Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,979 Member
    It’s a beautiful sunny day so washed bedding was out to dry by 8am and we were on the moors before 9am. From a distance I recognised Heather walking Bella and the 2 Whippets she takes out occasionally, but they were too far away to call to. Bella looked very happy on an extended lead that allowed her to skip about.
    Once I had climbed to the top I found a large granite rock to sit on and enjoy the view while George and Betty ran in circles then we walked back to the car and home.

    More seeds have been sown in trays and the strawberry plants dug up from the allotment are now settled in their new bed. A collection of old plastic containers, bowls and leaky watering can are stacked ready for a trip to the tip but that probably won’t be until Thursday as I’ve a hospital appointment tomorrow to check for melanomas.

    I agree that becoming lost dream is quite common and when it, or something similar, occurs I assume my life is perhaps not as in control as I like to think! Another one I used to get regularly was watching from the ground, a plane tumbling out of the sky that I knew was full of passengers but there nothing I could do to stop it crashing!

    On a cheery note my Aqua paint has been delivered so I’m ready whenever the rainy weather returns! 😄
    Now I just need a new box of doggy poo bags to arrive as I’m getting dangerously low. It might require small freezer bags until they get here!

    I was chatting with a friend on the phone earlier when Brady brought in a tiny field mouse so I quickly took my jacket off, threw it over the little creature and carried it outside to shake into bushes. My friend thought I was crazy but I told her it would be far worse to watch Brady play with it!

    Anne, I have a similar problem as your Day lilies with Crocosmia that spreads everywhere. It was already well established when I moved in over 3 years ago so I will never clear it all; just do my best to lessen the clumps.

    Lin, I will check Etsy to see what new pictures Veronica has painted. I did suggest she add the one she created in her art lesson so if she did, I’d better buy one!

    I’m going to use my rechargeable grass edge trimmer to tidy a couple of areas while it remains warm.

    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Well, I've just had a shock and it may shock you young things as well with shades of things to come.
    I've been measuring my BP and if I'm doing it right I appear to have come down quite a bit. So, being of an enquiring [translate, nosy] mind I looked on the internet for what is a good reading for someone of my years. Apparently once you hit 85 you are considered 0LD-OLD! What! me! My Mom was old-old. She didn't think so. At 90 she would say "WHEN I get old". And then the bright young thing who wrote this geriatric article added fuel to the fire by saying that it had to be taken into account that the old-old are forever wetting their knickers or tottering off to the bathroom numerous times during the night which lowers their BP apparently.
    Pardon my English but..... the cheeky little s-d!!!!!
    So excuse me, but I laughed so hard at this article, I have to go to the bathroom!!!!!!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,360 Member
    :) I was up, as usual, at 4:15 AM and out with the dogs by 4:30. They did their business and wanted to chase the bunny that lives out in our big field. It is good exercise for me to hold tight to their leashes when they get so excited. Then we came in so I could make breakfast for the dogs and Bernie, the cat, and me. Each of us eats exactly the same breakfast every morning so the process requires a ritual but no thinking or decision making. I make sure that Bernie doesn't steal the dog food and then spend some time on computer tasks while I eat my own breakfast and take my two morning pills. I record my steps from yesterday on two walking sites--right now on one site, I'm walking the Appalachian Trail and on the other walking north to south on the east coast of Australia so I have a daily geography lesson. At 5:45 my friend. Sharron, arrived walk with the dogs and me. It is finally light early enough that we can go out without our flashlights. Bessie likes only walking in the big field behind the house so we wandered around there so we wandered around so the dogs could sniff and search for the bunny. Today Bessie was ready to go back into the house after about 30 minutes. Then Sharron, Sasha, and I could go for a walk around the neighborhood. At that early hour we saw no one except a puppy out in his yard without his person. This is a great time of year because the flowers and trees look different every day so there are great delights. I got home by 7:30 so I had time to talk to Jake for awhile before we got busy with our chores.

    :) I go for my mammogram today. I don't like my routine interrupted and I don't like taking off any of my clothes. Otherwise, it will be no big deal.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,406 Member
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,979 Member
    Anne, when I worked in the community I met lots of young at heart seniors who referred to others as “the old girl” or “old man”. Yesterday on the radio, a news story referred to an elderly lady of 70 and you can imagine how I shouted at the presenter! It’s all a state of mind as far as I’m concerned because some can be “old” at 40. One of my neighbours just hit 50 and has the weakest bladder so if she joins me walking on the moors has to find a discreet gorse bush to hide in!! 😉

    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Yes JACKIE, too true. We called the old at 40 "creaking gates".
    Gather ye rosebuds whilst you may,
    Old time is still a-flying,
    And these same flowers that bloom today,
    Tomorrow will be.......rushing to the bathroom!

    PS. Arn't gorse bushes thorny !!!!!!! ?

    I would love to know how old the guy was though who called us "mature" ladies the old-old! LOL.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    Wow Sandy! Looking good!!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oregon spring weather here…raining and hail in the sunshine! We used to say that meant that the devil was beating his wife! Horrible saying but growing up in a genuine misogynistic world, I didn’t even notice.

    Yea folks we have entered a new era. John called a company to come clean the gutters and replace liners. For years he did this himself, standing for what seemed like hours on a tall ladder. To my mind, at some point it is okay to have some help with all the tasks of living on a rural property at our age. In truth, I am alone on this topic here. However the energy and strength reserves are not as they used to be.

    Ordered a new front door mat from Amazon. It was a fun project. There were so many funny saying on front door mats. John liked the one that said “welcome! but that would depend on who you are and how long you stay!” There were dozens of funny but rather cheeky quotes on the mats. We close a plain cocoa mat, by the way.

    It is Katie grooming time again. I am waiting for the delivery of the calming herbal chews for her. Grooming is always traumatic for her. It is also time to trim those toenails. Oh my!

    We eat the same thing most mornings as well. Not what I would choose but what is quick, healthy and handy. Katie eats he same as well but is open for any and everything. John is our late sleeper. He is also the night owl, as you might guess. He fixes his own breakfast cereal and banana. Nothing very exciting here in the AM.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited April 2022
    Hello Sneakers! It was a very cold morning with a freeze warning coming true. I had hoped it would warm up and I would be able to work outside for a while. It didn’t get too warm but the lawn service company that works at the townhouse complex near me was working there all day, stirring up dust, pollen and all sorts of great stuff. So I did not try to work outside, I am hoping tomorrow will be better. And the weather will apparently be quite good, the best of the week.

    I did some paperwork today including finally finding a way to renew a membership without agreeing to an automatic renewal and I did not give up my credit card number. That was the best thing I think I did today. Oh, and I finally got my Fitbit syncing again with MFP. Removing the device and then adding it back took a while and about three tries to actually get it back on my MFP account. So yesterday apparently will never show up in my history but that’s okay.

    I don’t eat the same thing every day but I would say I have just a few choices. Meals are no longer like a huge buffet of selections. Will breakfast be a hot cereal or yogurt with fruit? 😃

    Patsy, I am very glad to hear that you are hiring some help for chores and maintenance.

    Anne and Jackie, yes, old is not a particular age but the medical people put people into cohorts and those are usually based on age. Please don’t get into any fights over the issue. You are not old.

    Barbie, I hope your trip for your mammogram went well and I am sorry about having to undress. That is something I prefer to avoid if possible. I don’t even like to have to drive to the hospital to have vials or blood drawn.

    Be safe everyone. They said upwards of 60% of Americans have apparently had Covid now!


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,979 Member
    edited April 2022
    Good morning. That cold wind from the east has returned so layers required to walk the pooches. We stayed on local roads which were relatively quiet but when we got home a neighbour let her dogs out off lead that rushed at Betty and George. It was the first time I saw Betty react in an aggressive manner, no doubt because she was scared but when I allowed George’s extendable lead to run as long as needed, he soon saw them off! 😆
    I popped them into my car and drove to the pet store in town for supplies and am now going to shower, wash my hair and drive to the hospital for my strip search. This time I will wear loose clothing for a quicker turn around because I’m aware the doctors are rushed off their feet and tend to fidget if I’m slow pulling leggings on!

    Our catkins are out everywhere so the pollen count is high and although I’m not normally a sneezer, lots of ah-tissues going on!

    We’ve another Bank holiday coming up, this time May Day, so I will stop off on my way home to buy fresh produce so I don’t have to shop along with crowds of visitors at the weekend.

    Good luck Anne with your GP visit. You’re definitely going in the right direction,

    Patsy, I will never forget what a nightmare it was to groom George when first adopted so feel for you. I laughed with his groomer last Friday as we realised it’s taken 8 years to get him comfortable enough to stand still for most of the trimming. He still hates his face being touched!

    Lin, breakfast for me rarely changes; just more porridge during winter months. Another pretty teapot that looks familiar to those my elderly relatives used. (Haha, I’m calling them elderly when they were probably a similar age to mine!)

    A great photo Sandy. Are you winning? 😁

    Have a safe day everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,360 Member
    :) It was a beautiful morning when I drove to get my mammograms'. The process was easy and the radiology tech was delightful. They do everything possible to make it a pleasant experience. The nice weather made me eager look forward to the afternoon of walking the dogs and doing a bit of puttering in the yard. Instead when I leashed up the dogs to take them out there was a huge hailstorm. No one wanted to be out.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited April 2022
    Good day. I am finally going out to work in the yard as long as possible. It is warmer and the wind feels warmer today but we also have lots of allergens circulating, not like yours Jackie, but we will see what happens.

    Barbie, I am happy to hear your appointment went well but darn, a hailstorm when you wanted to go outdoors. I hope today is a better weather day.

    Jackie, oh dear, catkins sound dreadful to a person who sniffs and sneezes all the time. I hope the season doesn’t last long. I know there are areas in the U.S. where everything is covered in yellow! Poor Betty, it must have been terrifying for her to encounter those dogs. I hope everyone is well and thankful to hear there was no actual fight. Well, as you continue to plant things, I am talking to my tiny wimpy seedlings in their little peat pellets, encouraging them to grow. Would you believe the only thriving plants are the Ukrainian black tomatoes? I may have mentioned that before but they continue to thrive. 😄 and if you didn’t get a chance to look, yes, the adds to the Etsy store were the paint along cheesecake and a comedic cat which I assume is Pumpkin. I am getting some updates from Ukraine. That artist I mentioned posts at least once a week. She and her mom left the shelter on Orthodox Easter morning to worship. They apparently really hurried along but they are both beautiful ladies and so brave to not only stay in their homes but to venture out. They are, I believe, about maybe 70 km (?) East of Lviv and the sirens go off repeatedly. She works with a small group of card maker/crafter/artist in raising money. They have provided police and militia with protective gear, medical supplies, and most recently 3 cars. This is not a certified charity, just people who know her and have worked with her from various countries, and people just keep sending money to try to purchase what is needed.

    Well, off I go. If you don’t hear from me again today, I stayed outside and ended up too tired to check in again.

    Be safe everyone.



    P.S. My other news, I have joined the local coop and am trying out their cart ordering and delivery about a week later. This is the 3rd coop I have joined in my lifetime. The first two went out of business so I have really been dragging my feet on joining this one. They give you two cycles of orders to decide if you want to stay or go. Seems fair and yes, I did order a little locally grown tomato plant. Since I don’t eat meat or dairy or wheat products, I am not sure it will be worthwhile. Time will tell.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm not sure you dear ladies will be interested in my medical stuff so briefly I have been taken off the diuretic pill because I have kidney problems from it. The new pill is purely for BP and to repair the slight damage caused by the diuretic pill. My problem is I worry about side effects and there are loads, the worst being throat tingling and tongue swelling. [Report and discard pills immediately.] I am not good with pills as you all know by now, so I bleated that I had to die eventually from something but the good doctor [not related to Jean, Jackie] assured me I would probably end up as a cabbage in a wheelchair instead seeing all other organs are in good nick. Except another side effect is liver problems.
    I've decided not to trouble trouble until trouble troubles me and concentrate on the good things in life like gardening, art, good books, writing to family and friends, definitely our Jilly and the sons and grands, super sweet things which I'd given up to help the BP naturally and to hell with it.

    One last thing, I went to the docs in thick sweater, winter boots and anorak because it's snowing, tra la la.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    (Hello dear sneakers, a rainy/sunny day with a bit if a breeze. Katie has blessed the day as really excellent!

    This is Costco day. The list is scary long. That means many trips up and down the stairs carrying supplies to our little storage room. I think we get way to set in our ways and need a wider variety of choices but that is unlikely.

    Damon is set to come again on Mother’s Day. And I hope we have John scheduled for his cataract procedure by then. He hates to even think about it but he is having more difficulty seeing. Necessity will make things go quicker I suspect. Nothing really. It is a snap and generally nothing goes wrong.

    My allergies are letting me know that spring is here. We have a local invasive plant that is heavily pollinated called scotch broom. It is similar to gorse. Vicious and relentless. A beautiful yellow with lots of little flowers that look like tiny yellow snapdragons.

    It looks like Damon’s TV series is being picked up by the networks so he will be working on that production in addition to his other projects. He now needs a couple of additional animators. Not too easy to find those with experience and speed. He says it is way too easy to get overbooked and overwhelmed with work. Sailing season is coming up! His boat just got hauled out and bottom scraped and resurfaced. It is being polished and cleaned…stem to stern.

    I am happiest when I have a big creative project in the works. I tend to obsess over little unimportant cleaning chores. Spring is a great time to reset priorities. I have really never been a great traveler so long vacations to far off places are not my first choice. I certainly have done my fair share of travel. John and I will shelter in place and enjoy our little forest and creatures who live there. Does that sound boring? Damon and daughter Andrea say we are always up to something.

    That’s my story and I am sticking to it……
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited April 2022
    Patsy, I get loads of use out of this wheeled cart and the basket. I got a cart to take things to my dad years ago but it is very handy now as I move supplies in my house to and from the basement or upstairs. They were expensive but I use them all the time and if I would have to walk to the grocery store I wouldn’t have to sling plastic bags over my arm(s).


    This is the brand.

    I ordered through Amazon.

    Congrats to Damon. He is so talented and successful! 👍🏻👍🏻

    Anne, I am sorry that once again a prescription caused problems. 🥺 You are right! Enjoy life.

    As you see, I am in the house. The lawn services were coating me in chemicals again and I started coughing so I retreated. 👎🏻👎🏻

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I took the first pill as instructed when I got home and I've already got one of the many reactions. A splitting headache. Honest I prefer giving up salt and continuing the natural way.
    LIN I agree about carts from my walking to the stores for grocery supplies before the pandemic. Very useful for all sort of things.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,979 Member
    My trip to get checked over went well and a charming doctor didn’t make a big deal of looking for any changes but was very discreet so no uncomfortable standing with next to nothing on while being studied! Given the all clear with a big smile as he asked me if I was sporty, I laughed and explained my daily walks across the moors kept me active as well as my garden so no sport required! When I told him about my new raised beds for veggies that explained bruised shins after knocking myself with the wood he said how lovely and I should go home, get into my peaceful garden and let the crazy world pass me by! The traffic was getting heavy as I headed home so I decided to leave my shopping trip until the morning and instead relaxed with a cup of tea and watered my seedlings, still hiding from the cold wind in my greenhouse.

    Anne, you are following my doctor’s advice… prioritise the things that make you happy!

    Lin, your Ukrainian tomatoes are like my sunflower from a seed sent from a seller in that country that’s thriving while a pot of British sunflower seedlings are pathetic! Yes, I did look at Veronica’s Etsy page and saw her latest art has been posted. I also found a post from Dan last week apologising for their absence while life is busy and I’m guessing, difficult as they deal with our typical bureaucracy while finding a home for them and jobs. I’m not surprised either that getting Pumpkin to England is more complicated because our laws about bringing pets in from countries that have Rabies are so strict.
    The artist ladies you follow sound remarkably brave and selfless. I don’t think we can begin to imagine how terrifying life has become for everyone there in such a short time.

    Battery about to die! Scotch broom another time!
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I went to bed early with the headache and as I fell asleep a little voice inside my head said "you will know what to do about the pill in the morning when you wake." And I do know what to do because my first thought was "do not take this pill". And I'm not so I expect a hard time from the doctor and family although Mike rang me last night and said he understood and would support me if I don't want yellowing eyes and skin, difficulty breathing etc. I've asked him not to tell his friend Sandy who rings me up to give me a hard time lecturing. Sandy was a surgeons receptionist and means well but I really don't want to know about the poor people who have suffered a stroke.
    So......I've just done my half hour trot and its no salt at all and back to the DASH diet which is very close to how I eat anyway. Oh and seeing this is a weight loss group, another side effect from the pill is rapid weight gain! THAT I don't want!!!!!!!!!
    Excellent advice from your skin doctor JACKIE and huge congratulations on emerging unscathed. You must have hummed a happy hum all the way home to your pets and peaceful garden.
    I can't wait to get into mine. Another side effect was melanoma and although I will slather on the sun lotion I won't be quite so concerned as when taking the water pill and this new horror.
    I hope I won't be boring you again except maybe to tell you I've been removed as a patient when I tell the doctor I'm going natural.
    Grocery day and the excitement of seeing what substitute I've been sent this week.
    God bless,
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,979 Member
    Good afternoon already!
    I did get up early and visit the supermarket where it was remarkably quiet. No English apples is my only complaint but everything else on my short list was found. The pooches loved the walk I took them on once I got home and again we climbed high and enjoyed the view.

    Masses of flowering gorse that doesn’t make me sneeze thank goodness but I do remember the Scotch broom I inherited in my garden that I only had to look at from a distance to start sneezing. After a couple of years it suddenly keeled over and died and I didn’t bother to replace it, as pretty a pink as it was! 🤧

    The cold wind has dropped but it’s still cool enough to require a jacket. My plans for the afternoon include planting the rhubarb from the allotment and cutting back more hawthorn that will no doubt attack me viciously! Then I must muck out the hens and cut the grass… I think I’m already being over optimistic!!

    Anne, lists of side effects that come with drugs are endless but they have to do that so they don’t get sued by someone crying you didn’t warn me. It doesn’t mean we will suffer them all. I was told to enjoy the sunshine and be sensible which advice for me is about 60 years too late! I do agree if you have nasty headaches or fluid retention, don’t go near it but we all need to drink plenty of water whatever because it keeps everything working. My friend Christine worked with me in the community and one afternoon was spent on a course all about persuading clients to consume more than a litre a day. I’ll never forget our drive back to the village laughing at the thought of any of the people we visited taking any notice of our advice but at least it instilled the facts in the recesses of both our brains for use now!
    My grocery substitution was French apples for my missing delicious Kent variety!

    Oops, gone 2pm so. Just get out or never work though my chores.
    Happy Thursday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    The doctor took me off the water pills JACKIE because the blood tests showed signs of kidney damage which I didnt have before. I agree about the manufacturers worrying about being sued but with my history I'm just not going to risk the new pill.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,979 Member
    That’s good Anne. Consume plenty of water to flush your kidneys and exercise the bladder and you should be fine. 😉

    The tall hawthorn branches came down with only a slight disagreement and that’s allowed more afternoon sun on my growing veggies. Then I became sidetracked by a new clematis for the trellis that was suddenly flowering while still in its pot so I dug a hole, filled it with compost and planted it. Knocked off a flower in the process but I’ve sat it in water so hopefully it will open fully. Mucking out the hens has been delayed because Storm is sitting in the house either on an egg or about to lay. This means it’s tea time!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,406 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Back from our mini vacation and came home with most of my money. We had a wonderful time but not enough sleep. We "elders" can outdo the young people so no calling us "old."
    We had a wonderful birthday dinner with my friends being more than generous with each giving me $80.
    We also had our dinner comped so it was a great celebration. No meeting today as I need a day of rest.

    I have read all the posts and other than Anne having problems with her pills it sounds like you are all doing well. I think I have gained 3 pounds on this trip but hopefully will lose it now that I am home eating healthy.

    Have a great day and glad to be home.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi Ho and hello! We have a cloudy cold day but the good news is that the gutter cleaner guy will be dropping by to look at the gutters and gage how much liner will be required. John has consented to some lawn and tree trimming help. I think the cold dampness chilled his bones and made him rethink any extensive outdoor work. One on the odd things about his metabolism is his sensitivity to cold. But we each have our creative “zones” to putter around in and enjoy.

    Our only grandson has an eye condition that causes great concern. He is trying some new contacts that we have high hopes he will be able to at least see more than he can right now. It is a hard adjustment. The contacts are very thick and uncomfortable but they do allow him to see a bit more. Marvels of modern medicine!

    Anne: your issues with medicine once again shows us that we are individuals and unique. It is true we need to listen to our bodies. If something tells us that it isn’t right, it very well NOT be right. One must at least think about a change! You know what works best for you. However, I would guess your doc will support your new plan.

    Jackie: the picture of George and Betty in front of some yellow blooming gorse (?) looks very much like our scotch broom. We have great clouds of pollen in the air and on every possible outdoor surface. The same lovely yellow and these plants are hearty and crowd out everything if not removed. But in truth, I sort of like them. The color and shape of the little flowers. But then I also like dandelions! As you can see, I am not a good gardener.

    Sandy: welcome home! That was a successful trip. If you came home with any money at all, you are a winner.

    Lin: you suggestion of a wheeled cart was a great one! Thank you. I will be ordering one of these for us. Working smarter not harder!
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I've emailed the doctor and asked him for a reprieve from pills I am uncomfortable with. If after 3 weeks and at my next appointment there is no change after a no salt and a vegetarian diet; I've promised I will go on the pills. Mark and Mary Jo just arrived bearing seeds and they and Michael are happy with this suggestion. Mark took my blood pressure and its way down from the doctors machine, and so was the reading I took after breakfast. In fact my previous 4 readings were down as well. Have I got white coat syndrome? or maybe its the walk from my place to the doctors. Weird.
    JACKIE and LIN. MJs seeds: I chose beets, lettuce, parsnips and carrots because I have deep rich soil. And when its warmer 2 or 3 broccoli baby plants and 2 or 3 tomato plants. Hope I can get out tomorrow and get rid of the last lily clump!
    PATSY, you are so lucky to have a scotch broom! Confession time, I love dandelions as well. If they were rare they would be a prized garden flower. So pretty and I love their puffs.
    SANDY, so happy you came home with most money intact. You and the gals look a very merry bunch.

    Anne, off to nibble on a lettuce leaf etc.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited April 2022
    Hello friends. Finally, I got my outside sticks and debris cleaned up and cut into bits to fit into a yard waste bag. With the exception of 3 limbs too thick to cooperate with my clippers. I tried to break the smallest one in half and ended up with a cut across my palm. My glove’s didn’t protect me very well. I am also nursing a blister along the side of my thumb from grasping my clippers for so long as I cut little branches over and over.

    My poor old gardening gloves are really done for. The ends of a number of the fingers are worn open so I end up with lots of dirt under those fingernails. I have tried to find a pair of replacement gloves but none have fit my hands very well.

    After lunch, I went to the local nursery not far from my house. I had a coupon to use which was near expiration. Oh my goodness, beautiful plants. I wanted to purchase so many plants. But I only got a nice Clive plant, Curly parsley plant, a type of midget tomato plant that be grown indoors or outdoors. I think the mature height is 12 to 15” and it is very cute! I got some great leaf lettuce plants, ready to cut immediately. Will get them in a pot soon I hope. And finally a pair of gloves that seem to fit. Not like the old ones but acceptable. Used my coupon and received points for my shopping (a new program).

    Such fun, columbines, hollyhocks, rudbeckia, hundreds of containers of pansies, marigolds, geraniums, blue Salvia, and so much more. Lovely containers of blooming strawberry plants, an aisle filled with different types of onions, garlic and seed potatoes. The section with seed packets was relatively full. I was surprised, I thought they would be sold out and no, I did not buy any additional packets of seed.

    Lovely houseplants, decorative plant pots, just everything! Can you tell I had a wonderful time? 💐😄💐

    Anne, your plan sounds good and I would not doubt that you are having at least a bit of white coat hypertension. I have that. Best thing I have found is to go a bit early sit down and be very quiet, breathe slowly with deep breaths and meditate if possible, clear your mind of worries about the upcoming doctor visit. It has helped me. Do they take your BP multiple times during a visit? I have one BP taken by the nurse, and 1 or 2 times by the doctor.

    Yippee Anne, I love the seed and plant selections. It will be a fun summer!

    Patsy, I don’t know how you breathe with all that pollen in the air. I am glad John hasn’t backed off of the decision to try some outside help. I am just like John in that I am cold most of the time. A family issue for me I guess, my dad was always cold and wore a sweater all summer long when indoors and he stopped using the central air conditioner the last few years he lived on his acreage.

    Sandy, welcome home. Nice birthday celebration. And you came home with most of your money! Well done. Get some rest now that you and your wild friends have worn yourselves out!

    Jackie, you are on top of planting this spring! Did you plant the rhubarb? I looked at the rhubarb at the garden center today not looking like what we had on the farm. That was very hardy with stout stalks and the plants were huge all summer long. The little potted rhubarb plants today looked small, frail and honestly did not look like they would survive. I bet the ones we had on the farm were a very old variety that probably aren’t sold these days. New isn’t always better. 😁

    George and Betty look happy in that photo.

    Well, must trot along and find a place for these plants as I will not pot them up this evening. We are looking at rain and storms the next few days. I don’t want them all beat up the first day they are out on my deck.

    Be safe everyone.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    A very interesting picture on Facebook today. I didn’t realize you had such magnificent beaches!

    Hayle Beach, Cornwall🏝
    Liam Alford photography

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited April 2022
    Oh and a recipe for dog treats. I don’t know if it is a good one. But simple.


    No baking instructions.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,360 Member
    :) The landscaper delivered and spread beautiful black fine bark along the side of the house then left three yards of it on the driveway so I can spread it in all the flower beds over the summer.

    :s My dog walking friend found that there were three people in her balance class who tested positive for Covid so she'll stay away from us and the dogs possibly for as long as ten days They suspended the class for awhile

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I'll try the dog treats LIN, they look good. Oh, and I DO envy your visit to the garden centre. Lovely description from you. The rhubarb we grew in England was very hardy and thick stalked with umbrella type leaves. The beaches ARE lovely in Cornwall Lin, another thing I miss, plus the high cliffs with pink thrift growing on them. It is said that everything you can find all over the world you can find in little Britain and its true. Mountains, moors, sandy beaches, beautiful gardens. lakes, rivers, ponds, caves, etc and even palm trees in very sheltered spots. I could never understand why Britons wanted to go on vacation abroad except maybe to dodge the rain! and the North Sea gale force winds!

    BARBIE, all set to garden as well. I do hope its a great gardening year for us all.

    Mikes popping by today with a few essential Jilly treats, but although back at work, he isn't coming in and stopping for lunch. I don't think he'd appreciate a lettuce leaf anyway. He's on the mend but doesn't want his delicate little flower of a mother [ugh] catching the Corvid.
    Have a lovely, lovely pottering day, but nurse your poor hands Lin.
    Anne and her fellow gardener [good at digging holes] Jilly the Bean.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,979 Member
    Chrissie’s service in the bluebell wood called Pentiddy was in the perfect setting for someone who cared so much about our planet. It’s an open area surrounded by indigenous trees and covered with natural bluebells, daisies and yes, dandelions! Not a religious service but loving and moving amongst a large group of her friends and family plus the singing birds and her choir group who did a great rendition of All Around My Hat! Her coffin was covered in decoupage daffodils that I just happened to follow along the last quarter mile of road. I decided not to go to the celebration as so many would be there, most of whom I didn’t know.

    I ran out of time yesterday to plant the rhubarb but have changed into gardening clothes so that will be my first job. It’s a sturdy chunk of root that I will split into two, which is something to do to older crowns to encourage more sticks.

    What a fabulous nursery Lin, the kind that lifts the spirits! In the past I would have spent a small fortune but have discovered over the years my garden doesn’t suit many fancy plants because the soil is highly acidic. At the moment the azaleas and fruit trees are covered in blossom so there’s a colourful display. Here’s a wonderful photo of my washing line! 😄

    That’s a snazzy teapot, something Aladdin should appear from! George and Betty love peanut butter and I’m thinking I could exchange carrot for pumpkin.
    Our beaches on the north coast of Cornwall are spectacular although access is often limiting because surrounding terrain is so rugged. Once down it’s best not to be in a rush to climb back up! Take care of that cut in your hand!

    Anne, that’s a sensible way to move forward and hopefully white coat syndrome was the main issue. How exciting that seeds are being selected for your veggie patch so we have established a regular gardening club. 👩🏻‍🌾
    My friend Pat and I were planning a September break in Northumberland but I’ve read it’s been taken over by the rich purchasing second homes and killing off communities. Now too, with the price of fuel going up and up, I’ve suggested somewhere closer to our respective homes might be necessary but you’re right, our choices are endless.

    Welcome home Sandy.

    Spring has arrived for you too Barbie if you’re planning this year’s flower beds.

    Patsy, I’m sorry you and John have more worries, this time your grandson. Our sight is precious and requires delicate care. Uncomfortable lenses sounds miserable but if they assist in improving his vision then a balancing act might be called for. I’ve probably mentioned before how amazed I was at the improvements to my vision when cataracts were removed, in fact I was appalled just how bad things were before the procedures once I could see clearly again. Hopefully John will find much the same if he goes ahead.

    Lunchtime, then I must get that rhubarb planted!
    Have a peaceful Friday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰