Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just to let you know it's pouring with rain again. At this rate we will all become mermaids.
    Wow JACKIE. Talk about "you can't keep a good woman down"! Have the puss cats discovered their nice new quarters and a sofa to relax on? Added bonus, lots of windows to watch out of for marauding mice and bunnies.
    I'm sort of twiddling my fingers. Not much to do in the house after all the rain keeping me in and cleaning. I actually slept all night and I'm beginning to think I had a pinched nerve. Whatever, it was jolly painful and it's so nice to be ME again. I just hope all you suffering ladies feel your old selves again pretty soon.
    Now, I'll wander off and consider what excitement I can get into on a gloomy rainy day. Mmm, maybe have a go at chopping some hair off. Now there's a thought,
    Bye, Anne. ✂️🤓
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) Nice bingo win last night I won half of the $500 jackpot! I really needed it so I am so thankful. Today is my meeting so not a lot of time.

    Lin, see if this link helps and then bookmark it.

    As far as my tooth, I got an estimate for $1420 and set up the appointments only to cancel them today. Everyone at bingo told me it was not that noticeable and not worth the money to fix it. I will think about it more but for now I am leaving it alone.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Big rains last night so everything is quite soggy. I am feeling better, not 100% but better. I am looking at a very wet and cloudy day. But no matter...I have a lot of interesting options for the day.

    I will start off doing more stretches and exercises. Boring but I guess they do help in the long run. I will try to finish my personal corespondence and then jump to my instant pot chili. I love to have that cooking gently cooking for our early dinner. I thought about inviting our daughter but she is currently in a mood!!!! I guess I am lucky in that I always have an unfinished project in the works. Drives John nuts! I have little reluctance to beginning something new before finishing my current project. I have a whole dungeon of projects in various stages of completion. My dungeon is a messy treasure trove of creative options. Great music and a good TV, good lighting, an Apple computer, sewing machine, and worlds of paint, canvas and wonderful paper etc. there is a doggie bed and water for Katie and a comfy chair for John to observe and comment when the urge strikes him. It is my real home. And it is a total junkyard.

    Lin: I love that you have such an active social life. That is something I need to do more. I am naturally a hermit. And I know that isn’t healthy. I hope you are feeling better. These crippling joint and muscle issues are maddening and depressing. They get in the way of doing all the things we enjoy.

    Anne: you are naturally a creative person. I can actually see you digging into that famous blanket box of yours to bring out some of your projects. You have mentioned them before. I also suspect you will don raincoat and umbrella with Jilly in a doggie slicker to venture out and about. BUT be careful. Wet sidewalks, grass etc can be slippery. I know! I have found myself sitting in a mud puddle struggling to get upright like a fat bug on its back. It was’t pretty.

    Off to reload the washing machine.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, dear friend, I hate to think of you aching all over, so I'm sending loose hugs so they don't hurt!
    JACKIE, what a crazy experience! You should not be lugging furniture, but do enjoy relaxing with your furry friends!
    OH dear, I just received a call from my DD, who just received a message from Sloan Kettering saying if the MRIs are correct, she has a lymphoma that will kill her in about 3 months! She was driving and had to hang up as she got lost, and I'm really too distraught now to continue. So Sorry.......
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes, we finally squelched through the break in the rain. Jilly will not wear a coat of any sort. She manages to squeeze her short legs through the armpits. She has a gorgeous yellow slicker, but when put on, she digs her paws into the carpet and refuses to leave the house. So I always end up with a pongy dog as the fur dries out. Spent a lot of cash on warm coats when she was a mouse sized girl. Most donated to the humane society for more pliable and sensible dogs. Do you remember that red sweater I knitted her to combat the cold autumn? That ended up tattered and holey.

    We have a truce now, I accept that she believes she is a human in a black fur coat and doesn't need added protection but for some queer reason Anne is bald and does.

    No clowns outside today, just loads of machinery. The folks opposite appear to be having their drive dug up and replaced. It is very noisy.

    I did have a go at cutting a few chunks off the bird nest hair. And not a tidy birds nest, one of those which looks as if a few twigs have been chucked together. I remember when I went to a very posh and expensive salon down town. They did everything if you had the cash. Makeup, body type clothes etc. I just went in desperation for a decent hair cut. The owner viewed my less than lovely face and explained to an Asian girl what would suit me. Chop chop later I looked in horror at my image in the mirror and along came the owner who looked at ME in horror and said "My god, you looked better when you came in". I never did find out what happened to her employee because I never ventured back again. Suffice to say I wore a headscarf long before our refugees arrived. This experience convinced me then and now that however badly I cut the locks there's someone out there who will do it worse or equally badly. That's my excuse anyway. It's funny but when I cut it, the hair curls, but when someone else does it hangs in lank strings.
    I better shut up. Shows I'm bored today.
    Wanna play ball Jill?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Buzz, what disturbing news. They just veer from one thing to another with those test results. Perhaps these are inaccurate.

    Anne, your little furry friend has you well trained methinks.

    Patsy, I believe stretching is very good therapy for our daily lives. Good job. I am mulling over spending a lot of money on myself by trying a course of reflexology treatments. Quite a number of Tai Chi students sing the praises of a particular therapist. Since my leg is not getting better I am seriously considering it, I am afraid if I call and am ready to try it that the wait time for a beginning appointment will be months away.

    Sandy, that link does not help. Same thing I see. Announcements only has one item for me and it is start dates.

    Jackie, did I miss your post on a previous page? Hope you are doing well today.

    The sun is out now. All we had was a few bouts of sprinkles.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Buzz: oh my dear friend, this is distressing beyond imagining. I wonder if there is some breakdown in communication between your daughter and her doctor at Sloan-Kettering. They don’t normally hand out that kind of diagnosis by phone. It normally comes by an appointment and with a protocol of action. This feels very unusual and maybe a misunderstanding. Going from the recent news of nothing was detected to this news...does this sound right to you? I think this needs clarification. Don’t panic yet. Is there someone who can go to the doctor with her, to ask questions and take notes on findings and what treatments are available? We are standing right there with you, sweet friend. Deep breaths, calm thoughts, positive vibes. I am reaching across the miles to hold your hand right now.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh BUZZ we must have posted at the same time and I've only just seen your most disturbing post. Like PATSY wrote, it seems most odd that your DD would get such news in a phone call. I'm praying she misunderstood.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Buzz, prayers and hugs....and I agree something seems amiss. Can you talk to her partner or wait until she calms down and hopefully get more answers.

    Ok, Lin how about just putting this link on your bookmarks?
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Buzz, how awful. My prayers are with you and your daughter. How terrifying.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Dear Buzz, I've only just read your heartbreaking post. What a dreadful rollercoaster you are all riding and it seems too much to bear as your DD's diagnosis keeps changing. How can this be? From what you've explained of your at times complex relationship it's going to be difficult to get answers. Could you call her partner or would that be a step too far?
    You know my thoughts are as ever with you.
    We all love you. ❤
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Finally a beautiful day although weather app tells me there is 90% chance of rain! Yesterday was a struggle to get near MFP then when I did I couldn't type a post. So far so good today!
    My brother dealing with our father's estate is struggling but of course when we make these arrangements and everyone is younger and mentally fit we don't envisage such problems certainly our dad wouldn't have. I've been online and purchased a copy of the Title Deeds for my own peace of mind but must now go back into low profile mode to avoid any sort of family discord!

    Lin, is it possible you accidentally pressed that little cog next to the birthday announcements and dismissed it?

    Betty's pee pads went into an early morning wash and now hang in the sunshine before being put away in the airing cupboard so what did she do... a sneaky poo in the spare room!! I'm afraid I did tell her off since the door into the garden was wide open but she looks at me with big saucer eyes and I immediately feel bad! How do dogs do that?

    My secatuers fell apart yesterday so a sturdy new pair has been purchased and that's a plan for this afternoon.

    Going before my post disappears!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Whoa that was close as once again a struggle to post ( an error performing your request, please try again).
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Someone who know what she's doing... The first time my Peony has flowered in over 3 years thanks to gardener Sue.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Re Betty's soulful eyes, I read the other day JACKIE that the traits been evolving over the centuries as dogs realized a pathetic or sympathetic look at the owner gets them out of all sorts of trouble. Jenny my beloved Labrador mix was particularly good at this and if I was upset about something she would rest her head on my knees and look at me with such beautiful sympathetic eyes.

    We've actually got sunshine today and my red and white peonies are in full bloom alongside the Siberian Iris's so our weather matches.

    The UN states that Canada took in more refugees last year than any other country in the world and since I arrived our population has increased from 30+ million to 37+ million. Of course we have the room except some parts (at the moment!!!!) are too cold or uninhabitable.

    I'm making kidney bean and veggie soup for lunch and it smells good. No Mike again today and we miss him, but he will show on Sunday instead.
    So, a pretty nice if dull day all in all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I have an appointment with my eye doctor this afternoon and then meeting friends for lunch. The sun is shining but forecast calls for a thunderstorm in spots. Babe is getting a scope today since he is still having stomach problems. Nothing else exciting.

    Jackie, I love peonies just not the ants that usually come with them. Sorry you are having MFP problems, it seems the norm lately. My son texted me yesterday to ask which of our dogs was the most trouble and I had a lhasa apso that would get mad at me and pee on my bed pillow.
    He was upset because Ewok stole his salad off his dinner plate. I unfortunately think it is funny and told him he is too cute to get mad.

    Hello to everyone else, I hope you aren't having MFP problems with logging on.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hello, rain, rain, rain, thunder, rain, rain, rain.

    Yes, that was overnight and today and possibly tomorrow and Sunday. Oh my. Flood watch is out again.

    Meanwhile, I have caved and made an appointment to see if I can get some relief from the pain. Anyone ever visit a reflexologist? Yes, that is where I am going. To the one who was recommended and called me last night after I left a message to say she had a cancellation for this afternoon. I decided it was meant to be so I am now filling out the multi-page form and have my checkbook ready to go.

    I always find the forms difficult to fill out. Especially when it comes to pain, pain intensity, differentiating between burning, tingling, etc. And working on marking each type of issue on front and back full body images as well as multiple images of left and right feet.

    She told me after one session and her evaluation, she will be able to tell me if she believes her treatments will be of value. At this point, definitely worth a shot.

    Sandy, good luck at the eye doctor. And enjoy your lunch. My opinion, my male Husky was the most mischievous dog I have ever had. Somehow found a way to grab my thryroid pill bottle and swallowed many of them, taught himself to open the backyard gate to freedom, pulled toys apart in the twinkle of an eye and swallowed the noisemakers, should I go on?

    Jackie, lovely peony. Your collaboration with the gardener is producing results. Oh Betty.

    Anne, your soup sounds lovely. Making my mouth water. Enjoy your sun, I will welcome it back whenever it arrives.

    Buzz, thinking of you and praying for your DD. Sending hugs and all my best.

    Back to my paperwork.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, Betty certainly knows how to use her eyes to express cuteness whatever the situation and draws every walker we meet to stroke her. If she feels they arent giving enough attention she sneaks closer then puts her front paws on the top of wellies or knees so she can give them an even bigger pleading look! George of course hides his eyes behind his fringe. 😁

    Lin, a few friends have used reflexology treatment and sing it's praises. My tendency when filling out such questionnaires is to downplay pain because I hate to complain but I'd say to you tell it as it is. I do hope you get lots of relief from your treatment.

    Buzz, I was fascinated to see on our BBC World news this evening a story about a treatment for lymphoma called Car T-Cell therapy that is used in America and our NHS is now using. Some patients with a terminal diagnosis are now cancer free! If you haven't heard of it and can view BBC news take a look.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    AARGH! Thought I'd lost my post again but at least it ended up in the right place even if I hadn't finished!

    Sandy, an enjoyable lunch I hope but avoid those thunderstorms. We are promised the same on Sunday.

    I'll finish now before things go haywire 😲

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    BUZZ and JACKIE, I too read the article on treatment for lymphoma on BBC news and it's remarkable results. I'm sure you can find the article Buzz if I saw it over here in Canada.
    Great and uplifting news.