Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, honestly my head was spinning from trying to absorb the intense instructions on pruning my rambler. Sue thinks it is Felicity Perpetua, as if I'd know, but yes ramblers tend to have clusters of rose heads on stems that shoot from a main stem. When it's finished flowering I am to cut the main stems down to the ground and leave new growth that's currently shooting everywhere.

    This rose is an obvious climber so the main stems are tidied but left to increase in size year by year.
    I think you're right, climbers are happy to be left to do their own thing.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm no wiser lol. Mine looks in between the two shown! Leaning more towards rambler...... maybe. Bottom right looks like mine....a bit. Maybe it's a Canadian first!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Roses are SO beautiful! Thank you for sharing, JACKIE!
    I've gotten the blood tested, and the X ray of heart and lungs, and it becomes more obvious as I huff and puff that I need oxygen. My insurance is an HMO so I expect it will not rush! But I am resting as much as I can. How does 1 single person gather so many papers and so much trash every single day? My counter fills up to the point I cannot find a clear space, yet I empty it daily!!! Just the dinner brought up nightly fills me with dread!
    I carefully read all your posts and am wishing the best to you whose lives may be taking a turn. Just don't feel rushed into decisions and chances are things will workout well! Of course I'm thinking SANDY and ANNE.
    LIN, go cut intricate pieces, and PATSY, continue whatever it is you are doing that works so well for you both!
    And I am off to bed!
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Well dear sneakers, I too am dealing with issues. It appears I have developed adult onset asthma! Good Grief! I had a scary episode that came after eating Thai chicken wrap with peanuts. Honestly, I thought I was going to die. I couldn’t breathe.

    Am to avoid a good many things that we usually have as part of our regular menu. There is a regular asthma diet. So will be doing a bit of change of menu. I now have an inhaler near by to use in emergencies. What a huge bother!

    Anne: your very nice son is probably taking his time in committing to another relationship. It sounded like he had a tough time after the last marriage. I think he might feel very comfortable with you and dear Jilly as his room mates for a couple of years. Then you all could regroup and change if need be. But as you have said... the answers will appear in due time.

    Good nite and sleep tight, my sweet friends.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Dear PATSY, how very frightening! And that goes for BUZZ as well. Once I visited a very dear lady in hospital and when I was leaving I bent to kiss her forehead and she turned her head quickly to kiss me on the mouth. She had the start of pneumonia and she passed it on to me. It IS the most frightening thing trying to breathe and I'm really, really sorry you are both experiencing it. Patsy, no more Thai chicken wrap with peanuts for you my girl!

    I think you are both right concerning Mike and his potential room mates, Annie and Jilly. He hasn't divorced so far because he did have a horrible experience and says he will never marry again. He is thinking about divorce mainly in the hope of getting his payments reduced and especially as his ex is almost 65 and eligible for the state pension. I guess having an aged mom and spoilt dog living with you will most certainly reduce your eligibility. Another plus, I'd have more time to paint and who knows may become another granny Moses. Granny Annie has a certain ring to it!

    I read the Chinese New Year forecast for the year of the pig and I read "a year of aches and pains". Well ain't that the truth! I dread reading next year's forecast but of course the year of the rat? could have us all skipping like little lambs.

    Off to the optician this afternoon, propped up by lovely younger son Mark. Jill won't be happy left at home, but oh what a joyous welcome I'll get on return.

    Please, all you dear ladies, stay upright, stay pain free, and may us sick ones be our old selves soon. Anne 🙃🐶🤓😀🐶🐶😃👧🙂🐶🙂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It seems my good weather is to continue which is wonderful although does require lots of watering of pots and delicate shrubs in tbe garden as well as our fledgling veggie plants at the allotment. Last night we watered our beans, onions and beetroot before picking pounds more of our strawberries.
    Every meal includes at least a few succulent fruits and there are many more still to mature so I will soon be looking red and seedy with a green spikey hat!!

    Patsy dear lady, asthma runs in my mother's side of the family although thankfully not me but I've never heard of it afflicting seniors out of the blue. Are you sure you haven't developed a nut allergy since that meal included peanuts? Gluten intolerance can also have scary side effects similar to what you experienced. Oh goodness, so sorry you have to reassess your meals Patsy especially as you are so thoughtful about what you and John eat.

    Buzz too facing a new health issue but I do still wonder dear friend if a lot of this is as a result of your shocking fall in other words a temporary blip. Rest and lots of deep breathing to get your oxygen levels up. 😍

    This morning I took George and Betty to the coolness of the woods and managed to climb up a high steep pathway to the top. No pain and just a slight back ache so definitely on the mend. I'm now going to get a few items together to take to the allotment this evening that will hopefully deter pigeons and rabbits!!

    Hello to all I missed.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Mmm mmm JACKIE, but alas, I'm allergic to strawberries. Break out in red patches, but I do sneak one occasionally. More for you! Enjoy.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Just a quick good morning as I have to clean the house and grocery shop and I do mean shop as my son eats like 5 meals a day, healthy of course. Things went well with the kiddos and tonight is bingo where I will hopefully win some money that I spend on groceries. lol
    I did post a weight loss today because I am trying to keep motivated while my kids are here.
    With restaurant foods and Bar B Ques we will see.

    Patsy, I agree with Jackie as far as a peanut allergy. Did you go to the ER or are you self diagnosing?

    Anne, so you son is legally separated as I am?

    Jackie, it is great to read you are doing so well with your hips.

    Hello to everyone else, I really must push myself to get moving to get things done. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes SANDY he's legally separated at the moment. His wife who has always been a little eccentric and strange and who he married at 21 (she was 28) despite warnings from everyone, took to her bed for about 6 or more final years of the marriage. The doctors could find nothing wrong except for schizophrenia for which she was treated. Mike cared for her, but when she suddenly "got better" she disappeared. Mike was terribly worried and no one could find her but then she showed up at a house for homeless and penniless women. She's right off the radar today, haven't a clue where she is except for her awarded allowance which disappears out of his pay cheque. Told by the separation judge to get a job, of course she never did. The poor woman can't help her mental health but she is also very clever and manipulative. Went to university in her youth and in the past made it very clear she was cleverer than all of us. And she is!
    Anyway Mike is 57 and it's time he tried to get his life sentence reduced at least by the pension.
    We do fantasize at times about HIM disappearing to some remote island but just in fun. Hard to hide in this technological world! Any "kids" out there, listen to your parents and to quote a very old song avoid "cigarettes and whiskey and wild, wild women", lol.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all! We have a very soggy wet week. I feel okay but I do think Jackie and Sandy have hit on the same diagnosis as my primary care doc suggested. I just had an after the fact consultation. Peanuts are off my personal menu from now on. We are adding an avoidance of all tree nuts and cereals. I will see a lung specialist in the next month. Specialists are few and far between here in the rural areas. But no matter.....there is much to do around here and so what about a menu change! I have an emergency inhaler now in the cabinet. I am armed with asthma info and sad to read this is often a family inheritance, from my sweet dad, in my case.

    The strawberries look so fabulous. I am lucky so far, no asthma problems with fruits and veggies.

    Today I will be washing my blankets and comforter. Oddly, we have had a very cool summer thus far. We have only had a couple of really hot days. A couple of very warm days and the rest of the time very cool and lots of cloudy wet days. Not sure what August will bring. It feels like fall this morning.

    I am actually considering a fire in the fireplace for this evening. Normally this time of the year, I would be planning on sipping a margarita on the deck.

    Anne: I hope you can start, room by room, deciding what can come with you to the condo and what you need to sell or donate. Do you ever have yard or garage sales there in Canada? I’ll bet your daughter in law would be an expert on that. I need a yard sale, and a trip to donate at Goodwill, and a trip to the dump. I would still have a house full of stuff. 30 years in the same house.....

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Good day. We are having a very nice day. The temperature is a bit below 80 degrees, it is sunny and breezy. I was up and going this morning. I met a lady who bought a few things from me. She is a friend of one of my Facebook friends and quite interested in making art, jewelry, mixed media wall hangings, ATC cards and more. She is also working on a quilt. She is interested in the old costume jewelry I may be selling to use in her projects. She also invited me over to work on projects in her gigantic basement which is set up nicely (she showed me photos). Friendly, retired attorney, way out of my league when it comes to money to spend. She and her hubby went on a trip around the world and she brought home fabrics from all the countries they visited. So very interesting.

    On I went to pick up some things the consignment store rejected and one more stop at the organic food store next door where I found my favorite frozen organic blend on sale. I would have purchased more if they had the inventory.

    I am suppose to meet another lady later today but she has been elusive on targeting any timeframe so we will see.

    But joy, I do have a reflexology appointment this afternoon and I am looking forward to it. Very much.

    Patsy, that does sound like a peanut allergy. Frightening. I remember when I suddenly could not tolerate MSG. The inside of my mouth suddenly was swollen, harder to breathe and a horrible headache. At that time my doctor just told me to avoid it, epipens weren’t prevalent then. Take care, it must be taken seriously. Wishing you well.

    Anne, your poor son is being manipulated and it sounds as if there really is nothing he can do. Could he divorce her if she cannot be found to serve papers? I wish him well. I think she should be accountable to someone regarding her location.

    Sandy, win loads of money tonight. All best wishes. I hope your son fixes his own meals and snacks since he eats five times a day. Haaaaaa.

    Jackie, you are doing so well now. Excellent!! The strawberries look delicious. I have no strawberry allergy so I will be there soon with my bib on. What do you use to deter pidgeons and rabbits? Just curious. By the way, the photos of the roses are lovely. I still don’t understand much about roses. I have never raised any. My parents had some at one home, my dad’s mom loved them. I just never was interested.

    Buzz, papers must multiple. I have a magazine rack that mysteriously fills with things that I pick up or that come in the mail and I have virtually no subscriptions. I had it more than half empty a while ago and I note today it is nearly full once again. I hope your HMO gets moving. Really? Dragging their feet when someone needs oxygen? Ridiculous.

    Must move along now.

    Hugs. Wishing us all well.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    In my home dishes in the sink build up as quickly as papers on tables so I think I must be sharing the cottage with someone!! Lin, no guns or traps planned for the pigeons and rabbits, just a roll of horticultural netting, pegs and poles. When it's completed I'll take a photo but that's been put off this evening because my neighbour had to rush to comfort a friend whose dog died today. Don't know the story but do know the lady and her dog... she will be devastated. Will watch the Supervet programme instead that will probably have me in tears too!!


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Unbelievable girls, I've got cataracts formed since my last optical visit. No wonder I'm falling down all the time! I hadn't a clue!

    I've got two choices. I can wait eighteen months to get them done almost free at the hospital.
    Or I can go to a private clinic and get them done in the next few weeks for $3200, no tax added.
    Because I'm 83 I've decided time is precious so I'm opting for the private clinic. Talked to another old dear at the opticians and she forked out the cash because as she said at our age we might as well enjoy life rather than look at our savings.

    Dreading the surgery because I'm the worlds biggest coward, but on the plus side it will be great to see where I'm planting my feet, and Jilly should benefit.

    After surgery I have to wait 5 weeks and then get new glasses as my eyes have slightly deteriorated.
    Hey girls, I might finally quit whining. At the moment I'm walking around with pupils dilated like someone on drugs.

    Bye for now,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne! You may not agree but here is my thoughts....I have had my cataracts removed and believe me, I can top you when it comes to being very scared, read terrified, of surgery of any kind. That said, the whole procedure is absolutely NOTHING! The worst thing is the eye drops that must be done several times a day. Seriously, life will suddenly be more beautiful and in focused. A simple pair of readers glasses from Costco will work to read and do anything up close. Rejoice! This will not be hard at all. Mike will have to take you in and bring you home. You will not suffer at all and the recover time is almost nothing. They will give you a very light anesthesia, you wake up about ten or fifteen minutes later with permanent contacts. You will see things you haven’t seen in years.
    All my best wishes, see ya soon!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, Patsy has described perfectly what an easy and amazing procedure cataract removal is. Your world will be lighter, brighter and oh so beautiful plus you might not even have an anaesthetic. Our doctors take minutes, you don't feel a thing because a painkiller drop is put in the eye and before you know it you're sipping tea with a biscuit before heading home wearing an eye patch that only stays on overnight. Yes, and there's the treat of cheap reading glasses! You'll be fine, really. 😉

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ah yes, ANNE, dear girl! You have received very sage advice here! I think it's been 10 years since my cataracts were replaced and I still have not worn glasses, not even for reading! And I was SO nearsighted, before! Surgery was a snap, though the decision on which ones to buy was more difficult. I finally decided on implants that actually have a minuscule hinge that flips when I read and I do not feel a thing but it is built in reading glasses! Our friends are so right about the change and clarity of sight and color; we do not realize how "yellowish" white has become until that 1st cataract is removed! The color difference between my eyes was astonishing! However, falling is not necessarily just cataracts so continue to be very aware of where you are and what is around you at all times! Balance changes so subtly as we mature!

    I just answered the doorbell and there is the gentleman with 3 tanks of oxygen (for power outage emergencies) and a largish contraption to move around with me on one end and a long wire for an outlet. It produces oxygen 24/7. I'm told to have my doctor request a small personal carry one for daily use! JACKIE, this breathing problem has been developing over a couple of years as I recall my DIL observing my puffing whenever I entered or exited a car I'm typing with the tube in my nostrils and feel no difference yet, but I'm not certain what I expected anyway! It certainly seems more comfortable than that C-Pap most of my friends have to wear every night which fits over the face delivering oxygen all night!

    So sorry about the asthma, PATSY! I thought I had developed it and it really frightened me to not be able to catch my breath!Try to not to panic but to take in as much air through your nose slowly and then kind of a big puff out through your mouth several times. It both calmed me down and seemed to deliver more air at the same time! My house never seems to have enough outlets! This monster require plugging in!

    SANDY, what fun you are looking forward to (though I can hear the sigh of relief when all have departed!). The younger ones seem to move about constantly!
    ANNE, so sorry for your son's bad awful experience! It seems so unfair that his wife is allowed to continue being taken care of by him! Most divorces today seem to be given a time limit for support, especially with no children to support!
    LIN still keeping track;....whoops, guess I snoozed a bit but I was planning to log off anyway!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I've woken up to a hen tragedy, one that dear George was trying to warn me about around 6am. He asked to go out and disappeared to the bottom of the garden but when he began to bark I called him in! Up again at 7.30 he ran off again so after 5 minutes I walked down in slippers and dressing gown to discover a section of the chicken run fence pushed up by a fox, feathers everywhere and all my lovey chooks gone, even dear little Daisy. George must have scented the fox out the garden but has come home very sad no doubt picking up my mood so we've had a cuddle to comfort each other.
    It's now 9 so I'd better get in the shower.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh JACKIE, how utterly awful for you. I am so very, very sorry. Teary eyed with you. Nature is so cruel and whoever designed life didn't do a very good job in my opinion. Anne. ❤️xxxxx
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    What terrible news Jackie. 🥺😢😢🥺
    ❤️❤️many hugs❤️❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thank you Anne and Lin. Kicking myself I didn't check first thing but nothing to be done about it now. Yes nature is certainly cruel! Before we walked I went to the hen house again to look at what needs to be done and George pushed himself into another section of the garden and barked so I went over and saw he had found Prudence. She was badly bitten but must have escaped before she died. Now I'll have a further check in case the bloomin fox has left more to be picked up later. Messaged my neighbours to warn them as they let theirs into their garden when they get home from work... had to smile at the comments back about foxes generally, not to be repeated here!

    Have a good day everyone. Let's be honest, mine can only get better.