Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I see our less than lovely weather has crossed the Atlantic JACKIE. Its pouring with rain here but will reach +15 centigrade this afternoon. A brief but wet lull because down it goes again on Friday! Jilly has been quite happy to avoid long walks and sympathizes with Betty on all counts! Flo's daughter is a "straight" talker so I suspect she or someone else told Flo to stop acting like a 102 year old and it stuck in Flo's grey cells.
    I looked at my birth certificate SANDY [naughty girl!] and yes its Flo who is confused! A great relief I can tell you.
    Its our grocery order day and I hope I get two more chocolate bunnies and carrots to add to my family gift stack. The price made my eyes roll and that's why I've only ordered two sets at a time!
    Love the teapots LIN. what a beautiful collection. We've tried the nice comfy dog bed on the floor Lin but I find being shoved by two tiny paws preferable to the loud whimpering endured until I finally give in. I've created a miniature monster!
    Gosh its dark in here. Must light a table lamp at least.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,406 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Dinner in Joe's dining room was really nice. They use white table clothes and real napkins so quite impressive. The food was good and I met two gentlemen who sit with Joe. One didn't eat and only had coffee and left, the other was very chatty. I liked him though because when I told him I just had my 80th birthday he said I looked like 50 or 60. LOL He was 87 so his eyesight might be bad.
    Joe loved my pillow and after dinner we went to his little apartment and put it on his couch. He wanted to show me the crown he got on Valentine's Day but we both forgot after stopping to see the gentleman who ate dinner with us because he forgot his big bib at the table. The guy who left gave Joe and Steve big bibs to wear so they don't drop food on their chests. lol I did ask Steve if it was expensive to live there and if they had to buy into it but he said no it is just rent but rent is $6000 and up. WOW!! Nothing I could afford that is for sure.
    I am picking up Babe for dinner after my meeting because I am not sure when I will see him again. It could be tomorrow again depending on whether Lisa wants to do something with the kids since they are still on spring break. Saturday will be movie night and I am sitting early Sunday morning because Robby is being tested and they have to be there by 10am. I have to wash clothes and pack on Monday to leave Tuesday.

    Anne, I am blushing for my silly joke, you are right I am naughty. Of course we all know that you are not 107, you don't even look the age you are with your beautiful looks. Good luck with your groceries.

    Jackie, sorry your weather turned so cold, believe me I know the feeling. As of today Tucson is in the 80's so I can't wait to feel sunshine once again. I am glad Betty is feeling better and George is his normal self. Enjoy your Ukrainian food, it doesn't sound like something I would like but I am a very plain eater.

    Lin, wow, a year ahead for a doctor's appointment? I am lucky if I remember to book it a week ahead of time although I do try for a month. I thought of you when Lisa told me that Ewok keeps escaping the yard. They have a wrought iron fence and in the corner there is a gap. They had it tied with zip ties but he ate through them. Now she has put up double chicken wire to try to keep him in the yard. She said she read where once a husky escapes he keeps trying for his freedom. I remember you telling me that as well.

    Patsy, hope each day brings more healing.

    Have a good day all.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Wow indeed SANDY. Joes rent is three times my monthly pension! I take it thats rent for a month? I was only kidding when I called you a naughty girl. You gave me a smile and if I'm honest I didn't actually look at my birth certificate, 1935 is branded on my brain forever.

    Two more chocolate bunnies and carrots arrived. Now, I'll just keep my fingers crossed that the store still has them next week to buy for Derek and Bev.

    We have reached a whopping 18 degrees centigrade spoilt a bit by a strong wind. Can't get excited though, down it drops again tomorrow.

    I couldn't sleep last night. Nothing on my mind so goodness knows why not. Contemplating an afternoon nap, but will try not to because it could disturb any slumbers tonight.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    That’s weird! I know I wrote a long post earlier but it has totally disappeared. Hummmmm! I did not have any questionable opinions in my post! No curse words. What on earth happened? Anyway….I will try to repeat my post later. Nothing exciting, just to let you know.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited March 2022
    Hello, everyone.

    I have been doing some unremarkable chores today. I also have been on the phone again, but I won’t say how long. ! 😁

    We did receive some snow in the early morning hours. Some roads were slippery during the early commute but it has melted off now. More rain is expected and lots of wind. More rain in the forecast with up and down temperatures. Maybe this is the last snow? The high temperature, 36 degrees F.

    Anne, good for you. Amassing Easter treats! I hope they have what you need next week. As far as Jilly sleeping in a bed on the floor, it appears you have been well trained. 😉

    Sandy, I agree, that is quite a high monthly fee. Glad you had a nice evening. And I hope your evening with Babe will be amiable. Wow, your trip sort of snuck up on me. I can’t believe it is early next week. Oh, but warm weather. Maybe it will be nice here while you are out in the heat! Heeeeee. And yes, my doctor is an internist and wants his patients to schedule their next wellness visit/physical a year in advance so he has a few of them each day. They do have to make changes though, conferences, illness, surgeries pop up on his schedule.

    Jackie, I think Dan and family really do want to meet people who have been supportive. You never know. It could happen. If I made a vegan version of that dish, it could be quite tasty. Other than endless chopping it is relatively simple right, carrots, onion, cabbage, tomato paste, herbs of your choice and rice. The meat always turns my stomach a bit as it is so fatty. Your lean chop sounds better. They are cooking and Dan is trying to respond to all the comments, very difficult! I am glad Betty is feeling better. I love the seedlings in the photo. They should hold for a while though if you cannot plant them right away. Yes?

    Hello Barbie, Patsy, Joy, Diane and all other Sneakers who have stopped by.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,360 Member
    :) I have no idea when I might go back to teach my line dance class again. My number one priority is to keep Jake safe from Covid. His health puts him at risk of getting Covid and of having a bad case so it's important to me to continue our plan of isolation. In December a woman started a beginner line dance class at the Senior Center and didn't contact me about it. I heard about it when someone called and asked me if I would share phone numbers of dancers in my class so she could tell them about the class. I won't pass on anyone's contact info without their permission so I said no. I found out later that anyone was welcome in the class whether or not they had been vaccinated. In March my friend who teaches the intermediate class in the same place I teach offered to teach a beginner class until I felt ready to teach again so I contacted all my students to see who might be interested. This class would require proof of vaccination to attend. There was enough interest to have a class so now dancing is happening without me. Indoor mask requirements have been lifted in my county and there has been a slight upswing in Covid cases so I am even more determined to stay home as much as possible. I dance at home where I can dance all my favorite dances so I am having fun.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Very wise BARBIE. Masks no longer required but cases are rising here as well. I think governments have given up and its sink or swim for the general population. The sad thing is the people who get Corvid mildly can pass it on in a much worse form for the vulnerable. After my recent horrible and uncomfortable bout I dread getting the virus and will continue to be very cautionary. Fortunately the family feel the same but not the grands! Anne.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    JACKIE, I've just been reading BBC UK news and I am totally alarmed that the electricity/gas bills are going up by 54% putting many low income folk in jeopardy! Starting today I gather and what a day to start, April 1st!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    Rabbit, rabbit.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    Happy April Fool’s Day


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,406 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Did two loads of laundry, the rest on Monday. Going out to lunch with Babe this afternoon and maybe look at some dressers and get him a new phone. It is cold but sunny, at least it is not snowing or raining.

    Lin, great joke with the husky, they are naughty dogs. lol

    Will try to get back later depending on what time I get home. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,979 Member

    Another month gone! Still very cold, not getting much above 5c, and the northerly wind continues to blow so this morning I took George and Betty through the next village to the field that contains the Neolithic quoit. Lots of steps for the 3 of us and I kept moving so I didn’t get too cold. This afternoon I’ve been creating the beginnings of the 1st raised bed for growing veggies; taking my time because the timber is heavy so I don’t want to make mistakes and have to redo parts. It is working out as I had imagined so that’s a good sign!

    Lin, that’s a cute picture of the bunnies but sadly reminds me of the little creatures Brady brings home… he doesn’t do cute!! The Kabuskia (?) dish would definitely be better as a vegetarian meal and I agree, the fatty pork is not something I would eat today. When I was a child it would occasionally be dished up because it’s a cheap cut but baked in the oven it would reduce a lot of it’s fat streaks. It would certainly be fun to meet Dan and his family so hopefully they can work out a plan but first they have to import their car and Pumpkin!

    Anne, our energy tariffs have been controlled by price caps for a long time but we always knew it couldn’t last forever. The timing is terrible along with rising inflation and now the effects of the war in Ukraine and I can’t imagine how low income families will cope. At least I have my multi fuel stoves to burn logs and coal to keep warm! I’m going to order more logs to store in my garage over summer because we have been warned there will be another price increase in September so I’m guessing everything will go up.

    Enjoy your day out Sandy.

    Few masks being worn here as if people think the virus has gone away, or maybe that its symptoms are like a cold but hospitals are struggling with the numbers needing extra care so I think you’re right Anne, we are being left to get on with it! We now have to pay for lateral flow test kits as well and that will put a lot off even bothering.

    Time to think about an evening meal. Probably more Kaboskia!
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    Hello, I posted the bunnies as a few of us have a habit of saying rabbit or rabbit, rabbit on the first of the month. Kind of wishing for good luck in the new month. Sorry it reminded you, Jackie, of the not so nice trophies Brady has brought to the house.

    Well, I have been working on graduation cards today. One is finished, the other one underway. Once again, fussing around. Design not working right now. That is always my refrain. 😁

    It was quite cold this morning but the sun is out now and it has warmed up quite a bit. The snow is gone and the forecast is for a good day tomorrow. Beyond that, I am not trying to keep track.

    Tomorrow I may sort through my garden seed and decide what I will try to start under my light. I think it is still a bit too early to plant tomato seeds. But I am eager.

    Anne and Jackie, I have a budget billing plan with the power company and I have been paying the full budget amount although I was billed under that amount for several months as I was using less than the predicted amount. It is a strange system because the bill says I am far behind…using more than what I am paying. Anyway, I got a notice that my budget billing is going up by $30 a month. They will reassess in 6 months. I am fairly confident it will increase again. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Barbie, you are taking very good precautions with Jake’s health. You are a treasure for Jake. ❤️❤️

    Jackie, I hope the leftovers taste good. Better than when you first cooked it up? I cannot believe you got all of that stuff chopped during the YouTube demo. You must have great knives and a darn good eye for cutting veggies. I wonder when they will make dumplings? I hope they have a good time at the wedding.

    Sandy, I hope you got your errands with Babe out of the way today. What kind of phone did you find by the way?

    I hope everyone is well. Hello Patsy, Diane, Joy and all of our Sneakers.


    What are the goodies in this photo?

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone! Cold and cloudy here as well. But no wind but rain is on the way.

    John and I are really dealing with very high pollen count. The allergies are alive and well! I had an asthma attack last night that kept me up all night.this will be an early night for both of us. The silly thing is that I bought an inhaler for emergencies but last night I could not figure out how to use it in the middle of coughing and wheezing and sneezing etc. note to the smart people…read the instructions and practice before you need to use it.

    Scary times now. Not sure what happens or comes next. I feel sure we will prevail and we will move on to the next calamity. It is the nature of things. Take heart!
    Taking a short nap before I heat up our soup.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,979 Member
    French Macaroons Lin. Usually bite size. You recognise the jam donut of course!

    Running late and hoping it’s warmer outside today. Not sure where we will walk but I need to take my car as I need to buy milk so a last minute decision.

    Happy Saturday everyone. I do hope Patsy and John are still fast asleep.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Well JACKIE, I didn't recognize jam donuts, lol. I thought they were baked spuds but discretion is the better part of valour and decided to keep my mouth shut!

    I've just had a wonderful surprise. Last month I ordered a more expensive shirt from M&S ro replace my best and favourite Tilley shirt which is beginning to look a little frayed around the edges. Well it arrived and it looked very ordinary but I could see it would fit so I just hung it up in the closet without trying on. I want it for Easter so today I put it on to try, sort of expecting the worst and got the shock of my life. Its magical! Everything fits perfectly even the collar which I often have trouble with, me being somewhat scraggy necked. So now I have a new favourite!

    It look like Spring outside but like the shirt is deceptive with below freezing temperature.

    Mike came yesterday bearing gifts. Three packets of treats for Jilly which are difficult to find and a Tick remover, just in case, after Ambers tick found after her walk. It will work on humans as well! Ticks are moving north with climate change. We never had them three years ago, fleas yes, and all the other lovely things which plague us. One of my friends who lived in Connecticut had Lymes disease twice from working in her garden. Dreadfully ill.

    Which brings us to PATSY. How's the hip Patsy, any better hopefully, and now an allergy attack. Oh no! Hope you figured out how to use the inhaler!

    Well, must get on and tidy, polish, clean up, ready for Sunday which is my day off.

    Cheers everyone, ANNE.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,406 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Going for a mani/pedi later this morning followed by a zoom call with family before going to movie afternoon/night. Expecting rain and snow mix but hopefully it will good driving.
    Babe and I went for lunch, then to the furniture store and bought a chest of drawers to be delivered the Saturday after I get back from Tucson. Then we went to TMobile and found him a flip phone with numbered buttons which is much better for him and easier to use.
    Then went to his house to explain to Cheryl what to do with old phone and she also wants to switch to TMobile so had to explain that as well because I will get a referral fee of $100 for her and her daughter.
    By the time I got home it was after 7:00pm. I am missing my do nothing days. lol

    Anne, I am glad the shirt worked out and what a great surprise. My granddaughter also had Lymes disease when she was younger but they caught it early and cured her. Usually they are found in woods but I guess they can appear anywhere. Have fun cleaning and do nothing tomorrow.

    Jackie, I didn't want to post on pound a week because I gained 1.5 pounds. We ate at Olive Garden which is an Italian restaurant and I had pasta with shrimp, salad, breadstick and wine. Then after phone store we went to Mc Donald's and had an ice cream cone. Can't imagine why I am gaining weight! lol Good think those French Macaroons aren't in front of me or they would be gone. lol

    Patsy, oh my dear friend, how awful you couldn't get your inhaler to work. Not being able to breathe is a terrible feeling. How did you manage to calm yourself down? It is seeming like when it rains it pours in your life right now so just take a few days and take care of Patsy. I do hope you both got some sleep last night.

    Lin, see above for phone. I think I have heard the expression of saying rabbit, rabbit on April Fool's Day but my memory isn't as good as it used to be. I didn't even play one April Fool's joke on anyone because I was too busy with Babe. I even brought some of his clothes home with me so we can do a little at a time. Good luck with cards, I know you are a perfectionist so they will be beautiful.

    Time to eat and get in the shower for another busy day. Stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,979 Member
    Well, I set off rather aimlessly in my car with George and Betty not really wanting to drive to the top of the moors because weekends it’s always busy, then saw a track leading off the road with space to park so that’s where I stopped. We were in sunshine all the way to the top of that section but when I did a u-turn to return I noticed thick clouds and pouring rain along the coast, coming in our direction! The sea is about 15 miles away so I figured if I picked up speed we should get to the car in time to remain dry and thankfully just made it! Picked up the milk and a naughty cake then came home just as the rain got heavier and George being George, he had to chase a stone on the footpath so slowed us up enough to get wet!
    It’s just gone 4pm and beginning to clear so I will at least pop in my greenhouse to plant a sunflower seed that’s been sent to me from an Etsy jewellery maker I bought a pair of blue and yellow bead earrings from about a week ago.

    Sandy, as you know, I haven’t weighed for a few weeks but if it gets warmer next week I will, just to know what the damage is and use it as an incentive! I read a while ago the flip phones are becoming popular again. Perhaps we are all getting a little tired of the constant pings and pops telling us a message, email or WhatsApp picture has arrived!

    Lin, I do have a contract with my energy supplier to pay a monthly amount and last summer I ended up with a large pot that then saw me through until end January. It’s a good way to keep an eye on outgoings and not find oneself owing a fortune. My monthly instalment has nearly doubled now but I’ll pay it for a couple of months then, if I feel it’s too much, I can go on to their App and adjust it down myself.

    Anne, looking closely at the donuts I can see the 2 outer ones are in fact filled with custard cream! We had a similarly patterned tea set at home when I was growing up although I think this one is a coffee pot and mugs. M&S clothes are often like that… look nothing on a hanger but if the fit is good, can be stunning. I’m currently wearing one of their knitted roll neck jumpers that must have been designed for a man with a beer belly! You can imagine the shape! 😳

    Half four so almost time to put the kettle on then set the fire ready for this evening. First I’ll give the chooks their afternoon scoop of corn and plant the seed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Mmm. Still think they look like baked spuds with butter, lol.

    I can't get on "pound a week" anymore but leaping on the scales this morning, I find I am the same as always, neither gained nor lost so thats ok.

    However Mike thinks Jilly should go on a diet. She looks okay to me. I thought her legs were twelve inches long, but in actuality are only about 6 inches so we don't want her tum touching the ground.

    You are so right about M&S clothes JACKIE! I'm still feeling thrilled with this shirt! but as you say it just looks ordinary on the hanger. I probably wouldn't have bought it "in store" but the pictured model looked great in it.

    Lunch time,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited April 2022
    Good day. Both graduation cards are finished now. Setting them aside so I cannot fuss with even more (and possibly totally ruin them).

    Jackie, Thanks for the information. I love the colors of those tiny cookies. I have no interest in actually purchasing or consuming them. They are just pretty. Those fried pieces of dough with filling look like some very fancy things. I had to look it up, the Germans make a round type of doughnut with a very unattractive name—Krapfen. I have never seen such round doughnuts. I can’t eat doughnuts here as most are made with wheat but they are relatively flat and the jelly filled ones are nasty looking. Those are attractive. So enough discussion of forbidden treats. I loved the tea/coffee set and couldn’t remove the food! How lovely to receive a sunflower seed. I hope it grows well. I wish I had a spot to try to grow some this year but between the lawn chemicals and all the mowing and trimming, I doubt one would survive. We are not allowed to do any adjustment to our budget billing. We can opt out of it and pay the full amount, whatever that might be, each month or accept their calculated budget amount. I hope you are having a good evening.

    Sandy, a good phone choice for Babe. Glad you got that out of the way as well as purchasing a dresser and bringing home some clothing. Movie night already! You do have a very busy life. Do you have some pre-packing accomplished? The rabbit, rabbit thing is for the first of each month, not just April. I either post something on Facebook or in a group on messenger.

    Anne, what a wonderful outcome—the new shirt is perfect? How often does that happen. Yippee! Lovely that Michael brought treats for the wee lassie Jilly. Ick, ticks! Maybe I should hunt for a tick remover! I have pulled a tick off myself in the past but ai was hoping that now that I wear a gardening hat, I will be left alone. (The one I pulled was at the top of my neck in little neck hairs.)

    Patsy, they are talking about abnormally high pollen counts here as well. Apparently spring is not suppose to treat us to much a coating of allergens. Surprise. I am so sorry to hear about the asthma attack and the struggle with the inhaler. I hope you have it all straightened out now and that you will not need it again soon.

    Be safe everyone.


    A unique teapot 😉
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello young campers! How goes? We have chilly but sunny weather. Almost spring. That lovely girl is hiding in the bushes, just out of sight.

    First my medical report. My hip is now diagnosed as hip bursitis. It will doubtless be chronic and the medicine of choice is exercises and stretches with a very occasional aspirin for inflammation. Occasionally painful but manageable right now. It is as suspected to be part of my condition…arthritis! Allergies are part of life. We all deal them. However,I am so ready to think of something else more interesting.

    I think I have found a lawn care company. Fingers crossed.

    Anne: a well fitting shirt! Perfect. There are no shirts that please me. My body is shaped like a hobbit. I am short and round. Big feet and short hair that will not behave.

    Jackie: planting anything and seeing it thrive is such a huge pleasure. I feel like a mother hen clucking around any little green babies growing in the dirt. And now you have your own allotment..

    Ooooooops my lawn guy is calling. Wish me luck. This is beyond lawn care. This is beating the jungle back.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Good morning all,
    Unique teapot indeed LIN!
    Rabbit on the first of a month!! I was taught as a child that you said "white rabbits" as soon as you awoke and before you said anything else for good luck. If you said something before and then said "white rabbits" you were doomed for the rest of the month. This has had the effect of keeping me ever mentioning rabbits of any sort on the 1st of any month ever since. Somebody must have broken this golden rule because it is snowing and will all morning.

    Mark and MJ turned up and we viewed with interest the activity next door at Harrys old house. 7 cars arrived and out tumbled folks armed with rakes and shears etc. They proceeded to cut back bushes, rake up leaves, and tidy up generally in front and back. This makes us think a For Sale notice will go up next week now that the house and garden are transformed. But as our Sandy said later, "who will buy when they realize the state the house was in before".

    I can see much barking in my future with prospective buyers rolling up.

    We've just had our chicken and porridge. Me the porridge and blueberries if anyone is wondering who ate what. I can't see anyone turning up today with snow forecast so I think I'll strip my bed and wash the sheets and Jilly's blanket.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,979 Member
    A heavy frost greeted me this morning so I spent a leisurely hour of ablutions including hair wash before returning to the picturesque walk we enjoyed yesterday. In spite of the cold air, the skylarks were twittering high above the golden gorse flowers. I’ve now had an early cheese and tomato sandwich lunch so that I can return to building the raised beds. One corner was a mess so I will take that section apart and start again.

    At home as a child we only said the 3 times white rabbit on March 1st which just shows how these traditions alter over the years. I only learnt the other day that April Fools day possibly came about when France changed their calendar from the Julian to Gregorian but no one thought to tell the peasants who ended up celebrating Christmas on April 1st! Who knows if that’s true!

    The thought of chicken and porridge does something to my insides and makes me feel queasy so I’m glad you let us know who eats what Anne!

    I’m excited to hear how Patsy and John got on introducing their lawn to the fellow who will hopefully cut it. I bet Katie had something to say!!

    A few clouds drifting over so I will get on with today’s task. I’m down to one teabag until I go shopping in the morning so will choose my afternoon tea break carefully.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,406 Member
    edited April 2022
    Happy Sunday! :) Just finished watching mass and catching up on computer. Rob said he could handle the kids so I will probably pick Babe up to spend the day. Movie afternoon/night was good, we ate good and watched Sing2, a great movie especially for kids. But I love animation movies so I enjoyed it.
    Nothing else exciting going on today and I hope to ride my bike even if Babe is here because I am off schedule when he visits.

    Jackie, gosh I wish I lived close to you I have about 8 boxes of tea that I never drink. Do they go bad with time?

    Anne, aren't you sick of snow and winter? It seems winter gets longer and longer every year. They did remodel the house next door didn't they? Here, houses are selling way above listing cost, it is definitely a sellers market but not for the buyer. Good for you staying at the same weight, I wish I could say the same.

    Patsy, who made the diagnosis on your hip? Maybe that is what I have on the left side of my back. It goes away with Aleve so it can't be serious but I don't want to take Aleve every day as it is bad for your liver.

    Lin, interesting teapot, I am sure I would drop it pouring tea. I do not pack until the day before I leave because I don't want my clothes to get all wrinkled. I mentally pack but this trip will be easy as it will be more casual. I still have to figure out where to put all Babe's clothes because I have a walk in closet full of my own clothes. lol

    Time to eat and text Rob to make sure he doesn't need me before calling Babe. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,979 Member
    Gosh Sandy, all that tea going to waste! I think over time it loses its flavour but in a sealed box it should be fine for years. Never mind, I made a large cup and sipped slowly and will have a small can of cider, fruit juice mix with my evening meal which is a Cornish pasty. I'm still in the process of emptying my freezer so that I can defrost and clean it.
    As for the raised bed, first the drill ran out of energy so I had to recharge it, then I ran out of the right size of wood screws but at least I've cleared the area and dug everything over ready for my final attempts to connect the sides! My tomato, pepper and courgette seeds are doing well and this evening I sowed climbing French beans and sat the trays in my electric propagator so am feeling excited about my mini garden allotment!

    It's a beautiful evening but already getting chilly. No frost in the morning though because rain is due around 5am so it will be a good day for housework!
    Happy Sunday.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dreary morning. Cold, windy, and cloudy. We have an “on again-off again” kind of week coming up. Actually this is to be a very nice day. It is our official,anniversary! We have a shrimp cocktail waiting in the fridge along with a bottle of sparkling champagne. A container of John’s favorite cherry delux ice cream and my fudge chocolate cookies as an addition. Good grief! We will “waddle”into the living room and have a phone chat with son Damon and daughter Andrea. John had a bouquet of lovely flowers delivered yesterday, sweet crazy man! We have been married so long I can’t remember when we were not together.

    My hip bursitis was looked at by a nurse practitioner who works at our doc’s office. Also a phone chat with our doc. It was a depressing visit and I got that feeling I get these days…”you are old so we aren’t going to spend too much time worrying about your problems.” I looked up on the health sites and even John’s Hopkins site. All the symptoms seem spot on! The stretches and exercises do help.
    So HI-HO! To my dungeon and hanging on my ballet bar! Before we have our phone chats with our kids.

    We are to have the lawn care guy come and look at some of the tree trimming etc we need attended to. He will look at the jobs at hand and make a bid. We have quite an acreage and a long drive-way and tree lined road. No small job here. And John hates turning it over to someone else. Our old wolf is very territorial. This is very hard for him.

    Lin: ooooooooh I love that tea pot! I get so tempted to add to my already super crowded China cabinet. You are so wonderful to find and share these tea pots. It is everyone’s fun activity. Looking at Lin’s teapot pictures.

    Anne: the rabbit saying is completely new to me. And we have a huge list of crazy superstitions. Even John and our kids follow the family traditions and must-dos. Most of ours came from my Irish grandmother who was barely educated and had a world of nutty ideas.

    Jackie: your green babies are up and doing well. Your allotment will be full of happy growing veggies. You must keep us informed about your harvests. Katie is a loud and scary sounding watch dog. If really confronted, we are not sure what she would do. She has never bitten anyone but she has been very aggressive sounding. Our vet says she is warning people that whatever is happening is totally unacceptable to her. So be prepared. We try NEVER to put her in a situation that is so threatening to her. 99% of the time she just a loud excited puppy. Of course, we picked the doggie mental case when we bought Katie.

    Hello to Barbie, Diane, and Joy! How are you all doing?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited April 2022
    Happy anniversary Patsy and John.

    💐💐🌷🌷💐💐 enjoy your treats

    Patsy, I am glad you were able to see a nurse practitioner and a doctor even if they don’t seem to pay enough attention to us. At least you know you are doing the right things. ❤️👍🏻👍🏻❤️ I also hope you are able to get a lawn guy to take care of all the jobs on your list. And that the lawn service does a good job.

    Jackie, I have plenty of teabags although you might not like my varieties of tea. 😁 Get to the store first thing tomorrow. A person needs tea on hand! (And I need coffee as well.). Your plants look stupendous! I am almost ready to plant seed. I have my artificial light and the containers sit on a germination mat and they sprout up quite fast. Those mats are superb. I was prowling through my seeds and found some flower seeds I ordered last June. They were ordered from Ukraine. I didn’t make any notes and the packet has information on the back—in Ukrainian and Russian. 🤦🏼‍♀️ She also out in a little packet of Gypsophila. Assume they are the annuals although I understand there are some perennials. Should I be fearful to plant stuff from another country? 😉


    Kerry is asking for prayers and all best wishes for Max tonight. They put Max on a steroid drug and he has been soldiering on with a wagging tail and still walking a bit. This photo is just wonderful. Kerry and Max, sunsets 🧡🧡 are always the best colors.


    Sandy, I hope you have a good afternoon with Babe. It is funny about the rabbit thing. My friend was taught to say ‘rabbit’ before anything else on the first day of the month, I picked up the same habit at some point but with “rabbit, rabbit.” Everyone is different and there must be loads of different combinations. I understand not wanting wrinkles in your clothing by the way. I sort of meant grouping everything on hangers in one place in the closet. So you have a walk-in closet. Sweet!

    Anne, what excitement once again. More fixing up on the house! Yes, spring will arrive someday, so getting ready to put out a sign is likely. It would be nice if Jilly would go easy on the barking. Not likely though. Is she letting you sleep in your bed now?

    Hello Barbie, Joy, Diane and other Sneakers. I saw on Facebook that Shirley and her hubby are on vacation in Florida.

    Be safe.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,979 Member
    To dear Patsy and John


    You both show the world how it should be done! May you have many more years of togetherness. ❤️❤️
    Hugs across the pond… Jackie xx
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    A BIG DITTO from the other Brit on this side of the pond. Its so good to see two young people 60 odd years on and still caring and loving each other.
    A good example for us all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,406 Member
    Patsy and John <3
