Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Buzz, a miracle for your DD. How wonderful. I am extremely sorry to hear however that you had a fall. Grateful that nothing is broken. I hope you are not feeling too sore this morning. Take care my friend. It just takes one short moment for an accident. Makes me shiver.

    Anne, oh my, hope the grocery delivery person did not find you in your jams. :) And also hope you do not have any breaks or cracks in your bones. I pray the pain will subside.

    Sandy, did you try to go to Bingo?

    Must get ready to go. This low key Tai Chi class on Tuesday and Thursday (month of June only) is just right for me right now with the leg issues. The other classes I had been attending are too long and not suited for someone who needs to shift weight often. We will see.

    And I guess I should say that for most of my life I have given most anything away to people who said they needed something but I am still donating to charity, my church and my library but I am also recognizing the need for funds and since I am not working and am able to do this, I am availing myself of the opportunities to sell some things. Not destitute but keeping my eyes open with the talk of lowering social security payouts not that far in the future or changing the program to a means tested benefit. So, just trying to look out for myself I guess.

    Enough. On I go. The leg is still causing problems but still better than a few days ago. Being very careful.

    Hugs my friends.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    In this day and age LIN very wise selling what you don't need rather than giving things away. The premier of Ontario is also threatening our health benefits and in the UK I believe there is talk of the free licences for TV going out the window if you are over 75 and not destitute. I am glad I didn't get rid of my fracture boot, very expensive to buy, and the ankle brace, so don't sell anything that could be future useful because unfortunately you never know. Oh, I've got crutches down in the basement as well.
    I'm still waiting for the delivery guy. Maybe because it's raining yet again.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Looks like a cloudy day and cooler! Thanks be! It has been so blistering hot and humid the past couple of days, we only limp about and escape downstairs to watch a movie and find things to do down in the cool lower level. It is what real estate people call a daylight basement.

    Each of us seem to be dealing with health issues. I have allergies and asthma plus limping about on my cranky knee. I also have a knee brace on this morning. Uncomfortable because of the heat but the support feels good. We do what we have to do to keep going.

    I hear there is now a Downton Abbey movie. When it comes out onDVD I will try to catch it. I am reading a bit just before bed, nothing has me very excited. Summer reading is always iffy and the same with summer movies. We are supposed to be out in the garden etc. not inside reading and watching TV.

    Buzz: it feels like you and your daughter have a renewed chance for a closer relationship. This experience would have me thinking about medical science as apposed to a higher power. It feels so wonderfully exciting, proof positive of the power of positive thinking. I am thrilled for you. Now about this all of us need to do, stay focused as yon move about your day (and night.). You mean too much to us to hear you have broken a bone. We love you.

    I have been the benefactor of my mom’s stuff and John has all his mother’s stuff. The kids dont want any more of it. I have our lifelong collection of stuff. I would like to find a real home for a lot of this. We are at overload here. Selling some is a good option for everyone. The things have value, we can’t use them anymore, find someone else who would enjoy them. Pass along anything that would please another person. A worthy goal but it takes a bit of work.

    Do take care of yourselves, dear sneakers! We all know aging isn’t easy but it has sweet moments. The time I spend reading about you, my invisible friends, is some of life’s sweetest.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting today and then meeting friends for bocce ball, something I can handle because all you do is throw a ball. lol It is a gloomy day with rain in the forecast. I am doing okay with this shoe but hope it doesn't hurt my back the way I am now walking. It definitely helps with the pain but will be glad when I am healed.

    Patsy, I too, had stuff saved but moving so much I did get rid of a lot. I gave the grandkids their totes and they threw most of it out and my adult children don't want my junk so I only have about 40 photo albums which they will probably also throw out with everything being digital today.

    Lin, be careful at Tai Chi but enjoy your class. The instructions the doctor gave me were to not walk barefoot and keep the shoe on except for sleeping. I also have an ace bandage on my foot to relieve the pain. I asked if I could go to the pool and he said yes so at least there is that. I wear the shoe (square toe velcro straps) for three weeks then go for a recheck. If not healed then 3 more weeks. So let's pray for a fast recovery.

    Buzz, I am so sorry for your fall and I am glad you went to the hospital to be checked out.
    They say the worst falls are in our own homes so we all have to be aware. My friend just fell and broke her toe in her home. I too, hope you are not too sore today. Indeed I would call it a miracle with the good news of your daughter. The power of prayer is very real.

    Jackie, hope all is well with you.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    An hour ago the rain stopped so I thought it a good idea to walk the dogs, especially since Brady was washing himself on the window sill so not likely to follow. On with collars and leads before sneaking out the back door and quietly heading up the track towards the road. Not quiet enough it seems as Brady appeared with a determined expression and quick trot to catch up. He greeted the dogs with chin rubs while George gently chewed his ears then I tried to shoo him away but he wasn't having it and continued to walk towards the road so I had to turn back! Anyone watching would have found the scene amusing and in a way I did but also frustrated while poor George is now really fed up so tomorrow I will see if I can drive us to the local woods so he and Betty can run free.

    Goodness Buzz what amazing news for your daughter and truly a miracle. You must feel a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders but then BANG, you were down on the floor! It's comforting to know help is always at hand for you as well as sensible decisions made to get any injuries looked over by a doctor. These things really do happen in a second and can change our lives forever but thank goodness, you bounced back!

    Anne, I'm sorry to see you are struggling too. I blame a lot of my aches and pains on our bleak, cold weather which as Patsy recently mentioned has an even more adverse affect when the months are topsy turvy. Yes, as if the BBC doesn't earn enough from licences they will now charge seniors over 75. The government isn't silly either because in the past it set the price but this decision was passed back to the BBC as it would lose voters if seen to do it!! Talk too of our NHS being a part of any trade deal with America... can you imagine??

    Lin, don't overdo things lovey. Something I've learnt recently is how time still flies even when doing nothing but it's necessary for recovery.

    Sandy, foot up resting I trust? 😉

    More soup to be made and some washing up so better get Betty off my lap and start chopping!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thank you all for your support and love. I just lost the beginning of this post in moving it from my notepad. I know I thanked:
    ANNE, wishing her less pain and mentioning how those pills I am taking have eliminated my foot , ankle, and knee pain, including eliminating my gout! And they worked immediately starting with the first 2 pills. My feeling is a trip to the ER would not solve your problem. A good Orthopedist (hard to find) or excellent Podiatrist (trained from toes to knee, and even harder to find!) would be my choice, if necessary! My pills website:

    Dear LIN, I was not intimating that good-natured generous LIN should be giving away salable articles. I was admitting to the huge fault of never making the effort to figure out HOW to sell!
    I envy your ability to do so many things well! And I understand your pain and wish you relief quickly so you can get back to enjoying the classes you loDear LIN, I was not intimating that good-natured generous LIN should be giving away salable articles. I was admitting to the huge fault of never making the effort to figure out HOW to sell!
    I envy your ability to do so many things well! And I understand your pain and wish you relief quickly so you can get back to enjoying the classes you love so!
    PATSY, my DD has had some very unusual approaches to life, higher understanding of science and many other things than I ever had, and her talents in art and music were always way beyond me! Her medical research, too, is just something I could only marvel at, and I suspect she thought my lack of understanding her interests was due to not caring enough rather than that my nwas nowhere near hers! I walk on eggshells with her despite loving her dearly! ......I do hope your allergies, asthma and kee will give you relief for the rest of the year!
    SANDY, I too have many albums and almost never look at them or the drawers full of packets of pictures I don't what to do with,
    but often wonder what I think will happen if I just clear them out. Do I equate it with destroying the people in them? Share your decision with me when you make one??? And yes indeed, the vast number of broken bones here at Edgewater come from home falls! The nursing floor is always filled!
    JACKIE, I found your tale of 2 pets more than amusing , with George desiring a closer relationship than any cat would be capable of in public! As far as recent politics, has the entire world gone berserk? And when did it really start?
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!..............................

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm so sorry about te crazy mix up in LIN's paragraph. The entire beginning of my post was lost in pasting it from Notepad, and I didn't know what was lost or included! And whatever happened to the ability to edit a post? Am I losing it? :'(
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2019
    Another cold, wet and miserable day so a load of smokeless fuel has been ordered. Of course as my neighbour mentioned when she popped round for my car keys in order to move it out of the garage so that I can get in easily (hopefully), we will now have a heatwave! Yesterday evening I managed to get out for a quick walk with George by distracting Brady with a bowl of his favourite food but the plan today is to take them to the woods then I can pop into the farm shop for fresh veggies and some sort of treat! I've regained one of the pounds lost last week so the yo-yo continues. :'(
    I read yesterday that 2 hours outside communing with nature is the best way to improve our health but the article didn't mention how to achieve this when summer has become winter! Personally at such times I don't commune with anything or anyone, just pop a hood over my head, watch where I'm walking and get round my decided route as quickly as possible!
    Any time I consider moving surplus to requirements inherited items I find myself weighed down with feelings of guilt because I equate it to giving away precious memories, which of course it's not. Several photo albums were taken to the tip a couple of years ago where I had to take deep breaths before throwing them into the skip and I'm aware of a huge amount of loose photos stuffed into a drawer under the spare bed. I'm sure as Lin found recently, once I start to look through them all I'll soon be spending too much time recalling events and memories before grinding to a halt!
    Buzz, yes, the whole world has gone beserk and maybe it just crept up on us when we weren't looking!

    It does look a bit brighter outside so I will put socks on my frozen feet, rally the troops (pooches!) and get going.

    Happy Friday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    BUZZ, this is a quick note to thank you for the link. Looks interesting and I will give the pills a go. If they work for me I'll buy Mark some for his birthday.
    Busy early day for me so must away before Mike shows up.
    Hugs to you all, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited June 2019
    Logged in or not. I have no ability to react to posts or to post.

    Now I do have some permissions but I have lost all the community threads. Sigh.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I lost a pound, so that makes me happy. We had a great time playing bocce ball even though we had no idea what we were doing. We did have our server explaining things to us so it was fun. We then went out to eat and then did a little gambling. I won $20.
    I am doing laundry and hopefully will be able to get to pool for an hour or so. Bryanna is going to the store for me which I am grateful.

    Lin, I am sorry about your MFP problems, perhaps change your password or email them and ask them what the problem is.

    Anne, I bought some of those pills and use them for when my back is sore from sitting. Now I am taking them for my foot which seems to help.

    Jackie, I think we will always be on a yo yo, as long as we don't get obese I think we are fine.
    I go out to dinner too much and not at home often enough to make healthy meals every day.

    Buzz, I am keeping my albums in my bookcases if for nothing else but decoration. My kids often pick out an album to look at just to reminisce. They can do what they like with them when I am gone. I think Bryanna might want them because she is sentimental.

    I better get the bed back together and things put away if I am going to the pool Have a good day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited June 2019
    Okay, let’s see what is working now. Lost a lot of sleep last night as I couldn’t get comfortable. I am moving slowly today, both tired and achy. I did make it to Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. I also went to the consignment shop. They finally got around to looking through the first two totes I had dropped off mid-May. Almost all clothing was rejected. Not because it was too worn or damaged or cheap, nope too old and considered unfashionable. Well, that will be the case with all of my clothing I fear. The few things from the local ladies shop that are still in fashion were also rejected and I cannot imagine why. They rejected things I have seen on the shelves in their office supplies section. They are just full to the brim and it appears they are becoming more and more picky. The “reject” shelves were also full with really not a place for another bag. I have a few things to give to the church and a couple things to give to a friend if she will have them. I am mulling over, but not seriously at this point, doing a garage sale where each item is a dollar. Probably sounds lots better than actually doing it. Haaaa.

    I am sad today. The gentleman who was like a brother to my dad passed away Wednesday evening. His son called me Thursday and it just seemed like the end of an era with both my dad and his cousin gone. I cannot drive the many hours to the funeral as my leg will have none of that. I did just order some (seemingly) beautiful flowers and wrote an online condolence. His niece called me last evening and we had a very nice conversation and I did relay to her that I would be unable to attend. I am sure she will spread the word. That was probably my last conversation with her. Our link is now broken but it was nice to speak with her.

    Well everyone, please keep me updated on the efficacy of these pills. I still am not sold on ordering any as so many things do not work for me.

    Sandy, happy pool afternoon to you. We had a bit of rain and strong winds this morning. Sunshine right now!

    Anne, I hope your day is going well with Mike. Let us know what is new with Mike.

    Buzz, hello, I guess I felt I needed to explain myself. It is not my normal mode of operation. This really is tiring though. Giving is simpler. Even if it just loading up and running to Salvation Army or Goodwill. I have been thinking of gathering some little kitchen stuff together for a donation to a group that is devoted to help women start over. But I just realized, their location is of course secret and I have not found a phone number yet. I think they come to your home to pick up. That really doesn’t suit me either. I am difficult!

    Jackie, we have had some cold mornings but it usually warms up a bit during the day. The wind is still blowing so hard it feels cold out there which is very unusual for June. I believe cold and wet weather causes lots of aches and pains. I am glad you ordered some smokeless fuel. When know what will come our way in the next course leg of months. I also hope you got to the store for some shopping. Brady is quaite the character!

    Well, time to try to move along. Not feeling great today but that is not new.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good and bad news, well sort of.
    Tried to order the pills and got all the way to the paying bit when I was told the firm couldn't connect to my server.
    So Mike had a go and got the same message. Maybe they don't like to deal with another country?

    However maybe I won't need them after all because after suffering excruciating pain until midnight I said enough! To Jilly's horror I then proceeded to strip sheets etc off my fairly new bed in the master bedroom. Then I stripped down and made up the 30 year old mattress on my guest room bed. I had bought the new mattress to replace this old one. Finally the Bean and I settled down hopefully for some shut eye and wonders after two sleepless nights I slept until six am at which point I leapt out of bed not exactly like a spring lamb but definitely not as before when I could barely stand upright.
    I paid a fortune for the newer mattress! But guess who will be heading for the guest room tonight. Fingers tightly crossed.

    Michael went to our local barber for a hair cut despite living miles away. I must admit the forever elderly Italian gentleman does wonders for Mikes curly hair and I wish he would have a go at my frizzy locks. Then he treated us both to some delicious Mexican food for lunch. He was ages waiting for his takeout because he said the place was bulging with folk and I'm not surprised because it really was a scrumptious meal. Made my hot pot etc look a bit tame!

    No shopping today for once, just long, long walks for the Bean who's now sleeping her exertions off.
    I did manage to get the washing done because Mark doesn't want me tottering down the stairs to the basement when no ones around but the Bean to pick me up..... not that I've taken any notice so far.

    Well girls, not much really today, story of my life these days!
    Here's hoping for a pain free Saturday for each and every one of us,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh dear! I hate that I spent part of my morning “chatting” to you sneakers and then when I should have clicked on post guessed it...I hit done! Everything was gone in a flash.

    I will try to repeat my less than stunning news later.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Back again...just finished our veggie pizza. Really very good with every veggie under the sun including fresh tomatoes and mushrooms. Very little or no cheese. I know sounds odd but it is good.

    I am still dealing with hey fever and I am really ready to move to the moon or Mars. Which ever has the best TV reception. I guess our son will be working this weekend so I am on duty as the main person celebrating John’s Father’s Day. Our daughter is really having a difficult time with her teeth still. What on earth is this about? She should be healed by now.

    I am going to make John paella for Father’s Day. And sugarless banana cake. Sounds awful but I think I can pull it off. I am tempted to sneak a bit of honey into the cake but that would be mean so I will not. I want him to be happy.

    Got more photos of my work from the gallery. They were nice and sent more legal info. I guess when someone buys a painting they don’t own the reproduction and publishing rights, just the painting. Good to know! The gallery would like to sell the book. I just wanted to get my painting photos in one book for the family. Just for an interesting memory. John has copies of the medical research his grandfather did as a frontier doctor. He was a doctor in a Colorado gold rush town. Not as glamorous or as profitable as today’s doctors. He lived in a boarding house and worked as a dentist as well!

    In a senior group we go to occasionally, they talked about how therapeutic it is to leave traces of our life for future family members. Hummmmmm, I am not sure we are going to have any future family members. But I am giving it a shot......
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The phone wakened me close to noon, and it appears many calls were ignored as I peacefully slept in! When I entered the bathroom, I was horrified to find I now had 2 black eyes, deep purple jaw, black and blue rear neck, and entire back red, blue and purple except for my very white bra straps! BAW! I want my Mom's chicken soup! But I am very lucky no bones were broken! Besides my eyes being so colorful, they are all swollen, so if you will kindly forgive me, I'm off to bed. ( I know I could be feeling a great deal worse!)
    <3 Buzz
    ..... ...............Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!..............................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    PATSY, if you can check BBC, UK, features for an article entitled "sinister art you won't forget - the world of Paula Rego". A Portuguese artist it's not exactly art I would put on the dining room wall, but I'm very impressed by it all the same. She depicts women exactly as we are, not the chocolate box figures conjured by men.
    Morning all. Shower and hair wash. See ya all!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited June 2019
    Good morning. Taking my time today. A day to pay all the June bills that have arrived. Actual checks are required! Haaaaa. Remember those?

    Anne, I hope you are all scrubbed and ready for the day. Now does Jilly need a bit of cleaning as well? Probably not eager for a shower. Mine never were.

    Buzz, oh my friend, you must be just aching from all the bruising. I am so sorry but again glad no bones were broken. Keep trying to get some recuperation time. No worries on writing to us, just good of you to stop by for a moment. Much appreciated.

    Patsy, trying to leave your descendants a bit of an idea of who you are is marvelous. I am sure there are many others interested in seeing a slice of your body of work. I enjoyed your book, was that the first? Are there others? Good for you on making the day special for John. Is Katie giving him a card? No, really not kidding, my family always did that for special occasions, there was always a card for the honoree from the furry member(s) of the family.

    Oooh, just got a little error thing there so quickly posted, now adding on.

    My find of the month was last night as I was sorting through yet more things from my family (and I was at the point of despair at ever getting through all this stuff) when I found a little folder I had seen before but really never knew it opened. Oh surprise, marvelous surprise, my grandfather’s naturalization certificate, notarized and signed with a little photo of him attached was inside. I love it!

    Well, must run.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) Rainy day here, I am glad I went to the pool yesterday. I am taking Joe, my 95 year old buddy to church and then we will go to eat a low carb meal at one of his favorite restaurants. Today is Rob and Lisa's 6th wedding anniversary. Six years and three kids later, how time flies.

    Lin, I don't pay bills with checks anymore, all are paid online. Much easier for me and some are just automatic payments. Congrats on the find of your grandfather, wonderful memories. I am so sorry about your father's friend.

    Buzz, oh my goodness, you must be sore. Just stay in bed and rest, will someone bring you food I hope? B)

    Patsy, you make all occasions special for John and your children, you are a wonderful wife and mother. <3

    Anne, did you ask Michaels barber if he would cut your hair? My guess would be yes. Did the guest room bed work again last night? Maybe you could put a foam topper on the new one to help make it more comfortable.

    Jackie, still suffering with bad weather?

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    No prizes offered if anyone guesses it's raining again here. It's the rainiest and coolest June I've ever known. Whilst not exactly into long johns I'm still wearing my winter pants and woollies.

    The old bed caused problems last night. So Jilly and I did another midnight trek. I found that if I put a pillow on each side of me, this stops me rolling towards the edge which unbelievably seems to cause the back pain. I do toss and turn a bit. Anyway, I've now just got a twitch in the ankle so I had quite a good five hours. What a moaner! But I AM considering a foam topper SANDY.

    No, I haven't asked Mikes barber if he cuts ladies hair, but it might be worth a shot. I think the Chinese, Indian and Portuguese ladies who cut hair near me are used to lovely shiny locks and are a bit stumped when it comes to lots of fine frizzy hair probably inherited from some Scottish ancestor.

    Oh BUZZ, you poor poor lass!

    LIN, Jilly doesn't know it but she is getting a bath tomorrow if Mike shows up. All this rain is making her a bit pungent.

    Can we all come to johns Father's Day treat PATSY and

    JACKIE you remind me of the pied piper with all your "kids" following you wherever you wander. Betty is such a happy wee girl having found someone to love her!
