Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    Good early Morning everybody,
    actually I wouldn't mind a bit of mischief ! JACKIE.
    Just been reading that grapefruit can prevent or slow down cataracts. We live and learn,
    Jill's snoring, so I'm off to make a cup of tea in the peace and quiet,
    I've been doing a bit of research this morning and I've decided to go the hospital route after all, even with a longer wait time.
    I'm not sure why, but in my gut I wasn't really comfortable at the private clinic.
    The boys, and especially Mark, will probably try to dissuade me, but I feel after I get the new glasses this week I can wait a little longer and go the OHIP way and it also gives me time to carefully choose a new family doctor and the tests he/she will want to do.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Phew, hottest day yet even when I headed to the woods with George and Betty before 9 wearing my shorts and a silk blouse. Both pooches dragged their heels so we soon headed home just as Sue my gardener arrived. I suggested she find a shady area to work then when she left Blackbury her dog was told to stay with me so we can have a chance to see how he copes if I look after him for about 5 days next month. So far I've persuaded him to drink some water and treated him to a small piece of cheese and mouthful of his special kibble but he's insisting on lying in the shade where Sue was working and generally ignoring me so I'll be wary about letting him off his lead when I walk the dogs later! He will be picked up tomorrow and I'm guessing will be happy to go home! 🐶

    Anne, of course you must see what a difference your new glasses make. Hopefully they will be enough to allow you to read and get about without falling. Well it seems grapefruit is a miracle food since it seems to aid so many conditions although not good if on certain medications. 😄😄

    There's quite a breeze picking up so I'll slap on sun screen and find the best place to weed. Thunderstorms forecast tonight.

    Happy Tuesday everyone
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good morning, it is jacket weather here this morning. It is working up to 60 degrees F now. Amazing change.

    Mah Jongg morning and then making cards at the library this afternoon. It should be a lovely day. Lots of chattering—my favorite. 😁

    Anne, so let me understand, you are going to get new glasses and then put yourself on the waiting list that may require a year or more wait? Maybe I don’t understand. But you didn’t like the clinic and that was the short wait right?

    Jackie, my goodness, 5 days at your house is quite a long stay. Will you try the overnight stays a few times before the full five days away? Gosh, I would be nervous to stay at someone’s home for five days! Hope all goes well.

    Buzz, I know a bit about a number of the plant-based doctors, not just John (and Mary). It is basically the way I eat ( or try to).

    Sandy, what is happening with your stove?

    Patsy, good day. All best wishes for a pleasant day

    Jeri, hello!! When will you be home again?


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Spot on LIN, anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) In the 70's right now, so windows are open. I have a 12:30 hair appointment and then I have to stop by Babe because he sent me my check but forgot to sign it. I was going to mail it back but he said he will just run out to my car and sign it. I plan on going to the post office near him and then grocery shopping.

    Anne, I take it your eye doctor does not do cataract surgery as mine does. I have complete trust in him so my decision was easy. You have to do whatever makes you comfortable but once it is done you are going to say why didn't I do this sooner? lol

    Lin, the stove cannot be repaired so for now two of the knobs are off the stove so no one uses them. My landlord went in the hospital for some reason and I am waiting for him to text me when he is home. I am hoping to talk him into a new stove but he will probably just bring back the old one. I am tempted to keep this one with it's perks but it looks so weird with two knobs missing.

    Jackie, what kind of dog does the gardener have? Do you dogs seem to get along with him?

    Hello to Buzz, Patsy and Jeri, mustn't let time get away from me.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2019
    I've managed a couple of hours weeding while the dogs sensibly sat in the shade and I'm now enjoying a cuppa on the decking. A mackerel sky tells me different weather is on the way, in other words a storm, so it should cool down a tad.
    My dog sitting story wasn't clear was it. Blackberry will stay with me at home for the 5 days rather than me go to his home. Sue has 6 dogs and was worried the car journey she will take might be too much for this boy as he is 10 and has kidney issues.
    When I asked if he was scared of thunder storms she laughed saying he's a gun dog so he will be ready to go out and collect birds falling from the sky! Not my idea of a fun hobby but it is a country sport here. He's very gentle and is showing no interest in the cats so I'm comfortable about him being here just so long as he doesn't run off.

    I'm going to get us all organised for a walk now.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Don't read below if you don't wish to be bored. Just a not so brief reply to Sandy.

    We have two options here SANDY. Either go on a waiting list for the hospital or to a private expensive clinic recommended by ones eye doctor. I for some reason didn't feel comfortable or "right" at the clinic. Very posh and all done out like a salon in greys and black. After consultation and a few tests I gather that I'm really at the start with no other complications. Therefore, seeing I didn't feel "right" amongst the well heeled and well dressed clientele, and think I'll manage with the new prescription glasses for now, nor wish to part with over $3000 of my hard earned savings I've decided to go on the waiting list with all my fellow pensioners for the local hospitals OHIP - the provinces health plan. The clinic didn't seem fazed when I cancelled out so I guess they have a lineup themselves. Surgery privately can cost between $3200, mine, to $8000 for more complicated stuff so thank goodness for our version of Great Britains NHS.

    A few years back I walked into a local walk in clinic for an ankle I thought sprained but actually broken. I didn't want to risk the family doctor I had and her infernal pills. Well I phoned the walk in earlier today and much to my surprise find I'm registered with them! A new doctor as well. A rather good looking young New Zealander married to a Canadian girl. Appointment on Monday for introduction and tests. I need health referral for the hospital.

    What a carry on. I can count on one hand the time I've been to the docs in the 46 years I've lived here. First the prescribed pills and then The pill caused burst veins and accompanying nose and eye bleed, plus a broken wrist and ankle. I haven't cost the Ontario Health Service much have I ! Donald would think me a perfect immigrant lol. Sorry Donald, wrong country.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Jackie, I understood the dog is staying with you, I was just saying even I would need to get acclimated to a different house if I was staying 5 days. 🙃🙃
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good day, my friends! We had a refreshing shower this morning and it is indeed invigorating. A boring morning of laundry and starting a series of small housecleaning tasks.

    As we age healthcare becomes the single, ever present issue, in our mind. I understand Anne’s feeling of great hesitation concerning her cataract surgery. For me and most of the people I know who have had this surgery find that it is easier than a dental appointment or getting your hair cut. You go and 30 minutes later you are groggy but feeling pretty good. You have a clear plastic eye patch taped to your eye and a fist full of instructions and eye drops. BOOM! Done! Whenever you have it done, you will see that it is money well spent. Take extra care as you go about.

    Yesterday Katie went in for her physical and shots. She weighs 54 lbs. she is in excellent health and SURPRIZE! She was nice to our vet. No growling or baring of teeth. He had just returned from a months vacation in Wales. It was very interesting for him. There were no stray animals and even cats were on leashes. He was so impressed with animal care in the UK. His labradoodle and Katie could be clones! His doggie is much better behaved. She often comes to work with our vet and tries to calm puppies and terrified doggies that are patients.

    Blackberry looks like a nice friendly dog. He should not be too threatening for Betty or George or the kitties. Like you Jackie, I would worry about him deciding to just go home and run away. That’s what crazy Katie would do. I shutter to think of the trouble Katie would cause.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Well, I struggled to get the 3 dogs to my car with Blackberry pulling so hard on his lead I was worried that if my shoulder wasn't dislocated he would choke to death because he's got one of those slip leads. No collar with ID tag which I'm sure is against the law but by the time I'd been dragged to so many granite rocks for a sniff I was exhausted the lead came off and I let him run free. It was lovely to see him zooming in large circles while George and Betty tried to keep up. We stayed about 20 minutes before he happily jumped into my car next to Betty on the back seat, George up front with me and home we came. First though I took some photos of a beautiful old steam engine sitting in the car park.

    Well done Katie for being such a good girl with the vet. Perhaps it's a sign she is becoming less fearful Patsy which should happen in time living with you and John. My cataract procedure didn't take longer than 10 minutes and most of that time, was taken up waiting for eye drops to do their job. NHS doesn't offer a sedative either!!

    Ah Lin, you meant if you were a dog, or did you mean you personally? 😉

    High clouds rolling in with a distinct purple shade of stormy! Hopefully not too disturbing a night! 😳
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    I'll manage with the new prescription glasses for now, nor wish to part with over $3000 of my hard earned savings I've decided to go on the waiting list with all my fellow pensioners for the local hospitals OHIP - the provinces health country.


    Okay Anne, I agree with you on this one. I thought I wanted my chipped tooth fixed and made the appointment. Since I have no dental insurance it would be $1500 so after many people told me that you can't even see the chip why spend the money. I agree, so see, we are alike.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yeah! SANDY.
    Mike gets it as well, but I've yet to tell my accountant and more logical younger son.
    I wouldn't be able to see your chip either methinks until the new specs arrive!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    And I guess I am on the same band wagon with you Anne and Sandy. When I had to have a tooth pulled, I was going tin have to spend loads of money and endure more pain to get an implant or a partial bridge. No one can see the tooth is missing and I can chew. So, no expenditure!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Darn, my chip was ddarn, t and cost me well over $5000 ----no insurance, of course.
    After bed!!! Where doesmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    Early morning comment. After reading what it costs to have fast medical and dental work (yes I've expensive crowns) done over here I'm beginning to think we should use our remaining but rapidly depleting cash to emigrate back to the UK, form a commune and buy ourselves a large house near JACKIE. We will all become tremendously healthy joining her, George and Betty on the moors with Daisy, Katie, and Jilly. The house of course will have to be large enough to accommodate visiting family. Now, can't you just see us all sitting on a Cornish beach and dipping our tootsies in the Atlantic? Me, far seeing after eye surgery with the national health service.
    Mmm. John will need a large barn for all his bits and pieces, Patsy can sit on top of the cliffs painting the glorious seascapes and showing me how it's done. Lin can join the library and women's institute and show the ladies how to make her beautiful cards, Sandy will still have her bingo and be prettier than ever with the sea air and Buzz can keep us all under control with her wisdom.
    At 4 o'clock we all could meet for afternoon tea of buttery scones, Devonshire cream, and home made strawberry jam. Well, maybe not John. He will be wandering down to the pub with his visiting sailor son to have a cider and meet up with his new fisherman friends for a game of darts. I think it will take a while for him to take up cricket!
    Ha, Dream on Annie.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    I enjoy pipe dreams Anne. How lovely.....

    Meanwhile I received this in an email this morning. I pasted it to my status but thought I would share it here as well.

    “One of the consolations of old age is the intense pleasure I now get from nature. It seems that in youth I was too busy confronting life and experience to stand still and gaze.”

    -- P. D. James, Time to Be in Earnest


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    edited July 2019
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Beautiful day, possibly a pool day before bingo. I am chairing and speaking at my meeting tomorrow so I have to prepare a talk. Resentment sounds good now that I have learned to let it go.
    I was trying to make plans with Lisa and the kids on Friday but then got an email to change my August 2 appointment to hopefully get rid of this awkward shoe. I changed it to Friday which messed up her plans but I didn't want to wait another week or so. I told her we could go on Monday but still waiting to hear back from her.

    Anne, your dream sounds wonderful but I would miss my grandchildren too much. But we can still dream can't we???

    Lin, true statement.

    Buzz, hope you got some sleep.

    Jackie, busy with the three dogs?

    Time to eat breakfast, have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    No Sandy, house hunting for a local Sneakers home large enough to fit everyone in so long as Anne accepts it has to be Cornish clotted cream on those scones not Devonshire!! 😋

    Home from a lovely catch up afternoon cuppa with friend Jill and Scruff, also Misha of course. Blackberry and I survived her overnight so she is booked in next Wednesday for 6 days.

    Just picked my 1st home grown tomatoes so must mix salad and cook some pasta for my evening meal. Back later 😘
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2019
    I accept JACKIE. Crass of me to think Devonshire! Cream.
    And SANDY think how happy the vacationing grandkids would be fishing for teeny crabs in the rock pools and having all us grannies to dote on them.
    BUZZ could have fresh dressed crab or lobster every day if she wanted.
    English strawberries are soooooo tasty with CORNISH clotted cream and I YEARN for a Cornish pasty baked by someone else. Lots of farm veggies for LIN and I just know PATSY would enjoy the wonderful cakes and pastries in the bakeries. Custard tarts, battenburgs, curd cheesecakes spring to mind.
    Aren't we blessed to have the ability to dream!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    pinkperil wrote: »
    No Sandy, house hunting for a local Sneakers home large enough to fit everyone in so long as Anne accepts it has to be Cornish clotted cream on those scones not Devonshire!! 😋

    LOL, Jackie!! As long as someone else is cooking I am good for it all!!