Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hardly bored, but sleepy, nevertheless. ANNE, my Mom left this World at 84 and I am a way beyond. Boring!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Living in pea soup land today which means no view beyond the bottom of my garden and a careful drive to the woods then beyond to a store to stock up on doggie "bits" because low cloud is hanging over us and practically touching the ground. According to my weather app it should clear through by 3pm so no excuses to not cook a meal for my lunch although the timing is taking me a while to get used to.

    Anne, we've all said it on several occasions before.... none of us knows what's round the corner or even a way down the road so planning for the what might be's is good but never going to be cast in stone. In other words you should do what you feel in your heart now and worry about 6.5 years if and when you get there. Let's be honest, your boys will never see you out on the street or in some ghastly, pokey so-called care home. Barring accidents, and there have been a few, my ancestors and family up to today have averaged well into their 90's but I don't generally plan beyond next week!! You deserve to be content and secure so go wherever that takes you. <3
    On a different note, how sad that Canada still doesn't bother too much about its architectual heritage. One of the things that sent me back to the UK was Toronto's souless structures as they seemed to pull anything down before it hit a grand old age of 50! When I returned to visit friends about 12 years ago I got lost on a few occasions because I just didn't recognise areas I'd moved in all the time back in the 70's. There again Cornwall is changing around me as it's rapidly being covered in concrete and housing estates with no trees or greenery so if I came back in another life 40 years from now I'm sure I'd get lost taking dogs to the woods!! :o

    I'll pop back later but now must get that promised lunch organised.
    Happy Wednesday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    That's what I feel deep down JACKIE so thanks for the support. The sons seem to think I'll go on forever like the battery bunny in the commercials. As you say six years is a long way off and in the meantime I'll have plenty to observe and talk about if I end up in the posh place! Plus trips to the falls etc (although I wouldnt leave the Bean for long outings) and maybe I'd be allowed to pull up a few weeds in the gorgeous grounds with its gazebos, climbing roses and the odd statuary. Very Britishy actually and maybe that sub consciously appeals plus the stone fireplace in the main lounge!

    As regards to this house, I've loved it for thirty years, full of faults, small by today's standards but for the life of me I can't understand why folks these days want to live in cavernous mansions that eat up electricity and gas like supplies and money are endless. All around me (2 just being pulled down in the next street as I write) mansions are going up, and I did feel a little weepy that Derek wants to join everyone else. He was actually born in this house, or I should say arrived here at one week old from the hospital. That's recently been pulled down as well! Replaced by a giant thingy miles away on the edge of town.

    Progress I guess, whatever that means! Just as long as the little boss boys and their deadly weapons don't reduce everything to rubble. And on that note I will take Beanie to observe the unsuspecting birds and the bees in the Apple trees. It's a LITTLE cooler today.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Another beautiful day which always happens when the pool has abbreviated hours. I am going for a hair trim this afternoon and later to bingo, would love another big win. lol Robby started kindergarten today and told me he wants to take the bus but not go to school. lol As it turns out Lisa thought they missed the bus which was late, so she drove him to school and he was not happy. I sure hope he likes it and adjusts.

    Anne, I agree with Jackie, take it one day at a time. The retirement home sounds wonderful especially since Jilly can join you.

    Not sure I will get to ride the bike today but going to try. So far so good.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited August 2019
    Hello friends. I was off early this morning for a nice unhurried trip to Trader Joe’s. Toted home quite a few things so putting things away took a while. I revamped the hummus I made so it is spicier and proceeded to eat a bunch much of it with fresh sliced tomatoes from my Mah Jongg friend. Oh my, such delicious tomatoes. I balanced my checkbook. Dratted 11 cent error. But I found it. Now I am hunting for a recipe for a kind of breakfast bar. If I do not find any I will mess with some ingredients and bake it up. Could be tasty and with no eggs or anything, never have to worry about uncooked bits.

    I was going to make a short trip over to Whole Foods this afternoon for some yogurt but have decided to wait until Friday. Most of the yogurt will be gone so I hope they have it in stock then.

    Nice Mah Jongg session yesterday and I went an hour early to hunt for a couple of things at our one surviving department store. I did find what I wanted on sale so was very happy. I now have some bonus dollars to spend this month. I am sure I will find something. 🤗

    The time spent coloring was nice. It was a small group and much good conversation. We had to move to a very small room however due to upcoming building renovations. But we adapted.

    Tomorrow is ex-Library ladies morning. Our group has been small lately but enough people for good conversation.

    Sandy, happy day and wishing you luck at Bingo this evening although your luck seems pretty good to me. Wow, first day of kindergarten. Amazing passage of time. I hope he settles in quickly.

    Anne, I have never lived that long in one place. Wow, 30 years. I guess you know that house inside and out for certain. Just sitting here thinking, my gosh, I have been in this house for a very long time! Wooooo, 24 years. Doesn’t seem possible. I don’t have close neighborhood friends but I have seen quite a procession of people in and out of the houses. Most are young families who perch here for a while and then move on to a larger home elsewhere. Wishing you much happiness as you contemplate your next move. It has to be better with Jillo by your side.

    Jackie, we had pea soup land yesterday but today is a bright and sunny day in contrast. Interesting that it is much cooler today. Only the low 70’s. Perfect day for all the folks attending the fair. Do you have local fairs by the way? We have a whole set of county fairs before the state fair. Lots of fun for the kids who raise calves or rabbits or other animals.

    Buzz, did you get to Costco?

    Patsy, hello. Hoping you are having a good day. Is the crow eating your offering?

    Jeri, hi. Hope you are well.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    High clouds, warm and sultry! Ugh! But I have a load of wash churning and I want to wash the bed comforter while the weather is warm and we aren’t using it. As I have mentioned, I always have a list of overdue tasks.

    Maybe it is the weather, but I have also been feeling overwhelmed by the effort of trying to keep this house up and running. Downsizing has a real appeal to me. John is not inclined to do that. I have seen this in other men. Change in their living quarters is a devestating event. For us wemen, I often feel there is a comfort in surroundings that are easily managed. I believe there is also a real urge in some of us to be in the company of other women. Hopefully, they would be like the sneakers. Supportive, fun, intelligent and dare I say it...we can be a bit cheeky from time to time! But who knows how this will turn out.

    Trying to get Katie brushed but she has other plans for the day. This is always a negotiation with her. If she sees me get out the brush and comb she disappears down into the lower part of the yard behind the rhododendrons. But I have my ways to lure her inside. Irresistible treats!

    I am also hemming up some new pants (jeans). My legs are seriously only about 20 inches long. As I said, I am a short, fat Irish girl with fair skin and dark freckles. I am also finishing some drawings to give to a friend for her new condo. I am ditching several old sweaters that have been old friends for a lot of years. Ugly, tattered but they were comfortable. Katie used to chew on my buttons when she was a little puppy. I am listening to Tina Turner’s Proud Mary. Then Next will be Fool in love. Makes the household chores move along faster and less drudgery.

    Life is still worth the effort as long as you all are in here with me!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Time for my bed so I won't dally. The rain never really cleared, certainly not long enough to think about working in the garden so instead more housework ready for paint pots to be brought out and the start of decorating.

    Anne, you have been in your home the same number of years I've lived in my cottage so I certainly understand your emotional attachment. Home is where the heart is and all that! Is there a possibility of you doing a test run at the facility you're considering, say for a week or two? You don't want to discover you are prone to claustrophobia or inclined to going stir crazy if you downsize to one room.

    Lin, we have a variety of fairs or shows as we call them. Our local one is held in a couple of fields just out of town where everything from dogs to ferrets and sheep to cattle can win a rosette. Great fun so long as it doesn't rain so the fields turn to slippery mud!

    Sandy, once again my exercise bike has been dusted down so I spent a couple of minutes making sure it's not uncomfortable to ride. The good news was I could lift one leg over in order to sit astride it and no pain when I peddled so tomorrow I'll see how long I can cycle.

    Patsy, I'm doing my best to imagine legs just 20 inches long because I'm 5'9" and most of my height is in my legs! If we ever meet we'll have to sit to chat so neither gets a crick in the neck. 😄

    Nite nite ladies 💤💤

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hmmmm, interesting: I never gave much thought to leg length, just realizing I have shrunken from a 31" inseam to ordering petite pants to avoid shortening ! I now wear about a 27" inseam. That would be ankle to crotch, as it doesn't include my feet. My height went to 5'3"
    from the 5"6" I was between the age of 11 and about 50. Having always been taller than my daughters, I was shocked the first time I recalled looking UP at them!
    Thirty years in one home! I think I never went beyond about 22. Yet the almost 7 years since moving to Edgewater Pointe seems to have flown by!
    ANNE, it's a move I've never regretted! But while you have time to assess various ideas, research the possibility of a "Lifetime Care Facility" or whatever my type of place is called by your country...(Retirement-Life - Community ?). Number 1, to qualify for lifetime health care, one must buy in. Number 2, it should have a Samaritan Fund!!! Meaning if a resident has not simply been throwing money carelessly around (or giving it away!), but runs out of money, they simply remain living at the Community with all the advantages! I may have mentioned I believe we have about 17 residents here living on our company's Samaritan Fund. We do not know who they are since the motto here is "Where Loving Kindness Lives". Also, look for a Non-Profit Company. I can see the difference in my community and the one my sister and her DH eventually chose (ignoring my recommendations), where the food rations have been cut already and some of the activities are no longer offered. Also, if they will need
    assisted care or health needs, they will have to move to another place! An added feature where I live is it would be like having Mark or Michael around all the time as our maintenance crew treats us like parents. I'm happy for you there is no time pressure, You might want to check out these sites just for a start:

    Sorry, I got carried away, but it's really such an important subject for so many people, and I find there's a very skewed view of senior living. It seems most people "are not ready yet" until suddenly it's too late! Many of us never consider how close an apartment is to elevators, but that should be a consideration! Is the included food institutional or restaurant quality? What are the Social availabilities? Busses (shopping and doctors) for when you no longer drive? Nursing availability? Is a chaplain available? Don't keep thinking you'll never need it, or you have plenty of time, because one fall can change everything, including choices! And the older you become, the harder it is to move! Even interviewing aides before one needs help is not a bad idea, since some are a perfect match and others can be undesirable! And I will simply repeat a well known fact among those of us who have achieved it, "Aging ain't for the weak"!
    Once more, I'm creakily climbing down off my box!!!
    Didn't bother going down to dinner tonight as I had much of my delicious Birthday Night Dinner boxed and saved in my refrigerator. After returning from a stormy bus trip to my favorite Costco (LIN, thank you for asking!) I was exhausted and barely stayed awake during the special meal! I'm afraid hunting for my needs in these huge stores is too much for me now, and there was not a motorized wagon chair available. I did get 5 boxes (10 quarts) of blueberries, even though they are now much smaller size, though sweet. I could not locate some of their specials as the storm cut our visit short. A neighbor offered to pickup my missed purchases when she drives to Costco tomorrow.
    I attended "University for the Day" lecture this evening and was mesmerized by the speaker and the subject. This professor Watson is the most charismatic speaker I have EVER known!He spoke for 2 hours without notes (This is part of a taped series of University professors) about polls of "the most favorite" and the "least favorite" presidents of the U.S.... it was NOT political, and so informative I did not snooze even once! One of the largest criteria was how INFLUENTIAL a president is, not how powerful! And his explanation of how our Constitution was formed and written was totally fascinating. In about 2 months, there will be a follow up lecture on whether our Democracy is irretrievably broken, and I wonder how he will skirt that one politically! Tonight did not include the present president! However, among all political groups, the 1st ladies poll had Eleanor Roosevelt as #1, Michelle Obama was #2, Melania came in as 4th from the bottom!
    2:34 AM, and I must beg off from continuing to bore you all! I certainly enjoyed all your posts and am hoping SANDY's landlord lets his son carry on! I also want to observe that PATSY has a point about men resisting change in where they live! I would say at least 88% never want to move! And JACKIE's recovery from her surgery is really remarkable! ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz!!!
    <3 Buzz

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    BUZZ what a marvellous and most informative post you've just sent us! Loads of tips from someone who knows what she is talking about. I do thank you. ❤️Anne.

    It's very early morning so no more from me for now, but I did want to thank Buzz.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Back home after a delightful walk on the moors then a trip to the vet to collect worm and flea treatments... Brady's due today! It seems dear Betty's diet is not going according to plan, much like mine, so that 3 months into a low calory kibble diet she hasn't lost a single gram never mind the 2 kilos I'd hoped for. An expensive bag of a different brand of dietary food has been bought so we'll see how she gets on with the vet's recommendation.... I have my doubts!! 😏

    My lunchtime already so I'll prepare a salad before making the most of some pleasant weather and see you lovely sneakers later. 🙋‍♀️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I got up early today to go to mass since it is a holy day of obligation in the Catholic Church. I am meeting friends at noon at the horse racing track for lunch and some wagering. I just hope I can stay awake. :(
    Ewok was a bad boy last night and caught a bunny, poor thing didn't stand a chance. Not to be gross but he severed the head and had the body in his mouth. Rob and Lisa chased him forever until he got exhausted and finally caught him to get it away. He is so fast it amazes me. I said I hope he doesn't catch a skunk next and Lisa agreed. Circle of life but oh so gross.

    Beautiful picture Jackie, the land there is so picturesque. I hope the new dog food works for Betty, no table treats do you hear me????

    Anne, such big decisions but Buzz gave good advice. I have to admit I am just not ready to talk about retirement homes, I want to live alone as long as possible.

    Patsy, if you legs are so short what is your total height? I was 5'4 1/2 inches at one time but now I am 5' 2". I blame my back surgeries although we know "age" is a factor. You sound very cute to me, an Irish lass.

    Lin, no win at bingo, maybe today at the track.

    I better get moving since I have to leave in an hour. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy today. There is a possibility of rain. We need the moisture. Wildfire season is here and we have had several that are still not considered out yet.

    John is still working on the deck. He keeps finding rotten boards. Sort of dangerous since this deck is on the upper floor. I have been avoiding going out on the deck but Katie is constantly in and out on the deck. John is a pretty good carpenter. He built our house in Colorado. He has remodeled our house in Wyoming and he updated our house in Eagleriver, Alaska. And the carpentry continues to this day.

    I was 5’3 but time has robbed me of at least two inches. My legs were always short but our doc says that as we age our spine actually shrinks. The spaces in between the vertebra actually compress. We don’t utilize calcium as we used to and odd bone growths start to show up in odd places. These cause problems as we walk and try to lift things and reach. Oh joy! I guess the good news is that if we exercise and move every part of our body on a regular basis, there is less bone loss and more muscle strength. Every conversation with our doc ends with him saying...okay, Patsy, do whatever necessary to stay upright. Don’t fall! Use support. I think that means use a cane or walker or walking stick. Bleck!

    Since we own this house and John loves his shop, we will try to remain here as long as possible. Our son is thinking we will need to install a stair lift or a small elevator. Hummmmmmm maybe. He is looking into the design possibilities.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited August 2019
    Good day, I left early this morning for ex-library ladies, then went to the anniversary sale at Natural Grocers (wow, very busy), home for a bit of lunch and then went to the Kohl’s friends and family sale. Home right now but going to listen to a webinar and then off to meet a lady to sell a little item. It has been a kind of interesting day.

    Buzz, thank you for the detailed information. We really do not have much in the way of CCR options here. I guess the area is too small. I don’t think I have the assets to do a purchase even if I could find something even half as lovely as yours. My cousin, who I speak to maybe once a year, told me he and his wife have bought into a CCR in the Dallas area but haven’t taken possession of a unit yet. I am not sure how that works, you can purchase and then delay your move in? They aren’t ready to sell their house yet but he said whenever they want to move in they will have a spot. Do not understand that. They have piles of money though so finances aren’t an issue for them. Not the same here unfortunately.

    Jackie, love the photos. Those pups really do roam. 🤗🤗. Poor Betty. I feel bad for her. Losing weight is tough, really tough. Poor dear, I thought with all the exercise and the diet food, the combo would be doing the trick for her. I hope the new food will work better. And thanks for the explanation about your fairs. They sound quite lovely.

    Sandy, I hope you had a great afternoon at the track. Sorry there was no Bingo win this week but you were super lucky last week. Maybe next week or maybe you won something today. Ewok sounds very Husky like. They do not like to give up their trophies. Gruesome as they may be.

    Patsy, I hope John continues to work on the house while staying safe. Boards going bad are definitely unsafe so I can understand that he wants to get them upgraded. My deck is fairly close to ground level but I still would not want to have my leg go through a rotten board.

    Anne, hello to you and the Jillo. Hope you are well. With all the change whirling around you I tell you, I would be exhausted! I hope you are getting lots of rest.

    Take care everyone. All best wishes.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I plumb wore out my mind last night and here it is 11:30 PM and I'm ready for bed! Just a coupe of remarks or suggestions before I pass out.
    PATSY, if you have many stairs, do g <3 o :*:*:* for a lift now, before you actually need one While some folks age beautifully regarding ability to climb, our 104 year old little lady (Who NEVER exercised in her life!) still uses the stairways, while I, who spent so many years working out vigorously at Pilates, Yoga, Jane Fonda, race walking, Tai Chi, aerobics, aquasize seem to have gained nothing in the lng run from all the preparation for aging gracefully!!! Who knew? Good thing I checked and found I never posted this!!!!!
    <3 Buzz

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
    Good morning Sneakers,

    My dad used to remark how all the very athletic ones in his youth, the rugby players, the footballers etc were all stumbling along with walking sticks and walkers in their seventies which makes one wonder how the young, sweating in their modern gyms on diabolical machines will fare. Can't beat a quick walk on the moors with the wind blowing through your hair and the rain improving your complexion say I. JACKiE has the right idea for sure.

    I didn't post yesterday because although pleasant it was a plod along day and nothing going on for everyone to read. Jillo and I didn't meet a soul on our walks. Today promises to be the same. Normally it's Michael's day off and I get out and about but he has to work as his partner is off on his vacation and the bullied girl never came back to work so management, seeing that Mike and his partner were coping, haven't replaced her.

    Our big fair opens tomorrow for two weeks. A sure sign of approaching autumn and back to school. This doesn't mean the temperatures have cooled down. We are promised a sizzling four or five days in the eighties.

    I'm going to post at this point and then come back, because it's at this point I usually lose things.

    Made it, I'm back! The letters were going wobbly, hesitant, and symbols appearing.

    Have a great Friday everyone, hugs to all from
    Anne and The Bean. 🙃❤️🐶
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
    I've just read that Trump is thinking about buying Greenland from Denmark to expand USA territory! Is he joking? Watch out Great Britain!
    Makes sense actually in a frightening way. Greenland. Buffer zone between east and west?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Torrential rain so I walked the dogs round my little hamlet until all 3 of us were bedraggled. Even my waterproofs struggled to keep up with their name and are now hanging in the shower cubicle to drip dry! Haha though Anne, my complexion should be much improved after such a soaking. 😅
    Greenland? He'll have the Inuits removed as illegals no doubt since they apparently moved in from Canada a few hundred years ago!

    Sandy, Ewok was just doing g what comes naturally as yucky as that is. A local man has 2 gorgeous Husky dogs that on more than one occasion have caught and killed rabbits within seconds while we've
    stopped to chat. Yesterday George tried to catch a tiny Shrew while I cut the grass but soon gave up!

    Buzz, friends constantly nag me about the lack of a banister on my stairs but now my shiny new hips are working so well I don't need to hold on to anything. HOWEVER, my plan is to find a carpenter to remove the current 1970's style staircase and build one with more character and a handrail before any accident occurs.

    Patsy, your doctor's explanation about our backs makes sense because a couple of years ago I lost over an inch in height because my spine was compressing, all to do with my old hips. A step was needed to stand on if I wanted to open or close the Velux ceiling window but I can reach without now, not even tippy toes needed!

    Lin, I'll pass on your sympathies to Betty! 😉 My thought is if the new expensive kibble makes no difference I'll just have to accept she is what she is.... A podgy couch potato!!

    Current murky view from the garden room...

    No gardening this afternoon!
    Happy Friday.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
    Further thought on the Greenland thing. Actually he's wanting control of the north west passage at both ends. Poor Canada stuck in the middle! Russia and the US are already claiming our Arctic.

    It would appear we are no more than a virus destroying everything in our path.

    Even my English cat Thello used to catch rabbits SANDY. He was so good at this the farmer across from us wanted to keep him when we emigrated. Apart from the usual stuff he also caught frogs etc.

    Your garden is really beautiful JACKIE. So much so you should show it on the day Britain opens its private gardens to the public.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited August 2019
    Good day. I found the yogurt I wanted this morning. Yippee. Bought twice as much as usual. Yesterday the store I visited had a little sign up in the area where this yogurt usually is stocked (totally bare shelf) indicating there is a supple issue with the product. I got to Whole Foods this morning to a bare shelf but no sign. I asked about it and they did have some in the back not yet shelved. Wahoo. Success.

    On the news this morning they said due to some growing issues bananas may be harder to get and may be pricier for a while. End of my food news except to say our supply chain seems kind of fragile out here in the mid-section of the country.

    Greenland!! I thought it was a joke when I first heard that news. But then each day brings new surprises.

    Jackie, I love your garden even if it is a murky day. So many wonderful plants.

    Anne, have you made plans to go to the fair? Or like me, stay at a distance.

    Just posted as I had a phone call. Now back. Farm is now rented for next year. Thanks goodness.

    I was going to run out to Costco to renew my membership which apparently will result in a gift card but hey, it’s Friday and I am sure they are very busy but then what day is slow in Costco?

    Hello Buzz, Sandy and Patsy.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I will Stay well away LIN. Went years ago. Couldn't stand the crowds, the heat, the smell of fast food. Flo on the other hand couldn't get enough, but without me.
    On the other hand I loved the UK village fairs with their flower and veggie shows, baking contests, test your strength stands, fortune tellers and a staid ride on a painted horse on the roundabout.
    No fun, me.