Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    lesutherl wrote: »
    just droppednby to give you a tip if you have trouble turning over in bed take a king sized satin pillow case turn it inside out place it on top of the bottom sheet and lay on it. My cancer is chugging away I start Immunology in a week. The cancer seems to a very aggresive one.

    Laura, thank you for the hint. I certainly hope and pray your treatments will be successful. Many hugs.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Laura, I too, pray that your treatments will be successful and will keep you in my prayers. <3

    Happy Monday! <3 Busy day today. We are taking Charlie for her year old pictures (a month late) and then Rob and Lisa have two volleyball games which means a late night for sitting.
    I am sitting again tomorrow but first have to go to the eye specialist to check my macular degeneration. Hopefully there will be no changes.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Monday! Monday! Looks quite sunny and I think we are in for another hot humid day. Katie woke up early to bark loud and long at some sort of farm machine in the dairy across the road. John is a night owl so this was met with a loud unhappy growl from John. He had a busy day on the deck repair and it still continues. Lots of up and down on the harder. Yes it scares me to death when I see him up there. I try to convince him to just hire the work done but it seems to be some sort of guy thing. “...I can still repair things on my own house, thank you very much.”

    I am into the laundry so that I can get into several projects this afternoon. One is a flurry of letters and cards to finish and get ready for the mail. Oddly, I still have some friends that write real letters. They rarely email. I don’t get it? I love email. But it is fun to get their letters, photos and cards.

    Chicken Burritos and guacamole tonight. I am nursing arthritis these days. The humidity is causing a flare up and I do get cranky and nasty when that happens. However, I can get around and getting busy is helpful. A very special hug and positive thoughts and prayers for Laura. Love and high hopes for you too Sandy. Since I knows how that macular degeneration worries, those checkups are essential. We all deal with health issues. I am impressed at the courage and determination I see here on the sneakers.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A mild day here with an occasional shower. I took the dogs to the woods first thing as it was wet then after a quick shop for cat food seemed to get little done until I continued work on the chicken run. Almost there, just one more section to be covered in the galvanized wire then it should be safe to think about adopting a few chooks. The walk on the moors where I took that photo of George and Betty is my favourite and every time I go that way the light is different so I wonder how an artist sitting with his easel could express what he's seeing before the scenery changed. I'm guessing these days photos would be taken so a masterpiece could be created back in a studio (or dungeon Patsy!)

    Laura, I once knew someone who slept with her bottom on a plastic carrier bag so she could slide and turn. I must say silk sounds much more comfortable. My thoughts are with you as you receive your treatment.

    Sandy, I'm hoping we will get to see Charlie's photo!

    Dare not turn back the page so will wish everyone a happy Monday and get to my kitchen to decide on an evening meal.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Best wishes from me Laura and I too sincerely hope your treatment will be successful love.

    I'm having a writing and communication day. In between cooking bean stew and cleaning the old homestead. Helen in Australia, cousin Tony and his step father Roy in the UK, Mike and Mark here, Flo in hospital, her brother and SIL in eastern Canada, plus her daughter here. I tell you one thing any problems I might have pale in comparison to everyone else's!

    I did manage to get Jillo out for her morning sniff.

    And that's about it for now.
    Anne, feeling a bit overwhelmed and frustrated I can only listen.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LAURA, wishing you the quickest recovery, dear. And keep us apprised, pleased! We are with you 200%!!!
    PATSY, I am convinced the weather affects our joints, etc. If everyone else is feeling bad, check the weather!
    Actually. my darn RLS is augmenting and I'm finding it too difficult to sit still. I forgot to check my purse before going down for dinner tonight.
    Did I mention we are having a Labor Day buffet this year, with Maine lobster ,shrimp, clams and mussels? This will be the day before my friends leave for their trip that will end up in meeting our JACKIE! They commented on the familiarity of scenery in JACKIE's photos, which I could not resist emailing to them last night!
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Not a good day yesterday. Lots of phone calls from my friend Flo in the hospital and ending with the death of another old friend I knew in Montreal. He was born on exactly the same day, month, year and time as myself.
    Another day dawns and time for my breakfast. Jillos already had hers.
    Anne. ❤️❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited August 2019
    My friend had hours and hours of tests yesterday. They were definitely thorough. His eye doctor was a bit off base apparently. No procedure yesterday as there is nothing they can do at this point. A prescription for eye drops, a warning to call immediately if anything changes and a follow up appointment in a few weeks.

    He had the tests, I ended up very tired!

    Storms rolling through our area this morning. Lightning, thunder, downpours, flooded streets, power outages. Should clear up a bit. I plan to go to Mah Jongg later this morning and to the library this afternoon.

    I think I need another nap, 💤💤💤


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm sitting on the deck with lunchtime mug of coffee after a morning visit from the gardener. Today we met Billy and Stanley, 2 more dogs from her pack and both well behaved. Stanley showed a lot of interest in cat Brady who took it all in his stride and spooked the poor dog with a withering stare... very funny to watch! Our morning walk was cut short when we encountered the big bull so a wide berth and stroll back to the car. If the sun continues to shine I'll take the pooches out again later.
    Have phoned school friend to arrange to stay with her when I visit London next week so now just have to get big brother to tell me how he wants to do things. Blood out of a stone comes to mind! 😤
    Sue the gardener gave me a clear and precise demonstration on pruning a rambling rose so I've learnt something new... never too late!
    Buzz we also made a plan to visit the tea shop on Friday where I'm hoping to meet your friends next month so a personal review will follow!

    We all seem to be dealing with traumas in our lives big or small and it's my opinion that if life experience has taught us sneakers one thing it's the importance of developing a coping mechanism. Not everyone gets it but our group has spades full!

    Decisions to be made, a visit to the allotment or finish securing the hen house? Maybe both!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And now my last standing friend of many years is joining my other friends of the same era with dementia. What's going on! I really am the 'last of the Mohicans".
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) A very long and tiring day yesterday. Charlie did not cooperate for her pictures, most of them are of her crying. Once home Lisa tried to download the CD I bought only to find out only one picture was on there. She has to go back today to get a new CD.
    2lq3c1smffpm.jpg Lisa and Rob had volleyball games and got back home around 9:30 which meant I got home after ten.
    Today is my eye appointment and then going back to sit so Lisa can go to her meeting.
    And I wonder why I am so tired all the time. :(

    Lin, nothing worse than waiting in a hospital and/or doctor's office while someone else is having something done. Most tiring thing of all. Enjoy your Mah Jongg and Library day.

    Jackie, I don't envy you in dealing with all the house details but I have confidence in you that all will get done.

    Anne, I am sorry about your friend, it is always so hard to lose someone we love.

    Buzz, sorry about your RLS, I hope it is better today.

    Patsy, I do send cards but no mail, most of my communication is done by text and/or email.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello. I am in a sad, sad state. My little brother, 15 years younger than I am, is in last stage hospice care. He has so many things wrong. COPD, liver problems, heart problems, and dementia. My SIL is such a strange person. I think that people often choose wrong life partners and just do the best they can, even if it kills them. I think this marriage is what is killing him. Just a guess with no real facts.

    Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment. A1C for diabetic blood sugar. I think I will be okay. My blood monitor always gives me good readings but you never know....

    I am ready to begin fresh. I have been looking for new throw pillows. Nothing yet. I might just recover the ones I have. I would need to find some good fabric. Trying to pull out of the doldrums, I can’t figure out what to do. I am suffering fro what John calls ping-pong brain. Thoughts just keep bouncing around in my brain.

    I will now sit quietly and organize my thoughts.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, CHARLIE's picture is something I want to keep in my "inner eye" forever! What a delicious love she is!
    ANNE, there is a sadness running throughout today's posts, and I'm concerned that the name "dementia" keeps reoccurring, as it is the saddest of conditions to watch in those we have loved! Is the term more acceptable than senility, which I recall was what it was called years ago? Each one's condition is more or less unique, yet just about everyone deteriorating from it seems to retain a love of music! The response to familiar pieces is warm and amazing!
    PATSY dear,..".I am suffering fro what John calls ping-pong brain. Thoughts just keep bouncing around in my brain." I don't think that is very unusual in creative people! There are so many visions in so many parts of the brain, it is often hard to concentrate or focus on just one thing as one thought affects other thoughts. .....wear the description proudly!
    LIN, we all hope your health gets back to its premium mode quickly! Meanwhile, enjoy just those things that mean the most to you without pushing to do too much!
    Today was a mixed blessing for me.My eldest DD informed me she was overcoming her fear of flying by reserving a trip to Germany so they can celebrate her 70th birthday with her brother and darling Sister-in-Law. They all want me to join, but my travel days are over! Giving up Gabapentin due to unpleasant side effects has brought the neurontin on my right arm and hand and the burning pins and needles are back! As I was washing my few dishes, my right toe managed to jerk itself up hard enough to make a deep gash into my right toe, and blood was everywhere! I was planning to go down to a lovely pre-dinner cocktail party for dear friend Gerald's birthday, and had not started to dress yes. But I couldn't stanch the flow of blood! Using 7 bands of bandaides, tightly applied, I managed to mostly contain it , though it kept filling my sandal, and staining my rug! I finally did some semblance of lining the show with gauze and paper towels! Dressed with my sandals on, and scooted downstairs!, I by-passed the nursed until AFTER the party! And she merely got my shoe off, and added to my toe coverage without unwrapping it, correctly noticing the wound appeared to be still open! At least it won't stain my bedding! Just one of those days! Well, good night, God Bless, and keep your fingers crossed for me!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a surprise when I pulled back the curtains this morning because the sun had been lighting up the room half an hour before but TA-DA, thick fog! Never mind, by the time I'd showered, washed hair and eaten breakfast the sun was doing its best to burn it off so I drove to the moors with the dogs and within a few minutes the fog lifted so we had a pleasant stroll. Pleasant that is apart from poor George getting a messy backside again and me using up all the tissues in my pocket to clean the worst of it off. Home and he's had a top and bottom wash since his face was also mucky and now coffee while I once again trail through emails and messages in the hope next week's visit goes without a hitch. A relaxing pedicure later but apart from that and a quick trip to the allotment to pull some rhubarb for a friend it's just housework for me.

    Oh dear Buzz and of course toes are the worst things for bleeding because lifting your foot above your heart to slow the flow is never going to be easy!! Hopefully you will awake to a clean bed. I don't remember the word senile conjuring up today's fear when dementia is mentioned but perhaps less information and no social media was a good thing!

    Patsy, that's truly awful news about your brother and I'm sorry you have such sadness to contend with. Your observation about some marriages is so true. Both my brothers made 2 bad choices each when it came to wives and yet over the years had some lovely girlfriends, in fact I've kept in touch with one my older brother should have married! Of course there's no telling other people how to live their lives.

    Sandy, that one photo is all you need to capture the essence of that adorable child and by the way, The Cat in the Hat is my favourite ever story! Great choice of dress!

    Almost lunchtime and I've no idea where the time does go but it does! Anne and Lin I do hope you both have better days today with less upsetting news. All we can do sometimes is listen and be there and you're both doing that.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    BUZZ! That was just awful for you and poor PATSY in the doldrums. I hope that soon drifts away like JACKIES fog because you are our bright spark, dear.

    Not much going on over here mainly because Flo is constantly phoning me which is not surprising as she grapples with her news. A lot of repeating but I can understand that she is very frightened with what the future holds.

    Meanwhile that other old age pensioner is in a sulk because the Danish won't sell him Greenland. He's cancelled his state visit there. I think he should sell Alaska to Canada, after all its nearer to us than the USA. However, being into real estate he will charge far too much for it. Maybe it's time he joined Flo in the senior home, but then I wouldn't inflict that on the poor lass, even if she did end up with gold faucets and the home's name changed to "Donald's Pasture."

    I'm on the mend after being momentarily saddened by all that this year has brought us. Only 4 months and we will be into a brand new year girls. New beginnings for some of us. I personally can't wait to see the back of the year of the pig. The rat next? A much more resilliant little beastie.

    So on that cheerful note I will take the ever cheerful Miss Jilly for a walk and wish ALL you unsinkable sneakers a smashing day,

    Anne, still unsinkable.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) First let me say that diet and exercise do work as I am losing weight. Of course sitting for the kiddos I really don't have time to eat much and it is too late when I get home. We will see how Friday's weigh in goes. Bingo tonight and tomorrow Babe's surgery which all I can do is pray it is successful. He should be an outpatient but it depends what time the surgery is scheduled.

    Anne, I am happy that you found some sunshine in your life after all the bad news. Our little fur babies can feel depression and I would bet Jilly was right there for you.

    Jackie, I agree, I am happy with the one photo but not with the service. Lisa went all the way back with the three kids to pick up the corrected CD only to be told the studio was closed and they had no idea where the pictures were. I have contacted the company for a refund but think it will be a battle.

    Buzz, oh my your toe sounds painful and messy. I hope the nurse was able to stop the bleeding and things have improved today.

    Patsy, I am so sorry about your brother and will keep in my prayers.

    Lin, missing in action???

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited August 2019
    I am here. I wanted to do my errands this morning before a predicted storm rolling through about 10 am. So I stopped by Trader Joe’s for a few things timing it to hit Kohl’s when they opened. Surprise. The storm arrived early. Black skies, rain started to pour and as I am walking into Kohl’s, yes, a downpour and wind. My umbrella could barely keep up. Got my items but trouble checking out as their register system was slow or stopped. Finished, really got drowned going out to the car.

    All unpacked now, sweet potatoes in the oven, laundry chugging away.

    And of course the rain seems to be over and it is light once again. 😁😁😁 such great timing right?

    Sandy, good luck at Bingo tonight. I trust Babe’s surgery will go without any problem. What a pain with the photos. Growl. I hope you can get a refund. As darling as the little girl is, I think she looks a bit like she was a sort of tired. Poor dear knew the photographer was sketchy. But she is a cutie in that lovely dress. How did you keep the flowery topper on her head?

    Anne, I hope the continual phone calls let up soon. I know how upsetting that can be. But I am sure Flo is quite fearful at the moment. Hummm, year of the rat. Well, time will tell I guess. Hello Jillo. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Jackie, my goodness, George is handsome but all that lovely fur means lots of clean-ups. Keeping you very busy. Just finishing my coffee now. A bit late. Wow, rhubarb. Here in the Midwest rhubarb is a spring pull only. At least that is what tradition dictated when we had rhubarb on the farm. Make sure the plant had plenty of top before hitting winter. And pull the seed stem when it emerged. Who knows. I just did what I was told. 😁

    Buzz, oh my gosh, your poor foot. I hope all is well today. I can understand that you are no longer wanting to travel. I am sure they just wish you could join in the festivities. Maybe they will send you lots of videos and photos.

    Patsy, I am sorry for the bad news regarding your brother. I am sure you are heartbroken. We all support you. Hugs. ❤️❤️ what can we do to help?

    Time to check the laundry.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Sandy, good luck at Bingo tonight. I trust Babe’s surgery will go without any problem. What a pain with the photos. Growl. I hope you can get a refund. As darling as the little girl is, I think she looks a bit like she was a sort of tired. Poor dear knew the photographer was sketchy. But she is a cutie in that lovely dress. How did you keep the flowery topper on her head?


    Lin, she cried her heart out for most of the photos so this was one of the good ones and the only one we got on the CD.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Can't stand rhubarb. We grew rhubarb in the war years. Mom stewed it for dessert almost every day because the only fruit we got was what we grew. Gooseberries, blackberries, the odd Apple in season and endless tart rhubarb. Rhubarb stewed, rhubarb Pie. Dad made rhubarb wine but of course I never got to taste that! I was force fed rhubarb.

    Can't stand rhubarb. But there again I was born in the Chinese Year of the Pig and pigs are allergic to rhubarb!

    Charlie crying or not is a beautiful little child. Hope Babe will be okay SANDY.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, you've probably not had strawberries and rhubarb compote (?), but I still drool thinking about my Mother's stew! And I do love things that are sweet AND sour!
    Great news, my DD's misadventures with the field of medicine has finally come to a successful end! Surgery went smoothly and whatever was in her thymus gland was encapsulated and nothing was attached and she actually phoned me from the OR!
    After today's remarks about Jews, Democrats and Israel, spewing from the mouth of that sick sick old "pensioner", could we just send him off on one of those drifting ice floes in Greenland, to disappear and with luck, never show up again? So he wants to be KING, huh?
    PATSY, are your spirits any better today? What can we dream up for you to cheer you when things are rough?
    I think the toe has stopped bleeding since nothing has come through the nurse's gauze wrap solution! She insisted I not unwrap until a scab has set! So I look enchanting in one sandal and one velcro slipper and a great big white covering where my toe should be!
    Hi, JACKIE, SANDY,(Hope BABE is OK now)LIN, and all the group who peep in from time to time. May all go well with LAURA.
    I should go down to our Hurricane Buffet a bit early, as I do better at buffets with my walker, which holds a tray better than the chair. I cannot believe reservations for September are almost filled! Where did I lose 2019? Anyway, I'm even slower than usual today so I'll blow kisses your way and hope you all have a pleasant evening!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.........................