Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Good day. Home from church and immediately answering questions about a purse I have listed. The buyer wanted more pictures. I had posted 6! Well, that was concluded and I made lunch. It is sunny and hot today. I am not going back to church for the ice cream social although there were lots of entreaties during the service today to come back to help serve and clean up etc. I had no hearing. Haaaaa.

    Anne, I hope you are having a good time and that the dear doggies are getting along. Odd hours w your vision is sort of coming and going. But I know nothing about cataracts so maybe that is something that happens often.

    Sandy, very lovely photos of your family. Again, you are one truly photogenic people! Enjoy this busy time.

    Buzz, sorry to hear of the restless leg issue. You had not mentioned that for a while and I wondered if it was at bay for you.

    Hello Jackie and Patsy.

    Anyone watching tennis?


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Quick hi to all. SANDY's family is certainly splendid! ANNE, enjoy your darlings, too! Legs jumping like crazy so I must stand! <3 to all
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Warm sunny day here...maybe a bit too warm and sunny. A friend from Alaska sent a picture from an anchorage neighbor. It shows a moose sitting calmly on the front yard cooling itself in the lawn sprinkler. Anchorage is suffering with 90% heat and the wildlife is trying to deal with it. The permafrost is melting and roads are sinking. Eeeeeeeek! What’s going on?

    Our son was to spend the weekend to help celebrate an early birthday for me. But he had an emergency job on a TV series, great money and for a regular “gig.” So we are doing a late birthday celebration instead. John is having a local restaurant prepare a catered meal for us. We can sit around our own table and chat the night away. Cake and champagne to end the evening. How great is that? No cooking for me...our son, Damon will load the dish washer. Getting a year older isn’t too bad when you think about it.

    We are trying to spruce up this old house bit by bit. Everything is needing attention. Yesterday we had to replace the curtain rod and fixture in my bathroom. It had rusted and stained the curtain. Everything is replaced now. Took much longer than it should have, but it is done and window is washed as well.

    Anne: dear friend, what you described is exactly why you need to have the cataract surgery. I have been in your shoes and it shakes your confidence. Don’t delay and take a life changing tumble. I did that as well. You will see that this procedure is so easy and pain free, and makes such a difference in your life. I want to really urge you to use that amazing strength of character you are famous for, go in and restore your eyesight. As a self described free-spirit, you need to see clearly into the future!

    Sandy: what a gorgeous family! You look like a lovely little sprite amoung your beautiful healthy happy family. I loved that photo with everyone and then the special one with just you and your children. Thank you for sharing!

    Watering deck geraniums and removing all the dead blossoms. Then, iced tea and a ginger snap.
    peace and goodwill,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Nearly midnight and my day passed in a wonderful lazy Sunday sort of way. The doggy walk was great fun as we walked to the very top of moorland overlooking the parish where I stood enjoying the view and listened to the church bells ring out.

    George ran and ran then rolled in fox poo so into the shower he went as soon as we got home! A visit to friends for coffee and a catch up then yes Lin, an afternoon watching the exciting Wimbledon final.
    Our wonderful weather continues and today I even dug out a pair of shorts to wear... scary!!

    Lovely family photos Sandy.

    Time for bed
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Michael brought his friend over yesterday with her very small puppy Amber. Amber bounced all over the place like a little flea and completely traumatized Jilly who sat and watched as Amber zoomed into her play box and did two puddles on the carpet. Amber is yet to be socialized! Pretty little thing though. I wonder if Mike might end up with Amber because his friend said Amber was the wrong dog for her. His friend has very strong opinions on most things including my probable surgery. She's the friend who gave little Cinders leash to her grand daughter with the horrible result. I don't think the friendship will develop beyond friendship. Michael was told off for being too attached to Jilly. Can you get too attached? Just a friend Mom, he said later in a text!

    Hey JACKIE, I watched World Cup cricket and finally England is champion! Meanwhile on this side of the pond Donald is busy tweeting after yet another leak and a fall out with congresswomen who are born of immigrant parents like himself. Isn't his wife an immigrant? Strange world we live in.

    Mikes at home today so he's coming over to get me to the bank for signature and post office so the British government know I'm still around and will continue to pay me enough pension for the electricity bill. The Bean will be one happy dog to see him with no friend and Amber in tow.

    Bye everyone. Happy Monday.
    Anne. 🙃🐶❤️

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another wonderful walk on the moors but oh-oh, I detoured off the tracks to give myself more of a climb and came face to face with sheep sitting in the shade of trees so quietly put the dogs on their leads and kept moving just in case. Turned out one mama sheep was far more interested in George than the other way around probably thinking he was her lost lamb that's just wandered off because it's growing up!! The rest of my morning has been taken up with google research into wire fence panels for the chicken run ending up with me going round in circles. I think the best option is to visit the farm supply store and see what they have in the yard and do a price comparison.

    Anne, what an exciting end to the cricket world cup and yes, didn't our boys do well although I did feel just a little sorry for New Zealand because it couldn't have been any closer. I found myself torn between the tennis and cricket as both were finishing at the same time so it was a case of switching back and forth. I would have loved Federer to have won his match but he had his chances, didn't take them. We all know the orange man is a racist, brought up by daddy to be one but it seems he feels he can say anything and get away with it. Did you see his comments about our Ambassador a day after his dreadful tweeting..... so sorry he's leaving and what a great person because he said good things about me. Bonkers!! As for Mikes's friend, I despair when people give up on pets so easily deciding they aren't right for whatever reason. It's laziness or shallowness, probably both so I'm glad your Mike won't be getting too involved, not that it's any of my business!

    Hello to all you lovely Sneakers just waking up! I hope you have as sunny and warm a start to your day as mine. B) Time for my lunch and then clean the inside of my car out that is currently covered in Betty's moulting fur and the dust from dry moorland. Oh yes, I did mention in my lost post on Saturday that I've regained the 2 lbs I lost in the previous week so still yo-yo'ing!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Good morning, getting ready to zip to Trader Joe’s before it gets beastly hot once again. But I am drinking a hot cup of coffee. Hummmmm.

    Jackie, I am glad you didn’t have a run in with the unexpected encounter. Mommas can be difficult. And I sympathize with you on trying to select panels. Almost everything I encounter these days offers a multitude of online options and widely varying opinions on whether each is good or worth nothing. Best wishes. Oh, and thanks for the photo. I love it. ❤️❤️

    Anne, I must be in a bad mood as I find that woman a total twit. Everyone needs friends but this person seems to come with some most unpleasant opinions and habits. Oh my. Well I hope at least she cleaned up after her puppy.

    Patsy, as I read your post I thought of the complete disaster that is my house and looked around quite depressed, then I shrugged my shoulders and said to myself, oh well. I give up easily.

    Buzz, hello my friend. ❤️❤️

    I was watching the tennis match and of course the news feeds came through naming the champion of the tournament which took a lot of enjoyment from it. I did watch Grantchester and found the exit of Sidney both a little contrived but also a bit sad. Overall I was not well pleased. See, I said I was in a bad mood.

    Must run along now. Hugs.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Three gone one to go. My baby son is here until Thursday but the others went home this morning. Brad, the son who is here, is a health person who eats about every 3 hours and goes to the gym every day but Sunday. He looks amazing so it is worth it to him.
    Today we are more or less going to just chill out, possibly go to the pool. It has been a busy few days and tomorrow and Wednesday might be spent with Rob, Lisa and the kiddos. For sure on Wednesday but tomorrow is Charlie's actual birthday so not sure what is planned .

    Of course I gained back a couple of pounds but won't worry about it until I am alone again.

    Anne, did you schedule your surgery? Please don't judge all Sandy's by one, I am definitely an animal lover. No, you cannot get too attached to our furry pets, they are like children. Mike is smart and has admitted they are just friends. (maybe with benefits lol) Sorry couldn't resist.

    Lin, I have those days where I am so crabby I don't even like myself. Do a lot of apologizing on those days. You will always be our sweetheart so no worries.

    Jackie, I too am glad there was no encounter with the mama sheep. I do hope you find a secure fence for your chickens to keep that mean fox out of your coops. Where will you get the new chickens? Another great photo but I can't find Betty.

    Patsy, your early celebration sounds wonderful, you make all occasions so special.

    Buzz, sorry about your legs, is it because of the medicine you stopped taking?

    Other than my back hurting from walking lopsided with this boot, it is a great day being with my son. Have a good one!

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a job that turned out to be. Betty's fur seems to weave into the cloth car seats so even my Shark with its pet attachments struggled to remove it. On top of that I managed to get grease on my shorts as I tried to tighten a screw on a door bracket that stops it from swinging open too wide. A google search of how to remove it has come up with a household remedy of rubbing talcum powder in with a toothbrush then after 10 minutes squeezing washing up liquid on what's left of the stain, a little scrub then into the washing machine. I'm in the middle of the first 10 minute wait, sipping a cuppa and enjoying the afternoon sunshine. 😎

    Lin, I knew you would be disappointed in the way Sidney left Grantchester as if the script writer ran out of ideas. I tried to get into the new series and vicar but gave up after a couple of episodes.

    No neighbours today, all out and about but George has been barking for the past 5 hours, truly!! I'm doing my best to leave him to it in case Mrs Fox is sniffing around out of sight but goodness, it becomes annoying!

    Back to my cuppa and stains. 😛
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good morning all,

    Lin, having grandkids over was lots of fun, but tiring. Then yesterday to a birthday party for our 3 year old granddaughter. Life is good. I don’t remember hearing any crabbiness from you in the past and we all deserve to do it from time to time.

    Sandy, what a great family. A nice opportunity for pictures too. I’m sure you enjoyed your family. As for Brad, good for him. I don’t have many regrets, but the one I have is that I got interested in exercise and fitness way too late in life.

    Jackie, I always enjoy your pictures. The picture of George on the moor is wonderful.

    Anne,poor Jilly, i can just imagine the reaction to Amber. I laughed about your bread in a recent post you made. I made some buns like that the other day. Tossed ‘em.

    Buzz, sorry about your restless legs. Hugs.

    Getting ready right now for our trip to Vegas. We may cook it was so hot yesterday. LOL. I know we’ll have fun just the same.

    Here’s a photo from the church Stampede breakfast we went to on Saturday.


    Have a great day.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Jeri, what a pretty grandma and beautiful kids. I bet the stampede was great fun!

    Well I got to the bank and a nice young man from South America (keep away from men with orange hair nice young man!) stamped my "I'm still alive and kicking" form with his official stamp and it should now be on the start of its journey to the social security office in the UK which means hopefully I'll get my electricity bill money, ie pension, in September. I'll certainly be whining on here if I don't. That you can guarantee. Lol.

    No, I didn't see the orange man's comments about the ambassador the next day JACKIE. Really!
    Mikes friend thinks the Bean should have a bath. The Bean doesn't agree because she hasn't found any fox poo to roll on! However she is moulting in an alarming fashion and has lost her pomeranium neck ruff. Mike gets his friend's little pup Amber for Saturday and Sunday whilst his friend goes to her brothers lakeside cottage. Dogs not welcome. Mmm, didn't I write earlier that I suspected Mike might end up with Amber? It's a bit late but maybe I should take up soothsaying or whatever!
    Anyway, it looks like Michael will be mopping up and puppy training for two days!

    I have a consultation next Monday SANDY and if I'm a candidate a surgery date will be set then. I'm okay around the house but it's hard groping my way around banks etc. I can't believe the cataracts have developed so quickly. I'm sure I was okay last July.

    LIN you are one sweet lady. I hope there's no danger of me rubbing off on you! I tried to watch Grantchester but wasn't enjoying it so switched partway through. So.....I didn't see Sidney's departure.

    Where's PATSY and BUZZ? Hi Patsy and Buzz.
    Mikes gone home, the Beans asleep, time for a cup of Yorkshire tea from harrogate.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sorry to have turned into a grump, but I'm so upset my portable oxygen carrier hasn't been delivered yet since I can't get out of my apartment with the large unit. We had a 3 way telephone conference with insurance, doctor and me and I hope the delay got straightened out! It seems to be helping as my huffing and puffing has slowed down, so I will attempt patience until it arrives sometime this week. As far as the Restless Legs, after a number of years on the medication, there is what is called augmentation, which means it starts earlier and spreads to other parts like arms, chest, etc, and so far there is no researched answer so again, patience and learning to live with it! The syndrome was considered amusing not too long ago, and it's anything but amusing to those who have it!
    Thank you all for asking, and I don't want to bore you so I'll just mention how delightful all your family pictures are, and other news and health questions (ANNE, get those eyes sparkling again!) and there goes my bell (singing When the Saints Come Marching In) and perhaps it's dinner in my kitchen again!
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019

    Wonderful happy day for you Patsy. May it be filled with happiness and may the coming year be full of laughter, good health and joy. Anne. xxxxxxxxxx

    And here's PATSY as I imagine her
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    HaPpY bIrThDaY

    Wishing you a wonderful day Patsy and here are some flowers for you



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Dear Patsy, Now why did this image seem so appropriate for your birthday? :D To me you are and always will be a gentle hippy with flowers in your hair exuding peace and love.
    Have a wonderful birthday whatever you get up to and enjoy all the pampering that I'm sure John cover you in.

    Hugs from Jackie and the gang of furries. <3
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hiya PATSY, ole gal,
    total admiration, and many more!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dearest sneakers! Thank you so much for the birthday greetings and wishes. It means the world to me, sincerely.

    We, John and I, are dealing with humid warm temps. We are setting fans up in almost every room. Katie is wilting. Often sits right in front of the fan, her little ears blowing in the wind, her eyes shut tight. I am doing the same. Our daughter is to come by for birthday cake and a lovely chat. Our son is coming for a belated birthday visit next weekend. Maybe it will be cooler. Rain would actually be more comfortable. We are lucky that we feel good. We have everything we need and I have some dear sneaker friends. Life is good.

    Birthdays always ignite thoughtful reflection and review of life’s goals. So far I have mainly come up with a boring list of chores. I will try for a better look at goals with my second cup of coffee. I do want to say, you all mean a great deal to me. Even our kids ask, “how are your sneakers doing , Mom?” Your personalities shine through your posts. It is more than words on a iPad. I can hear your voices n your posts.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Happy Birthday Patsy. Have a super wonderful day.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hooray, mu personal oxygen concentrator finally came this afternoon after the earlier delivery ended up broken before even delivery! Looking forward to meeting a friend for dinner in the Dining Room! Yippee! The nice driver also gave me extra cannulas for the large machine so I can leave it in place but still use it when on the computer! Things are looking up. Also manicured my poor broken nails last night, carefully resisting falling asleep and tipping everything over! I think I really love the Estee polish named Chinchilly! And applies so bubbles or streaks, I'd better get something on my face bruises before going down so people will sit with me.
    <3 Buzz