Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    So Alex Morgan dissed the Brits with her tea drinking gesture and images of the original 13 colonies. BBC news.
    Oh boy, I can't wait for the next women's world football match!
    Morgan (now there's a British name for you) will be a marked woman if she's still playing football. Hope I'm still around as well, lol.
    War is declared despite Donald, with his military parade and tanks, for Gawds sake!
    Only kidding girls. I'm afraid Brits and Canadians don't take our various sports seriously enough on the whole. Mainly fun for us.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member

    Happy Wednesday! :) Going to see foot doctor at 11:00 and hope I get to stop wearing this shoe. I think I have more pain in other areas of my foot from wearing it as well as my back.
    Tonight we are going to a local hotel for dinner and to watch fireworks. I just hope it doesn't rain since we are to go outside on the lawn to see them.

    No time once again so have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    No great progress in the garden but have potted on a ginger plant the gardener gave me last month as a get well gift already bursting out of its original container. Aware my cherry tree is getting rapidly stripped by a blackbird I've just come in from attempting a precarious balancing act picking the fruit from lower branches while doing my best not to fall into brambles. Mrs Blackbird was cross and shouting at my head in spite of me leaving plenty of cherries in higher branches I couldn't reach. Meanwhile Hebe snoozed in the long grass by my feet totally oblivious to any birds... some hunter!

    Anne, you've explained why commentators talked about tea drinking when watching the match. Seems harsh to have stopped her playing unless they feared for her life!! 😄😄 I gather a couple of USA team members were found wandering England's hotel the night before which Phil Neville found amusing!

    Patsy, I may have shot myself in the foot walking out of the tool store because my Amazon order won't arrive until middle of next week. Oh well, much like yourself it's not as if I've nothing else to be getting on with. 😉

    Happy birthday Jeri. 🎂🍾

    Good luck with the boot removal Sandy!

    4pm so kettle for a cuppa then back outside.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE. Why prowling around the English teams hotel? Hoping to disturb sleep? Maybe a rematch is called for!
    Not that I could watch! One or two of the English girls reminded me of some of the tough factory girls I encountered when playing field hockey as a girl for Ranks Flour Mill office. One opposing defence player I remember saying, thinking me from "out of mill" and not in the accounting department, "I can't stand nanby pamby office girls, can you" as we watched one of their teams office staff prancing around. Coward here kept quiet!
    Was any explanation given for the USA team members nocturnal visit? Just curious.
    Anne, once, long, long, ago..... defender of goal posts. Oh yeah! Ranks management was desperate methinks.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, it's only a game of football but you've got to laugh.... a man up a tree too!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2019
    Hi, I'm here, but mostly to look up effects from Gabapentin! Gasping for breath when I walk (if you can call it walking!). If my appetite were gone, I would be more worried, but if the food is good, my appetite is even better!
    JERI, love, a very Happy Birthday to you!

    Thanks, JACKIE, will do!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member

    Four more weeks.............. :#
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Made my day JACKIE. Hilarious! As you say "it's only a game, old "chap", and its not cricket to climb up trees to spy". But then maybe he was "one of those" interested in ladies legs lads.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Wooo. Storms here right now. Thunder, wind and downpours. Last night the lightning and thunder seemed to be camped over my house which made me very skittish. I am worse than an animal with fireworks when that happens.

    Sandy, I am sorry that you are required to wear that uncomfortable shoe/boot for four more weeks. Did they image it again and decide it wasn’t healed? Is there anything to do to make it more comfortable? Hope you are enjoying your evening. Early outdoor concerts are cancelled here. Later concerts and fireworks are uncertain.

    Jackie, oh my, what lovely cherries. Glad you were able to snare some without causing yourself any harm. And have you noticed that many things from Amazon no longer arrive quickly? I have. You will get the staples one of these days. You are always busy so you will be occupied no doubt.

    Buzz, I hope you found the information you were seeking.

    Patsy, you have a wonderful plan. May you all survive the noisy evening (s) without distress.

    I am trying to update my listings on Facebook but difficult today with the glitches over there.

    Many good wishes sent along to all dear Sneakers.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Stay safe Sneakers... thinking of you all with barbeques and fireworks but especially Katie. Turn up the music Patsy and John ❤

    Returned from our walk on the moors with a smelly and filthy George who rediscovered the joys of fox poo! He's had his obligatory shower and while I was at it decided Betty could do with one too because washing herself with that short round body is nigh on impossible for her. Now under the garden umbrella sipping coffee... back later 🙋‍♀️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Have a great day off from all the chores.
    Hugs from Anne and The Bean.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member

    Quiet day for me. Planning on going to pool and then making myself a burger on the grill.
    I don't like to be on the road on Holidays so I will just stay home. We had a good time last night except all the fireworks were cancelled due to the field they use being flooded. I am sure I will be able to see them from my house tonight.

    If you are celebrating be safe and if it is just an ordinary Thursday for you, take the day off.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy 4th of July, everyone! It is very cloudy and somewhat cool, so the fireworks will not be as visible but Katie will still be able to hear them. I will turn up the music as soon as I hear them. We have neighbors that take great joy in finding the biggest and loudest firecrackers humanly possible. If it didn’t upset Katie so much, I would sort of enjoy them as well.

    Not sure if our son will be sailing or working or just hanging out with friends. We will chat maybe this afternoon. Our daughter might come out of her shell and say hello. Her dogs also hate fireworks. I am amazed at the number of sweet little doggies that just become terrified at the sight and sound of fireworks.

    We send you all best wishes for a safe and fun holiday. Hot dogs, tater tots, & beer with a brownie for dessert. Listening to a patriotic concert on the local radio station.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good afternoon. We had very loud fireworks last night and I am sure there will be a repeat this evening.

    Having a low key day here. The plan for me later is to make a Portobello mushroom into a pizza. Right now that does not sound so good so I may change my mind. Tomatoes and sweet corn sound good. I have no corn on the cob but I do have frozen corn and many little tomatoes. Yes, that may be just the ticket.

    Patsy, I hope you have an opportunity to speak to your children today. But with plans unknown I guess you cannot count on that. Enjoy your fun 4th of July meal.

    Sandy, enjoy the pool time. I am glad you had some fun with your friends last evening.

    Anne, hello to you and dear Bean.

    Jackie, smelly pups, hummmm, not a good outcome from what sounded like a lovely walk.

    I think I will finish reading my book. Have made my way through all of the Qigong and did one Tai Chi form. Happy to do that much.

    Hugs and happiness for all.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    real oldie with Lana Turner! I had forgotten what a 2 box of Kleenex movie was, but there wasn't a dry eye in the auditorium I think it was 1966.
    I cannot see my screen at all now, and yes, I found out I am getting the orst possible side effects from Gabapentin (Neurontin) .. Affects my breathing so I feel like a dreadful asthma attack, I guess. Affects my eyesight so everything is horribly blurred. I'm weaning myself off so I don't get seizures and I'll have to go back to the CBD freeze!
    SANDY, I have 2 matching "sandals" in the blue boots! My but you have beautiful looking feet!
    I'll read the rest of your posts tomorrow. Too difficult to see this late!
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    A quick hello everyone because I'm off with the sons for the day to view Michael's condo and possible conversion. Jilly is coming along as well because she loves to ride in Mikes car and peer out the window. Besides it will be too hot to leave her at home because I daren't leave the window air conditioner on when I'm out. It's proving quite effective and we had to retire to the back room last evening to warm up!

    Anyway I trust you are all recovered with no hang overs from yesterday's festivities. Well not JACKIE, JERI and ME who watched from afar.

    Gabapentin? BUZZ. It sounds like that drug I was prescribed by my ex doctor. I've still got the blind spot from the burst eye vein and have never been quite the same all over since. Haven't been to a doctor since either, and despite her warnings of my demise if I didn't take it, a few years later I'm still here to have a natter with you all. GET BETTER SOON BUZZ!
    Well must away,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Wonderfully hot with a gentle breeze but that meant a shorter walk for the pooches because both were panting from the start. A flask of cold water kept the 3 of us going before heading home via the farm shop. Once I've rested under the umbrella on the decking with a cup of coffee the carpet shampooing in the lounge finally begins!
    Stepmother's funeral was yesterday attended by both brothers and although I've not heard am hoping it passed without incident. Apparently the house is still full of dad's beautiful 70's retro furniture so we've agreed it can be collected by a local authority charity that helps the disadvantaged set up homes... dad would have liked that idea.

    I'm hoping you all enjoyed your July 4th celebrations. No Anne, I didn't even watch from afar since I've never enjoyed seeing parades showing off military might. As we all know, pomp and ceremony is classy, tanks and bombers are not!

    Take care Buzz and get yourself off those drugs as safely and quickly as possible. We missed the title of your Lana Turner movie... nothing like a good sob so do tell? 😭

    Shampoo time!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good morning. MFP has crashed for me a half dozen times so far and I have no news feed on the main page.

    So just saying hello. I ended up going out last night at dusk to sell an item. Goodness massive noise and little fireworks as well as large ones all over the place. I guess the ordinance regarding not setting off fireworks at your home was totally ignored. I had just put on some essential oil and apparently it was one that attracted insects. Eeeck.

    I am off this morning to meet with someone else. If she shows up my childhood globe will be gone. It is lovely but not needed. I have looked over all the names of countries no longer in existence.

    Take care everyone.

    Many hugs.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Just as predicted a quite 4th at the pool and then made a burger (no bun) on the grill. It was relaxing and fun until Babe called to say that his DIL said she was selling the house and moving into an apartment near where her daughter is going to go to high school.
    Babe said he doesn't know where he will go and could care less about his son. He took me by surprise and I said it would be too hard for him and Daisy here. He hung up only to call back to tell my how hurt he was that I didn't want him to live with me. I stayed calm and told him not to talk about hurt when he let me walk out of his life seven years ago. And when we are on the phone and his son walks in he immediately hangs up. Not too mention I haven't seen him in months. It was a nasty call and upset me so I called my sponsor and we talked a long time. This morning Babe called and apologized and said I was right he should have stood up to his son and never let me leave. He admits he couldn't live with me as my life has changed with my family and friends and the things I do. He is right and there is just no way we can live together every again.
    On a happier note I am fine and just glad I don't have to be involved in the drama that goes on. I am doing laundry before heading to the pool although I should go grocery shopping.
    I will be going to the memorial for my cousins husband tomorrow and Sunday I think I am going to the post 4th of July parade with Lisa and the kids. My son comes in next Thursday from Arizona so a busy couple of weeks in store.

    BTW Buzz, that is not my foot.....I just stole it from the internet. LOL

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm enjoying a cup of tea while I catch up with tennis at Wimbledon. The shampooed carpet is nearly dry and it's such a pleasant evening doors and windows are wide open to finish the job. Looking at it now I can see the walk through area will need another wash tomorrow so hopefully another warm day. A flower bed has been weeded this afternoon so I'm feeling righteous (not really! 😊)
    Just had a message from next door inviting me round for a glass of wine so back later!!