Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello all. Just a brief note here. Feeling a bit rocky. I think I need a light dinner and early bedtime. It is easy to see that my energy is gone and anything I would try to do today is doomed. Remember that old cowboy song...know when to fold ‘em...know when to hold ‘em...know when to walk away. Well I think in my case I need to fold up and try again tomorrow.
    Take care everyone,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Good morning. It is the former library ladies morning. I look forward to chatting with whoever shows up. One lady is still on a long vacation and another one sent me a text and is going to the doctor this morning. I hope everyone else is there or I may be talking to myself. Haaaaa.

    I have been busy this morning freeing the last sheets of watercolor paper from its block. I have trimmed off the icky sticky stuff from the edges. I need to cut down to smaller bits. I think my cutter is malfunctioning a bit. Must do some checking on how to fix it.

    Patsy, sometimes we need to try to recharge our batteries. I hope you were able to get some rest. May today be a better day.

    Buzz, how is your tootsie now? Able to remove all the bandaging? You have such interesting events. And oh my, wonderful news about your daughter. ❤️❤️.

    Sandy, any Bingo wins last evening? Tomorrow is the first day of school here. The kids in the neighborhood have been riding their bikes like mad any time they get a chance. They are growing up; the speeds are increasing. Fingers crossed for Babe.

    Must run along. Hugs everyone including the darling animals.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2019
    I do wish Patsy we Sneakers lived just round the corner so we could drop in for a group hug but you know we're thinking of you and sending warm wishes and hugs across the airwaves. <3

    A day of odd jobs for me, a bit of this and a little bit of that. The rhubarb was delivered along with a couple of courgettes and in return I was offered 6 fresh laid eggs and a pile of newspapers for me to take to father's house to wrap ornaments in. The scales tell me I've lost another pound and that concentrated the mind to cook lunch and plan a snack for this evening, probably cottage cheese with pineapple. Fresh green beans and courgettes from the allotment and tomatoes from the greenhouse with a couple of farm shop no fat sausages made a delicious meal so now time to drag the vacuum cleaner upstairs.

    Buzz, such terrific news for your daughter after all the upsets. She must feel on top of the world and you too. <3

    Hi Lin, you just beat me! I shall imagine you sitting chatting to yourself and getting some very strange looks! :D

    Sandy, I do hope Babe can finally get to feel better after his operation. Frustrating you can't visit but best to stay away!

    What can I say Anne.... to each their own when it comes to rhubarb. My friend loves it but can't seem to grow it; her husband hates it!!

    Happy Thursday
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh PATSY I hope you woke up today feeling much much better.

    And LIN talking to herself at the library. I don't have that problem anymore, I talk to poor confused little Jilly instead. She sits with her head on one side and you can tell she is thinking "what on earth is Anne twittering about now".

    Oh dear JACKIE. I can't help it but I think the road to hell is paved with rhubarb to eat on the way, lol.
    I wonder if your friend can't grow it because her husband secretly poisons the poor plant which can't help being born rhubarb of course.

    I've given up on politics. Far too old. Decided to not add to my BP with reading or discussing the subject which will upset Michael who loves to discuss his ideas for improving the world as though he's got a cat in hells chance. (Hell, and I'm back to rhubarb).

    Much cooler today, very refreshing. All the windows are open which means the Bean can hear even more dogs to bark at. She's happy! Our children don't go back to school until the beginning of September after the labour day holiday.

    Wishing everyone a lovely day, with tootsies, and Babes, and happy bingo winners, and rhubarb lovers etc all enjoying it.
    Anne. 🙃🐶❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, it did cross my mind to edit my post to add that my friend's husband who is the gardener in the family, probably poisoned or at least dug up the rhubarb plants when no one was looking! I'm staying away from politics too and literally switch my brain, radio or tv off if I hear the word Brexit which at the moment is incessant. However, here's a you tube laugh for you to giggle at:

    Buzz too. You see everyone laughs at what comes out of his mouth!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks for the laugh JACKIE and will post on to Michael. Anne ❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) No win at bingo. :( Babe is probably in surgery as I type but I probably won't talk to him until later this afternoon since I have my meeting today.

    Funny clip Jackie.

    No time to chat, will try to get back later.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Partly cloudy here and a bit cool. It is going to warm up again next week however. Tomorrow is the big Hood to Coast relay race. 20,000 racers run right by our house on this race. It is about 200 miles long and the racers run from Mt. Hood to Seaside, OR. They often start at midnight at Mt. Hood. They run through the night. They sometimes run in costume, there are support cars slowly running beside the runners. It is a huge traveling circus, believe me. Katie will bark, non-stop, for at least 24 hours!

    I am trying to think out realistic notions about my brother. Not so easy. Since he doesn’t recognize me or remember me, it is impossible to have a calm loving chat with him. This is far worse than our musician friend. I mentally said good bye but the shell of what used to be my brother lingers on for a bit longer. No service is planned. The end of life traditions are changing. Sometimes I think that is a good thing, sometimes I think we need those traditions for a comforting closure.

    The crow is back on the gate and he has started a new communication tactic. He caws and bobs up and down while looking at us. John thinks we need to leave a note on the gate telling him we are out of sunflower seeds. We will go to the feed store on the weekend. I need to find something else to put out for him. I think we are an important part of his food chain.

    Our South American guest will come in two weeks. We need to do some serious cleaning. and planning some entertainment for her when she arrives.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, how dreadful for this to happen to your brother and the rest of you! Hopefully, at least he maybe unaware? (Just wishing!)
    Had a beautiful Celebration of Life for my dear neighbor/friend. Reminded me of my dear Mike's, where everyone participated. Now I must get downstairs with the card I made before his family leaves. I had to make 3 copies to fix printing mistakes!
    My toe looks awful but doesn't hurt!
    My DD has been discharged!!!
    I'm in my usual rush!
    JACKIE, sent that YouTube on to several people who might overcome the accents!!! I loved it!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello Sneakers. A busy morning shopping, walking and 2 loads of laundry. The sun has returned and with it warm temperatures just in time for a Bank holiday. I'm about to collect gardener Sue who is taking me for afternoon tea and cakes to thank me for looking after Blackberry but has injured her knee so struggling to drive. I've booked George a vet appointment at 5pm because a cyst that seemed harmless on his back has burst and although I've been washing the area it seems to be bothering him as he now jumps when I touch it. They'll be another day over!🙄😏

    I'd better get into my glad rags or at least brush my hair!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited August 2019
    Good day friends. I have been up a while doing the usual morning things but also thinking about a birthday card I need next week. Yes, I forgot one. Oooops. And did quite a bit of stamping last evening as I plan to watercolor loads of tiny animals for a set of cards. Want to finish some animals before working on simple backgrounds with a darling pine tree.

    Need to schedule a haircut but he is not round this early. I have some paperwork, some pencil pushing about $, laundry, and a book club book (another one that will drag as I can tell I am not Interested) on the agenda as well. Haaaa.

    Oh and a reflexologist appointment this morning. Ahhhhhh. That should be lovely.

    Yesterday was a very nice chatting session. Six showed up, one lady I hadn’t seen since June. She and her hubby spend the summer either visiting relatives or having relatives visit them.

    Jackie, let us know about George. I am sorry to hear about the cyst. Troublesome. And poor Sue, I understand the struggle to drive when you have a problem with your knee/leg. I am hoping to drive my little car this morning. Something I haven’t been able to do much of late. Hope you enjoyed the tea.

    Buzz, I am glad your toe doesn’t hurt and is no longer bleeding. Appearances can be a bit shocking but it sounds like you are on track to healing. And really, wow, amazing, DD discharged already!!??!! Wonderful.

    Patsy, is there any chance you could just go to your brother and hold his hand or touch his shoulder? If not, long distance will have to do. Hugs. A very tough time for you. I hope the racers are a distraction for you today.

    Sandy, darn, no win. Grrrr. Have you heard anything about Babe’s surgical outcome?

    Anne, good day. Grocery delivery on tap today? Or are you shopping for real?

    Hugs my friends.

    Must move.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes LIN, Dorio showed up with my lovely fresh groceries and half hour early. I'm glad I ordered because Michael is staying home because of a huge fatal crash on the highway and nothing moving.

    PATSY, how utterly awful for you.

    Sorry about poor George JACKIE. Jillo coughed and sort of choked this morning for over one hour. I was going to take her to the vet. Peanut butter etc dislodged nothing and then I had the brilliant idea of giving her raw chicken to slide down her narrow throat. It appears to have worked and she so loves raw chicken.

    Roy phoned this morning. I'm afraid nothing is improving. He told me he was phoning because today is Saturday and he doesn't go to work on a Saturday.

    And that's about it from us. The Bean hasn't had her walk yet because of the choking so I guess it's time to trot off. Perfect weather again. This is BONUS.

    Anne. Phew I smell skunk drifting through the window.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Perfect weather here as well so the windows are open. Doing laundry and playing phone tag with the Picture People trying to resolve my case. I want a refund but I think they are going to fight me on that but we will see.
    I took a deep breathe and called Babe's cell before my meeting and as I presumed his son answered. He was pleasant and said Babe had just finished the surgery and the doctor said all went well. I thanked him and hung up. Babe called later to say he was home but in a lot of pain. This morning as well he was still in a lot of pain so called for stronger pain pills. I really think he is a baby when it comes to pain or it may be that I have a high pain tolerance.

    Anne, do you worry about salmonella with raw chicken? I am glad Jilly is better and able to enjoy her walk.

    Jackie, poor George, I hope all goes well at the vet.

    Lin, such busy days for you, must be what keeps you young.

    My scale didn't record my weight so will do it again tomorrow.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I usually cook Jillys chicken SANDY. It was a desperate measure to try and dislodge in her throat whatever was making her gag and choke and it worked. She's fine now. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Sorry Anne, I didn't mean to offend, was just concerned. Love you!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The diet, as it was, has been blown!! The high tea was amazing but far too much for 2 people although we did our best. The lady running the tea shop must be used to this because as soon as we said we were struggling to finish appeared with cling film to use as doggy bags. My fridge is now full of cream cakes (real cream, not Mr President's squirty stuff!) and a tin full of a variety of fattening, irresistible and naughty cakes! 😋☺ I did weigh myself this morning and had gained the loss that showed yesterday so I'm thinking there's no hope! 😫

    Dear George has an abscess that made a nasty hole in his back. No wonder my gorgeous Georgious was in pain! It looks horrible even after the vet squeezed out as much puss as she could... too much information I know! He has pain killers and antibiotics to take but also had an injection so hopefully will feel more settled and able to sleep tonight.

    Patsy, like Lin I'm rather hoping you can visit your brother to hold his hand, bi-passing your SIL, because whatever understanding we think we have I'm sure he will know you, even if he imagines you to be children. Let's be honest, does it matter at this stage?

    Time to chill after a Skype chat with my brother. A few phone calls tomorrow to the estate agent in order to smooth the seas... I'll say no more!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Dear SANDY you didn't offend me at all! I have to admit though that before cooking her chicken I always cut up a golf size piece well washed raw. She goes crackers! By the way, it takes a lot to offend me. I'm pretty thick that way. Lol. ❤️

    Poor George! Poor little man!
    If it helps JACKIE I don't seem to have lost much weight either despite being rigid in my diet. However my weigh day is actually Monday so maybe by then when I see the dishy doc again it will be down another pound. I do FEEL slimmer I must admit. I remember the English tea shops. The Devonshire splits, the custard tarts, the meringues, the iced fancies, the cream horns, oh my, I'm gaining weight just remembering! Brandy snaps, glazed fruit tarts........shut UP anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2019
    😂🤣😃😄 , Anne, you know exactly what's falling out of my fridge every time I open the door! Too gòod to throw out so they will be eaten, in fact just had the cream filled meringue.

    George swallowed his painkiller tablet wrapped in Farmhouse pate and thank goodness, now appears to be sleeping. I'm hoping 24 hours will see an improvement because our evening walk was a waste of time when he decided to sit in the shade of a tree and refuse to move. Needless to say it took some time to get back to the car!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne: our son s doggies get the same issue. He has taken his doggies to the vet many times about this common little dog condition. It is called prolapsed trachia or esophagus. If you google it there is a lot of info about it. Damon has become an expert about it since both of his dogs have an occasional episode with this. I have seen it a couple of times when he has been visiting. It is very scary and worrisome. He usually picks them up and messages their little throat neck and throat area to soothe them. Some of the info is for more serious conditions but in most little dogs I guess it isn’t too bad. But if you read all the info, you will become like Damon! An expert in handling this problem. Katie had an event like that once after running around chasing a squirrel in the heat of the day...then gobbling a bunch of kibble. Anyway, for what it is worth. Thought this might be helpful.

    Trying to stay busy and productive today. My defense against depression over family issues. My brother will be moved to a special area in the hospital for terminal patients. My SIL requests few or no visitors and since she is in charge I will await sad news. They live in Colorado. . I know it is scary and horrible for her. We all handle death and illness in different ways.

    Life is still worth the effort! I can be grateful for this beautiful day. I have the blessing of many chores and I am blessed with mostly good health. The big relay race preparations are in place. Porta potties along the way, medical stations and an ambulance on standby, race officials watching for any problems, Katie is on full alert! It is an interesting event. Since this race consists of relay teams of 8 and each team member must run a certain amount and the entire course is 200 miles long, it truely is a huge circus. They often run in costumes like Batman or Superman. People love the positive effect of an extreme team effort like this.

    I just might need my own Batman outfit. I think it is far more stylish than the Superman outfit, don’t you?
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks for the info PATSY. I instinctively rubbed Jillys tiny throat and we got over it in about 30 minutes. I would have rushed to the vets but big Dario was about to arrive with the groceries and it was all over by the time he left. He's such a super guy. He saw my garbage cans waiting for me to haul them down the long drive and bless him he hauled them down for me on his way back to his van. I'm beginning to see him as a "blessing".

    Oh JACKIE cream filled meringue! My downfall comes from childhood. "Waste not, want not" mother would recite as I stared at my gristly beef and boiled cabbage. Followed by stewed rhubarb. I tried pretending stewed rhubarb was actually wine but to no avail. I couldn't leave the table until I'd "wasted not" and I'm sure that I wouldn't resist a cream filled meringue today either IF I could get my mitts on one. My mom was not a happy cook and as soon as I was able she had me making the Christmas mince pies. Dad used to say she could cross the Sahara desert armed with only a frying pan, and as for her sausage rolls he said the first bite you hadn't reached the sausage and the second bite you were past it. My cousin was the same. She came home from school with a batch of rock buns she had made in cookery class. No one could get their teeth into them so into the garbage then tin can they went. When the dustmen came and lifted the can the bottom fell out. I guess it was rusty but it was a standing joke in our family for years.

    Thanks for the memory!
    Anne. 🍰🍩🍪🍧❤️