Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good idea Lin. My brother with his MS uses a hiking stick that is longer and grasped in a fist. He finds it Incredibly useful and feels confident. Anne you are not decrepit yet lovey in fact a long way to go!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thank you LIN, I remember your very nasty fall. I've scratched the glasses but no chipped tooth like you.
    JACKIE, that's what makes it worse. I don't FEEL decrepit even if I look it. I'll look into a hiking stick. Maybe that's the answer. I'm like you I guess, I NEED to be independent having been so all my life.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited June 2019
    A few photos of my old, a bit beat-up hiking stick. I do feel so much better having it. I am confident you will be able to find something even better Anne.


    How are you feeling? Icing the places that took the brunt of the fall? Hoping you heal quickly.

    More hugs.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thank you dear LIN, Mike tells me the sticks are available at hikers haven, starting price $30 and Mark say he will take me after the long weekend. Thank you for the preview, much appreciated.

    I feel okay, a bit sore, but I took an Advil which helps. How are you? On the mend I hope.

    I've just been trying to email a distant relative who's 85 and lives in Kentwood. MI. David who's just died at 100 years was his uncle. I met Jim a couple of times, but lost touch so I'm hoping the email I've sent reaches him. Apparently he's driving for the funeral in Havelock, Ontario. A place I've never visited. I think he's probably my 1st cousin twice removed or something. Up to 20 years ago I had no idea I had a relative in the states although I knew my great aunt Louise had emigrated to Canada just after the first war. Phew makes the head spin thinking DNA relationships especially when I've got a plaster on the old forehead.

    Thanks love for the photos,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited June 2019
    Lin just saw a commercial on TV that you can sell your items and they do the shipping. Check it out at That way you don't have to meet up with anyone. Just an FYI.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2019
    ANNE, luv, so sorry for your fall, dear friend, and I'm thinking if you do decide to remain on your own, one of the companies that tracks your every movement once you press their button would have gotten you immediate help! In my community, we are all given a watch-like thing that saved my sanity when I fell a couple of weeks ago ...The nurse was at my door in a matter of minutes, and when she saw the size of my hematoma on the back of my skull she had an ambulance there in no time! When I started to refuse, she answered if I did not get checked out I might not wake up in the morning! I'm so sorry you all see a Lifetime Care facility as giving up one's independence! Not so at all. I live in Independent Living, and make all my own decisions including some wonderful friends I have met here. This is not a nursing home unless one requires rehab or nursing care. Even then, one can eat in one of the 5 or 6 dining rooms of one's choice, if you can get around! Actually , several of my friends have chosen to move to the Assisted Living Floor, and they are very bright educated independent thinkers who love that area! They are taken to so many wonderful places: concerts, museums,restaurants and other places I'm sometimes tempted to move up there, but I'm not great with asking favors or giving orders to other people so even though I could have asked for an aide the past few weeks, (for which I have been paying insurance for many years!), I figured I'd end up doing everything myself anyway because I have always done it that way! I doubt I would ever want to move in with any one of my kids, even though initially they all offered. I, too have seen too many stuffed problems ensuing from that situation. Once we found this wonderful solution, all the kids really appreciated our choice. I do not feel like I'm in a horrible nursing or old age home at all! But I am safe as can be hoped for, and I must mention that canes and walking sticks are never recommended in any of our groups, as they are too easily tripped over! Nor are 3 wheel walkers, for the same reason: very unsteady. Aging is not something we can escape by trying to ignore it, so stop being ostriches and start recognizing you must make allowances and attend lectures about how to properly prepare for the chance that you will be lucky enough to GET old!!! An adorable dog will stay with you should something happen, be it cannot pick you up and help you get help. Every community has information centers, so stuff your pride and GO LISTEN! You are all very precious to me and if you think I'm in an old age home, look up ! We have all the amenities I could never have if I were living in my own isolated home now!!! II hope that was a correct link!
    I have a possibly crazy answer to my DD's brain edema/lymphoma/ tumor! She has been hanging upside down from some kind of a door/ boot set-up for years, thinking it was keeping her spine stretched! Now we are wondering if that's what her brain growth was due to! The steroids would not have obliterated a solid tumor! LOL!! Well, I would certainly be as relieved as she if that's what it was. I'll keep you posted!
    Forgive me for this boring post today, but dear ANNE has me worried for all of you!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.............................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    That link appears to take you to a page that doesn't exist, so go down to Edgewater at Boca Pointe and see what we looked like before the renovations were finished. The furniture is lovely now and there are so many amenities, and once you are in a place like ours, they will never throw you out as there is a Samaritan fund for people whose money has disappeared through no fault of their own (like cruises every 3 months!) And no one knows about it.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2019
    Good morning and a happy Monday to everyone. It's overcast, sort of high clouds and warm enough here at home but as ever, on the moors a constant wind is blowing. It's the first time in months I've been able to take George and Betty up there but dear George knew immediately where we were and before I'd managed to unstrap him from the passenger seat next to me was climbing excitedly into my lap or trying to anyway! No sheep or lambs about so I let them off lead so they could run and run. Now a quick reference to walking sticks because I took mine with me; the first thing I was taught by the physio when up on my feet after the hip ops was to ensure any stick is placed out to the side away from feet. Yes some concentration is required but I never feel I'm going to trip. I'm guessing we sneakers each have different abilities when it comes to getting about so I would never assume Anne you would be safe or unsafe using one. Certainly a hiking pole is easy because it has to be held out to the side but only you will know if you feel confident.

    Buzz, I know we've commented before on the amazing community you now live in that seems caring and innovative, for sure so much more than any facility available in the UK unless one is dripping with money but if that money gets used up then out you go with the bath water!! My plan is to grow old disgracefully and stay off any social care radar because just a few days of struggling to do anything after the hip operations showed me a view through the tiniest window of how things could be one day. My friends and I say the same... we will not want to be sitting waiting for a carer to arrive to make a cup of tea or wipe a backside with little or no empathy. One thing I noticed when I used to drop into my housebound neighbour was how many times I would catch one leaning on a kitchen counter out of sight, or so she thought, texting or reading personal messages on her phone rather than communicating with the client! Anyway that's me, soon to become a grumpy old woman if not already!! :)

    My morning has disappeared rapidly but I don't mind since the walk was so enjoyable. I'm now faced with either more gardening, shampooing the lounge carpet or getting on with reupholstering the chair still sitting on the table in my garden room. Perhaps a bit of all 3!!

    Have a great day whatever you all get up to.
    <3 Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    But BUZZ, what does your lovely home cost? I'd love to live in your facility but doubt my pension would allow it and not having a home to sell, little to fall back on. The research I've done here shows my back up savings to add to my pension would only allow 5 years in a similar senior independent home, and then what? Shuffled off to a state run facility like my friend who HAD a house to sell? If one can afford it, yes your facility is the perfect answer but I don't want to end my days like her sharing a room with another poor oldie who also doesn't want to share. I don't think we have Samaritan funds up here!

    Not to worry. Everything will fall into place, it always does, and I must ditch my lovely open toed sandals which I suspect might have caused a trip up on the uneven sidewalk and don the clamped to the earth winter clodhoppers again. Positive thinking Annie my girl, there's gardening and things still to do.

    Hugs from Anne and her faithful service dog, "stand by your woman" little Bean.

    PS. JACKIE and I posted at the same time and I've just read her comments. I think the UK and Canada are very similar unless as Jackie says, we are dripping with money. I've got over the doom and gloom, will not phone and worry the boys unless absolutely necessary, never live with them, invest in ugly shoes from now on, stop whining and join Jackie in the grumpy old woman department. AND continue walking poor Bean in aforesaid clodhoppers. The thought of someone wiping my rear end....shudder!!!! is enough to have me thinking like a 65 year old again.
    Ta ta, from the born again spring lamb.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Happy Canada Day <3

    Buzz, you live in an astounding place. Unfortunately most of us will never have access to anything similar. In fact, they barely exist here and the buy-in is beyond the means of most of us. Please understand the quality of life and the level of safely and care in some of the facilities I have visited looks to be minimal and they struggle to just meet the level that keeps them in compliance with state guidelines. Again, your home is wonderful.

    Anne, I don’t mean to tell you what to do but walking outdoors with uneven surfaces is not the same as smooth indoor surfaces as you know. I personally feel better, especially with slippery surfaces, with the walking stick at my side. Our sidewalks can be a minefield of uneven surfaces, broken areas, etc. Always vigilant. I hope you can recover quickly and the aches and pains disappear.

    Jackie, good for you, out on the moors again! Wonderful. Happy George! Was Betty as enthusiastic? I don’t care to contemplate the future. I have seen glimpses and it does not appear to be pleasant or filled with kindness and caring.

    Sandy, I have heard of Mercari and downloaded the app. I am not certain I am ready for that at this point. Lots of rules and I know they need them. I will think about it. Thanks.

    Patsy, hello. Best wishes to you and Katie as we hit the noisy celebration time. Fireworks aren’t just for one night these days. Once upon a time it was sort of one and done.

    Must get going. I have been enjoying the lovely heating pad for my aching body parts. Amazing how many body parts I am aware of when they hurt!

    My ankle is back to human size. The bruising will take a while to fade away. And as far as what I did, I have no idea, I had done quite a bit and sat down noticing a pain in the heel and side of the foot. I tried to stretch it out but it felt worse and worse. When I stood up to walk, I really could barely move. Fairly intense pain and I wondered how I could pack up and make it home from the library. Apparently I sustained an injury to another tendon/ligament.


    Lin, limping a bit less
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    LIN, believe me any advice you (and others) give is most welcome. Our sidewalks ARE horrendous, I guess the frost and ice causes the pot holes and up and down slab edges. Marks taking me to Hikers Haven for a hiking stick sometime this week AND the opticians seeing I've got deep scratches on the old eye pieces. I shall pretend I am Moses with his staff! Lol. Oh and I've got a beautiful shiner. I shall tell everyone I was in the pub celebrating Canada Day when I got in a punch up rather than actually having a moan about councils and their badly repaired sidewalks.
    I do wish you could recover more quickly, but at least the pair of us are in the same boat when it comes to bruises!
    On a positive note you don't need eye makeup with a black eye. Back to Moses and his hiking stick. Did he stumble over slabs during his pyramid building early days, or on rocks when he clambered up the mountain for the Ten Commandments? Something to ruminate on!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    The Bean and I have been for a walk and arrived home unscathed. The end.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, I can just see you now....


    πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ Happy Canada day!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    WOW, would that I looked like that JACKIE! I NEVER looked like that!. However being shortsighted, wearing scratched glasses, I can pretend! Lol.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday! :) The sun is shining but maybe more storms later. I went to the pool yesterday only to get sent home by a storm rolling in with big black clouds. The wind was horrific but although I thought the tree in front would snap it did not. I am sitting later this afternoon so deciding if I should go to pool for a couple of hours. Mondays are hard, even for retired people. lol Babe goes for a scope tomorrow and his son will take him as he still doesn't have a job. Enough said.

    Anne, I am sorry to read yo have a black eye but it could have been worse. Like others I hope to live alone, but if things go wrong I think I would be okay living with my daughter. Can't be sure though because when my kids come to visit I am always grateful to have my house to myself after they leave. Thus, that is why I live one day at a time. I am sure the fall made you more aware and as long as there is no medical reason for your falls, a walking stick should help. My 95 year old buddy Joe who lives alone uses a walker and does just fine. He uses a cane when we go to lunch or church.

    Lin, I hadn't heard of that site either and really didn't read the rules. I just saw the commercial which always makes things look appealing. I know what you mean about the aches and pains but I swear this boot is hurting my foot more because of the unevenness. Hopefully Wednesday it will be gone.

    Jackie, so glad you got back to the moors, I am sure the pups were ecstatic. Whatever you decide to do, have fun doing it.

    Buzz, I agree your place is wonderful but it seems to be a rare place with Samaritan help. My friend from bingo husband was in a home and eventually died. She had to sell her condo to pay the bills because he ran out of money; Sad situation and very common. A lot of people who do have money put all their money in their kids name so they don't run into the problem
    but I think the government still gets their share.

    Time to get moving and grooving.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just had a smile to myself, although I really, really hope it doesn't happen. My friend said, as she dined on ground beef and onion with a bit of spud on top, "well it isn't exactly home cooking, but it does keep body and soul together". This was followed by jello, I think. The smile was because if Buzz gets to dine on lobster tails and duck plus strawberries dipped in chocolate she could be joined by the orange haired one in a couple of years! Oh Buzz, perish the thought! Keep your wonderful home a well kept secret love!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just had a Peek Buzz and your home does indeed look absolutely super. So glad you found it and are so well cared over. God bless, Anne.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Wow, I've just read and seen on the news that my adopted country is ranked No. 1 in the world for quality of life. Isn't that something.!! I must admit I'm pretty happy when I'm not falling down and of course I have Canadian born grandchildren AND don't forget The little Canadian Bean. Now if we could just eliminate the mosquitoes! But in every life I guess a little rain must fall. Everyone seems to be wearing red tee shirts and white pants today. Below the purply black I've got a red cheekbone!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Anne, I read that article as well. Very nice. U.S. does not appear on the list. No surprise. A red cheekbone. Not a happy way to display the red. Hope you are able to sleep tonight.

    Buzz, I looked over the photos as well. My goodness, what a treat for residents. You simply have everything!

    Sandy, groove on!

    Jackie, I love the warrior lady. :)

    Must move on. A night of antiques roadshow I think. Not that I ever have anything they value!



    P.S. May not post tomorrow until evening. Last Tai Chi class, Mah Jongg and a reflexology appointment on tap. I think I will skip book club I read the book but did not care for it at all.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I guess I assumed all states have Lifetime Care Communities! Florida has many places like mine, so there's lots of competition. I think I feel secure for the first time in my life! You are all to feel much better and stay that way---or move to FLORIDA!!!
    <3 BUZZ