Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    WOW! Impressive tail, PATSY!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!................................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    The evening is finally here. I am ready to call it a day. I brushed Katie and her tail, put a bit of hair conditioner on that tail. She let me know she didn’t have much time to waste on these silly details. Anne, her hair is a pretty color. She tries very hard to get dirty as fast as possible. She has an excavation project in the lower lawn. We could bury a car in that hole. She is always digging like crazy for moles.

    I have been going through slides of my paintings. Back in the day, that’s what we had to do when we put a show together. Slides were the way most galleries reviewed a possible showing. Glad those days are over. It is a stinking mess trying to squint at tiny little images on a light table. Eeeeek! I am going cross Eyed!

    Lin, you have me thinking about trying to sell some things. I could use the extra room. Less to dust, less to move around. I love having the things from my family but maybe I don’t need ALL of it. I have several pair of sterling silver shoulder length earrings. Handmade by a friend years ago. Very glamorous for pretty young girls with long hair. I have chopped off my long hair decades ago. They look strangely out of place on me now. Something to think about.....
    Good nite dear ones,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's raining, it's pouring but instead of the old man, Betty is, as ever, snoring loudly. 😄
    Strange and annoying uncontrollable runaway letters popping up as I type so this post might be a short one!
    My 3 friends arrived for lunch yesterday looking like drowned rats because the heavens opened just as they parked up and after I'd given them both a hug I was soaked too. We had a wonderful catch up and lots of laughs while George and Betty soaked up the attention. My fridge is now stuffed full of leftovers... lots of salad, pate and cheese for me to snack on so there goes the diet!!

    George taught me early in our relationship that fox poo is his preferred perfume so as much as I tried to sweeten his aroma he'd seek it out and roll in it. Conditioner is great for keeping tangles at bay though so he has to put up with it!
    An early trip to GP practice nurse tomorrow to remove staples and I'm now on just one crutch so although slow progress I'm getting there.

    Page rolling so I'm off.
    HAPPY Tuesday 😁
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2019
    Furnace Heat coming on here.
    Snow in Australia.
    Fun and games and satire in London.
    Today, all appears to be well and normal in the world.
    Back later,
    Just been for long walk and talked to an old lady with no English, me no whatever she had, both of us slightly deaf. Common denominator, guess who. Lol.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2019
    I have a question for you dog owners.
    Do you give your pets heartworm or flea and tick prevention pills?
    They are very expensive, prescribed by the vet and are given monthly starting June 1st.
    I was uneasy about giving the Bean anything toxic but we gave her these two pills on Sunday.
    I had a very worrying day yesterday because she was lethargic all day, wouldn't eat or drink and just slept. Most unlike Jilly.
    I researched on the internet and found all sorts of stories about dogs who had died overnight or the next day after being given these brands of pills. Apparently they only came on the market in 2016. They affect the blood and that's what kills the parasites that drink the blood. You cannot remove if the dog becomes sick and one lady wrote she found dead ticks on her pet 12 months after stopping them.
    The dogs who died were from Jilly's size (chihuahuas, yorkies) and up to large breeds and all around 2 years old.
    I've decided she won't have any more of this medication but would welcome any thoughts. I don't think I can name the brands but one started with a H and the other a N manufactured in the USA.
    Am I being paranoid? Maybe because I had such adverse effects myself from the pills I was prescribed by my doctor.
    Meanwhile after a worrying day and night my girl appears to be back to her normal pesky self.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) I am back but unfortunately with itchy eyes and swelling under my eyes. I am thinking it is some sort of allergy so will try to get some allegra before sitting this afternoon. The AirBnB we stayed had a million different plants on their property so I am either allergic or something bit me. Other than that I had a wonderful time and I am so proud of my granddaughter. We basically celebrated three days is a row which was great and we got to see Kelly's duplex that she shares with her boyfriend and got to meet all of his relatives. A great time was had by all and I am so happy Bryanna went with me.
    This is short me with Kelly on the left and Bryanna on the right. <3weydhzayamyv.jpeg

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2019
    As you can imagine Anne our animal welfare laws are restrictive in the UK so lots of bans on drugs and chemicals that could cause problems. In the past I've not bothered to read the boxes flea, tic and worming tablets are distributed in so it's been interesting to check the small print and here goes.
    Bravecto cat spot on for fleas and tics (every 3 months)... The Netherlands
    Simparica monthly dog flea and tic chewable tablets... Belgium
    Milbemax monthly cat worming and separate dog worming tablets... England.
    None of my gang show any ill effects and I always administer straight after a meal to line the stomach.

    With our mild climate, year round treatment is recommended and it probably costs me about £25 a month. If Jilly only gets her treatment in the summer it might just be the 1st one is a bit of a shock to the system.

    Heart worm is not in the UK, or at least wasn't until people began bringing in rescued dogs from Eastern Europe!! I imagine that has to be a powerful drug?

    Thank goodness for the French Open tennis tournament..... I can easily avoid the State visit and political stir someone is trying to create! 😤😤

    PS another stunning photo of beautiful family Sandy.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Forgot to mention Anne, we are told not to administer worming tablets same time as flea etc. Leave 3 or 4 days between.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne: I absolutely agree with you about these flea and tick meds. We don’t have a huge tick problem here but we do have copious fleas. We have multiple flea traps about the house. They are lighted cages that have a sticky paper lining that traps fleas, spiders, gnats, mosquitos. After a week or so we change out the trap lining and most of the time it is full of gnats and small spiders. We have seen other noxious insects that we prefer not to share our house with. Our door to the deck is open a great deal of the time. Katie’s is our wild child. She likes to run in and out of the deck door bringing any number of creatures hanging on her long coat and tail. Aaaaaaaaaargh! The problem is that fleas and tick are very dangerous too. They carry disease and often cause infections and great discomfort to the animal and people too! What to do? I brush Katie often, checking for fleas and bites. If I see evidence of a problem, then we switch to the heavy artillery.
    Sending a ear scratch and tummy rub to Jilly and a hug to you.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited June 2019
    Once again my long message disappeared as this app crashed.

    Thinking of everyone and wishing good wishes all round.

    I will try to avoid the politics once again.

    I have no knowledge or opinion on the doggie medicine issues. I pretty just did what my vet recommended. Here, once upon a time, it was a heart worm pill once a month all year long. Flea treatment was controversial at that time. Some still used an extra collar, others poured some drops on the pup between the shoulder blades once a month in the non-winter months.

    Onward as Sandy says.

    Lovely everyone.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks for your insights dear friends. Jilly was VERY lethargic and sick yesterday. I was dreadfully worried. She's okay today and we both went over to Maria's for coffee and biccys. Marie's place is very posh. Tony was out busy making bird houses and painting them at his therapy class. Then I started mowing the lawn and up came Janice. She recommends a liquid you squirt between the shoulder blades well into Jill's Pomeranian ruff so she can't lick it. Mosquitos cause heartworm so I shall keep us both in at dusk, their favourite time. I have to admit I tend to leave the screen door open for Beanie.

    Finally the lawns are cut before the rain starts yet again and I'm absolutely talked out and exhausted from chatting to neighbours who are rapidly becoming friends and shoving the mower over high damp grass. Time for a cuppa!

    I'm becoming an expert on dementia, fleas, ticks, and mosquitos.
    Jill and I return the hugs and tummy rubs PATSY. Just what we need today!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Daisy is on heart worm tablets every month and flea and tick ointment given between shoulder blade and also lower back because of her size. All our dogs had the same with no problems. Especially if in grass or woods.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just checking in this morning to let you know I'm still here! Received lovely call from DD assuring me she loves me, and she will undergo biopsies etc. to see if there is any hope for treatment. She does not want to end up blind or with dementia, and no chance of surgery as the tumor is resting on her cortex. With great sorrow, I fully support her wishes and that is all she wants.
    Now I'm in a snit between Apple and Virgin Mobile about registering the neat iPhone the kids gave me last week. Something about locking and unlocking both phones, which dear SIL took care of while here! These phone companies will do anything to force use to buy their ne and costly models. Raising my monthly fees $15 was not enough for VM! Meanwhile I have o cell phone! Which is easier to deal with, doggie medications of phone companies?
    SANDY, gorgeous family photo!
    JACKIE, wonderful friend and neighbors! Yum. But tell Georgie boy I said NO rolling in fox poo! Oh my gosh!!!
    PATSY and ANNE, my sympathy over pooch meds.

    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!...............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hello, well skipping Tai Chi again today. Will go to tomorrow’s class. Don’t mean to whine but my leg is giving me fits. Walking, stretching, essential oils, heat, nothing is working. I will work on it but in the meantime, I will just do my best to get around. My Fitbit and MFP are not working together either. I have disconnected and reconnected several times to no avail.

    Okay, enough. I am doing a bit of laundry, doing some paperwork and trying to throw out and sort some more in my cluttered nest.

    Hugs to everyone. We are expecting temps around 90 F today. Wow, summer!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We get temps up to 72 this afternoon LIN, so indeed wow to your 90. It's 59 right now so a super pleasant walk for me and Bean this morning, albeit sopping wet from overnight rain. Glad I cut the grass yesterday. I'm sorry about your poor leg. Miserable day for you.
    Friend Janice who lost Jilly's doggie pal Amy 3 weeks ago is missing the little dog terribly and so she's taking in a 9 year old tabby cat who's owner can no longer look after.
    And that's it, but it's still early. I've ordered groceries for tomorrow so Jill's in for a treat when her favourite delivery man shows up.
    Have a great and hopefully pain free day everyone,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited June 2019
    Happy Wednesday! :) Beautiful day here, pool type day. My dilemma is go to the pool or see if doctor can see me for my swollen eyes. I have a wedding to go to on Saturday so a tan would be great but swollen eyes not too much. Such problems. Ha!

    Kiddos were fun yesterday and well behaved but still tiring. Ewok is getting neutered today so hopefully he will calm down a little. He is so cute it is hard to get mad at him.

    My ex husband's sister let me and his kids know that as he was walking up the stairs to his house his knee gave out and he grabbed the banister which broke so he fell backwards and landed on his head. He blacked out and a neighbor called 911 and he woke up in the ambulance. They kept him in the hospital. I do hope he gets a knee replacement and stops being so stubborn. He should really move to an assisted living place but he wants to be independent as we all do.

    Time to make some phone calls and appointments.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    An early visit to the GP practice this morning for removal of staples in the incision and all good, clean and healthy. Then Sue the gardener who drove me into town worked in my garden for a couple of hours and also potted up tomato plants. We have showery weather and not particularly warm but I've pottered in my garden and now about to put the kettle on for a cup of tea. My neighbour kindly messaged me from work to send her a list of any required shopping since she will be stopping at a supermarket on her way home so that's good, I can stock up on pet food at least as I'm still working my way through Monday lunch leftovers! So that's my day in a nutshell, nothing exciting but no concerns either.

    Sandy, how awful for your ex and a scare for you all. Perhaps his fall will persuade him about assisted living. I'll be thinking of Ewok!!

    Lin, sorry to read you are suffering and hope it's nothing too serious. Definitely not a Tai chi day when you're in pain. Enjoy your flash of summer instead. 😎

    A cup of tea awaits!!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Very foggy and damp today. I was hoping to get outside again today but it is just too chilly. I will be forced to be inside and do housework.

    The good news is that my allergies are calming down. The scotch broom blossoms are fading and I suspect that is the main culprit. This year they were magnificently abundant. Also clouds of pollen everywhere. It was clear the evergreens were not to be outdone. The little cones popped and we also had mountains of sticky little paperlike things and more pollen.

    The older I get, the more determined I get to stay as independent as possible. I even try to resist help from John when lifting heavy things. They aren’t really heavy but I sort of struggle. I know this is good/bad. It is easy to make a mistake and fall or break a bone! I marvel at Sandy’s dedicated social life. I could never do that. It just isn’t in me. I love people but not large gatherings. I prefer smaller social groups, even one or two other nice friends is perfect for me. I know...I am a rather dull old biddy. I do, however, love all you sneakers. I would lunch with all of you any time, any place.

    Dinner is leftover chicken rice casserole and a salad. I decided to dig out Elton John CD since his bio-pic movie is getting a lot of attention. Good music to dust furniture and vacuum with. Maybe. I don’t remember loving his music, just liking it.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    It's cold here! The heatings just come on. Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Got my iPhone activated today despite lock keys and all kinds of impediments, and surprise, my new case arrived 2 days earlier than promised! I'm delighted ! Now to get a manual, since cell phones are still a mystery to me! As usual, I planned to say HI early and it's now after midnight. So I desperately need my sleep and send you all hugs and kisses!!!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!..........................