Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dragging around this morning...I think I am missing a good part of my sleep. I will struggle along here until after lunch then try for a nap.

    Reading about Sandy and Babe and the ensuing drama, wow! I would be a total mess. What will happen to Babe now? What will happen to the stepson? Since I have read that alcohol dependency is a recognized physical illness not a character flaw, how does the stepson get medical and emotional help? What will happen to Daisy? How will all this effect Sandy? Dial 911 immediately. Good grief, there are going to be big changes no matter how one tries to avoid it. I am concerned for you Sandy. I am so glad you have a councilor to discuss these issues. I know your mantra is “one day at a time” and it sounds very calming. I think I would need more than that. Good luck and best wishes to you and your family. There has been much suffering.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I think ANNE and I must have a lousy Gabapentin link, so I will get off ASAP!
    The movie was Madame X, Lana Turner, Ricardo Montalban, Burgess Meridith, etc, and several others I recalled. This movie followed our &/4 buffet which in addition to the usual hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken wings, spareribs, baked beans sauerkraut, all the salads expected had the addition of....TA-DA
    lobster rolls (!) and also delicious fried clams! All I ate were the lobster , clams and a frankfurter! I was too full too continue! But it was anything but institutional! The movie was old old Hollywood....and weepy fun! I don't know wh y my short post got even shorter!
    SANDY, I never thought you would hear those words, but hopefully , now you can just shrug your shoulders and MOVE ON! You have made a good life for yourself now, and you deserve the peace you have created!
    Dahling friends, I am having such trouble seeing (and breathing) I'm logging off now. Suddenly I feel OLD! I'll see the doc Monday
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    I lost a huge post. However just to say PATSY said how we all feel SANDY.

    I'm back after a delightful few hours with Michael, Mark and Beanie. We drove to Mikes condo to contemplate renovating from one to a two bedroom.
    What a surprise, he bought it from a very old lady and the place was full of dark heavy wallpaper and grubby carpets. All gone. Today oak flooring, fresh paint and wall to ceiling windows created a much bigger illusion. I could well imagine sitting curled up on a sofa opposite the windows and watching the snow gently fall and coat the woodland trees opposite. We took some measurements and then we went outside and The Bean got cuddled by the folk around the swimming pool. After that we let her run free of leash in the enclosed tennis courts. What a happy little dog! She galloped around and around at top speed just the same as George and Betty on the moors. After that we walked on the lawns, admired the flowers and looked for deer that still wander in the next door ravine.

    The upside:
    Loved the new look of Mikes place.
    No weeding and snow clearing.
    A mall a short walk away with all major stores.
    Jilly would have us both for walkies etc.
    He is pretty broke having to support his ex wife and I would help with mortgage, condo fees etc.

    The downside:
    I get on very well with Michael and would hate to lose that friendship.
    It would cost quite a bit to renovate and renovation would spoil what he has.
    What if he meets a really nice lady? He says highly unlikely but who knows.

    So, he and me have a lot to mull over. It helped telling you girls.

    I came home to find a form from the British government about my forever £150 a month old age pension. I have to get me to a bank to have the manager ensure them I'm still alive or it's gone in August.
    Bye, Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone. We've walked the moors with only a lady on horseback to have a brief chat to, probably because everyone's gone to the beach then I dropped the pooches home before driving Into town to buy dog and cat food. All done so now enjoying a coffee on the deck before contemplating my next move. Yesterday evening over at my neighbours was fun. They had other visitors there too who were highly entertained by George and particularly Betty as she spotted Pretzels and olives on the table so decided to dance, spin and do her best to chase her tail to win praise and treats!

    Sandy, I'm sorry you had to have that upsetting conversation with Babe and for sure you were brave to tell him as it is otherwise would the truth ever sink in? I've a feeling his on again, off again relationship with his son is going to run and run so thank goodness you're settled and content.

    Big decisions to be made Anne but hopefully there's no rush. I'll be honest, the image of you sitting watching out the window as snow falls made me sad but then I don't have long cold winters to deal with or banks of snow to clear so ignore me! You're as ever a sensible Yorkshire lass who will know which way to go using head rather than heart! Our government needs all the coffers it can get it's hands on if any of the empty promises being offered by Boris come to fruition so get to your bank quickly before it's too late!! 🤑

    All that scrumptious food Buzz and now you have me planning a detour on my way home from a dentist appointment Monday so I can visit a Lidl store to buy sauerkraut and maybe rollmops that weren't on your list! I do hope the nurse you see in a couple of days can relieve the awful symptoms you're suffering. So many prescription drugs have a lot to answer for.

    The good news is the Amazon order of staples has arrived, the biggest laugh though is for the huge box it arrived in... I might just take a photo.

    Meanwhile a light lunch including cherries and strawberries so hello Lin, Patsy and Jeri.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Good morning, having some coffee as I contemplate my plans. I think I will go to join the once a month papercrafters and scrapbookers for a while. I miss them when I don’t see them and since I am no longer going to Tai Chi classes I need to do my best to see some people.

    Sandy, what upset with Babe. Thank the Lord you have omeone to call when such things arise. He has put himself in a mess. I am sorry.

    Anne, so much to contemplate. Huge change to your life and to your son’s if you decide to go ahead with this plan.

    Jackie, I am still laughing after looking at that photo. Amazon packing can be so incredibly strange. That one really is a hoot! And now you have the staples so you can do your project whenever you wish. I love that Betty tried her best to get some treats. She is becoming quite the little character. That is wonderful.

    Buzz, my friend I am so sorry for the prescription drug problems. I hope there is a way to wean yourself to a much lower dose. Or off of it altogether. Hugs and more hugs, just want you to feel better.

    Patsy, I hope you got you nap. I took one yesterday afternoon. The fireworks continue night after night. I am afraid they will go all the way through the weekend here. May it be finished in your area.

    Well, must pack up for the library. And FYI, the globe was sold yesterday. I heard from the lady yesterday afternoon and she is delighted as it is the same model she had as a child.

    Hugs all around.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    Well JACKIE, at least your box couldn't get lost, lol.
    I suspect if I DO move, and no one is pushing me out, my decision, Mark will sell this little house to developers and use the proceeds to help Derek and Bev with a downpayment on a house. At the moment Derek rents an incredibly teeny weeny 2 bedroom condo (kitchenette included in LR) for $3000 a month. He shares with a bachelor friend from his university days. It's almost impossible for the young to own a place without parental help in Toronto and surrounding towns.
    Yes, I'll miss my flowers and the Apple trees, but two sides of Mikes place is wall to ceiling glass and I can see me with a jungle inside before long as we watch the snow fall.
    Mike works shifts and is just 5 mins from his workplace so most days I'd have the daytime to myself, I trot off to bed early so he'd have his peace and solitude in the evening if I'm tucked in my "bedsitter" with my TV.

    So it is a feasible and doable option and our entire but very small family win, including the Bean who'd get more walks and cuddles. Let's see if this idea actually takes off, unlike the deck project etc which I suspect are put on hold because of Moms habit of falling down.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    High clouds and cool today.
    Hope to chat with our son and maybe our daughter. I will try to ease in a few chores before I dive into my dungeon. John and I still muddle on here, just the two of us. We are getting along just fine so far. My big concern is a tendency toward being so isolated. Our world shrinks as we age. We have a very small family and I even worry that their world is shrinking. We don’t visit and enjoy cultural events as we used to. I think it is often the lifestyle of aging here in the PNW. I will think about this and work on some happy solutions.

    Today I will be cleaning out the frig. I have some ancient food that needs discarding. This is always upsetting for me. Why do we buy too much and then let it go bad in the refrigerator?

    Anne: your new plans with Mike sound beneficial for both of you. I know you will make wonderful meals for Mike. I can even see you helping with housework and laundry etc. Jilly will offer her services if anyone needs cheer or companionship. The condo sounds easier for you to get around in and less chance of falling. Win/win!

    Lin: it is fun to find something that reminds us of our happy childhood. It must have felt good to find a good home for your globe. John still has toy cars from when he was a tiny little boy. They are in his office bookcase.

    Jackie: I never would have believed that Betty would have become such a delightful little girl. She is a perfect companion to George and the rest of your fur family. You must have seen it somehow when just looking at her photo back at the beginning. “I know you belong here with us. I will bring you home and we will walk in the woods and run on the moors. You will just need to work on that potty training!”

    I need to get to work.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lost another post! JACKIE, my package arrived yesterday large enough for a ream of paper so I had to puncture all the packing bubbles before discarding the protection for my tiny earrings!...What are rollmops?
    ANNE, what a delicious dilemma! I think whatever your decision, you will both be winners! The boys sound like wonderful sons...And the Bean will continue to be a happy pup, wherever!
    LIN, that LIFE button is such a smart solution to the "falling years" (meaning anything but GOLDEN!). We must simply become aware of changes in our own capabilities and prepare!
    PATSY, some families grow (a la JERI) some shrink , most change,t and our adaptability is what keeps us somewhat sane!
    AND SANDY, against all odds, you have carved an enviable niche in this life, concentrating on your non-toxic relationships! Good for you, and I hope your common-sense rubs off on me!

    My typing is getting worse now as the finger pressure keeps missing more letters and the eyes miss more and more of the words, so I'll log off now. I do think my breathing is slightly easier today, so the Gabapentin stays down!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Rollmops Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    My vision of a roll mop


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    That's funny Lin but not sure I could cope with bits of sponge stuck in my teeth! 😄
    Back later... George mid-grooming session.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    For some unknown reason I've woken up with the joys of spring. Either I had pleasant dreams or more likely it's a bit cooler today. Could also be because everything is less achy with less humidity as well. I've just got to get glasses so I will see clearly and not go tripping up on "unseen" cracks and mini pot holes in the sidewalk/pavement. I must remember to phone the optician tomorrrow when he's back from his vacation jaunt.

    So.........what if I'm perhaps joining you girls in the discarding of surplus things!. E.G. Gardening tools and who needs two toasters etc. etc. I can understand now what a daunting task this will be! Never a hoarder there's an awful lot of stuff out there in dark corners collecting dust.

    Now I've got used to the idea of a move I feel almost excited and it could be a whole new lease of life with a huge horse racing track just across the road (lots of green space) and accompanying casino. THAT I will steer clear of! Not a gambler by nature. Actually Mike was extremely lucky when he bought this condo (originally built to house the horsey staff) because it belonged to a very nice elderly lady who I did meet during the buying process. She was diagnosed with terminal cancer and so she went on a spending spree at the casino. Well......she regained her health and lost her money and so her condo was on the market fairly cheap at the time to repay her debts. Mike just wandered along at the right moment and after ripping up carpets, laying oak floors, and painting walls ended up with a very nice place. The elderly lady who's about my age is still with us 5 years later but in a senior home just down the road.

    And that's my true life story for today. Are you still with me?

    Maybe I can get some weeding done today. It's a jungle out there complete with Harry's ponds mosquitoes.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    pinkperil wrote: »
    That's funny Lin but not sure I could cope with bits of sponge stuck in my teeth! 😄
    Back later... George mid-grooming session.

    I am not certain if sponges are vegan :D so don’t know that I would try it.

    Had no idea it was something you eat. Really.

    Off to church now.

    Glad you are happy Anne.

    Hello Buzz, Patsy, Sandy, Jeri, Laura and any other Sneakers stopping by.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    See what I mean about losing my garden room new sofa to the cats? 🤨
    George has finished his short back and sides style grooming session while Betty lay across the groomer's feet with a look of adoration on her little face!
    More clouds about today and still very pleasant, perfect for gardening even if cat Hebe has requisitioned the canvas trug for her hideaway. A couple of Sunday phone calls to catch up on first so I'll wish everyone a peaceful Sunday.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sounds like ANNE knows just what she'd love to do, so GO FOR IT! You'll have loads of luck wished from all of us, I'm ccertain!
    Oops, gotta run. Dear friend acroos the hall just had a mini-stroke and want to see her!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) It is a beautiful day here with low humidity and a lovely breeze so I shut off the A/C and have all my windows open. My friend is coming to join me at the pool this afternoon and then I will make chicken breasts on the grill. I was to go with Lisa and the boys to a parade but we decided it was too much walking with this shoe.
    The memorial for my cousin's husband was wonderful. I must have waited in line for 30 minutes or more with all the people that came. I saw some cousins that I haven't seen in years and hugged and cried with the one who lost her husband. I didn't stay too long but at least I was there to show my support.

    Babe called this morning to say Cheryl has a real estate agent coming this morning and my feelings of guilt came back. I know it would never work with Babe living here but at the same time where will he go? I have to take it one day at a time because with that family things change daily.

    Buzz, if you are going to see a friend can we presume you feel better?

    Jackie, love the couch and the sunroom view but have to admit the cat has all my attention.

    Lin, I hope your day is as beautiful as mine.

    Anne, I too hope you are adjusting to the idea of living with Michael, it sounds like the perfect plan. Jilly will be thrilled. BTW what floor does Michael live?

    Patsy, terrible news about the earthquakes in California. I hope all is well in your area.

    Time to eat, have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    2nd floor SANDY. Perfect!
    The gym room is below him I think, or more to the side. It's a very quiet building. Well insulated.
    Thought of another plus, no more dragging garbage and recycling bins through the snow!
    This gets more doable by the minute. Have to wait until a second bedroom wall is installed though!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well done America..........again!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Missed the world cup final but my iPhone just told me the result... No surprises then. Instead I watched a BBC documentary Barbra Streisand, Becoming An Icon. Fabulous voice and amazing strength of character considering the awful comments she had to endure about her looks. Didn't she have the last laugh! Watch out for the programme Buzz, you'll love it!

    Sandy sweetheart, you are so giving you would be adopting every homeless creature on the planet if that was possible so I do get what you feel about Babe's situation. Nothing to feel guilty about though, poor Babe has brought this on himself hasn't he.

    Anne, I can feel your excitement so do hope this move works out for you. Lucky Jilly Bean!!

    Oh dear, just hearing our UK Ambassador's view of the Trump administration... waiting for the Tweets to start flying!! 😄😄
