Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Goodness gracious! A lovely sunny day in the high sixties or low 70s. Perfect kind of day. And I am having to talk firmly to myself. I have a severe case of dreamy laziness. All I want to do is sit in the sun and drink it in!

    With that confession out of the way, you can imagine I have little to none progress on my tasks for today. Baaaaad Patsy! I will serve John a nice dinner salad tonight and fresh fruit of some kind for dessert.

    We have not had one day without some precipitation and on our Oregon pbs station, already worrying about drought and wildfires. Holy cow! Disaster is our middle name!

    Gathered up Damon’s towels and strip his bed later. He only slept on it one night so might just straighten up the bed….he always makes his bed. He has a chest of drawers with some clothes and etc and a dirty clothes hamper in his closet. I will also check that for dirties. A quick run around the floor with the vacuum, and ready for next visit.
    Off to get things started. I have my personal motor sort of started now………..
    Patsy☘️ You are my sunshine, my only sunshine🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶❤️
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Its not just food, electricity and gas etc thats gone up JACKIE. Having nothing better to do last evening I decided to check how senior homes prices have gone up. Not going in one I hasten to add. What a shock, a tiny studio apartment is now $4000 a month! If you aspire for something bigger the top prices are $6000 a month. And thats not all, if you fancy clean clothes you have to pay extra to use the washing machines and dryers. Most allow small dogs but of course you have to provide their food. Me and the Bean are staying put. It was an interesting experiment because today I pretended I was having a day in a senior home and deciding how much my daily Weetabix would be at breakfast just for the privilege of having the packet opened for me. The other two meals of the day are mass cooked for all of course. They do whip a vacuum around ones wee studio apartment now and then. I hacked at my hair a bit and wondered what the extra would be for that. Memo for Anne, keep fit girl! Otherwise a government run home for me were they take your pension but hand you a $10 note monthly to run amok with.

    So, its more affordable to remain in your own home with a little help if needed.

    I now understand Marias predicament if Tony manages to get a spot in long term care. I believe she will sell the house and move in with her sister.
    On the other side of me Khalad told me his dad has had to be place in long term care with his dementia and his Mom is in the hospital quite ill. He said there was no point any more in keeping the house just for him.
    So that got me wondering yesterday just how much a decent senior home costs!

    Well, we now have LINS heat and its 36 C. The weather TV man said we can expect a hotter than normal summer. Meanwhile I think its the chipmunks that have eaten my marigolds who were supposed to protect the tomatoes from aphids. Mary Jo's are eaten too, probably by the same culprits.

    Little Amber is doing well and on a diet of mush for two weeks.

    And thats it from me huddled with the A/C.
    ❤️ Anne.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,485 Member
    edited June 2022
    Hello, a melting day today! 😟

    The plants are wilting even though I gave them a little drink this morning. Apparently, it wasn’t enough.

    I spent a long time on the phone talking with a friend who hardly ever, I mean hardly EVER, phones me. What a treat!

    I placed a small order of groceries but got only a portion of it and darn it, my frozen vegetable mix is sold out! Horrors! I may venture out tomorrow morning to see if I can find more items in a store nearby and hope to get to a library a bit further away from me that is insisting I bring in a photo ID to verify my identity before they will renew my card.

    I am working on some card ideas and am waiting for an updated address list for church members so I can finish addressing 4th of July cards.

    Jackie, oh yes, prices are bouncing higher and higher but never come back down it seems.

    Patsy, I would probably not wash the sheets since he was there just one night. Unless you think someone else might conceivably stop by. There’s no way the sheets are in need of a wash up. I hope you didn’t find a laundry hamper full of dirty duds. 😄

    Anne, what’s up today? Any more info on Amber?

    Sandy, home again? am I missing today’s posts? Sorry if you wrote to us and I missed it if that is the case.

    Barbie, exactly the thing to do. Just raise what you prefer to eat and that can be grown in your growing zone.

    Best wishes to everyone. I received a reminder about my upcoming dentist’s appointment. I will say I am not really looking forward to that. 😱

    I need to check the TV channels this evening, Westminster is supposedly on air this evening.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm just above you LIN, but nothing interesting. M and M stopped by just now but we couldn't take Jilly for a walk, the pavement too hot for paws.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,386 Member
    Happy Tuesday! Today was catch up day. Paid the bills, ran some errands including returning the hand rails for shower as they just did not stay on the shower wall. Also went to the better grocery store and bought groceries for a much higher price but the meat is better in this store. I am also having a problem getting my gmail to work with Outlook and I am so frustrated. Tomorrow will be a relaxing day and maybe even a couple of hours at the pool. If I feel up to it I might go look at a couch that I saw online at the store. It has a recliner on each end and would be great for me and Babe. I also went to the ortho today and he put me on a anti-inflammatory drug and a muscle relaxer for bedtime. Will be going for therapy twice a week for a month to six weeks. If not better than an MRI and a shot in spine to help. I have had the shots before and they helped for a while but then had to have surgery for sciatica. This is more like arthritis but my disks are compressed which is why I am probably walking a little hunched. Hopefully therapy will help straighten me out!

    Have a good evening.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited June 2022
    Hello its already 30 C here. Jilly and I went out very early. I watered last night but the soil was so parched I gave it a good watering again. Oh and I dragged one of the big containers out of the garage and gave the dried out soil left in it a really good soak. Can't wait to plant the new packet of beet seeds left by Mary Jo yesterday in it once it cools down a bit. Marks here doing a bit more in the cool basement. He cut the grass earlier bless him. It was beginning to look like a ripening meadow.
    Jillys chicken was cooked earlier. and I made a sort of veggie potato salad for my lunch. No more turned on elements heating the place up.

    And thats about it from the frozen [AHHHHHH!] north.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,386 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) It's going to be a beautiful day and I really hope I can get to the pool today.
    I am all caught up finally except for getting my gmail to work on Outlook. We have no plans for today even though it is Cheryl's birthday. She has plans so we will go out for dinner Sunday as long as Babe isn't too dizzy. Tomorrow my meeting and Friday eye appointment for Babe. Still no phone so I am still hoping it shows up eventually. I put in a claim at the post office but so far haven't heard anything.

    Nothing else exciting going on so have a good day and keep staying sare.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,970 Member
    edited June 2022
    Another beautiful day so took George and Betty out early while the temperature was around 20c and a gentle breeze blew. Only one other car in the car park, an old classic, when we arrived and I noticed its owner sitting on a travel case painting a small watercolour picture, no doubt of the view.

    We took our usual route to the top, paused to take everything in, then found a different trail back to my car. I take a bottle of water and rubber foldable dish when it’s hot so they have a refreshing drink before we drive home.
    I didn’t mention yesterday that Debbie the groomer did her best to help me trim one of Betty’s claws on a back foot that is close to stabbing a pad. I’ve noticed her hop, skip and jump a couple of times when walking and had tried very hard to hold her still and trim the offending claw but she wriggles and squirms and seems to think it one big game! It was no easier with the two of us but in the end managed to cut off a millimetre and I have instructions to keep trying!
    The great news is that when I asked Debbie if she could recommend a dog sitter for when I’m away in September she said she would love to have them at home with her and her husband so long as George behaved with their dog Ziggy who suffered a stroke a few months ago. He’s made a remarkable recovery but is a little slow but I know George always accepts another home is not his territory and am sure he and Betty will be happy.

    Sandy, I’m having a few problems with Gmail and Outlook too and would move to iCloud if I didn’t have so much information and correspondence ongoing. Outlook now refuses to open attachments from Gmail and won’t even load on to the Apple laptop I bought but keeps offering an expensive upgrade. At the moment I can get in using my iPad with finger recognition but wonder how long that will last.
    You are always on the go so no wonder your back is complaining. I hope your doctor told you off and suggested you take time to look after yourself as well as everyone else! It’s probably just after lunch with you so you might be relaxing by the oool! 😎

    Great news Anne, you have more beetroot seeds! Fingers crossed this batch will behave. I’ve given my beans a drowning but we are supposed to get rain tomorrow afternoon so I might try to avoid the biting midges tonight! I do hope your boys won’t let you anywhere near a care home! I’m doing the same as you, planning meals that don’t require an oven or grill being switched on! Fine at the moment living on salad from the garden and I will have to plan meals to freeze ready for Winter when we have a depressing prediction for more energy price rises. Linda has offered 5 more bags of wood off cuts that I’ll happily bring home to burn. It was too hot to be heaving heavy bags into my car today!

    Lin, it’s not easy growing tender shoots in extreme weather is it. I put out a container of broccoli shoot seedlings yesterday and luckily spotted they were about to keel over this afternoon because the soil had dried out. Have you seen footage of the crazy hail storms in France damaging cars and smashing windows. Hopefully not coming our way!

    Barbie, I should be able to pick my first courgette (zucchini) next week so hoping the garden toad will make a midnight snack of any slugs and snails showing interest before I get there. A blackbird, or perhaps Magpie, has stripped a blueberry shrub and I’m annoyed with myself because I knew the fruit was ripe and needed to be picked!

    What a treat for Patsy…. Finally! 🌞🌞🌝🌝😎🌝☀️☀️🌤. I know that wonderful feeling of the first warmth of the year on your face and know exactly why you are singing!

    George and Betty are both fast asleep; Betty in her bed near me but George upstairs where it’s cool on my bed. I’ll make a cup of tea then see if I can fit a new toilet seat that arrived while I was out yesterday afternoon. The old one is a slim design that has a habit of trying to throw me off!!

    Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday.
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,485 Member
    edited June 2022
    Good evening. I am watching the dog show again this evening. The weather was nicer here today. I ran some errands but unfortunately had a headache coming on when I got home so the afternoon wasn’t as productive as I had hoped. Feeling a bit better now and made some progress on the couple of cards that should be mailed tomorrow. 🤞🏻 I just watered my container deck plants and they didn’t wither this afternoon. Yes!

    Jackie, oh, I love the antique car. What a lovely scene and a great place to paint. Oh, poor Betty and her out of control claw. Ouch. But wonderful news, a place for George and Betty to stay while you are on vacation. I have not seen anything about the hail storms. I will have to look that up. Or maybe I shouldn’t see them, I will be scared.

    Anne, hot, hot, hot. Good job getting that container soaked down. I hope your beet seeds sprout up nicely when you get them planted. I am still sitting on my hands when it comes to planting. I think the days of wilting plants has me hesitant.

    Sandy, I hope you got to spend a bit of time outside by the pool. It was very nice weather.

    Patsy, hello and I hope you are getting sunshine. Not exactly in your neighborhood but a friend in Portland wrote to say they are finally getting more sunshine and the high water is receding. She is replanting some of her garden. I hope you are all well.

    Barbie, hoping Jake’s appointment went well. Hugs.

    Be safe everyone.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,970 Member
    A steaming day and when I drove to the supermarket around 8.30 it was already 28c. Thinking about what I’m going to eat in the coming week is helping keep the grocery bill down which is interesting because I never waste food. I wasn’t going to take George and Betty to walk on the moors but high cloud drifted in and cooled us enough for a short walk and the only people we saw were on horseback. One called out to expect nasty storms later but I’m not sure they will hit us as my weather App shows light rain at midnight. Radio news has reported wherever the storm appears, 40 centimetres of rain in an hour will fall, possibly at the annual Glastonbury festival which is only 100 miles away!

    Anne, I thought of you when reading this article while sipping coffee. I’m betting you are a mash queen too but the question has to be asked, lumps or no lumps? 😆[Promo_Box]-[News_Promo]-[News_Promo]-[PS_FOOD~N~~A_PerfectMash]

    Lin, I hope you’ve awoken refreshed with no headache and raring to water everything that’s growing. I’ve carried out selective watering on outdoor tomatoes, courgettes and peas that will never say no to a refreshing drink. A delightful Indian teapot, no doubt for Indian tea! The car and artist weren’t at their spot today so I assume the watercolour is finished. Only a small pad so perhaps sketches to work from on a masterpiece!

    After lunch I will visit my friend Les who has just turned 97. He retains his independence in his own bungalow and has a wonderful family that drop in all the time and sometimes ask him to dog sit. I’ve checked he hasn’t any with him today so can take George and Betty with me. Later, I might collect more wood from Linda or visit the allotment to transfer the gooseberry bush to her plot. No firm plan on either at the moment.

    I’ve just got time to muck out the hens before I go out so wish everyone a happy Thursday. Sandy, I do hope your phone turns up and it wasn’t a scam. How annoying, whatever is going on.

    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hello everybody. We were out in the garden to avoid the heat at 7:30 am and have just come in as the sun sweeps across the vegetable plot. Actually not so much a plot anymore, more a container garden! I've now dragged 2 of my old containers out. That's all I can use because I've run out of soil and they are big. Planted Mary Jo's packet of beet seeds in both. I am now looking for mesh to keep the chipmunks and squirrels out. Oh, mentioned that to MJ earlier and she just text to say she will send some over with Mark next time he comes.
    I also watered and weeded, so now I'm mucky with soil sticking to the sun lotion I slathered on.

    Our season is so short really that I've decided the house cleaning will be sporadic as I will have all winter to do it.

    I'll read your piece later JACKIE but if I'm correct in what it says, no lumps!

    Off for a shower.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,386 Member
    edited June 2022
    Happy Thursday! :) Another beautiful day for my meeting. I did manage to get to pool yesterday and it was so relaxing. We have a busy weekend coming up with eye appointment tomorrow, lawyer appointment Saturday, dinner for Marisa and Chery's birthday Sunday and Dermatologist appointments Monday. Babe is already nervous about his dizziness with so much to do but I told him he has to tough it through since we need to get this done.
    I woke with pains last night which I think is from the muscle relaxer pill so I am not taking it anymore. It makes me groggy as well so I will just stick with my Sleep 3 sleep aid which helps me sleep.
    I give up on my gmail on Outlook for now and put the gmail on my desktop until I can figure it all out.
    At least all my stuff is still stored in my Gmail App from google and I hopefully haven't lost any important documents.

    Anne, you sound so happy working in your garden, it's the little things that matter. I am glad MJ has some mesh for you and so glad she is so good to you, she is a terrific DIL. I agree with house work, it can wait until we have free time to catch up, I am sure none of us live in filth and no one notices the dust except us. I count on Bryanna but she has been so busy lately I am forced to do a little dusting myself. lol

    Barbie, I hope all went well with Jake and therapy.

    Jackie, how sweet you have a 97 year old friend like I have Joe at 98. I called him since I haven't seen him in a while and always ask how he is doing to which her replies hanging in there. I told him I would try and pick him up this weekend and bring him to pool to say hello to his pool friends. That always makes him happy and since it doesn't seem likely I will see him as often as I did I want to make him happy. I also loved the picture of the old car and lady sketching which could also be a good sketching for someone.

    Lin, our weather has improved with low humidity which makes it bearable. As mentioned I did get some pool time and plan on more over the weekend. I am sorry about your headache, do you get migraines? I hope you managed to get your cards done in time for mailing today.

    Patsy, hope all is well with you, have I missed your posts??

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Nice sunny day here. The gutter guy is supposed to come today and get that done at last. Here is the shocker….John got an advertisement in the mail about a lawn service and he liked the sound of them! A wonderful Japanese company from across the river on the panessala . They want to start doing lawn care here in Oregon. Hope! Hope! Hope!

    Yea! The gutter guys are here! Already on the roof working on the gutters. John is out there looking at the activity. He is like that old territorial wolf I talk about. But the gutter guys are young and very tolerant of him. I even think they like him. He would drive me crazy because he wants to help so badly!

    Sandy: bad backs run in my family! My dad and my brother both had two back operations. They spent thousands of dollars on chiropractors. It was a painful unproductive experience. The operations only help for a short period of time. The same with the shots. The only thing that has helped John is an exercise regime daily. Boring and annoying if he is busy. Otherwise he also walks sort of crenked over. He is much better if he gets his exercises. I know you will be cautious about your back. That’s what helps us stay upright and able to get around.

    Katie is barking so loud and running around like a maniac, I can hardly think! I be back later with more silly unimportant news.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,485 Member
    edited June 2022
    Good evening. Another nice day! The high temperature was under 90 degrees again! It is breezy and a bit sneezy. 😁 That is summer right?

    We may get rain tomorrow but I need to water my plants tonight just in case the rain misses us overnight.

    I finished the sympathy card and the birthday card and got them in the mail. I also finished a sweet 16 birthday card I need next month.

    Still waiting for some addresses for the 4th of July cards. I will be unhappy if I do not receive the addresses and will be stuck with extra cards that most everyone on my mailing list has already seen. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    I was hunting for a new Micron pen, black ink 05. I found the package that I thought had one black pen with the remainder in varied colors. Surprise, the one I thought was black was a deep green. Ooops. I have ordered a black replacement now. Should arrive relatively quickly.

    I spoke to a friend this afternoon and her husband was in the car part of the time. Interesting to try to listen to two people. A big family event was postponed when one key person tested positive for Covid. Now they have scheduled a larger event for this weekend. Seems perhaps to soon for that?

    Patsy, are the gutters installed and are you and John happy with them? I hope Katie is all calmed down now. Wonderful to hear that you may have found a lawn service. Exciting! I hope it works out.

    Sandy, lots to do once again. I hope you get to everything on the schedule and that Babe is able to push through. Also happy to hear you did get some pool time. And, no, I don’t currently have migraines, I have sinus problems/headaches but it finally occurred to me this morning that my back and neck feel out of whack. Oh yeah, the collision with falling boxes may have left a bit of a problem.

    Jackie, darn, you didn’t get to see the sketch from yesterday. I would also love to see the car once again. I looked up videos of the hail in France. Oh my, there was some damage to vehicles and vegetation. Wow! I didn’t follow the link but potatoes should not be lumpy! 😁 your veggies sound lovely now. I have some tiny tomatoes on all of my plants but nothing that will be ready to pick for a long time. The runner bean is growing very slowly. Maybe I should give it a bit of fertilizer. But then it might cover my house. 😁

    Anne a gardening morning for you. Woooo, the heat combined with the work can just drain your energy. Stay hydrated!

    Barbie, I hope I hope all is well in your neighborhood.

    Be safe everyone.


    Mondrian teapot
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,330 Member
    :) Jake had a great time at cardiac rehab. They coached him through various exercise machines in ways that are safe and helpful for his heart. He was tired but encouraged and will go back once a week for eleven weeks. Besides exercise they will help him with nutrition(low sodium and low potassium and maximizing nutrition with lower calories)

    :D I have pulled lots of weeds and now am spreading bark. I limit my yard work to 90 minutes or less to be careful of my back

    :D Bessie and Bernie are sad without Sasha and spending more time with each other

    Our warm days are now about 70 F.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Early morning short note from me. I'm feeling smug. Leaving Jilly in bed for obvious reasons [barking if you haven't realized] I was up and out at 5am at first light to water the garden but mainly the new seedlings huddled under their mesh covering. This was because I didn't get out last evening because I had my nose stuck in a TV drama. Its still terribly hot during the day but it was pleasant at that time and awfully nice seeing the dawn break.
    Hey JACKIE they've discovered a bumblebee, actually quite a few bumblebees. the experts thought long gone living among the foxgloves in rural Wales. Makes a nice change from the usual news of humans chucking missiles at each other etc.
    Oh what a glorious thing to be
    A happy little buzzy busy bee.

    Off for a shower before the groceries arrive.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,970 Member
    What a day! A complete change in the weather but although a lot cooler, I managed to take George and Betty for a stroll on the moors. Lots of rain clouds in the distance so we didn’t hang around too long! It’s now raining but I think the storm threat has gone.
    Yesterday I enjoyed my visit with Les while Betty and George took it in turn to clamber into his lap. Sadly, he is nearly blind now but continues to get around at home and also play indoor bowls once a week where he gets verbal advice about whether to aim left or right, fast or slow. When I first arrived he told me he was upset because I had been ignoring his phone messages left on my landline and thought I wasn’t talking to him! My answer machine certainly wasn’t recording his messages but when he told me his calls went to the phone company’s recording system, not my answer machine I knew something was wrong. I used his phone to call my home number and sure enough it went to the National system so I promised I would check when I got home and call him. It turns out my landline is completely dead and when I called me using my mobile it stayed silent even though it sounded on the mobile as if was ringing! I phoned Les with my mobile, explained the fault and told him not to try to phone until I let him know it has been repaired but if it takes weeks I’ll keep in touch with him anyway.
    Today I’ve been on the phone company’s website for over an hour chatting by typing in boxes and also taking a screwdriver to the connection box on the wall to check and even send a photo to them! After all that they can’t find the fault so I had to give them 2 hours to do more checks then I have to get back to them!

    Another problem to be sorted was after my visit to my allotment plot where I discovered the nasty man as I call him had unscrewed the lock catch on the shed and removed it along with my padlock then placed a chair against the door to stop it blowing open. It has to be him because no one else would do it so I’ve sent an email to the local council telling them I’m appalled because he has “stolen” my padlock! I’m not really but on principle he needs to be disciplined so will see what they make of it.

    Anne, thanks for telling me about the rare bumblebee seen in Wales. You would have to be an expert to spot the difference between it and most other bumblebees but I love it’s crewcut look! Our efforts to help wildlife with roadside flowers and farmers leaving hedgerows and even fields to develop wild flowers is having positive effects for conservation. Linda told me yesterday she had seen a hummingbird hawk moth buzzing round the flowers on her plot earlier in the week and that’s the first in many years.

    Sandy, like your Joe, Les is happiest when he has someone to talk with but he also showed me how he asks Alexa to play music for him that reminds him of the good times in the 50’s when he and his wife were courting! As for gmail, I only look through it on my iPhone at the moment so tiny type!

    How exciting Patsy, you and John are beginning to work your way through jobs requiring assistance. I’ve watched quite a few programmes involving Japanese gardeners and they always appear in tune with nature and patient so fingers crossed, the new company suits you both. That just leaves the evasive Mrs Mop!

    Barbie, I must say Jake’s programme sounds wonderful and well thought out. Pets do get attached to each other don’t they. When my big black fluffy cat Boris was put to sleep George watched me bury him and went back to the spot every day for a long time looking for him, even peering in the hedge nearby in case he was hiding.

    Lin, bean plants are thirsty creatures and I’ve noticed by French bean climbers have been struggling in the dry heat. It’s now pouring with rain so I’m hoping everything will be sitting up once it stops! Although I deleted Instagram on my iPad I still have it on my phone and have seen a couple of photos of Pumpkin posted yesterday plus one of a mansion the Baker family visited but no comments which seems strange but perhaps they want a break from social media. It is a long journey they’ve been on.

    Time to contact the phone company again. Wish me luck and patience!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,386 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is started and later an eye appointment for Babe. Hopefully, they can tell him why he is seeing double on occasion which I think is from cataracts but I am no doctor. It is another hot day but we will be inside most of the time. Pasta for dinner tonight. I haven't cooked this much since my separation but at least we are eating healthy most of the time.

    Jackie, weird about your phone, I hope they are able to fix the problem. Les sounds like Joe and yes they just need a little attention and someone to talk too. Joe lives in assisted living so he has many friends but doesn't want to be forgotten by the neighborhood friends he made all those years of living here.
    Yes, I am using my phone for Gmail and did put the app on my computer but I had many things saved in different folders and fear I have lost them all.

    Anne, I believe I was turning over at 5am so you amaze me. Good luck with your groceries.

    Barbie, I agree with Jackie, Jake's therapy does sound wonderful. Anything to help get stronger and is good for your heart is perfect. I can only imagine how sad Bessie and Bernie are missing Sasha.

    Lin, sinus problems are just as bad as migraines so I hope you feel better today. And maybe a doctor's visit is in store because of those boxes to make sure there is no damage. Glad you got your cards done.

    Patsy, so happy to hear the gutter guys were there and things will be easier for John. I have had back problems on and off with two discs removed and sciatica procedure to shave the bone off the nerve.
    I have a lot of arthritis in my back also but I am hoping the therapy will help.

    Time to get moving, have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,485 Member
    edited June 2022
    Happy Friday from me as well. We received some rain overnight, more expected later but right now, we have some sunshine. I am going to plant a few green bean seeds soon. I dug out the seed and more potting soil. I am ready to roll!

    Jackie,thanks for the tip on runner beans. So they love water. Got it! I am used to watering bush beans, they don’t take that much water. I am going to harvest the last of my red lettuce and plan to put some seeds in that space later. My few zinnia plants are starting to bloom. They are supposed to be a black and white mix. All I see is white so far. The aphids did not kill the plants. 🙃 yippee! The few radish seeds I threw in a container along with a special type of sweet corn that will grow in a container, have sprouted and are growing nicely. I may have to pull them soon. I wonder how hot they will taste after all of the extremely hot weather?

    Oh, and I saw a few photos today on Instagram on Veronika’s account. There was a photo of pumpkin and a short video of the Eiffel Tower along with various photos, most were not recent.

    Sandy, I hope the eye doctor appointment went well and you found out something about Babe’s vision problems. Man, I would hate to have to cook meals each day. I love leftovers! 😄 thanks for the tip but I doubt I will go to the doctor unless the situation gets worse. Happy weekend.

    Anne, good for you. An early morning watering job done. I can’t believe Jilly slept in. And groceries received? Will you receive some of this nicer weather? We haven’t even hit 80 degrees F—it is wonderful and I would like to share.

    Oh and Jackie, what an incredibly nasty man to have removed your lock. Why? Was he angry to have something he could not enter at the allotment? Yikes! I cannot believe your phone went dead. I hope they can get it fixed soon. Although I have many friends who no longer have any phone except their cell/mobile phone and are happy with that.

    Barbie, I am glad to hear that Jake is doing well with the cardiac rehab. And great plan to limit the time you spend on moving that bark. Hoping your back stays happy with you.

    Patsy, the weekend once again. Is Damon on his way to your house to help with projects?

    Well, I am shifting gears here. I have a number of card projects to tackle.

    Be safe.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,970 Member
    edited June 2022
    Back on to the phone company but the telephone agent began to go through the same questions and routine I had been through before so I felt my irritation turning to anger, especially when he wanted to know if the connection box had screws either side and did I have a screwdriver? I refused to undo it again! He did finally get the message and told me he would book a visit from an engineer so of course I apologised for getting cross and I heard him giggle! Tuesday morning I will have to wait in but at least it’s not too long to wait. He did ask if a vulnerable or unwell person lived here in which case the appointment would be immediate. I will let Les know in the morning.

    The clerk of the Council responded to my complaint telling me the nasty man doesn’t know anything about the removal of the padlock so I replied joking that it must have been the notorious padlock thief of the west sneaking about and sent a copy to the man! I will happily move on because it is too silly to spend more time on.

    Sandy, I hope Babe gets some answers from eye tests. You are working so hard to make everything work for you both and I do admire your mental strength. If it was me I would very quickly become as grumpy as I was with the poor young man on the phone earlier! 😄

    It stopped raining for an hour so I went outside to feed the hens a handful of grain and check the veggies and wow, already everything is sitting up, especially the peas and Pak Choi. The sky has now turned a strange yellow so probably more rain on the way!

    Jackie 🥰

    PS. I’m watching a gardening programme and have been told container gardening requires twice as much watering as anything planted in the ground!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hot weekend here. I don’t want John out trying to do any outside tasks. Of course, that’s exactly what he wants to do! Aaaaaargh! That man is trying so hard to drive me absolutely mad.

    Damon is on his first sail of the season. I am so glad. He has been chained to his computer far too long. And trying to work outside here would be very unpleasant. So all worked out just fine. Later in the week he will be coming to pressure wash the decks.

    I am currently in one of those unpleasant phases that happens to us all…when little body malfunctions gang up on us. I have a collection of things that are a bother currently. Now I need to address them all at once along with a positive attitude. I will be busy! I had to use the inhaler first thing this morning and it always completely wiles me out. Light headed and headache and extremely tired for a period. So I will not be doing much right now. Later is will perk up.

    We put in call to the Japanese gardening company. 🤞🏻

    The warm humid weather has us all, including Katie, low energy and sluggish. We yearn for ice cream and watching TV.
    Sandy: good grief, my friend! You have had your share of back problems. Good luck with searching out Babes vision problems.

    Jackie: you have dealt with that horrible allotment dictator far too often. Surely there will be some sort of change happening soon! Leaving a personality like that in charge of any group activity is simply inexplicable. John and I were so close to our musician friend for years. When he died, we tried to remain friends with his widow. It has been so unpleasant, we just could not keep it up. I feel bad because we would like to honor his friendship by helping his widow whenever possible. That is not to be, sadly.

    Anne: stay out of the sun. It is bad for us fair skinned maidens. We burn and attract biting insects. I am impressed with your container farm garden. You are growing an amazing little farm! Good going, my friend!

    Barbie: animals grieve loss intensely. Our pets are so much more intelligent and connected to us and other animals than we can imagine. I only see evidence of about half of their secret mental life. Isn’t it interesting that they always understand what we say and are thinking and planning, yet we only understand about half of their communication.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,970 Member
    Good afternoon. A breezy day, in fact when we walked on the moors I was hit in the face by a freezing gale but then the weather there is always different to home. As we climbed we met David with little Hattie coming down because he thought it was going to rain but we paused and talked about gardening and the dozens of Sweet Williams he recently planted, having grown them from seed in trays. What a task to plant them out individually! I hate recommending people just in case it doesn’t work out but I gave him the number of Ellen who gives me a pedicure and he has an appointment with her on Monday. Perhaps I’ll check with her how it went before I see him again in case I have to hide!

    Home just in time before it rained so I made a pot of coffee then phoned a couple of friends in case they had been trying to contact me on my landline. Called Les as well and said I will phone again after the engineer’s visit. I’ve been receiving text messages from the engineering company that carries out repairs around the country and began to think we were going to go through the same process of checking plugs because the first message said they felt the problem could probably fixed by me without a visit. They then went on about my broadband that’s working fine so before it went too far I asked of one question ‘what does that mean? and they stopped messaging. Les had asked if I managed to speak to a human yesterday!

    The rain cleared around 3pm so I have pruned my roses, trimmed grass edges and planted more salad leaf seeds in a container so a productive couple of hours.

    Patsy, I think sometimes it is an inexplicable situation that can throw up a personality trait that lay dormant. Your dear friend that sadly died would completely understand why you and John had to step back and perhaps had suffered that side of his wife in silence. An interesting change of personnel on the local council that the clerk divulged in an email last night might just be the end of Mr Nasty’s hold on the allotments because a rather forceful personality is going to take up a position of Allotments Supervisor which could mean the end of the members’ Association that’s controlled by the psycho! I’m still glad I left!
    Ooh, that looks like good news about the lawn care group… hooray! Now just get yourself sorted with all those little issues. I agree, they always arrive together like a group of gate crashers! 😠

    I’ve sipped a cup of tea and will now attempt to fit the new toilet seat I was going to install days ago until too many other things got in the way. I’d better reread the instructions before I start!

    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,485 Member
    edited June 2022
    Oh darn, I have post my post today.

    Short update: the rabbits are assaulting the veggie containers today. I have put up more wire barriers as a bit of a discouragement.

    Trying to make more tiny paper Cardinals. The red paper I have appears to be too heavy to cut out the intricate wings.

    Jackie, I hope your phone is fixed by a technician soon. Hello to George and Betty.

    Anne, happy weekend to you. We have heat and humidity once again. Are you still sweltering as well? Hello to Jilly

    Sandy, I hope you and Babe have a good weekend.

    Patsy, I hope you receive a return call from the lawn service. Hi Katie.

    Be safe everyone.


    A stegosaurus teapot according to the caption
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,386 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) We drove to the attorney in rain and had an awful time finding his office. Once finally inside we were told all we had to do was tear up the separation papers. I asked why he couldn't have told me that on the phone but he said he wanted to see us and wanted to see the papers. At first he told us we could get remarried and I asked why when we weren't divorced? So he really did forget that we legally separated and although I do like him he messed this up. We asked if we owed him money and he just glared and finally said do you have $20 and I answered no just $15 but then found a $20. In other words he didn't charge us but made it legal by accepting the $20. He just wrote on the top paper VOID and all three of us signed and dated it. Kind of a waste of time but I feel better knowing we are legal.
    Drove home in heavy rain but now the sun is trying to peek out. No pool today and will try and ride my bike instead.

    Have a good rest of your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Another scorcher of a day and I'm praying we get SANDYS rain tomorrow.

    M and M popped by and peered at my veggie plot and discovered I have 7 beets coming up in the actual garden. I'm so short sighted now my glasses are broken I would have thought the little plants weeds! The other day LIN asked if she should water at night or in the morning and I believe JACKIE said evening because water evaporates in the hot sun if you water in the morning. I was taught that as well Jackie in the UK. However Mary Jo said "no no" not over here. If you water in the evening it causes mould on the plants and they turn white. This was news to me but MJ is into gardening big time.

    We had quite a laugh today. It turns out that Mikes long time friend is also a very good guitar player. His band had a gig yesterday in a downtown street festival and he asked Mike to help the lads cart the equipment. This Mike did and ended up sending us a photo of Rob on stage. Michael had a lovely time I gather and didn't get home until 2 am and he had to go to work today. Rob is in his early fifties and Mike is 60, kids compared to Mick Jagger I guess.
    Robs image is Mr Canadian Nice Guy, no Keith Richards for sure leaping around.

    PATSY, life's too short to waste time on folks who aren't lovable. One of my friends got pretty nasty in her later years, a controlling personality, and kept saying very rude things about my appearance. I put up with her whilst Bill her husband was alive. A lovely gentle soul who was ailing. He finally had to go into hospital with pneumonia. Sent home on a particularly horrible winter day in January she phoned me to say she was hauling him on public transport to go shopping. I begged her not to do this but she poopoo'ed that and off they went. He died the next day back in the hospital. For Bills sake I put up with her until her sons finally placed her in a senior home where I knew she was safe with others. I have no idea why she got so nasty with me but Bill said it was jealousy. What!!!! And the "friendship" has slowly died a natural death. At first I felt quite guilty but three years later realize it was the right decision.

    Like Patsy BARBIE I'm amazed how much our pets understand and feel.

    SANDY and BABE, congratulations on getting everything sorted out and may you both enjoy many years of good health and back togetherness.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Me again….it is a very hot weekend. Sunny and steamy! Even Katie refuses to go outside in the heat. She runs out, does her pee-pee (my gran would have said she spent her pennies) and runs right back inside. The deck is hot and uncomfortable for her tender toes!

    Today and tomorrow will be very hot so we are having cold food, no cooking! ice cream for dessert tonight. I bought a light ice milk with virtually no sugar. Yea! Almost healthy.

    The news has me confused and anxious. I, don’t or ever wanted an abortion...but this seems far reaching in significance. However! I am so glad we are trying to get guns away from mentally ill people. First gun control act in decades. And it is quite limited in scope. We have debates in our family about this issue. No one wins and no minds are ever changed. Interesting how that happens.

    We live in a moderate rain forest. When the sun bears down and no clouds or rain in sight, the trees and vegetation looks so unhappy. This vegetation is happy in rain or cloudy days. People here get very tired of no sun. We have a narrow comfort zone. We need perfect temps of 65-70 degrees with partly cloudy, slightly breezy, during the day. A light mist at night to water the plants. Camelot!

    News flash! I saw my tarot card lady coming out of the food bank. She looked healthy and in full regalia. Beads, hat, long skirt, sandals and socks…not matching. I waved and she waved back. Not sure she recognized me with sunglasses on. In a way she is extremely colorful and gloriously unique. I really like her and worry about her.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hello, the sun is already out and flinging all windows open as we got out of bed, Jilly and I were greeted with Skunk pong. We are promised some rain this afternoon, fingers crossed. Michael is over for lunch and then will scurry home I expect.

    I am a Libra and Libra's are supposed to see both sides of things. Very true in my case and I spend much time sitting on fences. Like PATSY abortion is NOT for me, its a new life however early BUT I can see some women finding themselves in the unfortunate position of a future of extreme poverty. AND I can see the new ruling opening up even more restrictions on everyones freedom. It seems to me the world is heading towards a troubling future. Definitely troubling for us women.

    As for me, and all of my generation in this western world I think on the whole we've lived in a golden age since the Second World War. I've enjoyed a happy independent life. Usually broke, but filled with happy memories of my lovely family clan, and all the beautiful people and pets I've met along the way.

    Time to shower,
    Anne and the ever on guard Jilly the Bean, and especially on guard with the windows open as the skunk pong drifts away.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,970 Member
    Hello sneakers… happy Sunday, even Anne with her whiff of Skunk! 😁 That did make me laugh.

    So far sunshine and clouds and no rain but I took George and Betty for a short local walk since they’d had a week of so many steps on the moors. Yesterday I left you to go fit a toilet seat; a posh one that closes itself silently. No instructions, just drawings and after fiddling for over an hour to fit it centrally I had to walk away because I was tired, cross and my back was aching from bending over too much. When I awoke this morning I had a brainwave to check how the builder fitted a similar type of seat in the old airing cupboard, now a loo and blow me, he had fitted the screws at an angle so I followed suit and finally it’s on and feels secure! I’m sure 10 or 15 years ago I would have worked it out for myself in minutes but it’s one of those annoying getting older symptoms, looking but not seeing!

    Anne, of course your weather with its humidity is completely different so I can imagine damp plants wouldn’t be happy. MJ is the expert!

    Isn’t that great Patsy, a sighting of your tarot card lady and looking well.

    Goodness Sandy, I imagine that meeting with your attorney was extremely annoying and upsetting. At least you have peace of mind.❤️

    Oh Lin, the rabbits are back!! We sometimes had a similar problem on the allotment, also squirrels munching our strawberries.

    Linda has just messaged with photo of my plot someone is already working on when my tenancy doesn’t end until Thursday. I’ll have to ask them to readjust my rent!!

    Margaret Atwell was prophetic with her vision of a dystopian society. Whatever one’s views, it must surely be for the woman to choose and live with her decision. Certainly not for men to interfere!

    The world has gone mad. That’s all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,386 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Watched mass on TV and now catching up on computer. Beautiful day so I will be going to pool for a couple of hours before meeting Cheryl and Marisa for dinner. Like most of you I myself would not get an abortion but I do not feel I can judge anyone for their decisions. I just think we are going backwards and like Anne wonder what else they will take away from women. Why aren't men held accountable for unwanted pregnancies they sure had a lot to do with it!! End of rant!!

    Jackie, it was annoying but the attorney helped me a lot when we separated. The funny thing is I don't feel married after living alone for so long. It is more like a boarder or taking care of the grandkids. I don't mean to sound mean or uncaring, just sharing my feelings. Hopefully, things will change in the future. My back hurts the most when I bend over as well. And I stopped taking the pills because they seemed to upset my tummy. Next we will see how therapy does.

    Anne, you made me smile also with your skunk smell. I do hate that smell and at the old place I lived when they smoked pot it was that same smell. Yuk.

    Patsy, you must have been some activist when you were younger, I give you so much credit. I am the type to complain but don't do anything but vote which is better than the people who complain and don't even vote!!

    Lin, sorry you lost your post. Those little cardinals sound so hard to make, you have such patience.
    Sorry the rabbits are attacking your plants.

    Barbie, hope all is well with you and Jake.

    Have a beautiful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,485 Member
    edited June 2022
    Good afternoon. I watered my plants this morning and watched church online. They had added music today. Quite enjoyable. I also did some laundry and cooked a pot of beans.

    Yipppeee, I also found the photos taken at yesterday’s bridal shower. Oooh, lovely decoration, fancy food and a mountain of gifts. But there wasn’t much laughter or even smiles in the photos. I hope that was just the moments that the photos were snapped. You can’t laugh all the time.

    An immense load of anger has bubbled to the surface with this recent SCOTUS decision. Mine included. In college I was a radical feminist, women’s libber, women’s rights advocate. Pick a term. I marched, donated and dutifully wore my ERA bracelet for years in hope until I finally gave up.

    I read Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper each week and she was quite eloquent today. If you have a chance to read it, I recommend it. Meanwhile, one of the attachments was this:


    I wonder what is possible.

    Sandy, I hope you are enjoying your day and will have a lovely time with Cheryl and Marisa later. I am sorry for the seemingly unhappy visit with the attorney. Just a question, the original document was signed but never filed with any governmental entity? That’s the only way I could understand that you could write void on the original signed document. Odd. Anyway, I hope that is the end of it and you can just settle in. And I hope your back improves.

    Jackie, really, your spot has been taken over. Well, that really wasn’t very nice and no one checked to see if you were ready to surrender the spot early? Hummmm. Good job on the new toilet seat installation. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Anne, I am a Libra as well and I am often mid ground, won’t join a political party as I want to be Independent. BUT I am vehemently opposed to some of the ‘stuff’ that has passed for the truth the last few years. Enough said. To gardening, a friend of mine has been harvesting her first crop of beets and she detests the variety. I forget what it is but they are pink and white inside and she says they just don’t live up to her normal Detroit reds. So, off to purchase more seed apparently. I hope you had a lovely lunch with Michael.

    Patsy, cold food! Wonderful way to go in the heat. I just made a salad for lunch. Not due to the heat but because I had my own lettuce as well as homegrown broccoli sprouts. Yummy! I hope you don’t run out of ice cream. Really?!? You saw your tarot lady? That is great. At least you waved at each other.

    Barbie, hope you are having a good weekend.

    Be safe everyone.


    An elephant teapot set
