Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thrilled to bits to read all the authors names! Just what I needed. Thank you for the info!
    Can't linger because I have to prepare potato salad etc for lunch. Family over.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Getting some author hints from others can be dangerous. A friend recommended the Wind River Mysteries by Margaret Coel. I thought ok, I will try one. I was able to get the book from the library and one led to another until I had finished the series, all 20 books. 🙃🙃. Then I was sad because there are no more.

    There are handfuls of cozy authors that I am sad when I cannot get my hands on a newest book in a series but I cannot purchase them all and apparently neither can the library.

    Well, church day and then I have three different people to meet this afternoon to sells bits and bobs. I met a couple last night to sell a couple of Mikasa glass trays. She had purchased something from me early in July so at least I knew who I was meeting. Nice.

    Rain expected this evening and we had a shower yesterday morning. Keeping the grass growing and avoiding the brownouts that happen in a dry summer and much happier flowers.

    Oh, and as I left last evening I saw my neighbor out shuffling along on a walker with his wife by his side. I do not know what happened. I was shocked. Last time I saw him about a week or two ago, he was out in his hiking gear, walking his dog. Then he was unloading wood from his pickup truck. Very very active guy. I do not see him daily, he likes to leave to go camping in his huge trailer and he and the dog will be away from home for a week at a time.

    Jeri, I will have to look up the author you mentioned. We will all have new reading lists. Have you read both the Agatha and Hamish books by M.C. Beaton? I have and have watched the TV shows based on both book series. I prefer the books!

    Time to make a cup of coffee.

    Hugs all.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Sunday! I also am going to church this morning but wanted to stop by and say hi.
    The Renaissance Fair was wonderful but too hot so I drove Lisa's mom home because we were both too hot. I will bore you with some more pictures of the kiddos. Robby turns 5 today so he got a new pirates costume at the fair, I bought the swords and hat. Enjoy.

    Have a great Sunday.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another beautiful day so enjoyed my walk with the pooches in the woods and gradually am finding a steep climb to my favourite area is getting easier each morning. My neighbour suggested we pop to the allotment for a couple of hours weeding so we spent a lovely time chatting and pulling weeds at the same time. Lunch in the cool of the cottage and am now contemplating getting out the lawn mower to see if I can slowly push it round to at least make the garden look tidy. Rain forecast tomorrow so it needs to be done now... well after a cup of tea!

    Lovely photos Sandy. Those kiddies are growing up too fast!

    So many authors to investigate. Well done ladies!

    Happy Sunday everyone 😍
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Its very hot so mom popped me in the kitchen sink for a bath, here I am still wet. She said the water was very dirty. Jilly Bean.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good afternoon sneakers! Hope this post doesn’t fly away like my other two attempts. Drat! Anyway we have a hot day today. We had a bit of a early morning event here. John fell on his knees and elbow early this morning. He landed on hard ceramic tile in the bathroom. No appearant damage...bruised knees, elbows and shoulder. I heard a huge thud and a lot of cursing from the bathroom very early, about 4:00 and we were all up for the day after that. Falls are so scary and it does cause a ding in one’s self confidence. I see John kind of creaping around. I think he is pretty sore.

    We have an owl that has taken up our deck railing as his resting and observation post. Katie has a fit over that, barking endlessly and the owl just calmly sit there. There must be nests and baby birds nearby. What? This owl has a mission and is unperturbed by a noisy yellow dog.

    Lovely photos Sandy and Anne. Each of you with your special babies. My special baby is waiting for hand outs in the kitchen. She does love all her toys and balls.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Katie is waiting for a treat from John. She loves all her toys...the bigger the better.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Getting some author hints from others can be dangerous. A friend recommended the Wind River Mysteries by Margaret Coel. I thought ok, I will try one. I was able to get the book from the library and one led to another until I had finished the series, all 20 books. 🙃🙃. Then I was sad because there are no more.

    I looked it up on Goodreads. Do you use Goodreads? Sounds good. Have you read the Tony Hillerman books? Some of my favorites.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    edited July 2019

    Anne Diane asked me ho post this for you.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I cannot get over how SANDY's gorgeous Grandkids have grown! Beautiful Bunch, just like Nana!
    nd is Jilly Bean trying on a ferocious look? It doesn't work!!! She's a rel cutie, too.
    PATSY, so sorry about John's fall; any idea what happened and how to avoid another one? M y balance PT stars tomorrow, I was told. I'm shocked at how much my calf muscles had deteriorated! And my eyes are not behaving as they keep fogging over every few minutes! I'm beginning to feel if it's not one thing it's another! But then there was another huge update on Windows 10, and that always screws up a bunch until Microsoft decides to change a lot of the new stuff!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Jeri, I don’t use Goodreads. I just check out new books, get suggestions from friends and the book club. The book club has a social every few months and we discuss books we’ve read that we would recommend. I get some ideas. I have not read the Hillerman books. I will have to try those out as well. Thanks.

    I saw that photo on Facebook today Sandy.

    And I love the photos you posted. The boys are lovely scoundrels. So incredibly cute.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Re: the Bean. I think it's more a "help, what just happened to me!!!!!!" look BUZZ. She hasn't a clue how to be ferocious. Also she makes little grumbly and yippy noises in her throat whilst staring intently at us and Mike and I know she's doing her best to "human" talk. In fact we think SHE thinks she's a furry human.

    Please thank Diane for me SANDY. So thoughtful of her to think of me! How's she doing these days? I can well understand how proud you are of the children. I'd show them off as well if they were mine! Meanwhile, you are all stuck with my furry little friend!

    I sympathize with poor John PATSY as one who's black eyes from the glasses sticking in them when I hit the pavement have just healed in time to visit the doctor. Have to visit him today for paperwork proving I'm as healthy as a twenty year old. The only thing one can say about old age is, it's interesting! I'm amazed today how I once hiked and ran up hillsides without a thought of tripping up. Never thought I'd shuffle along peering anxiously at sidewalks with potential cracks and pot holes.

    Have a lovely day friends, Sandy, Buzz, Patsy, Lin, Jeri, Jackie, Diane and Marie and anyone else who pops by.
    Anne, the decrepit one!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Calling for rain but Lisa seems to think it will clear up and wants to go to a waterpark. Secretly I am hoping for rain because I really don't feel like going today. I am sitting tomorrow so I could use the day of rest. lol

    Anne, Jilly is so darn cute wet or not. Ewok is a boot camp for a week learning how to socialize and behave. Sure hope it works, I am a firm believer in puppy classes.

    All the book and author suggestions are great for most of you, me however not so much. I am not really a reader even though I was when I was young.

    I hope everyone enjoys their Monday and each day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. Finally some rain for my garden although so far not as much as some parts of the UK. It was dry for the morning walk then when I got home I set to vacuuming the car seats before fitting new covers because George and Betty are always leaving a mess picked up from the trails we walk. I dont seem to have achieved much since but am about to head for the kitchen to do some cleaning and tidying.

    Patsy, what a cute picture of Katie's rear and I can see she's intent on waiting for something delicious! John's fall sounded scary and painful and it's awful how these accidents take place in an instant for no apparent reason.

    Jilly looks excited about her bath Anne and I expect a rub down with a towel would have been heaven too. That's George's favourite part of his showers!

    Sandy, should I hope it rained on you too so the water park is out? Poor Ewok! Boot camp doesn't sound fun but I have sometimes thought Betty could still do with some serious training. I think the house training is finally there although don't trust her completely but she refuses to sit, lie down or give her paw for a treat. She does understand a stern NO when necessary though which is a start! Here she is pretending she's Queen Elizabeth, not Betty!!

    Buzz, I sympathise with your calf muscle weakness as I know how quickly my thighs have lost strength because I've had to sit about more than I would normally. Walking the dogs is helping a bit and having stairs to climb so I'm hoping when I dust off my exercise bike in a week ir two I'll feel the benefits. Have you got dry eye syndrome that can blur vision? I've had to use drops to help my dry eyes.

    Goodness, rain cleared already and the sun is back out but the kitchen is more a priority than outside so I'd better get on.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Yes, Lisa said the weather looks to iffy to go to waterpark. :)
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Love Queen Betty and the Katie rear view,!!

    I'm sat here in recovery mode. Doctor visits always give me the nervous nellies. Not so much this time! The new doctor is a gorgeous fiftyish New Zealander with the bluest of blue eyes and the best of bedside manners. He asked me if I was from Yorkshire at which point I was completely smitten..

    The outcome of this encounter of course found me at the clinic down the road having needles stuck in me and a heart test. Depending on the outcome I could be in for further tests and the private cataract surgery is now no longer in the picture, cancelled, and I get to keep my $3000. I am now booked for consultation with the OHIP surgeon for December 17th but may have to cancel that because the blue eyed one wants to really check out my eye which was blinded for a while (and still has a blind spot) with broken vein blood from the pills given me by my previous doctor. One thing I've learned from this, trust your instincts because I was really nervous about having cataract surgery and all because of that awful experience and here's this doctor saying I may NOT be able to have it at all. The new glasses are working just fine anyway, so sit back Annie and take a deep breath.

    I apologize for being such a drama queen. The nurse at the clinic gave me a smile though. I'm sure you know you have to strip to the waist for the heart test. Well the man previous to me was told this but when the nurse removed his blanket she was shocked to find him completely in his birthday suit. The poor receptionist was limping as well. Some woman in the parking lot drove her car wheel over her foot, but rapidly drove off before the receptionist could do anything except yelp. I tell you I've missed all this drama avoiding doctors!

    Well, time for my half grapefruit afternoon break. I'll be sure to post my test results in 2-3 days, lol.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Life does get complicated as we age. There are high clouds right now and it is nice and cool. John will be determined to work on the deck repair. We have a different view of how to deal with it. I would call a carpenter to do the repair. John does not see that as a real option.

    The house is in need of cleaning so I will be working inside while John works outside. That is good strategy. We will not get in each other’s way.

    Our Musician friend is failing these days. His mind seems to be working less and less. His wife is hysterical wanting her husband “back again.” Sadly, we are thinking that will be happening only rarely from now on. We hope we are wrong but we see big changes each time we see him. Doctors call this the long goodbye.

    But moving on to more uplifting topics, our doggies are such important members of our family, and always positive and jolly. Our son who raised two feral cats for 22 years said as much as he cared for them, he said that joke about cats really being outer space beings living amoung us is true. Even the friendly affectionate ones are other worldly. Currently Katie is fascinated by ice. She begs for chips of ice. We give her a few pieces but not sure if that’s bad for her or not.

    I am being tempted by a friend to try to make a tube quilt. Easy and quick. I have been looking at the YouTube videos on making them. It would be fun to make a quilt. I am having a quilt made for our son’s sailt boat. It has the name of his boat and the registration number as well as other marine designs. He may not be thrilled with a quilt but it sounded like a good idea at the time. It might be too much of a granny gift........hummmmm maybe.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited July 2019
    Hello. An interesting trip out to the seminar this morning. Much more traffic this year as the area expands. Entire housing development has sprung up close to the meeting site which was out in the country a few years ago. So sad to see loads of houses on tiny little lots, all with a plot of grass but not one tree planted.

    Picked up a load of books at the library and met another lady to sell a couple of things. Just a few dollars here and there. Have been putting up additional listings this evening. Never know what someone may like. I am usually quite surprised at what folks apparently do not like.

    Anne, my goodness, lots to be considered with your surgery. So they may be able to fix one eye but not the other? And thank you, I did have a giggle at the story of the gentleman who didn’t understand the instructions.

    Patsy, a tube quilt? Must look that up as well as I have no idea what that might be. You and John have your own specialities and talents. At least you do not get in each other’s way. I hope he was okay today. Quite soon after his fall, I would think he would still be sore. Happy Katie. She has people to watch over.

    Sandy, yes, a day off. I had to go back and look over the photos again. That hat is spectacular. I just love it. He must be thrilled with it. And hope your day with the kids goes well tomorrow.

    Jackie, ah what a picture of Betty. Totally at home in your lovely chair. And I agree, quite regal.

    Buzz, I hope your PT went well today. I have days of foggy vision too. I blame it on a combination of allergies and dry eyes. But really, I have no idea.

    Jeri, I checked out a Hillerman book today. But I brought 8 books home so it may be a while before I pick that one up.

    I need to go to soak my feet for a while after I take out the trash. Should make for happy tootsies.

    Hugs to my long distance friends.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yep, the PT walked me almost to the elevator before declaring I seemed much better than several months ago. Not huffing and puffing as much! And yes, I have dry eye and use drops.
    Sorry, I keep nodding off and I must get to bed. Must follow my eyelids, I guess! I don't recall what ANNE was referring to. Could not find why she was at the new gorgeous Dr...
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Quick note from me for now. The dishy doc wants to get to the bottom of the scarring and injury behind my eye BUZZ, before I have lenses removed for blurring and maybe not cataracts at all. My other eye seems normal LIN. I surmise my optician did not take me seriously when I said my veins had broken from the prescribed pills. The dishy doc hadn't heard of it either but realizes I was at the hospital and he wants a thorough check by an expert before I go gallivanting off to have cataracts removed.
    I think that's what it's all about anyway, me not being at all interested in medical stuff.

    Meanwhile I'm on a fitness campaign. Brisk half hour walk daily without Bean who likes to sniff and shuffle along, not much salt and a cut down of generous portions.