Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2019
    Boing! boing!boing! boing!, JACKIE,
    Yes, when I'm a goner I can see me running across the moors like Catherine Earnshaw, but instead of shouting "Heathcliff" I'll be yelling "Jilly", BUZZ.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Just a giggle. One of my favorites.



    Lin (with foot up)
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi sneakers! Well, did you watch the debates? It was interesting. I wasn’t surprised really. They all played their regular hands, so to speak. I really loved the Spanish speakers. It is a real playbill about what will be the big issues in this campaign. So next comes Joe and Bernie!!!

    I loved the smiling alpaca. There is a small herd here in our area along with some llamas. They can be nasty and spit on you. I have been spat on. Eeeeeeeew. It was very unpleasant.

    Lin: so sorry about your sprain. Remember, ice, compression, and elevation. I know, it is boring. But you will be back hopping around very soon.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just taken Bean out for a walk.
    It's already very warm.......very.!
    Anne. 😓🐶❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good day from the hobbler. Elevation and ice don’t seem to be doing anything. But my, the bruising is spreading in interesting patterns. Must get my amusement somehow. I have wrapped it nw so can do more walking. I find limping due to the sprain is causing lots of pain in the original injury of the other leg. Good grief. I am a mess.

    I am doing a little load of laundry and have an errand to do this morning before it is beastly hot. Apparently we are entering a few days (at least) of very very hot weather. Advice on the weather is to stay indoors 10am to 4pm. My goodness.

    I hope no one gets overheated today.

    Patsy, just have never seen live Alpacas, just llamas. Their faces are sweet. Once upon a time we had neighbors who raised all sorts of exotics, they had a few llamas 🦙 but no one bothered them so no spitting. I did not watch the debates, I napped.

    Jackie, those springs are enormous. My gosh! Quite the task you’ve taken on. Thanks for the photo. I would not have believed what you found in that chair. Haaaa.

    Sandy, how was Bingo last night? Do you ever burn while at the pool?

    Buzz, keep resting. I guess I will join you. Hugs.

    Anne, another day indoors for you and Jilly? I hope you do not have any occasion to chase Jilly. I know I would be no help at this point.

    Hugs again. Off to check the washer.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Tips for keeping cool from the hot country folks. BBC news.
    Bedding, use thin cotton sheets
    Ventilation, open windows, close blinds, use fans.
    Clothing, wear light and loose both in colour and weight.
    Stay hydrated, drink lots of water.
    Towels, soak a wash cloth in water to dab on face
    Washing, shower frequently in cool water.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, by the time I change my bedding our heatwave will be over 😄
    Not too hot in Cornwall with 40/50mph 'breeze' keeping things pleasant so when I took a quick trip into town to stock up on cat food the car told me it's 28c... not bad at all. Before that I spent nearly 2 hours researching buildings insurance for empty properties. Goodness what a rip off but no choice, has to be done.

    Lin, that seems to be a major sprain but I never know if it's better to walk on such an Injury or keep off it. So called experts seem to change their minds every few years! Yes massive springs in the dining chairs so together with a rough straw like stuffing they were nasty to sit on. There's a herd of Alpacas in a field not far from here, the only creatures I've seen Scruff be scared of! Cute to watch from a distance.

    Patsy, our hustings for our new Prime Minister are difficult enough to watch with just 2 standing, I'm not sure I could cope with 23! Let's hope you find someone to stand up to the bully.

    I'm thinking a cup of tea before I do anything so kettle on!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    In all fairness I have to tell you Harry's just cut the tree down and a bush behind it. In this heat too. I have to go and take all the leaves off and tie with string though, or the garbage lads won't haul it away.
    Anyway, I never expected him to be so swift, so silent apologies to Harry who's in blissful ignorance of my mean minded thoughts and I'll try to be a nicer person from now on. Difficult.....mind.
    Anne, where's the nearest nunnery.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting today and then friends are picking me up for half price appetizers and a great view of the river. It's going to be hot here but after all the cold and rain I love it!! No Lin I do not burn at the pool because I use sun block. I did as a kid when we used baby oil but not anymore. Anne nice guy that Harry. Remember when you couldn't go outside because of the cold? Thank goodness for A/C. Jackie I would probably just buy new chairs since I am not as talented as you.Patsy I did not watch the debates as I was winning $75 at bingo. Buzz I hope you are resting and feeling better each day.

    It will be a sad meeting today as one of the mother's son battled alcoholism and took his own life on Monday. :'(

    Time to go.
    One Day at Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2019
    Wish I had A/C SANDY, just a sort of small window fan which sits in the open window, and it wasn't the cold that bothered me it was the sheets of ice on the pavement last winter. Scared of a fall and a broken hip. Anyway, I better go out and tackle the branches of leaves in front of the house. I am grateful that Harry cut three saplings at the soil level though. Congrats on the bingo win.
    Well I've managed to cut small twigs off the branches, bag them and the leaves and just have the paper garden bag and a Bundle of thickish trunks for the garbage boys. Quite pleased with myself. Inside having a cup of iced homemade coffee and trying to cool off. Time to get out the book and let the rest of the world go by.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    The morning started with a light shower and now high clouds and mild temps. Nice weather. I have a late start because I had a low blood sugar event this morning. Makes me uneasy and nervous. I am usually always mentally calculating carbs and sugars and normally have things pretty well balanced. I had a lot of fresh veggies and little to no protein. I had my usual diabetes med and BOOM! I started crashing. This is scary and dangerous if not corrected immediately. I need to pay attention or pay a price!

    Today will be just doing a few home chores then I will be in the dungeon until time to prepare tuna salad and toast points, grapes for dessert. It will be hard to work around the debates at 6 pm. That is our usual dinner hour. But I am driven to see the next group. We put them in a pressure cooker and see who emerges unfrazzeled. This is an amazingly painful undertaking for these folks. Wonder what drives most of them?

    I am working on slides from paintings done right out of college. Early art work is always sort of self conscience and over the top. The only good thing is that most people who paint have the same issue. It is embarrassingly awful. Yet I love to remember those delicious days.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, did you feel more confident after tonight's "pressure cooker" (great term!)? I think several women really stood out but Kamela Harris looks like a winner to me! As a former prosecutor, I believe she can crack the orange one's nasty codes! And Buttageig was very good but is this country (men and women alike) ready to ignore personal things? I wish it were true but I think I just saw something about an entire state declaring LGBT-- illegal! Anyway, I'm glad you are reworking really early work; they will always be part of you and my DD's wife's Gallery show in NY was a huge success with great write-ups in NY Times and New Yorker and they were some of her earliest works from the 1980s! And now, those low blood sugar attacks can be severely dangerous, so make sure you eat often enough as well as the proper foods! Do you try for those 5 smaller meals a day?
    LIN, I personally would not push a sprain too much; it won't improve it. Ice, heat, and rest the first few days will help in the long run. As a sworn Klutz, I've learned!
    SANDY, congratulations on the big win and the smart suntanning! Yes, I can't do much except rest as I keep running out of breath! What's THAT about? So sorry for the mother of the fellow who took his life. Reminds me of my step-daughter's son (our eldest grandson) who shot himself while talking to his Mother on the phone! It's been 3 hellish years for his parents and I do believe it had much to do with my Mike's loss of desire to live!
    JACKIE, dear amazing friend! Is there anything you cannot tackle? Those springs look fierce!
    ANNE, you must have a particular charm that causes the male species to help you so willingly! Of course we know Jilly doesn't hurt!
    I gave myself a quick manicure just before going down to dinner this afternoon. I ordered several rather strange new colors in the Essie brand from eBay a couple of weeks ago when I discovered how streakless they are! Today I used Chinchilly, a kind of neutral silvery gray with undertones I can't quite place, but it's growing on me! Bedtime, though I tossed an turned all last night due to this new breathing defect! I hope I' more tired tonight!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!...........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. A beautiful one for me with wall to wall blue skies but with a strong breeze still blowing us about. I did hesitate to take the pooches to the woods in case branches or even a tree came crashing down but that area is in a sheltered valley so it turned out to be safe. Lots of dogs with their owners already out and about before it gets too hot.
    Last night I watched the England ladies football team win their World Cup quarter final match against Norway and tonight will be the USA v home team France. Ladies soccer as you call it is far more exciting and fast than the men's game so this tournament has been a revelation to me. Apparently in the 30's it was more popular than the men's with tens of thousands watching each week until our football association, run by men for men, banned women from playing.... Ha, we women have put up with a lot over time haven't we!!

    Buzz, I imagine your breathing is all a part of the stress your body has recently gone through and you know better than me these symptoms occur for a reason and that's to make us STOP!! Another case of do as I say not what I do but please do rest! ;)

    Harry is on a mission by the sound of it Anne so watch out he doesn't get carried away. Get into your garden and hug your apple tree before it too disappears! :D

    Sandy, when it comes to those chairs I'm probably more foolhardy than talented! Chair No.1 and I'm already wondering what I've taken on although having pondered the task for well over a year I'd better just get on with it. So sad about the mother's son taking his life. I'm sure you will comfort her in a way only you can. <3 Yes, we did say when Winter was dragging its heels that we should remember that time before complaining about any heat. Chicago is similar to Canada with its extremes isn't it and certainly when I lived in Toronto it was the humidity that I couldn't bear. Luckily my boyfriend at the time had a cottage on Lake Huron so we would drive there every Friday night for a weekend escape. Cornwall is a narrow strip of land pointing into the Atlantic so we are never short of a breeze or two!

    My first longer car journey this afternoon to finally get my mop of hair cut. I postponed last week's appointment to give myself extra time to exercise my hip so I should be fine. The spare room carpet is about to get its first of many shampoos to see if I can finally erase Betty's little accidents. It's taken over 6 months to house train her and I still don't trust her totally but she is doing well considering her first 4 years of life.

    Happy Friday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2019
    Happy Friday everyone. It's the humidity that gets me JACKIE. I managed to keep the house temp down to 27C overnight. (It's 19C outside. This house retains heat!) BUT, Not bad at all when you consider poor Europe.
    Cutting up the twigs from Harry's 5 minute electric saw chop down took ME over half hour to clean up the debris he left behind. 8 welts later from mosquito bites I was glad to scurry inside. Harry's off to a country cabin near a lake next week to escape the humidity, so I reckon the Apple tree at the back is safe for now.
    Oh and I've been watching the ladies World Cup football as well! Tuesday should be interesting when it could be England versus the USA. (Or France, if France beats the USA.)

    Mikes over today. There is talk of removing this small almost useless window fan and replacing with a bigger more efficient unit from Costco. Mark and I had talked of installing true A/C but we are pretty sure this house will be torn down by a developer one day, and honestly girls is it worth the expense at my age!

    So, I hope LINS ankle is on the mend, PATSY has everything under control, BUZZ is snoozing, JACKIES had her haircut, and SANDY is floating in the pool. Hi JERRI, what are you doing?

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Quick footnote. Took Bean out and the humidity is awful. Just a short walk had my forehead covered in perspiration. The humidity is forecast to make us feel like 34C or 93F this afternoon. Move over Europe, here we come to join you.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited June 2019
    A footnote from me too. :D:D The foot is all sorts of interesting colors today. Some trouble finding a shoe to wear today that doesn’t rub. Yesterday’s combination caused more bruising. Oh well. There ends my footnote.

    Hotter than heck expected here today. Heat index around 100 degrees F later in the day. I hope to stay inside.

    Patsy, what a frightening morning for you. I hope you are feeling well today. All best wishes to you as you continue to work on your book.

    Buzz, sorry to hear of you ur breathing issues. Have you mentioned it to any staff members? You have been under so much stress your body is working hard to recover but I trust you haven’t picked up a little virus.

    Sandy, sun block, all right. I use it and still seem to turn red. I have always been a burner no matter what I tried. My friend just turns brown brown brown.

    Anne, I wish you had something to cool your house more effectively, at least your main living areas. Central air conditioning can be expensive. Are there other alternatives? Our church purchased a couple of individual room contraptions. A unit that looks like a dehumidifier to me is vented through a window and then the unit runs to cool the room. Not heavy like some window air conditioners.

    Jackie, yes, insurance options are expensive! Do you have to decide on the purchase? Or is the estate buying a policy? I hope everything continues with minimal disruption. Aha, a haircut in the works for you. Lovely, you have so much hair, like others here, I imagine it will feel good to get trimmed up. Glad you and the doggies were safe on your walk today.

    Back to my Qigong. I do a few movements at a time, then stop and make certain my leg is not getting overly tight from standing in one position, walk around a bit, some breathing and then back to a bit more. That is working quite well although it takes forever compared to my former pace but I guess that doesn’t matter as long as I get the stretching and breathing completed.

    All best wishes. We need them!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday!! :) It is getting really dark outside and the temp is 90F. Some areas are expecting hale and strong winds, I hope not us. The sun is supposed to come out later but we will see. We had fun yesterday, maybe a little too much fun, but not worth it in how I feel today. I think it will be a very relaxing day except for paying some bills.
    I did not weigh in today because of the food I ate yesterday so I will weigh in tomorrow and hopefully lose some of the salt.

    I would like to respond to everyone but I think I will wait until tomorrow. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Loving my short hair especially in the heat! My hairdresser is such a good friend after cutting my hair for nearly 20 years and today was telling me fascinating stories about her many visits to music festivals. Not Glastonbury though that she thinks is full of old hippies!! Thank goodness she is not involved in the drugs scene but my goodness, it seems anything goes for many these days!

    Anne my brother Bernie is currently experiencing 45c temperatures in Spain which is over 112f so not nice! He lives on the coast which I think is a life saver for him and I've suggested if the fires come anywhere near him he must walk Into the sea with a life jacket!

    Sandy it's that morning after feeling that always stops me!! Enjoy your quiet day, hopefully no storms for you.

    Lin I thought it best to pay for the property insurance cover and probably won't worry about claiming it back. My priority was making sure if anything should happen to the house, which is a risk in the area of London it's located, we wouldn't have legal or construction bills. Tell me, did I miss how you original injured your foot? It sounds major!

    Time to settle down to watch the ladies soccer. Apparently stifling hot in Paris which should favour the USA.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2019
    JACKIE I'm watching the match with you.
    Your poor brother! You must be very co ncerned! I can't imagine living in 112F. No more whining from here until we reach the same.
    France just scored so.....USA 2 and France 1.
    It's Over!
    So England play the USA in the semi final. Now that should be interesting!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Indeed, my son and DIL are exhausted in the German heat! We Americans are quite spoiled with our AC, and though I live in a sub tropical area, heat not only doesn't affect me, but I always wear a shawl, scarf, jacket ruana or poncho over my clothes or I'd freeze at dinner or the shows! ANNE, I highly recommend a decent window unit, and once you get used to how to open or close windows in the room you are in, the one good AC will cool your entire house to keep you comfortable! Forget that "at my age" bit; people are living well into their 100s these days, so it's well worth the expenditure. Up on Long Island, One window AC plus an attic fan kept 11 rooms comfortable (and LI's humidity was horrendous!).
    Hey, gals, After bringing up breakfast, I undressed and got back into my nightie (emerald green!)e, adding another hour or two sleep and my breathing is less labored and I think walking seems not as bad! I must listen to you all!
    Oops, Dinner time and I'm not dressed!
    <3 Buzz