Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    P.S. Anne, I have polished as much as I am going to! I had some silver polishing cloths and a pot of some kind of stuff you rubbed on, rinsed in cold water and then dried the item. The tarnish was mightier than everything but things are a bit improved....
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Another P. S.

    Does anyone know what this might be? Not a crochet hook, not a button hook, but very odd.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday from Minneapolis. Having a great time and weather is cooperating. One celebration last night and another tonight.
    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    LIN, taking stones out of horses hooves.??? Can't think of anything else. Avocado stone removal ???
    I see you can hang it up on a nail.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lin, I'm no expert but look like antique manicure tools. Also unless they are solid silver don't rub too much otherwise you will find yourself down to metal!! Im sure you know that already. 😉
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Ah, good thought Jackie, anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Oh thank you. I bet it is a manicure tool. It is quite small. I think it is already down to mostly metal!

    Wonderful. <3<3

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I've watched too many episodes of Antiques Road Show!! 😄😄 Maybe try leaving the next silver item tarnished then answer any questions about whether solid or coated... let the buyer do any damage cleaning it!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Ha, well good for you Jackie. You paid attention when watching the shows. I tend to drift. Haaaa. Too late on the silver plate items, I have already scrubbed everything except some very old serving spoons. :D

    Thanks again.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my goodness! I think the usual elements of everyday life were so decorative back in the day. Who would have guessed? That amazing decorative designs on manacure tools.

    I am really trying to come up with ways to make the dungeon more accommodating when it comes to working on projects and storing my supplies. Not easy. Too much stuff, not enough room. But I don’t want to get rid of things I need.

    Once again things are kind of odd here on the MFP forum. I can’t back up. Correcting is very hard. But so far I have not lost the post! Yea!

    Reading about our Mr. Orange in U.K. sorry folks! He has no manners or ethics or intelligence. That’s all we can say. We really didn’t elect him, you know that?

    I am trying to make John another sugarless cake. He loves desserts but he can not tolerate refined sugar. This time something with citrus fruits. I have to be carful and add carbs and use egg whites, no yolks. This is interesting and a real challenge. Eating out has become very difficult but I can whip up something and invite friends for lunch or early Sunday dinner. That works!
    Enjoy the weekend.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yep, LIN, my first reaction was "oh my goodness, an OLD manicure tool!" and the very next post, JACKIE's said the very same thing! I think neither of us is certain, but I think my Nana had a similar one!
    Well I attempted to recover physically today, but I'll give it a few more days! I shall not attempt a shopping trip for a long time! There were 2 private parties here today and it was fun watching the difference in guests clothing and comportment, very opposite one another. Both 90th birthday parties, but one must have been quite a bit more formal while the smaller one was very casual! Fun to peek at ! I must say goodnight as I'm falling on my you know what! ANNE, what a super picture of your baby's family!!!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!.................................
    (I just "lost" this post, but Ctrl Z brought it back!!!)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    One of our murky mornings as low cloud and drizzle drift along. Completely different to yesterday when I managed to sit outside and even walk along the track towards the road. Sore but feeling positive! Tomorrow friends are calling in for lunch which they will bring with them and I've already warned them to take me as they find me since housework is currently off the agenda.

    Ah yes, the Orange man speaks and as ever we Brits poo-poo his opinions. 🙄😏🙄 Not sure Boris welcomes such an endorsement either since I remember him once referring to the man as bonkers! The sad thing about the visit is its timing around D Day commemorations when so many died for our freedom, so what do they do because that man will be there in Portsmouth, build a huge wall to keep ordinary people shut out! Hmmm, don't think the build a wall obsessives get it!!

    A quiet day with George and Betty who are still recovering from a long walk then playing on a beach with my neighbours who took them yesterday. We agreed that hopefully I will be able to join them one day soon on such a trip.

    Happy Sunday everyone. Lin A new episode of Antiques Road Trip tonight so I'll take notes just in case! 😁
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited June 2019
    Cool and sunny here today. Getting ready for church.

    Once again thanks Jackie. I brought home boxes of things and some of the boxes had other little containers. I am finding all these odd bits I have not seen for a very long time or other things are completely new to me. I don’t think there will be more surprises but I won't bet on it.

    Jackie, Great job getting some time outdoors and a bit of a walk. And it is wonderful that friends are bringing lunch today. Lovely. Friends do not care about housework they care about you.

    Buzz, keep resting up. That whirlwind visit was lovely but too much is too much. I hope each day is better. Sending hugs. I would be tired if I went to two parties in one day. Too much socializing for me. My time with the small group of familiar faces yesterday was just right.

    Patsy, you are an adventurous cook and baker. John, and your friends, are all fortunate to be the recipients of your culinary creations.

    Anne, good morning to you and The Bean. I meant to say yesterday that your darling was always the cutest! Sweet.

    Sandy, still celebrating? Or coming home today?

    Jeri, hi and hope you are having fun.

    Laura, are you okay? Miss you.

    And Marie, Barb, Barbie, Diane. Miss you all.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well we've had a super five hours because Michael came over. I made a Lancashire hot pot for lunch which all three of us enjoyed because Jill enjoys lamb even more than chicken and lamb is expensive so it's a real treat for us all. Mike managed to get a peanut coated flea and tick pill down the Beans wee throat and she chewed her monthly heart tablet all by herself. Then Mike and I managed to get the Beans nails or claws cut, no mean task with a struggling massive dog. Four long walks later we sat out in the garden in warm sunshine and now Mikes driven home with a few chocolate chip cookies to do his laundry whilst Jill is taking a nap on the sofa. I could well follow her example! I was rather surprised he came over because his hours were so long at work this past week, and the poor young woman who got bullied is now at home on sick leave - stress. No one knows if she will be back at work ever so for now my son will still be doing double shifts before her return or they hire him a new side kick.
    Oh, and I thought my land line phone was broken but Michael fixed that as well. I wouldn't let him cut the lawns, I figured he'd earned his Lancashire Hot Pot without that! I'll have a go myself tomorrow.
    Meanwhile great excitement from bird brain here because my planted potatoes are showing tiny leaves. I planted them a week ago.
    And there you have it from dull old boring me. No exotic travels, no visitors from distant parts, no selling of antiques, no hip replacement surgery, no dungeons to organize, just me and Jilly Bean,
    Hugs from us,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Beautiful partial sunny day. Some big white fluffy clouds moving in and about but mild and wonderful. It is coffee on the deck day. Not sure what activities are on for today.

    Our son is sailing today so no phone call. our daughter is still suffering with her dental issues. The bridge is very uncomfortable for her. I am almost sure it is one sort of unaddressed infection. New dentist next, I least I hope!

    Katie has her summer hair cut and it looks cute but I don’t think I cut the tail quite right. I looked on YouTube for labradoodle grooming and the one groomer I really like did a great job on trimming a “doodle.” I need to redo her tail. But she isn’t up for another appointment at Patsy’s Canine Salon so soon. the week........!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2019
    I just got lost on many sites for "doodle" grooming! I don't even own a stuffed one, but PATSY got me dreaming! The one I liked the most is at
    I hope I got it right! The head is done differently than the poodle but the body appears to be a simple puppy cut except for the tail! Poodles tails used to be cropped, trimmed with a ball at the tip! Perhaps that has changed. But good for you, PATSY, undertaking that job!
    JACKIE, everytime I read anything about "orange-man", I get agita. Read yesterday about his campaign manager's strategies for 2020 and it's so dirty it makes me ill. But he'll get in because it's all about destruction of other people,and he would destroy anyone including his own mother in order to get whatever he wants! Am I reading correctly that the second hip is not quite as easy as #1? Well, glad you are being protective and knowing you, everything will end up just great!
    Dear ANNE, I read your post and ..I' m too tired! And so sorry about all the stress your son is dealing with due to his work.
    LIN, there you go again adding to your busy life and learning more about more! Your title shall have to become Ms. Everywoman More! Or something along those lines!
    SANDY, my grandson plays 2nd clarinet with the Minneapolis Symphony (or is it Philharmonic)
    Hope you're having fun!
    By the way, I didn't attend either party, just watched comings and goings from the sidelines! The larger party had 100 guests while the smaller had 44. It's kind of difficult to invite everyone as we have close to 400 residents
    Oops, thunder and lightning! See you manana!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!.................................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Buzz: thanks for the doodle hair site. It does seem they have interesting tails. Katie’’s is long with a curl at the end. The hair is very long looks like the plume on pompas grass. Our vet also has a labradoodle and his little girl has a shorter tail and it doesn’t have a curled end. I think I can see one of the photos show a shaped long tail but still maintains the long wavy hair. Not that it really matters. Katie will have run through blackberry vines and rose bushes so I’ll need to cut out the snags and thorns almost immediately. She is not or ever will be, a show dog. I do like to keep her clean and as snag free as possible.

    Is anyone gong to see Rocketman? I love his music. John isn’t a fan, however.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Katie’s unruly tail.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    What a beautiful golden tail! I think with Katie's beautiful coat you could collect the cuttings, and have them woven to make yourself something knitted or crotcheted PATSY. I know people do this with a long haired beloved pet.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    I agree, Katie’s tail is quite magnificent!
