Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, my dear JUDY tells me she's quite excited regarding the date she is looking forward to meeting with you! So am I!
    Hi everyone; sorry about LIN's recurrence of that injury!
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Morning! Rather a busy day so just a swift hello. I've done my half hour walk, fed the Bean, had breakfast and about to leap in the shower.
    So ta ta for now and hope you all have an enjoyable Friday. Monday is a holiday here.
    Anne. 🙃🐶
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Friday everyone Here's an Ahhh to begin your day!
    I rarely get to sit on my new sofa as it's already occupied!

    The day began with sunshine and a high temperature so before breakfast I drove the dogs to the woods where it was relatively cool. A bit of a gamble with more chances of Blackberry disappearing in the undergrowth, which was exactly what he did, so all I could do was call out occasionally and wait for him to step out on to the path, sometimes way off in the distance. Early days for me to be rushing anywhere so I do my best to keep calm and let him gallop about. He's now sleeping on my feet while I type!

    Oh Lin I'm sorry to read you are hobbling about again. Do you think you've been overdoing things? 😧

    Sandy enjoy the visit from your son and DIL. Don't spend that $13 all at once!

    Patsy although I do enjoy a monthly pedicure with foot massage thrown in my hair appointment is my favourite pamper time. A head massage before the hair is cut followed by lots of chatting since I've been going to the same girl for over 15 years. Yesterday I was introduced to Frankie her French Bulldog puppy that is probably at his cutest being only 12 weeks but already I could see a stubborn streak appearing!!

    Buzz, not much you can do right now about the man with obvious pathological personality traits, just hope next year enough voters get what's going on!
    Couldn't believe your friends Judy and Gerald will be passing within 2 miles of my home and hopefully I've found just the place for our cream teas just a few minutes detour off their route. I'll be taste testing in the next couple of weeks just in case!! 😄😄

    Anne I'm sorry you seem unsettled about your future but knowing you as I now do feel sure the right and obvious option will show itself to you.

    Gosh, my morning has gone so time to get on with the job of turning Chicken Heaven into Fort Knox..

    The special galvanised sheets arrived yesterday, less than 48 hours after I ordered them so as much as I dislike the way Amazon is taking over the world I can't fault their service!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE......AHHH ! How loveable ! Isn't it amazing how Betty has settled in. All memories of her former life gone. Lucky little dog. I would be very happy reincarnated as one of your pets!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is going and then to clean the house before my visitors arrive. Looks like it will be a gorgeous weekend so will enjoy being with them.

    Jackie, love the photo, Anne is right, I would also love to be pampered by you. Enjoy your visit with Buzz's friends, I know you will make them feel so welcome.

    Anne, whatever decision you make it will be perfect. Your boys will always be there for you.

    Buzz, your friends visit with Jackie reminds me when we met in Florida. Good memories.

    Hello to all, but I can't dilly dally, so have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hello, laundry day here too. Plan on going to the library tomorrow for a day of paper crafting unless I am too miserable. I am fortunate that the little reinjury to the ankle was minor. Some pain and relatively minor swelling. I am being very careful how I put that foot down. No twisting. I am being so careful my Fitbit does not believe I am climbing stairs. It says I have climbed 4 flights of stairs today while the total is actually 8. Now that is caution.

    Also trying to do some online banking etc. One of my banks was down with an apology message. Finally got it working today. Whew. I feel helpless when I cannot get to my accounts.

    Sandy, enjoy the visit. Sorry there is so much preparation work before guests arrive. The weather is really great so I hope you are able to enjoy a bit of that. And I hope your foot is doing better.

    Jackie, I agree, you do pamper your pets and they are so content to be with you. They are indeed lucky. And hello to your visitor BlackBerry! What an active soul.

    Anne, shopping day today? And what holiday is on tap next?

    Buzz, I agree, must try to stay calm. And I need t tell myself that as well. I get anxious about so many things. I know how much worse I feel.

    Patsy, what are you and yours up to today? I assume Katie is busy supervising whatever you are up to.

    Hi Jeri!



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    I came across this yesterday.


    With parts of both feet/legs radiating pain and both shoulders, I need to learn this.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well, I took off with both boys to view a very nice retirement home. I absolutely loved it, Jilly came along as well because they welcome small dogs and cats. Jill - an Immediate hit with all the very nice residents. Everyone cuddled her and she just lapped up the attention. The apartment we looked at had French windows leading out to a patio and lawn, ideal for a small dog at 6 am!. The gardens were to drool over, so pretty, with walkways, statues and pagodas to rival buckingham palace. And there the dream stopped. My lowly savings would only allow 5 years of living there plus all my pensions of course. Then what? Well, thrown out into the workhouse! That's what.

    I learned even more today that my younger son Mark is the logical, sensible, accountant, Mike and I are the spinners of dreams.

    So back to square one and hoping a condo comes up for sale in Michaels building. Mark would buy and invest in the place which in all truth is also very nice, except you still have to cook, clean, do laundry etc but no gardening, and no old ladies to cuddle one small dog who would no doubt grow fat on the treats they might bestow.

    Because of the senior home visit I had groceries delivered today and found a new delivery man looking most confused because Marie's Tony (who was being looked after by a care giver whilst she went to the doctors) was on my drive leaping up and down and asking "what are you doing on my drive, clear off". I just rescued my groceries in time because the poor delivery man was about to take off with them.
    To be honest, Tony is a little scary, and especially after he threatened Maria with his belt.

    Don't know why we are having a holiday on Friday SANDY. It just says civic holiday on the calendar.
    Anne in "cuckoo" land.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Darn, lost 2 posts! Just cannot repeat a 3rd tie as I'm falling asleep! Love you all
    <3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Popped in for a minute just wanted to say “hi” back. We’ve been so busy hopefully tomorrow I can say more.

    Fun day today but time to go to bed as it is after 11 pm

    From our visit to the zoo this week.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    edited August 2019
    Oh Jeri, what a gorgeous and happy group. Must have had a lot of fun at the zoo. 😁

    Anne, well a surprising trip with the boys. I am sorry it is too expensive. Any government assistance programs available? Probably not. It is difficult to walk away from some things. I hope something better will come along.

    I am packing for the paper crafting day. Must make some coffee, pack a lunch and finish shoving supplies in my roll around bag.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2019
    Not too bothered LIN. After all, these homes are in business. Bad enough right now, but they go up in price every year. Just another pipe dream.

    Me and Beanie had just settled down last evening when there came a knock on the door. Maria to see how I'd got on but in truth I think a shoulder to cry on. She drops Tony off at a coffee shop to meet up with his old friends on weekdays for a hour just to give her some time to grocery shop or just for herself. Today the friends phoned to say would she please pick him up early because he had forgotten to wear his watch and he was accusing all the patrons of stealing it, and loudly. He was thrown out. Bad day I guess because once home he thought the tires on their car had been stolen although in full view and then of course the incident on my drive. At this point there came a hammering on my door and there was Tony just in his jeans yelling for her to get home. He's very muscular stripped down. Poor Maria who's losing weight by the minute just broke down in floods of tears. Did I tell you earlier there is a 4-5 year waiting list for placement in a senior funded care home? Privately $5500 monthly. Who can afford that!

    I just had time to give her a quick cuddle and the last I saw of them was Maria holding Tony's hand and leading him home. I'm sure seeing life in the raw these days. Their two sons can't help financially because Tony's illness bankrupted the family business and they, with five children and wives to support are just starting over again, and terrified they will inherit the disease.

    He wouldn't step over my threshold by the way because he's terrified of Jilly.

    Sorry to bore you all, but that's my life these days. I'm becoming a right drama queen.
    Last year at this time I was happily gardening and didn't have a clue about my new neighbours!

    JERI, what an absolutely beautiful bunch of children. You must burst with pride when out with them all.
    Anne, off to make potato salad in the peace and quiet of another hot, hot day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) We are leaving shortly to go see the kiddos. Just wanted to pop in and say hi. Going after lunch and before dinner so they don't have to worry about feeding us.
    Love the pictures Jeri they are all just beautiful. Anne, don't know what you believe but leave it in God's Hands and things will work out. Poor Maria, it seems a shame the county can't help her.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers, my day is almost over and I seem to have done nothing other than dog walk, dog sit and dog pamper. It gets in the way of everything so as much as Blackberry is a gorgeous boy he's demanding and quite pushy so my life isn't my own right now. We've had a few showers and the hot temperatures seem to have gone so extra layers required as we trek across the moors. Work continues on securing the chicken run so hopefully I'll soon be in a position to adopt more chooks to chortle at the end of the garden.

    The dogs are snoring so it must be bedtime. More walking tomorrow that I tell myself is good for me and also a trip to the allotment... perhaps some beans to pick and rhubarb to pull. Apart from that a quiet weekend but nothing wrong with the peace and quiet!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Almost 11 again, following the celebration of a friends' 90th birthday! Only on this site do I have problems typing legibly. And by now MY KEYBOaRD---is driving me insane!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited August 2019
    I'm so sorry, but too sleepy to post. I think I'm OK! Delighted to learn all my friends ar the European end will try to chat in September over their "cuppa" and yes, SANDY, it brings back precious memories
    <3<3<3 sleepy Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our walk yesterday morning.

    Raining today so a muddy stroll in the woods! Allotment visit postponed too because the cat owned by my neighbour I share a plot with has been beaten up so visiting the vet. On a Sunday too which will be expensive!

    Happy Sunday <3

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Back from Church, then Bryanna coming over for more games and tonight dinner at Wildfire. Have a great day.
    Yesterday's Fun:

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Happy Sunday. I am also back from church. The Catholic Church down the street has a huge outdoor festival going on today. I was tempted to hunt for a parking place so I could look around. My Spanish is poor however so I kept on driving although I did stop for every jaywalker trying to cross the street to get there.

    Great pictures Sandy. What fun! What board game were you playing? Looks like a complicated one!

    Jackie, wahoo, loved the video of the dogs doing zoomies! What a lot of energy. Well, maybe not as much from Betty. 😁. How many more days before BlackBerry goes home? You will be worn out for certain. I hope the rain stops so you can get the hen enclosure fixed up.

    Anne, oh my, your neighbor is in a real pickle. Poor dear. I heard some unhappy news at church this morning. The lady who, once upon a time, was the church secretary until her Parkinson’s advanced has now progressed beyond nightmares to a kind of delusional/dementia state. She is always quite upset and imagines conversations with her daughter that never happened or conversely doesn’t remember when her daughter actually does call her. She is in an assisted living apartment right now but trying to keep her calm is increasingly difficult.

    Buzz, good to hear from you. Fie on losing your posts.

    I had a nice time at the papercrafting day yesterday. The room was literally packed with tables! Quite unusual. Woooo. Lots of talking, some laughing, some sharing, some not so great news. That’s life.

    Must finish my lunch and change my clothes.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Your old church secretary sounds just like Tony, LIN. What a horrid disease and even worse for the care givers. Marie says her sons can't stand to stay longer than half a hour but poor Marie has a life sentence.
    Jilly had a good old bark at the video JACKIE. Yes really. She watches "for love of dogs" on the tv every day at 4 o'clock. It's our vocal hour.
    I'm having a lovely quiet day, and before it got too hot, did a bit of weeding, although you could hardly call it weeding. The grass in the flower beds is about a foot high!
    So, nuffing to report. Alls quiet today on the western front. Not a sniff of my neighbours, but they are okay because the windows are open.