Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2019
    Hello Sneakers... Happy Sunday. 😊

    My day began well with a walk in the sunshine after a disturbed night because George twice slipped out through the catflap then barked to be let back in. A quick check with poo bag in hand first thing showed me he'd had an upset tummy so out came the yogurt pot. He wasn't interested in it, preferring to eat grass but since our walk has lapped it up.
    I've chatted on the phone to an old school friend and sipped coffee so must now make plans for the rest of the day. The wind damage was to my greenhouse rather than the conservatory/garden room and should be easy enough for me to repair. Meanwhile the tomato plants continue to get watered by any rainfall but also I've spotted small birds sneaking in to steal grapes off the vine so it should be first job after lunch. My diet went to pot last night when I popped next door for wine and crisps... must try harder!
    Patsy, Britain has a similar controversial plan to return Jamaican families to that country after 40 or more years living here when they had originally been encouraged to come to work and boost our economy and they're entitled to British passports. Tragic stories being told. During a hot spell our zoo's were offering iced lollies to a variety of animals so Katie should be ok. At least you know the ice will soon melt inside her!
    Buzz, the conspiracy theorists will be having a field day over the suspected suicide and I see Randy Andy as he's known in the UK is already being plastered over our newspaper front pages. Never take on Royalty...look what happened to a certain Princess!

    I'd better get some lunch organised. Hello Sandy, Anne, Lin and Jeri.
    🙋‍♀️ Jackie

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited August 2019
    Good morning, how did so much time zip by me already this morning! It is time to leave for church. Yipes. Will try to get back later on.

    I did get most of the card work accomplished yesterday. Envelopes are addressed and stamps affixed but the last thing is to write a note in each. Will tackle that this afternoon.

    Season finale tonight for Grantchester. Well, I guess I will watch it but I will admit I am losing interest. I am watching now for Geordie (sp?). The rest are absurd now.

    I did watch the American Experience on PBS last evening on Woodstock. Oh my, it really slipped me back to not just the time but the feelings of that time. Also wonderful to hear bits of the music and to see crazy Wavy Gravy and the Hog Farm commune. No violence reported there my friends. Extraordinary.

    Time to run now.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) The gathering for my brother was great, it is always good to see him. h1rd1bmtaymi.jpg

    My internal alarm clock woke me up earlier than usual knowing I am taking Joe to Mass. I am sure he will want to go out and eat which is fine except I already gained from the food at my nieces. She had barbecue ribs with potato salad and whipped cream birthday cake and I ate it all. Monday is my new starting day along with exercise.

    Buzz, Ewok is Rob and Lisa's new dog, an Alaskan Husky mix.

    I am very tired and the weather is iffy so I am hoping for no sun so I can just chill at home and maybe take a nap. Talk to you soon.

    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hello Sunday Sneakers,
    We've just got back from a really nice trot with no humidity as of yet, although it creeps back by the afternoon.

    I wasn't at all happy with the burrito I had yesterday. Very tasty, but once you eat tasty but forbidden things back comes the yearning.
    So....a day of very strict discipline to get back on track. I'm hoping the doc will clear me tomorrow so I can get the eye surgery over and done with. If not, I will wait on the long hospital waiting list and hope I'll then be cleared.

    Things get murkier and murkier don't they on the political scene. How do you commit suicide in a so called suicide proof cell? Anyway, nasty stuff and a few well known and privileged nasties will be sleeping easier tonight.

    Another poorly doggie, George! So far, and touch wood, only SANDYS Daisy and Jillo have escaped the dreaded trots and throw ups. Oh and little Betty of course. Maybe the heat doesn't help. Hope all woofers are on the mend very soon.

    Time for black coffee, no sugar or milk. Still getting used to that! I need the coffee to help me get going right now.
    Bye for now,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Just lost a post. Grrrrr.

    I finished writing the needed notes and plan to read a book as my reward.

    Wishing everyone a happy day.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, you and your brother look so happy to be together! Lovely shot!
    Prime coat on my nail manicure never did dry, so never finished the darn thing. Wrong day for nails? Right day for movie, so I went to our auditorium after brunch and enjoyed Diane Keaton cavorting in "POM". Not a great film, but easy to watch.
    Just ran out of some supplements while trying fill my weekly containers.
    Yes indeed, the man who "couldn't possibly" commit suicide certainly left behind a mess of people in screaming denial! Mr Barr should know that one does NOT investigate oneself!
    Bed before midnight, so I'll stop boring you...
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Good day. The morning began with thunder, lightning and lots of rain, followed by numerous traffic accidents during commuting hour. I will do some errands later, I think, but starting with a little load of laundry.

    I am enjoying my hot black coffee but thinking about making some cold coffee for tomorrow. The temperatures are more like summer once again. No plans to go to the fair. A number of friends have attended and while having a good time, all have mentioned they left quite broke. The latest was a family who went one evening and had supper and snacks. The dad purchased a new Fair special sandwich and he was feeling an empty pocket when it was $25. He never did say if he liked it or not. 😁😁

    Hoping for a more peaceful week but with so much left in uproar from last week I doubt there’s much chance of that.

    Hugs all round.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just watched on BBC a video about houses being designed to keep dementia patients in their own homes longer. It would work for the very old as well I think. Electric plugs high on the walls rather than low down, windows that automatically open a little when the temperature rises, (this is the UK so not much AC) faucets coloured red and blue, pale walls (not white, egg shell blue etc) white skirting boards, darker floors etc. I thought some really good ideas.
    Can't linger, about to go to the docs for results. Looks like rain finally.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    edited August 2019
    Happy Monday! :) Finally a day with no plans of any sort. I may go to the Comcast store and see about getting my bill reduced since they raised me $10. There are offers online from them that say I can reduce it but it also says something about one of my boxes not being compatible so I better go talk to a live person. My TV's and computer are all wireless so I don't want to mess with them.
    My landlord came with his guys and put the old stove back in place. I kept some of the old burners because they look better than the old. He also said his son might be taking over the management of his properties because he is feeling too old. ( I think he is in late 60's) His son was with him and seemed much more in the know so I am kind of hoping this might happen.
    The landlord also said he will have my boards replaced on my balcony so maybe finally things will get done around here. I really don't want to move if I don't have too.

    Today starts my new diet and exercising program so Jackie and Anne, today starts the first day of the rest of our lives. Let's do it!!

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm in from the garden after a couple hours snipping and pulling up a variety of unwanted overgrown plants. Also collected a linen basket full of dried washing off the line so definitely time for a cuppa.
    Sandy with your permission I've written off the weekend's lack of control and like you will start afresh today. Neighbours I sometimes enjoy a glass of wine and nibbles with are off on holiday for 2 weeks starting tomorrow so no temptations! It's gone 6pm and I'm starving so thinking I must swap lunches and evening meals so that I'm not tempted to eat too much at the end of each day. Pork loin chop with beans and sweetcorn about to be cooked.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Joined a Webinar today about Restless Leg Syndrome and knew almost everything discussed except how serious augmentation can become! Just what I needed to hear! Nothing new otherwise. I wiped out today's email but luckily was able to recover only what I wanted. I receive more junk! I have several errands to do this afternoon, and I think our bus goes to Costco tomorrow so I must catch it. The neighbor with whom I have previously gone as he was also a blueberry nut, and they have the best blueberries, has been moved to our critical area and asks me to sneak him some cyanide! I'm so sad to see him withering away but accept he had a great life and is now 99!I wish him a peaceful passing. One of our residents actually told him to perk up and get interested in something!!! I think he simply needs permission! His energy has completely disappeared. Well, this is not very cheerful , so I'll grab MY cuppa and get on with my duties!
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
    I eat my main meal at lunchtime JACKIE.

    Well, I'm back from the dishy doc who absolutely refuses to let me have cataract surgery at the moment. All of the tests came back really good , heart, thyroid, kidneys etc except for blood pressure and its sky high apparently. I was in blissful ignorance. He's contacting the previous doctor who put me on the BP drug with such awful results to see what it was called and so avoid this time round. It was on the local pharmacy registrar as something to avoid giving me but their system broke down and everyone's records got lost. And I haven't a clue what it was called years later.

    So I guess me and The Bean will be stumbling around for a little while yet seeing I've fuzzy eyesight!

    It also looks as if I will be leaving here after all. Because I said I thought the house should carry on with my grandson, Mark told Derek it was his if he wanted it and now Derek is overjoyed at the prospect of tearing this house down and building his and Bevs future home to his own specifications, and that's how it should be. Much more sense than me stumbling around here on my own and with stairs to navigate, snow removal etc.
    So, quite a lot to look forward to in time. It's time I had a new adventure anyway.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Monday is off to a slow but productive start. Laundry chugging along, dishes done kitchen swept in preparation for mopping. It is sunny and warm. I hope John will not work too hard out in the sun. He is a maniac at times...most times! He continues refurbishing our deck. He is replacing rotten boards and keeps discovering more that needs replacing.

    I am going to order more shoes. I am still hunting for a good comfy slipper. I have very bad feet. There is a,ways a spot that needs attention on my feet. It is like I have barbed wire in my shoes! What gives here?

    Our daughter is being tested for lupus. That is such a scary health problem. I don’t know much about it but I know something is amiss. She is in the hospital again with an infection. She seems to have episodes about every couple of months. Fingers crossed they find some way to help her.

    Anne: both John and I are on the blood pressure pill called lisenapril. (Sp?). We tolerate it very well and there seem to be very few if any side effects. An occasional dry caugh and it makes us sleepy so we take it at night. They started us with a very low dosage to see if we could maintain a low bp on it. They needed to bump it up a bit to get us where we should be. But the upshot is that there is safe medication. Your doc seems to be a good and careful physician.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
    Yes PATSY, I'm really pleased with the new doctor. He actually listens. I've written your BP pill down so I can see if it's the same when we get sorted out.
    I cancelled the eye surgery for now. The receptionist was very nice and obviously they don't want someone who might succumb during surgery but couldn't resist telling me,
    "You know we treat chickens for cataract surgery, but they aren't chickens anymore when they leave".
    Cheeky (with some truth).
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited August 2019
    Good morning,

    Anne, I am glad you like and trust your new doctor. Now who is following up on the blind spot in your eye? Is he doing that or referring you to someone else? My what a lot of news. You rocked me on my heels. So time to start an intensive search for a new nest for you and the little furry one?

    Patsy, lupus apparently was in my family. My auntie was diagnosed rather later in life which I understand is not typical for lupus. I think I have my share of autoimmune disorders already and hope to not follow her footsteps. I don’t really remember her specific symptoms. I do hope your daughter does not have it. And I wish her well.

    Sandy, did I ever comment on how lovely the photo is that you shared? Wonderful ❤️❤️ Did you get loads of rain yesterday? We have the leftovers this morning. Loads of fog which should burn off in another hour or so.

    Buzz, I am so sorry about the webinar. It is frustrating to be in hopes for new information, for in depth explanations and then find it is a recitation of things you already know. If your bus goes to Costco today, enjoy your shopping trip. All the containers of fruit and vegetables are large! But with blueberries, that is not much of a hardship.

    Must move along. Mah Jongg this morning and a trip to the library for coloring this afternoon. Should be a happy day with lots of chatting. My favorite!

    Hello Jackie and Jeri!

    Hugs dear friends.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Beautiful day today which will be great for watching the kiddos later. I plan on riding my recumbent bike before sitting although I burn lots of calories with the kids.

    Lin, no, we didn't get the storms predicted and the sun is shining today.

    Anne, I was a little confused about the eye surgery because I had thought you were going to wait and not spend the money for an earlier surgery. I too, like your new doctor and maybe your blood pressure was up because of his good looks. Hopefully, they find the right pill for you with no side effects. Do you know the new plan on where you will be living and how soon?

    Patsy, I knew a young girl with Lupus who managed just fine with the right medications. Prayers your daughter will start feeling better.

    Buzz, I am sorry about your friend, it seems he lived a good life so prayers for a peaceful ending.

    Jackie, I started yesterday because of my lack of control over the weekend. According to MFP I did not eat enough yesterday but I just couldn't eat any more.

    My favorite cousin messaged me this morning to tell me she has ovarian cancer. She is on chemo to shrink the tumor before doing a hysterectomy. Please keep her in your prayers.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just lost a LONG explanatory post for SANDY. But, I just don't have the heart to repeat it all again!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another sunny hot day here. Ugh! I am certainly not suited for warm weather. I do get cranky when I am hot. This calls for lemony iced tea! No surgar however. Actually, I don’t think we even have any in the house apart from a small bag of raw sugar that we keep on hand when our son comes to visit. I am trying to work with John’s decision to avoid all sugar. Easy for him but very hard for me.

    We are feeling good around here but the hot humid weather really saps our energy. I seem to be going at a snails pace. Everything takes twice as long and believe me there is always a list of chores to do.

    I had this thought about our ongoing drama politically. I have read books and seen movies that echo this current situation. Fact really is stranger than fiction. The novels and films never reached the heights of weird as the current real life scene.

    Our crow is back on the gate looking at me while I drink morning coffee. I wonder how this came to be. He just started coming every morning, sits on the gate in the same spot and looks intently at us. His mental telepathy worked. I put a few sunflower seeds in a spot near the gate. I thought maybe he was telling me he would like breakfast. Maybe......

    Anne: you can get a blood pressure monitor at most drug stores. They are easy to use. John tracks his pretty close because he is more likely to have high BP. He lets our doc see his chart when we go in for our physicals. It is good to know how high and when.

    We all seem to have personal or family issues that we are dealing with, it is part of life. I am impressed that each of us are handling these challenges very well.

    Tuesday is salad day. It is too hot to cook.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good evening sneakers. Nearly bedtime for me as George and Betty snooze and Brady climbs noisily over the furniture trying to get my attention because he wants a late night snack! It's been a pleasant day starting with a woodland walk in drizzle but by the time we returned to the car the sun was coming out. Sue the gardener spent a couple of hours here while I did some housework before trying to get my HP printer to work. No black ink although the diagnostic page told me the cartridge was 2/3rds full so a short Google search to learn a wipe of warm water should unblock it, and it did! Next was a frustrating attempt to order a copy of my father's death certificate on a government web page which left me wondering who designs these sites to be so complicated? Lots of shouting at the screen and suddenly it worked!

    Patsy, I'm thinking your crow knows some gentle persuasion from him will work and there you are, thinking of snacks for him!

    Anne, you seem to be riding a rollercoaster as decisions get changed at the moment which must be unsettling. Like Sandy I had thought the private cataract procedures had been put aside as too expensive but could easily have missed a change along the way. Also that you would be staying in your home but now you say you will be moving on so I'm really feeling for you.

    Sandy, I did swap my lunch and evening meals round today and it worked! I stayed outside gardening until 6.30pm as I didn't feel hungry then a snack satisfied me so even if it's only psychological I'll stick with change. I'll also get my exercise bike out and test my hips!

    Time for my bed so dogs out for a last garden visit then I'm gone! Hello to all I missed tonight.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
    Hello Sneakers, I tried to reply to SANDYS questions this morning and I lost the whole lot. I'll try again so be prepared to be bored. Yes, I AM going the hospital route for cataract surgery but I decided to hedge my bets in case I got fed up of a l-o-n-g wait and so although I cancelled the surgery day with the private clinic I didn't totally cancel out. Well, seeing the doctor is having me wait until the blood pressure is brought down I might as well just continue with the hospital surgery and forget all about the private clinic. Therefore armed with a good excuse I fully cancelled the private clinic and Mark and I are driving over to collect the $500 deposit I had to put down prior to the original surgery. It was paid by debit card and that's why I have to turn up in person. Does that make sense?
    I'm somewhat confused myself as to my future living quarters. Much discussion going on. Here's my options so far.
    1. I can't live with Mark and Mary Jo because although their house is huge it also is riddled with stairs. Okay now, but not down the road.
    2. Mark has offered to buy a condo in Michael's building but it doesn't appeal to me because I would be moving to a different town, and would feel isolated I think.
    3. This Is a possibility. Move in with Mike. However, we two get on great now but would we living together? I don't think it fair that Mike should be lumbered with an aging mother. What if he meets someone and wishes to marry? I'm sure a new wife wouldn't want to be lumbered with me either. So, hopefully forget that idea.
    4. Which brings us to what I'd like to do. Me and Jilly move into the studio apartment with the walk out in the posh senior home. I think I could live there for 6.5 years based on my savings and a little bit I invested in this house. My mom died at the age of 91 which would be my age in six and a half years. We are the same body type! Mark the accountant hasn't discounted this idea so I live in hope. It would be ideal. A nice bed sitter, not too small to retire to for alone times and maybe I'll get to play whist (euchre) again with companionship, having reluctantly said goodbye to Marie, Janice, Barry, another Mike, Joyce and Harry (who I suddenly find loveable!) etc etc. The Bean would fit right in, she was a hit with everybody when we visited the place last week.
    So I haven't a clue what the future holds. However time is on my side because my home won't be reduced to rubble until next spring. It has to be done soon though because it will be classed as a heritage home in 6 years, and so forget tearing down.

    I will shut up now about the whole thing until I have some definite news. Are you all still awake?

    PATSY, aren't crows carrion? Not into sunflower seeds. Must look up.
    Night night all, yawn, gosh I've bored ME!