Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good morning BUZZ and ladies. I'd love to move to Florida and live with you Buzz but I think Mr. T would ban me as an undesirable immigrant!
    More later because the same as LIN I've slowly got to unfold the joints and face quite a busy day.
    Don't forget the soccer match at 2pm here between the USA and English ladies. I shall have a cushion at the ready to bury my face into (not the bruised side) if it gets too exciting even though I'm neutral seeing Canada got knocked out earlier.
    Hugs from Anne to each and every one.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just read grass mowers are being ditched by councils in the UK in favour of letting the wild flowers grow on roadside edges It looks so pretty, is good for wild life and saves money. I'm so thrilled about this that I had to mention it. Who knows it might happen here! I tried to copy a photo but couldn't alas.
    Anne. It's on UK, BBC news.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful day with a gentle breeze and Sue the gardener has visited to weed and then discuss a project for a herb garden in a rather dry area. I'm all for it and she has recommended a market garden not too far away. I love projects!!

    Anne, it's been wonderful to see our verges being left to do their own thing and who would have guessed what stunning wild flowers were waiting to emerge. It's happening all over England and probably Scotland and Wales too as more and more people and authorities understand the benefits for the wildlife as well as cleaner air for us humans! This might be the picture you wanted to post

    It was interesting to read Canada is top of the list for quality of life but did you know Canada is also emitting greenhouse gases twice as fast as anywhere else in the world? A couple of weeks ago I watched a programme about a place in Alberta called Athabasca oil sands or the Alberta Tar Sands where awful environmental damage is occuring as crude oil is mined. As ever the indigenous peoples are badly affected but have little say! Young Mr Trudeau needs a series talk to about his conflicting environmental messages! :/

    Wimbledon tennis is on in the background as I try to make sense of photos taken of my chair as it was dismantled..... staple gun at the ready! At the farm shop I bought a small bottle of Cornish cider to enjoy as I watch tonight's football match. The nerves are jangling already!

    Happy Tuesday everyone

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    Yes, that's the picture I wanted JACKIE, just beautiful.

    Canada was rated for HAPPY people, alas NOT for the environment. Agree with you entirely on THAT one.!!!!!!! Lots of protests but of course politicians ignore and do as they want.

    When it comes to military power, the UK is number two, ahead of Russia and China. Mike remarked there seems to be a link between military power and less happiness. Let's face it: on a world scale one can hardly expect Canada to defend itself with its ancient planes and subs etc. I suppose Mr Trudeau expects us to die happy if attacked. Hopefully we will have wild flowers on the grass verges by then unless of course Mr Ts current policies have us all wondering "where have all the flowers gone."

    Sigh, and on the subject of wild life Jilly and I tottered for our morning walk this morning, me minus broken glasses because I can't get an appointment because my optician is on his vacation this week.
    Anyway, we were just rounding the corner when a car stopped and a lady opened her window and said "there's a coyote on the prowl just around this corner". I thanked her and then we tottered home because me and my aching joints, no glasses, black eye etc would be no match for a hungry coyote viewing little Jilly as din dins.

    Mikes just phoned to ask if it's okay if his lady friends son picks up his old barbecue parked in our garage. Mark will be pleased getting rid of some of Mikes junk, but I don't know what the son will think to my shiner and beat up face, lol.

    Bye from Anne.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) A beautiful day for the pool. Lisa's house is nice and clean although she had no time to go to the pool to swim her laps. The kids were well behaved and the dog was, well he was a puppy still getting into trouble. He does love to give kisses and I am one who loves doggie kisses. Babe is going for a scope of his tummy today and called me last night and said I might have to take him since there was a war going on. This morning he said his son is taking him since he knows the doctor so well. Again, I knew that would happen.

    The wild flowers are beautiful and would imagine they draw beautiful butterflies. I did see that a 15 year old girl just beat Serena Williams and was so excited since Serena and her sister were her idols. Will probably be at pool for soccer match but Go USA!!

    Have a great day, I love summer!
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    It's going to be very hard for me to stay neutral in the soccer match! But I will try really, really hard for Lin, Buzz, Sandy, and Patsy. Just may the best team win! It could be worse. It could be the final!
    (Good luck though Jackie. lol)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    COME ON ENGLAND!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy and cool today. I have a long list of “to-dos” and I know I’ll not get it all done. But hey...there is always tomorrow...maybe!

    I have just lost touch with various sports. John was a fierce football fan but he hasn’t really developed the connection to soccer yet. I say yet because he never stops surprising me. He is currently replacing rotten deck boards. An important job. We could plummet to the concrete apron down below if we step in the wrong spot.

    I am impressed and I confess to being concerned for dear Anne walking her Bean without glasses or any sort of walking support should her knee give way again. I am a true worry wort and after my big fall in a restaurant a few years ago, I have been very focused as I walk anywhere. I wasn’t hurt, just bruised and embarrassed. Then I fell into my own laundry basket and cut my lip badly a couple of years ago. With these rather silly mishaps, I am now a nervous nelly. So I usually keep a pronged cane nearby. I rarely actually use it but it is an emotional security blanket.

    I think watching the sports is great fun and keeps everyone involved in life. I also feel that way about my political activities. I have been trying to keep abreast of new and emerging artists and their new works. Wow! I see a trend that I could never be a part of. Digital manipulation and addition to images
    Is ubiquitous. What?

    This weekend we will be playing music all the time and/or watching movies. We are masking firework noises with music etc. for Katie. So far, she seems to be less the manic crazy lunatic we know and love. I tell you folks, dogs do adopt the personality traits of their family. John and I are often sure she developed all the crazies from both of us. Scary thought, isn’t it?
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    Oh no JACKIE! USA scores goal first 15 minutes.
    And now ENGLAND scores. 1 - 1l
    USA scores. 2 - 1
    Sorry girls I can't watch anymore. !!!!!!!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    Whoops. Mistake
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Let's go have a cuppa JACKIE. With something in it!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Breathing PRoblems developing so I cannot concentrate. Back when I'm able.
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh dear Anne... Well I suppose the best team won but only because England missed their penalty and had a goal disallowed. I have to admit USA were more clinical so well done to them! 😫😖

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    I just got home from a heavenly reflexology appointment. No cheering today but I did hear the lady with the strangest tinted hair was a no-show today? Is that true?

    Hummmm. Well I am sorry anyone had to lose but that is the downside of sports, someone loses.

    Must change my clothes. Not going out again. Definitely scratching off book club.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good morning friends!
    Well said JACKIE. But I don't think I'll watch the 3rd place match with Germany. The black eye, scraped cheekbone and knees are enough without adding a heart attack, lol. At least I'll still have the colourful look to celebrate Independence Day tomorrow with our friends across the border although I don't know what my Jamaican delivery guy will think when he delivers ordered groceries tomorrow!

    Mark wants to take me hiking pole shopping today, but with no glasses to hide behind and indeed see stuff.....maybe not. It's getting to be a year of "no stuff" isn't it. So far no new deck, no complete air conditioner (the window unit is very good though to be honest), no glasses, no hiking stick, and hopefully no moving to new pastures.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    AND everything froze above and I couldn't type at all after jerky letters. Hastily saved (a soccer team would be proud to have me as a goalkeeper, well if I could see, lol) before I say goodbye and eat my oatmeal!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful day, sunshine and a gentle breeze. We (the dogs and me) walked on the moors again and when we reached a pathway that climbs higher I decided to take that route. Slowly with lots of heavy breathing I got to the top with no pain in either hip, just have to get my lungs working again! On the way home I detoured to drop a bag of clothes off in a Heart Foundation charity bin then to one of those tool station places that sells every kind of nut, bolt, glue, sealant.... well you get the picture. All I needed was a box of staples to replenish my supply for the chair reupholstering and found them easily in their catalogue but then came the wait. Surrounded by handymen and builders I joined the queue then took a good look around to gauge a waiting time and soon realised what men in these places do is bypass the catalogues, go straight to the counter, lean on it and discuss what they may or may not want while staff seem happy enough to lean on their side and gaze into a computer screen with no purchase taking place! Not being the most patient of customers in that sort of environment, after 5 minutes I screwed up my piece of paper with catalogue numbers written on, threw it in a bin and left, deciding to order from Amazon and hopefully they will arrive tomorrow. That's been my day so far; now I'll change into gardening clothes and potter outside because my first plan to shampoo the lounge carpet should have been started a couple of hours ago to enable it to dry before evening.

    Lin, we Brits are fond of saying it's not the winning, it's the taking part that counts whereas your USA athletic and focused ladies only had winning on their minds! Yes, the lady with the purple hair was left out of the team but no one was saying why. Didn't matter of course because I think it was her replacement that scored.

    Patsy, on this morning's walk we met a lady with a beautiful 17 month Labradoodle that had your Katie's colouring but more poodle size. I heard all about the dog training classes that came to nothing because her dog wasn't interested and also that she wasn't liking the sunshine so kept stopping and lying down and when we moved on from chatting I heard her owner trying to encourage her but alas by the time I got back to the car they were catching up on the path behind. As she passed by she told me her pooch refused to go any further but I made encouraging noises and I told her the dog probably knows best.... thought of your Katie who no doubt thinks she knows best!!

    Buzz, you're worrying me although you have made it clear you have medical support close at hand. Let us know you are alright whenever you can. No need for long posts, just a hello, I'm here. <3

    Hello Anne, a calmer day for our nerves hopefully. I can't take too many of those football matches! Hi to Sandy too.

    An early lunch for me so I can then got on in the garden without interruption.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Happy Birthday Jeri

    I am sure you are having a busy day.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    It's our JERI's birthday? The same day as our Mary Jo? Whoops.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello and happy birthday amazing Jeri. I am imagining you surrounded by grandchildren of all ages singing happy birthday while you gaze at a cake with candles. A photo or two would delight us all.

    I awoke to a muggy morning. I see John grumbling around in bad need of coffee and his vitamins. Katie is snuggled in her living room bed nest. She has let me know she is not ready to start her day. I am making coffee and gulping vitamins before I struggle along with morning exercises.

    I have a little picnic meal planned for the 4th of July. When the fireworks and firecrackers start, we must draw the curtains and turn on music. I cannot watch any of Mr. T and his military parade. NO! No! But I have an old black & white DVD of James Cagney in Yankee Doodle Dandy. That will be a fun movie with Cagney doing his energetic tap dance...will there ever be anyone like those stunning old talents? Katie will sit on the couch with us while watch movies. I baked brownies for John and me. Katie has her pumpkin cookie bones. I baked them a month ago and they are frozen in a plastic bag. So we will celebrate but rather quietly.

    Jackie: We also depend heavily on Amazon. I hate that we are all buying almost exclusively from amazon. Competition is good and keeps big corporations from getting a bit too cheeky! About Katie...I do believe her independence is part of the breed. Our vet friend has one as well. He has sent her to dog training class. But his blonde beauty is just like Katie. Fun, independent, demanding and also always in need of brushing. We have a suspicion that we are encouraging Katie’s independence.

    Anne: Amazon has a huge number of walking sticks of every kind and description. If you don’t like it or it arrives broken, send it back. I am sure you can get a good closeup to see the different kinds. John would agree with you....gads, our whole life is on back order! You do need your glasses. Hope you eye doctor helps you soon.

    Lin: how wonderful that you have found reflexology helpful. Like you, I would be perplexed and wondering about how and what damaged your foot. But no matter as long as it is healing.

    The day begins and the inevitable list of chores is already starting. Washing bathroom curtain and cleaning glass shower doors.