Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, I wasn't brought up with guns, and never allowed even toy guns in the house, so where did it get us? None of my grandchildren ever wanted one except for the eldest, who shot himself while on the phone with his Mom! She will never get over that, yet when they discuss
    his suicide, they still say, "His gun didn't shoot Adam; he killed himself!" Both his parents were members in the NRA. As for me, I really was not even into playing darts! nite all...
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen !..........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm logging food and exercise again in an effort to discipline myself because both have slipped this year and before I know it summer will be over, the winter blues will appear along with extra pounds on top of extra pounds and all will be lost! Delighted to have you join me and Sandy Anne, in fact the more the merrier!

    Sandy, nothing wrong with target shooting or clays, something I find fascinating to watch as I know my gun would still be being lifted to my shoulder as the clay hit the ground!! My father won shields and cups for target shooting and if I say I take after him with his love of all creatures and nature generally you'll know he was a gentle soul. Have you shaken that cold off? Don't go without food as you know that saying "feed a cold, starve a fever". (This is my competitive side coming out to distract you from dieting!! :D:D )

    Patsy, I was given a dog treats baking kit for Christmas although I suppose it was really a gift for George and Betty so must dig it out and see what I can make. Nothing too fattening for Betty of course as her diet continues. Note to self.... must take her to the vet practice for an updated weight check. It's the norm in the UK for farmers to hold a gun license to be used on pests and menaces such as rabbits and foxes and they have to reapply regularly so the police know who has what. Mr Fox who killed my hens was lucky he did it out of hunting season!!

    Buzz, ah yes, darts!! A viscious sport if too many pints are downed and vision impaired! :o:o

    It's gone midday and I'm operating on a medium banana and 2 cherries for breakfast plus a couple of black coffees so am thinking early lunch will be in order before I get too hungry and blow my diet on day one!! A gentle stroll for an hour got my exercise going and the plan is to prune and weed this afternoon.

    Did I miss Lin yesterday or is she as ever busy?

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Error above. Good morning Sneakers.
    Just to put the record straight, my father in law, a farmer who had a dairy farm and also grew peas for "Birds Eye", DID own a gun for shooting rabbits but I can't remember anyone else who had one, certainly not the general public. Nor the police who went into Dads bicycle shop for a warm up at his stove before carrying on with their truncheons on their beat. (Walk around).
    I'm hoping to get into my little garden today for some peace from the world and its problems. Bury my head in the soil. Dug up my potatoes yesterday before the rain poured down.
    Have a peaceful and joyous day girls.
    Anne. 🌻🌻❤️🌻🌻
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh for the good old days Anne. As you know we have an epidemic of stabbings in Britain, kids killing kids with their mother's kitchen knife or dad's Stanley knife and I'm convinced if such items were banned from the home they'd revert to cavemen/boys and use clubs! There's something rotten in today's society and I've no idea what the answer is.

    A miniscule lunch enjoyed to fill a gap so now out into the sunshine. 🌞
    Happy Wednesday.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Ive had homemade porridge with raisins and my banana and water shake. About 350 cal.
    Then for lunch spaghetti with onion, garlic and tomato simmered in olive oil. Sprinkled with
    Parmesan cheese. About 400 cal. which leaves me with about the same for supper. Probably steal some of Jillo's chicken and veggies.
    Pretty boring, but not hungry!
    Still ploughing on with no salt and sugar.
    We can do this Jackie and Sandy. I mean lose.
    Oh, JACKIE, even with WW2 bombing I long for those days of good neighbours, friendly policemen and lovely old grannies brought out of retirement to teach us. My teacher when I was 5 years was called Miss Lickeriss and my dad said she taught him when he was five. Had me reading in no time. Will never forget her.
    Today's children have missed such a lot. Sad really.
    The answer. Well hardly dare say it but suspect nature will come up with some super bug and like the black plague cull us.
    On that happy note I will bid thee all farewell on another humid day.
    Anne. 🌹🌹🕷🌹🌹
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    edited August 2019
    Happy Wednesday! :) I gave Lisa a break and took the boys to National Night Out last night. It was hot and oh so crowded but the boys had a good time and grandma was exhausted. Tonight is bingo night, so wish me luck.

    Anne and Jackie, I usually just count carbs but when logging with MFP, I try to do both. You have to pay extra to do a carb logging but I refuse so just add carbs to my logging diet.
    Yes, Jackie, the cold is gone and I keep confusing which is supposed to be fed but I did the right thing in eating so much while my kids were here. B)

    I suppose I hate guns because my brother was killed by one. He was a troubled soul who got himself in trouble with co workers. He had served in the army and got married to his girlfriend (from the states) in Germany and had a daughter. When he got out of the service he separated from his wife and came home to live with us. He ended up being part of a trio who robbed currency exchanges during their lunch break from their jobs. His life ended when the currency exchange they last robbed was staked out by the police. No one knows for sure who did what, but the police shot and killed him, he was 23 years old. He was buried on my 16th birthday and it was the saddest day of my father's life. My mother was devastated and for a long time wouldn't acknowledge him as her son. Grief works in many ways.

    On a brighter note, it looks like a pool day before bingo. Enjoy life, look for the good in everyone, you never know what demons they might have.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited August 2019
    Good day. MFP kept crashing for me yesterday so just dropped a line and moved on. Not only did Walgreens have senior discount day but my long time old fashioned health food store just started discount Tuesday on the 1st Tuesday of the month. Wahoo! I was out of the house early, dropped off a birthday card at the post office. Then a stop at the health food store for a few bargains, a stop by the senior center to try to obtain the August bulletin but they haven’t arrived yet. On to Kohl’s to try straighten out my missing $5 coupon. (No luck). Then Mah Jongg. I did win one hand, another lady won a hand and the remainder went to the table, no winner. I tried a different Walgreens to try to get my sale/discount items, now luck at that store. A quick stop at another organic grocery store for several things. Home to put things away and then off again to pick up my Rx refill and go to my regular Walgreens. Found everything I wanted there. Wahoo. Went home after dropping off my library books. Then packed up a purse I was selling. Met the lady later and she brought along her son as she did not speak much English. Success, purse sold. Then home again for supper, an online chat to try again for my coupon (was promised it was straightened out but it is not) catching up on email and generally collapsing. 😂😂

    This morning I have corresponded with a few people but mostly have been cleaning vegetables, cooking vegetables, making broccoli slaw etc. A few more things to do this afternoon and the refrigerator will be full of ready to eat healthy options. Some online banking, then I have lots of August birthday cards to create and some thinking of you cards. Most are needed later in the month but must finish one card today. Hummmmm. Must think.

    Sandy, I am sorry for what happened in your family. How he fell into a ring of thieves must he beyond comprehension. Some wounds just don’t heal. You do know how to put things aside to live for the day. Good for you. And now, glad to hear the cold has gone away and wishing you luck at Bingo this evening.

    Anne, interesting, I have been hearing of several challenges to we humans from a number of sources. Some scary stuff. I feel I will be in the cull herd. 🤭 Meanwhile, I will just try to be as careful as I can be. Oh and I like fed Bird’s Eye peas. My favorites as a child.

    Jackie, I agree, people just do not seem to be all that rational these days. Any little thing can set people off. Some seniors have been murdered in our area over the last few years, attacked in their homes, stabbed, beaten to a pulp with anything at hand. What rage emerges in people now. Argh.

    Patsy, hello to you and John and Katie. I hope you are well today. I am afraid to page back. I am certain I will lose my post.

    Must move along now. I was hoping to go to senior discount day at Kohl’s today with my $5 free merchandise, a senior discount and any purchase going towards their Kohl’s cash. That has all crashed and burned. Makes me frustrated when the reward programs do not function as advertised.

    Time to make a salad for lunch.

    Hugs my friends.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY, what a terrible tragedy to befall your family. Your poor parents, just heartbreaking. They would be very proud of you though. Its amazing what stories emerge as we get to know people we admire and the past sadness a pretty face can hide. God bless, you are an inspiration.
    I join LIN in wishing you the best of luck at bingo tonight.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another hazy day. I am thinking it is from the wild fire in southern Oregon. John continues working on rotten deck boards on the back deck. He is almost through. Then he will be painting the deck before fall rains begin. As I have said I will have a role in that job but it will be under the watchful eye of John, the job boss!

    As far Diets go...John has often said that I have been on a diet all my life. I have never been the weight I wish I was. Never! I have been dissatisfied with my body from the time I realized I had a body. It is a good thing John and I married early. I probably would have fallen for any number of really bad diet and weight control scams. I am still vulnerable for those things. I do limit carbs and have a ideal calorie allotment on 1200 a day. Some days I am on target and some days not so much. Eating out is my downfall. John has an amazing metabolism. He eats everything and lots of sweets. Now adays he avoids sugar but still eats sugar free treats of all kinds. He is tall and slim and I am short and round. It is part of John’s caring support to stop me from constantly obsessing about calories. “Eat healthy, Patsy! Exercise and think positive. Strive for health and portion control.” It is like living with a cute cuddly drill Sargent! I suspect you all strive for that healthy positive lifestyle John talks about.

    We did take Katie in to the vet along with a stool sample (yuck! ) she was given some doggie probiotics, probably not too different from plain yoghurt. Plus a pill to firm up her poo. No virus or other problems. A good old fashioned case of garbage gut. She loves to graze on grass, sticks, deer droppings and anything else she finds interesting. She is a darling but she is not easy. Her weight is 54 lbs. not bad for her size and breed. Doc’s doggie who goes to work with him, oddly is exactly the same weight. Sadie looks exactly like Katie but with a closer hair cut. She is better behaved and calms Katie down. Doc thinks Katie is more intelligent and independent. He suggests that as far as Katie goes...this is as good as it ever is going to get. (Sigh)

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh no, another lost post! Actually, it looks like ANNE, LIN and I all tried to post at the same time and I lost! It contained most of the same sympathies and emotions for dear SANDY's loss plus my hugs for the pain she and her family experienced!
    Also included was my observation that having just made out my check for my cleaning/friendly adviser/mentor,...she who patiently moves my ever growing piles of papers (insurances and other ugly communications ), I can probably never eliminate my holdings down to the single room one moves into for Assisted Living (unless one is the Administrator's grandmother who was allowed 2 rooms for which she pays double!). I'd better work back to many years of healthier living so I can remain in my comfortable 2 bedroom apartment!
    LIN, I, too, need most cards later in the month, but am already overwhelmed by the number of birthdays, anniversary and get well cards I must come up with! Each card I design is individually produced for the personal history of that recipient, and I sometimes end up with a blank brain! Once I decided to decorate the envelopes as well, my production has slowed way down! The most embarrassing position is when people thank me for cards I did NOT make! Is it a gentle nudge?
    For several days now I have not turned on my TV! Like almost everyone else, I cannot bear to watch THAT ORANGE GENIUS who claims to be my leader!
    I am also in a rather costly struggle with my HMO over a large bilI have been receiving from my dermatologist who never informed me he had gone out of network last year and never answered my questions on copays! Now I find myself totally responsible for the entire amount! Since it was HIS office that called ME to set up the appointments, I wonder if I have grounds for cutting or eliminating his bill. (I just called his office again while writing this!) and perhaps we can cut his bill down to just my copays! Would Medicare have been easier to deal with?
    Oh my, I'm running late again! And no lunch. Suddenly I am feeling truly dysfunctional
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen !..........................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I lost mine as well BUZZ! And at this point give up until tomorrow! Teatime, Anne
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Just a little something I found today. ❤️🌺❤️


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Perfect Lin and a beautiful thought to send me off to my bed and hopefully pleasant dreams. 🤗
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A typical August day..... cool and threatening rain! Knowing we are in for some rough weather tomorrow I took George and Betty on to the moor early this morning to give them a good run but we were faced with a herd of cattle that had a rather large bull for company! I managed a wide berth to avoid trouble but then came upon a 2nd group with an even larger bull that had huge horns so decided it was time to head back to the car! On the way down the hill a group of beautiful ponies with day old foals drifted across our pathway but deciding they were harmless I kept going although did slip the dog leads on to keep them away from kicks that might come our way. In fact the foals were so friendly I had to gently persuade them to move away from steps down to the car park.

    A little bit of housework before lunch then out to meet a friend I haven't seen in months. Les is 92, partially blind and suffers from a shaking condition that doctors tell him is not Parkinsons but can't say what is causing the tremours. He adores George and I'm sure will fall for Betty too when they meet!

    Sandy, what an awful tragedy for your family to lose your brother in that way and a terrible shock. I do completely understand your hate of guns but I suppose because they are not a part of our lives in Britain and as Anne says, not even our regular police carry them, I don't see them being used for anything other than sporting events. Knives on the other hand are terrifying and no one wants to confront rowdy kids these days just in case a knife is pulled.
    When I completed my food chart yesterday I noticed carbs are listed and was amazed to see how many get counted in fruit so no banana this morning although a bowl of weighed out porridge so probably just as many! I'll have to check my home page because I used to be allowed 1400 calories but see that's gone up to over 1600 and am wondering if me being a good 5 years older since starting to count makes a difference.

    Patsy, my problem is I never had to diet or even think about what I was eating until the menopause and I then assumed once I came out the other side of that I could go back to nonchalantly nibbling whatever took my fancy. Haha, big mistake!! I like to think I have a healthy lifestyle but it's still a struggle to remain within my correct BMI and am slightly over at the moment. Katie is obviously identifying with her Labrador personality when grazing rubbish. I'm sure her rival poodle side wouldn't consider such behaviour. :D

    It seems the property in London I have a third share in with my brothers has been sold subject to a surveyors report. There was a lot of interest, over 25 viewings in the first week, probably helped by our decision to not be greedy but set the price at a sensible level and be prepared to drop further. Prices in the city have become over inflated due to a lot of what we know as dirty money from Russia and China being invested in property and of course what goes up must come down! A young lady still living at home with her parents is buying it so in a silly sentimental sort of way, I know our father would be pleased it will become her home rather than someone's investment although he'd be astounded at today's value of what was his home for nearly 70 years.

    A coffee then that housework I mentioned so I'll wish everyone a happy Thursday and say remember Hill Street Blues...

    Let's be careful out there!! <3
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
    Diets! Well I've just had my porridge and raisins. I still haven't eaten sugar or salt for 10 days and I'm honestly beginning to feel better. I was a salt addict I must admit. I've also done my half hour walk, fed Bean and then I'll take her out after the shower. I'm sat in my old blue nightie right now. Jilly doesn't mind!
    Talking of Bean, who's now answering to Jillo, she wouldn't dream of eating grass, sticks, raccoon poo etc. She has tastes which are actually beyond Anne's means. Only chicken and rice with the odd veggie for this pooch. Refuses canned, kibble or Hobbes's cat food. I wonder what will happen when I pass on to push up the daisies land? Will Mike feed her Yorkshire farms premium chicken? On the plus side she appears to be very healthy and on the downside a bark comparable to a Great Dane. Of course, when desperate I DO pinch some of her chicken. Dorio will be delivering her Yorkshire Farms Premium Chicken later this morning. She likes Dorio and I'm not going to tell him the chicken he's hauling down the drive is mainly for her. Especially if he encounters Tony on the way. I guess this problem will disappear come winter!
    Mark turned up yesterday and galloped around the lawns and with the lawn mower I should add. I mean he just didn't gallop for fun!
    Other than that load of nothing, nothing else has happened. Still haven't heard from the doc about my test results so presume I'm not about to keel over with a heart attack. Touch wood on that one. Jill needs me if only for chicken!
    I echo Jackie.
    Anne. 🤓❤️🐶❤️
    To try and keep me accountable, oatmeal, raisins, Apple juice and water, 384
    Haddock fillet, small baked potato, fr. peas, 5 Brussels sprouts, 553.
    Carrot Muffin. 210
    Grapefruit half. 41
    Total: 1188 calories
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Getting ready to head out to meet the former library ladies. I really only see friends now twice a week and church on Sunday so I am trying to wring the most out of these times. We got to giggling and shaking with laughter on Tuesday, the Mah Jongg had to be left behind for a while. I adore times like that. 😂🤣😂

    I am also sorting through some recipes. I would like to cut my grocery bill down some if possible. Going to see what good things I can make with some of my staples. I have gotten quite lazy while focusing on going places, and until recently, studying Tai Chi, I put most cooking aside for the easiest things I could do so have been purchasing loads of yummy organic frozen veggies but I need to add something to them or get back to soups and stews.

    Hope everyone is well.


    Lin, still hopping around a bit
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hi poor hop along LIN.
    We've just got back from our walk as the rain starts. We met a very nice Russian lady with very little English, collapsed on the church bench. Stopped to ask if she needed help but she said she was okay after a while. Meanwhile Houdini slipped out of her collar etc again. Momentarily panic by Anne but she didn't run off. Parked on the picnic bench to get her all hooked up again we then all hurried homewards, and the rains just started. It's all go in the retired life isn't it! I'm sure my life was far more boring at work surrounded by people. Now where's Dorio the delivery man who's going to get rather wet.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Big win at bingo, thanks for all the good luck. I won a $500 pull tab and then a second for $200 plus a bingo game of $75. Yipee!! I was very excited!! Needed money with birthdays and other events happening this month.
    Meeting today and then a night of rest I hope. I have been so busy lately with more to come.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yeah, SANDY. Anne.