Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We are having a terrific storm with lots of lightening. Temp dropped to 81F. Still feels 99F though. Tornado warning to the east of us.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sounds like Old Memory week! I've been reading about how many of life's improvements hark back to that super brave adventure. Will any of us be around when Earthmen land on Mars? How many advances just in my lifetime!

    ANd off to bed! I do think I'm feeling better!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good morning. Refreshing temperatures this morning in the 60’s F. My area of the metro doesn’t seem to have any damage from last night’s storms. One home was destroyed by a falling tree. Luckily the family was not home and the neighbors rescued their pets. Those are very good neighbors.

    So off to church today. We are having Christmas in July today which includes Christmas music and a special giving time with our very old model of the Little Brown Church in the Vale made by a member of the congregation decades ago. It is quite beloved and we sing that song as we line up to make our special donation. Kids like to put coins down the chimney. 😁😁😁

    Must move along now. I have been sipping coffee and enjoying a post on Facebook from Denali about the retirement of a lead sled dog. Darling and hard working dog.


    Wishing everyone a wonderful day.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2019
    A lovely day so we walked on the moors until poor George did a messy poo that stuck to his legs (TMI!) so a quick wipe as best I could then home to wash him and trim tail!! A friend phoned so we caught up, then I enjoyed crispbread, cheese and an apple lunch and now time for gardening that missed out yesterday. My neighbours should be home from their family wedding later so hen responsibilities over thank goodness!

    Good to hear you are all cooling off after those storms so hopefully everyone feeling more comfortable. Our heat is returning but only for a couple of days and at least the rain on Friday has rescued the flower borders. 🌻🌼🌷 So glad you are beginning to feel better too Buzz.

    Happy Sunday

    PS Lin, is that beautiful dog looking for a retirement home? Could be perfect for you!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    We are at 77 F right now going up to 84 this afternoon. The humidity is much better. We had a fantastic thunderstorm at bedtime. Mainly sheet lightening but non stop for ages lighting up the entire house, and for once Jill had to be cuddled. Bangs don't faze her but constant flashing did.

    PATSY, re your friends visit on your birthday, I had a disturbing phone call from Roy in England. He was very excited because he was watching the television and did I know that two men had JUST THIS MINUTE landed on the moon. I tried to explain it all happened 50 years ago, but he was insistent it was now and he was watching it. It sort of upset me a bit, but I guess he was happy.

    I'm as slow as treacle with no glasses so must away,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) We too had storms, one while I was in church that was so loud the poor nun guest speaker from Africa could hardly be heard even though she kept getting louder. The sun came out as we all left church so it was quite amazing. During the night it stormed again and we are now down to the 80's which is good since I am going to a baseball game with friends and then out to dinner. It is saying a morning storm but then sun so I hope they are right.

    I am glad both Anne and Lin are getting cooler weather but the humidity is still high so be careful and I will do the same. Lin, your Christmas in July sounds wonderful, enjoy!! That picture is similar to what Ewok looks like except he doesn't have blue eyes and his fur makes me think he has a little border collie or something in him.

    Jackie, ewww, I hated when Daisy did that and gave her off to Babe who didn't get the dry heaves as I did with bodily fluids. I am glad there were no fox attacks on your watch.

    Buzz, happy to read you are feeling better, keep getting as much rest as you can.

    Marie posted on Facebook that she is down to the 150's with The McDougall Program which I had to look up.
    The McDougall Program Basics. A diet of plant foods, including whole grains and whole-grain products (such as pasta, tortillas, and whole-grain bread), and a wide assortment of vegetables and fruit. Plenty of spices and usually small amounts of sugar and salt to enhance the flavor of food.

    Sorry but it is the opposite of a low carb plan so I will stick with what I have.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh my, I actually knew Dr McDougall years ago when I stayed at the B+B Hawaii of one of his patients living on a mountain on Oahu! The owner's life was saved by that diet, which was everything grown locally, and every morning, my breakfast was a huge bowl of all homegrown grains organically grown in their backyard and cooked all night overnight! The most amazing thing about this Cancer survivor was that as we talked over the 3 weeks I stayed there, his wife and I discovered we had both graduated high school together in the same year and school in Boston!!! Actually the diet works very well, but I did tire of finding all the organic components so I gave it up eventually. The Doctor eventually moved to either Washington or Oregon and became hugely successful! I'm glad the hear about MARIE!!!
    Spoke to my son this morning in Germany, where he had to leave his wife gallivanting about with some visitors while he takes a rest ...That's what happens when you marry a younger woman! (She's 6 years younger)
    My phone just reminded me I must go down for Sunday brunch, so have a wonderful rest of the weekend!
    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!............................

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hello, Sitken is not available for adoption. These folks have been walking him for years and have adopted him.


    Looks like a happy retirement.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good day to you all! It is cooler and partly cloudy today. I had a very restless night so I will,not be very productive today, I fear. My big goal is to stay positive and not get too cranky. Being tired seems to do that.

    I need to brush the Kate and plan some sort of food for John and me. I was intrigued by the posts about the Diet Buzz discribed. It sort of sounded like a Mediterranean diet but that allows some meat and fish. We aim for that. I try to avoid the meat but I do eat chicken and fish occasionally. We all seem to have a food plan that works for us. The big thing with John is also avoiding sugar and fat when possible.

    Will try to spend some time in my dungeon. If nothing else just putting things away and listening to some great music as I go. I love kd Lang and Roy Orbison singing “Crying.” This might be a soul music day. I usually tune in Sunday Baroque but not today. Low energy kind of day.

    I have a cousin who lives in Texas and she visited the detention facilities with a church group. She said no cameras allowed but they were allowed to offer things to the kids. Toys, books, juice boxes, pillows and quilts etc. heartbreaking! Another reason to reason clean up my dungeon. It is the only thing I can control.
    Sorry I am such a sad sack these days.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Popping in for a moment. We’ve been in Vegas since Tuesday and back home this coming Tuesday. We rent a car and take in the sights with a little slot playing in the evening. I think I am down $28 so you can see what a big gambler I am. We are staying at the Grandview a timeshare way south, next to the South Point casino. 3rd time here. We like it.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just been for a cooler but still humid walk. My gentle little dog, at home, barks at other dogs when out, and is now getting the nickname "killer". " See " you all later because about to go see my hopefully friendly eye surgeon.
    Anne and her seeing eye dog (no glasses).
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Monday! :) We had fun at the baseball game and then went to eat at Pilot Pete's, a restaurant on a small airport. If you can get a window seat it is nice to see the small planes land and take-off, but we unfortunately didn't get one. I stopped at one of my little slot machine places and won some money so I had a good day.
    Other than paying some bills today, I think I will go to the pool as it is cooler and should be pleasant.

    Jeri, beautiful pictures, you and Ed look great! No, you are not a big gambler which is a good thing. :)

    Anne, good luck at the eye surgeon, I hope he schedules you soon.

    Patsy, we all get those kind of sad sack days but think of things to be grateful and make that mood go away.

    Lin, Sitken is just beautiful, I am happy he has found a good home.

    Hello to everyone else and have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Good day. I have been cleaning out bits of papers from back in 2008 and no, I still did not trash out all of it but I made a bit of progress. Oh, and some old spices and vinegar hit the trash as well. Bit by bit.

    It is noontime and only in the mid-70’s F. Very nice day.

    I sold a cookie jar last night but made it home to watch Grantchester. Yes, I watched it. We will see if that habit sticks.

    I hope to clear out a bit more trash to top off the bin. And also to list a new item or two on Facebook Marketplace.

    Sandy, my goodness, you win money everywhere you go. Do you carry a lucky charm of some type. Enjoy your afternoon. Pretty wonderful for later in July.

    Anne, I hope your appointment has gone well and you have much good news to share. Your seeing eye Dog is a cutie but not so practical overall. Haaaaa.

    Jeri, you and Ed are a delightful couple. You have such a great time in everything you do. Thanks for the photos.

    Patsy, I hope you are having a better day today. I have lots of lower than a snake’s belly days but now I just wait for them to pass. Mine seem to occur more often when I am discouraged about some physical problem. Hugs to your Katie and your John.

    Buzz, Dr. John McDougall retired from practice but is still an active voice in the whole food plant-based food movement. Mary is such an excellent cook and both are energetic. They led retreats for years where folks would follow them to various locations and listen to lectures and eat only acceptable foods. I think often the retreats were on Maui but I don’t think he is doing that now. Quite the wild spirit.

    Jackie, hello. And to George and Betty. I am sorry about the poo issue. What have you been up to today?

    Well, must move along. Hello to everyone.

    Many hugs to you all.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    WOW, LIN, you certainly know more about McDougall than most people I have known. I never met his wife, but was very impressed with his knowledge (and personality!)
    My oxygen level was back to normal today: 96. But NP wants me to continue to use the concentrator if I feel huffy/puffy. She will try to get me that InogenOne, G3 model that lasts close to 10 hours.
    I'm so sorry I cannot sit very long but I do seem to have developed augmentation with my restless leg syndrome and I must get up and keep the legs moving around. I read all the posts and enjoyed all plus the great pictures. Please excuse and forgive me, but I must leave! :'(
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Kind of sultry weather and hot when the sun does appear but mostly it has been cloudy. We are promised thunder storms tomorrow that should clear the air. First thing this morning I took the dogs to the moors where there was a pleasant breeze, chatted to a regular dog walker with his Westie and hmmm, not sure, some sort of cross breed but gorgeous none the less, then home to clean the trolley and raised loo seat I had from Occupational Therapy before phoning them to say come and pick them up along with the crutches as they are now stacked up in my dining room. Hooray, once I've seen the consultant on Friday it should be another adventure over! Spent hours talking to a friend on Skype so that's 3 afternoons in a row I've done nothing but sit and chat. As it's such a warm evening and all doors and windows are open I will do some housework once I've had something to eat.

    Anne, Thinking of you and hoping you aren't suffering too much if those awful drops have been put in your eyes.... I wasn't going to mention them before you went!! Let's hope you are offered an appointment soon so you can see properly again and who knows, maybe no new glasses needed!

    Patsy, we all have down days, I certainly do and it's a case of finding something pleasurable to pick ourselves up again. Music is certainly a great start and I hope today already you are feeling more yourself. Hugs anyway. <3

    Great photos Jeri.... Nevada hasn't changed a jot since I was there in 1972!! lol

    Lin, hooray for Sitken and he looks so happy!

    Sandy, I expect you are already by or in the pool so I'm quite jealous!!

    Small world Buzz that you knew the doctor and his diet. It sounds like Marie is doing well following it and certainly most of today's healthy options follow a similar theme. Red meat is off the menu for me and I don't miss it at all but know what you mean about sourcing grains, seeds and beans; not cheap either! Your comment about your son's younger wife made me smile because my 75 year old brother married a lady 20 years his junior quite a few years ago and surprise, surprise she recently found a younger model that is more interested in getting out and about than watching football on tv all day. I did try to warn him as only a sister can but.....!!

    Time to eat and then vacuum.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good day again to you all. Partly cloudy and so far much cooler. It is funny reading Jeri’s post. We run away from those interesting desert places. We are most comfortable in damp, cool green places. I have always wanted to visit Sadona, AZ. I am sure I am misspelling that but it seems so magical to me. The rock formations are famously powerful. John always heads for water when ever possible. Actually I like it too. But we mainly do day trips these days.

    I am inspired by Buzz and Sandy and their nailcare. I am going to try to clean up my sad raggy nails and cuticles. Polish might be out of the question, maybe clear would be helpful. I am also thinking of a nice facial using herbal lotions etc. that should feel quite nice.

    Today is Katie’s vet visit. She gets a brief physical and her shots. She doesn’t cooperate in any way. She growls at our vet and he must momentarily use a muzzle on her. She is the only dog we have ever had that acted that way toward our vet. We have tried every strategy to make the visit more no avail. Doc says she has that element in her personality. She is cautious and a bit fearful.

    I do remember those annoying eye drops after surgery. I used a timer to remind me. It seemed like my whole life wrapped around eye drops. I became an expert at getting the drops into the corner of my eye and blinking until my eye was properly dosed. You will be fine Anne. You will see us better!!!!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    I guess in a way I'm having a PATSY kind of sad sack day.

    I was almost three hours having the consultation and measurements at the clinic. They were very nice.
    I have to manage for at least 12 weeks without glasses having broken my present ones. The arm snapped in half on one side. So, I called my eye optician and he's agreed that the new frames I chose before being told I'd got cataracts can be ordered and the new present prescription lenses be installed. Then, after surgery, when I will need a new prescription for reading glasses only those lenses will be removed and the latest lenses installed. Everyone agrees my glasses fell apart with unfortunate timing! However he's knocking off $120 on the lenses price which is really nice of him.

    I have very mixed feelings about the surgery. All those eye drops! Before as well as after surgery. But even worse, a whole book of instructions, waivers to sign, and all the pitfalls that can occur before, during and even years after surgery. For a start I live alone and it's recommended someone stays with me overnight. Then no bending to put down food bowls and pick up poop etc for a week! Mike says he'll take the Bean! Or come here for a week.

    Enough of my whining. I will need time to digest all this. I mean, how fast do cataracts grow? Is it worth doing at my age if it's slow growth? Unpredictable say all three eye doctors.

    I watched Grantchester LIN. The new vicar is nowhere near the dishy Sidney. Like you,will see!

    I need a cup of tea and have another look at the volumes of instructions.
    Yours in indecision,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Really Anne you will be so over the moon at the imrovements you won't mind the drops routine. It really is a doddle and hopefully you will get a daily chart showing exactly when you have to put them in as I did. Let's be honest, they have to ask that someone is going to be around for 24 hours in case you are silly enough to skip and dance round your kitchen or leave things underfoot and have a fall and one thing you are not is silly! Takes the responsibility away from them. I've not had anyone staying overnight for any of my ops.... just keep a phone in your pocket so you can phone Mike if worried about anything. The day after my first cataract was removed and I saw the sorry state of my kitchen cupboard doors I was bending all over the place washing everything down plus the floor because I was horrified at what I'd been missing in the way of dirt! Then a gentle bend to put pet food down while looking up was easy when I remembered. Again, doctors have to tell you everything that might have a million to one chance of happening so you don't sue them saying you weren't advised. You should have heard all the negative maybe or mights for my hip replacements and look at me now!! I know we are all different in our approach to these medical issues and you have to make up your own mind but maybe sleep on it. Enjoy that tea!

    Hugs, Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thank you JACKIE. Appreciated!
    First thing though I have to find a family doctor who will assure them I'm not going to have a heart attack during procedure. I never went back to the old doctor who's blasted pills caused the bleeding in eye, nose and burst veins everywhere else.
    Job for tomorrow now the glasses problem is about to be solved with my regular eye doc.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, that's where I take the good old NHS for granted. All our medical records are stored on one computer bank so as long as I give my permission to any doctor or medical team wanting to look at my file I don't have to do any chasing for information. Never mind, it's keeping you out of mischief! 😛😜😝
    Midnight here... nite nite