Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2019
    Don't forget, the jungle or wild bottom beyond the lower hedge is out of sight and definitely not a place for strangers to wander.... they might never find their way out again! :D

    My food news is that when I shopped this morning I was disappointed to find our English Braeburn apples are still not on show, instead packs flown all the way from South Africa and luckily as I unloaded my shopping on to the conveyor belt I noticed one looking very sorry for itself so handed it to the cashier and hurried back to the display. I had to go through several packs to find one that didn't look as if it contained bruised or perished fruit but obviously didn't look hard enough because unpacking at home I found one with concealed mould and another with what looks like a fingernail was pushed into it and that thought puts me off eating it!!

    Just received an email from the solicitor with 11 attachments to be read, digested and signed regarding the London house sale. I'd better put the kettle on and settle down for a couple of hours reading!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Good start to the day with a 1.7 weight loss. Doing laundry and then going for a mani/pedi and grocery shopping. Had fun at the track, lost about $20 so not bad.
    I plan on keeping up my exercise routine and ride the bike later. Life is good.

    Jackie, good luck with all the paperwork, I don't envy you. Your garden is just magnificent, what a beautiful view having coffee or tea.

    Anne, you never bore us so stop feeling like you do. We just love to hear from you and Jilly.

    Sorry but my page flipped and I don't have time to go back. I must get in the shower and "shave" my legs for my pedi.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy weekend dear is a bit cloudy and misty. We are all low key and lazy. I had one of my restless nights. They seem more frequent than they used to be. That may be just a crazy memory. Anyway I need to do a few things this morning just to keep us halfway operational.

    I can’t even let myself entertain the notion of trump wanting to buy Greenland. Spreading our influence just like that other bad guy from Germany a few years ago. This makes my heart beat faster and I get a catch in my throat.

    Buy the way, I have made yoghurt in my instant pot. It was really pretty good but John likes the Greek style and I think the commercial variety has a thickening agent.

    Katie is back on her pumpkin cookies. I baked up a batch to keep in a bag in the fridge. She runs to the fridge whenever I open it. She must really like them! They are easy to make but I hate to bake in the summer heat. Feels wrong!

    I think Buzz’s advice on the stair lift is very wise. I like the kind that will allow regular use or fold down the chair lift if needed. Not very pretty but we must make adjustments if we age in place. The small elevator that looks very French would be good as well. Huge difference in price. There would be a yearly maintenance that would annoy John. We are deep into research and that is crucial. We are fighting this decision but acknowledge the long range necessity. Our son is adamant that we begin the process of finding the device we think would work for us. Not so easy as you might imagine.
    Aging disgracefully,

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Aging disgracefully, PATSY?
    Oh no, not one of you is aging disgracefully!!! At your "young ages", you are all looking ahead and beginning to make the plans that will help you adjust as you need them! Everyone's answer is different, and let's face it, if I had the view JACKIE looks upon from her new Garden Room, I might never have given that up! It is so gorgeous, JACKIE dear, I had to forward the picture to darling Judy , whom you will meet (with her handsome Gerald) when they visit next month! That garden is a knockout!!!
    LIN, like ANNE, I'm seriously wondering if I can ever again cope with shopping in person at Costco!. Walking those huge areas has me knocked out for the rest of the week! However is the membership cost worthwhile if I stock up on nothing but blueberries? Fresh blueberries?
    Again, back to JACKIE,---my favorite apple variety was always Braeburns! How can anything match that unique balance of sweet/sour crispness? I love them with a bit of peanut butter spread on top! Bur it's been 2 or 3 years since I have been able to find them anywhere and I cannot find another variety that compares. I kept hunting, but I think I have finally given up!
    I never dressed for today, finding my housecoat just fine for feeling sleepy! I find I'm falling way behind in my card making and I hate printing "belated"s!
    SANDY, if I were to shave my legs, I'm afraid I would end up bleeding to death, or something almost as unpleasant! I can neither see nor reach the backs nor toes without gasping for breath!
    I will finish my other half of last night' dinner shortly rather than going down. Too sleepy again!
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm getting my old self back I think this is due to a 3 week - 3lb weight loss. Of course this means I start doing things I maybe shouldn't. This morning I looked in the mirror, peered actually, and didn't like what I saw, Anne with long straight locks. Out came the scissors because I don't like the hairdressers efforts who cut hair around here. Which means they like to cut Chinese or Portuguese silky hair not Celtic fuzz. So here I am still not really liking what I see but at least I've saved a dollar or two and the lank locks have gone to be replaced with my wavy hair which happens when it's shorter. Jillo hasn't bitten me and in fact is licking my foot as we communicate. Another hope, it might help in weigh in next Friday, there was rather a lot, enough to stuff a small pillow. There are quite a few Muslim ladies around here, all very friendly, so maybe I can borrow a hijab for venturing forth.

    Other than that, not much, the rain is rattling the old windows and an odd thunder crash has Bean and I leaping up.
    So bye for now,
    Anne and Jillo the Beanie.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Meeting two of my cousins for lunch and then church later. I think the salad I ate was not good as I woke up early this morning to use the facilities for about an hour.
    Sorry if TMI. Babe is having his gallbladder out next Thursday hopefully as an out patient. Of course I can't go but I am used to that now.

    Anne, I am sure you look great, other times when you cut your hair is was just fine.

    I am going to eat some yogurt in the hopes my tummy settles down for lunch. I really don't want to cancel as I don't see them very often and they would be disappointed.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello weekenders! We heave a cloudy cool day. And a brief shower earlier this morning. It didn’t do much really but settled the dust and cleared the air. That’s a big help in itself.

    I made up for a restless night the night before. I slept late and soundly last night. I needed it, believe me. I was feeling so cranky. Everyone was glad to see that I got some sleep. I guess it was like having a rattlesnake in the house. I was ready to strike out and bite at any provocation. Whew!

    Have you noticed how important ones coffee recipe is? John made coffee this morning because I slept late. Sweet of him to do that but the coffee was just awaful. Now I need to start accomplishing something. Anything! Pasta salad and veggie burgers for our late lunch. We read that bit in the news about bananas suffering a blight. It is one of John favorite fruits. He bought a lot of them at Costco so I guess we will have smoothies for breakfast for awhile.

    Kate needs a brushing and a face trim. Always a challenge. Katie does not like to have her legs, head or tail brushed or trimmed. That’s about 2/3 of her body. Really! I think we must deal with a few of life’s issues, Miss Katie! I insist!

    I think it would be great to freshen up our living room this fall. New plants, pillows on the couch, a new throw and we need to shampoo the rugs. The search begins. First new pillows and throw.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited August 2019
    Hello, lost an earlier attempt at a post. Nothing very interesting to report. Nice to hear from everyone. I have done laundry, a bit of cooking, read a book, have my stuff gathered for church tomorrow and updated the operating system on my Mac laptop.

    Also did some Qigong and a bit of Tai Chi. Fairly quickly my leg started that burning aching feeling so not healed up. But it is feeling better now that I rested it again. I am a bit disappointed. I do not seem to have much healing ability.

    A friend has had a problem develop with his left eye and must go in for a procedure to remove something from his eye on Monday. I volunteered to drive him. His wife has passed away, he has no family and his dog doesn’t drive. He has lots of friends but no one seemed to be available at the needed time. I hope this procedure goes well for him. Frightening when you suddenly have something happen to your vision. Same day he suddenly had a burning pain on an ankle. He went to another doctor for that. Apparently a spider bite!! He had a very unhappy day.

    Patsy, freshening things up is a great idea ! It will lift your mood. Yes!! Nice idea as we move into the colder season again.

    Sandy, I hope you are having a great day with your cousins. Sorry that you were unwell earlier.

    Anne, glad you are feeling energetic. Excellent job. You have found what works for you but please do not hurt yourself as you wish to take on more and more.

    Jackie, okay, your garden looks wonderful but you have a portion that’s wild. Do your dogs go there? Sorry about the lack of favorite apples. I must say anything I purchase in a bag, potatoes, apples, pears, same result. No matter how much I look them over I come home and find damage, rot or mold. Grrrrrrr.

    Buzz, I am going to keep my Costco membership as the price of gas is so incredible there. It is a bit of a drive to get there but when filling an SUV, it seems worth it. I see the offer I received requires that I move to an automatic renewal plan. Hummmmmm.

    Must move along now.

    Happy evening.



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hope I'm not becoming anti-social, but again eating dinner right here to finish of Prime Rib steak leftovers since I became immersed in cleaning out stuff I haven't used since moving here.
    Received a sad call from my Massachusetts cousin announcing his wife had just died. So sad for him (and me) but she wanted it since her rheumatoid arthritis became unbearably painful and her dementia deepened and she was aware of it and saw she was becoming like her mother! Still I love them both and am saddened by losing yet another dear person.
    My DD is going in for surgery next Wednesday at Sloan Kettering to have her Thymus gland removed, along with the growth on it. I think it's called a Thymoma??? The brain seems fine, and the lymphoma seems non-malignant, but the Thymus is questionable. I was able to be put on her list of people given access to hospital information! She has become very warm and loving again!
    Hope SANDY's tummy has healed, and I know ANNE's hair probably looks fabulous again! PATSY, I'm with you on coffee making, yet I'm not unhappy with my Keurig! It's really not the same cuppa as an old fashioned brewed pot, but it's really easier for just one person! LIN, if I still drove, I would never consider leaving COSTCO! But gas is no longer on my list! My son-in-law includes me in his business membership, but I insist on paying share.
    I'll order the stuff I missed finding , as the internet carries many of the things I could not find, and I think the delivery is free over a certain amount!
    Hungryish so I'll wish you all a wonderful weekend!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!......................

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    AARGH!! 😫😖😤 Lost the longest post so will have to return later when I calm down.

    Happy Sunday
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Poor JACKIE! Been there, done that. Sympathize.

    I'm doing an experiment which seems to be working for me when it comes to losing far.
    Instead of posting my current weight under GOALS and lose l lb a week, I'm showing the weight I want to be, fibbing in other words. MFP then tells me I'm allowed 1500 cals a day to maintain weight. So I'm personally aiming for 1200 cals a day but if I go a little over I don't feel guilty. I found struggling to stick to the 1200 allowed really hard.
    Anyway, whatever works and I've lost 3 lbs in just under three weeks. Brain game, I know!

    We woke up to the biggest clap of thunder and pouring rain, but a watery sun is trying to shine. Still hot and humid with Monday showing as the worst heat day.
    I'm itching all over my arms from the unknown insect bites when I cut back the bush. Best keep away from bushes until things cool down!
    Hope you all have a very pleasant Sunday.
    Anne and Jillo the Bean. 🙃❤️🐶❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Lunch with my second cousins was wonderful, we hope to do it more often.
    Then later church so I could sleep in this morning which I did until it started pouring and I had to get up to close the windows. I did go back to sleep so feel good today. Our day is like Anne's and Daisy also woke up to a loud thunder/lightning. The sun looks like it wants to come out but we will see if it turns to a pool day.

    Anne, I love that idea and might steal it to see if it works for me. You would think 5 pounds would be easy to lose but not!!!!1

    Jackie, sorry about your post. Relax and maybe come back later. At first I though it was pirate's day with your opening. lol

    Buzz, sorry you lost another friend, it is so sad when that happens. I searched google for Thymoma and hopefully your daughter's in benign and she will have many more years.
    I will keep her in my prayers for a good outcome. It is wonderful to read she is warm and loving again. <3

    Lin, I am also sorry about your friend who needs the eye surgery. You are a good friend to drive him for this procedure and I know he appreciates you.

    Patsy, I am happy to read you got some well needed rest. I read in the news today that Portland had some big protesters problems. Wondered if you were in that crowd.

    A video call with my kids later, riding the bike and just chilling, unless the sun comes out to go to the pool. Have a great day my friends.

    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm back but don't think I can repeat everything I lost! My time is getting taken up with documents, emails to my brothers as we sift through everything and a small amount of gardening between heavy showers. I'm going to have to visit the house in London to aid my brother in filling out the complicated fixtures and fittings forms so have messaged my neighbours currently on a canal boat somewhere in England to ask if they will be able to feed my cats then this evening I will phone Scruff's mum in the hope she can look after George and Betty for a couple of days. No doubt once there I will be tempted to collect together a few items, especially the indoor plants I've spotted in the estate agents photos that look so sad. Of course big brother will tell me I'm being silly and over sentimental but ha-ho, he doesn't do sentimentality!

    After coming across my very expensive prescription driving glasses in the car this morning that I wore before the cataracts were removed I decided they are so nice I should investigate getting them new sunglasses lens. What a palaver searching through so many websites that sent me to prescription lenses even though they advertised non prescription sunglasses but finally found one that offers what I'm after. Oh dear though, expensive but without they are useless so I bit the bullet!

    Great news for your DD Buzz and what a relief your relationship is back to how it should be. My advice if you should come across South African Braeburns is don't bother. Perhaps it is their long journey but they are tasteless and mushy, not the crisp apple they should be. In the middle of the chicken run is an old Discovery apple tree with delicious fruit, so good in fact the wasps have been busy scraping out the inner flesh and leaving skins hanging in the tree! I've managed to salvage 2!!

    Anne, I do think weight is a mental issue whatever diet we follow as I see so many friends paying to join clubs that hand out advice and take their money but if they can't get their heads in the right place any loss is soon put back on. Seems like a good plan you've come up with and I'll be interested to see if it continues to work for you. Good luck!

    Sandy, there is nothing quite as good as a Sunday lie in to get chilled. Enjoy your relaxing day.

    Lin, when I was in the chicken run earlier trying to finish the security netting I stepped out to take a photo of the "jungle" below that area for you to see what I mean. George does sometimes venture in but will then find himself caught on brambles so seems to be learning. It's where he found the hen that was killed but left in the garden by the fox so that day he followed his nose! I'll post the photo via my phone because my old Windows 7 is playing games with me these days when I try to transfer to the desktop, no doubt trying to persuade me to upgrade to Windows 10.... no chance!

    Patsy, my dear neighbours gave me an Expresso coffee maker for my 70th and although it makes a nice Italian cup I always go back to my mother's 1970's perculator that glugs and gurgles but makes a perfect coffee. Rereading your post has reminded me I've promised George I'll trim his fringe so he can see again. He does look funny but it will be annoying him now as well as me!

    Whoops, 6pm so I had better get something to eat. My plan to swap meals isn't going too well but I'm only cooking fish tonight with sweet potato and green beans so nothing to sit on my stomach, hopefully.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The jungle!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    And this morning's walk. Breezy but we missed the showers
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Your photo looks almost like a Turner painting JACKIE.
    Mikes rolled up so I can't linger. We are having chicken baked in a very light batter, small amount of mashed potato, cauliflower and string green beans for lunch because we are both watching our weight. About 400 cals for me and a few more calories for him. Very light supper for me.
    Bye for now from a very sticky
    Anne and Jillo Bean.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Well! good day to you all! We have an overcast day and it is, of course, quite humid. Not as hot, so far, as earlier last week.

    I am following Jackie’s and Annes’s perscription doggie dinner. Brown rice and chicken. I will toss in some carrot and broccoli. Sounds good enough for my dinner as well.

    Hope to chat with our son today. He will stay away from downtown Portland to avoid the protests. I confess in my earlier days, I would have been out there protesting. I honestly felt the protests would make some sort of difference, the loud voice of reason, so to speak. Older now, I realize there is a more efficient way to effect change. Easier on your feet, no stomping around with signs etc.

    I see signs of fall approaching. I see some yellow leaves and some with a bit of orange at the tips. I guess they really just need a good drink of water. But it feels like the true end of summer. Every season has its glory.

    I hope everyone has a lovely Sunday. I think ours will be a day of just puttering around. There are many tasks waiting and wanting to be done. Alas, I think they will need to wait because today feels very low energy and the Sunday Baroque concert in starting on our PBS station.

    Hang in there my dear sneakers. We have been through a lot together.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited August 2019
    Good evening. I have had a kind of upset tummy today and sometime during my dashing around church this morning it seems I sort of hurt my ankle again. So this evening I have been soaking it, using essential oils and massaging it. It is still a bit unhappy with me.

    I think I will go to bed early. Some rest couldn’t hurt right?

    Jackie, thanks for the photos. Yes, that is a kind of wild area but there are some lovely flowers showing themselves. And I cannot see the brambles. 🤗 I love the photo of Betty and George. I doubt really see Betty as too big now. She is cute! And such a gorgeous background. Ahhhhh. So how many days will you need to be in London? Although a lot of work, a trip sounds kind of lovely but I know you will miss your home.

    Patsy, my days of protest are also over. I am a bit sad about that I think although protesting is a much more risky thing now.

    Buzz, sending healing thoughts your DD’s way. I really hope all goes well.

    Sandy, quite a few days until Babe’s surgery but lots of folks do the gall bladder surgery outpatient these days.

    Anne, did you have a nice day?

    I lost quite a bit of sleep early this morning due to storms rolling through. Another reason to try to rest.

    Hugs my friends.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ugh; paperwork! But it will be worth it in the end, I hope, JACKIE!
    SANDY, love love love your new hair style on you! Yes, your life IS good, but you've worked hard at making it And thank you for including my DD in your prayers! and everyone else who is doing that. I certainly am relieved when I think of the original prognosis, bur surgery is surgery is surgery! I will breathe easier once it is finished!
    Well, yesterday my dear cousin's wife passed on to better places, and I learned today my dear friend from Edgewater, with whom I went to Costco for years since we recognized similar tastes many things,y had died last night after a heroic rally! Speaking with his son today, I learned of the several conditions he had been battling silently for many years. Being a tall handsome man, no one ever suspected him to be anything less than perfect. Another dear friend gone!
    I'm catching too many typing errors, so I must be cat-napping. Many hugs to you all, and I must leave while I'm ahead!

    <3 Buzz
    ..................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!......................
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    just droppednby to give you a tip if you have trouble turning over in bed take a king sized satin pillow case turn it inside out place it on top of the bottom sheet and lay on it. My cancer is chugging away I start Immunology in a week. The cancer seems to a very aggresive one.