Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Good morning. I am off for my weekly Mah Jongg game. Another sunny pleasant day here. Temperature has risen to 66 degrees F. Very nice.

    Anne, I am glad dishy doc listened to you and is investigating further. Must be careful when surgery is involved. Happy walking, I would imagine you have one unhappy Bean when you leave without her.

    Buzz, good job! Wahoo!

    Must grab my card and get going.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Beautiful day here but no pool day as I am sitting for kiddos this afternoon. Lisa has given me 5 dates of sitting from early morning (7:00AM) to late afternoon.
    She wants to keep up her teacher's certification so she has to attend classes to do so. Although we all know how I hate mornings I can't say no. Her parents will be in Florida so they can't help. At least they are spread out, one in September, two in October and two in December. Robby will be in kindergarten for a few hours so that will help a little.
    I only wish my foot would heal completely, it is still sore and making me depressed. There are far worse things to get depressed over so I have to take it one day at a time.

    Lin, enjoy your Mah Jongg game, I know you love it.

    Anne, your new hunky doctor sounds very good. So even if you don't end up with cataract surgery it was a good way to find this doctor and see if there is anything to do to help you.
    Love your new health routine, not sure I could walk myself for a half hour a day. Not sure when I will ever be able to ride my bike again, bummer.

    Hello to all and have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just got back from the mail box shuffle with Beanie. Terribly hot and humid outside. Has been all of July. Not exactly a good time for a painful toe and heavy shoe SANDY if your weather is the same as here. Lucky LIN appears to have hit a cool front.

    I think I eat healthily, just too much and today I proved it. Decided to weigh the handful of spaghetti I normally toss in the pot. 4 oz dry and it should only be 2 oz. Well, there's a clue! Cooked, I was just as satisfied with half the normal amount.

    The dishy doc from NZ was originally born British and believe me this chap could give all the James Bond actors a run for their money. Nice easy going manner, no arrogance like some I could name. I wonder what the NZ girls thought when he got snagged from under their noses by a passing through Canadian girl! And to end up in our humble neighbourhood! He will probably move on, once established. We seem to get the newly arrived from distant lands. I'll tell you one thing, I'm sure my paler blue eyes have improved tremendously since peering into his dazzling blue peepers, lol.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Partly cloudy but still quite warm and it will not be that wonderful cool sea breezy kind of day. I do seem to favor sort of cool misty weather. I have closets of sweaters and rain coats.

    John worked until almost 8:00 pm on the deck repair. It was cooler in the early evening and it was still light. He seemed none the worse for wear, and he loves doing this kind of thing. I am lucky to have this in -house handyman. Even if he is getting a bit grizzled and grey around the chin!..just like me.

    Tonight is another of the debates. It is a unique American circus. I have a notion that the debates mean very little in the final analysis. I suspect the candidate has already been chosen and we are just seeing the play -options, as they say. Still...interesting theater.

    The warm weather has Katie off her food. She is low energy and not invested in her food at all. I am keeping a close eye on this. She is usually a chow-hound. She is still up for her morning game of ball.

    Anne: do you have a crush on your doc? I think it is great that you like your new doctor and feel comfortable chatting with him. We have had the same doctor for 25 years. He is good to us but not sure he is up on all the info and procedures. Scary when we have to tell him about new health news. John is very interested in the health news and takes a couple of newsletters on elder healthcare.
    Putting away laundry and considering mopping the kitchen. There are doggy paw prints all over. How or who would do such a thing?

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's rained all day so I'm sure my drought affected garden is smiling out there! Sue the gardener managed to clear all the geraniums and Red Campion that had become tatty while Blackberry spent the first hour of their visit sitting by the fridge waiting for a piece of cheese! He seemed to know when their 2 hour visit was coming to an end though because he then positioned himself by the gate to make sure he wasn't left again! What he doesn't know is he will be back early in the morning to spend a week with me while Sue and her other 5 dogs go visiting family. He has kidney problems so doesnt travel well. Hopefully he will be ok while staying with me.
    Must now take an evening shower and wash my hair so I don't have to rush in the morning.
    I'll have more time to catch up with you all then.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    No PATSY, seriously, and as usual, just kidding. I don't think I've ever had a crush on anybody since the age of 17, and especially at my present age! However I do appreciate LOOKING at attractive things whether they be flowers, Jilly Beans, dragon flies, or attractive doctors. Coupled with the skill of actually listening, well that's irresistible!! And honestly, how many doctors do we know with full heads of hair and competing in the looks department with Sean Connery or Roger Moore in their hay day.

    Mind you this tendency was also my downfall when very young. My ex was also extremely good looking and at 83 still is. After him, I learned my lesson and only dated nice, ordinary, comfortable, stay at home in their slippers guys.

    Have you noticed whilst mentioning the hot, sticky, humid weather each day, I've actually managed not to moan about it and long for autumn and cool, crisp days. I too love cosy sweaters, long sleeved shirts, wrap around your neck scarves, trench rain coats and boots. And so I'll carry on not moaning because I know pretty autumn with its tumbling red and golden leaves is just a breath away. And then, the first snowflakes still thrill me to bits in this my second childhood.

    I had some bad news last night. My friend Flo daughter phoned me to say her mom is in a decline and her and her brother don't know what to do with her. (Waiting lists for homes are very long and Flo is loudly opposed to being shuttled off). The daughter was extremely hysterical saying "I can't take this" because it had taken her and her partner 6 hours to clean Flo's home, wash sink loads of dirty dishes etc. with Flo telling them to go and leave her alone. The daughter says she can't take any more and needs to think of herself. THEN Flo's brother and his wife phoned me from Quebec! Same story. It seems the daughter is hoping we three will travel miles to sort and clean Flo out despite us being older than Flo and in our 80s now. I phone regularly and Flo assures me she is okay, lying says the daughter. Oh, and I barely know the daughter and Evelyn and Peter her uncle say they haven't spoken to her for 13 years. The moral of this story: I thank the Lord every day for my two lads. I try not to burden them and on the whole I'm fine, but then apart from the present eye problem I'm lucky to enjoy good health, touch wood. Poor Flo!
    Any suggestions on how me, a rather long distance friend can help her?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh ANNE my dear, other than calling or visiting (sounds like a real distance) there is not much you can or should do! When a person is so unrealistic about the realities of aging and planning, it does not automatically fall upon your shoulders! Perhaps they can bring in an aide for a few hours a day (or week) to take care of the least pleasant jobs! I wish you good luck with that injured eye!
    When it comes to hot sticky weather, I couldn't say what our weather is beyond the daily heavy showers. I never go out! Just live and breathe my blessed A/C! And I AM trying to walk a bit more each day, and add the PT leg exercises as I get off the bed. The therapist does NOT want me to tire myself out! I use the oxygen when sleeping or if I feel a huff-puff advancing! Gave up taking the portable concentrator down to dinner and seem to feel fine!
    Do I want to hear the debates tonight? So far I'm avoiding them planning, it does not automatically fall upon your shoulders! Perhaps they can bring in an aide for a few hours a day (or week) to take care of the least pleasant jobs! I wish you good luck with that injured eye!
    When it comes to hot sticky weather, I couldn't say what our weather is beyond the daily heavy showers. I never go out! Just live and breathe my blessed A/C! And I AM trying to walk a bit more each day, and add the PT leg exercises as I get off the bed. The therapist does NOT want me to tire myself out! I use the oxygen when sleeping or if I feel a huff-puff advancing! Gave up taking the portable concentrator down to dinner and seem to feel fine!
    Do I want to hear the debates tonight? So far I'm avoiding them ...The thought of handing this country over to orange head for 4 more years is more than I can bear!
    I just deleted almost the entire post of ANNE's, just added itself onto mine! I better go to bed before any disasters happen for which I'm unprepared
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A lot cooler today, in fact when I took the dogs out just before 9am it was only 14c, 10c cooler than yesterday! Blackberry was dropped off first thing so although he had already walked with his family I took him with George and Betty for a stroll on the moors.... well we stroll, Blackberry runs everywhere then wears himself out but that's not a bad thing, he's now resting on my feet under the desk as I type!

    Sandy, feet being feet, that stress fracture will take time to repair because unless you sit with them up and never move there's going to be pressure on the area isn't there. They say patience is a virtue and I admit right here I have very little these days but hang in there otherwise it will just take longer but you know all that! ;)

    Anne, when I got back to weighing food like porridge, cereals and pasta I was amazed how small a quantity I should be eating. Needless to say I was putting far too much in a bowl when, as you say, the correct amount satisfies.
    Hmmm, I'd say stay away from an optician that says you need cataracts removed if in fact you don't have them... what's that about! You are going in the right direction now as it sounds your new found doctor is a listener and that's always a good start!
    That is such a sad situation your friend Flo has slipped into, but if her daughter isn't inclined to help by regularly visiting and somehow keep on top of the cleaning dishes she surely can't expect you to be in a position to help. A practical way forward would be for her daughter to seek help from her local authority's adult social care department and arrange a daily visit from a support worker. They offer all sorts of assistance and I'd have thought a daily half hour visit would cover a lot of areas so long as Flo is still feeding herself and getting to and from bed ok. They do their best to keep people in their own home rather than a care facility so should cooperate with her daughter. Of course the biggest task will probably be getting Flo to accept someone visiting each day but you never know, she might get to know the carer and enjoy the company. Meanwhile I have to say her daughter should remember the days, weeks and months her mother cleaned up after her.... it's called role reversal!!

    At some point Betty swapped with Blackberry and is now snoring on my feet.... a touch of jealousy I think!

    Good morning to everyone I missed. Gosh, Wednesday already. Where's my life going? :o

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well my quiet life is really going to the dogs! Latish evening yesterday and a knock on the door. It was youngest son Mark. I should tell you that during the upheaval I caused with eyes and dishy docs Mark mentioned my grandson Derek and Bev are looking for a house to buy in our town. I said jokingly with a touch of seriousness, "you should buy me a condo in Michael's building and they should come and live here". Well apparently it was suggested to Derek and he, bless him, said "we can't just kick gran out of her house". Now, Mary Jo is friends with an agent and she checked Mikes building and the top floor pent house had just come up for sale, hence Mark galloping over. What did I think since we had talked of me moving in with Michael. Well! Living apart but in the same building would be super! More walks for Jilly Bean, and me knowing help if needed was just downstairs. Plus SANDY, a beautiful swimming pool in beautiful grounds. "Ooh, yes please" said Anne, "it was my idea after all".

    Alas. At this point the phone rang, Mary Jo to tell us an offer had been put in and accepted and it hadn't been up for sale for more than a few hours! Maybe it will fall through! Maybe another one will come up for sale! It would be great for me, and wonderful for Derek and Bev living here, close to the pretty down town, restaurants, theatre, library, lake etc and if a great grandchild comes along, a good school just around the corner.

    So girls do a bit of wishing for me will you. I could never afford a condo by myself and seemed doomed to watch the garden become a jungle and be snowed in at Christmas! I won't be able to believe my luck if condo living transpires!

    Thanks for the Flo suggestions all put to the daughter by Evelyn, Peter and me. Can't afford it said daughter. Apparently she had emailed them with a curt "I can't afford a long distance phone call, please call me back, it's concerning mother." They called me instead at first because they'd had no contact with Debbie for years! And they thought initially Flo had died.

    It's all go up here, as if the mosquitoes weren't enough!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Pool day and then to bingo. Kiddos wore me out once again but they sure are cute. Ewok is back from camp and seems a tiny bit more calm, but still has a ways to go. I still prefer puppy classes where I learn with the puppy.

    Anne, prayers will be said for the sale to fall through or a new one comes on the market soon.
    Sounds ideal, being in the same building but still independent living. I have no advice that the others didn't give about your friend, just be there for her in calls and spirit.

    Jackie, good luck with Blueberry (love the name) he will love being with you since you are the animal whisperer. :)

    Buzz, glad you are on the mend but please don't overdo it and for heavens sake stop staying up all night, that is not beneficial to your health.

    Lin, must have had an early start on her day. Hope it is something fun.

    Patsy, Daisy does the same in hot weather but eats when hungry.

    Jeri, hello.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Leaving again in a bit. Yes, I was off doing errands this morning. I went back for a price adjustment on the shoes I purchased last Wednesday. They are now on sale and I gratefully accepted the lower price cheerfully completed by Customer Service. And they got me signed up for the rewards program and put last week’s purchases in the program so I should receive a $5 coupon in August. That took a while but I was pleased when I left.

    Went to a busy Trader Joe’s after that and did a bit of shopping. Forgot to get a shallot but will be fine until next time. Then finally a short stop at Hy-Vee to hunt for tiny carrots and waffle cut carrots. Then home to unpack everything and sort through receipts.

    Now I am off for my reflexology appointment. Looking forward to that I think. Last week was work on both feet, hands and something new, my face. That made me uncomfortable as I have those nasty hairs that pop out on my face. Oh well. I think the ears are next. I would be pleased just with the foot treatment.

    Oh, and yesterday was the Mah Jongg pinnacle for me! I won all but one hand that we played!! Never, never, ever have I done that well before. In one hand the only way for me to Maj was to draw 4 jokers as the needed tiles had been discarded when I was unable to pick any up. And praise be, I did indeed during the course of the game draw FOUR jokers. And when I was East, I rolled snake eyes so did not have to deal with moving many tiles. A day of near perfection. I was so happy, the other players were quite depressed. I understand but I couldn’t stop being pleased. Probably won’t win a hand again this calendar year but it was worth it.

    More later.

    Hugs. Prayers that things go as needed and hoped for by each of us.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Drat! Lost my post. I will give it another try. The morning is mild so far. A bit warm but the sticky humidity and heat will come late this afternoon. Thank goodness for fans and lots of things to do inside.

    I watched the debates and for me it was like watching the B-Team. They were sincere and each trying to make a big splash. But I wasn’t too impressed with the two front runners, Warren and Sanders. I like some of their ideas but they will not happen here in the US at this time. But what do I know? It just felt like it was a very steep uphill struggle for that group of candidates. I will tune in tonight to see Joe and Kamala and my fav, Cory. Does this feel like an episode of Dancing With The Stars?

    Anne: to me your new condo sounds perfect for you. An adjustment, to be sure, but a really pleasant and safer next phase in life. I would choose something like that but John would not be happy in a condo. Katie could adjust in about 30 minutes. We would make a big investment in pee-pee pads. Keep us posted on all developments!

    Jackie: I agree that you have a special connection to all animal life. How wonderful for your gardener and Blueberry that you are there. It would be very difficult for anyone to go on holiday if concerned about the wellbeing of the fur family left behind.

    Sandy: you are also a wonder! I could not sit for three beautiful active children plus puppy. The parents would return to find us all crying with wet pants. The energy output must be astounding!
    Count yourself as a super grandmom! Very few could do it.

    Lin: hope all is well and you are able to sell your collectibles for a good price.

    Buzz: you are also quite remarkable! You went from zero to 60 in a very short time. The oxygen and PT really made a huge difference. We, as a species, need oxygen to live. We also need to move around to lubracate our joints. My old fashioned Doc would be very pleased and approve of your new regimen.

    More coffee and I need to eat an orange for a late breakfast.
    Tonight’s debate could be interesting....or more dancing with the stars.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    FINALLY! Feet up for the first time today after 2 walks and beginning work to secure and doube secure my chicken run. I have ordered from Amazon enough sheets of galvanised metal fencing to fix on the inside of the original wire netting that should arrive next week but meanwhile managed to recycle a couple of pieces off the old dismantled hen house.
    Blackberry ran about like a mad thing on this evening's outing and kept disappearing in the bracken so the hills rang with my loud calls which he totally ignored! Then when we returned to the car park he had to go and say hello to everyone. Talk about exhausting because I can't manage his pulling on a lead so let him run free and although he does jump on the back seat of the car with Betty once he feels inclined there's no hurrying the boy! I'm appreciating George and Betty with their short legs all the more!! 🐶🐕

    Anne, sounds like a grand plan if it can be organised.

    Sandy, I agree you are a super gran. Here am I weary after one day with a lively dog and you have 3 kiddies thrown in with Ewok... amazing!

    Lin, success all round for you, that's brilliant.

    Ooh, part 2 of a drama I'm watching about to start so I'm off!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Looks like my post got scrubbed! About to turn on tonight's analyses and hate to admit my reactions are similar to PATSY's: very discouraged. I'm beginning to feel too many Americans must secretly admire bullies, despite all the anti-bullying programs available! So many of his followers claim they dislike his personality but mystifyingly his numbers seem to go up! And now that our Repugnican friends have latched onto the word "Socialist" for anything and everything they wish to obliterate, they may succeed in another 4 years of frightful "leadership". I could not believe the person he put in charge of protecting our National Parks is a man avowed to eliminating National Parks!!! My rage knows no limits! Nor does my shame in a country once so revered! WHERE IS OUR BACKBONE?
    :'( Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    There are various events happening in North Yorkshire today to celebrate, including the Yorkshire Flag being carried round York's Walls, a Yorkshire baking competition in Helmsley and a Yorkshire Pudding tossing competition at York Maze.
    A pledge to Yorkshire, known as the Declaration of Integrity, will be made twice in York during the day.

    Dogs walked on a glorious morning and am now supping (ooh, I think I've caught a touch of Yorkshire!! :D ) a coffee before heading off to Bodmin town for a hair appointment.
    Happy Thursday everyone! <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,365 Member
    Hello. Must zip along to another all day meeting. Unfortunately appears I have reinsured the ankle that was just getting better. So I will be hobbling again.

    I saw several posts with Yorkshire goodies on Facebook this morning. I can see they are irresistible.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,274 Member
    edited August 2019
    Happy Thursday!! :) Meeting day and then grocery shopping to get ready for my son and dil tomorrow. I won a whooping $13 at bingo but a win is a win. :)

    Lin, oh no, I am so sorry about you ankle, did you ever get any x rays to make sure nothing is broken?

    Jackie, beautiful picture. It sounds like Blackberry is adjusting just fine with you and your buddies. You will be glad when it is just the three of you again just like when I have houseguests. lol

    Buzz, try to relax about politics because your blood pressure might go sky high. Let's just hope at election time people get smart and do the right thing.

    Patsy, believe me when I get home from sitting I am exhausted. I think they do keep me healthy and moving, at least I hope so.

    Where oh where did our little Anne go?

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Your little Anne couldn't get on SANDY because I kept getting the now familiar message of "can't connect to server". Which is probably just as well as I haven't much to say except I've decided to shut up, take the lads off any guilt trips about looking after aging parents, and forge ahead independently.
    Won't bore you now in case it doesn't transpire what I've got in mind. That seems to be happening a lot just lately.

    Yorkshire Day! Thanks JACKIE for the lovely photo.! Now girls, altogether for a chorus of,

    ON ILKLEY MOOR BAHT AT or for those not attuned to the refined Yorkshire accent:

    Cheers girls,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Today is again very, very warm. I know Katie and I will be dragging around this afternoon, hot, cranky and with little energy. Ooooh I hate that feeling. It is time to consider a rush trip to get sugarless popsicles. Yea! 10 calories@. The forestry service has upped the fire danger warning to high. We are all on alert for any sign of fire.

    Watched the second round of debates...all I can say is, we are in trouble! All those candidates need to invest in high energy vitamins. There is much work to be done.

    I have been amazed all my life at the variety and color of the English language. We need an interpreter for our various dialects. Being raised in the south, words have completely different meanings from other places. It appears it is absolutely true in England, Scotland and Wales as well. My grandmother learned some Gallic from her family. What an odd sounding language. But it feels warm and cuddly because it reminds me of her and all of our crazy Irish family. So...Anne! It sounds like Yorkshire has its own language as well. I can see it makes you feel warm and cuddly too.

    Lin: so sorry to hear about your ankle. I wish we could come up with some treatment or medicine to help us all with our aches and pains.

    Jackie: isn’t it interesting how getting our hair done helps us feel so much better? I hate going and the shampoo and various chemicals makes my nose itch and run. But I love getting the hair cut and styled.

    Anne: I have this information on good authority, your sons want and need to help you in any way possible. Our son says when he helps us with something he feels good for a long time. It fills up his love tank. Being a big sentimental softie, I know I love doing some little thing for one of my children. We all need and want to connect with our family. Even so, it is possible to remain independent. My humble opinion, here.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Quick hi just to let you know I'm still around. I' afraid my Restless Leg Syndrome is augmenting rather than it being the medication problem. Sitting still has become a horror so until I can check with a neurologist I will have to live with it!
    SANDY, you are so right, but when I read about the idiot in charge of our National Parks being a man who resents National Parks, I blew my cool! What are sane people to do?
    <3 Buzz