Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just had Mark and Mary Jo over. All the drama I've been boring you with is because the family were concerned about me falling over, what with cataracts etc. So.....after visits to retirement homes, talks of moving in with Michael, talks of buying me a flat condo, ie no stairs, it appears I'm to be left alone in my little old house after all! I'm sort of relieved because I like this neighbourhood and the people I know!
    I think me doing a bit of gardening today, plus a whole week of salt and sugar free diet has convinced them I'm really keen in getting back into shape.
    Jilly will be happy, if she understands that is.
    Anne who I swear will never bore you all again. SORRY.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh boo! I have done this three times now! I type my post and then instead of clicking on post reply...I click on done. Everything disappears and all is gone. Very annoying.

    Katie is sick. She is refusing all food. She drinks water and I gave her the recipe that Jackie gave George, water and yoghurt. She is very lethargic. All of this after diarrhea and barfing up her food yesterday. Calling the vet tomorrow because we are feeling we don’t know enough to know if she just has “garbage gut” or something more serious.

    The news is so distressing. Stay safe everyone. Keep cool. I confess, I will not enjoy being out amoung all of the tourists on the coast these days. The town is full of people. Traffic is horrific. All the shops and restaurants are jammed. I will stay home and take care of my poor sick little Katie.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    PATSY! So sorry about poor Katie! It's awful when our pets are sick and we don't know why. SANDY suggested ages ago chicken and rice for poorly tummies. It works for Jilly Bean if she's off colour and in fact is her main diet with the odd veggie.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Poor Katie....😢😢. I hope she feels better soon.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Sandy - love your pictures. Looks like fun.
    Lin - you seem to have lots of fun with all your crafts. Good for you. Hobbies are so good for us. Between photography and genealogy I am never at a loss. Feel so bad about your neighbor, how awful.
    Buzz - you and I are the queens of losing posts. Oh well just as long as you pop in from time it good.
    Anne - I think you’ve made the right decision if you get your vision fixed. We hope to stay here as long as we can.
    Patsy - so sorry about Katie.

    Fun day today. Ed and I went on a great walk to a park nearby. Lovely smells, nice flowers, just lots of fun. Then home where we sat out on the deck and Ed had a beer and me a glass of wine. Life is good.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Another Sunday, brunch and all. I can never resist waffles, but they are really always best right off the waffle iron. Today's were chewy, like warmed over! I think I ate them from habit rather than love! However, I walked down both last evening and today's brunch, so perhaps I'm on my way to improving physically.
    JACKIE, I don't recall whether my observations re: Judy'e excitement about your coming get-together for that cuppa were lost in those disappeared posts, but she is really looking forward to it. I wish I could be there with you!
    LIN, deterioration of the human mind and condition is so sad to watch! Parkinson's hits everyone differently, as I have friends who, after 27 year, are still not reacting anywhere near as badly as fairly new cases! Of course .every case is unique.
    ANNE, one can feel only sympathy for your poor neighbor, Marie. such a sad ending to a lifetime of caring!
    SANDY, how beautiful to view your adorable progeny! Did you win the game?
    I hope PATSY is OK, especially after the double tragedy in the last couple of days! When will this nation understand the difference between a militia and private machine gun ownership? And when will we understand the NRA practically owns our Congress through lobbyists? How long must we put up with home grow terrorists? We are surely all grieving these newest attacks on innocent victims :'(
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2019
    This morning I took the dogs on to the moors I used to regularly walk before hips and back became too painful and oh joy, not an ache or twinge anywhere! It was windy but good fun as I chatted to holiday makers looking at the Hurler's. All 3 dogs now collapsed and asleep.

    Never thought at my age I would get my mojo back so definitely worth a few months of inactivity, discomfort and gained pounds. Yup, 2 lbs back up and thats after extra walks, digging trenches in the chicken run and serious gardening. Nothing to do with the cake my neighbour made with courgettes from the allotment and nuts or couple of glasses of red wine at the weekend! 😉
    My neighbour's cat was diagnosed by the vet as being kicked by a horse, not impossible since there are 2 in the field behind our properties but this morning Brady is limping badly so there could be another feral cat in the vicinity. He's resting on George's bed but so I'll check later and decide if he needs a vet visit.
    Patsy I'm so sorry Katie is unwell and can't tell you why. If she isn't eating it won't hurt to let her empty her stomach so the yogurt can get to work. Does she chew toys to bits and could she have swallowed a piece? I'm always worrying Betty will eat something she shouldn't, as well as poo!!
    Anne, just about all animal tv programmes are out these days because Betty rushes at the screen and gets so animated as she barks I fear she will do damage to herself or furniture! Your posts are never boring and sometimes it can help to write our worries down to see things clearly and you know your boys will always be there for you so try to relax and enjoy the weeding! 😁

    Yes Buzz thank you, you did say how much Judy is looking forward to our cuppa... me too. 😊 She emailed yesterday to let me know their schedule around the Med before heading for England. I'll have to concentrate on losing a few pounds before we enjoy our cream tea!
    Your ghastly mass shootings are being shown on our news and we watch in disbelief because it's not a culture we can begin to understand... guns I mean.

    Blackberry's mum returns today although I won't be surprised if she suggests collecting him when she comes for her gardening session in the morning. It's been fun but exhausting too.

    Hello Lin, Sandy and Jeri. Must get on and also go to the shops, then allotment to pick beans we didnt manage yesterday. Happy Monday.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Morning all.
    I've just had texts from my lot, Mark and Mary Jo just getting up, Michael just getting up.

    Meanwhile I've washed my hair, showered, cooked my porridge, eaten breakfast along with Beanie, swept the kitchen, made the bed, washed the dishes and maybe this is why M and M have decided I'm not ready for the hotel like retirement home. Must invest in a shawl and rocker methinks.

    Anyway joking apart I'm just about to go and do a bit of weeding before it gets too hot again.

    When M and M came over yesterday they brought the Bean a large bone. She was ecstatic. However when I took her for her evening walk the little monkey wriggled out of yet another new harness and I had to carry her home because I couldn't get it back on out in the wilds of the church grounds. I keep trying new ones because she strains on a collar when meeting new folks and ends up coughing. Other than super glue I despair of finding one she can't do a Houdini trick with.

    Meanwhile, Hobbes the GIANT puss has learnt how to shake paws.

    It being a civic holiday here I think a lot of people are treating it like Sunday and sleeping late.

    Annie, Annie, the ancient granny
    How does your garden grow,
    With thistles and clover,
    And crab grass all over,
    And little weeds all in a row......... SIGH.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Unfortunately, I have come down with a cold but not letting it keep me down. We went out for a nice dinner last night and played Settler's of Catan again and I won.
    They are taking my son's dad out for lunch today and I am passing. I think I would like to sit in the sun to try and help this cold or just take a nap while they are gone.

    Anne, you should try something like this leash with Jilly. I used it for Daisy because she would pull me too much, but at least Jilly couldn't get out of this one. You could probably do it with a lease you use as long as it's not a retractable.

    Jackie, I too, have gained weight which happens when you eat out too much. We can work together to try and get rid of these unwanted pounds.

    Buzz, I did not win the first night but I did the second. Glad to read you are feeling better.

    Jeri, glad life is good for you, you certainly deserve it.

    Patsy, I do hope Katie is better today, please keep us informed.

    Lin, another busy day for you?

    Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks SANDY. Checked it out and will show it to Michael. Small is under 25 lbs and Jilly is 9 lbs.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone. We have a marine layer that is bringing in cool moist air. A welcome change from the hot humid air of late. Our area is full to the brim of tourists. American tourists can be rather thoughtless. Leaving trash every where. Of course there are the delightful guests that clean up after themselves and a bit more. (Canadian?) God bless those considerate folks.

    Katie recovered quickly all things considered. She perked up last night at bedtime. She got her toys out of the toy basket and demanded a quick ball game and teddy bear tickle. She ate a bite of her kibble, drank some fresh cool water and announced to us that she has totally recovered. We are so glad to see the Katie we know and love. BUT caution is our watch word. What? How? Why? I will examine her toys to see if there is a clue there. Thank you all for the great tips.

    Lots to do today. Laundry is on but I have not been quite as ambitious as Anne. My must do list is growing by the minute. Our son told us he is having a house guest from South America for the month starting in September. This is a lady he has known for years. We have Skyped before but she speaks very little English and I speak next to nothing in Spanish. She is a delight and is going to help our son with a film project he is working on. Small world isn’t it?

    Be careful my loved ones! We live in unusual times.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited August 2019
    Good afternoon, another day has slipped away from me. I was off this morning for a fill of discount gasoline for my SUV, a nice stop by Trader Joe’s and the car wash. Dropped the groceries at home, wiped down the car as the dryer never leaves it dry, talked to my neighbor. I found out he had a hip replaced and he is now 12 days out and walking around quite nicely with his cane. For the second time in a week, a big flat bed truck was at his house winching his truck up to haul it away. Something is not working right and they think it may be some computer module but haven’t figure it out yet. Since he cannot drive yet, I guess it is best to try to get it working again as he is healing up. So one mystery solved.

    I hopped into my my little car and drove to Whole Foods to pick up a few things and ended up with more than I was going to get as they had some lovely and yummy looking apricots on sale. I was in the checkout line for quite a while. This is the first time I have had to wait that long in the store. They usually have more people working the checkouts. Cutbacks? I hope not.

    Got home and put everything away. Cut up some vegetables and started to cook a pot of beans. My friend had left a message so I called. We had a very long and repetitive phone conversation. She is depressed and her mind is definitely not functioning well. One minute she was bemoaning living alone and the next minute she was saying having a husband was not that much company. I did finally start trying to wind up the conversation as I did have pans chugging away on the stove. It is so exhausting to try to keep up with her zigs and zags. Poor dear.

    Got my hot veggies in containers and put away. Had some lunch and worked on a birthday card. It is almost finished and should be ready to mail tomorrow.

    Sheets have been changed and sweet potatoes have been baked.

    I am looking forward to Mah Jongg tomorrow and have decided to skip the book club social tomorrow evening. I am meeting a lady (supposedly) to sell a purse so I prefer $ to book recommendations.

    Patsy, I am glad Katie is feeling better. What a relief! I agree we all need to be careful but it is impossible to be safe. I do not think I will be making many Walmart trips now. I heard our law enforcement arrested a guy with several assault rifles who had been turned in for planning an attack of some sort. I do not know if is true, I mean who can judge what is real and what is not these days. But I guess I wouldn’t be surprised. A friend at church went out yesterday afternoon with both of his sons. He is teaching them how to handle and discharge a handgun. Perhaps it is a good thing to know how to do that. They can protect others. He and his oldest son actually go deer hunting in season and they have deer sausage made so they are not trophy hunting. It is a strange world indeed.

    Sandy, I hope the time in the sun helped to bake the cold out of you. Are any of the children unwell? I hope not.

    Anne, I looked at the link Sandy sent along as well. I had never seen that device before. Your little Bean is an escape artist and you really do not need that. What a crazy busy day you’re having, holiday indeed. Nope! Thanks for the rhyme my talented friend.

    Jackie, how wonderful that you were able to get back to some of your regular walking without aches and pains. Stupendous! Some classy looking doggies in that photo. I am wondering if your visitor went home but I think you were likely right that BlackBerry will go home tomorrow.

    Buzz, waffles are so nice. I grew up on pancakes and adored them. My mom loved waffles and would order them when we went out to eat. I did not understand why since I thought pancakes were heavenly but when I finally tried one I could appreciate the difference. Sorry they were a bit substandard yesterday.

    Jeri, a great life walking with Ed and enjoying nature. Lovely!

    Well, had better get back to my chores.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh by the way Anne. I have a friend that moved into a condo and I wondered if that was going to work for her. She is a gardener and classified as a master gardener at that! I walked in and was blown away. She had bought some metal shelving at Costco and placed them in front of several of her large windows. She had grown a lovely blooming cascading plant area that turned the whole condo into a garden. She had planters everywhere. You can’t keep gardeners from growing stuff. So if you move into a will be doing in house gardening, I am sure.
    Back to work,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Whoopee, grabbed the 10:45 AM bus this morning and shopped my favorite Publix supermarket!!! The driver is a dear fellow who scoops me up (together with my walker) so I am able to avoid the stairs, which my hip will not allow me to climb. At least I now have some breakfast choice! I might attempt Costco a week from Wednesday. Of course all this activity has left me falling off to sleep unexpectedly the rest of the day, and I almost missed posting tonight!
    I read all your posts and will
    someone's remark that ANNE needn't worry about ever boring us . Nor does anyone else here! I certainly look forward to seeing you all here each evening and worry if someone is missing. However, at 2:10AM, I am about to leave also! :*
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen !...........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good morning. I am getting ready to leave. MFP is acting up for me this morning. Keeps shutting down unexpectedly. So wishing everyone a very pleasant day, filled with joy rather than sadness.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Crazy weather today and George was warning me early on with his barking that thunder storms were rolling about over the moors. Blackberry did get picked up last night after a walk so this morning's outing in the woods was leisurely! Just as Sue the gardener arrived to do some weeding torrential rain came hammering down so after a short time I made her a cuppa and persuaded her to give up! Blackberry was in her car but refused to come in, no doubt worried he would get left here again although in the end, as she left, he did run in to say hello!
    If the rain clears I will continue to secure the chicken run otherwise it's more housework.
    Hooray, Katie is feeling a whole lot better. I'm thinking you might never know what caused the upset Patsy. we have a local warning apparently on Facebook that a store is selling beef jerky dog treats from China that have caused 2 dogs to be so sick they were put to sleep. Luckily George can't eat beef so I wasn't tempted to buy the treats but in future will always read the packaging and avoid from that country!
    Oh dear Lin, how sad a father feels the need to teach his kids how to handle a gun. Wouldn't that put them in the firing line if they got involved with a mad man if you know what I mean? Weren't you the busy girl yesterday! 😀
    By my reckoning Sandy I need to lose 1 lb a week until end September which shouldn't be difficult so happy to join you in an exerted effort.... another one! See you in the pound a week club on Friday.

    Oh-oh, nearly lost my post so going before it flies away........


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Another fun day yesterday, I went to the pool while they went to lunch. Later we went to get something to eat and then home and played Settlers of Catan once again. I did not win. :( They go see the headache doctor this afternoon and leave to go home from there. I will go sit with the kiddos later today.

    Jackie, I have a good 5 pounds to lose, so hopefully we can challenge each other and both lose our desired weights. I personally hate guns and have no desire to learn how to shoot one although my DIL said when Bryanna and I go to visit them in September her sister and husband have many acres which includes a shooting range. We will see if I am tempted to shoot. :#

    Lin, enjoy your day. Sorry you had MFP problems.

    Buzz, when you say swoops you up, do you mean he carries you?

    Patsy, glad to hear Katie is back to normal, our animal friends are just like babies who can't tell us what is wrong.

    Have a great day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
    I'm on the same quest SANDY and JACKIE. I'm trying for a 6lb loss after being told my blood pressure is high. I haven't used any salt or sugar for 9 days now and it isn't as hard as I thought. I am trying for a goal of 138 lbs at the moment and then go from there.

    I worry the boys will accidentally shoot each other! Or Dad! Horrified! I don't know anybody over here who owns a gun! Which could be bad for us if someone decides to invade us with civilians and young kids wielding millions of guns!
    I think Trump should order the entire police force to enter every house and confiscate every gun. Can't imagine what would be done with millions of tons of melted down metal. I remember being horrified when I saw my first gun holstered cop over here.
    Anyway, no guns, less crime, less deaths, police safer and something to do rather than facing idiots.

    Jilly is barking at the thunder which is just starting, Very dark outside.

    I wrote a long post earlier and it just vanished before my eyes. It is discouraging isn't it when that happens.
    So bye for now from the discouraged
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    It has nothing to do with me but almost everyone around here has a gun of some kind. We have a lot of deer and elk that are hunted in season. There are skeet shooting clubs that shoot in competitions and also pellet gun clubs that shoot in competition. The gun culture is hundreds of years old here. Things have gotten strange and tragic with the popularity of those huge rifles that carry many many bullets. I grew up with guns. They were used on the ranch to kill varmints of various kinds but I have never wanted to shoot a gun. I don’t like those huge fire crackers either. When we lived in Alaska guns were everywhere and everyone had at least two and usually more. Things seemed manageable but I don’t like to shoot guns, I really hate that deer, elk and moose and reindeer are hunted. I am not sure how this can be solved except a total ban on those guns that are primarily used in war...AK 47 or something like that. John and I eat only fish and some chicken. In truth, we are eating less and less chicken. We have some pretty disgusting chicken producers here in the US.

    Jackie: Katie doesn’t eat beef either but you are right about some doggie treats. I think I will need to go back to baking up a special batch of her pumpkin biscuits. She loves them and they never cause any problems. She is a fussy eater. She is a sweet little girl and I guess we have promoted a rather spoiled furry child.
    Overcast and misty today.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
    I can't understand the mentality of people who want to destroy beautiful animals and especially with guns. The poor animals don't have a cat in hell chance of escaping a bullet. Sure if you were a long ago hungry Inuit or a native Indian with a bow and arrow and a family to feed. But where's the manliness, the cleverness in hunting with a modern weapon it's almost impossible to miss with if it's a grazing deer.
    Frankly I'm amazed there are any animals left to hunt in America. Remember the Buffalo! The pigeons etc. I'll never forget our first drive over to Vermont. This soppy Brit was heartbroken to see a car load of ridiculous noisy men celebrating with a very dead, very beautiful brown bear strapped to the top.

    The only way to stop innocent family's going to church or the mall, or the cinema, or school from being murdered is to be ruthless and ban the damn things altogether. Restricted to the armed forces, the police and maybe the farmers. We no longer live in the Nineteenth century rolling across the prairie in a covered wagon. We live in the dangerous now with thousands of us facing an early grave from some idealistic idiot thinking he's god. Talk about "Gun Fight At the Old Corral", whoops "Schoolyard".

    I'm so grateful my children and my grandsons went to school safely. Every day parents in America must wonder, will my child be home for dinner.

    It is NOT everyone's right to own a weapon of destruction. As Mr T says....and often...."Make America Great Again", be brave America ban them or reduce the numbers like other peaceful countries in the world.