Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    It is a predicament SANDY, especially as you are still married. My cousin in Australia was also, like me, left for a more exotic lady. We have never married again, but our husbands did. Helens one and only ex husband is now alone and is hankering to return to her at 80. It just wouldn't work after all these years, so that thought is discouraged by her. Despite loving my ex very much once upon a time, today no, it wouldn't work for me either whatever the heart says,
    I would expect Helens "John", my ex, and Babe who all seem well heeled, to enter senior homes if they find living alone after bestowing that fate on us unbearable. Keep in touch, visit, but don't get into washing his socks anymore. Well that's just my view.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2019
    Very well put, ANNE! It was OK for the husbands to make lousy choices regarding loving caring wives, but what gives them the right right to think they are so irresistible that when life gets tough for them, they can just reverse stupidity and yes, meanness!? SANDY, be super careful with your natural sense of sympathy! BABE has really chosen his own future, and he can find a pleasant Independent Living (or Assisted Living) Community in which to spend his remaining years. It WAS his choice, love! All you'd need is to fall for his needs and have Phil reappear and off goes Daddy again! You deserve better!
    In answer to Sandy's question, no, my body feels like there is a big balloon blowing up inside pressing inside my swollen legs, chest and stomach! If I breathe in through my nose and blow out through my mouth, it seem to ease up as long as I'm sitting quietly. Once I have to walk, (like to the bathroom) I'm huffing and puffing, and I don't understand what's going on! Obviously there is an overall edema, but from the fall or something unrelated? I'll see the Doc i the morning around 11. My neighbor 's door is diagonally across the hall and I used my wheel chair to get over to her. Once the ambulance arrived and checked her, they left her home, saying her slight memory problem was stress and high blood pressure. She has hip replacement surgery coming up on the 15th and is more worried about leaving her husband while she is hospitalized (she has hired an aide for him even though he is perfectly capable of taking care of himself!) than about her own problem! I guess we all feel like family here, and if necessary, I would have figured out how to get him to the hospital to be with her. Fortunately she didn't have a TIA!
    Thank you for telling me about the Barbra Streisand documentary, JACKIE. I adore her and if she were a man, the press would have been much kinder, too! She was a strong woman and talented beyond imagination! And a loving and accepting Mother. too.....What kind of fish are the rollmops made from? I probably pictured the same thing LIN did lol! ...Love your ne room and views, excuse me, I meant your pets' new area!!! They are priceless, too.
    PATSY, did you feel anything from the latest California disaster? Such a large area was included, we are all keeping our fingers crossed. How about some of our former members unforgotten? A number of you lived in California!
    Well, I'll struggle with throwing out my garbage now and getting to bed really early tonight. I still do not sleep more than 4 hours a night, no matter when I get to bed! I understand it's fairly common.
    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...............................

    ............Good luck to all of you contemplating changes in your lives!!!..............

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers! Wow what an amazing time of change and decisions. I guess we all go through various versions of the same issues. I am very lucky to have married so increduably young, John and I contend we actually raised each other. Also we got married and then immediately went to college. We had goals and no money, so busy we had to schedule every minute of our life. The life of a student was magic, effort of learning and all the bonding college friendships. We were chin deep in politics, art, research and writing. There was precious little time for anything else. We rarely fussed or fought. We loved it. It has been the environment of our life even now. Learning and finding out about what makes things as they are. Several of you sneakers are the same, actually. You KNOW who you are!

    Our son is sailing today. Our daughter is busy. I have made a stab at cleaning out part of the refrigerator. Antique food.....a sad waste, that makes me feel guilty. Why do we buy so much and then have to discard so much later?

    Almost always, decisions made can be altered later if the need arises. Remember the list of commandments that Buzz sent us about a year ago? I live by those! A copy is taped to my dungeon door.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'd love to read the commandments again if possible PATSY or BUZZ. I made the mistake of not saving!

    I rarely if ever have wasted food. No saint, I think it stems from my lean childhood when the daily chant was "Waste not, Want not".

    My optician is having an added on vacation day. I guess owed from last Mondays Canada Day country wide holiday. This meant no appointment as of yet but undaunted Jill and I went for a long, very slow, very careful walk. She doesn't mind. A great sniffer dog our Jill. We did meet Marie on the way back who's losing weight at an alarming rate. Lifting up her top she displayed her waistband sitting on her hips and lifting it up there was inches of surplus fabric. I was informed that despite recent accidents I wasn't losing my mind. Thank you Lord for that! I guess she's an expert by now, and as we talked Tony was gesticulating wildly from the front door. Maybe I shouldn't join poor Mike after all. Who knows what's in store down the road! I really have to think things through carefully don't I.

    Asparagus was going cheap and plentiful this week so I'm about to make asparagus and potato bisque. Only 103 cals a cup.

    Oh, the optician just phoned after all and I can "see" him late Wednesday afternoon. With a bit of luck I'll have new glasses by at least next Monday, and hopefully before.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Up before 7am as the sun streamed through the curtains but by the time I opened the doors to the garden a sea mist had rolled up the hill. That made for a cool start to our doggie walk where we met several old friends, dogs and humans, on the moors. I then had a drive into Plymouth for a dentist appointment so now have 2 new fillings to replace a couple of temporary ones. I'm told one should be fine but the other might give me problems in which case a crown will be needed. On the way home I stopped off at a clothes outlet for a pair of pink cut off jeans and my favourite skinny jeans. Last but not least, Rollmops, German rye bread, cottage cheese and plenty of salad.
    Buzz, you might know Rollmops as soused herrings.

    So now I'm watching Wimbledon tennis having tentatively eaten a soft sandwich, feet up and resting hips... All good in that area.

    Patsy, you and John are true soul mates and how wonderful that you've spent many years together sharing so much. Have you considered a wormery for your antique food? Living on my own it's easy not to buy too much food as I only have myself to think of but any dodgy looking salad leaves or sad veggies are fed to the worms who later produce wonderful compost but also ease any feelings of guilt about being wasteful.

    It's nearly 5pm so time for a cuppa in the sunshine.... let the tennis continue without me for 10 minutes.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another pool day as it might be my last for a while with my son and daughter coming in for Robby and Charlie's birthday parties Saturday. My son from Arizona is coming in Thursday, my daughter from Florida on Friday and my son and his wife from downstate will also arrive Friday. My daughter tried to surprise me but her husband messed up on the phone so she will be surprising Rob and Lisa. Brad is staying a week, while the others leave Monday. It will be the first time in 7 years all of my children will be together. I am very excited about that and can't wait.
    Babe called and is a new person who is determined to finally do things his way. He is going to attorney to take his son off as POA and to take him out of the will. He will leave everything he has left to his daughter and granddaughter. The real estate agent came and will give them an estimate to tell them how much the house might be worth and then they might possibly list it.
    As of now Babe is not to worried about where he is going and might just end up living with his DIL and granddaughter in an apartment. Can't predict the future but things seem to be moving in the right direction. Only time will tell.

    Busy week with sitting tomorrow, grocery and cleaning the house Wednesday, meeting Thursday and picking my son up from airport and then picking my daughter up Friday.
    Then the fun will begin.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hello my friends.

    Sandy, you have a wildly busy time in store don’t you. Wow. I hope Babe runs to the attorney to get the changes made. No time like the present. If Babe isn’t worried about where he and Daisy will go then there is no need for you to fret. Many hugs and I hope you enjoy the pool time and the family events and visiting. Sounds wonderful.

    Anne, are already sorting things? Any idea of how many weeks or months will be required to make the needed changes? My progress was halted today.

    I was going to devote more time to cleaning out but then I realized I have lots of cards to make starting with a teenage boy birthday card needed this week. So I am working on that to the best of my ability. I was walking quite well yesterday but this morning my recently hurt ankle went back to out of commission. I did a few errands and when I got home I could barely stand on it or move. No reflexologist appointment until Thursday late afternoon and I will see the daughter this time as her mother is on vacation. Hoping for a great result.

    Patsy, your marriage sounds as close to a fairytale as I can imagine. How great. I would love to have had a once in a lifetime relationship and for life. Treasure each other as you have all your lives.

    Buzz, have you seen a doctor today? Your problems sound quite troubling. You need to elevate your legs but then you also need to be upright to clear your chest right? Or maybe I don’t know how these issues are handled. All I know is I hope your medical team finds a way to make you more comfortable. I thought of you this morning as I was giggling about a commercial on TV. It was a braggy thing about how wonderful a particular Senior community is and their illustration was a couple of gentlemen sitting at a table playing checkers. Now I have nothing against checkers or cards or anything’s but really, that is the most exciting thing they could illustrate? Then I thought of. Everything that is available in your community. Oh my, no comparison.

    Jackie, I would like to watch some tennis but it is on a sports channel here and I don’t have a subscription to any of the ESPN offerings. Everyone in the U.S. is quite amazed at the young girl whose is playing so well. I hope the new dental work is fine and no changes will be necessary. And I hope you do have opportunities to use the gorgeous furniture in the photo. Move kitty!

    Must move along, or at least try to.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Lin, did you have an xray or mri? Can you be sure nothing is broken?

    I am with you on that fairytale marriage, just wasn't in the cards for me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    No Sandy I didn’t. The reflexologist found a lump but it is on a tendon on the outside of the leg not actually in the ankle. We will see I guess. One reason I don’t think anything is broken is the fact that there is often little to no discomfort. It was only after doing my errands and that some swelling returned along with the big pain. It is much better again. I am walking with no shoes right now.

    Although my medical degree hasn’t arrived in the mail yet. Haaaaaaaaa.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    I don't have a medical degree either but it sounds like my foot, you could have a stress fracture. Sorry if I am too forward.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    We will see. If it doesn’t improve in a couple of weeks, I may have to break down and go to someone. I do not have a foot doctor though. I only have urgent care and I am way past the day everything came to a halt. It also didn’t come on slowly, did yours?
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just to say when I fractured my ankle (and everything else I've managed to snap over the years) it turned blue and that is apparently how the doc can tell initially.

    Beautiful day here, no humidity. Just a lovely day.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Okay dear ones!
    Lin: I hate going to the doctor but there are times when we have no choice. I wonder if you are like John and me...xrays are a concern. Too many are an unnecessary exposure to cancer causing radiation. That is just a fact. We hate hearing it and doctors rarely own up to it but it is true and there is mountains of documentation to prove it. That said, dear Lin, something is amiss here. What? How do we fix it?

    Anne: I will try to find the original posting of Buzz’s senior commandments. They speak to me in a way nothing else does.

    Bwahahaha! Fairytale marriage indeed! Don’t ever tell John that. We are two opposites that somehow live under the same roof without committing murder. I am beyond messy. John is military organized and runs a tight ship, so to speak. I never spanked either of our kids and we had a lot of fun. Their rooms were never clean. John had a list of responsibilities they were to follow, no discussion. They always call him, even now, to talk about big issues. They call me to tell the latest joke or funny story. I can save money without even trying. John has to really try hard to keep from overspending. The list goes on and on. Does that sound like a fairytale marriage? Hummmmmmm ...maybe, not so much!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, you understand your relationship with crystal clarity!!! Perhaps that's one of the reasons it works so well! I wish I had a list of those "rules" you still have! I'm truly not that well organized!
    Well; this morning was my day for the clinic, and the Dr's Nurse Practitioner, whom I adore, arrived 1/2 an hour early and left before I could scurry down. I waited, hoping she would return but once it became clear she was not returning, I started back to my apartment, sighted the head of our nursing floor in the elevator and she immediately joined me by getting off once she saw my face looking not too happy! I explained how much I needed to see the N.P, and she pulled out her cell phone immediately and called her. Explaining what I had told her, I saw a big smile form and she told me the N.P. would be in my apartment at 1 o'clock and would check me out then! And she showed up at precisely 1, did a fairly thorough questioning and exam and suggested the hospital for a complete work-up. I tend to be leery of hospitals, and worry more about picking up nasty germs there that have little or no decent treatments available, so I opted to have my tests done right here, and the lab sent someone over within the hour. That was for blood work, and an X-ray technician or CT Scan will be done tomorrow, and anything else that shows up. She also ordered Oxygen as she said mine is quite low, which is why my breathing is so heavy! And ordered rest, rest, and more rest. She said often things show up weeks after a fall and she wants to make certain there are no leaks or fractures the hospital missed. She then gave me a sweet hug and assurance she would never let me down, and off she went to another emergency! Shortly after that, my doorbell rang and it was the head of Assisted Living wanting to know if I would like to come up there for several days until I feel better.I thanked her and promised to rest, and my dinner was sent up, and my appetite was light so I really have breakfast for tomorrow, as well! If I feel need for an aide, I will order one, since my policy promises me 3 years of home are.
    JACKIE, I always liked "pickled" herring. Are those rollmops?
    SANDY, wow, what an exciting get-together! And I can't believe Charlie is a whole year old already! Now, being practical, since you are still Babe's wife under law, are you still going to be in his will? I know you have gone over this, but I want to make certain he will not forget you!
    LIN, like others here, I don't like the sound of your returning pain, so don't ignore it , please, dear friend! Legs and feet can be so fragile!
    ANNE, there really is no rush for you, other than your own safety! You'll come to a sensible decision!
    Yours truly just developed a beaut of a cramp in my thigh, and can't sit, so goodnight , my lovelies!
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    So good to read you are getting all the help you need BUZZ. Hey, hope you have read what the UK ambassador said in confidence about the old windbag. Pity it got leaked, but good to know there's still free speech around, and I guess there won't be a knighthood for someone in the offing. That's if folk who aren't British citizens can be knighted.

    I can't wait for tomorrow and the optical visit to arrive. I think as my eye slowly heals the glasses that were prescribed to counteract the blind streak in my left eye are no longer working and that's causing a lot of the tripping. Fortunately I don't use glasses for reading or around the house but something is no longer right in the long distance department when it comes to wearing them outside and in the street. Hard to explain, without them and in the house I see things exactly as is when it comes to rugs etc, but outside wearing glasses whilst I can see clearly down the road if I glance down for any pot holes or uneven paved edges etc things are off. Bifocals wouldn't work because it's like the two eyes aren't joining in sight path. Golly, I'm finding it hard to explain here, so how do I get through to the optician tomorrow? Bifocals wouldn't work. Anyway if I can get through to him and he can do something to remedy maybe my confidence will return and life will get back to normal.

    I think your marriage is a wonderful thing PATSY and JOHN. We were married very young like you, he went to college, I worked to support us, lots of friends, total opposites in character, him analytical, me not, two children, same beginnings. BUT you two carried on loving each other and supporting each other come what may, one of US carried on loving, the other didn't. I love to see and hear of people like you and John. Like my mom and dad. Fairy tale? Sure is. God bless you both.

    Anne, all Misty eyed, haaaaaaaaa! ❤️❤️🍷🍷❤️❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Buzz, thank heavens everything came together yesterday. And good to know you are able to get your testing completed there. Please take all the help you need my friend. I trust the oxygen will help you. Hugs.

    Anne, I have been wondering how you are able to type and read etc. without your glasses. Aha, now I understand. Amazing that your vision is so good in many ways. So sorry about the blind spot. That must be difficult to explain to someone trying to fit the proper prescription. Fingers crossed that the person you are consulting with does an excellent job.

    Patsy, even with struggles that you and John experience, I still find the commitment you have to each other truly exceptional and very lovely. Thanks, I will think about going to someone for an opinion on ankle/foot/leg issue but I not only am loathe to go to a doctor but I do try to avoid x-rays and other tests. Finally it seems once you go in, you end up in their clutches. At least with the reflexologist I just make one appointment at a time, no commitments.

    Good morning Jackie and Sandy.

    Hello to an ever busy Jeri and Laura, are you all right?

    Must move along, Mah Jongg this morning and coloring at the library this afternoon. I say coloring but we can do anything we’d like to do if we drag it with us. Haaaa. I think I may fussy cut some little bits of things for my cards.


    Lin, walking much better today
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Out early to walk on the moors but unusually there wasn't the slightest breeze so already hot at 8am. We didn't go too far as both dogs were panting from the start then before driving home I dropped into a friend's property to wish her a happy Birthday. We used to swim together before my hips became too painful and agreed she should come to me for coffee Friday after her trip to the pool. I'm hoping to get back to swimming by end August.
    Sue the gardener arrived as I got home, told me all about rambling roses as opposed to climbers so I'd know what I'm doing to the pretty one growing on the trellis next to the deck then weeded further down the garden. Her knowledge shone through when she told me she found interesting seedlings and named quite a few. Even I probably would have dug them up in blissful ignorance!

    Buzz, I agree hospitals are dangerous places and best avoided especially if required testing equipment is close at hand for you. Luckily the one I stayed in this year is run by the doctors rather than an administration and they know hygiene is paramount but I'd have thought twice about having anything carried out at our main "big" hospital. Let's hope your symptoms are caused by nothing more than stress.
    Rollmops are pickled herring in vinegar and onions, probably not as tasty as yours! 😉

    Oh dear, finding my eyes closing as I type and watch tennis so had better go outside and continue to prune roses. 🌹🌹

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    Re roses, what IS the difference between ramblers and climbers Jackie? I suspect the dark red rose growing next to the drive fence is a climber. Mary Jos Mom planted it forty odd years ago and this year, neglected, it is covered in roses. Alas, fading now, so won't show, but the flowers are in small clusters. I remember ramblers as rather small roses but in bigger clusters? Are Climber roses double the ramblers size but still fairly small? Roses are difficult to grow here in gardens so this one is very hardy and mostly neglected. A sapling tree is growing through it but it's done better than ever before.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Sitting this afternoon so taking the morning to catch up on computer. Another beautiful day so summer has finally arrived. Babe took care of business and sounds so much better on the phone. He admits stress probably was making him sick so he is happy he is doing what he thinks is best for him.

    I am losing some weight which makes me happy. I think I will post tomorrow because after my kids arrive I think the scale will go up.

    Nothing exciting to say so I will just say good morning to all of you and have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I went out to garden but had to come back in. I'm itching all over with mosquito bites. Harry is back from his vacation and I suspect he's fed his giant carp or koi and they aren't relying on mosquito Larvae on the surface water anymore. Whatever, we have an awful lot this year maybe because of the excessive rain as well. I tell you, as I scratch away Mikes place looks very inviting. But there again, his lady friend just phoned to see how I'm doing and things do seem to be getting more serious there! Maybe I can catch the fish at midnight and drain the pond. Lol. Maybe not until I've seen the eye doctor!
    Otherwise, mosquitoes not being the most exciting thing to talk about, I'm off as well.