Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited June 2019
    Good morning. Happy sunny Saturday here. I plan to stay home today and putz around accomplishing little but I will be fully occupied. Haaaaaa. MFP is a bit better now, I have logged out and in. One issue is that MFP is not coordinating across my various devices and between browser and app. Still getting no Fitbit or iPhone (I tried switching over to steps on the iPhone).

    Still crashes out of the blue but enough. I am here right now.

    Buzz, I am glad you are getting accustomed to your iPhone. It is a lovely device but I still want an iPad and a laptop as well. :D Your parties and your dining options are astounding. Just do your best but enjoy life right?

    Anne, hummmm, really, they thought the estimate was too high? Golly, I would have hired him right away, someone you know, lives close by, already does some work for you. All excellent. I would prefer that to someone who might be a bit cheaper but is unknown. Well, I hope it works out for the best.

    Sandy, you are a peach. Your son is so lucky that you help out so much. I also hope you are feeling well and enjoy the day and the celebration.

    Jackie, a glimmer of feeling better. Wahoo! I hope your weather is a-okay and you are able to walk a bit.

    Patsy, sometimes plans have to be adjusted when the weather does not cooperate. Farmers here are definitely having to revise given the rain, flooding, and ponding in the fields. It is getting too late to plant for even decent soybean yields.

    Well, must move along. My leg is not getting better. Driving can be an absolute horror of pain. I am not enjoying trying to cope with this.

    Hugs my friends.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) A beautiful day for an outside wedding. My eye is still a little puffy but oh well, hopefully makeup will cover it up. I am picking up my niece who lives 45 minutes a way and we will drive together. We have a hotel room for the night so no drinking and driving.
    I am missing Robby's first soccer game so I asked them to video parts so I can see him. Maybe they can even go live on their phone if they think of it. lol

    Buzz, refresh my memory, what IPhone do you have? I love my IPhone but then I love all technology. Good luck with yours. If you want to share a photo from your phone go to your photos, click on the one you want and email it to yourself is the easiest way. Otherwise you can transfer the photos to your computer but that is a little more confusing which I can explain at another time.

    Have a wonderful Saturday!!
    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Overcast today, but not sure what weather is in store. Maybe partly cloudy. It is still chilly however.

    We are still working on my art book. It is a lot of work but quite fun. John is the tech person in our family. I sort of stumble along, accidentally finding things but not able to recreate afterword. I watch our son on the computer and am so amazed at how fast he is. He can fix glitches and builds all the computers for his animation. My skill is knowing ALMOST how to turn on my computer. That remains the entirety of my tech knowledge.

    The cold weather has me limping about with knee elastic on and whining at every move. It takes forever to do anything but I feel driven to keep up a regime every day. My challenge today to is to grill the salmon fillet John bought. He does love salmon. I also want to use my “down time” to work on a few creative things I have in the works.

    Lin: dear friend, I understand your frustration with your leg. Especially since one of your passions requires physical strength and balance. I hope you can spend the day clearing the decks and giving your leg a chance to rest and heal. Easier said than done, I know.

    Buzz: you are such a whiz...I know you will have that phone doing everything very soon. My son and daughter use their phones for everything. They marvel at our old fashioned phone. It is almost horse and buggy style. Not quite like the old ones that required a suitcase, do you remember those?

    Coffee, a small load of laundry, a swab out in the bathroom, then into the dungeon!
    Be audacious!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2019
    My thoughts exactly LIN regarding the deck, and I'm still not sure what is happening. It seemed a rleasonable price to me and I would have loved the plan Barry drew up, but I'm one of three votes. Mark seems to want to replace the deck we have, but I think Barry's and my idea would have enhanced the look of the house.
    PS. Just talked to Mark and he's still thinking about it, so watch this space, lol.

    I can't believe the potatoes I planted. Weeny, teeny leaves yesterday morning, today an inch or more high, incredible growth.

    I remember going to Derek's first soccer match when he was four years old SANDY. The game was in progress at the opposite end of the field, Derek was defending and bored, so he climbed and swung from the top of the goal post. Meanwhile the goalkeeper, also about four years old, started to pick flowers some way from the goal he was supposed to be defending.

    Then the game changed and all these four year olds came thundering towards Derek still swinging from the cross bar. Derek dropped down with a complete look of horror on his face at the herd galloping towards him and covered his face with his hands. It was hilarious.

    At this point the parents decided soccer wasn't for Derek so they enrolled him in hockey instead. Hopeless, he scored one goal accidentally in four years and M and M realized he takes after granny and not them (Mary Jo was a fitness teacher and still goes to yoga etc) and today he's a happy artist, business and also in his free time. Oh, and when he was 18 months old he was sat in a high chair at Tim Hortons coffee shop, given a piece of paper and a crayon and was entered into their kids drawing contest, I imagine he was the ONLY 18 month old because he actually won a bunny cake that Easter which we all enjoyed. Should have told the parents a thing or two and saved them much money on hockey sticks and footballs etc.

    Here he is with the bunny cake he won. Anne.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    No luck with posting.2 posts got wiped out and I never did get to sleep, so I'll grab a bite and get to nap today! Apple stayed with me 4 hours this morning;helped me change the home window to a gorgeous painting DD's partner did. SANDY, mine is a 6s iPhone, small and clear, I'm so pleased with it! I got many of my pictures transferred from the computer to the phone, and downloaded my Google stuff. Now, I have to get off this crazy merry go round, and get some banking done! Hugs to everyone..., and
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.............................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Not my day!!! The links didn't work (HAPPY WEEKEND!) and there's no more editing posts!
    You would not believe the thunder and lightening and banging rain!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Torrential rain in the night so our peas and beans at the allotment should be running away. After a few early showers that then cleared we've had a lovely day and I watched more tennis then my neighbours collected George, Betty and me, bundled us into my car and drove us to a lical beach. The dogs had a wonderful long walk with them while I sat in the beach cafe with a cup of tea and huge brownie!

    Just the one crutch now as I walked along the cliff pathway to stretch some muscles where I could see George and Betty having great fun running circles on the sand below me.

    Back home, dogs fast asleep and I'm about to enjoy a fresh pasty!

    Lin, at some point put your fèet up, literally. It's the only way I can ease my aching leg and hip, plus Ibuprofen that I'm not sure I should be taking with the blood thinner but will worry about that another day.

    Lots going on with everyone so have a great Saturday. 😊

    Pasty cooked!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hello, nice day at church although several families were at a Christian music festival out of state and another family have two sons playing in a big deal soccer tournament in Minnesota. I hear one child plays for a team in the finals this afternoon. Wahoo!

    I am off soon to meet a lady who is buying a little something from me. This is keeping me in “pin money” as my grandmother would say. But who buys pins these days? Haaaa.

    The weather was quite lovely this morning and I enjoyed it. Now the sun has disappeared and the wind has picked up blowing dust and debris around. Ick.

    I am trying different things to try to walk. Problem now is that in trying to move on the sore leg I am causing stress on the other leg, the knee in particular. This is not going well I am afraid.

    I have a huge backup of things I am trying to sell. There are totes all over the dining room and living room. Come on people out there, buy my stuff. Haaaaaa. Sandy, do you see all my Facebook Marketplace posts? A couple of my friends say they see each and every post. A bit embarrassing. :p

    Oh well. If that is the worst that happens, I guess it is just fine.

    I hope you are all having very enjoyable days.

    Jackie, love your photos. What a fun outing.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy sunny Sunday. I had a crazy day yesterday. Nothing really went wrong just sort of a upside down kind of day and night. Sleep was restless and I think my Sunday will be rather low key. No energy at all. Katie, however is up and ready for a game of ball, breakfast, and barking at nothing, just for the fun of it. My allergies are still letting me know that we have pollen flying around. I hate being fragile and feeling wheezy. It is a beautiful day. I may just take an aspirin and go outside anyway.

    Lin: you continue to inspire me. All of the overflow stuff around here needs to find another appreciative home. My home is too full.

    Jackie: while there are many similarities in our environment, I marvel at the cultured look there. We have a lovely beach area but no manicured paths. Our roadsides are certainly not well taken care of. We are lucky to get people to deposit trash in waste cans. Then if they do, our city and county trash collectors are never on time to remove and empty trash. We have volunteer groups that take care of various roads or parks. This is done several times a year but the problem persists.

    Anne: we are waiting, with baited breath, to hear what will happen to your front deck/porch/steps. To this I might say, we added our front deck years ago and the best thing we ever did was the steps leading to the front deck are a very wide and lower rise steps. Easy to step up and down because the height of each step is low, 3 to 4 inches I think. And they look very nice and very friendly.

    I am looking at a wasp that keeps hovering around. A nest nearby? Hope not but very possible. Slugs are busy and bees are humming and spiders are building very impressive constructions everywhere. I am ready to 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤 with my broom and a bottle of simple green for protection.

    Hello and Cheerios from us here on the north Oregon coast.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just lost an enormous and most interesting post (I can say this because it having vanished into thin air, no one can dispute my claim, lol.)
    Suffice to say I'm totally disillusioned and haven't the heart to write it all again even if I could remember what I said.
    So apart from a few choice naughty words I'll *^*#** off and get my tea,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Cinders, one of my 3 rescued hens was very peaky this morning and unable to stand so I asked my neighbour to help me clean out the hen house so I could tuck her in a sunny spot on dry bedding. Then off to the allotment to sit with a cup of tea while the same neighbour planted beans and pumpkins. Surprised when I got home to find Cinders back on her feet, tottering a bit but moving about and tonight she has made her way into the house so will be warm and dry. Two and a half years my 3 little chooks have lived happily when the alternative was to become chicken soup or cat food... No comparison!!

    Patsy, the Victorians influenced our coastal towns once they realised they could regain their health so long as they wrapped themselves up for bracing walks by the sea. That era was dominated by officials who felt the need to cultivate and tarmac the wildest of places and today we luckily have a strong movement to persuade everyone of the importance of picking up rubbish. I think we have to thank youngsters for this latest revelation.
    The next time I visit that beach I'll take a photo of the other side of the road with its ugly gothic style Victorian hotel and further along the narrow street a golf course where buggies look from a distance like they should roll off the hills and tumble into the sea!

    Nearly midnight so time for bed. The ibuprofen taken yesterday worked a treat to give pain relief so I had my first full night sleep in months. Hoping for the same tonight!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Slowly returning to sanity after DD#2 has come back to communicating with me again in her "when she is good" style! Have I mentioned the team thinks this mass has been growing on her brain for many years? Perhaps it explains the intimidating mood swings that developed over the years! I am starting to accept facts and possibilities and will not allow hysteria to become part of my behavior. I was certainly fortunate to have had this amazing child and adult daughter through her lifetime, however long it might be, ...none of us ever knows the amount of time we have on this earth, and our memories keep us going strongly! And she may yet outlive me, which may be determined in the next few weeks with all the tests scheduled. and her attitude is incredible as she develops her meditations etc.! OK, that's great comfort!
    JACKIE, ibuprofen is not great for kidneys, long term, but you should be able to tolerate it for the period you need it. I don't recall you having the same pain after your 1st hip replacement.
    Along with your photographic skill, your empathy for every living thing is remarkable! I'm relieved for you and Cinders for her recovery!
    LIN, what exactly is bothering you with your leg? I know it hurts, but I must have missed the post with the details of why it is painful! Please forgive me, dear, and explain! I think also your "pin money" adventures sound like fun! Practical fun!!!
    PATSY, weren't you preparing to write a book, and get together collections of your art for a show? I haven't read how those projects are coming along, though each is a huge undertaking ! I would imagine they are not conducive while allergies attack! I also recommend something I seldom follow: listen to your body! If it tells you it needs rest time, follow its advice!!! Though I agree enjoying the outdoors is so pleasurable! Here, we have been getting such heavy thunderstorms, I never get out lately!
    ANNE, Your projects sound exciting, even when your posts disappear! I have been losing many lately, as well! I really should paste this to my notepad, I know! Keep us informed, and give your boys and the Bean our love!
    SANDY, how're all the exciting things going in your life? What a blessing you have been to your family! Whose wedding is this now? I lose track!
    Hi to anyone I've missed; it is unintentional!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.............................

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited June 2019
    Good morning, taking my car in for an oil change and ready to fight off suggestions for spending more money on the car today unless it is something critical. Also need my Rx which was not ready yesterday as promised. And need to meet with a guy, at some time, to sell another little thing. Someone else wants to meet to look at something but I was not available when he was eager as I was in church. He was unavailable yesterday afternoon and now has not read my message about getting together today. Oh well. We will see I guess.

    It is lovely to get a few dollars from little things around the house but I am not making much progress which is probably why people have garage sales or services to come in to run household sales for them. Lots accomplished quickly. So Patsy, I don’t know if I have the fortitude to stick with this.

    Buzz, I have had foot problems for decades. Hours and hours each day of Tai Chi improved some things but made others skeletal issues worse. Then I was moving a large difficult to grab item and as I lifted it into my SUV I heard a snap noise in what I think is a tendon along the outside of my knee. Since then there have been loads of problems, a knee that doesn’t really want to bend, pain sharp sometimes, burning intolerable pain other times. And that can be anywhere from my foot to my tush. Enough whining. Although I am good at it. So I am using everything in my home remedy play book to try to survive, hoping it will heal.

    Jackie, poor little Cinders. But you are so kind to have given the girls a home. And a very lovely place to live. Good for you. I am glad you got a night’s rest. Very good. I am sorry to whine while you have a major recovery underway.

    Sandy, are you home again? You are definitely a traveler! And some very happy occasions to attend.

    Anne, yes, we are all interested in what is going on with your projects, etc. How dare MFP crash your post.

    Must move along. Sitting too long is dangerous


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good morning, although it isn't exactly good with yet more rain. I text Mark every morning so he knows I'm still around and I just posted "morning" today, having not much to say, to which he replied "Is it, I haven't seen the sun yet" which will tell you how gloomy it is outside.

    Mike came over yesterday after his trip to Buffalo which he enjoyed. Jilly wagged her tail so much that I feared it would drop off. We sat in the garden and the World War Two Lancaster bomber plane flew over our heads a few times and headed back to its home base which is the Hamilton Heritage war museum. The volunteers fly it to make money from vintage plane buffs for this wonderful restoration museum which houses Spitfires, Messerschmitt and other planes from my childhood. Only two left flying, one Lancaster is in the UK and this one here. I'd love to send Mike up on his birthday because he is very interested and knowledgeable about that era, but it costs the earth!

    I'm so very sorry for all you joint pain suffering girls. I'm going through the same thing myself. Excruciating pain the length of my left leg. It's worse at night. I wish we all could be fully restored like Lancaster bombers! I get finger joint pain as well. Sign of the times, well our time I guess.

    I've decided to sit back and let Mark, Mary Jo and Barry figure out the front deck, steps and porch but will let you know when and IF anything is decided, but keep off it myself. I don't want to add to the joint and bone aches by going through the darned old floor boards.

    Yikes, coffee break already and I've hardly done a thing around here!
    Praying this uninteresting piece doesn't disappear when I press "post reply".
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    So far today it's remained dry in spite of dark angry clouds doing their best to climb high on to the moors and dump heavy rain on my roo!
    Cinders is still with us although struggling but as fast as I pop her into the cosy hen house she pops back out only to be bullied by her 2 "friends". The animal world can be cruel at times but I'm afraid I don't have the skill or guts to quickly dispatch her.
    George has been walked a bit further today when we met a neighbour with her new 4 month old Labrador called Mollie... gorgeous! I'm planning on being able to add Betty to our walks in the next few days so long as I can do my balancing act with poo bags!! 😄

    Buzz, could it possibly be your DD's tumour is benign? Slow growing might be encouraging too if that means it gives her more time to consider her options. My heart goes out to you both and thank goodness lines of communication have reopened. You are so right of course, none of us knows what lies round the corner and no point dwelling, just squeeze every little joy out of each day.
    As for my current progress, it is slower and more painful than first time round but nothing I can't handle. This hip had rapidly deteriorated before the op so no surprises and I will come out the other side with much improved quality of life... can't ask for anything more!

    Lin, I'm so sorry you are suffering. A snap anywhere in joints is nasty and don't think it's anything less than my discomfort because this was after all my choice! Do car boot sales exist near you or car trunk as you'd have to call it? It would be an easy way to sell lots of items in one go but away from your home if that's a concern.

    Time to move on so I'll wish you all a happy Monday. Hello Patsy, Sandy, Anne, Jeri and Laura. Anyone know how Marie is?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited June 2019
    Happy Monday! :) The wedding was wonderful, my niece and I had such a great time, maybe too good of a time if you know what I mean? Just kind of stayed on the couch all day yesterday and couldn't wait to go to bed which I did early and got over 9 hours of sleep.Feel good today and might attempt to put up my new blinds I ordered for my bedroom windows.
    I did hurt my foot somehow and it is sore to walk on. It is possible it is just bruised so I will wait a day or two to go to a doctor. It is a little cooler but I still might go to the pool to keep up my tan. B)

    Patsy, my son is like your son with computers and I am so grateful for him when I have problems. This getting old is not for sissies as they say, each day a new pain comes and goes.

    Anne, the pictures of Derek is adorable, good for him for having a great drawing. The soccer story is funny and I can see Robby doing the same. Lisa said he did have fun and loves his uniform shirt and kept telling everyone he was number 14. Kids are so darn cute!

    Buzz, Kristy hasn't mentioned the rain so maybe she is not getting it like you. I hope it clears up and brings sunny days soon. The wedding was my sister's granddaughter's which is why I went so far to represent my sister. They even had me at the head family table for that reason.
    It was very nice even though so far which is why we got a hotel room and got to ride on a party bus which I had never been.
    And yes that was an adult beverage in our cups. lol
    I am happy that you have come to terms with your daughter and will continue prayers for both of you.

    Jackie, so sorry about your weather as well but really beautiful pictures. You are such a great person, I love your love of all creatures big and small. <3

    Lin and Anne, although I am not a doctor, I would recommend you both going to one for the pain down your leg which sounds very much like sciatica. I had that very same pain and it really doesn't go away by itself. They do have shots they can give you and therapy also helps. In my case I had surgery which is a laminectomy where he shaved the bone off the nerve. Easy surgery and no more pain. Just my opinion because I believe both of you hate doctors.

    Laura and Jeri, I hope you are both doing well.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2019
    You bet I hate doctors SANDY after ending up in emergency covered in blood and blind in one eye from the pills I was given! The sight is still slowly coming back. Oh and my right wrist which wasn't set properly, the "doctor" just tugged at my arm and fingers to connect the bones together, no anaesthetic, before slapping a cast on it and the bones set 25% out. It should have been pinned and a top surgeon I was later sent to said it was best left alone and not re-broken and reset to prevent future arthritic pain and anyway I didn't seem the type to be worried about cosmetic appearances. Cheek! But I guess he was right.

    I know I'm unusual, and I'm so glad others don't have allergic reactions to pills OR arrogant doctors. The office nurse who drove me to the hospital after the accident at work which broke all the bones across my wrist said this chap was the worst one I could have had the misfortune to meet.

    So, I do appreciate your suggestion love, and I'm so glad it all worked out for you, but chicken here
    will hopefully stay well away from any future encounters with doctors up here. (Maybe, Mr. T, I should cross the Niagara river and become an illegal immigrant in the States. Better luck?.)
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just lost huge posts :'( . Haven' the strength to rewrite . Love you all

    Bu <3 zz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny day. And I have a lot of errands to do. John and I and Katie, the magnificent, will get in the Subaru and blast off! One errand after another until we are too tired to go another step. Then home for a salmon sandwich. Exciting? Well, not so much.

    Lin: dearest friend, could you have torn your ACL? Or some thing like that? If so, healing might be a tough situation. I deal with that. Surgery helped for a time but not worth the pain of recovery. Then it all comes back. I use a knee brace to hobble around on and it is very useful. There are days when everything seems just fine. Then suddenly things are not fine. Some people like our beautiful Sandy, have knee replacement and everything heals beautifully. What is her secret? Anyway, you are in my thoughts and I will concentrate on positive thoughts heading your way.

    Jackie: a lot of people do not have a clear understanding of Chickens. They are birds and are definitely not dumb. They develop affection for various people and other creatures. They have personality and a sense of humor as will as a clear sense of themselves. I had a pet chicken, named Penny, of course. She was of that black and white design. Can’t remember the name of the breed. She learned a lot of things from our ducks and she wasn’t afraid of our dogs. She followed me around as I worked in my garden. I hope your Cinders recovers. Years ago we had two swans in our pond. Here is the funny part of that...they were gay swans. Both male and clearly cared for each other. They didn’t have much real contact with non-water creatures. Scenes from my crazy past!

    Anne: your knowledge of airplanes is amazing. Sounds very interesting. Another interesting factoid here. My Aunt LaVern was an interior designer and she designed and helped with the installation of several amazing airplane and helicopters. One was for a Saudi toilet handles etc. she redecorated the president Reagan’s AirForce One and his helicopter. Special fabric was ordered etc. it was very exciting for the whole family. Each president has the option of redecorating the inside of airplane used in their travel.
    Odd facts from Patsy