Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Big win Sandy! Wahoo!!!!!🙌🏻🎉🙌🏻
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    But I wanted to be sure I got the following info to dear JACKIE who is trying so hard to avoid carbs. In Weight Watchers newest point system, ALL fruits are free! 0 POINTS. Also plain chicken and fish!!!
    ALSO, SANDY!!!! WOW! So happy your luck returned!
    EVERYONE you all!
    Good night
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just dropping in to report I've lost another pound this week. 1200 cals. daily. This is Measuring portions. That was my main problem because I'm eating pretty much the same as always, only less. No hunger pangs! Still haven't consumed sugar as in added to coffee etc and no salt either for two weeks. Done my solo half hour walk, and Jilly's just woken up for her trot after her breakfast.
    Good morning 🌞🌻🌻
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a night! Rain and wind bashing the windows but at least it eased long enough for me to get the two pooches out this morning. The woods seemed the best idea for shelter but first I had to drive my little Citroen through a flood then realised the trees were heaving all over the place so the walk was short. Apparently an earthquake occurred in west Cornwall yesterday evening but nothing heard by me and I don't remember if George had a bark around 6pm.... probably did!

    Well done Anne, that's a great result. I'm guessing my 2 lbs loss will be involved in my usual yo-yo habit and disappear at some point but I'll stay positive and continue to log my food. Thought of you this morning when an 80 year old lady together with a young woman were on a programme discussing statistics that show a large percentage of young people say they are lonely. The 80 year old was vibrant, funny and full of life, all due she said, to getting out and talking to neighbours and having a wonderful supporting family. Her comment that health is more important than wealth resonated with me because it's what we require to remain independent and I know your determination to keep fit will see you remaining in the home you love for years to come.
    Thanks for the fruit carbs comment Buzz. My staple diet is fruit and veggies so I really don't want to cut back and had a banana with my morning porridge, never mind the carbs!
    A nice win Sandy!
    Lin, occasionally I find it's too easy for me to become lazy about cooking until I wonder why my food bill has increased so much. Silly really because I love to cook and create unusual dishes.

    Well, I've kept myself out of the kitchen for the past hour but can see it's now time for lunch and today it will be cottage cheese with pineapple and a couple of crispbreads.

    Happy Friday

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
    Thanks JACKIE, congrats to you as well! On MFP I like the part you can write notes at the bottom of the food diary. For instance I've just noted I was right on track for brekkie and will next note I will have a cup of cantaloupe for mid morning snack. Nothing else.
    Just heard from the docs. Heart in good nick but he wants to discuss blood pressure. Hope I have good news for us after my 2 weeks of salt deprivation, not to mention maple nut icecream.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    Good morning. I have laundry, cooking and card making on my schedule for the day. Oh and stretching and walking about and a try at some Qigong. Must be cautious however, I am changing to every couple of weeks between reflexologist visits. Must not hurt anything! We had a chat yesterday as she worked on various spots. Just important to be patient and stick with the regimen she outlined. There may be a possibility that the fibromyalgia is back. She says people who have reoccurring fibromyalgia almost always have different symptoms each time. In any case, she is a lovely person who is trying to help me. I am thankful for that.

    I made a little batch of hummus this morning. It was my first try of my tiny Kichen Aide food processor. Lovely size but I was quite disappointed in the power. It ground and ground seemingly forever and I still have a lumpy product. It was easy to use and to clean however. Must allow more time when using it. Anyway, the hummus is in the refrigerator chilling for a lunchtime munch with veggies.

    Second load of laundry in the dryer. Wahoo. Maybe one more.

    Must start on my list of movements and stretches. Bit at a time. Then card duty.

    Everyone is doing so well. Being healthy is worth everything isn’t it? I must prioritize!

    Jackie, I wanted to spend more time in the Tai Chi and Qigong classes and lessons which didn’t give me the time to fuss with food. Lots of frozen vegetables and many fresh tomatoes though. Now as I am starting to make things again, I can really appreciate how much prep time and planning went into my eating pattern when I was home. Hope to find some balance. Or I need to get happy with packages of carrots! And really? Earthquake? Isn’t that very unusual?

    Anne, I hope we have good news as well. I have added salt to anything for years but will admit to liking things like low sodium hot sauce, and no salt salsas quite a lot. I am sure it is the hunt for a salt flavor.

    Buzz, sorry for the post of DDDDDDDDDDDD’s. Glad to hear from you. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Sandy, out spending your gains today? You are indeed the luckiest lady!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
    Trying to find Spike which I really like as a substitute for salt although it does have a little but it is mainly seasonings LIN. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I am also doing laundry and then plan to go to the pool. The hours will be reduced on the 15th to 4:00-8:00 during the week as the lifeguards are going back to school.
    Weekend hours will be the same until Labor Day. So summer is coming to an end much too soon.

    I unfortunately have gained .6 pounds due to all the restaurant eating with my kids. I did lose some of the weight gained but not enough, like Anne I have another 5 pounds to goal. I also do not eat sugar and only use garlic salt when cooking. I never add salt to my cooked food but there are times I crave salt as in potato chips so I try never to buy them.

    Lin, you are very healthy as far as I can tell except for your sore ankle. You of course eat right and exercise regularly. You really are our role model. I don't think Anne or Patsy realize how much weight you have actually lost, would you care to share? Not spending the money yet, I have things coming up that I am grateful to have the cash.

    Jackie, an earthquake? I am glad it wasn't severe and cause you any damage. Good job on your weight loss, keep up the good work. Remaining healthy and independent is my goal, I hope my body co-operates.

    Buzz, goodddddddddddddddddd day to you!! Fruits have natural sugars which are good for you but I still stay away from them on the low carb diet. However, I was thinking the other day about how I lost weight when I first joined MFP by counting calories and not worry about anything else. I might just go back to that way since it worked. I am thinking hard about that plan.

    Patsy, hope all is well with Katie. Ewok twice made a poopy mess in his crate for two nights so Lisa took in a stool sample as well. I also told her to put him on chicken and rice so I am hoping he will be okay in a couple of days.

    Enjoy your day, August goes so quick and then we will be talking about Autumn and then the dreaded you know what!!

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The tweets down the page are amusing!!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
    I remember LINs fantastic weight loss. Been on and off MFP so many times and with so many new names that I've been around longer than is realized. I originally dropped down to 130 lbs with the MFP calorie counting plan so I'm back on it again. It works if you stick to the right size meals, which I didn't of course and shot up again. I looked haggard at 130 lbs, so this time trying for 138 lbs or maybe 136 lbs and then really try and maintain. One thing for sure I'll never go on high blood pressure pills again! I honestly thought I was a goner when veins started expanding and bursting after only 10 days on them. The eye was the worst followed by the inside of the nose, still a few problems but at least the body is back to normal, don't know about the brain, lol.
    And I think JACKIE is about to beat me to it posting so I'll away.
    Very funny JACKIE, the tweets I mean. We had a small earthquake last week but apart from a brief mention on the local news weather, nothing else. I gather we are sitting on an earthquake fault but so far, REALLY? Not as dramatic as when Mikes cot trundled across the floor in the uk with him in it.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just as I was enjoying the Cornwall tweets a huge blat of thunder and lightening almost knocked me off my seat! So I better log off so I don't get hit! ALl
    s well, and my DD seems to have a "thymoma", which is nowhere near as life threatening as her original diagnoses! No glioma, lymphoma, etc., and she can live just fine without her thymus gland! WHEW!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Warm day here but it started misty and cool. I have done some household chores, our sandwich dinner is ready when John gets in from mowing. Salmon on whole wheat, bell pepper slices, baby carrots, pickeled asparagus Spears, and skinny dip. John will need a few sugar free cookies and grapes. To top off his meal. Summertime supper! The calorie count is t too bad.

    I am buying new pants and a couple of new tops that will work for fall and winter under a turtle neck tee shirt. With the new tariff on Chinese goods, I think clothing is going to be very pricy this fall and for Christmas. Since I don’t shop for our kids anymore...checks in a Christmas card...we only buy little token gifts for stocking stuffers. Seems odd to talk about Christmas in this warm humid weather. But I usually start thinking about that when I see back to school sales in the stores.

    Buzz: my friend what an agony you and daughter have been through. Your daughter must feel like she has had some sort of miraculous intervention. There is a part of me that feels a bit angry that you all had to go through such trauma. But all appears well now and as Willy Shakespeare said...”All’s well that ends well.”

    Anne: my doc is happy with me if my blood pressure is good, blood sugar is good, cholesterol is good and I stay hydrated and slooooooooowly ounce by ounce lose weight. I seem to lose muscle instead of fat. He keeps pointing a finger at me and wanting to see more exercise. YUCK!

    Sandy: I don’t understand it! I can go out for a light lunch at a restaurant and gain weight on a salad and not even a good one at that. What do they put in resteraunt food...lead?

    Lin: you are so wise to pack your own food when you go to meetings and classes. And you save money! I have a couple of very special cookie jars I am going to try to sell. They are huge and take up a lot of room in my china cabinet. You inspired me. I never use them and my daughter doesn’t want them so, out door with them.

    Happy dieting, if that isn’t an oxymoron, I don’t know what is.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Here we go again, happy as we can be, all good friends and jolly good company, to quote the song.

    Jilly and I are happy, we see family today and Mike will take me to the bank which is difficult to get to since some bright spark closed the branch at the top of the street. He will then take Jilly to the pet store for Jill's favourite treats and a new bed because the old one is falling apart. Then we will drop in at the Organic Garage for bits and pieces including Spike if I can find it. The best part hopefully will be to pick up a lovely thin crust mushroom pizza (or as they call it: fun guy) to have with salad and get me out of cooking lunch.

    I'm still behaving myself with 1200 calories, no sugar, no salt and I've just done my half hour walk. Feeling smug and self righteous. 😇 I shall be terribly disappointed if the doc finds no change in the blood pressure reading. I do wonder if some folk have naturally highish blood pressure because mine has been that way all of my life despite high energy and being thin as a rake in youth. I've, even now, kept at normal BMI and although close, never drifted into the overweight zone. Oh well, no one can accuse me of being an Einstein so who knows! At least the ticker is good apparently.

    To finish off with the beginning song,

    Never mind the weather, never mind the rain, as long as we're together, whoops we go again.

    Anne, happy Saturday!🙃🐶❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2019
    An invigorating walk on the open moors this morning with both dogs rushing as the wind blew them about. George loves this weather and gets very silly but dear Betty tends to pull a face that asks what are we doing? A quick check in my garden has shown just a small amount of wind damage on the roof of my greenhouse with one section blown out but at least the tomato plants received an extra watering through the gap! Since there is currently no point planning work in the garden I've changed into comfy tracksuit bottoms and after lunch will clear papers and accumulated rubbish in the dining room ready for a coat of paint on the walls. Every downstairs room needs freshening up and I should begin in the kitchen so since I have the paint required there I may well get started since our forecast is for unsettled weather next week. Retuning my radio the other day I discovered a station called Gold which plays music from the 60's to 80's so in the background I've just gone from The Four Seasons to David Bowie and on to Supertramp drowning out the sound of rain hitting the windows.

    Buzz, I echo Patsy's anger towards those who gave either a wrong diagnosis or at least words open to interpretation to your DD. Thank goodness the news is good, well more than good, so she and you can get on with your lives. My friend I visited on Thursday afternoon told me his granddaughter had taken him to his barber earlier then on the way home they stopped for coffee and cake at the teashop where I'm hoping to meet Judy and Gerald. Great reviews from him so I'm feeling more relaxed about my choice!

    Anne, I fell into the same trap of not bothering to weigh foods so portion sizes gradually increased and a few more snacks crept in. A sensible Muesli breakfast first thing satisfied me so why was I contemplating a snack with my coffee after the morning walk? Telling myself I could eat lunch in an hour worked this time but I know I'm going to have to be strict with myself! Hopefully your doctor has good news regarding your blood pressure because you are certainly doing all the right things to bring it down.

    Patsy, I've said it before, your meals always sound healthy. Certainly lack of exercise for the 6 months between new hips put my recent extra pounds on. Haha, who am I kidding; typing those words I know boredom also set in so extra snacks were required!!

    Sandy, .6 of a pound is nothing so you did well considering you were eating out. Any sugar in my home tends to form a hard crust because it sits so long without use but I occasionally include a teaspoon of honey in a cup of tea when I sense my blood sugars dropping. Crunchy sea salt from a grinder is something I can't resist scattered on my veggies but it's so full of flavour it doesn't take much to give the meal a kick! That last sentence in your post had me smiling because I get told off for such comments.... "doom and gloom" is always the response from friends. For all that you're right, the days and weeks are flying by! :/

    Oh dear Lin, Fibromyalgia isn't something you want back in your life but with the help you seem to be receiving from your Reflexology sessions and healthy diet it's hopefully not that. Limping with a sore foot is going to be enough to unbalance your muscles so perhaps more rest needed??

    Coffee finished so I'll take cottage cheese and pineapple rings out of the fridge so they don't freeze my teeth as I enjoy lunch!

    Happy Saturday.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Gorgeous morning for a Jilly walk. Met lots of dogs. 66 F my sort of weather. To quote Hobbes the giant Siberian puss, "Puuuuurrrrrrrrfect!"
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,366 Member
    edited August 2019
    Good morning, I’ll be meeting a gent later to sell an old 8mm Disney cartoon. Finally. There is so much for sale on Facebook Marketplace, multiples gigantic rummage sales at local churches, and people moving and telling people to just come to pick up things for free. Must be patient I guess. 😁

    I am in the midst of multiple cards I hope to send out next week and about halfway through the card I will give to a young lady for her birthday. Yes, progress. Will spend a lot of time on this today.

    Buzz, the news from DD is very encouraging. Thank heavens my friend. Sending a happy hug your way.

    Anne, what a busy day on tap for you. I hope you find everything on your list. Be happy my friend, you have such excellent habits. Hello Jillo. And I trust you will love your new doggie bed.

    Jackie, oh rats, damage to your greenhouse! Horrible news. I hope you have someone to fix it up. Meanwhile, painting! You are a lady with multiple skills and an eye for decorating. I hope the furry friends stay away from the paint and the freshly painted walls.

    Patsy, you and John have such healthy habits. I admire all you do. Yes, I agree with you, clothing prices may be quite high if this insanity regarding trade continues. And I believe it will, as no one is rational these days.

    Sandy, I hope you enjoyed your time at the pool yesterday. It is State Fair time here and we had a wonderful weather day yesterday. Unusual as it is usually horribly hot and muggy during the run of the fair. So I hope your weather was similarly outstanding. Oh gosh, poor Ewok. I hope they find the cause quickly and that he will be back to normal.

    OMG, fall is indeed around the corner. Ahhhhhh! Shriek!

    Hugs my friends, must get back to work.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I am going to my nieces to celebrate my brother's 86th birthday. I believe it is just a family celebration but I could be wrong. They insist no presents but I will bring him some scratch off tickets which he likes.
    It was great at the pool yesterday and Monday starts the abbreviated hours so I hope to get there tomorrow. I will be taking my elderly friend Joe to mass with me tomorrow and I am sure he will want to stop to eat afterwards.

    Lin, they said Ewok is fine now, so it must have been something he ate outside. I bought him a new bed that Facebook said was a stress bed and looks so comfy and cozy I might try it myself when they receive it. I told Lisa it was his all holiday and birthday present from me. lol

    Jackie, weight is up again today so my yo yo continues. I am going to start riding my recumbent bike on Monday and hopefully do no damage to my foot which seems to be healed.
    Like you I would like to get rid of these last 5 pounds before winter when I am stuck in the house. Good luck to all of us!!!

    Anne, you got your rhythm going and I bet you will lose your weight soon. I sure hope it drops your blood pressure because living healthy and exercising is what they tell us to do.
    I hope Jilly enjoys her new bed, I can't wait to see if Ewok will enjoy his.

    Patsy, maybe it is our metabolism and our bodies don't like restaurant food. lol You and John eat healthy which is wonderful so that is the most important thing. I hope you don't have to wear those winter clothes for a long time. lol

    Buzz, what a relief for you and your daughter. How scary it is to hear a terminal diagnosis only to be told we were wrong. I am happy that the news is good and I hope she lives a long and healthy life.

    Have a great weekend and keep healthy, wealthy and wise.
    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
    Michael treated us to Burritos for lunch. I feel the size of a battleship and eating is over for the day. On the plus side though, very tasty.

    I add to everyone else BUZZ on being so pleased that your daughter is going to be alright after all. What a horrid shock for everyone hearing the original diagnosis and what a relief, a tremendous relief now!

    LIN I saw the Iowa state fair on TV yesterday. Tried to recognize you, couldn't!

    I hope all the poorly dogs are soon back to good doggie health.

    For all you gals grieving the imminent departure of Summer I can't join you! Just a sniff of beautiful autumn in the air today. Oh joy!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Saturday is a day of construction and destruction! John will be continuing his work on the deck. It is a partly cloudy day. Better for working outside than a sunny blistering day in the full sun. I worry about John when he works out there when it is so hot. It can be very dangerous for us oldies.

    I will be cleaning the kitchen, mopping and ditching some antique food in the fridge. Guilt and hate wasting food but it must be done. I will be making chicken salad for dinner with sliced oranges and pineapple for dessert. Good dinner for a warm summer day.

    Katie seems to have totally recovered from her tummy upset. I am continuing with the suggestion from Sandy, Anne and Jackie. I am feeding her chicken and rice. She likes it and the vet gave us probiotic powder to sprinkle on her food. I think that goofy dog probably ate a slug or something. What a true nut case she is! She fits right in with us, a nutty old couple.

    We have had ICE arrest a couple of older guys locally. They have lived here at least 35 to 40 years. They have worked in the fish processing plant for years. They came from Mexico as teenagers. I can hardly stand what is happening. One of their wives works in the school cafeteria. These guys are our age. Retired grandfathers who have done nothing wrong except come into the US with their family years and years ago.

    By the way, Katie is absolutely crazy about little chips of ice. So far no stomach upsets over it. I keep thinking this can’t be good for her. What do you think?

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Seems the news of the "suicide" by Epstein has raised many a eyebrow, since it was observed there was nothing from which one could hang in his highly watched cell! I finally turned off my TV since I stopped believing most everything our government tells us anyway!
    Fell for the bait of ordering replacement brush/flossers for my Waterpic electric tooth brush when I received their 30% summer sale notice. At checkout, I discovered their shipping charge eliminates the saving! I deleted the sale and ended up saving almost $20 at Amazon!
    I fell asleep last night in the middle of making an Anniversary card, and lost all my research and work! Better get some sleep tonight before the same thing happens!
    PATSY, has this country evolved into another when I was not looking? Our President's gold palace, MariLago, is employing ONLY Mexican illegal immigrants, and when confronted with that fact, he answered he has nothing to do with running it!
    SANDY, I must have slept through your acquisition of EWOK??? Who or what IS Ewok and when did he/she appear in your life?
    JACKIE, I never gave a thought to your excellent taste in the tea shop! You will enjoy each other I'm sure. About your roof in the new addition; isn't there some kind of warranty from your builder? That had to be some wild wind to do that sort of damage!
    ANNE my blurb crediting you with such great self-control seems to have just disappeared! And Sandy jogged my memory by mentioning LIN, way back when!
    I seem to recall amazement when we first learned LIN was not always that svelte gorgeous creature we have come to admire and appreciate so well!
    My determination at weight loss seems to change with the weather! My appetite is changing so I no longer eat everything on my plate. So far, no results in loss!
    eyelids drifting, so goodnight my loves.......
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!................................