our way soon.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    ARGHH! Lost a long post........ back later!! :s
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    You'll be lucky SANDY! Pouring with rain again here, however we must look on the bright side, no ones going to die of thirst. "Cool, cool water".
    So......apart from politics......another gloomy day. I've just cooked "pasta with lemon cream sauce, asparagus and peas". Jilly, who is rapidly almost becoming a vegetarian dog loves this. I'm not sure what to think, I did get some chicken and rice down her for brekkie but she much prefers human food.
    Just had a MFP flash to tell me JACKIE is nudging in, so I'll close and see what she has to say. Sure to be more interesting!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh dear JACKIE I hope I didn't cause that!!!!! Anne. However. It is rather interesting! 🙃
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lots of problems trying to post. Not sure what the problem is..iPad? MFP? Service provider?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just checking before bedtime, but PATSY, it actually WAS Decoration Day, a day to decorate the tombstones and graves of the fallen servicemen. That was before there were servicewomen, although there were always nurses!
    LIN, fascinatin' findings...and thanks for sharing!
    .....I recall posting this Monday night, but here it is Tuesday and it is still waiting! My DD and SIL arrived much earlier than they had told me, so of course I was not prepared. They insisted they were here to take me everywhere I could not easily go to without a car. Did I mention one of my new permanent bridges right in the front of my mouth fell out SATURDAY NIGHT! Weekend, long holiday, and though I left a message at my new dentist to set up an appt or suggest what I could make do until she opened her office again on Tuesday. Instead, on Sunday morning, she called me and said she would come to my building around noon to fix it temporarily until the holiday was over, and when she came in her cute shorts outfit (on the way to her BBQ) everyone here swooned! SHe was incredible, and today the "kids" took me to her office and I'm whole again! My SIL brought me his year-old iPhone, light and lovely, so we have to go to a service center to change that card for me! And of course a trip for Costco blueberries! And we ended up at Publix so I could get some food! I feel like I'm in Heaven! I'm now on the verge of sleeping so goodnight , lovely people!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something wonderful is About to Happen!...............................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Another long day with the kiddos and pup. :) When I got there there was a carpet cleaner truck in their driveway so once inside Lisa told the guy that I would be there while he cleaned the carpets. As it turned out truck didn't work or something so he said they would send another truck with different cleaners. Once they arrived it was hectic so took the kids and dog outside even though it was wet. Unfortunately, the dog pulled Robby down and he got muddy and Max fell and also got muddy. My son came home and asked why I would take the kids and dog outside with the grass being wet and muddy when the carpets are being cleaned? LOL It was fine once he calmed down and I thought it was funny. Lisa came home after I put all the kiddos to bed and she said it is always hectic with three kids.

    I am washing clothes, going for a mani/pedi, getting some needed items for Minnesota, going to the bank and then packing. Busy day and not sure if I am going to bingo since they are calling for more rain and I am not sure I will be finished with all my chores.

    Buzz, have a wonderful time with your daughter and SIL. I chipped one of my crowns on my front tooth, not too big so am waiting for my regular appointment in June to see how he fixes it. I am hoping he can just file it.

    Have a wonderful day and I will check in when I can over the weekend.

    One Day at a Time