Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Today is typical March weather. Rainy and windy. John will be picking up limbs and twigs from our little road. Winds bring down a lot of forest debris for us to deal with.

    I listened to an NPR talk about daylight savings time becoming permanent. I am always confused about that. How does that improve or change anything? If it is important that you get started early…set your alarm clock earlier. Or if not, and you want to…sleep longer. Am I not understanding the benefits of daylight saving? It takes me a full two weeks to adjust when we mess around with the clocks. Katie never adjusts. She keeps her regular schedule. And we adjust.

    Had a lovely day yesterday watching fishing boats, beach clam diggers, not nearly as many gulls as there used to be. The marine birds are in decline due to reduced fisheries. Katie barked non-stop all afternoon. She was exhausted when we returned home. Sadly they are planning some awful strategy to keep cormorants off the big bridge that connects Washington state to Oregon. I voiced my objection with our representative. Not that she listens very hard. Special interests have her in their pocket.

    Today I will be fixing spinach, mushroom and salmon cassarole for dinner. A very easy toss together dish that cooks on low while I do other things. I am back on my exercise routine. I hate doing it but I know the benefits will show up some day. My knee, foot and hip on one side is very cranky and talks to me constantly! I hope to dial that down to a whisper SOON!

    Anne: we also try to eat healthy. John refuses to give up things he really enjoys. He gave up red meat and egg yolks and anything fried. But never touch his red raspberry jam or his one glass of red wine and his 2 bedtime cookies. Moderation (I am never good at that) is John’s watch word.

    Jackie: one of life’s incongruities is my love for creatures. But this works against me at times. I would love adopt a kitten or another doggie. But my age and mobility struggles keeps me from attempting any such enterprises. I can’t even walk into our local animal shelter without wanting desperately to bring one or two home. Madness! I can’t deal with Katie and she has been allowed to rule our household. More animals with me as caregiver would be beyond a bad idea. So I just donate a few dollars, towels, blankets,and doggie toys.

    “Youth is a wonderful thing; what a shame to waste it on children.” George Bernard Shaw
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,103 Member
    edited March 2022
    Good evening. Class is over, I have two cards to re-do, lots of brushes to clean and generally a messy house. 😄 but it was fun. Will try to take a couple of pictures tomorrow.

    Patsy, I am happy to hear that you had a lovely day yesterday. But oh my, Katie had much to much to bark at! What a nice casserole. Something relatively easy, or at least not too fussy, is an excellent choice. I agree with you about adoptable animals. I volunteered to walk dogs at our local rescue society but I wanted to take each of them home with me. I had to switch over to coming to do giant loads of laundry so the animals had clean blankets to lay on. Wow, what mountains of laundry and it kept me away from the animals so nothing to try to take home.

    Anne, I am so glad your son made it home safely. As far as what is best for our stomachs and digestion as we get older, I am not certain that would be the same for everyone. And it does sound like they may have written that for men? I hope you have not upset your stomach. How’s Jilly?

    Jackie, I watched Dan’s latest YouTube video. They had a nice day today. I was sorry to hear Pumpkin will not be able to go with them at this time, just as you said, but happy there was a visit to McDonald’s for one family member! Oh and I liked the hat in the Mexican restaurant yesterday. I was harping on the rain barrel for a couple of reasons, I was thinking of getting one but didn’t want to water vegetables with water with bits of asphalt in it. I think the neighbors use their water for watering flowers. My grandmother had a cistern and she had a pump in the basement. She used the water to wash clothes but sometimes she would let me drink a bit of it. I thought maybes the water could be treated and used if for some reason the city system was unavailable. I hope you will be able to speak with Chrissie soon and that she will not receive any bad news.

    A friend called me a couple of times while I was watching the afternoon sessions. As soon as it was concluded, I called her back. She told me our former TaiChi instructor recently passed way. A friend had sent her a text this morning. She was quite disturbed. We talked for about an hour. It was a shock to both of us. She was so incredibly healthy and did everything to take care of herself. We both thought she would certainly live to be 100. However, she was still in her 70’s.

    Well, I had better scoot along. Maybe I can get some of my blender brushes cleaned a bit. Most of my larger brushes were all clogged up and I couldn’t use them today. I was told they did not have to be cleaned often. Apparently I should have checked them ahead of time. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Be safe everyone.


    Look at this tea cozy!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,055 Member
    Home Sweet Home........Bad news on my trip. Babe's son died Tuesday and was buried Friday. Will be back some time tomorrow but sleeping late and then going to see Babe. He was 57 and although an alcoholic he was Babe's son and just couldn't stop drinking. No parent should ever lose a child. Telling an alcoholic to stop drinking is like telling a cancer patient to stop having cancer. Very sad.
    I did have an excellent birthday week and birthday dinner. It is a memory that all will never forget and made me so happy.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,103 Member
    edited March 2022
    Sandy, I am sorry to hear of the bad news you received this week. I am glad you still had a good time on your much anticipated birthday trip. I am sure Babe will need some solace and support. Hugs to you and all the family even though there have been many unhappy days in the past.

    Well, kind of subdued after the sadness but will go on with normal stuff. Got up early with the daylight savings time, watched church online and have laundry chugging away. I have also been cleaning up some of the mess from the past several days. I do want to try some of the techniques again so will not put everything away yet.

    Jackie, I have caught up again on the Baker family and see that they seem to be a bit uncertain now of how to go forward and find work. I am sure it is all a bit confounding even with all the contacts he seems to have in different countries. I sent some money via the link on Instagram, not a lot but something. If he gets enough folks to donate at least once it might help them in the short term as they find longer term solutions. Right? I do wish them well.

    Anne, I am sorry you are off MFP again. I had at least one day where I thought all was well but I had to keep logging in over and over as I could not post any comments here. Hoping you are able to sort things out soon.

    Patsy, hello. Overcast today? We have sunny weather and it is warming up. I walked to the mail box and didn’t need the long winter coat with the hood. Yippee! Some friends took off for spring break and headed to Florida. So far, they are freezing.

    I am going to try to post this and if successful will try to come back and add some card photos from the last several days.





    Wishing everyone a good day.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Sandy, Sad news and I’m very sorry for Babe’s loss. You are so right, no parent should lose a child. Anne emailed me to ask that I let you know she read your post but has since been locked out again before she could send you her condolences and hugs.
    Welcome back. I’m delighted you had such a wonderful time. Seems like only yesterday you were planning your trip!

    Lin, it seems reality is sinking in for Dan and his family and whatever they decide to do is going to be difficult so I’m hoping they can get to England and find some respite. With Ukrainians finally being allowed to apply for visas they might find they can work as language teachers or translators. I sent a PayPal donation too and hope it helps them through a difficult time. Not as bad as avoiding bombs but bad enough. I see that beautiful city of Lviv has now been hit! That is sad about your TaiChi teacher at such a young age. I tried phoning Chrissie this afternoon but she didn’t pick up but then Katie messaged that she doesn’t tend to so I’ll have to wait for her to call me. My neighbour Debs has offered to work in her garden a couple of hours a week so that will be another relief.
    Can’t wait to see what you were able to create these past couple of days. That tea cosy did make me laugh, it’s so hilarious!

    Must eat and light a fire. Back later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sandy: so glad you are home safe and sound! And as predicted….you and your family had a wonderful memorable birthday holiday. But now back to a sad time for Babe. It might have been also predicted that alcohol addiction, if left untreated and addressed, will kill people. No exception. I am so very sorry for Babe loss. I know he must feel so lost and devastated. He has lost his son, his dear old doggie friend, Daisy, and his home and he suffers health issues. Wishing solace for Babe in the near future. At the very least, his son is no longer being tortured by a vicious addiction.

    As we all know, change is the only constant in life. Squeeze every moment of joy and enjoyment out of every day. Everyday I check in on the forum to see how you are all doing. The sneakers are a joy and you all enrich my life.

    Today we chat with Damon. I have yet another foot issue! A diabetic toe ulcer. Not fun! I am not sure why because I keep my blood sugar readings right on the money. Near or at 80. That’s perfect in theory. So what’s the deal here? I live in slippers and must doctor the toe daily. CHANGE!

    We missed Sandy! We miss our chats with our dear Anne…come back soon. Love each and every one of you sneakers.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,103 Member
    Sunny and relatively warm again today. More laundry, box crushing for tomorrow’s recycling pick-up, thinking about how to finish the fronts on about 10 Bunny design Easter cards. Cannot find anything I am satisfied with at the moment. I know, what else is new?

    Must get back to chores!

    Wishing everyone well. Patsy, very concerned about your toe ulcer. I know you will take good care of it but also realize healing may be slow.

    Anne, I hope you find your way back soon.

    Jackie, I hope your weather is good today. And that all is well with you.

    Sandy, you must be exhausted. I hope you are okay and are getting rest.

    Barbie, hope all is okay now. I read your post on the ladies group this morning.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,055 Member
    edited March 2022
    Happy Monday! :) Still trying to catch up with my life at home. I did order groceries from Walmart to be picked up later today. I got all my laundry done in increments yesterday. Babe asked me to come early afternoon as his nephew and wife were coming to pay their condolences so I got there just before they were leaving. His father, Babe's brother is in hospice so Babe will be the only child left like I am. Lots of loss for Babe but he is doing okay. He likes to blame himself when things go wrong but I am trying to convince him that it is not his fault. The police knocked on his door Tuesday and told him that they found his son dead in his car with an empty bottle of vodka. The death certificate said heart attack with secondary cirrhosis of the liver and other underlying conditions. The funeral was private with just him, Marisa and Cheryl. They had a viewing to say good bye, then a mass before the burial. He is at peace and no more demons.
    After staying a couple of hours talking to Cheryl and Marisa I took Babe to my house so I could finish my laundry. Made a frozen pizza and watched some TV. Talked about his moving in here and things we have to figure out. The house is not sold so again one day at a time. I took him home around 8:00pm.
    He is working on getting stronger so we can do things together like going out to lunch or dinner. I would like him to go to my son's house and meet my grandchildren but that is in the future. His daughter is supposed to come and visit in April from California. They haven't seen each other in over 5 years. She was devastated to hear about her brother but Babe told her she didn't have to come to funeral.
    Now you are all caught up.

    Jamaica was wonderful! I had the best time of my life with my family. We did so many activities including sitting on the beach. We had great dinners together every night. I partied with my granddaughters and niece to the wee hours of the morning. I hope they all hold on to this memory long after I am gone. It doesn't feel too bad to be 80 when loved so much.


    I will copy and paste this in an email to Anne. I hope she gets back soon. Have a wonderful day.
    Life is so worth living.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Finally, a beautiful sunny day which meant lots of energetic activities so I’m now about to collapse in a heap! Although tired, I do feel better for keeping on the move so hopefully the stormy season is over so all my plans can come to fruition.
    I’ve emailed Anne to find out if she is still struggling to join us and offered to try my best to copy and paste our posts if she would like that..

    Lin, you must have posted the photos of your amazing cards while I was typing so missed them. They are fabulous and well done for keeping up with the live stream. I just had a quick chat with Dan and Victoria on his live stream which was a treat. They are certainly more relaxed and positive so I’m sure they will be fine. Pumpkin is becoming stressed from all the moving I’m sure and spent the time I was watching under a bed! They’ve made the right decision to leave her in Poland for now I’m sure.

    Another Lovely photo Sandy and I can imagine those memories will stay with you.

    I’m struggling to type with too many errors so will say farewell, finish my cup of tea and head for my bed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We have a week of rainy-showers-cloudy weather. Sort of normal for us here at this time of the year. I certainly would not mind seeing some of that lovely warm sunshine but I will be careful with my complaints. I remember the drought last year and the year before. Scary wild fires etc.

    My toe has been debreded (dead tissue removed) and various meds applied and bandaged. It sort of feels better. Sort of….now we hold our breath until we go for a bandage change and look-see. Need to stay off of my feet as much as possible. Diabetic toe ulcer is a scary condition. Really? I take a water pill, I must make a few bathroom trips, so staying off my feet is not always possible.

    I am to bake an apple pie for John today…since he is the apple of my eye! I don’t mind since I can sit on my kitchen stool while I peel apples and listen to a concert on the radio. The pie will be sugarless of course. We have learned to temper our desire for that sweet taste.

    The news gives me anxious stomach aches. So far I have not been successful in avoiding constant checking on the status of things. Best wishes for Dan and family as well as the thousands who fled with only the clothes on their back. Have we seen this before? Amongst all this hubris are so many stories of bravery and people giving when and how they can. Brings tears to my eyes.

    I dug around in my boxes of miscellaneous stuff in my dungeon and came upon a huge pile of partially completed butterfly hanging. I planned to hang it over a huge house plant in the living room. The plant has since gone to plant heaven but another is in its place. Now to finish making the butterflies and the hanging! Thoughts of summer….

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,055 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) A warmer but no sun type of day, it's not Jamaica. I think I am finally all caught up on all I had to do to get back to "normal". I am sitting today and tomorrow, meeting on Thursday and Funeral on Friday. Babe said he isn't going to funeral as he is too dizzy. My son wants to go see Babe and give him his condolences as well as Cheryl, that will probably be Sunday. My life is about to change and I pray I can handle all the changes. One Day at a Time.

    Patsy, I am sorry about your toe and hope you are on the mend. You and John seem like two lovebirds, good for you. I hope all is going okay at your daughter's house and they are managing.

    Jackie, I am happy you finally got a beautiful sunny day to accomplish all that you did before collapsing. Moving keeps me feeling better as well. In Jamaica I was walking over 10k steps a day mostly in the sand.

    Lin, the cards are just beautiful, you are very talented. You put so much effort into each and every one of them.

    Hello to Barbie and Anne. My energy level is low but I want to write out some thank you cards. Have a good day and enjoy life, it is too short.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Partly cloudy-sunny and warming. Okay! We can enjoy this day in all its changeable glory.

    John and I have begun our anniversary gift negotiations. At our very tender age we are going for a joint gift to each other. This is a real struggle. What I think of as a wonderful gift, John sees as something like getting socks and underwear for Christmas. Useful but not very exciting. As I said this coming anniversary is a celebration of being together many many years. We want to give each other one thing…what? We thought about a cruise but John would hate that. He gets like a caged lion on those kind of trips. In fact he hates travel in general. We don’t do it very well. As I have said before, we don’t get away from it all…we bring it all with us. We. bring too much stuff that we might need, but we don’t! Anyway back to the list of possible anniversary gifts. We decided on a dinner of appetizers and champagne and maybe a small cake. We will invite our kids to share the dinner etc.
    I will entertain you with our list as it materializes.

    Sandy: one thing that has been my guiding star is, with each change, there is at some point a plus and a minus. And the time before also had a plus and a minus. Just different ones. I adjust to change much easier than John. I try to gently ease him over the hurtles of life. I would guess you will will try to help Babe. I do remember when I first started with the sneakers, you told us about how Babe would bring you supplies and help you with you car choices and insurance and you would do other entertainment things together. I don’t remember too much except that it was so very hard to see the co-dependent relationship between Babe and his sadly addicted son. I am hoping you both have a healing friendship during this next phase of life.

    Jackie: you are a true treasure, my friend. Thank you for being the line of communication between us and dear Anne. We need all of our sneakers. So what amazing things are you planning for your veggie garden? Will you be building your raised beds soon? Be sure and get some help. That project sounds massive.

    Spring awaits us as we kiss winter goodbye.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,103 Member
    Hello, another sunny day which started out a bit cold but finally warmed up.

    I finished my bunny Easter cards today and did a bit of die cutting. Hope to try some repeats of the weekend designs tomorrow perhaps.

    I corresponded with a friend this morning and she responded saying her daughter would like to ask some questions about card making. So this afternoon I responded to the email she sent to me. She didn’t have questions about best supplies and things her mom thought she wanted to know. It turns out a few years ago she did make cards using Stampin’ Up supplies. So what she wanted to know was if I had a Cricut Joy and could I provide information on using it and any online classes. Well, nope, I don’t have that model, I have an older one but I provided information about several experts with YouTube videos.

    She also wanted to know about the online card conferences. That takes a while to explain so we exchanged emails. She has some things to check out.

    Patsy, good luck on the anniversary gift negotiations. It sounds like a tough assignment to me. I only see your post and Sandy’s today. Is MFP hiding things from me? I emailed Anne today and she said she can read posts but cannot reply. That sounds similar to my issue where I had to login in repeatedly to post a reply. It was odd but only seemed to last for a day.

    Sandy, looking after the kiddos and your weekly meeting. Some normal things. That is good. I am sure you and Babe have things to discuss. There’s still the huge issue of smoking. Lots of talking. Would Babe want to move to California to live with his daughter? Just asking.

    Jackie, hope all is well in your world. I am caught up on Dan and family’s videos. It seems they are trying hard to monetize everything in their lives right now. Last I heard they had 80% of the amount of money they hoped to raise. I have no expertise regarding Etsy store fronts or Redbubble. I did see another interview on CNN the other day and the woman in that interview hoped to get an Etsy store open ASAP to sell her handmade things. I believe I also heard Dan say he didn’t have any actual credentials for teaching. He went in and was able to speak in English and Ukrainian so was hired to teach. I hope some opportunities come their way. Having you been working outside today?

    Barbie, hope we hear from you again soon.

    Most move along now.

    Be safe everyone.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,943 Member
    :)Patsy, good luck on finding an anniversary gift.

    :)Lin, your card making adventures sound very satisfying and challenging.

    <3Sandy, so sorry for Babe's loss. I know he had a very complicated relationship with his son.

    :) Here is the saga of Jake's health adventure.

    :) I was feeling pretty smug on Sunday because I had prepared for the time change by going to bed a little earlier and getting up a little earlier for several days. I thought I had things quite under control LOL While walking the dogs on Sunday morning I got a call from QFC that our groceries wouldn't be ready by eight because no one had come in to prepare our order. They didn't say so, but my guess was that the employees forgot to change their clocks. The groceries were ready by 9:30 and since Jake was on the phone with his friend he talks to every Sunday morning, I drove to QFC by myself. It was the first time I'd driven by myself since January. I enjoyed playing my own music and singing along as I drove.

    At 4:00 while the oven was heating for dinner and Jake was on the phone with our neighbor, Jake's defibrillator activated and he ended up on the rug telling me to call 911. The Aid Car came quickly and did their magic which included heart monitoring followed by calling for the ambulance. Jake was awake and alert and capable of answering all their questions so I sat quietly at the table and had a snack since there wouldn't be any regular dinner served.

    The paramedic told me that I could come to the hospital if I wanted to, but I opted to stay with the dogs. The dogs needed me and Jake would have lots of medical professionals to look after him. Jake had his phone so he texted his daughter since the two of them had planned a phone date for the evening. She contacted his son who recently changed his phone number and didn't give it to us. I went next door to tell our neighbor what had happened since she was on the phone and heard the commotion up to Jake asking me to call 911. I didn't have her phone number and she didn't have mine. Then I called my dog walking friend in case I needed her to walk the dogs later. Then I waited.

    The wait was long. At about 7:30 Jake called and said that he would probably be released in about 30 minutes. At 9:30 he called to say that they were admitting him so I didn't need to come get him. At 10:00 while I was brushing my teeth and getting ready to go to bed, he called to say I could come get him. I've never driven our current car in the dark and haven't driven in the dark in many years. The drive was easy and we got him home safely.

    On Monday morning Jake called the doctor who manages his pacemaker/defibrillator. Jake got an appointment immediately and had seen the doctor and was home by 11:00. A friend drove Jake since he didn't feel safe driving. According to the monitoring, he passed out for a bit when the defibrillator activated. They diagnosed the trouble as ventricular tachycardia and said that he had passed out briefly. The defibrillator saved his life. Next step was making an appointment with Jake's primary doctor. Because she is out of town, he was scheduled to see her partner whom we've seen before.

    The primary care doctor suggested a slight increase in a medication that Jake is already taking. When we came home he talked to his cardiologist to make sure the medication change was OK. He'll see his primary care doctor again in two weeks.

    So now things are back to normal.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Good morning. So what happened to me yesterday? Well, I think the extra exercise and fresh air after a month of storms has me falling asleep as soon as I relax in the evening. SO… I will do my best to get back to posting in the morning, especially since Dan and family are getting their lives back together, at least temporarily, until the day they can return to Kyiv. I think today is the day Pumpkin gets taken to his foster home but when I see so much news coverage about pets left behind to fend for themselves, I’m happy she will be in the best place. There are some lovely photos of the soldiers that stayed behind looking after individual roaming dogs and cats! My mornings were taken up with watching Dan’s daily video and responding, then there has been my final spurt of indignation aimed at our local council regarding their man that currently runs our allotments. I’m smiling as I type that because none of it is important in my life anymore since I’ll be resigning at the end of this month but on principle, I will do my best to inform them about what has been going on. A new councillor has been in touch suggesting a chat over a cup of tea so I’m considering my options! My friend Linda was on her plot yesterday afternoon when I visited so I sat with her, at a distance because her lateral flow tests show a hint of a line. She is struggling still with a chesty cough and complete lack of energy but was happy to sit outside and make gardening plans. The sun didn’t show itself so I became chilled as we chatted and in the end suggested she head home. I had barely warmed up when I went to bed last night!

    Sandy, isn’t it amazing how many steps we can achieve in a sunny, warm climate with not a care in the world. 😎 I remember going on vacation to Palm Beach from Toronto in the middle of Winter and the shock to our systems when we returned! Getting back into a routine is the best idea to keep you on an even keel while you make any life changing decisions. I’m sure you will come up with answers that suit you best.

    Ooh Patsy, a big anniversary, how exciting! Of course, we want to know details of plans as they come together because you are so good at coming up with delightful details, whether it’s cute love inspired decorations or special meals. As for my own plans, I’m hoping my ideas aren’t bigger than my body can deal with but my idea is to create 3 small raised beds on a section of my garden that rarely gets used for anything other than a bonfire. It will require levelling before the wooden structures are cut to size and set in the ground and I may need to purchase some bags of topsoil but it’s all something I would have relished 20 years ago but guess what? 🥴😵‍💫. My tomato seedlings were potted on yesterday and I will start up peas, beans and salad greens in the electric propagator in the next week or so. I’m feeling in control of the rest of my garden now which is a start.

    Lin, so many questions to be answered on craft cards but if anyone has the answers, you do! I have similar issues with logging in and sometimes I find myself back in my old account. Other times my finger password works on my tablet but my phone continues to send me to a page asking me to register or another when I have to scroll down to the bottom and click on “my groups”. Dan has family in England so I would imagine once they arrive on Victoria’s visitor visa they will be helped by them. I hate to even think it right now, not wanting to tempt fate, but ongoing peace talks are looking better than last week. I just hope their apartment hasn’t been destroyed.

    I must grab a bite to eat then drive to my hairdresser for an appointment. Colours to be added this time but who knows…. Pink, green or perhaps blue and yellow in support of Dan and family!! I have purchased earrings in those colours from someone raising money for the main charity in England so better be careful they won’t clash!

    Happy Wednesday. The window cleaner has arrived and will require payment.
    Jackie ❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,055 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) It is going to be a beautiful day here and Max has a sore throat with a slight fever so I am not sitting today. She did a home test for Covid and it was negative, thank God. So I am going to take advantage of this day and go for a walk to enjoy the sunshine and maybe even sit on the balcony.
    Tomorrow is my meeting and dinner for St. Paddy's Day with friends. Friday the funeral which Babe is not going which I think he should but he says he is too dizzy.

    It looks like Barbie and Jackie posted together. Barbie, I am so sorry Jake had an episode with his heart but glad to hear that he is doing much better. Thank goodness for his defibrillator which as you said probably saved his life. Give him my well wishes. And even though you seemed to act so calm I bet you were very scared for him.

    Jackie, glad to hear you had a beautiful day to get started on all your outside activities. I love warm weather it is just better for the soul. I am glad you are going to do your garden on your own land instead of dealing with the bully.

    Patsy, are we able to know which anniversary is coming up? It is a milestone anniversary? I am sure you and John will come up with the perfect gift for each other.

    Lin, see how your talent is helping others? How nice of you to help your friend's daughter with her card making. I don't follow Dan and his family but do enjoy hearing about them from you and Jackie.

    Anne, I hope you return soon, we miss you.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi Ho everyone! We have a bit of sun amongst the clouds. A bit chilly but not too bad really. A sweater and a rain jacket will suffice.

    It is Costco day. A pretty long list. It is scary because a long list can be shatteringly expensive. Yet currently, we still think we need these things. Wants can become needs if we let them. Do I need yet another plant? Will YES! I saw in their Costco connection magazine they had amaryllis bulbs in pink for spring. If they are in our Costco….ohh I need one! Enough said.

    We will be celebrating our 66th anniversary. We were married right out of high school and entered college as a young married couple. It is interesting, we can’t remember when we were not married. I know it is rare for people to be together for so long. We were lucky.

    Sort of emotional and anxious after the news and watching the speeches! Pray everyone keeps their heads and remembers the past.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,103 Member
    edited March 2022
    Good evening. I have been fussing with cards again today and did spend a bit of time outdoors cleaning leaves out of the remaining downspouts. I somehow triggered allergies and I was sneezing and coughing until I felt ill. I am afraid I am going to go to bed. I am freezing now and need to heat up under my electric coverlet. Sorry my friends. We did have a sunny day and I guess tomorrow may be rainy. I did layered stenciling today and hunted for the ‘right’ color of paper for some die cuts I wanted to make. I didn’t find what I was hunting for, I must of used the last bit of it.

    Patsy, what a marvelous long marriage. That is wonderful. I cannot imagine it! I hope you get your flower.

    Sandy, sorry for the little illness that Max has. Hope it is nothing serious. Congrats on going for a walk. It was a warm day here and I heard perhaps you had temps around 70 degrees. Did anyone walk with you?

    Barbie. I am glad to hear the entire story and am glad that things seem to be straightened out for Jake. And congrats to you for driving that car in the dark. Well done! All best wishes to Jake.

    Jackie, I put Dan’s play list on today with no volume as I worked and gave his YouTube channel another couple of hours of views. I was somewhat concerned that his wife was unwell today and had a bit of fever. I guess there are no restrictions on flying now right? No negative Covid test required? No one checking temperatures? I also visited Twitter and there was a link posted to a newspaper article where their trip from Kviv to Poland seemed much more dramatic than the way Dan described it in the videos. I think he said the cost of the petrol drained a lot of their available money.

    Anne, we hope you are able to get back to us.

    Well, must move along. Going to get warm again and read for a while.

    Be safe everyone.


  • ABurgesspip3
    ABurgesspip3 Posts: 2 Member
    OH MY GOODNESS, I have a feeling I am back! How so! I was reading all your comments and at the bottom it said JOIN so I sort of clicked on it for fun and am I really back?
    Not really believing this I won't linger in case it doesn't work but must say to BARBIE how awful and worrying it must have been for you, and I'm so glad Jake is O.K.
    Now to click POST REPLY and see if it works.
    If it does I will be back later to reply and "delight" you all.
    Anne. xxxxx
  • ABurgesspip3
    ABurgesspip3 Posts: 2 Member
    Except I'd like to get back to my old name and this I can't seem to do. SANDY, HELP!